OUR CALL TO EXCELLENCE Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
[A] university training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste … and refining the intercourse of private life …”
Dear Friends,
Our institution liberates. Our institution reclaims the great things of the past. Our institution incubates the great things of the future.
We do not bend the truth to meet preconceived or faddish notions. We uniquely embrace the pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue as the proper ends of education; an education that ultimately is concerned with the formation of students, intellectually, spiritually and morally, so that they may pursue their own vocations in service to their community and for the glory of God.
We have a new goal before us now: to realize fully our call as the premier Catholic liberal arts university in the nation. Building on our excellence in academics and our commitment to the Western and Catholic intellectual tradition, we envision a future of growth that allows us to attract more students, faculty and staff; to expand and beautify our learning and residential spaces; and a future in which our service to Church and country will only continue to grow.
I invite you to join us in this journey as we embark on a new era of growth. Together, we’ll work to advance an education that ennobles and renews our culture for the good.
Thank you for your prayers and for your support.
Jonathan J. Sanford, Ph.D. President
2 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
To be fully the premier Catholic liberal arts university, the best in our nation with excellent academics, a distinctive and thoroughly nurturing approach to forming the character of our students, and the cultivation of true magnanimity in service to Church and society
The University of Dallas is poised for a period of growth toward widespread recognition as the best Catholic, liberal arts university in the country.
Described as President Jonathan J. Sanford’s “North Star Plan,” this vision for growth is built on the foundation of four pillars articulated in the
university’s Strategic Plan: Academic Excellence, Reputation and Recognition, Forming Character and Service to Church and Country.
To fulfill this vision, the university will seek philanthropic investment in each of the following three areas:
The University of Dallas is dedicated to inquiry in timeless truths and an orientation to living lives of rich meaning and focused purpose., in preparation for lives of purpose and impact. As St. John Henry Newman intimates, “[A universi ty education] prepares him to fill any post with credit and to master any subject with facility.” A University of Dallas edu cation helps ensure students are prepared not only for their first job, but also for their fifth job, and in whatever vocation to which they are called. Academic excellence begins with a commitment to investing in our people, the faculty and staff who give life to our educational mission. Retaining and attracting accomplished faculty and academic leaders with permanently endowed positions, ongoing professional development support and enhanced classroom facilities and lab space is critical to our mission.
Our undergraduate students cultivate deep friendships with wisdom, truth and virtue, both in Irving and Rome, and over 95% rely on the generosity of scholarships to make their UD education possible. Increasing scholarship support for current students through the Cor Fund, as well as sup port for future generations of students through endowed scholarships, will ensure UD continues to attract students seeking an education that always matters. Investing in student success now pays off in dividends. Over 95% of UD graduates are successful in reaching a “first destina tion” career-track job or graduate school six months after graduation. Expanding research and internship opportuni ties for students to explore career paths can be further fueled through philanthropic support, and have a lasting impact beyond graduation.
Investing in the beautification and expansion of our physical spaces is critical to building and strengthening the powerful sense of community and tradition that makes the UD experience so distinctive. In the near term, President Sanford’s vision for beautifying the Irving campus includes the construction of new dorms and organizing a “house” system to foster communal life. Strengthening this area embodies our distinctive commitment to character formation as an integral part of the educational experience. Complementing the residential experience, our longer term vision to build up our community includes enhancing and renovating key student and faculty gathering areas, highlighting our rich tradition in music and drama and opening UD’s doors to broader audiences, and promoting the integrated health and wellness of our students.
Annual Report
ACADEMIC Excellence
If the classroom is at the heart of our mission, our faculty are the lifeblood that animates it. Evidence abounds of the deep love that alumni have for faculty, and faculty for their vocation. Driven by the generosity of members of the Class of 1988, the rapid growth over the last year of the Alumni Fund for Fac ulty Excellence will enable more faculty members to pursue research and further their own learning, the fruits of which are manifest in the classroom.
Such love can span generations of UD faculty and alumni. Legendary Professor of English John E. Alvis, PhD ’73 MA ’69 BA ’66, arrived at the university as a freshman in 1962 and never left. He passed away in 2019 less than two
weeks after the passing of his wife, Sara Kathleen, MA ’71, to whom he was married for more than 50 years. When their three children considered how to honor and perpetuate their father’s legacy, they knew it would need to involve the Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts and Institute of Philosophic Studies, to which Alvis had been devoted. Last year, his children established the Dr. John E. Alvis Memorial IPS Fellowship Fund to “establish future professors who share that devotion that he particularly cher ished.” Read more about the lasting legacy of Dr. Alvis and make a contribution to the IPS Fellowship Fund in his namesake at udallas.edu/alvisfund
UD has long enjoyed an outstanding reputation for a rigorous Catholic liberal arts education that fosters both intellectual and moral virtues and prepares students for a personally meaningful and professionally successful life.”
Vorwerk, Ph.D. Provost
It is a mistake of the first order to treat a formation in wisdom, truth and virtue as a secondary concern. Our students cultivate deep friendships through a Catholic liberal arts education with each other, with their professors, and ultimately with God. UD graduates go on to make remarkable contributions as doctors, lawyers, entre preneurs, scholars, teachers, civic leaders, priests, nuns, bishops and outstanding mothers and fathers. Consistently, over 95% of our students are employed within six months of graduation — an astound ing testament to the practical value of a UD liberal arts education — and about the same percentage require some form of financial aid and scholarship support.
