The purpose of the University of the Cumberlands Music Program is to provide music students with growth in understanding musical concepts, acquiring musical skills and developing aesthetic values and to prepare these students for a successful career in music.
1. To provide Cumberlands music majors and minors an opportunity to develop a fundamental knowledge and understanding of Western Art Music that encourages them to recognize relationships between the various disciplines within music.
2. To provide Cumberlands music education majors an understanding of the basic concepts and skills concerning the specialty area of music education.
3. To provide Cumberlands music majors and minors an opportunity to develop their musical performing skills.
ALL Students entering the Music Program at University of the Cumberlands must complete an audition to assess performance skills.
All UC students, regardless of major or minor, are eligible to audition for music scholarships and participation in Music Department ensemble. Auditions are required for admittance into some ensembles and applied studios. Scholarships are renewable on a yearly basis depending on student success, meeting the requirements of the Music Scholarship Agreement, the student’s Financial Aid package, and at the sole discretion of the University.
Food and beverages will be allowed only in studios, Faculty Lounge, and hallways. Water in closed containers will be allowed in classrooms and Recital Hall.
Keys will be issued through the Facilities Service Department only with approval of the Department Chair. Any person using a key to a Music Department space is responsible for the condition and contents of that room. Keys must be returned to the Music Department Office at the end of each school year.
Lockers are available each semester. A non-returnable rental fee must be paid at the beginning of the year and students must use the lock issued by the Department
Practice rooms are available to Music Students whenever the Music Building is available. Practice rooms are acquired on a first-come, first served basis. Students are responsible for the condition of the room. No food or beverage, except water. Students must ensure the room is in clean, orderly condition. These rooms are not to be used for personal storage or socializing.
Scheduling of activities involving building usage must be cleared through the Music Department Office and approved by the Chair. Priorities for scheduling and changes to the schedule will be determined by the Department Chair.
The Mary McGaw Music Building is a Smoke-Free/Vape-Free Facility
Outside of scheduled classes and rehearsals, the recital hall is not to be used for individual or student group rehearsal without approval and advanced scheduling with the Music Department Office.
A Music Technology Lab consisting of five work stations with iMac computers and keyboards is located in the Music Building. Each of the stations provides Finale music notation software, sequencing capabilities and additional software that meets industry standards.
The Music Department at University of the Cumberlands offers varied and extensive programs of music performances for all students regardless of major. In addition to providing opportunities for solo performance, the department offers numerous large and small choral and instrumental ensembles. Entrance requirements vary; qualifying students from all majors on campus are eligible for membership. All ensembles share the broad goals of musical enjoyment and growth through performance, development of musicianship, and the study of literature.
Vocal Ensembles: Chorale, Cumberland Voices
Instrumental Ensembles: Chamber Ensembles, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Patriot Marching Band, Percussion Ensemble, Wind Ensemble, Mountain of Sound Pep Band
All Music majors in any of the degree programs must participate in the major ensemble of the principal instrument for every semester they are taking applied lessons. All music minors must participate in the major ensemble of the principal instrument for a minimum of four (4) semesters. The major instrumental ensemble is Marching Band in the Fall semester and Concert Band in the spring. The major choral ensemble is Chorale each semester. Ensemble requirements for guitar and piano majors will be determined by the Department Chair and applied lesson studio faculty.
All students performing in major ensembles will be issued concert apparel. Students must provide solid black footwear (Chorale members are asked to return their apparel at the conclusion of their membership in the ensemble).
All students performing in other ensembles, solo and/or chamber events must adhere to appropriate professional performance attire. The following guidelines must be adhered to: dresses/skirts must meet knee length while seated (thighs covered), clothing should fit comfortably/not skin tight, cleavage should be covered as well as majority of upper shoulders.
All students attending Recitals, Concerts, and Professional Department Events including Formal Departmentals must dress in professional/business attire: this includes: khakis, slacks (comfortably fitting), skirts, dresses, polos, button-up shirts, sweaters, blouses, etc and no jeans, shorts, hats, sweatshirts, t-shirts, hoodies, etc.
The internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible form of communication. Any communication such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc., appearing on the internet is public domain even if it is marked private. Students, staff and faculty are asked to refrain from posting material that is hurtful, vulgar, disrespectful, or negative on such platforms. In respect to fellow classmates and instructors, please keep any problems, conflicts, or other issues in house and work to solve them in a professional manner and avoid posting grievances in public forums.
Students majoring in music at University of the Cumberlands may pursue one of the following degree programs. Click the link below for specific requirements.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education
Bachelor of Science in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Current Undergraduate Catalog
All students pursuing a major in music must demonstrate functional keyboard skills. Students in these degree programs must register for MUPR 117 and 118. CLEP tests are available for all levels of class piano. Contact the Professor of Piano Studies for CLEP information. Piano majors take MUPR 221 Piano Pedagogy in place of MUPR 117 & 118.
All students at University of the Cumberlands must take 30 hours of general education courses. Consult the current catalogue for complete descriptions of these course requirements. As part of the General Education curriculum, students must take one Integrated Studies course. All music majors are required to take MUSC 401 World Music to fulfill this requirement.
Each music major or minor (while taking applied music) is required to attend the departmental lab once each week. Students will be enrolled in MUAM 001 Applied Music Lab in tandem with enrollment in all other MUAI/P/V/G Applied Lessons. Applied music grades (lessons) will be directly affected by Departmental Lab attendance: grade will be lowered one letter grade after the first three absences, another letter grade after the next absence and additional letter grades for each absence thereafter.
Recital/concert attendance is also considered part of the overall education of the music major and minor. Attendance is required of all music majors and minors. These include junior and senior recitals, faculty recitals, and university ensemble performances on campus, special music convocations, and all programs of the Fine Arts Association of Southeastern Kentucky. Some Fine Arts Concerts are in neighboring towns and students are responsible for arranging their own transportation. The Music Department will help with these arrangements when possible.
The required number of concerts will be announced at the beginning of each semester. Attendance records will be kept and the students will receive a lowered applied grade for failure to meet the requirement.
All entering students will be assigned the entry level in their specific applied area. Advancement in levels will be appropriately assigned at the juries held at the end of each semester. All music majors in any of the degree programs are required to take applied music each semester until a senior recital has been successfully completed.
Practice requirements for applied students vary among applied studies professors. Generally speaking, all students taking one hour of applied music for credit should practice a minimum of one 50-minute period per day, six days each week, to earn a grade of “C” or better. All students taking two hours of applied music for credit should practice a minimum of two 50-minute periods per day, six days each week to earn a grade of “C”
or better. All students should consult their applied studies professor for specific requirements.
All music majors are required to complete an applied jury at the end of each semester of study. These jury examinations in applied music are given by a faculty jury. The jury consists of two or more music faculty members, one of whom is the student’s applied teacher. Jury grades will be based on the following:
1. The performance of the student at the time of the jury.
2. The improvement of the student over the previous semester.
3. The composite jury grade represents 25% of the final applied grade
Students giving a Senior Recital are exempt from juries during the semester of their recital. No instrumental students will be allowed to reschedule a hearing until all scales and arpeggios are passed!
Students giving full junior recitals are exempt from juries during the semester of their recital only with the approval of the student’s applied teacher. Instrumental students presenting a junior recital who have not completed scale requirements are required to present a jury at the conclusion of the semester.
For a comprehensive description of policies regarding college degree programs, please consult the university catalogue:
It is the student’s responsibility to become familiar with the University and Music Department policies for degree completion and graduation:
All candidates pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education MUST be accepted into the Teacher Education/PILLAR I program before being allowed to register for EDUC 331 Studies in Education: Special Topics, EDUC 432 Fundamentals of Secondary School, or ELEM 430 Classroom Management and Behavior. The PRAXIS Music Specialty Exam (5114, 5115 or 5116) must be taken prior to student teaching.
(NOTE: For more information about the Teacher Education program, all music education students should contact their Teacher Education Advisor – Requirements for each Education Program are found here
Pillar I- Admission to the School of Education
• Complete a File Review with Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator
• 2.75 Overall GPA
• 2.75 Content GPA*
• 2.75 Professional Education GPA*
• English 131 and 132 (C or above). Transfer grades for these classes included.
