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MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2013



San Diego

San Diego and Tijuana UC Irvine Fraternity Bid to Co-Host Olympics Apologizes for Racist Incident The cities’ joint proposal has reached a short list of 10 The Lambda Theta Delta fraternity was reprimanded after the release of a video depicting a member wearing blackface makeup. BY mekala Neelakatan



C Irvine’s Lambda Theta Delta fraternity — the largest Asian-American fraternity at the university — apologized on Friday for a controversial music video depicting a member lip-syncing in blackface makeup to the Justin Timberlake song “Suit and Tie.” “We want to ensure everyone that this video does not represent the views of the collective house,” LTD said in a Facebook post. “With that being said, it does acknowledge the fact that we have some ignorant individuals within our organization, with whom we have already dealt with ourselves.” The video featured fraternity brothers Justin T. Nguyen, Tony D. Duong and Philip Lam dancing while dressed in formal suits,

with brother Rainier Nanquil portraying rapper Jay-Z in blackface. According to a statement from LTD president Darius Obana, the action was not intended to be offensive; when released on YouTube on April 16, the music video included the description: “No racism intended. All fun and laughter.” Nevertheless, the fraternity received a great deal of backlash from several student organizations across the campus. In a statement to NY Daily News, the UC Irvine Asian Pacific Student Association said that the LTD is not a constituent of the APSA, separating itself from the fraternity. See irvine, page 3

cities currently under consideration to be hosts in 2024. BY aleksandra Kostantinovic

ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR San Diego’s plans to host the 2024 Summer Olympics in a joint bid with Tijuana made it to a list of 10 U.S. cities currently under consideration to be hosts, according to U.S. Olympic Committee Chief Executive Scott Blackmun and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. Blackmun confirmed in a statement last Friday that the San DiegoTijuana proposal is on a short list that also includes Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Filner first announced his plans to create a binational proposal for the Olympics in February after the USOC invited San Diego and 32 other cities to bid for the opportunity to host. Filner, a Democrat, hopes that former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will lead the two cities’ campaign and believes that his presence would add validity to the proposal. “I’d like [Romney] to be the honorary chair of this whole effort,” Filner said, according to an April 27 story that appeared in the U-T San Diego. In addition to owning a house

in La Jolla, Romney served as president of the Salt Lake City Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games that hosted the Winter Olympics in Utah in 2002. Romney has yet to respond publicly to Filner’s request. A previous effort to hold a binational Olympic Games between San Diego and Tijuana was first considered by local real estate developer Malin Burnham in 2006. Burnham’s committee found the idea financially sound, but USOC ultimately shot down the proposal in the first round of consideration. Filner also said that the cities of San Diego and Tijuana would release a joint statement in the next 10 days as they prepare their Olympic committees. If Filner’s proposal succeeds, the event will become the first binational Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee will select a host city for the 2024 Olympic Games in 2017.

readers can contact aleksandra konstantinovic aLkonsta@ucsd.edu

SCIENCE and technology

Researchers Use Algae to Create Edible Vaccines Investigators at the Mayfield Laboratory are hoping to use algae in developing an edible vaccine for malaria. BY Helen Hejran staff

photo by YASMEEN ELSAWAF/Guardian


As part of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), the National Sexual Violence Resource Center hosted a variety of events, including the National Day of Action and Denim Day Awareness. T-shirts with various phrases explaining sexual assault awareness were displayed in Price Center.


UCSD researchers at the Mayfield Laboratory have been working on developing a malaria vaccine using algae. On April 19, they published their discoveries collected this past year from their most recent study. This study’s primary researchers were principal investigator Stephen Mayfield, professor of biology; postdoctoral fellow James Gregory; and undergraduate researchers Aaron Topol and David Doerner. The researchers discovered that after feeding mice the dried algae, which retained functional vaccine proteins, the antibodies were seen

in their gut but not in their blood. Because the antibodies must be in the blood for the malaria vaccine to work, the proteins used in this vaccine are not effective. However, this study does show that a different protein may be effective in getting the antibodies into the bloodstream. “Since the feeding did induce antibodies we know the system works,” Mayfield said. “Now we just need to identify a protein that can move the protein from the gut into the blood system so we can get antibodies there.” When deciding what kind of vacSee malaria, page 3

photo by andrew ricci/Guardian

San Diego Living Made Easy SEE P. 7-9

2 T h e


U C S D G U A R D I A N | monday, april 2 9 , 2 0 1 3 | w w w . u c sd g uardian . or g

Birdland By Rebekah Dyer Laira Martin

Editor in Chief

Zev Hurwitz

Managing Editor

Mekala Neelakantan Aleksandra Konstantinovic Hilary Lee

Associate News Editor Opinion Editor

Lauren Koa

Associate Opinon Editor

Rachel Uda

Sports Editor

Stacey Chien

Features Editor

Jean Lee Vincent Pham

Associate Lifestyle Editors

Jacey Aldredge

Visual Diary By Khanh Nguyen

News Editor

Sebastian Brady Brian Monroe Taylor Sanderson Sara Shroyer Zoë McCracken Jeffrey Lau Janella Payumo Allie Kiekhofer Claire Yee Arielle Sallai

A&E Editor Associate A&E Editor Photo Editor Associate Photo Editor Design Editor Associate Design Editor Art Editor Associate Art Editor Copy Editor Associate Copy Editor Web Editor

Training and Development Manager Madeline Mann Editorial Assistants Mozelle Armijo, Rachel Huang, Jacqueline Kim, Shelby Newallis, Kelvin Noronha

BRIEFS ▶ Two women assaulte near SDSU campus: Last week, two women in their 20s were grabbed while they were walking near San Diego State University. The first incident occurred on April 15 at 9 p.m. on Campanile Drive. A man described as wearing glasses and a hood drove up beside the victim in a four-door Toyota Tacoma and grabbed her arm. The following Sunday around 3 a.m. in an alley off of Montezuma Road, a tall Asian man with spiked hair and glasses tried to pull a woman by her arm and leg. Each woman managed to break free from the assailants. ▶ Man dies after being pinned on trailer by wife: Last Wednesday, police began investigating the death of a 64-year-old man who was pinned between a trailer and a car

Page Layout Bobee Kim, Amber Shroyer, Dorothy Van


Copy Readers Kim Brinckerhoff, Kate Galloway, Rachel Huang, Jacqueline Kim


Business Manager Emily Ku

by his wife in La Mesa. The wife was backing her car up when the accident occurred around 1 p.m. on Tuesday. According to a police report, the man died on the scene on the 4400 block of Dale Avenue. ▶ Horton Plaza Jewelry Thief: San Diego Police have released a photo in hopes of identifying a man suspected of taking $20,000 worth of custom jewelry. The suspect stole the jewelry from a car parked in the Westfield Horton Plaza Mall downtown on April 1. A man caught on a surveillance video was seen taking a red Lulu Lemon yoga bag filled with necklaces, earrings, rings and watches from the passenger seat of a car. The thief is described as between 20 and 25 years old; of medium to normal muscular build; and wearing

a silver and black watch, tan pants and a striped polo shirt.

will never know the exact number of homeless in San Diego.”

