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Spring Splash 2023: Wallows was the saving grace
Spring Splash returns on campus with an indie and rap-themed playlist that had many students either excited or disappointed with this year’s line-up.
Doors opened at 3:30 PM, and it came to no surprise that many students lined up early in hopes of getting both ASPB merch and a spot at the barricade. The line increased by the minute as it slowly wrapped around the Humanities building. Unfortunately, some students’ early-bird stance may have been a waste of time as a horde of people cut right to the front where line monitoring was poorly enforced. ASPB members and a few security guards appeared right after, but students waiting in line expressed their displeasure and confusion.
While waiting in line, flashes of green lights colored the stage as DJ Miss Ninja! started the event off with EDM sounds. Their electronic beats distracted most from the wait-time in line and excited students as they neared the entrance.
Once inside the venue, students quickly enjoyed the food available, as well as a water station that fortunately didn’t seem to run out of water like last year’s Spring Splash. Majority of the long lines were seen at the event’s attractions, including the mechanical shark, meltdown and ferris wheel. The venue’s set-up was certainly one of the most organized events ASPB has hosted, and well-decorated with large letters spelling out Spring Splash.

Starting off later in the day, the heat did not get to students as Wooli came onto the stage. His fast-paced set had many dancing on their heels with their arms up in the air. The large screen behind the DJ flashed
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