President's Annual Philanthropy Report: Fiscal Year 2020

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Fiscal Year 2020 June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2020



It is with great pleasure that I submit this President’s Annual Philanthropy Report to you, our donors, who have so generously joined in our mission. The University of Dallas is dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, of truth and of virtue as the proper and primary ends of education. That mission would be impossible to achieve without your financial support. I remain deeply grateful for the opportunity to lead a university that has remained true to its founding vision. The past year has been marked by many occasions to promote and expand the good that the University of Dallas is doing. It has also been marked by an unforeseen global health, financial and employment crisis caused by the novel coronavirus.

UD education is about introducing students to the great stories, the great debates, the great texts, the great inquiries to which we are heir. As we know from Scripture and from every good quest story, ordinary folks pursuing ordinary lives often have extraordinary callings thrust upon them. Such is the ordinary and extraordinary story of the University of Dallas.”

FISCAL YEAR 2020 marked a year of tremendous growth in total philanthropic giving, with a total of $4.9 million raised in actual cash, not including future commitments. This represents an increase of 24% over FY19 and 45% over FY18. In FY20, $1.3 million in unrestricted gifts and $3.6 million in endowed and restricted

– Thomas S. Hibbs, Ph.D., BA ’82 MA ’83, at his inauguration on Nov. 1, 2019

I am pleased to say that despite these significant challenges, your generous support led to an overall 24% increase in philanthropic cash flow over the prior year. In addition, with your help we created 16 new endowments in fiscal year 2020, when our historical average over the past six decades had been 1.2 new endowments per year. The increased revenue benefits the UD students of today. The incredible increase in new endowments will benefit the UD students and faculty of tomorrow. Both are a remarkable vote of confidence in, and a strong sign of a bright future for, our beloved University of Dallas. Please take some time to review the materials in this report. I hope you are pleased with the impact your generosity has had this past year, and I ask you to continue to join in our mission in the future. Thank you for your support.


gifts were raised.

Annual Growth in Philanthropic Giving $4,900,000




$3,400,000 $3,000,000

Thomas S. Hibbs, Ph.D., BA ’82 MA ’83 President


$1,000,000 $970,000



= Restricted Gifts = Unrestricted Gifts

FY18 FY19 FY20

Focus on ANNUAL


THE COR FUND is UD’s annual fund and

At the beginning of March, in light of warnings from both the CDC and the State Department, Vice President, Dean and Director of the Rome Campus Peter Hatlie, Ph.D., and President Hibbs decided to bring our students back to the U.S. These students returned to their homes to finish their semester online. Not quite three weeks later, the administration made the same decision for Irving campus students, who were on spring break, and the entire university transitioned to an online format for the remainder of the spring semester.

the lifeblood of the University of Dallas. Annual unrestricted gifts to the Cor Fund provide a crucial bridge between tuition revenue and the actual costs to deliver a quality UD education, directly affecting students and our outstanding faculty. Most importantly, a gift to the Cor Fund

Shortly thereafter, President Hibbs created the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, with the first funds distributed in time to help students make their April rent, and Director of Financial Aid Taryn Anderson, BA ’07, distributed subsequent waves to students with housing or food insecurity or in need of Wi-Fi or other resources for online learning.

allows the university to respond to the most pressing financial concerns and provides the flexibility to seize unique and important opportunities that serve UD’s vital mission.



1,163 North Texas



Held on September 19, 2019, North Texas Giving Day (NTGD) produced over $106,000 for student scholarships and more individual gifts than any other North Texas university — again claiming our unofficial title as “the most generous university community” — for the seventh year. The Communities Foundation of Texas is the largest community foundation in Texas, which first launched NTGD in 2009 to serve as a hub connecting local donors with nonprofits. NTGD is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation.

