~rtttor (llottuoratiott Wqr Ittturrntty of mallan ~rurtt QJrQ!lorkin tqr :;turning :ttlIuyll,ly{jy
Gaudeamus Igitur Art. 6y .".
J. G.
1.Gau-de- •. -mus
POltmolestam lenec-tutem, Nos ha-be-bit A-be-us ad in - te_roo, Qu-o. si vi. Vivant membra<lu,",-li-bet, S~mp"rlint in
hu - mUI,Nos ha.-be-bit hu vi· de .• re, Qu-o•• i vii vi. tlo re, Semperlini'in rlo
mus , de - re . re,
(English. Ye1'sioll.) 1.
Let us now in youth rejoicti, None c•.njultly bla.me us; For when golden youth has rI~d, And in age our joy. are dtlad, Then the dust doth claim us.
Where have ••11our tat hero gone? Her-e we'll eee them never; Seek the god'. serene abode Cro •• the dol'rous Stygian tlood; There they dwell fOrev"r.
Raise we, then, thejoyous Ihout, Lite to Alma Mater' Lite to each pror~l8or her-e , Lite to 0.11our comrades dear, May they leave us neve r,
Order of Ceremonies
Procession Invocation The Reverend Thomas Cain, O.P. Introductory
Dr. June R. Welch Presentation
of Awards
Dr. Donald A. Cowan Valedictory Mr. George Parks Presentation
Student Government
Mr. Glenn Davis Remarks of President Dr. Donald A. Cowan Address Dr. Frederick Wilhelmsen Benediction The Reverend Christopher Recession
Rabay, S.O. Cist,