University of Dallas Ministry Conference 2012

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Sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas and the Diocese of Fort Worth

October 26 - 27, 2012 | Irving Convention Center

Walking Together in Faith Caminando juntos en la fe | Cùng Đồng Hành trong Đức Tin

Program Book

Schedule | Horario Sessions Offered: English | Ingles 

Spanish | Español 

Vietnamese | Việt 

Friday | viernes

October 26 | 26 de octubre

7:00–9:00 am

Registration & Name Badge Pick-Up (Lobby) | Registro y entrenga de gafetes (Vestíbulo)

8:30–9:00 am

Morning Prayer & Welcome (Hall A) | Oración matutina y bienvenida (Sala A)

9:00–9:15 am

Break | Descanso

9:15–10:15 am

Session I (Keynote Address – Hall A) 

10:15–10:45 am

Break | Descanso

10:45–11:45 pm

Session II – 

11:45–12:15 pm

Break | Descanso

1:15–1:30 pm


Resource Spotlights

2:30–3:00 pm

4:00–4:30 pm

Session III –  

Break | Descanso

1:30–2:30 pm

3:00–4:00 pm

Resource Spotlights


12:15–1:15 pm


Session IV –  

Break | Descanso

Session V –   MUSIC

Break | Descanso

4:30–5:30 pm

Session VI –  

5:30–5:45 pm

Break | Descanso

5:45–6:15 pm

Evening Prayer (Hall A) | Oración vespertina (Sala A)

Saturday | sábado

October 27 | 27 de octubre

7:00–9:00 pm

Registration & Name Badge Pick-Up (Lobby) | Registro y entrenga de gafetes (Vestíbulo)

8:30–9:00 pm

Morning Prayer & Welcome (Hall A) | Oración matutina y bienvenida (Sala A)

9:00–9:15 pm

Break | Descanso

9:15–10:15 pm

Session VII (Plenary – Hall A)   

10:15–10:45 pm

Break | Descanso

10:45–11:45 pm

Session VIII (Conferencia Magistral – Sala A)   

11:45–12:15 pm

Break | Descanso

12:15–1:15 pm 1:15–1:30 pm


Resource Spotlights

2:30–3:00 pm

4:00–4:30 pm 4:30 pm


Break | Descanso

Session XI –   MUSIC

Session IX –  

Break | Descanso

1:30–2:30 pm

3:00–4:00 pm

Resource Spotlights


Break | Descanso

Closing Mass (Hall A) | Misa (Sala A)

Exhibit Hall Hours | Horario de la Exposición Friday | viernes

8:00–6:00 pm

Hall B | Sala B

Saturday | sábado

8:00–4:00 pm

Hall B | Sala B

Session X –  

October 26 - 27, 2012 | Irving Convention Center

Walking Together in Faith Follow us while you’re at the conference! udministryconference

Table of Contents General

Acknowledgements................. 04 Exhibitor Categories................. 68 Exhibitor Index........................ 69 General Information................ 03 Schedule................................. IFC Speaker Index......................... 07 Track Index............................. 08 UDMC Events.......................... 09 Welcome Letter....................... 02

Exhibit Hall Layout.................. IBC Facility Maps........................... BC




Caminando juntos en la fe | Cùng Đồng Hành trong Đức Tin


Sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas and the Diocese of Fort Worth


Friday Sessions........................ 10 Saturday Sessions.................... 12 Session Descriptions................ 16 Speaker Biographies................ 28

Other Events


Liturgical Art........................... 13 Musical Entertainment............. 15 Musician Biographies.............. 40 Resource Spotlights................. 14


Don’t forget to share your conference experiences!


Lịch trình....................................... IFC Thư chào mừng.............................. 55 Thông tin chung............................ 56 Vị giảng thuyết tiếng Việt Nam và những đề tài trong ngày............ 57



Horario................................... IFC Carta de Bienvenida................ 42 Información General............... 43 Eventos de UDMC................... 44 Sesiones.................................. 45 Conferenciantes...................... 51

Welcome Letter

October 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is our great joy to welcome you to the sixth annual University of Dallas Ministry Conference, which is co-sponsored by the university, the Diocese of Dallas and the Diocese of Fort Worth! We hope that by Walking Together in Faith over these two days, you will have a blessed, faith-filled, and formative experience as you attend the sessions, come together in prayer, visit the exhibitors and sponsoring organizations, and enjoy liturgical artwork and musical performances. As we begin the Year of Faith, it is more important than ever that we do all we can to enrich and deepen our faith lives to better become disciples of Christ in our communities. The University of Dallas Ministry Conference offers Catholics an opportunity to receive exceptional faith formation from nationally recognized speakers who will address relevant topics in faith, catechesis, education, theology, prayer and ministry. We are confident that the information offered at this conference will help each of us to live more fully our communion of faith and to become even more effective ministers to those whom the Lord has entrusted to our care. Thank you for your presence, your faithful participation, and your willingness to generously share what you learn at this conference with your Catholic communities at home. May God our heavenly Father bless each of you, and may the knowledge, prayer and fellowship at this conference renew your spirit and your dedicated ministry in the Church! Sincerely in Christ, Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Dallas Most Rev. Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D. Bishop, Diocese of Fort Worth Thomas W. Keefe, J.D. President, University of Dallas


General Information

Cell Phones/Pagers Out of respect for the speakers and other participants, please turn off your cell phones and pagers during the sessions and liturgies. Emergencies If you have an emergency, contact either a UDMC staff member, volunteer, or the closest ICC staff. If you are unable to find assistance, call facility dispatch at 972-401-7793. Remember, in an emergency, it is important to stay calm. We do have EMTs onsite for this event. Evaluations This year, we are asking all participants to complete a general evaluation of the conference, where you will also be asked to evaluate the sessions you attended (you will need the session numbers to complete the form properly). You can either complete a paper version, which can be found in the centerfold of this program book, or you can complete the evaluation online at Also look for QR codes with direct links to this evaluation throughout the ICC. The first 500 people each day to submit a completed evaluation (either online or paper) at the evaluation kiosk in the main lobby on the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor) will receive a UDMC pen as a thank you. Encourage your co-workers to complete the evaluation as well! The Parish or School Group that has the highest percentage of evaluations submitted by Friday, November 2 at 11:59 PM CST will receive 20 complimentary registrations to the 2013 UD Ministry Conference. Exhibit Hall Passport In the back of your nametag, you will find an Exhibit Hall Passport. Simply visit the booths of the sponsors listed on the card, as well as other exhibit booths of your choice, and have them initial the card in their designated box. Once you have all of the boxes initialed, submit this card at the Evaluation Kiosk just outside Hall A to be eligible to win 1 of 2 $50 gift cards. Don’t forget to include your contact information on the Passport card! Information Please see someone at the UDMC Registration Booths in the lobby of the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor) or at the UDMC Information Booth in the lobby of the Meeting Room Level (3rd Floor) for general information or questions. You can also ask a volunteer found throughout the center in blue UDMC shirts with “Ask Me” signs.

Irving/Las Colinas If you would like more information about the Irving/Las Colinas area, including restaurants and transportation options, please visit the Concierge Desk located in the lobby of the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor) next to the elevators, where a member of the Irving Visitors Bureau would be happy to assist you. Lost and Found Lost and found is located at the UDMC Information Booth located in the lobby of the Meeting Room Level (3rd Floor). If you find something while you are attending the conference, please turn it in at this location. Meal Options Food and beverage is not included in the registration fee. You will find several concession and food areas around the convention center, especially in the Café on the 2nd Floor, in the Exhibit Hall, and in the lobby of the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor). There are also several restaurants within walking and driving distance of the ICC. See the Concierge Desk located in the lobby of the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor) next to the elevators for more information. Name Badges Please wear your name badge at all times while at the conference. This is your ticket into all of the sessions, musical performances, and the exhibit hall. If you forget or lose your name badge, we will print a new one at the Registration Booths for a $5.00 cash replacement fee. We would appreciate it if you recycled your badge holder after the conference. Simply place your plastic holder in the designated boxes as you leave the convention center. Thank you! Parking The Irving Convention Center offers covered parking (no in and out service) for $5. Overflow parking will also be offered in the open field across from the convention center and on the streets around the convention center. Scanners This year, we will be using scanners to check-in attendees at various sessions. Please remain patient with us as we use this new system. Session Recording This year at UDMC, Manna Recording & Duplication ( will be recording some of the sessions to be purchased by conference attendees. You can purchase recordings of the recorded sessions at the Manna Recording booth located in the lobby of the Meeting Room Level (3rd Floor). 3


ATM There is an ATM located on the Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor) in the hallway near Hall B and the ICC offices.

Acknowledgements | Reconocimientos The UD Ministry Conference acknowledges with appreciation the many volunteers who served on the various 2012 planning committees. We are very grateful for their generous time, support, and talent! La Conferencia de Ministerio de UD reconoce con mucho aprecio a todos los voluntarios que han participado en los diversos comités de planificación. ¡Estamos muy agradecidos por su generosidad con su tiempo, apoyo y talento!

