The Catholic University for Independent Thinkers
guidebook 2014
Office of Student Life  |  Student & Parent Services
Welcome, Families of the University of Dallas Class of 2018. As I embark on my fifth year as President of the University of Dallas, I have found one of the genuine joys of the job is that of welcoming returning students each fall and the privilege of welcoming the new incoming students. Welcome, Class of 2018! I look forward to learning more about you all over the next four years. Here’s what I know of you so far: you come from all over the country and the world – from London to Lubbock, from Puerta Princesa, Philippines to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; you come from Catholic schools, public schools, private schools and home schools; and each of you has different gifts, talents and perspectives with which you will bless our community. Another thing I know about you is that you value education. You chose UD because you are up to the challenge of our rigorous Core curriculum and because you want to grow personally, professionally and spiritually. UD not only attracts students like you – we have one of the largest percentages of National Merit Scholars per capita of any Catholic school in the nation (and a good number of you earned that distinction) – but we also prepare students like you for success through our rigorous Core curriculum. Should you apply to law school or medical school, the vast majority of you will be admitted, as our graduates are accepted at a much higher percentage than the national average. We promise that your formational education at the University of Dallas will ensure that your character will keep you where you talents take you. A quality, rigorous liberal arts education is becoming more uncommon in the 21st century. As the vocational, pragmatic, job-oriented approach to education becomes more and more pervasive, we at the University of Dallas believe that a liberal arts education is essential to the future of mankind, but also a wise and prudent choice for someone who is concerned about the future. Recent studies have shown that most employers prefer candidates who have studied the liberal arts and sciences. In fact, in one such study, 93% of employers surveyed stated that candidates who demonstrate the capability to think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems are more attractive than those who have a particular major. At the University of Dallas, we believe that the Core curriculum creates a university-wide honors program for each and every student during their first two years. Combining this with the opportunity to study in Rome, which may be our most difficult yet most transformative academic semester, and the opportunity to pursue study in over 30 different majors and an additional 30 areas of concentration provides UD students with an education that is not only unique in its academic rigor and breadth of scope, but is also immersed in an enthusiastic, joyful and faith-filled environment. I wish you luck as you embark upon your odyssey that is known as the University of Dallas. Welcome to the UD family. Sincerely,
Thomas W. Keefe, J.D. President
University of Dallas Administration
Table of Contents Welcome............................................... 2-5 Important Forms............................... 6-7 Transitioning to College Life.......................................... 8-9 Moving to Campus.......................... 10-11 Parent and Family Orientation.........................................12-13 Student Orientation........................................ 14-15 Rome Program................................ 16-17 Academics........................................ 18-19 Library.....................................................20 Recreational Sports............................20 Student Activities................................ 21 Financial Aid......................................... 22 Student Account Services...............23 Academic Success Office................24 Office of Personal Career Development........................................24 Bookstore............................................... 25 Student Health Services and Counseling..................26 Campus Ministry.................................. 27 Residence Hall Association............. 28 Campus Safety.....................................29 Student Workers.................................30 ADA Accommodations...................... 31 Dining Services.................................... 32 Computer Technology....................... 33 Athletics..................................................34 DART ...................................................... 35 Campus Resources.............................36 Calendar................................back cover
From left to right: Thomas W. Keefe, J.D., President; Robert M. Galecke, Executive Vice President; Brian Murray, Ph.D., Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; John Plotts, Ed.D., Vice President for Enrollment and Student Affairs; Peter Hatlie, Ph.D., Vice President of Rome Program, Dean & Director; Mark Goodwin, Ph.D., Dean, School of Ministry; Robert Scherer, Ph.D., Dean, College of Business; Charles W. Eaker, Ph.D., Acting Provost, Dean, Constantin College of Liberal Arts; Marcy Brown Marsden, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Constantin College of Liberal Arts; Denise Phillips, Director of Campus Ministry
We are looking forward to your arrival! Crusader Days new student orientation program kicks off with move-in on Friday, August 29, 2014, at 8 a.m.. During Crusader Days, new students will participate in programs, presentations and activities designed to familiarize them with both academic and student life at UD. During the program, our academic deans, faculty, staff and current students will meet, formally and informally, with new students to answer questions, address concerns and highlight the wide variety of services and activities available at the University of Dallas. Check out the orientation webpage for more information:
