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Wqr 1ltuturrntty of mallan ~letlrnOO·arlnrk in t~t lllorning fluy 12,1970 FoayjTVJ)()
Gaudeamus Igitur
Post molestam senec-tutem, Nos ha-be- bit A-be-us ad in _ fe.ros, QU-OH si vis Vivant membra.quw-li-bet, Semper sint in
(English 1.
Let us now in youtb rejoice, None canjustJy blame us; For when golden youth h•.s fled, And in age our joys are dead, Then the dust doth cl •.im us. 3.
hu • mus,Nos ha-be-bit vi - de - re, Qu-o. Ii vis tlo· re, Semper .inhn
hu mus. vi .. de .. I"~. tlo re ,
Yersio'fl.) 2.
Where have all our r•.theragone? Here we'll see them never-; Seek the god'. serene abode Crose the dol'rous Stygian tlood; There they dwell (brever.
Raise we, thtm, thejoyous shout, Life to Aim•. Mater! Lite to each professor her-e , Life to all our comr-ades d~arJ May they leave us never.
Order of Ceremonies
Procession Invocation The Reverend Gilbert Hardy, S.O. Cist. Introductory
Dean Thomas Landess Presentation of Awards Dean Damian Fandal, O.P. Valedictory Mr. Bainard Cowan Presentation of Student Government Awards Mr. Ray Gonzalez Remarks of President Dr. Donald A. Cowan Address Dr. Leo Paul de Alvarez Benediction The Reverend Thomas Cumisky, O.P. Recession