1975 Convocation Program

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Three-thirty o'clock in the afternoon May 6, 1975 University of Dallas

God of Our Fathers

I J J }I J J I. 2_ 3_ 4

@c J I. 2_ 3_ 4_

all thee ev nev-

God of our fa - thers, Thy love di - vine hath From war's a-Iarms, from Re-fresh thy peo - ple

I. songs

Leads In Be Lead

forth in beau this free land thy strong arm us from night

J.JI •• 1J J 11J J 1 ~rJ J

the star-ry band our lot is cast; er sure de-fence; er- end-ing day;


whose al-might-y hand led us in the past, dead-ly pes - ti - lence, on their toil-some way,


Of Be Thy Fill

worlds in splen-dor thou our rul - er, guard-ian true re - Ii - gion in our all our lives with love and shin-ing


be - fore thy 2_ law, thy paths our 3_ good - ness nour - ish 4_ laud, and praise be

throne a cho - sen us in ev - er




by our to


through the guide, and

skies, stay,




di- vine,



Our Thy Thy And

grate-ful word our boun-teous glo - ry ,



way. peace. thine.

Gaudeamus Igitur

1. Gau-de-a-mus i - gi-tur, Ju-venes dum sumus; 2. U - bisunt, qui an-te nos, In mundo fu - e ore? 3. Vi-vat a-cad - e - mia, Vivat profes - so - res,

Post jucundam juventu-tem, Transe-as ad su - pe-ros, Vivat membrum quodlibet,

II Post molestam senec-tutern, Nos ha-be-bit A -be-us ad in - fe-ros, Quos si vis Vivant membrea quae-Ii-bet, Semper sint in

hu - mus, Nos ha-be-bit hu mus. vi - de - re, Qu-os si vis vi - de - reo 110 - re, Semper sint in 110 reo


Procession "God of Our Fathers" Invocation Dr. Frederick Wilhelmsen Introductory Remarks President Donald A. Cowan Announcement of Awards The Reverend Damian Fandal, O.P. Academic Dean Valedictory Miss Donna Lee Schissler Presentation of Student Government Awards Mr. James Huggins Address Dr. Thomas Landess Benediction The Reverend Gilbert Hardy, O. Cist. Recession "Gaudeamus Igitur"

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