• “C” or above in EDUC 235, SPED 233, EDUC 237 (for all programs other than IECE)
• “C” or above in IECE130, IECE233, IECE132 (IECE students only)
• “C” or above in all Professional Education courses*
• “C” or above in all Content Area Courses*
• Passing exam scores (CASE and/or ACT) with official scores on file at UC***
• UC Character and Fitness Signed
• Kentucky Code of Ethics Signed
• UC Declaration of Understanding Signed
• UG Continuous Assessment Acknowledgement Signed
• Physical and TB Check
• Orientation Quiz (Online Program Only) with 80% or higher
• Four Required Dispositions (EDUC 235, SPED 233, EDUC 237, and one content professor)
o Note: Any professor can submit dispositions for candidates as deemed necessary.
• 3.0 Average Disposition Score
• ePortfolio Score 2.75 or Higher
• Pillar I Interview Score of 2.75 or Higher
If transferring to University of the Cumberlands, or if returning after an absence of more than one full semester, the student must attend University of the Cumberlands for one full semester as a full-time student or have twelve semester hours completed in consecutive semesters as a part-time student. This must occur immediately prior to seeking admission to Teacher Education.
Admission to Pillar II/Student Teaching
• 2.75 Overall GPA
• 2.75 Content GPA*
• 2.75 Professional Education GPA*
• “C” or above in EDUC 331 and EDUC 430/432 (all programs other than IECE)
• “C” or above in IECE431, IECE434, IECE436 (IECE Students only)
• “C” or above in all Professional Education courses*
• “C” or above in all Content Area Courses*
• 200 Clinical Hours Logged in UC Database
• Clinical Experiences for all Required Categories (B-G)
• All Coursework (except Student Teaching) Completed
• Official Passing Praxis Content Scores on file at UC (December 30th for Spring Student Teachers/July 30th for Fall Student Teachers)
• Official Passing PLT Praxis Scores on file at UC (December 30th for Spring Student Teachers/July 30th for Fall Student Teachers)
• UC Character and Fitness Signed
• Kentucky Code of Ethics Signed
• UC Declaration of Understanding Signed
• Physical and TB Check
• Complete FBI background Check and Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Registry Checks (Candidates must check with districts regarding these items)
• Three Required Dispositions (EDUC 331, EDUC 430/432, Content Professor)
o Note: Any professor can submit dispositions for candidates as deemed necessary.
• 3.0 Average Disposition Score
• Pillar II ePortfolio Score of 3.0 or Higher
Pillar III- Program Exit Requirements
• 2.75 Overall GPA
• 2.75 Content GPA*
• 2.75 Professional Education GPA*
• EDUC 497/IECE 491: Student Teaching (C or above)
• Six Required Dispositions (4/University Supervisor and 2/Cooperating Teachers)
• 3.0 Average Disposition Score
• Pillar III ePortfolio Score (3.5 or higher)
• Official Passing Praxis Content Scores on file at UC
• Official Passing PLT Praxis Scores on file at UC
• Complete/Submit Required University Documents
*Grades earned at previous institutions for courses that were transferred within the related studies/professional education or content area section of a student’s planned program will be used in the GPA evaluation.
For Certification
• CA-1 submitted to UC Certification Office
• Passing score on EPSB Required Exams
• Request for Transcript to be Sent to EPSB
***Based on regulation changes at EPSB, our Undergraduate Education program has approved a new policy for admission exam scores required at Pillar I. In the past, students have been required to provide benchmark scores on both the ACT and CASE exam. However, effective immediately, students may provide benchmark scores on either the ACT or CASE exam (or a combination of scores from both exams).
Please see the following table, which illustrates the scores from each exam that may be used to demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and mathematics:
For purposes of admission to the Teacher Education Program (Pillar I) exam scores are only valid for five years from the exam date
1. Candidates for the Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Bachelor of Science in Music, and the Bachelor of Arts in Music degrees will present a senior recital on their primary instrument during their senior year. Candidates for the General Music Minor are not required to present an applied recital.
All music majors pursuing BA, BS or BM degrees are required to perform a 30minute recital during their senior year. Students who are particularly capable may be permitted to give a full recital (45-60 minutes).
