12.01.11 | UCSD Guardian

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Flicks Fit for Winter Wonderland. Page 6.




Division I

Board Of Regents

Students to Vote on D-I Sports Regents: No Fee Referendum, if passed by students, would increase student fees by $165 per quarter to fund D-I athletics. By Natalie Covate.


tudents may soon be voting on the fate of UCSD athletics, after A.S. Council approved the Division I Athletics Referendum last night with an overwhelming vote of 27-1-1. If OPINION passed, the The Editorial referendum Board weighs would raise in on D-I. student fees PAGE 4. by $165 per student per quarter, grossing the $16 million necessary for the athletic teams to move to, and be competitive in, Division I. Now that council has passed the measure, the referendum will move to Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Penny Rue for approval. After she approves the initiative, the referendum will move to Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and then to the UC Office of the President. The referendum will then move to a student vote in a special election that A.S. President Alyssa Wing said she hopes to hold in Winter Quarter 2012. “It’s not A.S. [Council’s] job to say if we should or should not move to D-I,” Wing said. “What we should focus on is [whether] the language is appropriate for students to vote on. We have made changes [to the lan-

N olan T homas /G uardian

guage of the referendum]. We are trying to cover all our grounds before we hit UCOP so that it is something we are confident will pass.” Athletics Director Earl Edwards, who spoke at the council meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 30, said the move to Division I is a great opportunity for UCSD. “It’s really encouraging to see that students really care about campus and society as a whole,” he said. “We would be in a conference with many of our sisters, like UCR, UCI, UCSB. They’re doing it the right way in the context of being student-athletes.” In Spring Quarter 2010, A.S. Council hired an athletics consultant to evaluate the feasibility of a football team and moving to Division I. The consultant advised council to pursue the move to Division I without adding a football team. For this to occur, the absolute minimum increase needed for the move to D-I is $4.8 million, the consultant said, but a minimum $13 million is necessary in order to be competitive. “We don’t want to be a university that is only in D-I but is not competitive,” Wing said. “We want to be able to provide scholarships [for] See DIVISION I, page 2


ERC to Have New Condom Machines By Nicole Chan Associate News Editor Condom machines could be installed in Eleanor Roosevelt College as early as next quarter, with support from Housing, Dining and Hospitality. The new machines are an extension of last year’s addition of condom machines in Price Center East and Price Theater. Former Campuswide Senator Elizabeth Elman launched a “Sexual Health See CONDOMS, page 3


shattered glass B rian M onroe /G uardian

Thursday H 65 L 43


H 62 L 44




Charity elliot

UCSD Women’s Basketball Head Coach

By Zev Hurwitz Staff Writer UC President Mark G. Yudof announced at a UC Board of Regents meeting held Monday, Nov. 28 that tuition at the 10 UC campuses will not increase this year, as long as the system can attain additional funds from the state government. At the meeting, held via teleconference on four UC campuses, the Regents passed a budget that will seek $2.7 billion from state government — an increase of nearly $400 million from 2011-12. “We must send an expenditureonly budget to Sacramento,” Yudof said. “If there is no increase in state funding, we will find other ways to increase revenue.” Yudof told students and faculty during the UC Regents meeting — held at the UC Merced, UC Davis, UCLA and UCSF campuses via teleconference — that a tuition increase would only be possible if lawmakers in Sacramento are unable to close a $3-billion budget gap. He also said that if state government does not fulfill the requested funding, the UC system would increase enrollment by 1 percent and increase lobbying efforts in Sacramento. “Raising tuition is not critical,” Yudof said. “No increase was ever on the agenda for this meeting.” A crowd of UC students, alumni and faculty used the opportunity to protest against police brutality and higher fees. According to “Student protests disrupt meeting of UC regents,” published Nov. 29 in the Los Angeles Times, protesters in attendance on three campuses shouted loudly and chanted, “We need to make UC public again,” forcing the Regents present to relocate to continue the meeting. UCLA graduate student Cheryl Deutsch, who is president of the statewide union that represents teaching assistants accused the Regents of having purely financial goals. “You are not representatives of the people of California, and you are not representatives of the students of the UC,” Deutsch said. “You are the one percent...You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.” As part of a systemwide one-day strike in response to the Nov. 18 pepper spray incident at UC Davis, People’s Assembly at UCSD organized a “Study Out” encampment in front of Geisel Library. Marshall College senior Kevin Quirolo, a member of People’s Assembly, said that the approximately 25 students who were participating

Students at Fat Baby Glass work together to mold and shape a mug as their quarter at the UCSD Crafts Center draws to a close.


