1987 Convocation Program

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~niversity of f})a[fas Convocation :JfotWring Seniors

Gaudeamus Igitur

1. Gaudeamus igitur, 2. Vivat academia, 3. Alma Mater floreat,

[uvenes dum sumus; Vivant professores, Quae nos educavit;

Post jucundam juventutem, Vivat membrum quodlibet, Caros et commilitones,

II 1. Post molestam senectutem, 2. Vivant membra quaelibet, 3. Dissitas in regiones,


Nos habebit humus, Semper sint in flore, Sparsos congregavit,

Nos habebit humus. Semper sint in flore. Sparsos congregavit.

by Professar David Sweet

1. Let us rejoice, therefore, while we are young. Let us rejoice, therefore, while we are young. After pleasant youth, after bitter age, The earth will hold us, the earth will hold us. 2. Live Live Live May

(then) the academy, live "professores", (then) the academy, live "professores", each limb, live all limbs. they always be in bloom, may they always be in bloom.

3. Fruitful mother, may she flower, she who has raised us. Fruitful mother, may she flower, she who has raised us. Into distant regions, who had been scattered, She has brought together, she has brought together.

Accompanist: Melissa Buentipo


Convocation %onoring Seniors MAY 7,1987 Three-thirty in the afternoon Lynch Auditorium

ORDER OF CEREMONIES Procession Invocation The Reverend John Gregory Kelly Introductory Remarks Robert F. Sasseen President of the University Announcement

of Senior Plans and Awards John E. Paynter Provost and Dean of the College Sybil Novinski Registrar and Associate Dean of the College Presentation of Departmental Awards Department Representatives Valedictory R. Michael Dunnigan Presentation of Student Government Awards John David Kinney Address The Reverend Robert E. Maguire, O.Cist Assistant Professor of English Closing "Gaudeamus Igitur" Benediction

The Reverend Peter C. Phan Recession

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