Advertising Director Noelle Batema Marketing Nicholas Paladino

▶ Decreased Homelessness in the San Diego County: The Regional Task Force on the Homeless of San Diego County announced Thursday morning that there has been a 7.7 percent decrease in homelessness from the previous year. The annual report on homelessness was accounted for by 900 volunteers who walked and drove around San Diego on Jan. 25, counting the number of homeless in temporary shelters and on the streets. Of the 8,900 people in shelters, on the street or sleeping in other means of shelter, 5,747 of them were in the city of San Diego. “It’s not an exact number,” said Dolores Diaz, the executive director of the Regional Task Force on the Homeless, “We

▶ Teenagers light a car on fire: Two teenage boys were taken into custody after they had stolen a car on Sunday, April 21 after they were involved in a hit-and-run accident and lit a car on fire in the grounds of an Imperial Beach school. According to San Diego Police Officer Dan Lasher, the 16 and 17-year-old boys were involved in the car accident near Mar Vista Middle School around 3:30 a.m.. They fled the scene, leaving behind a license plate. Later, witnesses said they saw the two boys light the car on fire at Thermal Avenue and Grove Avenue and then walk away. They have been taken to juvenile hall.

Advertising Assistants Vivek Medepalli, Audrey Sechrest, Darren Shim Advertising Design Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. A.S. Graphic Studio



The UCSD Guardian is published Mondays and Thursdays during the academic year by UCSD students and for the UCSD community. Reproduction of this newspaper in any form, whether in whole or in part, without permission is strictly prohibited. © 2013, all rights reserved. The UCSD Guardian is not responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCSD Guardian, the University of California or Associated Students. The UCSD Guardian is funded by advertising. hello, this is perry.

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N E W S T h e

UCSD VP External Olamide Noah Condemns Racist Incidents

Lights & Sirens

▶ IRVINE, from page 1

Friday, April 19 2:39 a.m.: Suspicious Person ▶A 24-year-old male was arrested at Tenaya Hall for possession of burglary tools. Closed by adult citation. 11:48 a.m.: Vehicle Stop ▶A 25-year-old male was arrested at 8700 Dunaway Drive because his license was suspended, and he was in possession of marijuana. Closed, cited and released. Saturday, April 20 2:53 a.m.: Medical Aid ▶A 20-year-old female in Parking Lot 506 was arrested for possession of narcotic controlled substance, unlawful use of ID care, possession of marijuana under 28.5 grams and disorderly conduct because of alcohol. Closed by adult arrest. 12:54 a.m.: Disturbance, General ▶The subject got out of the Jacuzzi at Canyonview Pool. Field interview administered. Sunday, April 21 3:19 a.m.: Disturbance, Group ▶The subjects were climbing over a vehicle in Parking Lot 359. Gone on arrival. 11:48 a.m.: Medical Aid ▶The subject hurt himself sliding into a base at Triton Ballpark. Transported to hospital. 9:57 p.m.: Disturbance, Noise ▶In Parking Lot 308, there was a beeping noise every 20 minutes. Quiet on arrival. Tuesday, April 23 12:41 a.m.: Disturbance, Domestic Violence ▶A 20-year-old female student was arrested for domestic battery at The Village West Building 3. Closed by adult arrest. 1:53 a.m.: Burglary, Hot Prowl ▶The subject in Muir Apartments heard someone climbing on the balcony and knocking. Checks OK.


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10:00 p.m.: Medical Aid ▶The subjects passed out while on a treadmill at Main Gym. Transported to hospital by medics. Wednesday, April 24 9:18 a.m.: Information ▶At Urey Hall, there was a call from inside an elevator, and they were unable to determine if someone was stuck inside. Referred to other agency. 11:12 a.m.: Reckless Driving ▶A vehicle was pulled over at Matthews Lane for running stop signs all over campus. Cited. 4:33 p.m.: Citizen Contact ▶The reporting party contacted the UCSD Police Department because she was concerned about the odd and possibly threatening emails sent to her by her ex-boyfriend. Report taken. 11:05 p.m.: Suspicious Person ▶A custodian reported a suspicious person inside the women’s restroom at Campus Services Complex Building C. Unable to locate. 1:51 p.m.: Suspicious Person ▶The subject was moving from restroom to restroom at UNEX C. Unable to locate. Thursday, April 25 11:10 a.m.: Illegal Parking ▶A vehicle was parked in a handicap spot for about a week in Lot 357. Referred to other agency — Parking. 3:01 p.m.: Illegal Parking ▶A car in the Gilman Parking Structure was blocking traffic, and the driver refused to move the car. Checks OK. 4:07 p.m.: Citizen Contact ▶A citizen contacted the UCSD Police Department, reporting that they had lost their cell phone a week ago. Information only. 6:01 p.m.: Injury ▶Bicyclist collides with skateboard at Urey Hall. Report taken. — REBECCA HORWITZ Senior Staff Writer

“We, the Black Student Union, will no longer stand for the continuous disrespect of our community,” the university’s Black Student Union said in an official statement. “This is a UC system wide issue, and ultimately, a world-wide issue. AntiBlackness and racism is reproduced within each UC campus, whether in the form of nooses at UC San Diego or Ku Klux Klan hoods in UC Davis.” UCSD Vice President of External

Affairs Olamide Noah also released a statement in condemnation of UC-wide racist incidents including the UC Irvine music video. “The UC is not doing enough to punish these acts,” Noah said. “Impunity is a dangerous thing, and this issue is not an isolated incident. When you have black students being called ‘ungrateful n*ggers’ on the student tun television station at UCSD, cotton balls being scattered in front of an African American Resource Center, affirmative action bake sales at UC Berkeley … it becomes very apparent

that the university as an institution has an anti-black environment.” According to UC Irvine Chancellor Michael Drake, the university is currently investigating the incident. “We will use this regrettable incident to redouble campus education efforts about the toxic effects of insensitivity and will continue to work toward building a truly inclusive community,” Drake said.

readers can contact MELAKA NEELAKANTAN


Malaria Vaccine Can Be Created With Low Cost on Large Scales ▶ MALARIA, from page 1

cines would be best expressed in algae for use in developing countries with lower levels of technology, malaria was a top choice because it could be developed on a large scale using low costs. “It’s too costly to vaccinate two billion people using current technologies,” Mayfield said in an article from the UCSD News Center. “Realistically,

the only way a malaria vaccine will ever be used in the developing world is if it can be produced at a fraction of the cost of current vaccines.” Last year, the Mayfield Laboratory successfully made injectable vaccines, while this past year they researched an edible vaccine using dried algae. “Malaria remains one of the worst diseases on the planet, and we still have no vaccine for it, so any step, even a small one like this, is encour-

aging,” Mayfield said. In the future, the researchers will test other proteins to try to identify proteins that can transport antibodies into the blood system. There are several proteins other researchers have successfully utilized to get antibodies into the blood system that the Mayfield Laboratory researchers may try next.

readers can contact HELEN HEJRAN




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contact the editor

HILARY LEE opinion@ucsdguardian.org

Peril Is Simply the Pursuit of Happiness

TV Stars on Mars Dutch organization Mars One is looking to televise their establishment of the first human colony on Mars in 2023, but their plans are too vague and idealistic to be realized.