Diocesan Advisory Committee Very Rev. Stephen Berg Sr. Gloria Cain, SSND Sr. Yolanda Cruz, SSMN Diane Daniels Marlon De Le Torre, M.A., M.Ed. Mary Jo Dorn Most Rev. J. Douglas Deshotel Susan Dorfmeister, M.T.S Patricia Hughes, Ph.D. Jeanne Jakubowski Sr. Theresa Khirallah, SSND

Lourdes Mayer Donald Miller Rev. Carmen Mele, OP Kevin Prevou Rev. John Robert Skeldon Dcn. Charlie Stump, M.S., M.P.M. Pat Svacina Annette Gonzales Taylor Chris Vaughan Dcn. Don Warner

Liturgy, Environment, & Music Committees Rosie Cashel Kevin Keil Rick Matos Carol Norris David Novinski

Lyle Novinski Curtis Stephan Joanne Werner Thomas Woods

Volunteers All Saints - Dallas Margaret LeBlanc

Cathedral of Guadalupe - Dallas Nohemi Randle Maria de los Angeles Ruiz

Church of the Incarnation - Irving Philomena Hameed Amanda Jewett Mary McGill (Exhibitors Chair) Lindsay McIntyre Emmanuel Odin Maria Redford Toni Barila Thompson

Good Shepherd - Colleyville

Holy Family Quasi-Parish - Van Alstyne Lydia Ford Janis Hicks

Holy Name of Jesus - Ft. Worth Francisco Mendoza

Immaculate Conception - Denton Shelby Flood

Immaculate Conception - Grand Prairie Ellie Moser (Hospitality Chair) William Moser

Mary Immaculate - Dallas Elsa Espinoza Priscilla Mahaffey Vicente Torres

Millie Cuestas David Cuestas Diane Kruse (MC English Chair) Gerry McGrath Dana McGrath Mary Ziolkowski

Nuestra Senora Del Pilar - Dallas

Micaela Gonzalez Ileana Weaver

Our Lady of Lourdes - Dallas

Good Shepherd - Garland Holy Cross - Dallas

Lari Newman-Williams Annelle Williams

Holy Family of Nazareth - Irving Patricia Corbett Carrie Howell Sandy Morgan Jennie Siders


Rosalinda Lujàn Jose Salazar

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Ft. Worth Gloria Blanco Bella Lilibeth Stevenson

Miguel Alvarado Gilbert Campos (MC Spanish Chair) Lupita Cazares Marcela Mares Santiago Molina Maria Quezada

Acknowledgements | Reconocimientos

Volunteers (cont.) Jose Angel Garcia Maria Longoria Chavez Maria Lopez

St. Ann - Canyon David Wilson

St. Ann - Coppell

Dr. Maria Boccalandro Esperanza Devia Jerry Elizondo Cesar Medina Laura Vanessa Murillo Raul Rangel Cecilia Rangel Dan Scofield Laney Sherburne Jackie Stewart Cecilia Tanaka

St. Augustine - Dallas Estela Garcia

St. Bernard of Clairvaux - Dallas Martin G. Prieto Ana M. Santillana

St. Cecilia - Dallas

Sr. Donna Marie Crochet

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Plano Patricia Clark Alex Johannigman

St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Dallas Michelle Alcala-Green Rosa Barrientos Lainie Belcher (Speakers Chair) Beth Belcher (Hospitality Chair) Jennifer Borth Will Cervenka Monica Connelly Elizabeth Fabian Kristy Feil Meredith Fernandez Gina Gresham Melissa Guerrero Linda Jurik Mary Kuterbach Michelle Lane Alexis Mcclure Judy Patton Susan Pike Alice Rice Rachel Robb Maria Schmitz Maureen Stepniewski Kathy Strunk Beth Vercillo

St. Gabriel the Archangel - McKinney David Freeman (MC English Chair) Cynthia Freeman (Co-Chair) Steve Worth Cynthia Worth (Co-Chair)

St. George - Ft. Worth Gloria Andrade

St. John Nepomucene - Ennis Savannah Gilburt

St. John the Apostle - Ft. Worth


Santa Clara of Assisi - Dallas

Gladys Herrera Reynaldo Herrera Jose Pichardo Josefina Pichardo Mary Geraldine Syler

St. John the Apostle - Terrell Rita Dugan Donna Roberts Susan Warner

St. Joseph - Richardson Marsha Emmett Barbara Johnson

St. Joseph - Arlington Maria Gamez

St. Joseph Vietnamese - Grand Prairie Hung Le HongHai Nguyen

St. Luke - Irving

Rafael Cuellar Nancy Talkington

St. Maria Goretti - Arlington Maggie Belcher Al Hartman Darlene Hartman

St. Mark the Evangelist - Plano Deborah Betz Joan Heiting (MC English Chair) Simon Powell Ruth Sanchez

St. Martin - Forney Beth Wright

St. Michael - Bedford Marianne Lanoue

St. Michael the Archangel - Garland Raymond Perez

St. Michael the Archangel - Grand Prairie Sylvia DeLeon Neen Ponto Esmeralda Rodriguez

St. Monica - Dallas

Juan Roberto Martinez (Set-up/Break-down Chair) Maria D Rojero

St. Paul the Apostle - Richardson Kenneth Brown Frances Uhrik

St. Philip the Apostle - Lewisville Dr. Kathryn Blanchard Sylvia Michnya

St. Rita - Dallas

Dr. Maria E. Lorente Dennis O’Hara Luisa Ravelo-Guedes

St. Thomas the Apostle - Ft. Worth Lydia Guillen

St. Vincent de Paul - Arlington Leland Haefner


Ana Gonzalez Marianne Lanoue Ruby Sanchez


To Our Sponsors | A Nuestros Patrocinadores UDMC would not be possible without our sponsors. We would like to extend a special thank you to all the organizations, companies, and parishes who have contributed to the success of the 2012 conference. UDMC no sería posible sin nuestros patrocinadores. Queremos darle las gracias a todas las organizaciones, compañías y parroquias que han contribuido al éxito de la conferencia del 2012.

Foundation Level

Platinum Level

Silver Level

Office of the President

Bronze Level

Foundation Gift Strake Foundation

Friend of UDMC Catholic Extension Society Catholic Pro-life Committee of Dallas

Parish Partner Church of the Incarnation (UD) – Irving, TX St. Ann Catholic Parish – Coppell, TX Our Lady of the Lake Parish – Rockwall, TX 6

Ascension Press TAG Marketing, Ltd.

Speaker Index | Índice de Conferenciantes

Abajo aparece la lista de los conferenciantes de este año con las sesiones correspondientes. Los números romanos I – IX indican la sesión mientras que los números 01 – 41 indican las charlas. Las charlas en inglés están numeradas 01 – 19, aquellas en español 30 – 39 y en vietnamés con el número 41. Un asterico (*) indica que la sesión será grabada.

Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro......VI-01*, VIII-21* Allen, John...........................XI-01* Angrisano, Steve..................IV-01, X-01 Ashley, Dcn. Frank ...............III-01* Barone, John........................ II-01*, IV-02*, V-01*, VI-02* Becker, Mary Lee.................. II-02*, V-02*, VIII-01*, XI-02* Bergsma, Dr. John................V-03*, X-02* Boazman, Dr. Janette...........II-03 Brunet, Julie.........................III-02, IX-01 Burland, John.......................III-03*, IX-02* Butkus, Heidi........................II-04, III-04, V-04 Calva, Dra. Pilar...................VII-21*, XI-21* Campo, Mary.......................X-06* Caraway, Dr. Melissa............III-05, V-12 De La Torre, Marlon.............VIII-02, IX-03 Deitz, Shannon M................XI-04* Dooley, Sandra.....................III-06, VIII-03 East, Tom.............................II-05*, X-03* Eckert, Ann Marie................. II-06*, V-05*, XI-05* Ellair, Steven.........................IV-03, XI-06 Espinosa de los Monteros, Rev. Ángel ...........................VI-21, XI-22 Fernandez, Santiago.............III-21, X-21 Garnett, Karen.....................X-04* Giuliano, Gene.....................VI-03*, VIII-04* González, Rev. J Eduardo......IV-21*, X-22* Gruninger, Dr. Todd..............III-07 Guerrero, Sr. Esther .............VI-22*, VII-22* Gutierrez, Magdalena........... IV-04, VI-23, VII-23 Haney, Regina......................SB-01* Hendey, Lisa M....................IV-05*, VIII-05* Hernandez, Manuel .............V-21*, XI-23* Hughes, Dr. Patricia J...........V-06, IX-04

Jewell, Dr. Marti R................IV-06 Jodziewicz, Dr. Thomas W.....V-07* Khirallah, Barbara ...............V-08* Kolar, Peter M...................... IV-22, V-09, VIII-06, IX-21 Lang, Lynne.........................V-10*, X-05* Lowery, Dr. Mark..................II-07* Luby, Dr. Dan.......................VI-04*, IX-05* Mahony, His Eminence Roger Cardinal.....................I-01* Masters, Dr. Thomas............VI-05*, IX-06* McAlister, Renée ..................III-02, IX-01 McCarty, Dr. Robert..............V-11*, VIII-07* McGill, James B...................IV-07*, XI-07* Moser, Dr. Greg Dobie..........II-08*, XI-08 Nguyen, Rev. Hy................... VII-41*, VIII-41*, XI-09* Nolty, Sr. Honora..................II-09*, IX-07* Norris, Dr. John M................III-07 Novinski, Lyle.......................IX-08* Olenick, Dr. Richard.............IV-08* Ordieres, Alejandro.............. V-22*, VII-24*, IX-22* Paradise, Dr. Jo Ann.............II-10*, XI-10* Pitts, Stephen.......................III-07 Pollice, Lucas....................... III-08*, VI-06*, VIII-08*, X-07* Prendergast, Michael R........ II-11*, VI-07*, VIII-09*, XI-11* Raiche, Dr. Diana Dudoit......VI-08, X-08 Ramirez de León, Antonio.... VI-24*, VII-25*, IX-23* Rayas, Dr. Verónica ............. V-23, VII-26, VIII-10 Rendon-Reyes, Juan.............VII-27* Ruhi-López, Angelique.......... III-22*, V-13*, VIII-11*, X-23* Samour, Jake.......................IV-23*, VI-09* Santamaría, Carmen............ III-22*, V-13*, VIII-11*, X-23* Scally, Anna.........................II-12*, VIII-12* Septién, Pía .........................VII-28*, XI-24* Sollom, Scott........................ II-13*, VIII-13*, X-09* Springer, Joyce.....................VI-10, IX-09 Stephen, Curtis.....................IV-01, X-01 Tinajero, Aurora Q...............VII-29* Vaghi, Rev. Msgr. Peter J.......II-14*, VIII-14* Wall, Rev. Jack.....................VII-01* Weber, Joan C......................VI-11*, XI-12*


Below is a list of the 2012 conference speakers with their corresponding sessions. The roman numerals I – XI designate the session, while the numbers 01-41 designate the talks. English talks are numbered 01-19, Spanish talks are numbered 30-39, and Vietnamese talks are numbered 41. An asterisk (*) denotes the sessions will be recorded.