Welcome, UD Parents & Families It is my pleasure to welcome you to the University of Dallas community. At UD, we believe that family members play an important role in our students’ success. As your student grows and makes more decisions independently, please know that we are here to offer you guidance, resources and information, if needed. Attending college is an exciting odyssey for both you and your student. The Office of Student and Parent Services has created this guidebook to help you become familiar with UD and the services we offer. The guidebook also will serve as a resource to use as you advise and support your college student for the next four years. The Office of Student and Parent Services is committed to offering services and resources to help you navigate our campus and community. all: 972.721.5113 C Email: ■■ Click: ■■ Follow: ■■ Read: “The Odyssey,” our monthly parent newsletter ■■ Meet: Parent Orientation, Aug. 30 ■■ Visit: Alumni and Family, Oct. 3-5 ■■
On behalf of the Student Life staff, I wish you and your student a successful academic year. Blessings, Valerie Landrum Assistant Director of Student and Parent Services
Dear Parents of the Class of 2018, Welcome to the University of Dallas community. We’re so excited to be a part of this new phase in your child’s life. We’ll be available to help you in any way as your student enters the University of Dallas through our new student orientation program, Crusader Days. As parents, you deserve many thanks and congratulations for all you’ve done for your students so far. Undoubtedly, it was your hard work, dedication and support over the last 18 years that brought them here. Now, as they move into this new stage of their lives, we hope you’ll feel just as proud of their college choice as we do of our school. UD offers incoming students a wide variety of opportunities for growth, such as the Core curriculum, the Catholic identity, the Rome semester and the unique traditions of the university. Encourage your student to take advantage of all that UD and the next four years of college have to offer. From Charity Week to our Groundhog Day celebration to TGIT (Thank Goodness It’s Thursday) entertainment every week down in the Rat, and everything in between, UD has one-of-a-kind campus events, clubs and activities. These traditions help our students bond with each other and will go a long way toward making your student feel at home on campus. We hope you’ll join us for Crusader Days Parent Orientation and get a glimpse of what’s to come for your student in the next few years. Come and learn more about the university your child has chosen to call home. We’re thrilled to have you on campus. Welcome to the Crusader community! Candace, Chris and Christina Orientation Leader Coordinators
Now that you’re a member of the UD community‌. Welcome to the University of Dallas! Before you know it, you will begin a new, challenging phase of your life by joining an academic community where intellectual pursuit, social interaction and spiritual growth merge to create a very distinctive college experience. As a new student for the fall 2014 term, there are a few important documents that you are required to complete prior to your arrival on campus. Some forms pertain to the basic necessities, while other forms assist with a smoother transition to college life. All of these forms and related information are available via the University of Dallas website at:
TRAN.SI.TION [tran-zish-uhn] – noun 1. m ovement, passage or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change: the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
It Isn’t Easy Letting Go: Transitioning to College Life She’s had 18 years to get ready for this day; She should be past the tears, she cries some anyway . . . And even though she’s spent her whole life waiting, It’s never easy letting go.
- “Letting Go,” recorded by Suzy Bogguss
The classic Suzy Bogguss song about a mom anticipating her daughter’s departure for college says it all: it isn’t easy letting go. Of course, we parents have been letting go throughout our children’s lives: letting go of their hands so they could take their first steps; letting go of some of our parental control when we introduced them to their first teacher; letting go of our minds when we allowed them to get their driver’s license! And now letting go of their physical presence – and much of our direct control – as we send them off to UD. In truth, it’s our parental responsibility. After giving them roots, we need to let them test out their developing wings. Here’s some good news: letting go of control is not the same as letting go of influence. In fact, control and influence are opposites. It’s one of life’s great paradoxes that the more controlling we are of our children, the less influence we will have over them. The more we have built a positive relationship with our children (the very opposite of control-based parenting), the greater our influence will be – and it’s never too late to build a positive relationship with our children. Strong relationships – mutual respect, encouragement, trust, patience – lead to extended influence, and the more we have focused on developing that healthy relationship over the years, the more our positive influence will be felt, no matter how far away they are and no matter what other influences might come into play. For many adolescents (a word that literally means “growing into adulthood”), going away to college is a grand adventure, with probably an equal mix of excitement and anxiety. Our job is to communicate to them that we know they will figure it all out and be successful. We need to be confident – and communicate that confidence – that they will make good friends, learn to deal with the challenge of living with others, figure out the intricacies of residence hall life, navigate the cafeteria plan, find their classrooms and everything else having to do with this new life they will be undertaking. We should also feel confident that if they get confused, there will be plenty of folks around to help them out. One more thing. You may be wondering if your sons and daughters will do all the crazy things you did when you were young. The answer is yes, they probably will. And, yes, they’ll figure out how to deal with it just as we did way back when. Letting go: it’s never easy, but it is what we’re called to do at this point in our lives . . . and theirs. By Mike Brock, LPC-S Director, UD Counseling Center 9
Moving can be a lot of work – packing, loading the car, unloading the car, carrying boxes up and down stairs, unpacking and getting settled in your room... We want your move to campus to be as smooth as possible, so Resident Assistants and Orientation Leaders will be available to assist in your move – just look for the crew in blue. The move-in process will begin at 8 a.m. on Friday, August 29.