2. All students pursing a major in music will receive a “Performance Evaluation” at the completion of four semesters of applied study. This evaluation, based on progress in applied and academic music course work, will reflect the faculty’s recommendation for the student’s ability to continue in the program. Also, the evaluation will determine the student’s recital status:
The faculty may:
a. Recommend a public senior recital
b. Recommend a public senior recital (on probation)
c. Recommend a closed jury senior recital
d. Recommend that the student not continue in the program.
Students who are approved for a public senior recital (on probation) must be re-evaluated at the end of each subsequent semester. Students who demonstrate continued progress may be approved for a public senior recital. Probationary students who do not demonstrate adequate progress may be recommended to perform a closed jury recital or be counseled out of the program.
3. The student’s applied teacher will schedule the recital hearing approximately one month prior to the recital date. Two faculty members, one of whom must be from the student’s applied area, including the student’s applied teacher will evaluate the recital hearing. Other faculty members may also attend. If the student will not be ready for the recital hearing as originally scheduled, he/she may postpone it to a later semester.
The jurors may:
a. approve for public performance
b. approve for private (closed) performance
c. disapprove, the student may be required to repeat the recital hearing within two weeks or re-schedule the recital.
The faculty jurors will at that time, give a decision of a, b, or c listed above. The date of the recital may be postponed and re-scheduled within two weeks of the original date upon recommendation of the faculty jurors.
4. The recital program must be submitted to the Recital Hearing faculty members and to the Music Department Administrative Assistance at the time of the recital hearing. Additional program notes and translations should be submitted after the recital hearing has been passed. Program information should be submitted to the Music Department Administrative Assistant as an e-mail attachment. Corrections, if necessary, will be made at this time by the student’s applied teacher.
5. Program Information Students should consult with their studio teacher when preparing the recital program. It is essential that the material furnished be complete and accurate through the use of credible sources.
Such details shall include:
a. Bold title of each work including (where appropriate) key, opus number, other numerical designation, identification, date of conventional title.
b. Source, such as collection, series, title of larger work of which the composition performed is a part.
c. List of movements or sections. These are often indicated by tempo markings that should be copied directly from the music.
d. Name of composer; full first and last names and dates.
e. Name of transcriber or arranger, where composition is not performed in the exact version or original version.
f. Any other information necessary to be part of the printed program (such as program notes).
In the case of vocalists and instrumentalists, list the name(s) of the accompanist(s). Translations of songs and program notes may or may not be included as a part of the program. Please list translations and notes separately—not as a part of the program. If
space and time permit, these will be included. PLEASE NOTE: The student is responsible for his/her own program. Formatting and printing should adhere to the guidelines established in the Recitalist Information and Procedures Guide.
6. Detailed information concerning recital scheduling and other specific recital requirements can be found in the Recitalist Information and Procedures Guide (see pp. 22-23).
Those who are assigned the department staff accompanist for applied lessons will receive one (1) 30-minute lesson per week, departmental accompanying, and jury responsibilities. Students are responsible for paying the staff accompanist for additional rehearsal time based on the staff accompanist’s hourly rate of pay.
Students who are not assigned the department staff accompanist are encouraged to contract on their own with an accompanist in the department. Fees should be agreed upon in advance and a contact should be made and signed by parties. (see page 20)
Staff Accompanist
- Priority will be given to recitalists and upperclassmen.
- If a student desires to use the staff accompanist at any point in the semester, they must request that assignment at the beginning of the semester
- Students who do not get assigned to the staff accompanist must arrange their own accompanist needs with a student pianist. They may not request the staff accompanist to play for them at any point after the schedule has been finished.
- Music must be given to the staff accompanist at least two weeks before the first rehearsal. The accompanist may decline to play any music submitted after that deadline.
Recital Fees/Expectations
- Solo Recital: $250
- Combined Recital (2 performers): $125 each
o Any question of reduced payment due to a small load of accompanied music will be decided on an individual basis by the Music Department faculty.
o During a student’s recital semester, the student will pay the fee directly to the staff accompanist. This must be paid before the recital dress rehearsal, unless the accompanist has specifically agreed to make other arrangements.
o Recital repertoire should be presented to the staff accompanist at least two months in advance of the recital date.
o It is strongly preferred that the student will begin working with the staff accompanist (not necessarily on recital repertoire) at least one semester before the anticipated recital.
o It is strongly preferred that the student will have regular weekly practices with the staff accompanist, beginning at least two months in advance of the recital date.