This past year, alumni, friends, faculty, staff and students united to set a new record in philanthropic support of $5.1 million for FY2022, and a new record for the annual spring Cor Challenge which supports student scholarships and other critical needs.
The friendships of virtue ... the education in the roots of Western civilization ... the incarnational experience of the Rome semester ... they harmonize so beautifully in giving shape to our lives and minds.”
Zepeda, BA ’24, Politics Student Body President
The father of seven children, Illinois State Senator William Haine led a career in public service marked by a heartfelt concern for the greater good. He – along with his wife, Anna – instilled in their children the love of truth and justice that was foundational to his work and to their family life. Six of his children would go on to further cultivate this love at UD.
This sense of responsibility led his former law partner, Randall Bono, to establish the Senator William R. Haine Leadership Scholarship at UD in Haine’s honor.
To be considered for this scholarship, students will write an essay about how the love of truth and justice are essential to a life of public service. Dean of Constantin College of Liberal Arts Philip Harold, Ph.D., observed that while this scholarship will of course help its recipients financially, “it will also help them think about the connections between the love of truth and justice and public service.” Read more at udallas.edu/senator-haine, and make a gift to this fund at advancement.udallas. edu/donate by selecting "Other" in the dropdown menu and typing "Senator William R. Haine Leadership Scholarship" to designate your gift.
CAMPUS Experience
September 1956. Ninety-six de gree-seeking students and little more than a handful of clergy and laymen opened the doors of the University of Dallas. Three buildings formed the nucleus of a tiny island of learners surrounded by 1,000 acres of natural rolling hills, untouched by the city of Dallas. Their adventurous spirit still infuses the experience of those who live and teach on the Irving campus today.
As the university embarks on a new era of growth, the spaces where students and faculty gather in community must be beautified and transformed, and new gathering spaces built. In the near term,
President Sanford’s vision for beautifying the Irving campus includes the con struction of new dorms and organizing a “house” system to foster communal life. Complementing the residential expe rience, our longer term vision to build up our community include projects that highlight our rich tradition in music and drama and promote the integrated health and wellness of our students.
Such efforts to beautify and expand key gathering places are tangible ways to express more fully our commitment to a Catholic liberal arts education that cultivates the whole person, mind, body and soul.
When discerning a fitting memorial for her father, Lisa (Fougerousse) Mobus, BA ’90, and her husband, Jeff Mobus, BA ’86, dreamed up a worthy combination that would provide for both the rousing conversations that her father was so well known for, and also the place in which to host them. Through their generosity and that of other family members and class mates, the University of Dallas named the Rome campus salone in honor of James M. Fougerousse, BA ’67, one of the first directors of the Rome Program, and established the Fougerousse Convivium Fund.
The Fougerousse Convivium Fund transports students beyond the classroom by providing annual support for addi tional lectures, tours and convivial gatherings throughout the semester to enhance the Rome experience in the spirit of Jim Fougerousse, who passed away in February 2021.
Those who support the Fougerousse Convivium Fund, Lisa said, “would be stepping into my father’s shoes in a way, as they are providing unique, truly extraordinary experiences for the students, as my father would have done.”
Help enhance the UD Rome experience by making a gift to the Fougerousse Convivium Fund at udallas.edu/foug-fund.
Forging Our Future is an opportunity for alumni to show their love and gratitude by supporting their alma mater with an annual gift of any amount. Be counted toward our goal of 2,000 alumni who make a gift by May 31, 2023. udallas.edu/fof
Fulfilling our call to magnanimity is at the heart of the Forging Our Future initiative, an effort begun last year to increase undergraduate alumni participation in giving to at least 25% by 2025.
Forging Our Future is about more than just making a gift; it is about inviting those who have most benefited from the excellence of UD’s faculty, its Core Curriculum, the Rome Program, and more, to recommit to our calling to give the gift of a UD education to students, both now and in the future.
Several alumni classes have taken to heart the Forging Our Future goals, by
inviting fellow classmates to participate in annual opportunities such as Cor Challenge in the spring, and a new fall Flashback Give Back alumni initiative.
What endures is the lasting sense of community that transcends and connects generations of alumni.”
Daniel Milligan, BA ’91 Trustee and President, National Alumni Board
The President’s Society recognizes donors who invest $1,000 or more annually in the University of Dallas. These leadership gifts support the mission of UD as we continue our dedication to the pursuit of wisdom, truth and virtue as the proper and primary ends of education. Support from the members of the President’s Society is critical to ensuring we attract and retain the best faculty, enroll top students and provide the distinct classroom experience that makes us the University of Dallas.
B & G Partnership Ltd
Louis A. Beecherl †
Lynn and Win Bell
Belmont Foundation
Bon Eau Enterprises, LLC
Randall Bono
Bosque Foundation
Christopher R. Bright †
The Catholic Foundation
Kathy and J. Barry Clark
J. J. Collmer †
Communities Foundation of Texas
Constantin Foundation
Dr. Donald Cowan † and Dr. Louise Cowan † Chris and Bainard Cowan
David M. Crowley Foundation
David M. and Mary C. Crowley Trust
Dan D. Cruse and Margaret A. Cruse † Dallas News Corporation
Maureen and Robert W. Decherd Robert H. Dedman †
Joy and Ralph R. Ellis
Estate of William P. Esslinger
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fidelity Advisor Charitable Gift Fund
Elvira and Eugene T. Fitzgibbons
Danielle and Dan G. Flaherty
Fox Management Trusts
Carol and Joseph H. Gigler
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
John T. Gulczynski †
Gupta Agarwal Charitable Foundation
Yasmin and Satish Gupta
Edmond R. Haggar †
J. M. Haggar Jr. Family Foundation
Beatrice Haggerty †
Mary and Patrick E. Haggerty
The Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Foundation
William R. Hearst Foundation
Hillcrest Foundation
Hoblitzelle Foundation
Elizabeth and Richard A. Husseini
W. M. Keck Foundation
The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Inc.
Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation
Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Kruegel Trusts Carlos J. Terrence A. Larsen
Larsen Foundation
Norma and Harry J. Longwell
The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
David Mitchell Marcus Foundation
Eugene McDermott Foundation
Kathleen and Daniel J. Milligan
James M. Moroney †
Joseph O. Neuhoff
Joseph O. Neuhoff Charitable Trust
Pat and Neil J. O’Brien
John M. Olin Foundation
Minnie K. Patton Scholarship Foundation Trust Grant
Vincent R. Pawlowski
Powers Foundation Inc.
The Rea Charitable Trust
Nancy Cain Marcus Robertson and Sanford Robertson
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas
S B International Inc.
Cordelia G. Sansone Trust
Scanlan Foundation
Estate of Charles Schulze
Serafy Foundation
Viveca and Nick Serafy
Fanny Baltazar Sheumaker and Philip Sheumaker
Patty and Rick V. Stark
Bonnie and John L. Strauss
The Sumners Foundation
Teagle Foundation
Templeton Foundation
Mary and Richard K. Templeton
Mary and Michael F. Terry
The Center for Thomas More Studies
Jere W. Thompson
Margaret D. Thompson †
Bredow and Robert E. Thompson
Regina M. Uhl
Shirley Vilfordi and Eugene E. Vilfordi †
The Robert A. Welch Foundation
Ann and Raymond E. Wooldridge
YAS International, LLC
Jane and Manuel Zuniga
The Life Members of the President’s Society comprise our generous donors who have invested $250,000 or more. † Members who have passed
13 Our Call to Excellence
The Cistercian Society was founded to honor the original Cistercians, who played a crucial part in the founding of the university. This society recognizes generous donors who made gifts of $20,000 or more from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
Catherine F. Alvis
Megan B. and John D. Alvis
Kelly and Joe B. Armes
Lynn and Win Bell
Randall Bono
Bishop Edward J. Burns
Jennifer Byrne, Ph.D.
Nancy Cain Marcus Robertson and Sanford Robertson
Mary Devlin Capizzi and Joseph E. Capizzi Kathy and J. Barry Clark
Robert Cohen
Mellon Bank Corporation
MW Turtle Creek Minerals, LLC
Morgan Stanley Maria and Brian Dean
Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas Elvira and Eugene T. Fitzgibbons
Danielle and Dan G. Flaherty Ariel and Emmet T. Flood
Constantin Foundation
William R. Hearst Foundation
The Sumners Foundation
Serafy Foundation
Teagle Foundation
Minnie K. Patton Scholarship Foundation Trust Grant
Larsen Foundation
The Husseini Family Fund
William A. Solemene Charitable Foundation
The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy
Memorial Foundation Inc.
William R. Burleigh Family Foundation
Sarah R. and Victor T. Godinez
Julia and Matthew D. Hejduk
Elizabeth and Richard A. Husseini
Lloyd D. Lowe Molly McCarthy
Eileen McPherson Meinert and David Meinert
Kathleen and Daniel J. Milligan
Shannon and Thomas Nealon
Erlinda and Charles Neubecker
Joseph O. Neuhoff
Margaret and Robert Pawlowski
Vincent R. Pawlowski
Mary Rossi Ritter and Timothy Ritter
Rebecca and Jonathan Sanford
Robin and William A. Schofield
Viveca and Nick Serafy
Martha Sheridan
Fanny Baltazar Sheumaker and Philip Sheumaker
Donna and James M. Spinhirne
Lauren Elizabeth and Jason Wu Trujillo
Regina M. Uhl
Bridgett and Steve Wagner
Marilyn Walker
Tammy and Michael Wehrle
Jean and Martin White Lely K. White
Chris Bright, BA ’78
Chris grew up in Dallas and first graduated from Highland Park High School in 1971 and later the University of Dallas in 1977. He spent years pursuing different passions before eventually settling in to work at the family business. Chris was incredibly altruistic and he contributed greatly to a wide variety of different philanthropic causes. He served on various charitable boards and foundations and always emphasized the importance of giving back.
Duane Landry
In July, the UD and wider Dallas community mourned the loss of campus architect and legend Duane Landry. In February, the Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects recognized UD architects Duane Landry and his wife, Jane, with a Lifetime Achievement Award. The Landrys’ countless contributions to UD include the Student Apartments, the Art Village, Gorman and Haggar, as well as the Church of the Incarnation and the university’s iconic Braniff Memorial Tower, in collaboration with the Texas godfather of modern architecture, O’Neil Ford.
