Ready for a portfolio career? Here’s how to make it work. By Careers Service team
1 Target and attend specific events that will introduce you to possible clients and enable you to further expand your network with the right contacts.
Identify skills and interests
Read, watch online videos, do your research, and be careful not to become overwhelmed. At this point you may wish to identify a mentor/accountability partner to support and journey alongside you.
Clarify the combination of skills and interests you can and want to monetise – this is crucial – you may not be able to monetise them all.
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Network Most people start out using the LinkedIn platform to market their products and services to their existing contacts. Expand your network by joining professional organisations and online communities; target webinars, seminars and conferences to raise your profile and market yourself.
Speak to others on this path
Market yourself and look for work opportunities Target and attend skills/interest specific events that will introduce you to possible clients and enable you to further expand your network with the right contacts. Use your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter) – and be clear about who you’d like to engage with, and about what.