- Studio Recital: $20 per performer
o If the student wishes to perform repertoire they have not previously worked on with the staff accompanist, the piece(s) must be submitted one month before the recital, or the accompanist may decline to play.
- Faculty Performances
o Faculty members who would like either the piano faculty or staff to accompany for faculty performances are asked to provide requested scores at least one month before the performance. Music given after that time may be accepted for a $25 fee.
Student Accompanists
- Students who are not able to be assigned the staff accompanists have the option of hiring a student pianist for the semester (if available) or on a per-service basis.
- The semester accompanist fee for student pianists may be set by the individual pianist. $75 is the recommended minimum amount. This must be paid by the student vocalist/instrumentalist directly to the student pianist by the last lesson before juries. If payment is not made, the student pianist will be instructed not to play for the juries.
- Student pianists may also be hired on a per-service basis. The fee will be $5 per rehearsal (up to 30 minutes) and performance with payment due at the beginning of the rehearsal/performance. The student pianist has the right to request a higher fee based on the difficulty level of the repertoire.
General Guidelines
- Students are expected to be present and on time for any scheduled rehearsals.
- If a student cannot attend a scheduled rehearsal for any reason, they are responsible for informing the staff or student accompanist. Failure to provide notice could lead to loss of accompanying services.
- If a performer fails to attend a scheduled rehearsal with a per-service student pianist, they will still be expected to pay the agreed fee.
- Students should have their part prepared beforerehearsing with theiraccompanist. Pianists are there to provide support, not teach rhythms and notes.
- When preparing for performances, the accompanist must have the music in advance and have several practices with the students. Think of it as working with a scene partner in drama; combining to tell a story together. Less experienced performers need time to develop the skill of collaboration.
- Communication is key! If a student has long-term goals for repertoire, the accompanist must be informed of those goals.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education
Bachelor of Science in Music
Bachelor of Arts in Music
Complete Degree Requirements can also be found here: Current Course Catalog
MUSC 131 Music Theory and Skills I
MUSC 132 Music Theory and Skills II
MUSC 231 Music Theory and Skills III
MUSC 232 Music Theory and Skills IV
MUSC 333 Music History I
MUSC 334 Music History II
MUAI/V/P/G 121-499 Six semester hours of Applied Music attaining levels as outlined in the Music Department Handbook on page 5.
MUPR 109-119 Six hours of ensembles (see page 3 regarding ensemble requirements)
MUPR 117 Class Piano I
MUPR 118 Class Piano II
MUSC 312 Basic Conducting
MUSC 401 World Music
MUSC 423 Form and Analysis
MUSC 424 20th Century Music
MUED 425 Music Core Seminar
Voice majors must take MUPR 121 Class Voice and Diction.
Piano majors take MUPR 221 Piano Pedagogy in place of MUPR 117 & 118.
BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH A MAJOR IN MUSIC–42 semester hours to include the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Music plus a foreign language through the intermediate level.
Current Catalog Bachelor of Music in Music Education P-12 Requirements
Music Education majors should take MUED 130 Introduction to Application SoftwareMusic as a substitution in professional education and/or general education requirements.
OPTION I - INSTRUMENTAL–54 semester hours
All of the following:
MUAI/MUAP 121-499 Six semester hours of Applied Music attaining levels as outlined in the Music Department Handbook on page 5.
MUPR 114, 115 Six hours of Ensembles (see page 3 regarding ensemble requirements)
MUPR 117 Class Piano I
MUPR 118 Class Piano II
Four hours of Instrumental technique classes:
MUPR 217 Brass Instruments
MUPR 218 Woodwind Instruments
MUPR 215 Percussion Instruments
MUPR 219 Guitar Techniques
All of the following:
MUSC 131 Music Theory and Skills I
MUSC 132 Music Theory and Skills II
MUSC 231 Music Theory and Skills III
MUSC 232 Music Theory and Skills IV
MUSC 312 Basic Conducting
MUSC 313 Advanced Conducting
MUSC 333 Music History I
MUSC 334 Music History II
MUSC 401 World Music
MUSC 422 Arranging
MUSC 423 Form and Analysis
MUSC 424 20th Century Music
MUED 324 Teaching Music in the Elementary School
MUED 336 Instrumental Methods
MUED 425 Music Core Seminar
Professional Education Courses
Current Course Catalog (See page 119)
ADDENDUM: Piano majors will substitute MUPR 221 – Piano Pedagogy for MUPR 117 – Class Piano I and MUPR 118 – Class Piano II.