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Saturday H 60 L 41


H 60 L 40




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See regents, page 3

INSIDE As Per Usual...........................2 New Business.........................3 How to Guru...........................4 Letter to the Editor.................5 Winter Movie Preview.............6 Sudoku...................................9 Sports...................................12


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

As per usual By Dami Lee Angela Chen

Editor in Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau

Managing Editors

Angela Chen

News Editor

Nicole Chan Rebecca Horwitz Laira Martin Margaret Yau Madeline Mann Rachel Uda Nicholas Howe

Closed quarters By Kat Truong

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Fee Would Not Be Enacted Unless UCSD is Accepted Into Big West Conference ▶ division i, from page 2 top-notch talent [that we] want to come to our campus. The number is a little higher than the projection, but that is to maintain our program and ensure that we don’t have to keep going back to students with more referendums.” Of the $16 million revenue, approximately $5.5 million (34 percent) will go toward athletic scholarships. The rest will be divided among areas such as administrative operations and salaries, coach salaries and team operations. Additionally, 29 percent of the fee will contribute to a return-toaid, to help compensate students who are dependent on financial aid and not able to afford the fee increase. “I don’t foresee the California budget changing dramatically in the next few years and we do have this opportunity to vote for D-I right now,” Wing said. “I would say that right now is the time to capitalize on it and agree on it.” Last year, UCSD applied for a position in the Big West Division I

conference, but was rejected in favor Sixth College senior and former Sixth College Senator John Condello of the University of Hawaii. Even if the referendum is said. “This means more referenda passed in the winter election, the not only for the move to D-I, but also to fund fee increase will not be initiated the sport peounless UCSD is invited to participle actually pate in the Big West conference. pay for: footThe language of the referenball.” dum also ensures that the fee Ass o c i ate will only be collected starting I can no longer Vice President up to one year prior to UCSD’s of Student first scheduled Division I match support [D-I Organizations and that the referendum will be sports]. This has L y n n e void if UCSD has not received a been a long and Swerhone bid from the Big West conference hard decision, was strongly by 2014. against the UCSD has been in Division II and it’s not easy measure, and for over 10 years. to do.” announced The initiative to move toward Division I began when 2009-10 Samer Naji her resignation after A.S. President Utsav Gupta, then Vice President of External Affairs c o u n c i l a Campuswide Senator, created passed the the Football Feasibility Task Force referendum. in 2007. “Check At the Nov. 30 meeting, some constituents spoke out against the your fucking privilege, you all have the time to be here,” Swerhone said. move to Division I. “Some will argue that it’s a short- “The only reason I can be here is term pain for a long-term gain, but because I get paid. We are the 1 perthat’s a decades-long proposition,” cent at UCSD. You are the 1 percent

that is privileged to be here.” Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji said that he could no longer support Division I, though it had been a component of his platform while campaigning during elections season last year. “I can no longer support that position,” Vice President of External Affairs Samer Naji said. “This has been a long and hard decision for me and it’s not easy to do. For the athletic community, I apologize, but for the students that cannot afford it, I stand behind you.” With the referendum moving into the next stages of approval, it is closer to being put up for a student vote. “I want to remind students that the biggest power that you have is to cast your vote and say whether or not you want your university to go in that direction,” Wing said. “Now we are faced with a decision, just like the movement from D-III to D-II.”

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Readers can contact Natalie Covate at ncovate@ucsd.edu.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Senator Resigns After Council Students Host “Study Out” to Camp Outside Geisel Library Passes Division I Referendum


he last A.S. meeting of the quarter was met with passion, debate and a high student attendance rate that forced some into the hallway. Since Associate Vice President of Local Affairs and council Speaker Ryan O’Rear submitted his formal resignation on Nov. 27, Associate Vice President of Diversity Affairs Jesus Romero stepped up to the mic for the night. F o r m e r Associate Vice President of Local Kelsey Wong Affairs Aries klw009@ucsd.edu Yumul urged council to seriously consider the applicants for the position. Afterward, over 10 constituents addressed council regarding the resolution supporting the Reclaim UC movement. “We stem from the Occupy movement, but we’re standing against fee increases and police brutality,” Sixth College sophomore Savini Ganhewa explained. “I think we’re all in agreement that we don’t want those fee increases, and Cal States just got a fee increase so we’re next.” Others put more pressure on council to support the issue. “I’m here, not to urge or ask, but to demand that you stand in support of the resolution supporting ‘Reclaim UC,’” sociology graduate student Nikolai Smith said. “You [should] do what people in democratic positions are supposed to do, and support your constituents.” Not all were in support of the resolution, however. “I am here to remind everyone that the neutrality statement wasn’t about supporting or not supporting history,” Roosevelt College senior student Daniel Friedman said. “The