Thinking Caps Kelvin Noronha


G BY Lauren koa associate

ou could be one of the first to live on Mars in 2023. On April 22, 2013, Netherlands-based, non-profit organization Mars One opened online applications to anyone over age 18. The very next day, the company reported to U.S. News & World Report that they already had over 40,000 interested contenders. But there’s a catch: Applicants must be willing to live — and die — on Mars. Executing this mission will also be unrealistic. Reminiscent of a reality talent search show, Mars One intends to create a television series that will allow a worldwide audience to help select 40 applicants. According to their website, Mars One will train the chosen individuals for eight years in a simulated Mars environment before choosing four to permanently move to the “Red Planet.” After the first crew arrives in 2023, groups of four and general supplies will arrive every two years. Everything from the astronaut selection to the day-to-day lives of the astronauts will be documented on television. The costs of the mission are projected to be adequately supported by the successful viewership of the program. However, Mars One’s methods in carrying out their goals are idealistic, ill-executed and problematic — strongly resembling the premise of a science-fiction movie about to go wrong. The organization’s media coverage focuses more on the reality television concept of humans living on Mars, rather than the mission as an actual scientific development. Mars One’s website compares the trip to those of historical explorers, but uses this

Opinion Editor

Illustration by jenny


“call to adventure” as a distraction for the flaws of their “road map” and wrongfully underestimated conditions on Mars. The founders of the mission report that the chosen team will be able to lead normal lives on Mars, but they did not reveal the exact specifics as to how this will actually play out. The organization also fails to disclose concrete information about how the team will live under Mars’ harsh weather conditions, acquire necessary resources like water and food and deal with harmful exposure to radiation. Furthermore, the Mars One website and Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp only provide simplistic responses to many issues raised by skeptics. Mars One claims that the technology for sustaining life on Mars has already been invented and validated. The organization states that solar panels will supply energy and that shielding on the spaceships along with specially developed “Mars suits” will prevent astronauts from extreme exposure to radiation. Water will be produced from heated ice. But even if their proposed technologies are functional on Earth, their efficacy on Mars remains unproven. Education, Technology and Change Journal Editor Harry Keller explains that even if the necessary technology is available, Mars still lacks the necessary fossil fuel energy and must rely on solar and wind energy to power stronger water heating and industrial processes. See mars one, page 5

iven that humans are supposedly wise “sapiens” with highly attuned self-preservation instincts, it’s bewildering that we have such a love for the speedy deathtraps that are roller coasters. Looping upside down and rocketing forward fast enough to shove your eyes backward through your head is blatantly contrary to the theory of natural selection. Yet we step off them dazed and confused while grinning from ear to ear. With rollercoasters, like many of the things we’re addicted to, the threat of calamity is what makes them endearing. We can’t stop doing exactly what we swear will kill us. Harvard University psychologist Robert Solomon’s 1974 “opponentprocess theory” attributes the bizarre allure of dangerous pursuits to how our body’s normal response, or “A-process,” to an external stimulus gets countered and eventually overwhelmed by an opposite “B-process.” That initial euphoric A-process of nibbling some chocolate, for example, will eventually be diminished and See noronha, page 11

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Solve For X By Philip Jia

letter to the editor

King Triton’s Conch Shell Actually Has Rich History

$6 Billion Estimate Unlikely to Cover Total Mission Costs ▶ mars one, from page 4

The trip also has financial problems that Mars One fails to address. Lansdorp told CNN that the expedition will need $6 billion to fund the first crew but refused to clarify how that number breaks down. This suggests that this estimate may not even cover all of the mission’s costs. In comparison, NASA’s latest Mars rover, Curiosity, required a much less drastic expense of $2.5 billion. These costs included the spacecraft development, salaries of scientists, engineers and other project workers, as well as the launch and operations. Unlike the Curiosity mission, Mars One will need to make multi-


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ple trips, transport several teams of humans and support human life on Mars. According to Space Industry News, industry sources estimate the mission’s realized costs would be closer to $15–20 billion. Lansdorp is quick to point to media coverage of the 2012 Olympics, which made $4 billion from broadcasts and advertisements, as a reference for money being accessible through televised content. But Mars One’s reliance on this revenue raises red flags. Although Mars One expects funding from investors, private donations and astronaut application fees, the organization will largely rely on the assumption that over four million people will tune in every time

the show airs. This also means that the bulk of money to fund the project will be coming inconsistently, depending on the show’s success. The ethics of a one-way trip to Mars already seems wrong — an expedition to Mars shouldn’t be shaped like a reality television show. But Mars One’s omission of key details and important issues makes the mission unlikely to succeed. As interesting as the Mars One mission seems, the world may just be latching onto a wave of media hype before witnessing the failure of another highly anticipated human space mission.

readers can contact Lauren koa


Dear Editor, “Fontana del Tritone,” by the sculptor Bernini, is a masterpiece of the Baroque era — a representation of Neptune’s orders that Triton blow on his shell and sound a retreat to the universal deluge. In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus’ daughter Athena had already discussed Odysseus’ fate with her royal father just at the time when Odysseus’ enemy, nautical god Poseidon, was absent from Mount Olympus. Undercover, Athena visits Telemachus (Odysseus’ son) in Ithaca, an island located in the Ionian Sea, to urge him to search for news of his father. Telemachus offers hospitality, but she can’t enjoy the company of rowdy suitors enjoying their cups of wine, anticipating bedding Odysseus’ wife (Telemachus’ mother) Penelope. “Return from Troy” was the bardic entertainment scheduled for that evening. Penelope remonstrates — because it reminds her of her missing husband — but Telemachus overrules her. The next morning, Telemachus calls an assembly of citizens of Ithaca to discuss what should be done with Penelope’s suitors. This sets up Odysseus’ return from 20 years of absence to slay the suitors. Athena’s weapon is not a conch shell but her shield, “Aegis.” And that shield has a Gorgon’s head on it, so that anyone who attacks her is inviting “a galloping case of rigor mortis.” In 1621, Marie de Medicis, widow of Henri IV of France and queen mother of King Louis XIII, invited Peter Paul Rubens to Paris. As a result, the galleries of the new Palais de Luxembourg