14 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
more at news.udallas.edu/in-memoriam
The Dominican Society derives its name from the first Dominican priest, Father Damian Fandal, who arrived on campus in 1958. This society recognizes our generous donors who made gifts between $10,000 and $19,999 from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
Steven M. Allen
Donna Sue Dolle and Charles E. Baumann
Phyllis D. Carr
Enterprise Holdings
Chris and Bainard Cowan George Creel
Susan and Michael D. Cuda
Catherine and Henry Daboub
Elizabeth Ochoa Dalla-Valle
Barbara K. and Robert S. Dodson
Bernadette and Aubrey Edwards
Janis A. and Martin J. Fee
Maureen and Michael Ferguson
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Susan W. Frear
Monsignor Thomas Fucinaro Martha and Alex T. Galbraith Mary and Patrick E. Haggerty Stacey and Thomas S. Hibbs
Cary Hyden
Adelaida and Allan Kagan
Annmarie Flynn Kelly and Robert W. Kelly Kathleen and Thomas Lagarde
Norma and Harry J. Longwell
Carolyn and Paul Lyde
Lisa Fougerousse Mobus and Jeff Mobus Monica and Carlo Molano
Barbara and James M. Moroney
Elise and Burk Murchison
Kathy and Joseph C. Murphy
Tamara and Steve F. Nicksic
Linda and George Pedlow
Megan A. Smith
Patty and Rick V. Stark
Jere W. Thompson
Patricia and Paul Verderese
Roy Wadsworth
Teresa and Leo Wegemer
Ann and Raymond E. Wooldridge
Catherine and Thomas Zellers
This society recognizes our generous donors who made gifts between $5,000 and $9,999 from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
Theresa and Chris Archer
Leslie Harris and Edward G. Baptista
Linda and Donald W. Bendure
Monique A. Bimler
NCH Corporation
Kimberly and John Donnelly
Richard F. Endres
Bruce D. Evans
Catholic Community Foundation of Minnesota
Emily and Seth M. Gartland
Mary and Dana Gioia
Sheila and Christopher Gramling
Bridget and Edward Gramling
Anna F. Haine and William R. Haine †
Katie and Phil Holthouse
Maria and Marcus M. Key Brendan Lemieux
David G. LeMire
Ann and Jerry Lerner
Dick Long
Marta and Douglas Mayer
George A. Moninger
Kris and Paul Vetter
Paula and Steve O’Keefe
Julie and Robert E. Pecha
Catherine and Gregory A. Pivarunas
Karen and Ken Richelsen
Robert G. Rooney
Carley and Paul Rydberg
Rein Staal
Kathleen and Douglas Stocco
Shane M. Tucker
Shirley Vilfordi
Julie and John Weber
Jayne A. Williams
Michelle and Thomas Williamson
Jane and Manuel Zuniga
† Members who have passed
15 Our Call to Excellence
The Gorman Society was founded to honor Bishop Thomas Kiely Gorman, bishop of the Diocese of Dallas at the time of UD’s founding.
The Carpenter Society was founded to honor the Carpenter family, who contributed 160 acres to the university in 1955. This society recognizes our generous donors who made gifts between $1,000 and $4,999 from June 1, 2021 through May 31, 2022.
Julie and David Abell
Margaret N. Abruzzo
Melanie and Michael Alvares
Thu-Lan and David Andrews
Megan and Alan G. Anz
Charles J. Archer
David L. Atkinson
Tina M. Azamar
Sue M. Baars
Stephanie and Fabius D. Bascon
Margaret and James B. Beauchamp
Natalie and Josh Becker
Eric J. Beeby
Selena and Killian Beeler
Monsignor John Bell
Catherine Bellan and James L. Bitterman
Kalpana and Ramesh Bhatia
Terry and William Biggins
Mary Ann and Joseph W. Bitter
Juan S. Blanch
Mary Alyce and Alan Blum
Beth and Pete Blute
Pamela and Curtis P. Bounds
Abby R. Bova
Taylor R. Bowlden
Virginia I. and Paul A. Braden
Mary Therese Ahne Breger
Angela M. Brodrick-Donohue and Tom Donohue
Nathaniel Brown
Louis Brown
Sara and Brian Burch
Robert R. Bush
Kimberely and Timothy W. Byrne Mary and David J. Capper Joseph Q. Carson
Aaron L. Carter
Dian and Richard E. Carville
Christine and Stephen P. Cavanaugh Jennifer and James Chandler
Catherine B. and William E. Chavey
Kara and William Chavey
Clare and Fernando Chavez Susan and Daniel F. Clifford
Jeff Cober
Katherine A. Coerver
Trang and Phillip S. Conley
Constance Connelly
Hollie and Peter R. Cook Kevin A. Cook
The Center for Thomas More Studies
PJ Quinn Inc. Fieldstead & Company
The Republic Of Letters Slack Books
Phillips 66
Lily of the Desert Nutraceuticals
Sammons Corporation
Select International Travel and Tours
Trinity Communications Commerce Bank
Fourth St. Performance Partners Inc. Hess Corporation
Tiffany and Co
Albertsons Safeway Intel
Kyle D. Cotten
Rebecca A. and Dean M. Crawford
Trang and Scott Crider
Suzannah and Mark D. Cronenwett Jonathan F. Cunningham Emmanuel V. Dalavai
Anne and Timothy A. Daly
Teresa M. Danze and Kyle P. Lemieux Matthew J. DeFusco
Kelli and John DeGeeter Jeanette and Matthew deKay
16 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
Jane Z. Delahanty
James H. Denison
Bonnie and Tim R. DeWitt
The Diocese of Grand Isle
Roman Catholic Diocese of Brownsville Toietta and Michael J. Dixon
Nancie and Andrew J. Dodge
Julie and Sean Doherty
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan Julie A. and Richard J. Dougherty
Laura and Dominic Dougherty Kristin and Curtis Downs
Elizabeth and John Eastman Ann Ellis
Nancy and Jonathan Erickson
Barbara A. Eshleman