Track Index | Índice de Temas UDMC offers sessions on a wide variety of topics. We have compiled most of the sessions into tracks, which are categorized by ministry and areas of interest below. An asterisk (*) denotes the sessions will be recorded. UDMC ofrece sesiones en una gran variedad de temas. Hemos recopilado la mayoría de las sesiones en temas que están organizadas por ministerio y áreas de interés. Un asterico (*) indica que la sesión será grabada. Catechist Formation | Formación Catequética II-01*, II-02*, II-04, II-08*, II-10*, II-11*, II-12*, II-13*, II-14*, III-03*, III-06, III-07, III-08*, IV-02*, IV-03, IV-05*, IV-08*, V-01*, V-02*, V-03*, V-10*, VI-02*, VI-05*, VI-08, VI-10, VIII-01*, VIII-02, VIII-05*, VIII-10, VIII-12*, VIII-13*, IX-01, IX-02*, IX-06*, IX-09, X-05*, X-07*, X-08, XI-02*, XI-11*

General Faith Formation | Formación General de la Fe I-01*, II-14*, III-01*, III-08*, IV-05*, IV-07*, IV-08*, V-03*, V-05*, V-07*, V-13*, VI-01*, VI-03*, VI-04*, VI-06*, VI-09*, VII-01*, VIII-03, VIII-04*, VIII-08*, VIII-10, VIII-12*, VIII-14*, IX-04, IX-05*, IX-07*, IX-08*, X-02*, X-04*, X-06*, X-07*, X-09*, XI-01*, XI-04, XI-05*, XI-07*, XI-08, XI-09*, XI-12* III-21, III-22*, IV-21*, IV-22, V-21*, V-22*, VI-21, VI-23, VI-24*, VII-21*, VII-23, VII-24*, VII-26, VII-28*, VII-29*, VIII-01*, IX-21, IX-22*, IX-23*, X-21, X-22*, X-23*, XI-21*, XI-22, XI-23*, XI-24* Liturgy | Liturgia IV-01, IV-07*, V-05*, V-06, V-09, VI-07*, VIII-03, VIII-05*, VIII-06, VIII-09*, VIII-13*, IX-02*, IX-04, IX-08*, X-01, XI-06, XI-08

V-23, VI-22*, VI-23, VII-22*, VII-25*, VII-26, VII-27*

III-21, IV-22, VI-24*, VII-23, VII-28*, IX-21, IX-22*, X-21, XI-24*

Catholic School Teachers

Marriage & Family Life / Parenting | Vida en el Matrimonio y la Familia / Paternidad

II-01*, II-02*, II-03, II-04, II-05*, II-07*, III-02, III-03*, III-04, III-05, III-06, III-07, IV-02*, IV-03, IV-08*, V-01*, V-03*, V-04, V-08*, V-10*, V-11*, V-12, VI-02*, VI-05*, VI-10, VIII-01*, VIII-02, VIII-13*, IX-01, IX-06*, IX-09, X-05* DRE / PCL & Parish Leadership | DER / CPL y Liderazgo Parroquial II-02*, II-06*, II-09*, II-10*, II-11*, II-12*, II-13*, II-14*, III-01*, III-08*, IV-01, IV-04, IV-05*, IV-06*, V-02*, V-05*, V-06, V-10*, VI-01*, VI-05*, VI-06*, VI-07*, VI-08, VI-11*, VIII-01*, VIII-02, VIII-03, VIII-05*, VIII-06, VIII-08*, VIII-09*, VIII-10, VIII-11*, VIII-12*, VIII-14*, IX-01, IX-02*, IX-03*, IX-06*, X-01, X-04*, X-05*, X-06*, X-07*, X-08, XI-02*, XI-04, XI-06, XI-09*, XI-10*, XI-11*, XI-12* III-21, IV-21*, IV-22, V-22*, V-23, VI-22*, VI-23, VI-24*, VII-22*, VII-23, VII-25*, VII-26, VII-27*, IX-21, X-21, X-22*, X-23*, XI-22

II-04, II-05*, II-07*, II-08*, III-03*, III-04, III-06, IV-05*, V-04, V-05*, V-11*, V-13*, VI-05*, VI-09*, VIII-02, VIII-05*, VIII-07*, VIII-11*, VIII-12*, IX-01, IX-06*, IX-09, X-03*, X-09*, XI-04, XI-05*, XI-08, XI-10* III-21, III-22*, IV-21*, IV-23*, V-22*, VI-21, VII-21*, VII-24*, VII-26, IX-23*, X-21, X-23*, XI-21*, XI-22, XI-23* RCIA | RICA II-06*, II-10*, II-11*, II-12*, II-13*, II-14*, III-07, III-08*, IV-04, V-02*, V-06, VI-01*, VI-04*, VI-07*, VI-08, VIII-09*, VIII-10, VIII-13*, VIII-14*, IX-03*, X-02*, X-07*, X-08, XI-02*, XI-06, XI-11*, XI-12* IV-22, V-23, VI-22*, VI-23, VII-22*, VII-23, VII-25*, VII-27*, IX-21, IX-22* Social Justice | Justicia Social I-01*, V-13*, VII-01*, VIII-11*, X-04*, XI-01*, XI-04 III-22*, VII-21*, VII-29*, X-23*, XI-21* Youth, Young Adulty, & Campus Ministry II-01*, II-05*, II-10*, II-11*, II-12*, II-13*, III-07, III-08*, IV-05*, V-01*, V-02*, V-03*, V-10*, V-11*, VI-01*, VI-02*, VI-04*, VI-05*, VI-06*, VI-11*, VIII-02, VIII-05*, VIII-07*, VIII-08*, VIII-10, VIII-12*, VIII-13*, VIII-14*, IX-03*, IX-05*, IX-06*, X-02*, X-03*, X-05*, X-07*, X-09*, XI-02*, XI-06, XI-11*, XI-12*


UDMC Events


8:30 – 9:00 am

Morning Prayer & Welcome

Morning Prayer & Welcome

9:15 – 10:15 am

Session I (Keynote Address)

Session VII (Plenary Address)

10:45 – 11:45 am

Session II

Session VIII (Keynote Address in Spanish)

12:15 – 1:15 pm

Session III

Session IX

1:30 – 2:30 pm

Session IV

Session X

3:00 – 4:00 pm

Session V

Session XI

4:30 – 5:30 pm

Session VI

Closing Mass

5:45 – 6:15 pm

Evening Prayer



Registration/Check-in Hours 7:00 – 9:00 am Exhibit Hours 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (Friday) 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (Saturday) Lunch Hours

11:45 am – 3:00 pm

Musical Entertainment Hours During Breaks & Lunch (more info. on page 15) Resource Spotlight Hours During Sessions III, IV, IX, & X (more info. on page 14)


Hall A | 8:30 am

Hear from Bishop Farrell of Dallas, Bishop Vann of Fort Worth, and President Keefe of UD as they welcome the Catholics of North Texas to this two-day event of learning, prayer, fellowship, and “Walking Together in Faith.”


MR 1 & 2 | During Sessions III, IV, IX, & X

Several of our exhibitors have exciting resources to offer and they want to tell you about them! Come join us in MR 1 & 2 during Session III, IV, IX, and X to hear about their products. Every attendee gets to take a sample of the resource home with them! Check out page 14 for the full schedule and more details on all of the presenters.


Various | During Breaks & Lunch

St. Augustine said, “When you sing, you pray twice.” Come enjoy the musical talents of well-known and up-and-coming Christian artists who are lifting their voices and instruments in praise of our Lord. Musical performances will take place throughout the conference. See page 15 for the schedule and details on the artists.


Grand Ballroom Level (4th Floor)

Visit the prefunction area of the Grand Ballroom Level (4th Floor), where Novinski Studioes has assembled images of crosses and crucifixes throughout history. Come peruse the art and be inspired by the messages they convey. See page 13 for more details.


Hall A | Friday – 5:45 pm

Come reflect on your first day of conference experiences with the other attendees.


Hall A | Saturday – 4:30 pm

What better way to close out the UD Ministry Conference than with a Thanksgiving Mass to celebrate our faith and our call to share it! Come join Bishop Farrell, Bishop Vann, and several priests from the Dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth as they celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass.


Friday Sessions The Resource Spotlights are also listed, designated by the session slot and a letter. Session descriptions, with more details on the talks, can be found on page 16.  denotes sessions that will be recorded. A Speaker Index and Track Index is available on pages 7-8.