Moving 101 What should I bring? Make your list and check it twice. An important rule to remember when packing is that if you don’t use it now, you won’t use it when you get here! Room
Alarm clock A dish set - plate, bowl, cup and utensils Mini-fridge/microwave (coordinate with
your roommate so you don’t bring two!)
Decorative items: photos, posters, etc. Masking tape/3M products to attach things to your walls Coffee maker All-purpose cleaner Bed
Laptop Printer (if you want, there are places you can pay to print on campus)
Network cable
(optional - all dorms have Wi-Fi)
1-2 sets regular twin bed sheets Bed accessories: comforter, pillow Extra blanket Bath
Small first-aid kit with band-aids Allergy medicine Advil/Aspirin/Tylenol Prescriptions
1-2 towels (don’t forget a hand towel!) Toothbrush/toothpaste Shampoo, conditioner, hair products Shower flip flops Shower caddy Take a look around your bathroom now. If you use it every day, bring it to college!
USB drive Camera (don’t forget the charger!) iPod Headphones Surge protectors (NO extension cords)
Pens/pencils Notebooks Binders/folders Stapler with extra staples Backpack/book bag
Detergent Stain removers Hangers Iron (but only if you use one now) Laundry bag/hamper
Clothing (Aside from your everyday attire, consider the following)
Dress clothes
(for Mass or other formal events) Winter items (if you want, your parents can ship these to you later or you can bring them back after Thanksgiving)
Batteries Umbrella Bed risers Your favorite snacks for when the café is closed Health insurance card Passport/driver’s license/ Social Security card
(especially if you have work study!)
Emergency contact info Paper towels/tissues Water bottle
Swimsuit Workout clothes Comfortable shoes 11
crusader parent days & family orientation
Welcome to the UD family! We understand the important role you have played in preparing your student to attend college. We also know how important it is for parents, the university and the student to work together. For these reasons, we invite you to attend Parent Orientation. Move in begins on Friday, August 29, at 8 a.m. All new residents may go directly to their assigned residence hall and pick up their key packets and then move into their new residence hall room. Orientation Leaders will be available to help unload cars. Friday is a great time to visit the Business Office in Carpenter Hall to make sure that payment arrangements have been made for the fall 2014 semester. Business Office clearance is needed to prevent any delay in the student registration process. The Printing and Postal Office in Haggar University Center will be open for picking up any sent items and campus mailbox keys. The Campus Safety Office will also be open to have student IDs made. The bookstore will be open on Friday if you would like to assist your student in acquiring textbooks.
Parent Orientation takes place on Saturday, August 30. Students will continue their orientation, while parents spend the day learning more about UD and having any questions answered. Parents can: ■■
earn about a variety of student services L including residence life, Campus Ministry, academic policies and procedures, faculty expectations, student health, community safety, counseling and career planning. eet academic deans, faculty and university M staff and become acquainted with their roles at the university and their contributions to student learning and development. eet current UD students and learn about M their perspectives on life as a UD student. earn about the many ways for parents and L families to contribute to the adjustment and achievement of a UD student, as well as the transition you will experience at home. ind answers to your questions about student F life away from home, university-level study and the academic and social environments at UD.
We are looking forward to seeing you during Parent Orientation. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. More information regarding Parent Orientation can be found at
crusader studentdays orientation
Move In Friday, August 29, beginning at 8 a.m.
Crusader Days Saturday, August 30– Tuesday, September 2 Crusaders Days is your first step to transitioning to UD. All new undergraduate students are required to attend orientation. During orientation, you will have a chance to meet with faculty and staff, new classmates and current students. Orientation is a time to learn about campus resources, receive academic advising, register for classes and learn about UD’s traditions. You will also have the opportunity to participate in service excursions, an off-campus activity and a party on the Mall. We have an exciting four days of orientation activities planned for you, and our Orientation Leaders are busy preparing for your arrival. Check out the orientation website at for up-to-date Crusader Days information, and stay tuned to your UD email for important reminders and information throughout the summer.