neutrality statement was to say that if it’s going to divide our campus, it’s not really our cause.” With no objections, the resolution passed. Nearly the same amount of students spoke regarding the referendum for a $165-per-quarter fee increase for UCSD to move to Divison I athletics. “I am in support for a move to D-I, but not right now and not on this price tag,” Sixth College senior John Condello said. “We have students dropping out and living out of their cars, and now you’re talking about a referendum.” Others focused on the positives a D-I atmosphere would bring to UCSD. “These are really hard decisions, but having a really bomb D-I basketball team, football, soccer, would increase diversity and the campus climate,” Marshall College senior Darryl Baskerville said. The referendum passed with an open-ballot vote of 27-1-1, prompting Associate Vice President of Student Orgs Lynne Swerhone to resign. And, of course, let’s not forget the winner of this week’s prestigious Councilmember of the Week sash and strut, Associate Vice President of Concerts and Events Oliver Zhang! He opted out of a strut in favor of a high-five run around the horseshoe of A.S. Council tables. Engineering Senator Parminder Sandhu was sad to report that his Engineering-on-a-Stick event, originally scheduled to take place this week, was postponed. “I cried a lot of tears,” he said. “You cannot see them because they are already shed.”

▶ REGENTS, from page 1 were demonstrating for a number of issues, including an end to police brutality and an increased student voice in university decisions. “Our position right now, even though tuition fees have been tabled, is that we need more student representation on the [UC] Board of Regents,” Quirolo said. “We don’t have much say in how the university is run, regardless [of] how much we’re paying.” Quirolo also said that while student leaders at UC Davis had only called for a one-day strike, the “Study Out” will likely remain functional for the rest of the week. Chairman of the UC Board of Regents Sherry Lansing moderated the UC Regents meeting. Lansing allowed over an hour of public comment. UC Berkeley graduate student Charlie Eaton criticized UC administrators for their “poor judgment” in financial decisions.

“It’s a sign that the bankers and millionaires on the Board of Regents are out of touch with what Californians want from our university system,” he said. Lansing announced that the regents will be visiting each campus over the next few weeks to meet with

S arah P ark /G uardian

student leaders. “We can use our voices and your voices,” Lansing said. A date has not been set for the UC Regents’ visit to UCSD. Readers can contact Zev Hurwitz at zhurwitz@ucsd.edu.

Machines to be Installed Under Cafe Ventanas, Inside I-House ▶ CONDOMS, from page 1 Empowerment” project in 2010 which focused on providing students with affordable access to birth control. The first part of Elman’s project culminated with the installation of the Price Center machines, which were installed in Spring Quarter 2011 with support from University Centers. According to Associate Vice President of Student Services Leigh Mason, the machines have generated a positive response from students. “We stocked at the end of spring quarter, and when we came back in fall they were empty,” Mason said. “We’ve restocked twice [this year]. Over one weekend the machines were completely sold out.” Mason said that the Office of

Student Services, in collabora- Housing and Dining,” Mason said. tion with Student Health Services, If Housing, Dining and Hospitality hoped to expand Elman’s proj- approves the project, condom ect to ERC in a pilot project to machines will likely be installed assess student use within colleges. under Café Ventanas and potentially “We don’t want to spend money in I-House, Mason said. unless it’s a success,” Mason said. The Office of Student Services plans Mason said the project’s long-term to draft up a proposal for Housing goals are to expand condom machines and Dining to review next quarter. within every college and in the sec“Other universities already have ond-floor Price Center restrooms. condom machines,” Mason said. “It According to Mason, each machine was surprising that UCSD didn’t.” costs roughly $200 and a pair of con- As part of Student Health Services’ doms costs 25 cents. contribution to the project, the conThe machines will be dom machines in ERC will have restocked by A.S. Council to pamphlets with information on STD keep the service sustainable. screening and sexual health sessions. “The only maintenance would be the one-time investment of Readers can contact Nicole Chan at the machines and support from n3chan@ucsd.edu.



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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

Yau CONTACT THE EDITOR Margaret opinion@ucsdguardian.org

OPINION There’s No Time Like Christmas for the Jews



ot everyone thinks Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year — namely, Jews. While many grin and bear it during

How-to Guru guru@ucsdguardian.org

D-I Athletics: A Lasting Investment UCSD athletics is growing out of its Division II standing — prompting the question of whether students are willing to fund a movement to Division I.