School Board Session Thursday, October 25: 7-9 pm SB-01 Generate Connectivity: Communication Tactics, Tips and Tools for Catholic Education Boards and Councils

Haney  GB 1-3 (4th)

Session I | 9:15-10:15 am I-01 “I Was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me”

II-01 A Place for All - Part One: From Judgment to Curiosity

Barone  Hall A (1st)

II-02 Celebrating the Year of Faith with Middle School Youth: Fun, Frustrating or Fascinating?!

Becker  MR 6 (3rd)

II-03 Gifted and Thriving: Helping Gifted Learners Flourish Across the Lifespan

Boazman  GB 7 (4th)

II-04 Bananas for Apps! Using the iPad and iPod with Young Children

Butkus  GB 1-3 (4th)

II-05 Sharing Faith Messages that Stick with Youth

Eckert  MR 9 (3rd)

II-07 Marriage as a Sign of the Covenant, and the Covenant as the Model for Marriage

Lowery  MR 1 (3rd)

II-08 Sports Done Right: Athletics as Ministry

Moser  JB C-D (3rd)


Renewing the Priestly Heart


Standing In the In Between

 

Nolty  MR 3 (3rd)

Paradise  MR 7 (3rd)

II-11 Year Round Catechumenate: a Blessing Without Number

 10

Prendergast  GB 4-5 (4th)

Shepherds on the Edge

Scally  MR 8 (3rd)

II-13 Catechetical Methodology: Catechesis that Changes Hearts

Sollom  JB A-B (3rd)

II-14 O Lay Christians: Did You Ever Think of Yourselves as Radically Different Kinds of People?

Vaghi  GB 8 (4th)

Session III | 12:15-1:15 pm III-01 Diaconal Ministry in the Marketplace: Maintaining a Healthy Balance

Ashley  MR 3 (3rd)

III-02 Assessment Strategies: Getting the Right Answer

Brunet & McAlister GB 1-3 (4th)

III-03 God Loves Me! Calling Children to Faith through Song

Burland  JB A-B (3rd)

III-04 Favorite MultiSensory Tips and Tricks for Phonemic Awareness and Sounding Out Words

Butkus  GB 4-5 (4th)

III-05 Using Mentor Texts to Inspire Writing: Literature in the Writing Process

Caraway  MR 6 (3rd)

III-06 Praying with Children Through the Liturgical Year

Dooley  MR 7 (3rd)

III-07 Science and Faith in Catholic High Schools: How to Bridge the Divide

Gruninger, Norris & Pitts  GB 6 (4th)

East  GB 6 (4th)

II-06 Recruiting and Sustaining Volunteers

Mahony  Hall A (1st)

Session II | 10:45-11:45 am


III-08 The Year of Faith: Pope Benedict’s Blueprint for the New Evangelization

Pollice  GB 7 (4th)

III-A Resource Spotlight: Zaner-Bloser Publishers

MR 1 (3rd)  (12:15 - 1:15 pm)

III-B Resource Spotlight: Novare Science and Math

MR 2 (3rd)  (12:15 - 12:45 pm)

Session IV | 1:30-2:30 pm IV-01 Vibrant Music Ministry for Liturgy and More

Angrisano & Stephan  JB C-D (3rd)

IV-02 A Place for All - Part Two: Classroom Communication

Barone  Hall A (1st)

Friday Sessions IV-03 From Pulling Hair to Quiet Prayer: Tips for Classroom Management and Discipline

Ellair   GB 7 (4th)

IV-04 Catholic Spirituality and Conversion in the Pre-Catechumenate

Gutierrez  MR 3 (3rd)

IV-05 Saints for Slackers, Seekers, & Sinners: Companions for the Year of Faith

Hendey  GB 8 (4th)

Jewell  MR 6 (3rd)


The Creed


The Beginning and the End

 

McGill  GB 6 (4th) Olenick  GB 1-3 (4th)

IV-A Resource Spotlight: Shurley English

MR 1 (3rd)  (1:30 - 2:30 pm)

IV-B Resource Spotlight: RenWeb School Management Software

MR 2 (3rd)  (1:30 - 2:00 pm)

Session V | 3:00-4:00 pm V-01 A Place for All - Part Three: Getting and Keeping Attention

Barone  GB 7 (4th)


onfirmation: Sacrament of C “Initiation” or “Graduation?”

Becker  MR 8 (3rd)

V-03 How to Get Through the Bible in an Hour!

Bergsma  MR 2 (3rd)


Musical Math Plus Manipulatives

Butkus  GB 1-3 (4th)

V-05 Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath

Eckert  MR 1 (3rd)

V-06 Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the First Time: How and WOW

Hughes  GB 8 (4th)


Catholic and American

Jodziewicz  MR 5 (3rd)

V-08 Data-Driven Instruction: A Powerful Paradigm to Drive Academic Excellence in Catholic Schools

Khirallah  JB C-D (3rd)

V-09 Music and the Liturgy: Everyone Has a Role to Play

Kolar  JB A-B (3rd)

Lang  Hall A (1st)

V-11 Self Esteem: Making Champions of our Young People

McCarty  GB 4-5 (4th)

V-12 Responding to Reading: Beyond Answering Questions

Caraway  GB 6 (3rd)

V-13 What Does the Catholic Church Teach about Assisted Reproductive Technology?

 Ruhi-López & Santamaría  MR 9 (3rd)

Session VI | 4:30-5:30 pm VI-01 Weaving Together a Culturally Diverse Church

Aguilera-Titus  JB A-B (3rd)

VI-02 The Bullying Crisis: Real Solutions, Shared Values, Lasting Success

Barone  Hall A (1st)

VI-03 God Created Us in God’s Image and We Have Returned the Favor: Our Response to the Mystery of God

Giuliano  GB 7 (4th)

VI-04 Walking in Beauty: Mystagogy as a Lifestyle

Luby  MR 6 (3rd)

VI-05 Utopia or Reality? Building Unity in the Classroom and Beyond

Masters  MR 3 (3rd)

VI-06 Vatican II: The Great Grace and Sure Compass for the Church of the Third Millennium

Pollice  GB 4-5 (4th)

VI-07 What Does it Mean to be a Liturgical Parish?

Prendergast  MR 9 (3rd)


RCIA Adapted for Children

Raiche  JB C-D (3rd)

VI-09 The Charism of the Sacrament of Marriage: Couples Walking Together in Faith to Fulfill Their Mission

Samour  MR 8 (3rd)


How to Go from Good to Great!

Springer  GB 8 (4th)

VI-11 Integration vs. Separation: Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community

Weber  MR 1 (3rd)



IV-06 The Co-Responsible Parish: Benchmarks For Vitality

V-10 Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™ A Catholic Response to Bullying

Saturday Sessions The Resource Spotlights are also listed, designated by the session slot and a letter. Session descriptions, with more details on the talks, can be found on page 16.  denotes sessions that will be recorded. A Speaker Index and Track Index is available on pages 7-8.

VIII-12 Keys to Happiness: Two Types of People, Those Who are Happy and Those Who are Working On It

Session VII| 9:15 - 10:15 am

VIII-14 The Year of Faith: Four Pillars of the Catechism

VII-01 Awakening the Mission Spirit in America!

 Wall

Hall A (1st)

Session VIII | 10:45 - 11:45 am VIII-01 Celebrating the Year of Faith with Middle School Youth: Fun, Frustrating or Fascinating?!

Becker  GB 6 (4th)

VIII-02 “I Don’t Need Your Catechism”: The Danger of Ignoring the Creed in Teaching Religion

De La Torre  MR 3 (3rd)

VIII-03 49 Years After the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: Are We There Yet?

Dooley  MR 9 (3rd)

VIII-04 “I Will Ask the Father and He Will Send You Another Advocate to Be with You Always”

Giuliano  MR 6 (3rd)


Advent: Fuel for the Fire of Faith

Hendey  GB 7 (4th)

VIII-06 Music for Bilingual (English-Spanish) Celebrations

Kolar  JB A-B (3rd)

VIII-07 How to Talk with Young People about God!

McCarty  GB 4-5 (4th)

VIII-08 Vatican II: The Great Grace and Sure Compass for the Church of the Third Millennium

Pollice  MR 8 (3rd)

Scally  MR 2 (3rd)


Teaching To and From the Rites

Sollom  JB C-D (3rd)

Vaghi  MR 1 (3rd)

Session IX | 12:15 - 1:15 pm IX-01 Creative Catechesis: Going Beyond the Worksheet

Brunet & McAlister  GB 4-5 (4th)

IX-02 Music for Celebrating the Mass with Children

Burland  JB C-D (3rd)

IX-03 “I’m Catholic. Now What?” A Biblical and Catechetical Approach in Helping the New Catholics Find Their Way in the Church

De La Torre  MR 7 (3rd)

IX-04 The Communion Minister and the Real Presence: Is There an Elephant in the Living Room?

Hughes  GB 7 (4th)

IX-05 Bloom Where You’re Planted: Finding God Where He’s Always Been

Luby  GB 6 (4th)

IX-06 Utopia or Reality? Building Unity in the Parish, the Classroom, and Beyond

Masters  MR 6 (3rd)


Mary as Disciple and Evangelizer


he Crucifixion and the Cross in T Faith and Form

 


Nolty  MR 9 (3rd)

Novinski  MR 8 (3rd)

Sacraments: Gifts of God’s Love

Springer  MR 3 (3rd)

VIII-09 What Does it Mean to be a Liturgical Parish?