COVID-19 Emergency Relief FUND IMPACT



The 2020 Cor Challenge, which ran Feb. 11-15, was the most successful Cor Challenge ever in terms of both number of donors and dollars received. With 732 donors (a 3.8% increase over 2019), it raised a total of $200,185 (a 7.4% increase over 2019). Conceived by the National Alumni Board in 2012, the purpose of the Cor Challenge is to encourage the University of Dallas community to support the Cor Fund. To date, the Cor Challenge has raised over $1 million for UD faculty and students since it began. Healthy competition among classes motivates the success of the Cor Challenge. At the top in 2020 was the Class of 2019, with 68 donors and 34% participation. Finishing second were the Classes of 1990 and 1999, with 18% participation. For the upcoming 2021 Cor Challenge, which will take place Feb. 23-27, our goal is to raise $250,000 from 750 donors — which would be the most successful challenge yet.

There really aren’t enough words to describe how thankful I am. Even when the world seems to crash down, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. The money gave me another lifeline. Not knowing how you’re going to get by and receiving help when you need it the most is a feeling like no other. It gives you hope; it lets you know that God has your back.”

Meanwhile, faculty attended e-learning support sessions during the – Edisson Ramos, BA ’20 extended spring break. “Faced with a task they surely never considered probable, they willingly did what they had to in order to ensure that our students received the best education we could give them — regardless of environment,” said Assistant Professor of Education Carmen Newstreet, Ph.D. And while students mourned the sudden switch to online schooling and the abrupt end of in-person gatherings, the online portion of the semester also led to surprising creativity, from conducting science research and experiments at home to producing senior art projects with things found around the house and directing and performing senior studio plays via Zoom. Finally, after UD’s Irving campus shut down, the Office of Personal Career Development recognized that many current students had either lost or not been able to secure summer internships. They proposed that UD launch a program to fund internships at nonprofits whose missions and values aligned with UD’s. Ultimately, 15 students received stipends, provided by the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, for internships with Catholic Charities Dallas and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul North Texas.


Suhail “C.C.” Hameed Memorial Scholarship

Fr. Placid L. Csizmazia, O. Cist., Memorial Scholarship



The C.C. Hameed Memorial Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in history. The scholarship was established in 2019 in memory of Suhail “C.C.” Hameed, BA ’94, by his family.

The Father Placid Csizmazia Memorial Scholarship in Classics provides financial assistance to a student majoring in classics. The scholarship was endowed in 2019 by an anonymous donor.

provides long-term funding to enhance

Dr. Charles Coppin Scholarship

student quality, faculty and academic


excellence, and the campus experience. Annual income from the endowment provides vital support for UD, which relies heavily on tuition and annual gifts for its operating resources. UD

Between 1956 and 2019, an average of 1.2 endowed In FY20, we established 16

with the goal of preserving and

endowed funds in support

which are helping provide a financial

Dr. Frank Doe Scholarship

funds were created annually.

manages the endowment investment increasing these essential resources,

The Dr. Charles Coppin Scholarship in Mathematics provides financial assistance to a student majoring in mathematics. The scholarship was endowed in 2019 by anonymous donors to honor Dr. Coppin.


of students pursuing a wide

The Dr. Frank Doe Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in biology. The scholarship was endowed in 2019 by Debbie Daniel, BA ’77, an alumna of the Biology Department, and Kurt Daniel, BA ’74, an alumnus of the Politics Department.

variety of disciplines, from mathematics to music.

foundation for the university’s future.

President Thomas S. Hibbs and Dr. Stacey Hibbs Scholarship


First-Generation Students 20.0

President Thomas S. Hibbs and Dr. Stacey Hibbs established this scholarship on the occasion of President Hibbs’ inauguration. The scholarship will honor President Hibbs’ own path to college as a first-generation college student and make a UD education more affordable for first-generation students to come.

16.0 15.0


C.W. Eaker Scholarship Chemistry/Biochemistry


1.2 AVG. 1956-2019


The C.W. Eaker Scholarship provides financial assistance to a student majoring in chemistry or biochemistry. The scholarship was established in 2019 by the Galbraith family in honor of former Provost C.W. Eaker.