OPTION II - VOCAL–54 semester hours
MUAV 121-499 Six semester hours of Applied Music attaining levels as outlined in the Music Department Handbook on page 5.
MUPR 110 Six hours of Ensembles (see page 3 regarding ensemble requirements)
MUPR 117 Class Piano I
MUPR 118 Class Piano II
MUPR 121 Class Voice and Diction
MUSC 131 Music Theory and Skills I
MUSC 132 Music Theory and Skills II
MUSC 231 Music Theory and Skills III
MUSC 232 Music Theory and Skills IV
MUSC 312 Basic Conducting
MUSC 313 Advanced Conducting
MUSC 333 Music History I
MUSC 334 Music History II
MUSC 401 World Music
MUSC 422 Arranging
MUSC 423 Form and Analysis
MUSC 424 20th Century Music
MUED 324 Teaching Music in the Elementary School
MUED 334 Methods and Materials- Choral
MUED 421 Vocal Techniques
MUED 425 Music Core Seminar
Professional Education Courses
Current Course Catalog (See page 119)
All of the following:
MUAI/P/V 121-499 Six semester hours of Applied Music attaining levels as outlined in the Music Department Handbook on page 5.
MUPR 109-119 Six hours of Ensembles (see page 3 regarding ensemble requirements)
MUPR 117 Class Piano I
MUPR 118 Class Piano II
MUPR 121 Class Voice and Diction
Four hours of Instrumental technique classes:
MUPR 217 Brass Instruments
MUPR 218 Woodwind Instruments
MUPR 215 Percussion Instruments
MUPR 219 Guitar Techniques
All of the following:
MUSC 131 Music Theory and Skills I
MUSC 132 Music Theory and Skills II
MUSC 231 Music Theory and Skills III
MUSC 232 Music Theory and Skills IV
MUSC 312 Basic Conducting
MUSC 313 Advanced Conducting
MUSC 333 Music History I
MUSC 334 Music History II
MUSC 401 World Music
MUSC 422 Arranging
MUSC 423 Form and Analysis
MUSC 424 20th Century Music
MUED 324 Teaching Music in the Elementary School
MUED 334 Methods and Materials-Choral, General Music (Middle School)
MUED 336 Instrumental Methods
MUED 421 Vocal Techniques
MUED 425 Music Core Seminar
Professional Education Courses
Current Course Catalog (See page 119)
ADDENDUM: Piano majors will substitute MUPR 221 – Piano Pedagogy for MUPR 117 – Class Piano I and MUPR 118 – Class Piano II.
Option III candidates: Voice majors must add 2 semesters of Instrumental Ensembles and Instrumental majors must add 2 semesters of Vocal Ensembles. Instrumental majors must also add two semesters of applied voice.
All Music Education majors: All candidates pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education MUST be accepted into the Teacher Education program before they will be allowed to register for EDUC 331- Studies in Education: Special Topics, EDUC 432Fundamentals of Secondary Education, or ELEM 430- Classroom Management and Behavior.
Music majors must achieve a grade of “C” or higher in prerequisite courses. Transfer students may have the pattern of prerequisites altered at the discretion of the Department Chair.
