UCT Careers Starter Kit 2016
KPMG student offers KPMG is pleased to offer vacation work, bursaries and training contracts to outstanding students. Our goal is to recognise them for their outstanding achievements and to also assist those students who are in financial need. Approximately 350 students work at KPMG during their holidays for an opportunity to gain insight into the firm, our culture and our people. @KPMG_SA
@MeetKPMG KPMG South Africa joinkpmg.co.za Contact Person: Shinead van Niekerk I HR Officer shinead.vanniekerk@kpmg.co.za
Contents 02 04 06 08 10 12 14
Director’s Welcome
Welcome to UCT Careers Service
Planning your Year: First to Final
What’s on in EBE
What’s on in Commerce
What’s on in Humanities
What’s on in Health Sciences
Editor: Ingrid van der Merwe Managing Editor/Copy Editor: Natalie Kammies Writers: Ingrid van der Merwe, Athi Matinise, Alexis Pillay Design: Kaeli Justus for Deep Agency Printers: Luyolo Ndlutyeni for Deep Agency Special thanks to the The Admissions Office for supplying certain images.
© 2016 KPMG Services Proprietary Limited, a South African company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in South Africa. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. MC14292
16 18 20 26 28 32
What’s on in Law
What’s on in Science
Making the Most of University
10 Steps to Awesome Applications
Tips from Grads
Participating in Mock Interview Programme
Copyright © Careers Service, University of Cape Town 2016. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted without the written consent of the UCT Careers Service. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure that information is correct, reliable and verified at the time of going to print, the UCT Careers Service cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies or the outcome of any action or decision based on the information contained in this publication.
www.careers.uct.ac.za +27 21 650 2497 careers.service@uct.ac.za
Your future starts here On behalf of the UCT Careers Service team I would like to say hello and invite you to engage with us during 2016. UCT Careers Service provides a free range of services and programmes to all students and faculties at the university, and works in partnership with various academic colleagues as well as external organisations, particularly employers. This publication should be used as a starting point for careers-related information as daily updates are posted on our careers portal, MyCareer, and our social media channels. This booklet provides you with guidelines if you need to get an internship, require help with applications and interview skills, or other career-focused topics.
‘Your future career is your responsibility.’
Your future career is your responsibility. We encourage you to fully engage in all the opportunities available to you during your time at UCT. This will help you enhance your skills and develop your potential. Add value to your academic studies by participating in clubs, societies, leadership and volunteer programmes – and stand out from the crowd. You will develop key skills, which you can use and hone to manage your future career and life plans.
Good luck with your studies and career development not only while you study at UCT but in the future too. David Casey Director: UCT Careers Service
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Visit www.careers.uct.ac.za today for an overview of our services, which includes information, advice and opportunities.
Welcome to the UCT Careers Service How can we help you?
WEBSITE Connect with us 24/7 through our up-to-date website www.careers.uct.ac.za for all your career needs. Registered students and alumni also have an all-access, behindthe-scenes pass by logging into MyCareer. This online portal allows you to book an appointment with a careers adviser; book into careers education and employer events; search for full-time, vacation and/or part-time jobs and internships, bursaries and scholarships. Log in to MyCareer today to update your contact details under the profile tab. New students: your details are automatically loaded after registration, but check that these are correct. You can divert your myuct email to another address. See the link on MyCareer to do this.
SOCIAL MEDIA It has never been easier to stay in-the-know by engaging with us on social media. UCTCareers
5FOURTEEN We bring you five whopping career-related updates from our office through this e-newsletter, which is sent straight to your email inbox every fourteen days. The newsletter tells you five of the most important bits of information that you need to know over the next two weeks.
WALK-IN If you prefer a personal approach, don’t hesitate to pop into our office Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm, all year round (excluding public holidays). Our friendly staff are waiting to welcome you. We will gladly guide you through our online and offline resources and the host of services on offer to you.
INFORMATION • Job-search resources • Options with your subjects, majors, degrees
Find Us:
• Job search assistance • Careers advisory consultations
www.careers.uct.ac.za +27 21 650 2497 careers.service@uct.ac.za
• Bursaries, internships, jobs • Employer networking
@UCTCareers UCTCareersService visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Madiba Circle
Hoerikwaggo Building
North Lane Library Road University Avenue South
Chemistry Road University Avenue North
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 4.30pm, all year round (excluding public holidays)
Have on-the-go access to our complete range of opportunities via the UCT Mobile app in one easy-to-use interface. Download and install the app through the iTunes app store, the Google Play store or the Blackberry App World (available for Blackberry 10 only) and search for UCT Mobile.
