The new Learning website has been adapted to present the materials and tools (trainers’ guides, slides, and related games/resources) in a clear way, for members to do their own training, peer-learnings, and adapted capacity building, in line with UCLG materials and agenda.
THE POWER OF WE AT OUR GATHERINGS The UCLG Retreat In what turned out to be the most successful Retreat to date, the gathering brought together over 630 participants from 210 cities and 70 countries to an entire week of virtual meetings. The UCLG Retreat innovated by incorporating the dimension of care within its gatherings under the banner of “UCLG, a global community that cares”. The World Organization began to envision a care agenda and laid out the goal to become a Platform of Platforms, thinking about the next generation of trainings that could be used by other networks, and beginning to think about the platformization and digital revolution of UCLG under the moniker of the “power of we”. The 2021 iteration opened the windows of the World Secretariat, to bring each other close and make participants feel like they were sitting side by side. Under a TV set to ensure high quality production, a permanently staffed Help Desk giving members and partners the kind of personalized attention typically given just a click away, as well as new ways to display the participants, the Retreat wasn´t just simply about attending, but spending a week together as a shared experience where everyone was asked to open their own windows.