adies and gentlemen, premeds and comparative literature majors, it’s time for a special election. And while our student body has been less than enthusiastic about campus politics — 25-percent turnout rate, anyone? — this winter’s likely vote is one that everyone should be paying attention to; should it pass, all of us will be paying an additional $165 per quarter for Division I sports as soon as UCSD is accepted into the Big West conference. It’s been four years since thenCampuswide Senator (and later 2009-10 President Utsav Gupta) created the Football Feasibility Task Force and started seriously evaluating an underexposed aspect of UCSD: sports. Four presidents, one “student interest” survey and a $20,000 athletic consultant report later, football is still a ridiculously expensive pipe dream, but moving to Division I is just on the horizon. Last night, A.S. Council passed, 27-1-1, the referendum that would allow students to vote on whether to institute the aforementioned fee; now it’s up to students to weigh the options. At the core of this highly divisive issue lie two opposing, and equally true, arguments. One is that UCSD deserves to be in Division I. The other is that UCSD is not a sports school. When it comes to the latter, signs of apathy are apparent at each game, at the continued lack of a football team, at the fact that few students even knew that our baseball and women’s soccer teams are some of the best in the nation, in D-II. Most students chose the school for the academics or location, not for the possibility of spending evenings crowded into bleachers, and as thus, care little about what we “could be” if we were to make the move. For the student who’s eager to get in, pass linear circuits and get out, paying extra money for “school spirit” and “athletic prestige” simply isn’t worth it. Not to mention that, in all likelihood, there’ll be little increase in this famed and elusive “school spirit” that


CCAA average undergrad enrollment


UCSD average undergrad enrollment


CCAA average tuition and fees 2009-10


UCSD average tuition and fees 2009-10

Editorial Board Angela Chen Editor In Chief

Arielle Sallai Margaret Yau Managing Editors

Madeline Mann Associate Opinion Editor The UCSD Guardian is published twice a week at the University of California at San Diego. Contents © 2011. Views expressed herein represent the majority vote of the editorial board and are not necessarily those of the UC Board of Regents, the ASUCSD or the members of the Guardian staff.

UCSD is notorious for lacking. Unlike the temptation of a football team, a move to D-I does not provide anything concretely new that supporters can rally behind. Hordes of students are unlikely to start showing up to games simply because the Roman numeral next to our ranking has changed, especially because we’ll be going from wins to losses for the first few seasons. Not to mention that the national radar of sports — and the corresponding alumni donations — are focused so heavily on football that there’s no guarantee that an overall move will rake in the cash. But despite all this, the university has already outstayed its welcome in the Division II California College Athletic Association division and the natural progression calls for us to move. Since we moved to Division II a decade ago, we’ve been the only UC school in the division other than Merced, and we’re evolving so quickly that our statistics don’t match with our competition. According to the 2010 Feasibility Study commissioned by A.S. Council, which cites 2008 enrollment figures, both our enrollment and our academic scores paint us as the odd one out. Our current competitors in the CCAAs are mostly Cal States; the CCAA average enrollment is 15,000 undergraduates, while we have nearly double that at 28,000. Academically, the numbers are even more telling; the average 75th percentile verbal SAT score for CCAA is 528 — UCSD’s is 660. For math: 542. UCSD: 710. Over time, a stronger sports program will bring the much-hoped-for prestige. There’s even a term for this phenomenon: the Flutie effect, named after Boston College’s Doug Flutie, whose 1984 football pass created an increase in applications to the university in the next year. Two University of Virginia researchers conducted a 2008 study showing that the effect is quantifiable; schools that make it to the Sweet 16 in men’s basketball see a 3-percent boost in applications the following year, while the champion is likely to see a 7See Division I, page 5 I llustration B y JEFFREY LAU/G uardian

the holiday season, quietly celebrating Hanukkah as their neighbors erect 1000-watt Santas in their front yards, some may want to avoid all the Jesus cheer (or at least capitalize on it). Here’s how: 1. Get your Scrooge on before the big day. If you make it really obvious to your neighbors that you hate Christmas, they’ll at least leave you out of the Christmas card pool. So when you start to hear caroling, place a prominent menorah in your window, turn the lights off and scowl. When your neighbors send out tasteless Christmas-themed sugar cookies, refuse them if they aren’t kosher and then send them Hanukkah cookies so good they’ll think twice about their Christianity. And only RSVP to parties that are non-denominational. 2. Throw a rager. Show off your heritage to your non-religious friends — with alcohol. In other words, now is the time to throw the best Hanukkah party anyone has ever seen. Erect a shot glass menorah so you can do a fire shot for each night of the holiday, thereby making Jews look way more badass than any gentiles you know. Break out bottles of Manischewitz and get trashed like it’s your cousin’s bar mitzvah. Only now you don’t have to write anyone a check for turning 13. 3. See movies way better than “Arthur Christmas.” Sure, this year’s requisite Christmas movie, “Arthur Christmas,” looks kind of cute. But as your Santa-loving friends are dragged to that movie during winter break with their families, you have an excuse to see better movies (Check our movie preview on page 6 for some ideas). But it’d probably be wise to ditch the theatres entirely and set yourself up for a Jewish movie marathon on your couch. Watch the best in Jewish cinema — “Schindler’s List,” “Inglorious Bastards,” anything by Woody Allen or the Coen Brothers or starring Jerry Seinfeld, Natalie Portman, or Dustin Hoffman. Basically, the best in cinema. Period. Take that, “Polar Express.” 4. Be a better Jew. It’d be kind of hypocritical to knock on Christmas without fully appreciating your own heritage. After all, just as there’s more to Christmas than Santa Claus and department store sales, there’s more to Hanukkah than eight presents, gelt and dreidels. So use this time of year to actually go to synagogue for once. Break out your old mitzvah Torah and brush up on your Hebrew. Or, if you’re on the more secular side, at least delve into some Jewish history at the library or on Wikipedia. Unlike Christmas, Hanukkah doesn’t have all the consumerism and overplayed lore to wear it out. Enjoy it while it lasts. And, most importantly, spend time with the best and worst part about being Jewish — your family.


THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

The Mental fishbowl By Alex Nguyen


AIDS Meds Affordable in University Hands

Support for D-I Requires Students to Invest in the Future ▶ division i, from page 4 to 8-percent increase and simply making the 65-team field will cause a 1-percent bump. Our team won’t be making it to the Sweet 16 anytime soon; in fact, sports teams are unable to compete in national tournaments for at least a year after making the move. But given time and dedication, a strong sports program will mean not only increased alumni donations, but increased applications, lower admit rates and a prestige that will lend value to degrees retroactively, even if UCSD is currently known primarily as being a pre-med factory. Investing in Division-I is an investment for the university holistically. The class that passes this referendum and begins paying is the class that suffers most because of the time it takes for our teams to become competitive in their new division. And there’s no doubt that now is not a good time to raise student fees — but there will never be a good time. UC President Mark G. Yudof has vowed to ask

the state for more funding, all while acknowledging that it’s more of a “wishlist” than a demand. Barring enormous political change, there will likely be little foreseeable change in the California economy in the next few years, save for it becoming worse. Those who like the idea of UCSD in Division I, just “not now,” can still take a breath. Even if the referendum passes, the fees will not go into effect until UCSD is accepted by the Big West Conference and — considering we were just rejected last year in favor of Hawaii — the change isn’t exactly imminent. Ultimately, it’s important enough that the students be able to decide. Any referendum placed on a ballot suffers from the bias of being likely to pass due to low turnout rates, so it’s doubly important now that everyone votes. This is an issue of what UCSD is versus what it could be — the move needs to happen for UCSD to continue evolving, and there needs to be a class that pushes for it and takes the hit for long-term gain.

Dear Editor, Today is World AIDS Day, a time when people around the world recognize the devastating toll that the HIV/AIDS epidemic has taken while also realizing the tremendous potential we have to bring the suffering to an end. The theme for World AIDS Day thisw year is “Getting to Zero”: zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDSrelated deaths. While this is a daunting challenge, it is entirely within our grasp to create the political, social and economic changes necessary to “get to zero.” An outstanding scientific discovery was made earlier this year: Giving antiretroviral drugs to HIVpositive people can reduce transmission of the virus to their partners by 96%. This startling breakthrough has finally allowed global health experts to begin to model the end of the HIV/AIDS crisis. However, these drugs often cost hundreds of dollars per patient per year and require a lifetime of treatment. With more than 1.4 billion people worldwide living in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 per day, antiretrovirals remain priced far outside the reach of the majority of patients in the developing world who need them. How can we change this? Being engaged in university research helps: nearly one-third of all drugs used to treat AIDS originated in academic laboratories. Many of the other medicines were developed based on fundamental discoveries again arising from university research. If so many AIDS drugs came from work done on campuses like ours, and if our universities are committed to improving human welfare, then why can’t patients in low- and middle-

income countries afford the drugs we were so essential in developing? The problem arises when universities sell off their patent rights to potential medicines to pharmaceutical companies, which then advance them through clinical trials all the way to regulatory approval. The University of California has been quite successful at selling its innovations, raking in $125 million last year, yet millions of people around the world still can’t afford them. Except for Berkeley, none of the UC campuses really try to ensure that the medicines they develop get into the hands of the world’s poorest patients. In fact, Chancellor Fox and President Yudof have actively resisted lobbying efforts by students for the past three years to change this. This World AIDS Day let’s finally make the change happen. President Yudof is asking everyone engaged in research to sign a new patent agreement that would give the university ironclad possession of any new innovation you come up with. Tell him that you want the fruits of your research to be available and affordable to poor people worldwide by withholding your signature until the deadline. Let’s get the signatures to zero until patients in the developing world can benefit from our work. —Taylor Gililand Doctoral Candidate, Biomedical Candidate ▶ The Guardian welcomes letters from its readers.