A card, note or care package sent at strategic times during the semester can definitely brighten the day of your college student.
Suggested items to send include:
Good times to send care packages from home include:
Flash drive
■■ ■■ ■■
ranola bars/ G trail mix
After the first week of class
About a month after arriving on campus
Index cards
icrowave M popcorn
Other items
ight before midterm exam periods R (mid October and early March)
Right before finals week
offee/tea/ C hot chocolate
Personal items ■■
aundry L detergent/ dryer sheets
Playing cards
otes from N siblings
Cute coffee mug
easonal dorm S decorations tamps & S envelopes to write home
The Rome Program The University of Dallas Rome Office on the Irving campus handles all portions of the Rome application, orientation and preparation process, as well as academic preparation and registration, flights and visa applications. Explore our website,, for information about applying, orientation, costs and eligibility. You can also view photographs of the Due Santi campus, explore the curriculum, read profiles of the faculty and staff, and learn more about campus and religious life.
Applying to the Rome Program Applications for the 2015-2016 Rome Program will be available at a meeting for prospective applicants in early February 2015. Fall 2015 and spring 2016 Rome applications will both be due in early March 2015. The following are necessary for an application to be eligible for review: • A passport valid at least through September 2016. We recommend that incoming students APPLY FOR OR RENEW THEIR PASSPORT THIS SUMMER*. A photocopy of the information page of the valid passport is part of a complete Rome application. For information on how to apply for or renew a passport, go to travel. * Remember: passports that were issued to those younger than age 17 are five-year passports. Passports obtained by students in high school may not be valid for Rome. Those who do not apply for or renew their passport in time to receive it before the March 2 deadline will be waitlisted.
• Fulfillment of minimum academic requirements, which include: sophomore standing (30 credit hours); at least one full-time semester spent on the main campus prior to participation, including the semester immediately preceding Rome participation; successful completion of Literary Tradition I and Philosophy and the Ethical Life courses; preferable completion of Literary Tradition II and Understanding the Bible courses; and at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average at the University of Dallas. For further requirements, see the Rome Program webpage at: prospectiveromers/eligibility.
Costs Tuition is the same as when studying on the Irving campus, and room and board run slightly more than a standard double room with a 19-meal plan in Irving. For additional Rome semester costs (with the exception of overseas airfare), see costsandfees. Summer Rome During the summer, the University of Dallas will offer a Summer Rome Program for both UD and non-UD undergraduate students with at least 30 credit hours. The program is designed as an alternative and/or supplement to the fall and spring semester programs, or as an opportunity for undergraduates from other institutions to experience the university’s signature Rome Program. Like our semester program, students will be housed on the Eugene Constantin Rome Campus at Due Santi. The Rome and Summer Programs Office also coordinates study abroad opportunities for high school students, families, teachers and other interested adults in the tradition of the semester Rome Program. Contact Jennifer Massicci at 972.721.5181; email or visit for more information. Rebecca Davies, Director Jennifer Massicci, Coordinator Rome and Summer Programs Office Augustine Hall, 118 972.721.5206 romeprogram
Academics A new beginning at college is bound to bring academic challenges. Professors serve as a valuable resource for academic guidance. Questions about homework assignments, group projects, exams and other issues are best resolved with a discussion between student and professor. Every first year student is assigned an adviser, usually a faculty member in the student’s major. Advisers help students to determine course schedules and manage academic plans leading to graduation. It is essential for the student to be an informed and active part of the advising process, and students often benefit from meeting with their adviser on a regular basis, not just when it is time to register for classes next term.
Registrar’s Office
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to protect the confidentiality of student education records. The law states that no one outside the institution shall have access to a student’s education records, nor will the institution disclose any information from those records without the written consent of the student.
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining all academic records pertaining to students at the university. The Registrar’s Office is located on the main floor in Braniff. This office oversees the following areas: registration, transcripts, undergraduate records, enrollment verifications, classroom scheduling and rosters.
At the postsecondary level, parents have no inherent rights to inspect a student’s education record. The right to inspect is limited solely to the student. Parents may gain access to the nondirectory information (grades, GPA, etc.) only if their student signs off on a FERPA release form (available at orientation in the Crusader Days folder).
More information about the Registrar’s Office can be found at offices/registrar.