Classes Offered Every Semester
MUAM 001 Applied Music Lab
MUAM 499 Senior Recital
MUAG Applied Guitar (various sections)
MUAI Applied Instrument (various sections)
MUAP Applied Piano (various sections)
MUAV Applied Voice (various sections)
MUED 331 School Music
MUPR 109 Percussion Ensemble
MUPR 110 Chorale
MUPR 111 Cumberland Voices
MUPR 116 Jazz Ensemble
MUSC 130 Music Appreciation
MUSC 401 World Music
Classes Offered Every Fall Semester
MUED 334 Methods and Materials-Choral, General Music (Middle School)
MUED 336 Instrumental Methods
MUPR 107 Colorguard
MUPR 114 Marching Band
MUPR 121 Class Voice and Diction
MUSC 131 Music Theory and Skills I
MUSC 231 Music Theory and Skills III
MUSC 312 Basic Conducting
MUSC 333 Music History I
MUSC 423 Form and Analysis
MUSC 424 Twentieth Century Music
Classes Offered Every Spring Semester
MUED 324 Teaching Music in the Elementary School
MUED 421 Vocal Pedagogy
MUED 425 Music Core Seminar
MUPR 115 Concert Band
MUPR 119 Pep Band
MUSC 132 Music Theory and Skills II
MUSC 232 Music Theory and Skills IV
MUSC 313 Advanced Conducting
MUSC 334 Music History II
MUSC 422 Arranging
Classes Offered As Needed
MUPR 100 Class Piano
MUPR 117 Class Piano I
MUPR 118 Class Piano II
MUPR 221 Piano Pedagogy
Classes Offered in Fall of Even Numbered Years
MUED 130 Introduction to Application Software for Music
MUPR 218 Woodwind Techniques
Classes Offered in Fall of Odd Numbered Years
MUPR 219 Guitar Techniques
Classes Offered in Spring of Even Numbered Years
MUPR 217 Brass Techniques
Classes Offered in Spring of Odd Numbered Years
MUPR 215 Percussion Techniques
Staff Accompanist Agreement Form
Staff Accompanist Agreement Form
In signing, the student agrees to:
- Be present and on time for all agreed-upon rehearsals.
- Notify the accompanist immediately in the event of a cancellation.
- Provide the accompanist with complete and legible music (all staves and notes visible, no extra markings, and no wrinkles or waves if scanned) at least 2 weeks before the first rehearsal.
- Have their own part prepared before rehearsing with accompanist.
Student Accompanist Agreement Form
Student Accompanist Agreement Form
__________________ has agreed to provide accompanying services for____________________ (pianist’s name) (student’s name)
Type __: Semester Basis at the rate of _______ per semester (payment due by _____________to be held in the Music Office) __: Per-Service Basis at the rate of ___ per rehearsal (up to 30 minutes) or performance (Payment due at time of service)
MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT for Music Majors, Minors and Participants
NAME: _____________________________________________
DATE: ________________________
The Music Department at University of the Cumberlands is pleased to offer you a Music Scholarship in the amount of $___________________________ . This amount will be awarded toward your tuition and expenses in two installments of $_______________ per semester*
Accepting this contract by signature obligates you to the following:
1) Participate as directed in Music Department Ensembles and Activities as indicated below*
2) Fulfill obligations required for university ensembles and other designated duties
3) Maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.25 at all times
4) Meet ensemble, studio and classroom standards for progress and contribution to the Music Department (reviewed each semester)
5) Music majors and minors must meet all requirements outlined in the Music Department handbook.
6) This scholarship grant is conditioned upon the student’s admission to the University and the student’s continued enrollment, participation in the music program. The grant shall terminate if any of these conditions are not met.
7) Financial Aid has the authority to adjust all student aid accordingly to meet federal, state and institutional practices, policies and rules.
I understand the requirements for the Music Scholarship and accept the scholarship amount presented on this form. Failure to meet the requirements of this agreement may lead to the immediate termination of the Music Scholarship. I further understand that this scholarship may be renewed or discontinued on a semester-by-semester basis at the sole discretion of the University
Student Signature
Music Department Chair Signature
*Ensemble and Activity Agreement
Concert Band
Jazz Ensemble
Vocal Studio
Cumberland Voices
Marching Band Pep Band
Percussion Ensemble
Instrumental Studio. ( Inst.: )
Piano Studio Guitar Studio
This information has been compiled for the student and sponsoring Applied Professor in order to ensure that the Vocal, Instrumental or Piano Recital serves as a positive education experience for all involved performers.
Recital Scheduling
The “Recital Request Date” form should be submitted to the Music Department Administrative Assistant after 1st, 2nd, 3rd recital date choices have been approved by the Recitalist’s Applied Professor. The earliest available choice will be scheduled into the Music Department Calendar.