Bernadette and Paul W. Esposito Alicia and Michael J. Fanning
Saundra and Ralph Fitzgerald
Barbara and John J. Flatley
Laurel Jane and Gregory Fletcher
Raphael and Amanda Flood
Gale and Mike E. Florence
Bishop Daniel E. Flores Otten Foundation
The Sursum Corda Foundation
The Alaska Community Foundation
Community Foundation Of The Ozarks
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation of Texas
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Joan Sazaman French
Jackie and Roy Fuentes
Phylann and Ed Fusco
German G. Gachevski
Robert M. Galecke
Adrienne and John M. Gallagher
Jo Ann S. and Louis C. Gasper
Brandie and Timothy Gehan
Carol and Joseph H. Gigler Bernarda and Howard Glicksman
Jon Gonzalez
Teresa M. Gorman
Donna and Louis J. Grabowsky
Shelley A. Hall and Richard W. Snyder
Nancy and Michael Hall
Reverend Emmett V. Hall
Thomas Hansell
Jacob C. Harbour
Margaret and Dan Harkins
Margaret C. and Dan Harkins Sheree and Joe Havlik R. David Heekin
Jon Paul D. Heyne
Elizabeth and Roy Heyne
Robin and Gregory P. Hoelscher
Anne and Dennis Hoelscher
Rita and Joe Hogan
Karen and Paul F. Hogan
Cherie and Jason Hohertz
Marion and Donald Holec
Michael Hollern
Natalie and Michael Horak
Vallery and Joseph R. Hrbacek
Julie and Francis Hubach
James Hubener
Dorianne H. and Matthew D. Hull
Don Hutchins
Mary A. Ingram
Judith and Gerry T. Jacob
Yolanda and Edwin L. Jacobs
Elizabeth K. and Alex G. Jagrowski
Marion and Walter T. Jones
Stephen F. Joyce
Tara and Joseph Judge Bishop Gregory Kelly
Richard D. Kelly
Dolores H. and Mark Kelly Theresa D. Kelly
Tara and Peter Kennedy Maisie and John Klocek
17 Our Call to Excellence
Elizabeth A. Klunder
Michael A. Korson
Heather Kreager
Ruth T. Krusen
Mary and Daniel Kubala Erin and George W. Kuhn
Jennifer L. Kunhardt
Karen and Christopher Kuplack
Rachel and David Lamberti Kendra J. Lamboy
Mary and Paul Lanari
Barbara W. Landregan
Susan and Louis Lataif
Susan and John Lenczowski
Lydia and Frank LoCoco
Lucy and Shane E. Macaulay
Mary S. Mackenzie
Wendy and Michael H. Magusiak
Heidi and Kevin Maher Catharine and Patrick Maher
James W. Maney
Mary Rister Manuszak and David P. Manuszak
Christy and Brannon D. Marlowe
James Martin
Marsha A. Martinez-Wylie and Kevin D. Wylie
Donald J. McAllister
Anne and Sean M. McCrory
Katherine and Michael McFadden
J. William McFarland
Mike McKool
Gregory L. Migdal
Julie L. Mitchell Newlands
Sarah C. and William E. Moss
Leah K. and Richard Moss
Lisa and Randall F. Muck
Susan and Stan J. Muckenthaler
Brian Murray
Josephine Semasek Murray and Michael G. Murray
Elisabeth and Stephen Nichols
Emilie A. and James Niedermeyer
Claire and Michael L. Nieswiadomy Bertha and Thomas J. Norman
John Norris
Erin K. and John P. Norton
Katherine and Vladimir Novikov Sybil and Lyle Novinski Monica J. and Daniel W. Oldenburg Mary and Ed Oleksiak
Nancy and Timothy Oliver Diane and Jesse P. Orsini
Vivian B. Palmer
Lenore and Joshua S. Parens Sheila and Gabriel Paris
Jeanne and John Parker
Elizabeth and Nathaniel W. Parker Annette and Jeffrey S. Patterson Mary and John G. Peisen Veronica J. and Christopher S. Phair
Patricia and Steven Pierret Barbara and James Pitstick Mike A. Pitstick
Gerda and Geoffrey Polma
Catherine A. Pullen
Laura and Peter Quinn Robert Reinke
Janet M. Retseck
Margaret and William R. Richardson Carol A. and Melvin Ritter James G. Roberts
Veronica and William T. Rodda Michele and Greg Roper Michele M. and Greg L. Roper Mary and Stephen J. Safranek Valerie and Michael Schierl Cheryl L. and Stephen F. Schmidt Judith and Carey Schulten Christine and William Sei Olivia and Mark A. Seitz Jack R. Sellers
Maria P. Septien and Cesar Herrera Sisniega Erika and Neil D. Shah Barbara and Bruce R. Shaw
Nancy H. Shelton
Anita Shorosky
Michael J. Simmons
Michael M. Smith Sarah D. Sokora
Kathleen M. Spivey
Susan and Thomas Stanzel
Kathryn and William L. Stigall Eleanor and Alfred D. Stoebner
Teresa and Anthony Stone
Rhonda and David W. Stryk
Karen and David R. Sweet Kelly and Edgar Tavares
Dorothy and William R. Tennant
Rebecca Ryskind Teti and Dennis Teti
Gail Thomas, Ph.D. Janis and John M. Tilley
Sandra A. and Walter Townsend Cathleen A. Treacy
Thomas Uhl
Patty and Alex Valadka Mark E. Valdez
Anne-Marie and Bernard J. Vogel Lisa and Peter Wade Marie and James Walker Anne and Austin C. Walker
Rodney J. Walter Karla and Martin Warborg
Robert Watling
Janet and Martin E. Weisse
Stephanie Brinker and Austin Westervelt-Lutz
Michelle L. and Thomas M. Whisenant
Mary C. and Brian L. Whitney
Jeanne and James B. Williams
Robert S. Williams
Nancy and Francis M. Williams
Charlotte and Sean Williams
Lisa S. Wood
Margaret Yates
Denise and Stephen J. Zabilski
Rochelle and Albert C. Zapanta
18 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
Alumna, Retired Teacher Gives Back Through Planned Gift
As a public school teacher, Estelle (Tovar) Lara, BA ’67 MA ’74, saw the difficult situations some of her students and their families were in, and she knew that only through a strong education would these children be able to lift themselves beyond those challenges in a significant way.