Our award-winning service can provide you with:
Careers Starter Kit 2016
How Can You Connect With Us?
Residence Road 05
First to Final Year Planning your career Connect with the Careers Service
Focus on your academics
Get involved/develop skills
Compile applications
First Year
Check that your profile has been uploaded on MyCareer
This is to help you plan, it’s not set in stone. Don’t worry if you don’t do things in the order shown. We are here to help if you get stuck.
Second/Intermediate Years
Visit www. careers.uct.ac.za & log in to MyCareer-details will be uploaded soon after registration
Final Year (undergraduate or postgraduate)
Update your details on MyCareer and set your preferences
• Download a copy of Studying at University: A guide for firstyear students at www.ched.uct.ac.za/first-year-student-guide • Get to know your curriculum or student adviser who will help plan your curriculum
Contact your curriculum or student adviser to discuss possible course changes
Use the Writing Centre to fine-tune your writing skills:
Join a club or society to meet people in different contexts and discover new passions
• Run for House Com/Societies Exec/ SRC/ Faculty Student Council/other campus organisations • Participate in Shawco/Ubunye/Ikhaya/other outreach activities • Participate in Beyond School career education workshops • Apply for front-desk assistant, subwarden, dining-hall monitor, tutor, and mentor in res • Become an orientation leader or tutor
Join res subcommittees and learn from seniors without overcommitting
Start compiling your CV using Careers Service resources: www.careers.uct.ac.za/cs/cvs-cover-letters-and-applications
Tailor your CV and cover letter to specific opportunities
Contact your curriculum or student adviser to check credits for graduation and requirements for postgraduate study
Refine your CV for graduate opportunities or postgraduate applications
Have your CV/cover letter reviewed at the Careers Service
• Grab a copy of the UCT Careers Service Guide (available in May) Apply for vacation jobs, bursaries and scholarships (it’s never Use our resources to learn more about yourself and your options
• Attend careers expos, company presentations and career cafés
too early to get a vacation internship) • Participate in the Careers Service FLUX business game • Sign up for the Mock Interview Programme Consider applying for an academic exchange abroad (contact the International Academic Programme Office: www.iapo.uct.ac.za)
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
• Chat to a careers adviser about your next step • Research organisations for graduate opportunities • Start applying for graduate opportunities
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Explore opportunities and get to know yourself
Engineering What’s on in your faculty?
Careers Café
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Technology - 2 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
Science & Health Science - 3 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 July - Jameson Hall
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 27 July - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
Engineering - 28 July - Jameson Hall
NGO - TBC - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall 1
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders many organisations hire Engineering students for their analytical skills and problem solving abilities
8 Alumni/Employer Forums Semester One: 13 April - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you) Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you) Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Careers Starter Kit 2016 08
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers. Application deadline: 31 March Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Entrepreneurship opportunity Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
Interview practice
Commerce What’s on in your faculty?
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 27 Jul - Jameson Hall
Law - 10 May - Kramer Quad
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall
Law NGO - 11 May - Kramer Quad
Technology - 2 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 Jul - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
Accounting - 26 Jul - Jameson Hall
NGO & Civil Society - TBC - Jameson Hall
Careers Café
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders
Interview practice
8 Alumni/Employer Forums
Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers.
Semester One: 13 April – themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Application deadline: 31 March
Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree
Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you) Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Entrepreneurship opportunity
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Humanities What’s on in your faculty?
Interview practice Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers.
Careers Café
Application deadline: 31 March
8 Alumni/Employer Forums
All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Semester One: 13 April – themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Entrepreneurship opportunity
Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April
Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree
Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Law - 10 May - Kramer Quad
Business, Finance & Management - 27 Jul - Jameson Hall
Law NGO - 11 May - Kramer Quad
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 Jul - Jameson Hall
NGO & Civil Society - TBC - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders 2 many organisations hire students from all degrees for skills rather than specific subjects 1
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Health Sciences What’s on in your faculty?
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Technology - 2 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
Science & Health Science - 3 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 July - Jameson Hall
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
Careers Café 8 Alumni/Employer Forums Semester One: 13 April – themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree
NGO - TBC - Jameson Hall
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders many organisations hire students from all degrees for skills rather than specific subjects
Interview practice Application deadline: 31 March Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Entrepreneurship opportunity Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall
Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers.
Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Business, Finance & Management - 27 July - Jameson Hall
Careers Café 8 Alumni/Employer Forums Semester One: 13 April – themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
What’s on in your faculty?
Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you)
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 27 July - Jameson Hall
Law - 10 May - Kramer Quad
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall
Law NGO - 11 May - Kramer Quad
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 July - Jameson Hall
NGO - TBC - Jameson Hall
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders 2 many organisations hire students from all degrees for skills rather than specific subjects 1
Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Interview practice Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers. Application deadline: 31 March Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Entrepreneurship opportunity Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Science What’s on in your faculty?
Careers Café 8 Alumni/Employer Forums Semester One: 13 April – themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you) Environmental careers Careers in media Entrepreneurship Scientific research Careers in information and data Careers in academia Careers using languages Using your social science degree Semester Two: 21 September - themes covered (bold indicates those that may interest you) Careers in design Careers in pharmaceuticals Non-technical roles in the technological environment Your green career Social entrepreneurship Careers in fashion Alternative ways of using your health science qualification Using your law degree outside the courtroom
Technology - 2 Aug - Jameson Hall
Africa - 12 May - LSS Mezzanine
Science & Health Science - 3 Aug - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 25 July - Jameson Hall
Academic & Research - 4 Aug - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 27 July - Jameson Hall
All Degrees - 15 Aug - Jameson Hall
Business, Finance & Management - 1 Aug - Jameson Hall
NGO & Civil Society - TBC - Jameson Hall
2 2
work opportunities on the African continent beyond South African borders many organisations hire science students for their numeracy, stats, maths and problem-solving abilities
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Remember to sign up via MyCareer for other events that may be arranged during the year!
Participate in the Mock Interview Programme and practise your interview skills with real employers. Application deadline: 31 March Actual Interviews: 18 – 22 April All details on www.careers.ac.za See our article on page 32
Entrepreneurship opportunity Participate in FLUX, the team business game that isn’t just for business students. Groups come up with an idea, are given guidance by industry experts, refine their idea and have to pitch to win. Lots of fun, lots of learning and great prizes to be won. We have two FLUX events for the year: 22 April and 16 September
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Internship - 9 Mar - Jameson Hall
Interview practice
Making the Most of University Employers are only interested in results, right? Wrong! There is plenty that you can do at UCT to make yourself marketable. UCT Alumni provide tips.
‘Learn as much as you can, make as many mistakes as you can, have fun being a student and most importantly: be yourself.’ - HITEN BAWA, Candidate Architect and Universal Design Consultant: Ludwig Hansen Architects and Urban Designers
‘Take initiative and stop waiting for opportunities to come to you! Being proactive is one of the best things you can do. When you’re at university, it may feel like you don’t have time to commit to doing extra, but this is when you should be putting in work and laying foundations’ - AMY JEPHTA, Lecturer: UCT Drama Department
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
‘Do courses you are passionate about, that way you will go to all of your lectures and get the best marks you can. Try to get work experience in the holidays or on the weekends: interning or running in film sets/TV productions/news rooms etc.’ - CLAIRE PROUDFOOT, Freelance Producer and Director, based in London ‘Always remember that you are building a brand. The brand can only grow if you are willing to put in the hard work to ensure that it does. Be confident in everything you do.’ - DALIN OLIVER, Comedian, MC, and Good Hope FM Sports Presenter ‘Make friends with your classmates, many of them will go on to do cool and interesting things. Varsity is the beginning of your network for later life. Write, film, record as much as you can and don’t be afraid to show your work to other people. Take their feedback graciously and understand that you need to keep learning to improve’ - MURRAY WALKER, Freelance photographer and storyteller ‘See which companies offer creative ways of interacting with students via business games, case challenges and internships. Companies are willing to develop students from very early on and students need to be aware of what is available and apply!’ YASEEN SCHRUEDER, Senior HR Consultant: Old Mutual Emerging Markets
‘‘Participate in campus life and work with students from other disciplines. Make the most of resources like the UCT Library, Writing Centre, Careers Service, etc. Take some time out to have fun with fellow students. This keeps you grounded and helps the “work/play’” balance of our lives’ - COLLEEN FRANCIS, Speech Therapist: Western Cape Education Department ‘Find positive role models and mentors to guide you and always remember to use every situation as an opportunity to learn. Remain humble and know that one learns the most at the patient’s bedside.’ - LARRY CHAPMAN, Community Service Medical Officer: New Somerset Hospital and Retreat Community Health Centre
‘Learn as much as you can, make as many mistakes as you can, have fun and be yourself.’