have 24 monumental paintings commemorating episodes in the lives of herself and her former husband. Ruben’s encyclopedic knowledge of classical mythology was exploited to the full in transforming the queen’s entire career into a series of operatic moments. Metamorphosing life into myth, Rubens freely mingled historical personages with the gods of Olympus. His international fame came to rest on his success with this formidable commission (which was completed in only three years). Ruben’s solution was to populate his compositions with nude goddesses, pagan gods and mischievous tritons. In the huge canvas, “Maria de Medici Landing in Marseilles,” for example, Charonia tritonis seashells are featured. It also has Captain Robert Fitzroy of the HMS Beagle: “The disagreeable practice alluded to has been permitted in most ships, because sanctioned by time; and though many condemn it as an absurd and dangerous piece of folly, it has also many advocates. [The conch shell’s] effects on the minds of those engaged in preparing for its mummeries, who enjoy it at the time, and talk of it long after wards, cannot easily be judged of without being an eyewitness.” Additionally, according to Otto von Kotzebue on Oct. 11,1823, “We crossed the Equator. Having saluted the Southern hemisphere by the firing of guns, our crew proceeded to enact the usual ceremonies. An old man appeared as Neptune. He and his consort were attired in an imposing manner … seated on a gun-carriage instead of a shell … drawn by our crew substituting for Tritons.” — Richard Thompson Alumnus ’83

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housing guide 2013

photo by BRIAN MONROE /Guardian

AMENITIES: !"#"$%&'()*+",-)).%-&/+"!"012"3451."3&,1"!"6&.71"2&-89(/"'-)+1:+"!";*&-"<&+:1.",-)).%-&/+ !"=&*-:1>"'1(-(/7+"(/"&--":)%9,-))."?)<1+"!"@*--4"1A*(%%1>"8(:'?1/+ !"B))>5*./(/7",(.1%-&'1+"!"6&%"%))-"C"$%&"!"D1+1.E1>"%&.8(/7 !"@(:/1++"'1/:1."9"6(,1'4'-1+F"G/(E1.+&-"1A*(%<1/:F"H--(%:('&-":.&(/1.+"C"I1.)5('"1A*%<1/:



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photo by will parson/Guardian File


Canyon Park Costa Verde L

ining Genesee Avenue, Canyon Park Apartments are a perfect fit for those without a car. UTC mall is only a 15-minute walk away, and if you’re ever in need of a double espresso shot, Starbucks is also within walking distance. Their location also makes getting onto campus easy. The heart of the UCSD campus is only 1.7 miles away from Canyon Park — easily conquered with a skateboard or a bike. For those who prefer shuttling onto campus, the Regents

A journey off campus

Shuttle stop is stationed right across the street. But, because Genesee is a busy street, you can often hear the sounds of whizzing cars and sirens through the thin apartment walls. Rent is pretty expensive even though the apartments are furnished with old appliances and boast a lessthan-stellar workout facility. A one-bedroom apartment costs between $1070 and $1130, and a two-bedroom pad costs $1470 to $1585. — Mozelle Armijo Editorial Assistant

Where will you live? F


f you’re anxious about leaving the dorms to live off campus, then Costa Verde is the perfect transition apartment. It’s one of the larger apartment complexes in La Jolla, with more pools than necessary in addition to a spa and gym comparable to 24 Hour Fitness. It’s also a short walk to the Arriba Shuttle Stop and the 201/202 Bus Stop. But beware — it may feel like you never left campus when you realize that all your fellow UCSD peers also live in Costa Verde. This may be comforting for those of you seeking “your kind,” but others may grow tired of seeing the same faces from school while riding the elevator (which is always out of


Places like North Park and Mission Valley are also close by, ripe with even more nighttime activities. Hillcrest’s tasty cuisine is another bonus. The bustling streets are lined with restaurants worthy of at least one or two Instagram photos with the hashtag #foodporn. Some dining highlights include Amarin Thai, The Deli Llama sandwich shop and, of course, Snooze, a delicious a.m. eatery serving up food that couldn’t be further from a

order at the worst times) up to their floor. You’ll have to sacrifice some peaceful quiet with so many students around, but at least this means you can throw a party every once in awhile without receiving noise complaints. The rent isn’t impossible for a group of four roommates or more, averaging at about $1950. Some rooms even have an added loft to fit that extra fifth roommate. Overall, though, you’ll be grateful for the short walk to McDonald’s, Chipotle and Five Guys. It’ll also be nice to not have to drive to late night happy hour at Sushi Ki. — Emily Polachek Staff Writer

a Jolla Vista Townhouses is the closest place you can live to campus without dealing with RSOs and dining food, with a six-minute shuttle ride to campus. The neighborhood of townhouses is dubbed “Regents” in reference to the quick jaywalk it takes to get to the Regents Shuttle. Regents has grown to house almost exclusively students in Greek chap-

snooze fest. Though there’s currently a shuttle circulating every half hour at the UCSD Hillcrest Medical Center, it’s a shame that living in Hillcrest will no longer be a convenient option for students without cars due to the impending transportation cuts. But none of these cuts are set in stone yet — we won’t know for certain about any changes until July. — Mozelle Armijo Editorial Assistant

ters (among randomly placed families). The townhouses all have the kitchen awkwardly placed at the entryway, a spacious living room and three to four bedrooms upstairs. Each townhouse comes with a backyard area, which varies from a small slab of concrete to a garden overlooking the canyon. The rent is in the $700 range for a

photo by will parson/Guardian File


North Park



Park’s art scene is also colorful. Slide into your best hipster outfit, and shuffle on down to the monthly art gallery, Ray at Night, which features the talents of local artists. North Park’s only downfall is its campus accessibility. Although it’s only 20 minutes away from campus by car, using city transportation takes over an hour. That, and rent is expensive — ranging anywhere from $700 to over $1000 for a one-to-two-bedroom apartment. — Mozelle Armijo Editorial Assistant

photo by andrew ricci/Guardian File

f surrealist artist M.C. Escher were to design an apartment complex, it would probably look like Trieste Apartment Villas. The complex is infamous among past UCSD residents for its confusing layout, poor management and small, oddly shaped bedrooms — hence its nickname, “Triste.” Located on Nobel Drive, Trieste is built on a steep hill, so its narrow hallways are broken by short flights of steps roughly every 15 feet. Within its rooms, you may find arranging your furniture in a sensible manner to be nearly impossible, especially if you’ve decided to double up. But sharing is recommended to help save your wallet pain — a 929-square-foot, two-bed-

single and around $500 if you want to split a master. Students congregate there for events like Spirit Night and Sun God Festival, so it may not be the best choice for those who’d prefer some peace and quiet. — Madeline Mann Senior Staff Writer

