How to balance work with your studies Compiled by Liza Hitge
Is it really possible to have a job while studying and still reach your goals? These students and grads are here to tell you it's possible – and to give advice on how to keep all the balls in the air.
Working part-time while studying IVIWE MTUBU Junior Teacher while studying BSocSc
Working while studying can be stressful, I know it definitely was for me! I worked as a Teacher, an academic tutor for the Environmental and Graphic Science Department, a student front desk assistant, and at some point I was appointed as Acting Subwarden at my residence. Doing all this and still performing well academically was difficult but I made sure to respect every single second of my time. I made time for everything; books, church, and friends and family. Time management! It is cliché I know, but it's truly all it takes. Working part-time while studying is advisable because it increases employability. But, manage your time wisely and make time for the other things important to you too.
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