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
‘Build a good rapport with your lecturers, professors and supervisors as their networks can be your gateway into the work environment. A good reference will set you apart from other candidates. Join professional bodies of your discipline whilst you are a student to gain access to workshops, conferences and social events, which are great networking opportunities’VERNON MOONSAMY, Professional City and Regional Planner: Transport for Cape Town
‘Get involved in anything you can. The social skills you learn are valuable and can be used in any working environment.’
Careers Starter Kit 2016 22
‘Assist on a research project and then having your name on the author list of the published paper will give you a competitive edge when applying for Honours, MSc, or PhD’ - SHARIEF HENDRICKS, NRF-UCT Innovation Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
‘Do vac work that will give you insight into professional practice. This also gives your potential employer the chance to put a face to your CV’ - SALLY MASHIANE, Legal Advisor: Aspen Pharmacare Holdings
‘Choose something you are passionate about as you spend a lot of time studying. If you are having problems do not be afraid to ask for help. Spend time at the Careers Service: they offer so much that can help a student. If you are unsure about your future they can help shed some light and give you options.’- PHATHEKA NTABA, Medical Doctor: Zithulele Hospital
‘If you are considering joining any sport, leadership body, community service initiative, stop considering it and do it! Doing well academically does not make you stand out when there are hundreds out there who are achieving similar results.’ - SANDHYA NAIDOO, Associate: Bowman Gilfillan
‘Try to do at least one internship in your vac to gain real working experience in your field; this gives you an edge when interviewing for a role as you have more than just the theory related knowledge’ - MEGAN-LEIGH HEEGER, HR Manager: GE
‘Don’t wait until you graduate to start thinking about your career. Make connections with companies in the field in which you want to work by applying for internships and showing interest’ - IAN SAUNDER, Business Intelligence Specialist: Open Box Software
‘In addition to time spent studying, invest in developing the soft skills that employers like to see in their ideal job candidates’ - TAKU MATOUSHAYA, Global Markets Tax Manager: KPMG
‘See which companies offer creative ways of interacting with them via business games, case challenges and internships.’
FLUX 2016 1 2 3 4
Form a team of 6 who will develop and plan a strategy based on a real business scenario revealed on the day. Present to a panel of judges who are business experts. Meet, mingle with and impress potential recruiters.
Check the MyCareer Events Calendar for the dates of the briefing presentations, which will reveal more about what to expect on the day.
Go to www.careers.uct.ac.za and click on 2015
Best Work Readiness Initiative
University of Cape Town
sagea AWARD
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
A cash prize for the top team
22 April 16 September
The fast paced 1 day business game
2015 Best Career Fair University of Cape Town
sagea AWARD
- Jointly Awarded Best Work Readiness Initiative 2015 - Awarded Best Careers Service for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 - Awarded Best Careers Fair for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015
‘Take initiative and stop waiting for opportunities to come to you! Being proactive is one of the best things you can do.’ ‘Work hard. If you bomb out in first year, make sure your academic record reflects that you turned things around in later years. Your studies are more than just grades. Employers are interested in all-rounders that are intelligent, can communicate clearly and work well with other people.’ - JONATHAN MOORE, Project Team Manager: j5 International
‘Get involved in anything you can. The social skills you learn are valuable and can be used in any working environment. Make use of all the resources available, because you won’t have access to them forever and they will benefit you in the long run.’ - ALASDAIR FRASER, Copy Editor: www.SARugbyMag.co.za
‘Be an intern at a company where you will have more responsibility than just making coffee. You can learn so many practical skills and gain experience that will put you way ahead of your peers. You’ll also create connections for when you enter the working world’ - STUART HAMMAR, Software Developer: Allan Gray
Best Work Readiness Initiative
University of Cape Town
sagea AWARD
2015 Best Career Fair University of Cape Town
sagea AWARD
- Jointly Awarded Best Work Readiness Initiative 2015 - Awarded Best Careers Service for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 - Awarded Best Careers Fair visit www.careers.uct.ac.za for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015
‘‘While it is important to diversify your skills and interests, the grades you get still matter. Find the correct balance between non-academic and academic work. Get to know many people: you will be amazed at how many people share your interests or ideals, which could potentially lead to future business collaboration’ - ROUEN SMIT, Actuarial Knowledge Engineer: ThoughtExpress
‘Find the correct balance between non-academic and academic work.’