La Scala

photo by BRIAN MONROE/Guardian

nuggled between Hillcrest and Balboa Park, North Park is rockin’ away to its own hippy vibe. North Park garners its unique flair from an emphasis on local art, entertainment and food. Every Thursday, locals flock to the farmer’s market, indulging in fresh produce and delicious prepared foods. The local restaurants in North Park are known for dishin’ up fresh takes on food classics. After a hard night of partying, head on over to dive bar URBN for a slice of mashed potato pizza or stop by Carnitas’ Snack Shack for a meaty fix. Along with a vibrant nightlife, North

photo by MIKE CHI/Guardian File

La Jolla Vista Townhouses


or about the same price you’d pay to live in La Jolla, you can gather some friends and shack up in Hillcrest — the hipster borough of San Diego. It’s home to the annual San Diego Pride Festival — due to its large LGBT community — and CityFest, one of San Diego’s largest street fairs. Let’s not forget Hillcrest’s bumpin’ nightlife. You can try Small Bar on Park Avenue or venture into one of the many gay bars.


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room apartment at Trieste goes for $1700 to $2100, comparable to a two-bedroom at Costa Verde, which has bigger rooms and better amenities included. On the positive side, Trieste is only a two-minute walk away from bus stops that service the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System 201/202 SuperLoop route as well as both the Nobel and Arriba Shuttles. It’s also walking distance from both La Jolla Village Square and the Westfield UTC mall. The complex also welcomes tenants with pets. So if you can’t bear leaving little Marley behind, Trieste may be the right place for you.

photo by BRIAN MONROE/Guardian

— Mindy Lam Staff Writer

photo by BRIAN MONROE/Guardian

n the corner of Lebon and Nobel Drive — less than a five-minute walk to the Nobel Shuttle Stop — resides the picturesque La Scala apartments. The rent includes the water bill, pool, gym amenities and two free parking spaces, justifying the $1600 to $1900 rent for a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment. The ideal location will satisfy all your grocery shopping needs. A short walk can take you to Vons, Ralphs, Trader Joes or Whole Foods. And more often than not, you’re going to opt to walk, because maneuvering your car in La Scala’s tightly spaced parking garage can easily lead to accidents. La Scala houses a variety of people — from the weird, yet friendly cat lady down the hall, to the 80-year old couple across the way, to the frat boys below whose raging dub beats and bass vibrations continually reverberate through your floor. Though some may detect a “funky” smell lingering in the hallways, the La Scala maintenance staff is fairly helpful and will remove that mold growing in your bathroom for free. They’ll also leave polite memos on your door to remind you of fire alarm checks or water shut offs. Don’t worry, though — they don’t occur too often. The managers of La Scala also own the La Jolla International Gardens, which is right next door. — Emily Polachek Staff Writer

Regents Court W

photo by John Hanacek/Guardian File

Pacific Beach


aking up residence in Pacific Beach (a two-bedroom apartment averages around $1850) may be worth the sacrificed convenience of living closer to campus. The beach community has given way to a young crowd of 20-somethings, leading some to instantly envision an epitomized scene of drunk college students upon mention of the town.

But PB has more to offer than its abundance of bars and nightclubs. Packed along its streets, which are laid out on a grid in aid of the directionally challenged, are even more restaurants and eateries, with multiple taco shops and Mexican grills. A three-mile boardwalk awaits just a little ways down for you to walk off all that food. Biking or hopping on a beach cruiser (they’re everywhere),

will also do the trick. Given the town’s accessibility, those without a car won’t need to worry about missing out on the many things there are to do. But they’ll have to deal with the 40-minute commute on the San Diego Bus Route 30 to and from campus. — Stacey Chien Features Editor

photo by Crystal Shei/Guardian File

hen it comes to the convenience of location, Regents Court clearly delivers. The neatly arranged, coffee-and-creamcolored apartment complex stands directly across the street from the Arriba Shuttle Stop and 201 Bus Stop. The complex is also in close proximity to Ralphs, Vons and UTC, giving those without a car the luxury of reaching these centers with a leisurely stroll. Each unit within the complex is relatively new. The cheapest of units is $1480, but for a higher cost (tentatively between $1950 and $2200), you can get a particularly well-

arranged and spacious unit among the “Santa Barbara” units. These are well-lit and nicely ventilated with two sizable bedrooms, each with its own walk-in closet. Below the living units, the decorated common area is complete with a cozy home theater, a study area and a pool table. Additionally, parking spaces are copious. So don’t worry — you won’t need to fight for a parking spot if you take your car out for an evening spin. — Katheryn Wang Staff Writer

photo by ANDREW RUIZ/Guardian File


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campus CALENDAR Tahrir

4.29 - 5.05 MON4.29 2pm




6pm TEQUILA TALK: TWO NATIONS INDIVISIBLE: MEXICO, AND THE US AND THE ROAD AHEAD—INSTITUTE OF THE AMERICAS, WEAVER CENTER The Institute of the Americas and the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies are pleased to host a Tequila Talk with Shannon O'Neil, Senior Fellow for Latin American Studies at the noted think-tank Council on Foreign Relations. In light of President Obama's upcoming visit to Mexico in May, Dr. O'Neil, an expert on U.S.-Mexico foreign policy, will share her perspectives about the importance of this anticipated official visit. She will analyze the expected outcomes of this official meeting and share her views on the current status of U.S.-Mexico relations. In addition, Dr. O'Neill will introduce her latest book, 'Two Nations Indivisible,' about the making of modern Mexico, and what it means for the United States. At the end of the talk she will be available for book signing. General Public $10, Students/Faculty $5, Members Free. This event is for 21 and older as we will serve tequila. Please bring your ID.





Come to The Zone from 10:00-10:30am for free meditation classes! Practice a variety of techniques to achieve greater mental clarity and a peaceful state of being. With the constant stress of academics and campus life, meditation will help recharge your mind and body. All levels welcome.