Library The William A. Blakley Library provides access to over 320,000 volumes, more than 120 databases and over 64,000 full text publications online. Named after an influential Texas senator, the Blakley Library provides students with public access computers, 24/7 reference services and interlibrary loan for obtaining materials not owned by our library. Students are invited to attend library introduction courses, as well as specialized courses based on their area of study. The library owns numerous special collections, including the Irish Catholic collection, the Texana collection, the Pulich Ornithology collection and the complete library of renowned political scientist, Wilmoore Kendall, Ph.D. More information on the library, including hours, contact information and library policies, can be found at
Recreational Sports For those students not wishing to participate in varsity athletics, the university offers a variety of recreational activities, including an extensive intramural sports program, recreation classes and a number of sports clubs. The Maher Athletic Center houses an 11,000-squarefoot gymnasium, a weight room, aerobics equipment and locker facilities that also service the 75-by-42-foot swimming pool. More information about recreational sports can be found at 20
Student Activities A complete college education is more than just books, classes and a degree. The University of Dallas Student Activities and Leadership Center, known as the SALC, complements the mission of the university by creating opportunities and environments that inspire students to become active and involved members of the campus and community. The SALC offers a wide array of educational, cultural, social and recreational programming that fosters student learning and development. In addition to the student-run organizations, the Office of Student Activities offers recreational athletic competitions, the opportunities for students to represent their classes or communities through student government and many diverse programs, from concerts to lectures and everything in between. More information about Student Activities can be found at 21
Financial Aid & Scholarships The University of Dallas is committed to making education affordable for your family. In addition to generous scholarships, UD students can also receive financial assistance from federal, state, private, outside and institutional sources. Awards range from scholarships to grants, loans to work study. Many award packages include a combination of these funding sources. Financial aid must be applied for each year. Scholarships Merit-based scholarships are offered for four years of enrollment, provided that the eligibility requirements of minimum grade point average and credit hours are met. Information about scholarships from private or outside sources can be found on scholarship websites such as offices/finaid. Grants Grants are need-based awards, so the information received on the FAFSA will be used to determine eligibility. Submit the FAFSA early (Priority Deadline March 1 yearly) to ensure consideration for all grants. 22
Work Study UD offers federal and institutional work study awards to students who demonstrate need. Awards are limited to the funding allocated to the university annually. A work study award allows a student to work on campus in a part-time capacity. Work study awards will not show on the student invoice as a form of payment. Students will be issued their wages through a payroll process. Loans Unlike scholarships, grants and work study, loan funds must be paid back to the lender. Federal loans may be awarded to students and parents who submit a FAFSA. Loan amounts are determined by grade level and consist of both need-based and non-needbased loans. Parents must submit a FAFSA to apply for the Parent Plus loan, which is not need-based. Visit studentloans .gov to apply for a Parent Plus loan. Loan information including a link to our private loan resource can be found at
Payment Plans While not considered financial aid, the payment plan is a useful method of payment. Families may utilize it to pay off their balance in installments throughout the semester. The number of payments will be determined by the plan in which you choose to enroll. See the Student Account Services section below for information on enrolling in a payment plan.
Student Account Services The University of Dallas offers several payment methods to students and parents. In person in the Business Office – cash and checks By mail – checks nline via CashNet – electronic check, credit O and debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) from any computer or the UD payment kiosk outside the Business Office (2.75% fee applies)
Setting up a Parent PIN Parents desiring to see the charges, payments, installment notes or eBills will need to have their own login to CashNet. The student must set up the login for the parent, and can do so by following these instructions: ■■
Login to BannerWeb and then into CashNet. nce logged in to CashNet, click on “Add O New” in the Parent PINS box on the bottom left side of the page.
he parent then enters the login and T temporary password. The system will require that the password be changed.
■■ Remember that the student must set up the login ID and password for the parent or guardian.
Parent Enrollment in a Payment Plan Go to the university’s main website, hover your mouse over “Parents & Families” and then click on CashNet. Use the login ID and password to enter the system. Once inside CashNet, locate the section of the Web Page titled “Installment Payment Plan.” Select the payment plan that applies to you and click on that link. This will take you to the page with your student’s balance and any financial aid that is coming in for the semester. onfirm that the information listed on the C payment plan summary page is correct, then follow the prompts to sign up for the plan. More information can be found at
ill out the Web document. An email will F be sent to the parent with a login and temporary password. nce the parent has received the email with O the login and temporary password, the parent should go to the university’s main website, and select “CashNet” from the “Parents & Families” options at the top of the screen.