All letters must be addressed, and written, to the editor of the Guardian. Letters are limited to 500 words, and all letters must include the writer’s name, college and year (undergraduates), department (graduate students or professors) or city of residence (local residents). A maximum of three signatories per letter is permitted. The Guardian Editorial Board reserves the right to edit for length, accuracy, clarity and civility. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject letters for publication. Due to the volume of mail we receive, we do not confirm receipt or publication of a letter.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN |THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

EBEL CONTACT THE EDITOR REN hiatus@ucsdguardian.org



WINTER MOVIE PREVIEW Once finals are over, prepare for a long winter break at the movies with the Guardian's top picks for the pre-Oscar season. Continued on Page 8. David Fincher (“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” “Fight Club”) directs Steven Zallian’s (“Schindler’s List”) screen adaptation of the explosively popular Swedish crime series by Steig Larsson. The thriller follows a journalist and a computer hacker (Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara respectively) as they search for a woman who has been missing for 40 years. Featuring a hardhitting score by Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor, who worked with Fincher on last year’s “Social Network,” “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” will be sure to offer more of Fincher’s patented jet-black imagery and gripping storytelling.


— Tanner Cook Staff Writer

There are many reasons to see “Shame” this winter break, but only one important one — full frontal Michael Fassbender. Critics are already raving about Fassbender’s haunting performance as Brandon Sullivan, a moody hunk who just wants to get some. The film has already picked up an NC-17 rating with rave reviews at the Toronto, Venice, London and New York Film Festivals and boasts the direction of Steve McQueen. Anticipate a lot of tremulous lip biting from Sullivan’s sister, played by Carey Mulligan (“An Education”), dramatic furrowing on subway trains and of course, a few hotly anticipated nude scenes. — Margaret Yau Managing Editor

In “Carnage” — based on the play “God of Carnage” by Yasmina Reza — two couples aim to settle their sons’ schoolyard tiff in a civil agreement-turned darkly hilariously head-to-head meltdown. Taking place entirely within the walls of the couples’ homes, the project might seem like a challenging on-screen adaptation. But it’s in the best possible hands, with Roman Polanski’s expert direction and a pitch-perfect cast (Jodie Foster and John C. Reilly vs. Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz). Plus, plenty of sharp wit and drunken monologues will make “Carnage” a brief, well-acted bit of diabolical fun. — Ren Ebel Hiatus Editor

Spielberg returns to the early 20th century for another epic about a man struggling in a World War — this time with a horse. Adapted from a children’s book, this heart-felt tale plays right to Spielberg’s strengths, following a boy and his horse from humble country beginnings to the battlefields of World War I, with a love interest on the side. The unfamiliar cast is mostly British, though the music is more predictably scored by long-time collaborator John Williams. With a running time of over two hours and a release date set for Christmas, this Dreamworks film is sure to please the whole family — provided no one prefers something more surprising. — Alex Reed Staff Writer

12.2.11 SHAME

12.16.11 CARNAGE




THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

A true modern variation of Grimm’s classic fairy tale, “Sleeping Beauty,” packs a sinister punch that would send Disney princesses all atwitter. Emily Browning (Lemony Snickett) plays Lucy, a young college student who begins to take up work as a human sex toy to make extra cash. The only catch is that before each of her sexual encounters, she is surgically dolled up and drugged, and afterwards, her memory erased. Well, at least she didn’t get her finger pricked by a spindle. Nominated for a Palm D’Or during the Cannes Film Festival, director Julia Leigh’s version of “Sleeping Beauty” has received rave reviews.


— Margaret Yau Managing Editor


“Take Shelter” follows Curtis LaForche (Michael Shannon of “Boardwalk Empire”), an Ohio husband and father who begins having apocalyptic visions and starts building a fallout shelter. As LaForche buries himself deeper into constructing the shelter, he is increasingly pulled away from his family and unsure of whether or not he has inherited his mother’s paranoid schizophrenia. Anchored by strong performances from Shannon and Jessica Chastain as LaForche’s wife, “Take Shelter” provides a haunting glimpse of insanity and a definite best actor contender in the rising Shannon. .— Nicole Chan Associate News Editor

A big-screen adaptation of a beloved Belgian comic book may sound appealing only to a handful of Europhiles, but “The Adventures of Tintin” has a few things on its side: It’s directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by Peter Jackson and it’s super pretty. So as young journalist Tintin (Jamie Bell) and his adorable pup Snowy hunt for a sunken ship with alcoholbeaten sailor, Captain Haddock (Andy Serkis), prepare for the best of motion capture filmmaking, expertly combining animation and live action into one colorful and vivid 3-D ride.



