1981 Convocation Program

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Gaudeamus Igitur

1. 2. 3.

Gaudeamus igitur, Vivat academia, Alma Mater floreat,

Juvenes dum sumus; vivant professores, Quae nos educavit;

Post jucundam juventutem, Vivat membrum quodlibet, Caros et commilitones,

II 1. 2. 3.

Post molestam senectutem, Nos habebit humus, Nos habebit humus. Vivant membra quaelibet, Semper sint in flore, Semper sint in flore, Dissitas in regiones, Sparsos congregavit, Sparsos congregavit,


John Norris


CONVOCATION HONORING SENIORS May 7, 1981 Three-thirty in the afternoon Lynch Auditorium


The Reverend

Invocation Christopher

Rabay, O.Cist.

Introductory Remarks Dr. Svetozar Pejovich Acting President Announcement of Senior Plans and A wards Dr. Thomas J odziewicz Academic Dean Presentation of Departmental Dr. Cherie Clodfelter Dr. Glenn Thurow

A wards

Valedictory Mr. John Donnelly Presentation of Student Government A wards Mr. Joseph Clary Address Sister Marianne Beard

The Reverend

Benediction Christopher Rabay, O.Cist.

Closing "Gaudeamus Igitur" Recession


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