Drs. Helen and Leo Paul de Alvarez Scholarship Politics The Drs. Helen and Leo Paul de Alvarez Scholarship was established in 2019 by Kurt Daniel, BA ’74, an alumnus of the Politics Department, and Debbie Daniel, BA ’77, an alumna of the Biology Department, to honor their former professors.

Dr. Eileen Gregory Scholarship

Fr. Robert E. Maguire, O. Cist., Faculty Excellence Fund



Trustee Mary Ritter, J.D., BA ’85, an alumna of the English Department, endowed this scholarship in 2019 to honor her former professor Eileen Gregory, Ph.D., BA ’68.

Sybil Novinski Scholarship

Trustee J. Barry Clark and his wife, Kathy, established this fund to support faculty excellence in the Department of English and honor English professor Fr. Robert Maguire. This gift was also made in honor and memory of their son, Zachary Clark, a passionate student of humanities at UD.

Alumna Eileen Meinert, BA ’83, and her husband, David, established the Sybil Novinski Scholarship to honor the longtime, beloved administrator Sybil Novinski and to benefit students in any major.

Marilyn Walker Endowment Music Trustee Mary Ritter, J.D., BA ’85, endowed this fund in 2019 to benefit music students at UD and honor former longtime Director of Music Marilyn Walker. The endowment will additionally support faculty salaries and stipends, equipment purchases, or any other expenses related to building and maintaining the music program at the University of Dallas.

Fr. Thomas Matthias Cain, O.P., Memorial Scholarship Philosophy The Fr. Thomas Matthias Cain, O.P., Memorial Scholarship benefits a student majoring in philosophy. The fund was established in 2020 by Trustee Annmarie (Flynn) Kelly, BA ’91, and Robert (Bob) Kelly, MA ’92 PhD ’95.

John and Elizabeth “Babe” Hrivnak Memorial MBA Scholarship A gift of Joseph Gigler, MBA ’80, and his wife, Carol, this scholarship was established in the memory of John and Elizabeth Hrivnak, dear friends and mentors who Joe credits as models of entrepreneurship, hard work and generosity. The scholarship will support MBA students in the Gupta College of Business, the first scholarship providing dedicated assistance for graduate-level business students.

Hon. Albert C. Zapanta and Family Scholarship

The Sheumaker Rome Scholarship provides financial assistance to students attending their Rome semester. The scholarship was endowed by Fanny (Baltazar) Sheumaker, BA ’88 MBA ’91, and Phil Sheumaker, BA ’90 MBA ’93, in 2020, the 50th anniversary year of the Rome Program.

Dr. Richard P. Olenick Faculty Excellence Fund Physics Trustee J. Barry Clark and his wife, Kathy, established this fund to support faculty excellence in the Department of Physics and honor physics professor Dr. Richard Olenick. This gift was also made in honor and memory of their son, Zachary Clark, a dedicated student of Dr. Olenick’s at UD.

Irving Residents The Hon. Albert C. Zapanta and Family Scholarship for Irving Residents benefits enrolling or current students who live in the City of Irving. The fund was created by Trustee Hon. Albert Zapanta and his wife, Rochelle, who are Irving residents, members of the Church of the Incarnation community, and friends and partners of the University of Dallas.

Sheumaker Rome Scholarship

ROME’S 50th ANNIVERSARY NEARLY 10,000 UD students, professors, staff members and friends have lived the Rome experience over the past 50 years.

As we reflect upon the impressive number of successful semesters completed and people hosted and held dear, we may dare to ask ourselves what the Rome experience meant and means to us, then and now, in both the millimeter and the mile. Thinking back, we also encounter our peers and role models in memory and reflection, sometimes vividly and sometimes in elusive shadow, leaving us with a wave of feelings ranging from admiration, affection and gratitude to nostalgia, regret and perhaps loss.” – Vice President, Dean and Director of the Rome Campus Peter Hatlie, Ph.D.