4:30pm OUTSTANDING SENIOR AND OUTSTANDING GRADUATE STUDENT AWARDS NOMINATIONS ARE DUE Do know you an outstanding student graduating this year? Nominate that student for the Outstanding Senior or Outstanding Graduate Student Award. One outstanding undergraduate and graduate student will be honored at the All Campus Graduation Celebration on June 14, 2012. In its sixth year, the Outstanding Senior Award and Outstanding Graduate Student Award will be presented to a graduating undergraduate student and graduating graduate or professional student who have earned recognition in the UC San Diego community for their outstanding academic and leadership performance and for enhancing the student experience at UC San Diego. Members of the UC San Diego community (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) may nominate up to three students for each award. Visit the website to download the nomination form. Nominations are due by May 2 at 4:30 p.m.



every MONDAY in The Guardian Calendar


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Join the UCSD Department of Economics in a discussion with renowned experts from around the world presenting top research regarding the world of Applied Microeconomics.

Too often has sustainability been reduced to clean technologies and business practices. So what do genuine sustainability practices and policies look like? Join Winona LaDuke, Van Jones, and Dr. Leslie Lewis for a lecture on redefining sustainability as the movement that addresses both environmental destruction and social inequality. Be a part of the discussion that stresses the importance of committing to zero injustice in order to move towards a healthier planet. Presented by the Student Sustainability Collective, a registered UCSD student organization. Free and open to the public. Contact: skim523@gmail.com


TUE4.30 Drop into The Zone every Tuesday from 2:00 to 2:45pm for amazing live cooking demonstrations, complete with free food! Learn how to cook and eat healthfully, discover new recipes, and sample the food for free. Demonstrations feature local, organic, and vegetarian ingredients hosted by Whole Foods, Housing Dining Hospitality, Student Health Services, Recreation. Come hungry, leave healthy!


SUN5.05 • 2PM


12th Annual Jim Arnold Lecture presented by Professor Geoff Marcy of UC Berkeley: This year, astronomers harvested the first Earth-size planets ever found around other stars. Now we’re finding them by the bushel. The crop of Earths opens questions about their properties, their environments, and their suitability for life. Astronomers are using the spaceborne NASA telescope, Kepler, and the giant Keck telescope in Hawaii to observe the nature of these “earths”. Kepler, Darwin, and Fermi, are posthumously informing the chances for intelligent life on the new worlds.

Join the UCSD Literature Department in celebrating the New Writing Series with Evan and Carmen. Evan Lavender-Smith was born in Iowa in 1977. He atended the University of California at Berkeley and New Mexico State University. He is the author of From Old Notebooks (Blazevox, 2010) and Avatar (Six Gallery Press, 2011), Editor-In-Chief of Noemi Press, and Prose and Drama Editor of Puerto Del Sol. His writing has recently appeared in Fence, No Colony, Post Road, and Evergreen Review. Carmen Giménez Smith is the author of a memoir, Bring Down the Little Birds, four poetry collections— Milk and Filth, Goodbye, Flicker, The City She Was, and Odalisque in Pieces. She is the recipient of a 2011 American Book Award, the 2011 Juniper Prize for Poetry, and a 2011-2012 fellowship in creative nonfiction from the Howard Foundation.

SAT5.04 SUN5.05 9am VOLUNTEER WITH HANDS ON SAN DIEGO!—NATIONAL CITY Join AS Volunteer Connection as we spend the day serving National City's Casa de Salud in National City. Transportation will be provided to and from the location. Please check out our website at volunteer.ucsd.edu for more information and email us if you would like to sign up. All volunteers will receive a free T shirt, breakfast, and lunch. The deadline to sign up is May 1, 2013. We look forward to volunteering with you!


UCSD ASAYAKE TAIKO—PC BALLROOM EAST Come out and join Asayake Taiko, a traditional Japanese drumming group,at our 6th Annual Spring Concert! With a determined mindset to cure his father of his grave illness, a young man takes on a dangerous mission to create the perfect dish that will help bring his father back to health. He must battle the best and the brightest chefs in the world to achieve his ultimate goal. Will he succeed to cure his father and become the next Taiko Chef?! Tickets can be purchased at the UCSD Box Office or at the door. W/ UCSD Student ID: $5. W/o UCSD Student ID: $10. Tickets can also be purchased online at boxoffice.ucsd.edu (online purchases have a $5 handling charge). For Will Call tickets, please visit our website: asayaketaiko.ucsd.edu.



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ACROSS 1 Shire of “Rocky” 6 Mortgage insurance org. 9 “__, poor Yorick!”: Hamlet 13 Giving the old heave-ho 14 Flippered mammal 15 Tibetan spiritual master 16 Near miss 18 And others, in footnotes 19 Casino game 20 Make smooth, as a transition 21 Glacial ridge 22 Boxer’s fit condition 25 Texas city across the border from Ciudad Juárez 28 Bottle opener, e.g. 29 Pine (for) 30 “Phooey!” 32 Betray sleepiness 36 Musician’s asset 37 Neckwear accessory 40 Hush-hush fed. gp. 41 Design detail, for short 43 It’s younger than a yearling 44 Deserves 46 Police action 48 Police action 49 Specially edited version of a film 54 Regal pronouncement 55 Equine restraint 56 Cuba, por ejemplo 60 “Candy is dandy” poet 61 Establishment where the ends of 16-, 22-, 37- and 49-Across take place 63 You, to Quakers 64 Load to bear 65 Worldly-unwise 66 Turgenev’s “Fathers and __” 67 RR stop 68 Building wing

DOWN 1 Notice holder 2 Bridge toll unit 3 King of the jungle 4 To such an extent 5 Go gray, maybe 6 Lavish dinner 7 Succeed in every way 8 Brown or pale quaff 9 With vigilance 10 “See ya __” 11 Valuable violin 12 Oregon’s capital 14 Persian king 17 Lily that’s Utah’s state flower 21 In the past 23 George Harrison’s “__ It a Pity” 24 “Me? Never!” 25 Storm centers 26 __ of faith 27 Cut the peel from 30 Underarm product 31 “His Master’s Voice” co. 33 Field measure 34 Pitching successes 35 Democratic donkey designer 38 “__ makes you happy ...” 39 Bolivia neighbor 42 Nativity scenes 45 Craftsperson 47 Take steps 48 Teen facial woe 49 Fender dings 50 The Snake flows along much of its border with Oregon 51 (Has) ascended 52 It’s not an all-new episode 53 Sis and bro 57 Knee-to-ankle bone 58 Zero, at Wimbledon 59 Acme 61 Logan Airport city: Abbr. 62 Messenger molecule


water polo


Tritons Win WWPA Tournamnet BY RACHEL UDA


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The No. 13 UCSD Women’s Water Polo team won the Western Water Polo Association Championships last weekend, April 26 to April 28. The Tritons, who won the regular season title, going 8–0 in conference play, took three straight wins to claim the title. On Friday, UCSD won 14–1 over Cal State San Bernardino. The

following day, the Tritons took a 14–6 win over Colorado State and beat Loyola Marymount in the championship game 10–8. With the win, UCSD earns the automatic bid to the National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Water Polo Championships, May 10 to May 12, hosted by Harvard. The eight-team field will be announced Monday, April 29.