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
‘Make friends with your class mates, many of them will go on to do cool and interesting things.’
10 Steps to Awesome Applications
Whether you are applying for bursaries, the Mock Interview Programme or vacation/graduate jobs, you will need a CV, cover letter and knowledge about how to complete an application. Here’s how!
06 Write a cover letter
With our cover letters guideline and sample (see previous link) write a cover letter that explains why you are applying to the organisation and why you are a great candidate.
07 Fill in an application form
Doing the groundwork for your CV will give you what you need to answer application questions. Remember to follow the instructions given. Watch the Your Jobs Online video found on our website: www.careers.uct.ac.za/cs/cvs-cover-letters-andapplications.
about the requirements 01 Think If you are applying for a specific opportunity, you must research the organisation, the role and requirements in the advert (skills, experience etc). If you only want to get started, your CV can be a basic document that is ready to be adapted for future opportunities.
08 Ask for help if you are stuck
Make an appointment with a careers adviser who will assist if you have questions or are stuck with your application. But remember: we expect you to work on your CV according to the above steps before making an appointment. To book, visit www.careers.ac.za and log in to MyCareer.
02 Brainstorm what you have done
This includes activities in and out of school and university, sports, societies, voluntary and paid work and experiences like exchanges, awards or achievements. Write down your qualifications and other training that you’ve had.
for interviews 09 Prepare There is a lot you can do to prepare for an interview,
at our CV resources 03 Look Download CV Guidelines and Just One Example of
whether it is for the Mock Interview Programme or an actual job interview. We have great resources on our Careers Service website, which can help with your preparation. Visit www.careers.uct.ac.za/cs/ interviews for more information.
a CV from our website: www.careers.uct.ac.za/cs/ cvs-cover-letters-and-applications. Hard copies can be collected at our office.
these guidelines. Use headings that are appropriate to your experience (not ones you find in a CV template). Target your CV to the opportunity.
the CV Checklist 05 Use Use the CV Checklist resource (see previous link) to ensure that you have covered all your bases.
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
10 Don’t just press repeat
Remember to tailor each new application to the specific job that you are applying for. Be careful not to reuse the same information.
Careers Starter Kit 2016
and apply 04 Read If you have a CV, revise and improve it according to
Work It
So you’re in your final year of study and you’re about to enter the workplace. How do you best tackle this next chapter in your life? UCT alumni shed some light.
Don’t play safe, take risks, get burnt and develop character’ - ALON LICHTENSTEIN, Founder: HANGAR49 ‘Be hungry to learn; be open to failing and learning from failures; build relationships; perform!’ - MANDISA MAZIBUKO: Consultant: McKinsey & Company ‘Accept that you will never be prepared for everything and look to learn new things every day. Just stay true to your passion; never undermine your integrity; the rest you will pick up along the way.’ MARCO GERETTO, Urban Designer: City of Cape Town
‘A career is a journey; you won’t ever know it all from the beginning. Working your way to the top is a rite of passage’ - COLLEEN FRANCIS, Speech Therapist: Western Cape Education Department
‘Temper your expectations. You will be rewarded for good work, but only once you demonstrate consistency and maturity. Work is like getting fit. You always have to push harder. There is a time lag, so you need to work out at a level higher than your current level of fitness to improve.’ – JUSTIN ERASMUS, Value Add (Operating) Manager: Ethos Private Equity ‘Don’t stress too much about finding the “perfect job”, just get some experience in the field and you will find your way as you go. There are opportunities out there.’ – KRIS ERASMUS, Financial Planner: Foresight Financial Services
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
‘Learn about the business as much as you can. Be willing to take on more responsibility, and take ownership of your mistakes when you’ve made them’ - NINA (JIANAN) LI, Senior Analyst: American Express OPEN ‘Treat every job as an audition for the next one’ NICHOLAS CAMPBELL, Actor ‘The job market is tough for everyone, so if you have a disability, you will have to work significantly harder than anyone else to show your ability and worth. That said, communicate your needs to your employer you need to be accommodated in order to function optimally’ - SAMANTHA RICHMOND, Research Centre Manager: DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security: UWC
‘Be kind to others. What you know takes you only so far. A lot of the world of work is basedon human interaction, and being a good guy is probably going to get you further than being an arrogant smarty pants’ - MICHAEL CHANDLER, Owner: Chandler House design studio ‘Be professional, be polite, deliver to deadline and to brief, be nice, be cheeky. Ask for what you want. The worst anyone can say is no, but if they do, accept rejection with grace and style. It’ll be remembered’ - LAUREN BEUKES, Freelance novelist, comic writer and playwright
‘Stay open to correction and learning.’