Academic Success Office The Academic Success Office provides targeted services and programs designed to enhance the academic development of students and promote student success. Through one-on-one academic and social support, the Academic Success Adviser supports students in developing the skills necessary for effective academic performance and positive adjustment to UD’s rigorous and academically challenging environment. Students who may be struggling in courses are specifically targeted for assistance, but students at any level are encouraged to seek academic advice and coaching to develop skills that can improve time management, note taking, study skills and test taking. The Academic Success Office is part of UD’s unique Integrated Services for Liberally Educated Students ( The Academic Success Office is located in Augustine Hall, Room 114, and can be reached at 972.721.5056. For more information, please visit
Office of Personal Career Development The Office of Personal Career Development (OPCD) provides targeted assistance and opportunities for exploration and experience from your student’s freshman year to beyond graduation from UD. Services offered include self-assessment tools, individualized counseling, on-campus professional panels and recruiting events, organizational tours, mock interviews, resume and cover letter writing assistance and employment assistance. The OPCD builds relationships with and generates opportunities from the organizations for whom your students want to serve and build meaningful careers. The OPCD staff seeks to help students identify their callings and take the steps necessary to achieve their potential and contribute meaningfully in the world. The Office of Personal Career Development is part of UD’s unique Integrated Services for Liberally Educated Students ( The Office of Personal Career Development is located in Augustine Hall, Room 132, and can be reached at 972.721.5131. For more information please visit offices/careerservices. 24
UD Bookstore The University of Dallas Bookstore is a onestop shop for all required course materials. Throughout the year, the bookstore team works closely with campus administrators and professors to provide the materials needed by students to succeed in their coursework. The bookstore offers new, used and digital textbooks, both for sale and rent. Purchases may be made in person or online at the bookstore’s website Save time and shipping charges by ordering online and picking up your order in the bookstore. The bookstore offers several ways to show your UD pride, with t-shirts, sweatshirts, coffee mugs, blankets, window stickers and other UD gear. Additionally, the bookstore offers snacks, beverages, toiletries, school supplies and greeting cards. Not sure what your student may need? Bookstore gift cards are available. The bookstore offers textbook buyback year round; the best prices, however, will be offered during finals week as we anticipate our need for the following semester. Payment card industry standards preclude us from accepting credit cards from anyone other than the person whose name appears on the card. Cards presented are verified via photo ID. The same payment card industry regulations prevent us from taking credit card information over the phone. The staff at the University of Dallas Bookstore looks forward to serving you and your student on your educational journey.
Student Health Center University Student Health Services is staffed by a physician, Dr. Laurette Dekat, every weekday afternoon during the school year 12:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. The clinic is located in Upstairs Haggar. Call 972.721.5322 for an appointment; walk-ins are also welcome. The clinic provides routine doctor office services: care for acute illnesses and injuries; care for chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes or depression; updates on immunizations; and referrals to specialty services, if needed. Both the school insurance, Aetna Student Health, and most other insurances are accepted; students should bring their insurance card with them to any doctor visit. If emergency care is needed, students are advised to call Campus Safety at 972.721.5305 or 972.265.5911. More information about the Student Health Center can be found at All full-time undergraduate students are required to have medical insurance, either coverage provided from home or through the university-endorsed plan. Each year, all degree-seeking, full-time undergraduate students (except international students with an F-1 Visa) are automatically enrolled in the university-sponsored student insurance plan. Participation in the accident portion of the plan is mandatory, and that charge may not be waived. Participation in the annual health (sickness) insurance portion may be waived directly with the insurance company upon successful completion of an online waiver form by the September 20 deadline.