Please DO NOT submit the “Request for Recital Date” (see p. 25) form until the date has been approved by ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED WITH THE RECITAL (most importantly – your accompanist).
Recital Hall Usage
Schedule practice times in the Recital Hall with the Music Department Administrative Assistant.
Program Information
Each student must have all program information and format approved by the sponsoring Applied Professor prior to printing. The Music Department has established a standard program format. See sponsoring Applied Professor and Music Department Administrative Assistant for program format details.
Student should contact the Music Department Administrative Assistant to coordinate publicity via social media and printed materials.
Accompanist Information
Refer to the Accompanist Guidelines above.
Piano Tuning
The Music Department is responsible for piano care and maintenance.
The Music Department will provide all necessary staff for stage set up and any set changes. Communicate plans and needs with the Applied Professor and the Music Department Administrative Assistant.
Audio and Lighting
The Music Department will provide staff to run audio, video and lighting for the recital. Special requests can be addressed by coordinating with the Applied Professor and the Music Department Administrative Assistant. All recitals are recorded, and students may obtain a copy after the event. Livestreaming is also offered. Arrangements can be made with the Music Department Administrative Assistant.
Receptions and Decorations
After-concert receptions are allowed and are the responsibility of the performing student(s). Students may secure use of the Faculty Lounge for receptions. Contact the Music Department Administrative Assistant for details.
Recital Clean-Up
The Music Department will ensure that all facilities are appropriately prepared prior to the recital.
After the recital, the student will be responsible for the following: -piano: locked and covered -recital hall: programs and trash removed -stage and backstage: cleaned and set for classes next day -light booth: lights off, door closed and locked -faculty lounge, hallways, classrooms (if a reception is held): cleaned, surfaces wiped, floors swept, ready for next day’s use -campus posters taken down, extra programs cleaned and removed
_____ Request for Recital Date form completed and Recital Date scheduled with Administration Assistant and approved by the Applied Teacher, Accompanist and Department Chair.
_____ Recital Attire discussed (for soloist and additional personnel)
_____ Recital Hearing scheduled with Administrative Assistant 4 weeks before recital
_____ Accompanist in agreement with hearing
_____ Recital hearing scheduled with faculty
_____ Accompanist fee paid at dress rehearsal
_____ Recital Program proofed by Professor
_____ Recital Program information emailed to Administrative Assistant after Recital Hearing/2 weeks before the recital
_____ Intermission _____ Additional Performers _____ Translations _____ Program Notes
_____ Dress Rehearsal scheduled with Administrative Assistant
_____ Accompanist approves dress rehearsal date/time
_____ Additional personnel notified of dress rehearsal date/time
_____ Cleanup after recital discussed
Request for Recital Date
Complete the information requested below. Your accompanist MUST initial your choice of dates and your applied professor MUST sign this form before the Music Office will accept it.
Name Type of Recital: _______Full Senior ________Half Senior _______Junior
(if applicable, name of person(s) sharing recital)
_______Voice ________Piano ___ (name of) Instrument
Requested Date(s)*** 1st Choice ____________________ Accomp. _____ 2nd Choice ____________________ Accomp. _____ 3rd Choice ____________________ Accomp. _____
***Please check with the Music Office for available dates.
Time: _______7:30 p.m. __________ other (please specify)
Name of Accompanist: _____________________________________
Proposed Graduation date:______________________________________________
***Note: Consult your Music Department Handbook for full details regarding your particular recital requirements.
Approved by Applied instructor ___________________________ ____________ (signature) (date)
Do not write below this line *****************************************************************
Date of this request: _____________________________________________
Approval: _____________________________________________________
Departmental Date:
Type of Departmental: _____ Informal _____ Formal _____Honors
Performer’s Name(s):
Title of Work:
Studio Level MUAI/V/P/G:
Fill out the following for Information for Informal Departmentals only.
Important details about the work/composer:
What technique, musical elements, challenges, special skills or equipment are you working on with this selection?
How/why did you work on these things?
What have you learned/accomplished so far by working on this piece?
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
And as you wish others would do to you, do so to them.
Luke 6:31
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things.
Philippians 4:8