— Arielle Sallai Managing Editor

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org



“We Need to Talk About Kevin” — with its high school shooting plotline and the always-intense Tilda Swinton in a major role — is your antidote to the requisite Christmas fluff this season. Based on Lionel Shriver’s 2003 novel, the film follows the downward spiral of Eva Khatchadourian (Swinton), a woman living through the hell of knowing that the son she raised opened fire on eight classmates. In a non-linear sequence, the film hopscotches through Eva’s present, the story of the shooting and the family history that may explain why the crime occurred. Already out in the UK and garnering wide critical acclaim, “Kevin” is a bleak drama about how the choices people make shape their children. — Angela Chen Editor In Chief

12.16.11 YOUNG ADULT

In “Young Adult,” Jason Reitman ( “Up In the Air”) collaborates with “Juno” wordsmith Diablo Cody for the second time. And while distinctly not a teenager, the protagonist of the comedy ain’t so different from Cody’s past heroine. Mavis Gary (Charlize Theron) — a teen lit writer who returns to her hometown to reclaim her married high school sweetheart — is a woman obviously still attached to her high school days. Expect snappy dialogue between Theron and Patton Oswalt as a former classmate — with hopefully less hipsterisms that Juno in between.

— Arielle Sallai

Managing Editor



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Steven Schick conducts the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus in performances of Stravinsky's ''Les Noces,'' choreographed by UCSD's Allyson Green, David Lang's ''Grind to a Halt,'' and Ligeti's ''Poeme Symphonique.'' David Chase conducts ''Cantata Profana.' Contact Diane Salisbury: (895) 534-4637, dsalisbury@lajollasymphony.com


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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

UCSD Men’s Basketball Looks to Advance to CCAA Conference Playoffs ▶ M. BASKETBALL, from page 12 the very tough CCAA conference. “I am really pleased by the job everyone did over the summer to improve their game,” Carlson said. “[The team] came back from summer in shape. It speaks well of our commitment going into this year.” In Carlson’s opinion, that commitment could be enough to make them the best team in the CCAA, a conference that sent three teams to the NCAA Championships. Senior center Christian Hatch, last year’s points leader with an average of 14 points a game, has stepped up this year to pick up some of the slack after the team lost Ryan. So far this year, Hatch is averaging 18 points per game and 9.6 rebounds. Senior Justin Brue and junior Tyler McGrath have matured as players and already are individually averaging a little over 11 points per game, six points more than they did last year. On the boards, the duo has also seen success, with McGrath collecting over five boards a game and Brue bringing down nearly seven. Both of these numbers, combined with Hatch’s improved play, more than make up for the loss of Ryan, but the true measure of the team comes from the legacy Ryan created before he left. As captain, Ryan averaged a doubledouble every night and was the best rebounder in the league. His success was no accident, but rather the result of his attitude and commitment. “He wasn’t a flashy player,” Carlson said. “He just came in, played his position and led the team.” Casey set an example off the court as well, setting the pace in practice and in the weight room. This has carried over into the team this year. Now, however, the focus of the offense is on Hatch. With an

All-Conference center, the Tritons actually have more weapons with which to score than ever before. But UCSD’s Achilles’ heel, according to Carlson, could be the team’s defense. “In the past when this program has been good, it has hinged on our defense,” Carlson said. So far this year, the defense has been almost there, but not quite. Despite this, Carlson is happy with the advances the team has

We have a lot of basketball IQ. Every good basketball team in America has to be able to push, and we will take advantage of easy opportunities, but we really want to slow it down and get into our halfcourt offense.” chris carlson

UCSD Men’s Basketball, HEAD COACH

made. Defense is all about mindset, and Carlson has been working hard on giving the team direction in hopes of good results. There are some quirks in the Triton lineup, like junior guard Ryan Peters. Peters does not have good numbers — he averages close to four points per game despite being on the court more than 24 min-

utes a night, and his boards are not much better at 2.8 per game. However, Peters has been playing with the same set of guys for three years. This, according to Carlson, is key to this year’s season. The team is made up of mostly seniors and juniors that have been playing together for a good amount of time. Experience playing together meshes well with the Triton offensive mindset of “slow and steady wins the race.” “We have a lot of basketball IQ,” Carlson said. “Every good basketball team in America has to be able to push, and we will take advantage of easy opportunities, but we really want to slow it down and get into our half-court offense.” With Hatch down low, the Tritons can build an offense off of his presence. Other teams will have to respect in the paint, opening up space for the Triton shooters like McGrath and for slashers like Brue. The starters are not the only weapons the Tritons possess, and coming off the bench does have its benefits, as demonstrated by senior forward Mike Mezza who came off the bench to average 9.8 points in just 18 minutes of play. In the CCAA, teams like CSU Los Angeles and Dominguez Hills are traditionally more athletic than the Tritons and utilize run-and-gun offenses that capitalize on this. If the Tritons can slow them down with good defense, and keep them slow with a smart half-court offense, they have a good shot at an upset for the CCAA conference title. The Tritons certainly look like they are up to the task with their experience and dedication towards coming together in the early stages of the season, pointing to a good year down the road. Readers can contact Nick Howe at nshowe@ucsd.edu.