IX-A Resource Spotlight: Diocese of Dallas Young Adult Ministry

VIII-10 La Familia’s Catechesis: Accompaniment on the Journey of Faith

Session X | 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Prendergast  GB 1-3 (4th)

Rayas  MR 5 (3rd)

VIII-11 How Can We Support Infertile Couples and Those Who Have Experienced Miscarriage or Stillbirth?

 Ruhi-López & Santamaría  GB 8 (4th)


MR 1 (3rd)  (12:15 - 1:15 pm)

X-01 Vibrant Music Ministry for Liturgy and More

Angrisano & Stephen  JB A-B (3rd)

X-02 Seven Verses Every Catholic Should Know!

Bergsma  MR 3 (3rd)

Saturday Sessions X-03 Parent to Parent – Practical Ways of Sharing Faith as Parents of Youth

East  GB 6 (4th)

X-04 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: Clear Guidance from our Bishops on Understanding and Prioritizing the Issues as Faithful Catholics

Garnett  MR 8 (3rd)

X-05 Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™ A Catholic Response to Bullying

Lang  MR 6 (3rd)


Stewardship: Let Your Light Shine!

Campo  Hall A (1st)

X-07 The Year of Faith: Pope Benedict’s Blueprint for the New Evangelization

Pollice  GB 4-5 (4th)


RCIA Adapted for Children


Life in Christ

Raiche  GB 8 (4th)

Sollom  MR 7 (3rd)

X-A Resource Spotlight: Word on Fire Ministries

MR 1 (3rd)  (1:30 - 2:00 pm)

X-B Resource Spotlight: Illuminated Ink

MR 2 (3rd)  (2:00 - 2:30 pm)

XI-01 The Global War on Christians: Dispatch­es from the Front Lines

Allen  GB 4-5 (4th)


onfirmation: Sacrament of C “Initiation” or “Graduation?”

Becker  MR 5 (3rd)


EXPOSED - Faith & Trauma


Keeping in Balance

 

Deitz  JB A-B (3rd) Eckert  GB 7 (4th)

XI-06 Enlivening the Sacrament Preparation Process!

Ellair  MR 8 (3rd)


The God of the Old Testament

McGill  GB 8 (4th)

XI-08 Embracing Vulnerability: The Holiness of Family Life

Moser  MR 7 (3rd)

XI-09 Faith and Vietnamese Culture: What Pastoral Leaders Need to Know

Nguyen   JB C-D (3rd)

XI-10 It Begins with a Question --Evangelizing Families

Paradise  MR 9 (3rd)

XI-11 Year Round Catechumenate: a Blessing Without Number

Prendergast  MR 6 (3rd)

XI-12 Mission Possible -- Catholic Identity and Young Adults

Weber  MR 1 (3rd)

Visit the prefunction area of the Grand Ballroom Level (4th Floor), where Novinski Studioes has assembled images of crosses and crucifixes throughout history. Come peruse the art and be inspired by the messages they convey.

The Cross and Crucifixion in Christian Art Description of the Display by Novinski Studios The oldest of Christian symbol is the cross form, used in many ways for the first five centuries before the Cross and Corpus were united in what we have come to know as the Crucifix. The exhibit of photos of historic examples traces this passage in time from the decorated crosses, symbolizing the Resurrection, the glorious cross of victory over death, to the developed image of the suffering body at the Crucifixion. The act of redemption can be viewed as Christ’s self-giving sacrifice and/or as the painful execution inviting our identification with the suffering body of the Incarnate God. 13


Session XI | 3:00 - 4:00 pm

Resource Spotlights Several of our exhibitors have exciting resources to offer and they want to tell you about them! Every attendee gets to take a sample of the resource home with them just for attending the session.

FRIDAY III-A Weaving Together Literacy and Social Development Zaner-Bloser Publishers MR 1  (12:15 - 1:15 pm) Through culturally diverse literature, participants in this course will explore universal themes, such as Identity Awareness; Perspective Taking; Conflict Resolution; Family, Friends, and Community; Social Awareness; and Democracy, as the vehicles to teach literacy skills and address social development. Participants in this course will also learn to use award-winning multicultural literature to stimulate classroom discussion and student writing and to encourage community/ family involvement through ongoing projects. Recommended for teachers and administrators, grades PreK–6. Give-away: Book entitled, “Social Development Research: Impact on Academic Achievement and Literacy Development,” published by Zaner-Bloser III-B Articulating a New Paradigm Novare Science and Math MR 2  (12:15 - 12:45 pm) John D. Mays outlines a paradigm for science and math education that breaks the cycle of students cramming for the test, passing it, then forgetting most of what they learned. The approach is summarized by three broad areas: Mastery orientation, Integration of relevant subjects, and Kingdom perspective. This does not mean merely making the class harder, but enabling students through new methods and class organization to master and retain material, emphasizing the correct verbal and technical writing skills used in the real world, and honoring the Lord and Creator of such a marvelous universe in the best use of our minds. Give-away: The Student Lab Report Handbook -- A $20 value!! IV-A English & Writing Made Easy Shurley English MR 1  (1:30 - 2:30 pm) So, you want your students to become competent, proficient writers-but how do you get them there? In this session, learn how to nurture your students’ writing skills with Shurley English. Take your classroom by storm with our innovative grammar, jingles, critical thinking processes, and writing lessons. Join us and discover how Shurley English can revolutionize your classroom! Takes teachers from simple grammar lessons to introduction of writing, then expansion of a simple paragraph to multiple paragraphs. 14

IV-B Live RenWeb Demonstration - See Why 2,500 Schools Use the Industry Leader RenWeb School Management Software MR 2 (1:30 - 2:00 pm) And that number is growing fast, as RenWeb School Management Software added 700 new schools in the past 2 years alone. RenWeb has revolutionized school management with its industry-leading Power, Integration, Ease of Use, and Affordability. Come see how RenWeb’s functionality continues to expand with each new release, including its newest online application and online enrollment services, integrated web site solution, and iPhone apps. Let us demonstrate for you why so many other schools have made the switch to RenWeb and the possibilities RenWeb offers your school. Give-away: RenWeb Informational Brochure

SATURDAY IX-A Young Adult Meet & Greet Diocese of Dallas Young Adult Ministry MR 1  (12:15 -1:15 pm) Join the Diocese of Dallas Young Adults for your lunch hour! We will have information about our Young Adult Council and our plans for the Year of Faith with Young Adults. Whether you are wanting to meet other young adults from the Dallas area or learn more about how to evangelize young adults in your community, stop by and say hi! X-A New Evangelizing for the Year of Faith: Resources from Father Barron’s Word On Fire Word on Fire Ministries MR 1  (1:30 - 2:00 pm) The New Evangelization must begin in our own parishes. Looking to the Year of Faith as a stimulus for adult faith formation, this spotlight will offer ways that we can be formed, witness and celebrate our faith. Fr. Robert Barron’s “Catholicism” DVD series and its accompanying adult formation study program (now available in Spanish) will be highlighted in this resource spotlight. Give-away: “Catholicism” Preview DVD, which includes comments from Fr. Barron, series highlights, Episode 6: The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church, and an overview of the Catholicism Series Study Materials X-B

Faith Filled FUN! Illuminated Ink MR 2   (2:00 - 2:30 pm) Come join us and discover some bright ideas, clever concepts, and faith filled resources to inspire your K-12 students and bring some hands-on FUN into your classroom! Give-away: A “Teacher Appreciation Bag” with sample products, coupons and more!

Musical Entertainment Come and enjoy live Christian music throughout the two-day conference!



11:45 - 12:15 pm

The Third Class Relics Jessica Volcansek, Brett Koltuniak, Travis Steel

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

Michael James Mette

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

11:45 - 12:30 pm

Steve Angrisano & Curtis Stephan

Main Stage (Hall A)

12:20 - 12:50 pm

Augie Leal

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

12:45 - 1:30 pm

Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama

Main Stage (Hall A)

1:00 - 1:30 pm

Jason Deuterman

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

2:30 - 3:00 pm

Augie Leal

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

In Our Midst

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

Communities of Prayer

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

Mike Pavelka

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

Steve Angrisano & Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama

Main Stage (Hall A)

4:00 - 4:30 pm

5:45 - 6:15 pm (Evening Prayer)






11:45 - 12:15 pm

Michael James Mette

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

The Third Class Relics Jessica Volcansek, Brett Koltuniak, Travis Steel

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

11:45 - 12:30 pm

Santiago Fernandez

Main Stage (Hall A)

12:20 - 12:50 pm

Mike Pavelka

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

12:45 - 1:30 pm

Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama & Augie Leal

Main Stage (Hall A)

1:00 - 1:30 pm

In Our Midst

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

2:30 - 3:00 pm

Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

Communities of Prayer 4:00 - 4:30 pm

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor)

Augie Leal

Art Exhibit Stage (4th Floor)

Jason Deuterman

Terrace Stage (2nd Floor) 15

Session Descriptions  denotes sessions that will be recorded. A Speaker Index and Track Index is available on pages 7-8.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 School Board Session | 7:00 - 9:00 pm SB-01 Generate Connectivity: Communication Tactics, Tips and Tools for Catholic Education Boards and Councils Regina Haney, Ed.D.   GB 1-3 (4th) This session will help boards ensure that their board is communicating effectively and strategically with key constituencies — and, in the process, creating the connectivity that’s essential to ensure that the school(s) thrive. Points covered will include: 1) Engage board members in communication and outreach as ambassadors and advocates, 2) Tips for communicating before, during, after and between board meetings, 3) Plan for crisis communication, 4) The role of social media in strategic communication, and 5) Communication that will identify great potential members and persuade them to serve. This workshop is specifically for School Board & Advisory Council Members

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 Session I | 9:15 - 10:15 am I-01 “I Was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me”  His Eminence Roger Cardinal Mahony  Hall A (1st) Cardinal Mahony will explore the Biblical roots for our approach to migration and immigration, will offer a survey of the four waves of American immigration, will give the Church’s constant teachings on immigrants, and will give a forecast of future worker needs in our country as baby boomers retire.