People Thrive Off the Cheap Thrill From Pushing Limits and Living on the Edge ▶ Noronha, from page 4

superseded by the choco-sadness B-process that comes about when the sweet taste is over. And with repeated use of the stimulus over time, whether it be chocolate, rollercoasters or even cocaine, the initial feeling lessens while the secondary response takes over. In Solomon’s particular study, skydivers’ emotions were studied during and after the jump from an airplane. While there was an initial feeling of complete terror for the more inexperienced divers, their emotions turned to ecstatic relief and pleasure upon landing safe and sound on terra firma. As the divers did more jumps, the more pleasurable feelings of the B-process started to take precedence, and the addiction levels started to rise. While this doesn’t bode so well for incorrigible substance addicts who start experiencing debilitating withdrawals and less intoxication with repeated drug use, it explains many of our seemingly dimwitted behaviors. Take the need for speed, for example.

The thrill of driving fast is in some ways a response to the terrifying feeling of having no control. Some people rejoice in having shorter travel times between Point A and Point B, but for most freeway fanatics, the subconscious sensation of crossing boundaries without dying causes great elation. This mentality is the same that leads edgier individuals to push the limits of every boundary they can find, such as the law. Shoplifters and pickpockets in particular have been known to feel a powerful emotional “rush” when they get away with minor thefts. In many cases, this addictive reaction provides them greater satisfaction than do the stolen items, leading to chronic stints of crime. So the next time you’re peering over the precipitous edge of a ridiculous coaster at Six Flags with your life flashing before your eyes, decide whether that gut-wrenching drop and moment of sheer primal terror is worth that surge of post-traumatic exhilaration. There are nearly endless options of dumb things you can do to get your B-process fix. Just don’t try them at home.

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Track Shines at Triton Invitational Tritons finish regular season at Annual Triton Invitational, prepare for CCAAs. BY RACHEL UDA


Sophomore Sabrina Pimentel and freshman Kristin Sato both took first place in their respective events last week in the Triton Invitational, hosted by UCSD at the Triton Track & Field Stadium. Pimentel — last season’s California Collegiate Athletics Association Freshman of the Year — took first in the 800 meters, finishing with a time of 2:11.51, while Sato took first in the triple jump (39’4.5”). The Tritons came away with some good results in its last meet of the regular season before the CCAA conference championships. Currently, UCSD has 16 provisional qualifiers, nine women and seven men. In the 800 meters, Pimentel and junior Lorato Anderson both have provisional qualifiers, and in the triple jump, Sato and sophomore Chantia Justice have both made the cut. On the men’s side, UCSD keeps with its tradition of strong throwers. Sophomore Nash Howe and redshirt senior Kiley Libuit both have provisionals in the javelin and seniors Zach Nagengast and A.B. Shaheen both qualify for the hammer throw. “The team did great,” Assistant Coach and Triton Invitational participant Nick Howe said. “They were all getting pretty good marks. The Triton Invite is good for tuning up for the most important meet of the year, and we looked really good this past weekend.”
All of the aforementioned performed well at their home track. Nagengast threw a career best 169’4”, to move into 16th in the nation in discus, while Nash Howe finished fourth with a throw of 208’. On the women’s side, Anderson recorded a personal best in the 800 meters.

photo by BEATRIZ BAJUELOS /Guardian

But it was the Triton alumni who stole the show over the course of the three-day weekend. Kelly Fogarty — 2011 alumna, representing Movin Shoes, a local athletic footwear company — won first place in the 100-meter dash and 200-meter dash. Jacqueline Rose — ranked 51st in the world and also a UCSD alumna and Movin Shoes representative — won the 400-meter dash, two seconds in front of second place, and Stephanie LeFever — 2011 alumnus — won the long jump. On the men’s side Nick Howe — 2012 alumnus — and older brother to Nash Howe, took first in the javelin. “[Movin Shoes] is a team where athletes can compete and train and try and make that jump from being a good college athlete and an elite athlete,” Howe said. The Tritons will now take part in the CCAA Championships in Turlock, Calif. at the Al Brenda Track

at Warrior Stadium this Thursday through Saturday, May 2 to May 4. Chico State has won the conference on both the men’s and women’s sides for the past three seasons. “The men’s team is really strong this year,” Howe said. “I think we’re gonna be up there, and we’re gonna be looking to win. We’ll be happy with second place, but this year we have a lot more coverage in the throws and in the distance, so this could be the first year that we win.”
 Howe said the women also have a good shot at finishing strong at conference. “The women are really young this year, but have a couple of outstanding athletes, particularly in [Pimentel] and shotputter Eva Isaacs,” Howe said.

readers can contact RACHEL UDA



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contact the editor

RACHEL UDA sports@ucsdguardian.org

follow us @UCSD_sports


The Second Seed The Tritons took down Chico State to take the second seed in the CCAA Tournament. BY rachel uda


Scouting Sonoma State The Tritons will face No. 3 seed Sonoma State this weekend in the first round of the California Collegiate Athletic Association tournament. UCSD has only faced Sonoma State once this season, splitting the four-game series with the Seawolves. Sonoma State has one of the most dangerous pitchers in the league in Samantha Lipperd. The Sonoma ace is fourth in the conference for ERA (1.96), wins (20) leads the conference in strikeouts (211). The Seawolves have also proven themselves offensively. Sonoma is second in the season in runs (235) and hits (437) and leads the CCAA in batting average (.314).


he UCSD Softball team went 3–1 against Chico State last week to maintain its No. 2 seed going into the California Collegiate Athletics Association tournament. “I think our team had a really strong weekend,” junior pitcher Jennifer Manuel said. “Our offensive game was strong, and our outfield was amazing against Chico.” The Tritons end their regular season with a 24–12 conference record, seven games behind first place Humboldt State and two games in front of third place Sonoma State. Cal State Dominguez (21–15) just edged out Chico State over the weekend to claim the last spot in the four-team tournament. 
 With the second seed, UCSD will face No. 3 seed Sonoma State this Friday, May 3 at Arnaiz Stadium in Stockton, Calif. in the first round of the tournament. The last time the two teams met was back in February, when the Tritons split with the Seawolves. “We played them really early in the season when we were just getting used to each other,” Manuel said. “Now our team is closer than ever, and I think we’re expecting a really hard game, but we’re gonna come out strong. [Sonoma’s] always tough, but we’re excited to play them.” Game 1: April 26
UCSD 5, Chico State 4:
The Tritons took the lead at the top of the first inning on a triple from junior Kirsten Willmon, to score freshman Callie Grant — hitting in the two-hole. The