Dr. Laurie Dekat Student Health Services Director
Mike Brock Counseling Center Director
Mary Armstrong Counselor
Counseling Center The UD Counseling Office provides therapeutic services related to student concerns, from adjusting to the new situation of being away from home and living with others to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and many others. No concern is too small; no concern is too large. There is no fee for counseling services and no limit to the amount of sessions desired. The Counseling Center is located in Carpenter 141. Appointments can be made by contacting Mike Brock at 214.364.4154 or by email at, or by contacting Mary Armstrong at 972.935.3691 or by email at Visit the Counseling Center website at 26
Campus Ministry Campus Ministry at the University of Dallas seeks to provide an opportunity for students to appropriate an adult faith life during their college days through prayer, reflection and Christian service. Mass is celebrated on Sundays and twice on most weekdays throughout the academic year. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available regularly, as well as by appointment. Students organize the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the school year and gather for Night Prayer, Rosary groups and the Liturgy of the Hours. Opportunities to serve at the altar, as lector or as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and to sing in the choir at Mass are always available and certainly encouraged. Spiritual reflection and support are best addressed in our Men’s and Women’s Ministry faithsharing groups. Scripture, encyclicals and writings of the saints are used as the context for these groups. Both Catholic and non-Catholic students participate and form friendships born of faith. Christian service projects that begin in September and culminate in our Alternative Spring Break program are sponsored by the office as well. Putting our faith in action and following in the footsteps of the Lord means integrating prayer, reflection and service into our daily lives. More information about the various services and activities offered by Campus Ministry can be found at
Residence Hall Association The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is a studentled organization dedicated to bringing high quality programming to the residents of the University of Dallas. Programs and activities range from social to educational to recreational. Such events strengthen the resident hall community and provide an overall healthier and more enjoyable living environment. Recent RHA events include Fiesta Fridays, Flannel n’ Flapjacks, Super Bowl parties and UD CLUE Night. RHA is also responsible for hosting UD traditions such as Winter Cotillion, Club Donna and Lazy Faire. More information can be found at
Campus Safety Campus safety and security is a primary concern for the entire University of Dallas community. Maintaining an environment that upholds the university’s values of personal respect and dignity is essential to carrying out our mission. The University of Dallas has professional safety officers on duty 24 hours a day. These officers provide physical security, fire protection and prevention, emergency first aid, safety programs and inspections, and they investigate and enforce violations of the Code of Student Conduct and criminal offenses on UD property. In the event of any major emergency or disaster that affects the UD campus, protocols are in place to ensure the safety and security of the campus community and to communicate information quickly and efficiently. Therefore, it is important that your student’s emergency contact information is up to date. More information can be found at
Student Workers Student employment is an integral part of the University of Dallas community that benefits both the students and the university. Almost every academic department and administrative office employs students in some capacity. The majority of our student employment opportunities are funded by the Federal work study program. Students may be awarded work study as part of their financial aid package if they submit a FAFSA and have financial need. Please check with the Financial Aid Office for more information on this program. Students will be notified if they have been awarded work study funds, after which they should visit the Office of Human Resources (HR). The HR coordinator will provide the student with information on how to search and apply for a position. For many of our student employees, this will be their first opportunity to gain real world work experience. The UD staff and faculty strive to foster an environment where students are given the training and guidance to be successful as employees. Ultimately, being a student worker can be a very rewarding life experience. More information regarding student employment can be found at studentemployment.
Americans with Disabilities Act Accomodations Students with qualifying conditions who are in need of accommodations while attending the University of Dallas should apply online for accommodations and submit current (within the past three years) supporting documentation to the Student Accessibility Review Committee (address below). Incoming freshmen should apply by June, well in advance of arriving on campus, to ensure proper consideration and preparedness for the beginning of the academic year. Applications are considered by the committee once all materials have been received. A representative will then contact the student to explain the process of initiating accommodations when he or she arrives on campus. The university will provide reasonable accommodations to facilitate access to and participation in university programs, events, classes and administrative activities for qualified applicants, students, employees and guests. Kathleen Harrington, Student Support Counselor, 972.721.5385, will coordinate and comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendment Act. Please visit our webpage for more details: adaaa/accommodations. Supporting documentation can be submitted via mail, fax or email. University of Dallas Student Accessibility Review Committee c/o Kathleen Harrington 1845 E. Northgate Dr., Ste. 757 Irving, TX 75062 Fax: 972.721.4134