Session II | 10:45 - 11:45 am II-01 A Place for All - Part One: From Judgment to Curiosity  John Barone  Hall A (1st) Behavior management in the classroom is more challenging than it’s ever been. Teachers expend so much energy trying to meet the diverse needs of all the students that they often go home feeling exhausted and discouraged. In this workshop, we’ll explore beliefs and methodology which will empower teachers to see and treat their students in a different way, taking on the role of ally rather than opponent, and dealing with “misbehavior” from a developmental perspective, coaching students toward taking more ownership of their learning and development. This will result in a more peaceful classroom, more learning, and teachers who go home feeling fulfilled rather than exhausted! In addition, you will learn: 1) How 16

to view “misbehavior” with curiosity rather the judgment, 2) How to “catch kids being good,” and 3) How to react to students who behave in unexpected or undesirable ways. This workshop may be taken alone or in sequence with the other “A Place for All” offerings. II-02 Celebrating the Year of Faith with Middle School Youth: Fun, Frustrating or Fascinating?!  Mary Lee Becker, M.P.M.  MR 6 (3rd) What motivates young adolescents (5th-9th grade)? What might keep them interested and engaged in church? How can we both teach the right things (content) AND teach things right (methods)? Discover the keys that unlock the mystery of middle school, and practical tips and tools that help “bring faith to life” using any curriculum! Also being presented in Session VIII II-03 Gifted and Thriving: Helping Gifted Learners Flourish Across the Lifespan Janette K. Boazman, Ph.D.  GB 7 (4th) What is it we want for children and adolescents in our schools? At the foundational level, we desire health, happiness, and good schools with good teachers for all children. We want all children, regardless of ability, to be in programs that appropriately address their educational needs. We desire places where young individuals can develop their natural abilities, and form and maintain good and lasting friendships. We want each student to be successful, academically and personally, and to move toward happiness, thriving, and a good life (Sayler & Boazman, 2006). For the gifted, the development of natural abilities, personal wellbeing, and happiness often manifests differently than it does for students with normal ability. This session discusses the theoretical Model of Giftedness and Thriving (Sayler, 2010), nature and needs of gifted individuals, and how educators can help gifted students thrive and flourish. II-04 Bananas for Apps! Using the iPad and iPod with Young Children Heidi Butkus  GB 1-3 (4th) Come hear about some great ways to use both the iPad and the iPod with young children in your classroom! Explore lots of new apps and discover some new ways to use these wonderful devices that you may not have considered before! Grade Levels: PK - 1 II-05 Sharing Faith Messages that Stick with Youth  Tom East  GB 6 (4th) How can we make faith “sticky” or “pegajosa” in the lives on our young people? How can we share faith with them in a way that the beliefs and practices become a way of life? This practical workshop shares research about what helps messages to be believed, understood and acted upon. This will also include sharing practices of

Session Descriptions parishes, dynamic resources and easy-to-use ideas. II-06 Recruiting and Sustaining Volunteers  Ann Marie Eckert  MR 9 (3rd) This workshop will help participants understand their role in helping parishioners answer their baptismal call to use their gifts and time in service to their parish community. Participants will explore the ways that parishes can do a better job of recruiting volunteers so they are asking volunteers to use their gifts in service to others, and strategies for sustaining them in their volunteer service so that it is life-giving for all.

II-08 Sports Done Right: Athletics as Ministry  Greg Dobie Moser, D.Min.  JB C-D (3rd) Student athletes play, coaches teach, officials officiate, and parents support. How can you make this the norm in your athletic program so that your sports program represents the best of your school’s mission and values? Discover how coaches, athletes, and parents can form powerful partnerships. Come and see! II-09 Renewing the Priestly Heart  Sr. Honora Nolty, OP  MR 3 (3rd) This workshop will present the process and content of RENEWING THE PRIESTLY HEART, a new resource for priests. The workshops will include an opportunity to experience an abbreviated session and hear how the process works in a variety of settings. The goal of this resource is to re-energize current priest support groups and establish new groups. II-10 Standing In the In Between  Jo Ann Paradise, D.Min.  MR 7 (3rd) Do you find the joy of being a catechetical leader or pastoral associate sometimes overshadowed by conflict and frustration? Do you find yourself

II-11 Year Round Catechumenate: a Blessing Without Number  Michael R. Prendergast, M.T.S., M.A. GB 4-5 (4th) The premise for a year round catechumenate is found in three guiding principles: “The initiation of catechumens is a gradual process that takes place within the community of the faithful...suited to the spiritual journey of adults that varies according to the many forms of God’s grace” (RCIA, 4-5). Inquirers approach Catholic faith communities throughout the year, whenever the Spirit prompts them. This is not limited to the academic year nor to a nine-month model of catechesis. Finally, as initiating communities, we are called to accompany each inquirer on a journey of faith which works in God’s time and with God’s grace. It takes a lifetime to become a disciple of Christ and to appreciate the Catholic Tradition. Come and explore ways to implement a year round catechumenate in your faith community. Also being presented in Session XI II-12 Shepherds on the Edge  Anna Scally  MR 8 (3rd) Taking care of the needs of those you minister to is rewarding and challenging. The image of the shepherd looking over, protecting and guiding the flock is comforting, especially when people’s circumstances make them long for reassurance of being taking care of. Original shepherds were on the edge of society, while trying to do their work. At this workshop, learn ways to improve your skills to make a significant difference to those you are ministering to. Enjoy great stories, music, and practical tips. II-13 Catechetical Methodology: Catechesis that Changes Hearts  Scott Sollom, M.A.   JB A-B (3rd) God is the Divine Teacher. His methodology forms the template for our own catechesis. This workshop will look at ways to model God’s methodology of revelation, grace, and response of faith, in a way that inspires people to grow in faith, hope and charity. II-14 O Lay Christians: Did You Ever Think of Yourselves as Radically Different Kinds of People?  Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi, J.D.  GB 8 (4th) One of the major themes of the Second Vatican Council, in fact, one of the leitmotifs of the entire Council and the implemented Catechism is the “universal call to holiness.” This call applies to the clergy and each and every baptized person alike. 17


II-07 Marriage as a Sign of the Covenant, and the Covenant as the Model for Marriage  Mark Lowery, Ph.D.   MR 1 (3rd) This talk offers a surprising and enlightening perspective on what it means to call marriage a sacrament, culled from a variety of Magisterial documents such as John Paul II’s document on the family Familiaris Consortio, Vatican II’s Gaudium et Spes, and Pope Benedict XVI’s Deus Caritas Est. It is commonplace to see marriage as a sacramental sign or image of the Covenant between God and humanity, between Christ and the Church. What is less well-known is that these texts also contain a hidden goldmine about another aspect of marriage’s sacramentality: that the Covenant is a model for marriage, and an efficacious one at that. Bonus: The talk includes a brief introduction to a textual exercise that teachers, middle-school through high school, can use in their classrooms.

caught between the ideal and the real, the way things should be in parish ministry and the way things are? This workshop will help you to gain insight and develop strategies for standing in that sacred place that bridges what actually is and all that could be.

Session Descriptions This workshop is designed to help explain how this essential theme of Vatican Council II applies to the life and the challenges of the lay faithful.

Session III | 12:15 - 1:15 pm   III-01 Diaconal Ministry in the Marketplace: Maintaining a Healthy Balance  Deacon Frank Ashley, Ed.D.   MR 3 (3rd) During the five years of formation for the diaconate, we were constantly reminded about the delicate balance that must occur between our ministry to the diaconate and our obligations to our family through the sacrament of marriage. There were the horror stories of men who had put their ministry before their families and the drastic results of those choices. Another delicate balance is the one between a career or job and ministry. It has often been said that the deacon has one foot in the sacred world and one foot in the secular world, with both worlds tugging at him very hard. It can be tough trying to balance a successful career with a successful ministry, and maintaining a healthy balance can be challenging. This presentation will discuss strategies for maintaining this healthy balance in order for deacons to live out the vows of their ordination and also fulfill their responsibility to their families and employer. III-02 Assessment Strategies: Getting the Right Answer Julie Brunet & Renée McAlister  GB 1-3 (4th) Effective assessment enables teachers to know where their students are in relationship to where teachers would like them to be. Creative ways of assessing students, using both authentic and performance assessment, will be illustrated. How and when to use different forms of assessment will be discussed. Attendees will become active participants as they experience various forms of assessment, learn about documentation, and participate in creating intervention strategies for students. III-03 God Loves Me! Calling Children to Faith through Song  John Burland  JB A-B (3rd) How can we share the great news that God loves us with the children in our care? What are some creative and practical ideas for passing on the riches of our Catholic faith tradition? Incorporating song and movement, this workshop will offer a variety of age appropriate activities suitable for children at the elementary level. Catechetical themes such as revelation, Trinity, Jesus Christ, Church, morality, God’s kingdom, sacraments and justice will be addressed during this session. Come ready to raise your voice in song as we celebrate our Catholic faith!


