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Summer Style and the Power of Fashion: Insider Tips from Vain UCR Club
Assistant Features Editor
Welcome to the world of fashion and self-expression with Vain UCR! In an exclusive interview with Austin Laniyi, the club’s president and upcoming fourth-year student at UCR, The Highlander delves into the topic of summer fashion. Alongside his involvement in UCR club’s soccer and his passion for anime, manga and fashion, Austin founded Vain UCR in the fall quarter of last year, igniting a movement of fashion enthusiasts on campus. What initially began as a fledgling Instagram account showcasing student outfits quickly grew into a separate vibrant account that fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Vain UCR actively showcases student creativity in fashion through digital magazine issues. The club also hosts exciting events like fashion runways, with applications now open for the upcoming fall quarter runway show.

When it comes to summer fashion, there is a clear distinction from other seasons, as the warmer weather calls for a different approach to styling an outfit. Unlike winter fashion, which typically focuses on layering to keep warm, summer fashion embraces the opportunity to show off more skin due to increased heat. This encourages individuals to embrace their bodies and feel more confident in experimenting with various styles that compliment their body types. Austin, sharing his insight on summer fashion, also highlighted a couple of his personal favorite staples that he believes are here to stay. Among these cherished pieces are jean shorts and crop tops, which not only are stylish and versatile but also embody the essence of summer fashion with their comfort and effortless appeal.

When asked what a good summer wardrobe consists of, Austin expressed that there is no definitive answer. According to him, the notion of a good summer wardrobe is subjective, and should be left to each individual’s discretion and personal appeal of style. Importantly, building a great summer wardrobe doesn’t necessarily require you to go on a shopping spree for new clothes. It can be accomplished by working with what one already has available in their wardrobe by finding creative ways to mix and match pieces to create great
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