Dining Services ARAMARK has been serving the University of Dallas community for more than 30 years. Along with that milestone, we have made some changes to our dining program. We completely renovated the Haggar CafĂŠ to continue our commitment to serving the campus. We added some new concepts that have been well received by both our new and returning students. We will continue to be active in making changes to suit the needs of our students. Recognizing that nutritional and dietary concerns have gained more awareness throughout our community, we want to help those interested in pursuing those goals. We are posting information and helping students to create diets that fulfill their individual needs. We are very excited to welcome all our new students and families who have chosen the University of Dallas, and we look forward to serving the students and their families throughout their years here. If you would like additional information on meal plans or dietary options, or would like to share any comments, please feel free to contact us. More information about dining services can be found at
Computer Technology The Information Technology department at the University of Dallas is responsible for supporting the technology needs of students, faculty and academic staff. Our primary mission is to enhance the application of information technology for teaching, research, scholarship and learning consistent with the guiding principles of the university and to provide leadership to students, faculty and staff in their use of information technology. For students, we provide direct support for Windows accounts, email services, the Blackboard Learning System, wireless Internet access (UDAIR) and the residential network (RESNET). We also support the student printing lab and several classroom computing environments. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to email, call or visit us. The Information Technology department is located on the lower floor of Gorman in room G. We are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. We can be reached at and 972.721.5030. More information about the services provided by Information Technology can be found at
Athletics In addition to providing a top-notch education, the University of Dallas offers 15 intercollegiate sports at the NCAA Division III level. The university fields teams in men’s and women’s basketball, cross country, lacrosse, soccer, golf and track and field, while also supporting women’s softball and volleyball and men’s baseball. In its philosophy and purpose, the athletics department strives to help nurture the physical well-being of the community, while reinforcing strong character ideals into student-athletes so they may excel in an educationally sound environment. More information about athletics at UD can be found at
DART Light Rail is at UD Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) opened the first phase of its new Orange Line light rail service in the summer of 2012. DART system now includes a University of Dallas station on the Orange Line. The DART provides students easy and inexpensive access to downtown Dallas and surrounding communities, allowing them to take advantage of the many arts and entertainment options offered by one of the nation’s largest and most dynamic cities. The Orange Line runs from Irving into Dallas, where it joins the existing Green Line tracks into and through downtown Dallas. Exiting downtown, it follows the existing Red Line tracks north through Richardson into Plano. A DART station at DFW International Airport is set to open August 2014. The Orange Line will connect students to DFW and Love Field airports, the UT Health Science Center, TWU Nursing School and Parkland Hospital complex, the American Airlines Center and Victory Park, the West End, West Village, Mockingbird Station, Northpark Mall and many other places. North Lake College, El Centro College, SMU and UT Dallas can also be reached on the Orange Line. Connections via other light rail lines can take students to Fair Park, the Dallas Zoo and downtown Fort Worth. All full-time undergraduate students will receive a DART regional pass decal, valid for the entire semester, to place on their UD ID card. For more information, go to
Resources Parent Program 972.721.5113 University Operator 972.721.5000 Financial Information Financial Aid & Scholarships 972.721.5266 Student Account Services 972.721.5144 Academic Resources Academic Success Office 972.721.5056 College of Business 800.832.5622 Constantin College of Liberal Arts 972.721.5108 Disability Services 972.721.5382 Information Technology 972.721.4137 Registrar 972.721.5221 Rome Program 972.721.5206 School of Ministry 972.721.4118 William A. Blakley Library 972.721.5329 Writing Center writing_center/writing_lab.html Health and Safety Campus Safety 972.721.5305 Counseling counseling 214.364.4154
Student Health Services 972.721.5322 Student Life Campus Ministry 972.721.5375 Clubs & Organizations clubsorgs 972.721.5273 Food Services 972.721.5025 Housing & Residence Life 972.721.5323 Office of Personal Career Development 972.721.5131 Student Activities 972.721.5273 Student Handbook resources.html 972.721.5323 Entertainment and Recreation Athletics 972.721.5009 Family Weekend 972.721.5113 Fitness Center 972.721.5273 Other Resources Alumni Relations 972.721.5134 Giving to UD 972.721.5134 Irving Visitor’s Bureau 800.247.8464 UD Bookstore 972.721.5320
Celebrate. Commemorate. Connect. October 3-5
Alumni & Family Weekend is a great opportunity to return to UD to visit your student and experience a weekend of activities on campus. More information will be mailed to you this summer. To learn more, call the Student & Parent Services Office at 972.721.5113 or email
2014-2015 Calendar 2014
August 29
December 30–January 16
New Student Move In
August 30–September 2
January 18
Crusader Days
Halls Reopen @ 8 a.m.
September 3
January 21
Fall Semester Begin
Spring Semester Begins
September 19
February 6
Meal Plan Change Deadline
Meal Plan Change Deadline
September 20
March 2-6
Student Insurance Waiver Deadline
Midterm Exam Period
October 3–5
March 7–15
Alumni Family Weekend
October 17 Reading Day
October 20–24 Midterm Exam Period
November 26–30 Thanksgiving Holiday Halls Open, No Food Service
December 12
Spring Break – Residence Halls close March 7 @ 10 a.m. & reopen on March 15 @ 8 a.m.
April 3–6 Easter Break | Halls open, No Food Service
May 7 Classes End
May 14 Exams End
May 15
Classes End
Residential Areas Close @ 10 a.m.
May 9–December 19
May 17
Final Exams
December 20
May 19–June 5
Residence Halls Close @ 10 a.m.
December 24–January 1
June 8–July 10
University Closed
Summer session I
July 13–August 14 Summer session II
*Dates are subject to change. Please visit for the most current schedule.
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