III-04 Favorite MultiSensory Tips and Tricks for Phonemic Awareness and Sounding Out Words Heidi Butkus  GB 4-5 (4th) You don’t have to sit still to learn! Come learn some teacher-tested and child-friendly tips and tricks for getting kids started developing phonemic awareness and sounding out words through movement. We’ll also learn a few short songs to help kids along the way with these concepts. This session is jam packed with ideas that can help you channel your students’ excess energy into a useful learning tool to help turn your little ones into readers. Grade Levels: K - 1 III-05 Using Mentor Texts to Inspire Writing: Literature in the Writing Process Melissa Caraway, Ph.D.  MR 6 (3rd) Research tells us that K-12 students need strong models for writing success. This session explores ways to use good literature as mentor texts to improve the quality of student writing as a part of the writing process. Examples will be shared; participants will write, students can “read like a writer” to strengthen their writing. Bring your pencil or pen! III-06 Praying with Children Through the Liturgical Year Sandra Dooley   MR 7 (3rd) How do we pray with the children in our classes? This presentation will offer ideas, principles, guidelines and resources for prayer with children in classroom settings. III-07 Science and Faith in Catholic High Schools: How to Bridge the Divide Todd Gruninger, Ph.D., John M. Norris, Ph.D., & Stephen Pitts, SJ  GB 6 (4th) A panel discussion, with Dr. John Norris, theology professor at the University of Dallas, Dr. Todd Gruninger, biology teacher at Jesuit Catholic Prep in Dallas, and Stephen Pitts, mathematics teacher at Jesuit, about the difficulties faced by both theology faculty and science faculty in discussing matters of science and faith, especially evolution. The panel will address major concerns, how to approach them at an age appropriate level for high school students, and resources for faculty in both theology and the sciences. III-08 The Year of Faith: Pope Benedict’s Blueprint for the New Evangelization  Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.   GB 7 (4th) In his Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, Pope Benedict called for a Year of Faith to be celebrated throughout the Universal Church. This presentation will explore how the Holy Father presents to the Church a blueprint for the New Evangelization, as envisioned by the Second Vatican Council, based upon three foundational pillars: Doctrinal Awareness, Spiritual Renewal, and Evangelization and Witness. The

Session Descriptions workshop will explore why these three pillars of formation and renewal are so important for the New Evangelization, and how these can be implemented effectively at every level of catechesis and ministry in order to usher in the New Evangelization. Also being presented in Session X Also happening this session… Resource Spotlights – see page 14 Musical Performances – see page 15

Session IV | 1:30 - 2:30 pm

IV-02 A Place for All - Part Two: Classroom Communication  John Barone  Hall A (1st) This workshop may be taken alone or in sequence with the other “A Place for All” offerings.  How many times have you experienced the following scene: you tell the students, “Please take out your textbook and turn to page 45.” Immediately after that you hear a chorus of students asking, “What page? What page?” In this workshop, you’ll discover simple but dramatic ways to improve communication and understanding in the classroom, including how to give effective instructions, how to check for understanding and how to improve retention. In addition, you will learn: 1) The two questions a good teacher never asks, 2) How to increase student retention by decreasing teacher talk, and 3) How courtesy can be kryptonite. IV-03 From Pulling Hair to Quiet Prayer: Tips for Classroom Management and Discipline Steven Ellair  GB 7 (4th) This lively and practical workshop will explore effective ways to handle classroom discipline situations and reveal successful classroom management strategies. Focus will be on preventative measures and positive solutions. If you’ve ever had “one of those days” in the classroom, then this workshop is for you! IV-04 Catholic Spirituality and Conversion in the Pre-Catechumenate Magdalena Gutierrez   MR 3 (3rd) The first stage of the catechumenal process is to proclaim the Gospel and to call people to faith in Christ and a life of ongoing conversion. The participants of this session will explore practical ideas to teach the basic elements of a life of ongoing conversion to Christ and the initial steps

IV-05 Saints for Slackers, Seekers, & Sinners: Companions for the Year of Faith  Lisa M. Hendey  GB 8 (4th) Journey into deeper relationship with saintly role models for our “wired” and ever more complex and busy age. In his writings for the Year of Faith, William Cardinal Levada has stated, “The Saints and the Blessed are authentic witnesses of the faith” and has called us to come to know them by all means, including use of social media. We will examine the lives and lessons of well known, little known and newly canonized and beatified Saints and Blesseds and look at how to bring their lessons to life for those we serve. IV-06 The Co-Responsible Parish: Benchmarks For Vitality Marti R. Jewell, D.Min.  MR 6 (3rd) How pastoral leaders are providing leadership in today’s parishes is one of the findings of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project. Chief among the benchmarks for healthy parishes is the development of “total ministering communities” in which pastors, staff, and parishioners each provide essential, needed, and unique leadership for the parish. We will discuss the role of discipleship and the leadership styles that best serve parish life today. IV-07

The Creed James B. McGill, M.A.   GB 6 (4th) This presentation will review the historical development of the Nicene Creed and examine its theological content. While proclaimed by many, the creed is understood by few. We will address this problem by seeing how the creed develops the experience and convictions of the Old and New Testaments, serves as the basic faith identity of the Church, and stands as an important part of the sacred liturgy. The creed is not a list of dry statements, but a living text that contains the core teachings of the Church and lays the foundation for further theological reflection. As Luke Timothy Johnson says about the Sunday recitation of the creed, “The creed helps create each week an actively committed people prepared to enter together into the mystery that shapes and nourishes its common life.”

IV-08 The Beginning and the End  Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D.   GB 1-3 (4th) How do astronomical observations of the universe and physical theories describe the beginning of the universe? What roles does the newly discovered Higgs boson play? How do we understand the evolution of the universe in light of modern discoveries? How do current models of the beginning and end interlace with Catholic teachings? These questions will be addressed in this overview of current ideas on the universe. Also happening this session… Resource Spotlights – see page 14 19


IV-01 Vibrant Music Ministry for Liturgy and More Steve Angrisano & Curtis Stephan  JB C-D (3rd) Steve and Curtis will show how to bring life and reverence to liturgies using contemporary music. Their practical nuts and bolts approach will give you tools and techniques that help create vibrant inspiring liturgies. Also being presented in Session X

in the process of embracing a Catholic way of life.

Session Descriptions Session V | 3:00 - 4:00 pm V-01 A Place for All - Part Three: Getting and Keeping Attention  John Barone  GB 7 (4th) Ever get caught daydreaming in class when you were a kid, only to have a teacher abruptly correct you, call your name loudly, or try to be funny by saying something like “Earth to Johnny!” Not the most respectful ways of helping you come to attention. With attention differences on the rise, it’s crucial that teachers improve their skills at keeping all of their students focused and connected to the lesson in respectful and supportive ways. In this workshop, you will learn how to get and keep attention using a variety of tools which don’t embarrass students, including the use of a soother station, classroom signals and creating a non-distracting environment. In addition, you will learn: 1) How giving students choices can improve their focusing ability, 2) How to help students take responsibility for their own attention differences, and 3) How it feels to be in a classroom with AD/HD brain, and ways to make it better. This workshop may be taken alone or in sequence with the other “A Place for All” offerings. V-02

onfirmation: Sacrament of C “Initiation” or “Graduation?”  Mary Lee Becker, M.P.M.  MR 8 (3rd) How might we assure that Confirmation is a celebration of “initiation” not a rite of “exit?” How can we blend and balance education, formation, and service so that young people become more fully engaged as Catholic disciples filled with the Spirit on a lifelong mission of faith? What is the role of parents, family, the parish community and Catholic schools? We will explore key elements and diverse approaches to sacramental preparation for adolescents and families, and together discover practical tips and tools that can strengthen the experience of Confirmation during adolescence. Also being presented in Session XI V-03 How to Get Through the Bible in an Hour!  John Bergsma, Ph.D., Th.M.,M.Div. MR 2 (3rd) Dr. Bergsma teaches a method of summarizing biblical history from Genesis to Revelation in about an hour, helping students get “the big picture” so often lost in Biblical study. Easy to replicate in your own teaching environment, this method works well as a stand-alone presentation or as an overview at the start of a course on Scripture or a summary at the end, and can be expanded over 3, 7, 14 or more class sessions.



Musical Math Plus Manipulatives Heidi Butkus  GB 1-3 (4th) Math, manipulatives, and music just go together! Come see some great games and manipulative based activities that kids love and which help them learn basic math concepts. Then get up and learn some fun songs and movements that will help your children rehearse the language and remember the concepts that were presented. These concepts include: sorting, patterning, comparing sets, coin recognition, skip counting, volume shape identification, addition, and subtraction. Grade Levels: K - 1 V-05 Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath  Ann Marie Eckert  MR 1 (3rd) It is probable that “Keep Holy the Sabbath” is the Commandment that is most often broken by Church ministers! Sabbath is essential and lifegiving. It is an opportunity to find balance and be restored. This workshop will provide participants an opportunity to look at their own practice of Sabbath (more than going to church on Sunday) and find ways to honor the rest and restoration that they need. V-06 Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the First Time: How and WOW Patricia J. Hughes, D.Min  GB 8 (4th) Planning and implementing a communal penance service with individual reconciliation is a challenge in more ways than one: knowing important catechetical information, catechizing whom (children? parents?), demystifying and debunking the myths surrounding “confession” (which is only the telling of sin), setting up the environment for reception of the sacrament, choosing accessible and appropriate music. Come and discover how to approach the celebration of this often-neglected source of amazing grace—for your parish children, their families, and the entire community. The “Wow Factor” for children will leave them wanting more (grace), and the “How Factor” provides a template for planning the liturgy with prayer and music. Pastors, catechetical leaders, RCIC planners, and musicians—come and find liturgical support for revitalizing your sacramental program for First Reconciliation. V-07 Catholic and American  Thomas W. Jodziewicz, Ph.D.  MR 5 (3rd) Since the colonial period of American history, the relationship of Catholic and American has often been problematic. In its simplest narrative form, some considerations of self-conscious American political and ideological foundations have suggested an enduring Roman Catholic incompatibility with an American ethos, open and skeptical, progressive and experimental. How, for example, can a celebration of individual freedom and the persisting pursuit for self-autonomy and, more recently, one’s own truth, co-exist with a

Session Descriptions faith equally self-conscious of its own tradition of hierarchical and authoritative leadership, claim to universal truth, and the embrace of a universal natural law? The fundamental issue of Catholic and American remains with us today and can be traced through several historical examples since the 17th century.