J ohn H anacek /G uardian F ile

The UCSD Men’s Basketball team will prepare for conference play. Their first game is slated for Friday, Dec. 2.

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THE UCSD GUARDIAN | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2011 | www.Ucsdguardian.org

No. 5 UCSD Women’s Basketball, Undefeated Going Into Conference Play ▶ W. BASKETBALL, from page 12 nance in the back court, senior forward Lauren Freidenberg picked up the boards and junior guard Emily Osga had a breakthrough year, growing into her role as point guard. UCSD ended its season with a 20–11 overall record, and was escorted from the conference tournament in the first round with a disappointing 75–78 loss against Cal Poly Pomona. The Tritons entered this season ranked No. 13 nationally, and after winning six straight games, they have since moved up to No. 5. UCSD was also picked to win the CCAA conference in the annual pre-season coaches poll. “We are really excited with how the season has started but we also know that this conference is always so tough that we have to be ready to play every night,” head coach Charity Elliot said. With a whole year under its belt, the Triton roster seems to be gelling. In her usual fashion, Carlisle — who has garnered CCAA Player of the Week honors twice already this season — is averaging 17.8 points a game and 5.6 assists per game. However, this season Carlisle seems to be getting a little more help on the offensive end. Six-footone Freidenberg provides a presence in the paint for the Tritons and is also averaging 12.8 points per game. Osga, who runs the Triton back court, is averaging 11.3 points per game and is second in rebounds for the Tritons, only behind sophomore forward Erin Dautremont. Dautremont, who came off the bench for the Tritons as a freshman, averages 7.7 boards a game. Senior sharpshooter Daisy Feder, whose three-point range poses a constant threat from the perimeter, rounds out the starting lineup. “I really like the depth we have

B rian Y ip /G uardian F ile

With all of their roster returning for the 2011-2012 season, the Tritons will look to advance deep into the conference playoffs this season.

on this team and how each night different people are stepping up.” Elliot said. Elliot — who enters her fourth season as head coach — also rostered six freshmen, who have proved capable in their first few collegiate matches. “Our freshmen continue to work

really hard every day and I think in another three or four weeks, we will start seeing greater contributions by all of them,” Elliot said. With a 6–0 record thus far, the Tritons appear strong going into CCAA conference play. This past weekend, Nov. 25 to Nov. 26, UCSD beat CSU San Marcos and No. 4

Fort Lewis to win their Annual Thanksgiving Classic. The week prior, on Nov. 18 to Nov. 17, the Tritons topped Hawaii Pacific and Hawaii Hilo to claim the title in the Hawaii Hilo Vulcan Classic. The Tritons begin their conference season on the road, with backto-back matches against Cal State

Dominguez Hills on Friday, Dec. 2 and Cal State Los Angeles on Saturday, Dec. 3. UCSD’s first home game is slated for Monday, Dec. 12. against Cal State San Bernardino. Readers can contact Rachel Uda at ruda@ucsd.edu.

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T H URSDAY, D E C E M B E R 1 , 2 0 1 0


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spor ts@ucsdguardian.or g


T P Triton basketball kicks off conference play on Friday, Dec. 2 against CSU Dominguez Hills.



E m ily O s g a J UNIOR Guard 5’9”





S E NIOR Guard 5’7”

J UNIOR Guard 6’4”

E rin D a u tre m ont





S E NIOR C E NT E R 6’1”

S E NIOR C E NT E R 6’8”


S E NIOR Guard 5’7”

BY RACHEL UDA Sports Editor


ith every player on last year’s roster returning to the court for the 2011-12 season, the Tritons will look to advance past the conference tournament in the upcoming season. After graduating a number of staples the year before, the reformed Triton roster found itself in a period of transition. The Tritons had to find their footing, although senior AllAmerican Chelsea Carlisle continued her domiSee W. BASKETBALL, Page 11




BY NICK HOWE Associate Sports Editor

he UCSD men’s basketball team has only had three winning seasons in the past 10 years, two of which have been under the guidance of head coach Chris Carlson, hired in 2007. This year the Tritons have to come to grips with the loss of graduated senior Casey Ryan, who was the team captain as well as team leader in rebounds. After winning the Disney Classic for a second year in a row, the team looks like it could be competitive in See M. BASKETBALL, Page 10

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