Wildcats equalized in the second inning and went up 2–1 in the third. In the fourth inning, Chico State extended their lead, capitalizing on two errors to pick up two more runs.
The Tritons took two more back in the fifth inning when Grant and Willmon made their way to third and second, respectively. With two outs junior Mya Romero doubled to left field for two RBI. Junior righthander Jennifer Manuel loaded the bases in the bottom of the fifth, but fought her way out of it, as the Wildcats stranded three men on base. Manuel kept Chico scoreless in the sixth, giving the Tritons room to take the lead in the seventh, when Sepulveda scored off an unearned run. Game 2: April 26
 UCSD 1, Chico State 0:
Sophomore Taylor Sepulveda singled through the right side, was moved to second on a sacrifice bunt and stole third. With one out, the redshirt sophomore was brought home on a popup from Willmon.
The Tritons made the most of its one run. Sophomore Kayla Hensel (10–6) held Chico at bay, allowing just one hit in her seven innings on the mound. Game 3: April 27 Chico State 3, UCSD 0:
Chico State used a three-run second inning to secure the win over the Tritons in the first game of the doubleheader last Saturday. The Wildcats took advantage of two costly Triton fielding errors in the second inning, to score three


UCSD Takes Series 3-1 UCSD Baseball takes down Cal State San Bernardino in home and away series, honor Tritons on senior night. BY MATT SMITH


The UCSD baseball team played its final two home games this past week against Cal State San Bernardino. The Tritons played a four-game series against their California Collegiate Athletic Association opponents in a home and away series. UCSD split the home games but finished strong with back-to-back victories in a Saturday doubleheader to take the series 3–1. In its last home game of the season, UCSD honored eight graduating seniors: Danny Susdorf, Scott Liske, Richard Seigel, Ryan Goodbrand, Richard Kilbury, Sam Michaels, James Mossholder and Jonah Northrop. “It’s crazy — time flies really quick,” Susdorf said of his senior season. “It was kind of hard there playing at the end, realizing that the innings were ticking down, but I’ve had a great four

years here; it’s been a blast. UCSD has offered so many opportunities, and I’m just thankful for everything that they’ve done.” UCSD has one more regular season series before wrapping up conference play. The Tritons (25–21 overall, 19–17 in the CCAA) will head up north to face No. 12 Cal State Monterey Bay on the road, Friday, May 3 to Sunday, May 5. It has yet to be seen whether UCSD will qualify for the four-team CCAA tournament the following weekend, but what’s definite is that this last regular season series will be crucial. Game 1: Thursday, April 25 
UCSD 7, Cal State San Bernardino 3 Cal State San Bernardino jumped ahead in the first inning, but UCSD evened the game in the fourth when junior transfer Dillon Moyer scored on a throwing error by the Coyote shortstop.

Triton pitcher Ryan Goodbrand kept the Tritons close, only allowing two more runs in the sixth on a pair of runs batted in singles to left field. Goodbrand pitched solid overall, going seven innings and giving up just three runs in the winning effort. The Tritons did most of their damage in the seventh inning off four hits, including an RBI double for third baseman Garrett Tuck and a pair of RBI singles for juniors Justin Rahn and Liske to score four runs. UCSD added two more runs in the eighth. Catcher Nick La Face singled to score Tuck, and Rahn brought home La Face with a single. Rahn went 4-for-5 in the game, with a pair of RBI. Game 2: Friday, April 26
UCSD 2, Cal State San Bernardino 4 In the second game of the series, both starting pitchers had stellar performances. Triton starter Blake Fassler went seven innings, only giving up three hits and two earned runs in the outing. Coyote starter Kerry Kelley went eight and gave up two. Neither team scored until the top of the third, when Cal State San Bernardino’s Christian Gomez doubled to lead off the inning and

runs off two hits off sophomore slinger Michelle Escamilla (3–11). Escamilla was brought off in favor of Manuel in the third inning, but the damage was already done, and the Tritons put up very little in the way of offense for the remainder of the game. 
 Game 4: April 27
UCSD 8, Chico State 2:
The Tritons brought their bats in the last game of the series. UCSD scored its first run in the top of the second off, as senior Nicole Spangler (3-for-2 in game four) doubled to left field to drive in freshman designated player Katie Saunders. Up 1–0 in the fourth inning, freshman McKenna Clewett struck a double to bring home Saunders and Spangler. Chico State looked to stem the bleeding, replacing pitcher Alex Molina with a fresh arm in Kayla McConnell, but the Tritons didn’t let up. With Clewett on second and Sepulveda on first, the two made use of their pace, advancing to third and second respectively. McConnell then walked her next two batters to score Clewett. With bases loaded, Romero doubled to left center for three RBI. Chico replaced McConnell with Brooke Langeloh, who gave up one more run before ending the inning. Chico took back two runs — one in the fourth and one in the fifth — but was unable to cut the deficit further.

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was brought home on a grounder to third. The Coyotes added another in the fifth off a home run by leftfielder Remington Miller. UCSD was held scoreless until the sixth inning but got on the board when Seigel singled to center field for an RBI. Both teams added runs in the eighth, with the Coyotes striking first by rallying to score two runs. UCSD appeared to be in line for a large inning, loading the bases with no one out, but were only able to score one run on a past ball thrown by the pitcher. Neither team mustered any runs in the final frame, and the score of 4–2 held to tie the series at one game apiece. Game 3: Saturday April 27
UCSD 11, Cal State San Bernardino 4 UCSD brought its bats in their first game at Fiscalini Field, scoring 11 runs in the campaign. The Tritons got their offense going right away, scoring two in the first inning, and picked up two more in the third. UCSD added another run in the sixth when Susdorf singled to score Brett Levy, who was hit by a pitch to lead off the inning. Catcher La Face hit a home run

in the seventh to score two runs, which contributed to a four-run Triton inning. Two more Tritons crossed the plate in the ninth, as sophomore Ho-Kyun Choi singled to drive in a run and Mossholder hit a sacrifice fly ball to record an RBI. UCSD capitalized on seven Coyote errors in the game, scoring six unearned runs. Game 4: Saturday, April 27
UCSD 16, Cal State San Bernardino 5 The Tritons followed up an 11-run effort by scoring 16 in the second game of the doubleheader. UCSD wasted no time putting runs on the board, dropping four on the Coyotes to begin the game. They repeatedly had large innings, scoring three in the third, four in the fourth, and five in the sixth. Right-fielder Scott Liske had a monster game for the Tritons, going 4-for-5 and driving in six runs, highlighted by a three-run home run in the fourth. Rahn homered to right center field in the fifth, driving in three runs of his own. Danny Susdorf led off for the Tritons, going 3-for-4 and scoring four runs.

readers can contact MATT SMITH M7SMITH@ucsd.edu

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