FOCUS on Foundation GIVING


TO JOIN UD’S LEGACY SOCIETY or learn more about the ways you can leave a transformational legacy for UD, visit planned-giving or contact:


UD BENEFITS from the generous support

PLANNED GIVING encompasses a vari-

of foundations who invest in the trans-

ety of charitable giving methods that al-

formative programs that distinguish

low you to express your personal values

our institution. Foundation support

by integrating your charitable, familial

represented nearly 25% of our annual

and financial goals. At U.S. universities,

philanthropic revenue in fiscal year 2020.

realized planned gifts can represent as

Assistant Vice President for Development 214-621-3449

much as 30% of annual philanthropic

FOCUS Missionaries

In the fall of 2019, UD was awarded a grant from the Constantin Foundation to launch the Constantin Scholars Program, which provides scholarships and special programming to support first-generation students. The grant additionally provides funding to the Constantin Scholars Bridge Program, which accepted its first cohort of DFW-area UD freshmen over summer 2020. “The Constantin Foundation has continued to be one of our most significant supporters,” said President Thomas S. Hibbs, Ph.D., BA ’82 MA ’83. “We are grateful for the extraordinary generosity the foundation has provided us.”

Constantin Scholar Annette Herrera with her father, Salvador Herrera.

KOCH Foundation Beginning in 2018, nearly 100 classical school teachers received scholarships as UD intensified its efforts within the classical education arena. The university also brought on two new tenure-track faculty members, Jeffrey Lehman, MA ’99 PhD ’02, and Yoshi Nakazawa, Ph.D., each devoted primarily to one of two programs in the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts, namely the Alternative Teacher Certification program and the Classical Education program. The programs’ growth was made possible by a grant from the Charles Koch Foundation. The Foundation supports research and educational programs in areas such as criminal justice and policing reform, free expression, foreign policy, economic opportunity and innovation.

ability to deliver an outstanding education long into the future.



Campus Ministry was recently awarded a grant from the Scanlan Foundation, an organization dedicated to “the support of [Catholic] religious, charitable and educational institutions and work within the State of Texas.” This grant enabled Campus Ministry to support the presence of a team of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) missionaries for the first time. UD’s FOCUS missionary team has five members: Rachel Zayas, Luke Cohen, Josie Soehnge, Payton Burnett and Alexander Tsatsoulas.

support; at UD, this would preserve the

TRUSTEE, ALUMNA Leaves a Lasting LEGACY Trustee Megan Smith, D.O., BA ’02 MBA ’18, was thinking primarily of future generations of Romers when she decided to create an endowed scholarship for current UD students who need financial assistance to participate in the Rome Program. Smith did so with a blended gift — a cash commitment now and a generous deferred gift included in her estate plans. “I’m particularly thankful for Megan’s leadership in making UD such a priority in her estate plans,” said Vice President for University Advancement Jason Wu Trujillo. “Her lifetime commitment, plus her very generous planned gift, will make Rome accessible to generations of UD students to come. The impact of these blended gifts is tremendous.”

UD has instilled in me a love of learning that has served me well long after graduation.” – Megan Smith, D.O.

DONOR Honor ROLL WE ARE EXCEEDINGLY GRATEFUL to our donors, who support our faculty and students and enable the fulfillment of UD’s mission. We recognize donors in the following categories:


Lifetime giving of $250,000 or more


FY20 annual gifts of $20,000+


FY20 annual gifts of $10,000 – $19,999


FY20 annual gifts of $5,000 – $9,999


FY20 annual gifts of $1,000 – $4,999


Gifts from planned bequests, retirement plan assets, and insurance beneficiary designations

To see a list of members of our Donor Honor Roll Societies, please visit | 972-721-5203

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