About 10 years ago, she sat down with her financial advisor and wrote the University of Dallas into her estate plan, making her a member of UD’s Legacy Society, which recognizes the generosity and foresight of those who are securing UD’s future through planned gifts.
“I loved going to school here,” said Lara of the university. “I felt it wasan honor.” As the oldest of five, she was the first in her family to graduate from college. Her parents had instilled in her and her siblings a love for education.
I encourage all alumni to put UD in their estate plans. I'm losing nothing, but gaining the satisfaction of hoping this can make a difference in somebody else's life.
“I loved the English Department best of all because of Dr. Louise Cowan. I got my teaching certificate, started going summers to pick up education courses, and finished both my education and English degrees.”
All told, Lara taught for about 40 years, mostly elementary school in Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD and later training teachers and serving on the board for East Grand Preparatory, a charter school in East Dallas. Lara’s gift will go to the Class of 1967 Scholarship established by her class. Lara explained, “I encourage all alumni to put UD in their estate plans. My UD gift hasn’t excluded my children, my husband or other organizations I support philanthropically, and I’ve been able to specify percentages for each. I’m losing nothing, but gaining the satisfaction of hoping this can make a difference in somebody else’s life.” Read more about the Class of 1967 Scholarship at udallas.edu/alumna-gives-back.
Learn more about the Legacy Society at PlannedGiving.udallas.edu
19 Our Call to Excellence
Donors who name the University of Dallas in their wills, trusts, retirement plans, life insurance policies or life income gifts are included in the UD Legacy Society. Such gifts generously allow our students to focus on their education and pursue wisdom, truth and virtue, and provides for UD’s tradition of academic excellence to continue well into the future.
Mr. and Mrs. David Michael Bauer, BS ’66
Mr. Michael (Misha) E. Belcher, BA ’72
Mr. Edwin S. Bell Jr. and Mrs. Lynn Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. † and Anne Butler, BA ’65 Britton
Mr. and Mrs. O.D., BA ’61 and Margie † Cruse
Mr. Michael J. Dixon, BA ’85 MBA ’87
Mr. Dominc Del Curto, BA ’18
Mr. Michael J. Dixon, BA ’85, MBA ’87
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Mary Jo McGehee, MA ’10 Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. Billie Ellis † and Ann C. Lang-Ellis, BA ’70
Ms. Kelly Frances Fanning, BA ’92 Dr. Edith Rossi Fekete
Mrs. Lisa M. Gabriel, BA ’90 MBA ’12
Mr. and Mrs. Shahul and Philomena Hameed
Dr. Cristen Hamilton, MA ’05
Mr. and Mrs. David K. and Tricia A. Hoffmann
Mr. John W. Ingram, BA ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Todd, BA ’12, and Mary Jacobson
Mr. Edward B. Janeczko Jr. and Mrs. Linda E. Janeczko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Anne Judge, BA ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert, MA ’92 PhD ’95, and Annmarie Flynn, BA ’91, Kelly Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kiegerl
Ms. Joy Davis Kirsch, BA ’85
Dr. Carl Kogut, BA ’80
Mrs. Estelle Tovar Lara, BA ’67 MA ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J., BA ’60, and Ann R. Lerner
Ms. Janet Hui MacDonald, MS ’07
Mr. J. William McFarland Jr. Ms. Mikail M. McIntosh-Doty, BA ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, BA ’91, and Kathleen Uhl, BA ’91 MBA ’95, Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Madison, BA ’11 MBA ’15, and Danielle Schumer, BA ’10, Milliken Dr. Andrew Damian Moran, BA ’91 Mr. Charles B. Neubecker Mr. Thomas J. Norman Jr. and Mrs. Bertha B. Norman Prof. and Mrs. Lyle and Sybil Novinski Mr. Vincent R. Pawlowski, BA ’85 Mr. and Mrs. Mike, BA ’78, and Sharon Kapavik, BA ’79 MA ’89, Perkins Mr. James C. Petzel, BA ’75 Mr. Michael Pitstick, BA ’15 Mr. John M. Posey, BA ’87 MA ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Elray D. Prejean Mrs. Laura Felis Quinn, BS ’86 MBA ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Denis, BA ’91, and Chrisy Ryan
Ms. Elia Abigail Santos, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Philip, BA ’90 MBA ’93, and Fanny Baltazar, BA ’88 MBA ’91, Sheumaker Dcn. and Mrs. Denis and Denise Simon
Dr. Megan Anne Smith, BA ’02 MBA ’19
Ms. Sarah D. Sokora, BA ’15
Mr. Ron St. Angelo
Mr. Jason Wu Trujillo
Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Clare Venegas Mrs. Bridgett G. Wagner, BA ’81, and Mr. J. Steven Wagner
Mrs. Lely K. White
Dr. Robert E. Wood
Dr. Donald L. Yandell, BA ’62 Dr. Chafic Abiraad † Mr. Fred Asmussen † Mrs. Dorothy Evelyn Beyer †
Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Jo Anne Campbell † Dr. Cherie Clodfelter †