‘Things may not always work out according to plan. Don’t get despondent if you don’t walk into the exact job that you want. Sometimes you are going to have to go sideways to move forward’ - AVUKILE MABOMBO, Marketing Manager for Reserve Brands: Brandhouse Beverages ‘Don’t say you’re not qualified enough – take a chance - sometimes it pays off’ - AMY JEPHTA, Lecturer: UCT Drama Department
‘In my experience of new recruits, enthusiasm is one of the most revered traits. It certainly provides the competitive advantage.’ - GREG PALMER, Managing Associate: Linklaters
‘When you enter the world of work, you will realise that there is a big gap between theoretical knowledge and what happens in practice. Take every opportunity to learn from your seniors as they have a wealth of experiential knowledge, which cannot be obtained from textbooks.’ - SALLY MASHIANE, Legal Advisor: Aspen Pharmacare Holdings
Careers Starter Kit 2016
Careers Starter Kit 2016
‘Be eager to learn, have an inquisitive mind and most importantly be humble, respect those who are in authority - always observe the protocol, never burn your bridges.’ - VATHISWA ZAMXAKA, Head: Project Management & Patient Recruitment: Synexus SA
‘Enthusiasm is one of the most revered traits in new recruits.’
‘Be humble; stay open to correction and learning; and recognise that no matter how intelligent you may be, interpersonal skills and integrity are equally important’ - NOELLA MOSHI, Founding Member at African Leadership University
‘Question your knowledge and understanding, identify your prejudices and biases, and look beyond what can be seen’ - SHARIEF HENDRICKS, NRF-UCT Innovation Postdoctoral Research Fellow
‘Take every opportunity to learn from your seniors, they have a wealth of knowledge that they have acquired through experience and which cannot be obtained from textbooks.’
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‘Absorb all the new information and don’t be scared to ask for help. At the same time, work independently where you can, take initiative and stay out of office politics’ - GAYNOR MANUEL, Chemist: Permoseal
‘First impressions last. If you enter the work place with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and bring a helpful contribution, you will position yourself well for future growth opportunities’ - JONATHAN MOORE, Project Team Manager: j5 International
‘Discover what you are good at, following that you must be committed, dedicated and passionate about mastering your craft’ - TAKU MATOUSHAYA, Global Markets Tax Manager: KPMG
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‘Be kind to others. What you know takes you only so far. A lot of the world of work is based on human interaction.’
‘Your first job may start out as unglamorous but can give you the grounding you need’ - JAISHEILA RAJPUT, CEO: Tomorrow Matters Now
Careers Starter Kit 2016
‘Your work may start out as unglamorous but can give you the grounding you need.’
Beyond School Careers Training Workshop Helping UCT students to effectively support grade 11 and 12 learners in their study and career choices. Ideal for students who have a specific school or community they want to work with.
Interested? Contact: careers.service@uct.ac.za for more information
visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
Anticipating interviews reduces most of us to nervous wrecks. The Mock Interview Programme is your opportunity to have a practice round with a real employer, but not for a real job. The feedback will help you to do better during the real thing.
To Kill A Mock Interview
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is it? 01 What An interview with a real employer who then gives you feedback on your application and performance.
02 When and where does it happen? Interviews occur from 8 – 22 April 2016. All interviews take place at the UCT Careers Service.
conducts the interviews? 03 Who Companies who usually recruit at UCT, who provide this service free.
is eligible to participate? 04 Who Any student from second year onwards, but highly recommended for final-year students.
is the application deadline? 06 What 31 March 2016. can I prepare? 07 How Start working on your application documents now using the Careers Service resources. Visit our website for resources and see page 22 to 23 of this guide for tips. Also watch the interview videos on our site, which will help you determine what to expect from an interview.
will I benefit? 08 How Employer feedback is very valuable because the possible mistakes you make won’t cost you the job. You can then work on what you didn’t do well, and make sure you have corrected these mistakes by the time your real interview takes place.
can I participate? 05 How Sign up on MyCareer. A job advert will be provided and you will be required to submit a CV and cover letter to respond to it. Remember, the job ad is not for a real job, but will give you an idea of what an actual one looks like.
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visit www.careers.uct.ac.za
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