Drs. Donald and Louise Cowan † Ms. Wayne LeMay Crawford, BA ’65 † Mr. Robert H. Dedman †
Mr. and Mrs. William P. and Marie Esslinger †
Dr. Lorand Fekete †
Mr. Bernard Kim Foreman, MA ’92 †
Mr. Patrick Haggerty †
Mr. James M. Lotochinski, BA ’83 †
Mr. Frank K. Ribelin † Mr. Archy M. Roper †
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. and Catherine Schulze †
Rev. John Ladislaus Vincius † Msgr. Thomas W. Weinzapfel †
20 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report
UD LEGACY SOCIETY † Members who have passed
This year’s financial results are a testament to the hard work by all university faculty, staff and students. Total unrestricted operating revenues exceeded unrestricted operating expenses by approximately $1.4 million. Our collective success over the past year came at a time that required flexibility and resilience as the COVID-19 pan demic continued into the second fiscal year, and while at the same time the university welcomed its largest-ever freshman class.
While the university’s net assets declined by $4.5 million in 2022, this came in the face of a $6.0 million decline in the value of the university’s endowment. The decline in value is attributable to market losses (-$3.4 million) and distributions to support university expenditures (-$4.6
million) partially offset by contributions and transfers into the endowment (+$2.0 million). The university’s investment returns beat the diversified balanced index benchmark by 3.3% (-3.5% vs. -6.8%). This investment outperformance implies an endowment value $3.2 mil lion greater than it would have been if the university had a return equal to the benchmark.
The university’s long-term fiscal health, as measured by a comparison of expendable net assets to long-term debt (‘viability ratio’) remains strong at 3.45x compared to 2.16x as recently as 2020. Such prudent stewardship of financial resources may allow the university the oppor tunity to invest in capital projects aimed at transforming the student experience.
21 Our Call to Excellence
22 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.16 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1.60 1.69 2.24 2.11 2.16 3.52 3.45 ($) Dollars in thousands EXPENDABLE NET ASSESTS TO LONG-TERM DEBT -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT POOL RETURNS VS. BENCHMARK MAY 31, 2022 -3.5% -6.8% 10.7% 8.4% 8.3% 6.9% 8.8% 7.9% FISCAL YTD 3 YRS 5 YRS 10 YRS UD Endowment Pool Diversified Balanced Index UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT POOL RETURNS VS. BENCHMARK MAY 31, 2022
23 Our Call to Excellence CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION Years Ended May 31 Highlights Other Financial Data 2022 $ 19,869 97,536 6,729 1,156 68,176 193,466 35,833 157,633 2022 $ 92,419 21,648 4,576 4,775 2021 $ 17,051 103,822 6,661 990 71,049 199,573 37,476 162,097 2021 $ 98,445 22,238 4,048 4,755 2020 $ 11,232 79,529 7,008 1,247 74,073 173,089 41,823 131,266 2020 $ 74,867 20,603 3,752 4,852 2019 $ 8,325 78,848 5,137 1,483 77,097 170,890 37,962 132,928 2019 $ 74,080 21,472 3,139 3,357 2018 $ 2,815 87,956 6,020 1,451 78,935 177,177 38,363 138,814 2018 $ 76,471 22,743 3,010 4,542 Cash and cash equivalents Investments, at fair value Pledges, loans and accounts receivable Other assets Property and equipment, net of depreciation Total Assets Total Liabilities Total Net Assets University endowment at year-end Notes and bonds payable Endowment payout in support of operations Total gifts (reported on GAAP basis) ($) Dollars in thousands
24 Fiscal Year 2021-22 Annual Report Highlights, Without Donor Restrictions
2021 $
(2,705) Total Unrestricted Operating Revenues Student income (A) Grants and contracts Private gifts Investment return Other sources Net assests released from restriction Total Unrestricted Operating Expenses Total compensation Depreciation Other operating expenses Change in Unrestricted Net Assets from Operating Activities (A) Student income includes tuition net of scholarships and auxiliary services Activities with donor restrictions, which are primarily contributions and investment returns for appropriation, are not included here. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES
49,868 6,650 1,577 1,821 1,338 3,801 65,055
35,980 4,268 23,437 63,685 1,370
46,324 5,409 1,384 1,522 1,199 4,001 59,839
37,771 4,450 17,770 59,991 (152) 2020
45,934 2,307 1,536 1,295 1,690 3,281 56,043
37,052 4,581 18,097 56,730
48,391 1,826 1,142 756 1,918 4,514 58,547 $ 38,047 4,431 19,567 62,045 (3,498) 2018
47,649 1,782 1,144 687 1,876 5,167 58,305
37,697 4,319 18,994 61,010
The UD Parent Council was established in 2020 to recognize current and former parents who have committed a gift of $5,000 or more annually. We are grateful to these parents who have invested in preserving the University of Dallas’ unique educational mission for future generations of students.
Megan, BA ’97 and John, BA ’95, Ph.D. ’98 Alvis, P ’22
Theresa and Chris Archer, P ’14 ’16 ’17 ’21
Donna Sue Dolle, BA ’89, and Charlie Baumann, BA ’88, P ’19
Mary, BA ’88, MBA ’89 and Joe Capizzi, P ’19, ’23
Kathy and Barry Clark, P ’16 Chris, BA ’70, MA ’72 and Bainard, BA ’70 Cowan, P ’96, ’03, ’06, ’07, GP ’15 Susan, BA ’83 and Michael, BA ’82 Cuda, P ’18
Debbie, BA ’77 and Kurt, BA ’74 Daniel, P ’03
Maria and Brian Dean, P ’17
Barbara and Robert Dodson, P ’17, ’20, ’25 Bernadette and Aubrey Edwards, P ’21, ’22
Maureen and Mike Ferguson, P ’22, ’25 Danielle, BA ’81, MA ’82 and Dan, BA ’83, MA ’84 Flaherty, P ’21
Martha and Alex Galbraith, P ’12 Sheila BA ’92 and Christopher, BA ’93 Gramling, P ‘22
Mary, BA ’67, and Pat, BA ’67 Haggerty, P ’93
Anna and William † Haine, P ’96 ’99 ’01 ’10
Katie and Phil Holthouse, P ’27 Adelaida and Al Kagan, P ’18, ’21, ’24 Annmarie, BA ’91, and Bob, BA ’92, PhD ’95 Kelly, P ’22
Maria and Marcus Key, P ’11, ’14, ’17, ’22, ’25
Erna and Keith Kostuch, P ’21 Kathleen, BA ’98, and Tommy, BA ’97 Lagarde, P ’23
Marta and Doug, MA ’78 Mayer, P ’09
Lisa, BA ’90, MA ’91 and Jeff, BA ’90 Mobus, P ’16, ’19
Elise and Burk Murchison, P ’10
Paula and Steve O’Keefe, P ’20
Margaret and Robert Pawlowski, P ’85
Julie and Erick Pecha, P ’11, ’13, ’15, ’17, ’21, ’25
Rebecca and Jonathan J. Sanford, P ’24, ’26
Viveca and Nick Serafy, P ’12
Patty MH, ’10 and Rick Stark, P ’99, ’01 Kathleen and Douglas Stocco, P ’93, ’97
Patti and Paul Verderese, P ’03
Roy, BA ’80, MA ’91 Wadsworth, P ’15
Bridgett, BA ’81 and Steven Wagner, P ’15
Jane, BA ’70 and Manny, BA ’70 Zuniga, P ’93
25 Our Call to Excellence
† Members who have passed
One of the best parts of UD is the Core and common classwork that all undergrads are required to take, which binds them together, as does their Rome experience."
Chris Archer
Parent Council member and father of four UD alumni
The Most Reverend Edward J. Burns, Chancellor Richard Husseini, ’88, Chair Joe Armes
Charles E. Baumann, ’88
Win Bell
Louis Brown
Mary Devlin Capizzi, ’88 ’89 J. Barry Clark Hon. Tom Craddick Emmet Flood, ’78
The Most Reverend Daniel Flores, ’83 ’87 Louis J. Grabowsky
Patrick E. Haggerty Jr., ’67 ’68 Mary Rice Hasson
Gregory Hoelscher, ’77
Cary Hyden, ’80 William Keffler Annmarie Kelly, ’91
The Most Reverend Gregory Kelly, ’78 ’82
Jonathan J. Sanford, Ph.D. President
John Plotts, Ed.D. Executive Vice President
Matthias Vorwerk, Ph.D. Provost
Peter Hatlie, Ph.D.
Vice President, Dean and Director of the Rome Campus
Charles LiMandri Mike Magusiak
Daniel Milligan, ’91, National Alumni Board President
Randall Muck, Vice Chair
Thomas M. Nealon, ’87 Joseph O. Neuhoff Jr. Hon. Nathaniel “Tan” Parker, ’93 Mary Ritter, ’85
Jonathan J. Sanford, Ph.D., President
The Most Reverend Mark Seitz, ’76 ’82 Nicholas T. Serafy Jr. Megan Smith, D.O., ’02 ’18
Patrick V. Stark Regina Uhl, ’00 Bridgett Wagner, ’81, Secretary Julie Weber, ’91 Jean White, ’86, Treasurer Hon. Albert Zapanta Tom Zellers, M.D., ’79
Joshua Parens, Ph.D. Dean, Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts
Philip Harold, Ph.D. Dean, Constantin College of Liberal Arts
Susan Rhame, Ph.D. Interim Dean, Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business
Greg Roper, Ph.D. Dean of Students
Heather A. Lachenauer, J.D. Vice President for Board and Legal Services and General Counsel
Vice President for Development & University Relations Clare Venegas
Vice President for Marketing & Communications
Robert Watling, C.P.A. Vice President for Finance and CFO
Ron Scrogham
Interim Dean, Cowan Blakley Memorial Library
Fr. Joseph Paul Albin, O.P. University Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry
Mary E. Fleck, Ph.D. Chief Human Resources Officer
Ryan Reedy, ’05 ’10 Chief of Staff
Kris Muñoz Vetter