V-09 Music and the Liturgy: Everyone Has a Role to Play Peter M. Kolar  JB A-B (3rd) The Church envisions our celebrations to be alive with vibrant participation, but this vision can only be fulfilled if everyone sings — not just the choir. The gathered church at prayer has a right and duty to sing God’s praises through sung liturgy, from the presider to the assembly. This session explores how music is integral to the Mass, and offers practical ways for assemblies to “find their voice.” V-10 Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™ A Catholic Response to Bullying  Lynne Lang  Hall A (1st) Bullying is a confusing label that causes mistrust and division in schools and communities. Zero tolerance policies and legislation have replaced compassion and empathy in handling the verbal, physical, emotional and cyber abuses that plague society. Participants will learn strategies to address bullying through the lens of Catholic identity, and about the successful pilot study for Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™ (VBRD™). This new evidence-based initiative began in St. Louis, Missouri in 2010, and has quickly gained

V-11 Self Esteem: Making Champions of our Young People  Robert McCarty, D.Min.   GB 4-5 (4th) Parents, youth ministers, and educators are challenged to foster young people’s sense of being lovable and capable, which are the core of healthy self esteem. This session will provide practical skills and strategies for enhancing our teens’ self image – even during that explosion called adolescence! V-12 Responding to Reading: Beyond Answering Questions Melissa Caraway, Ph.D.  GB 6 (3rd) This session will explore ways that writing can support students’ reading of fiction and nonfiction across the content areas. Sample text sets and student work will be used to explore the possibilities of reader response. V-13 What Does the Catholic Church Teach about Assisted Reproductive Technology?  Angelique Ruhi-López & Carmen Santamaría, J.D.  MR 9 (3rd) A common misconception is that the Catholic Church says “NO” to most reproductive technologies, when in fact, the Church says “YES” both to some reproductive technologies and to a way of healing the underlying causes of infertility that uphold the dignity of the couple and the child they are hoping to conceive. The session will elaborate on what the Church teachs with regard to insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, embryo adoption, and more. By explaining the USSCB’s rule of thumb for licit reproductive technologies and describing the Catholic treatment alternatives, this session will offer a clear understanding of Church teaching on these bioethical issues.

Session VI | 4:30 - 5:30 pm   VI-01 Weaving Together a Culturally Diverse Church  Alejandro Aguilera-Titus   JB A-B (3rd) How do we build unity in diversity? Come and see how a strong Catholic identity leads the faithful from different cultures and ethnicities to develop a sense of belonging to the Church, and a sense of ownership on its evangelizing mission. VI-02 The Bullying Crisis: Real Solutions, Shared Values, Lasting Success  John Barone  Hall A (1st) These days, you can’t seem to pick up a newspaper or watch the news on television without finding another story about a tragic end to a 21


V-08 Data-Driven Instruction: A Powerful Paradigm to Drive Academic Excellence in Catholic Schools  Barbara Khirallah, M.Ed., ABD  JB C-D (3rd) Data-driven instruction is often discussed but rarely understood. Some educators believe that data-driven schools are simply “teaching to the test” or conforming to diocesan mandates. This session shall attempt to present a clear case for embracing data-driven instruction in our Catholic schools. By shifting the focus from identifying “what was taught” to routinely collecting and analyzing data to determine “what was actually learned,” teachers and principals can select focused actions aimed at increasing individual student achievement. Come and learn the fundamental principles of effective datadriven instruction. Find out what teachers and administrators can do to create a culture where data-driven instruction thrives, where teachers improve teaching by focusing on what students most need, and where students learn what they most need to succeed. Real stories – as well as research about real schools that have achieved dramatic results – will be presented. Handouts with examples, tools, and references will be distributed.

popularity, with more than 30 schools currently implementing VBRD™. Learn strategies that can provide hope for schools struggling with sagging enrollment and experiencing a hunger for divine kindness and peace-filled classrooms. Also being presented in Session X

Session Descriptions situation which involved bullying. Parents and educators are concerned, and rightly so, but many are unsure of how to respond to this overwhelming problem. In this workshop, we will explore the issue of bullying by defining the problem, sharing ways to create a “culture of conciliation” and learning how to reduce the incidences of bullying in your school and community. In addition, you will learn: 1) How to build consensus on core values and discuss ways to empower students to live out, act on and defend those values within the community, 2) How to use the powerful tool of peer mediation, and how young people can take ownership and support each other in resolving their misunderstandings and conflicts, 3) How student-driven relationship repair and community restitution are positive alternatives to adult-driven, punitive discipline. VI-03 God Created Us in God’s Image and We Have Returned the Favor: Our Response to the Mystery of God  Gene Giuliano, M.A.  GB 7 (4th) The testimony of Scripture, the witness of the Church, and the revelation of God in Jesus Christ shouts for all to hear that God is the mystery that is present and dwells among us, yet is totally elusive and unknowable. Consequently, our experiences of God can sometimes leave us confused and uncertain. We might feel that we could do a better job of being God. After all, the God we have allows too much evil, is absent when we need God most, and tests us with a world filled with suffering, deceit, hatred, and violence. This session explores the mystery and “hiddenness” of God and its meaning for our lives. Are we brave enough to face our human limitations, smash our graven images, let go of self-imposed absolutes that enslave us, and yearn for a God who is totally free and totally beyond all that makes up our life, but is still the center of it all? VI-04 Walking in Beauty: Mystagogy as a Lifestyle  Dan Luby, S.T.D.  MR 6 (3rd) “Mystagogy” – Is it a hidden island near Djakarta? A rare mineral? A painful skin condition? While it is none of these things, “mystagogy” is a term guaranteed to baffle most rank and file Catholics. Even many RCIA specialists find it difficult to explain, and harder still to practice. Using the ritual text of the RCIA, this session offers an overview of mystagogy, and then invites reflection and dialogue on its implications for all parishioners, regardless of how long they’ve been Catholic. Participants will leave with new perspectives on how this mysterious and beautiful reality can become a way of life which deepens our experience of faith.


VI-05 Utopia or Reality? Building Unity in the Classroom, Parish, and Beyond  Dr. Thomas Masters   MR 3 (3rd) Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, claimed that “every authentic educational approach includes a utopian thrust; that is, a guiding principle which stimulates people to build together a world which is not yet a reality, but ought to be.” The “guiding principle” I will describe is her “Art of Loving,” which is practiced and made real through the “Cube of Love.” The Cube is a simple yet effective teaching tool that has helped transform rule-based school systems and been used in parishes, families, and communities to generate a positive culture of relationships based on Gospel values. This talk will inspire you with renewed hope through examples of people living the Gospel in real-life situations. I will explain the Cube’s faith-based principles, provide examples of how students, teachers, DREs, parents, coaches and administrators have used the Cube, and lead you through a quick demonstration of how to implement the Cube in your classroom, family, or parish. Also being presented in Session IX VI-06 Vatican II: The Great Grace and Sure Compass for the Church of the Third Millennium  Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.   GB 4-5 (4th) Blessed Pope John Paul II called the Second Vatican Council “a great grace bestowed upon the Church in the twentieth century: there we find a sure compass by which to take our bearings in the century now beginning.” This workshop will explore how Vatican II was not a rupture from the Church’s doctrine and Tradition, but rather was a call to an enrichment of faith, holiness, and authentic renewal in order that all members of the Church may more effectively witness Christ to the modern world. The workshop will highlight the main themes and documents of the Council and how these serve as our guide and compass as the Church moves into the Third Millennium and implements the New Evangelization. Also being presented in Session VIII VI-07 What Does it Mean to be a Liturgical Parish?  Michael R. Prendergast, M.T.S., M.A.  MR 9 (3rd) Liturgy is at the heart of parish life. We answer the call to love God through prayer, worship and service to others. At the heart of liturgical celebrations is the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ. Explore what it means to be a liturgical parish, one that keeps the liturgical year, celebrates the Liturgy of the Hours, the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and that draw people into full, conscious and active participation in both liturgy and life. Also being presented in Session VIII

Session Descriptions VI-08

VI-09 The Charism of the Sacrament of Marriage: Couples Walking Together in Faith to Fulfill Their Mission  Jake Samour, M.T.S.  MR 8 (3rd) Through the sacramental bond of marriage each couple places themselves within the mission of the Church to build up the Kingdom of God. This ecclesial mission exists through a special charism of the sacrament of marriage and becomes a kind of consecration in Christ. In other words, “Human love is taken up into Divine Love” (Gaudium et Spes, 48), and is put at the service of a greater love: Love of God and love of human kind in Christ. During this presentation, we will unpack how this mission contributes and edifies the nuptial body of Christ, the Church which is rooted in the sacramental bond of marriage and lived within the ecclesial community. Certainly, this mission is both to form a communion of life and love and to be sent into the world. We will also explore how these two tasks are lived simultaneously and more importantly how they correspond to the deepest desires of each spouse. VI-10

How to Go from Good to Great! Joyce Springer   GB 8 (4th) You are probably good at what you do as a catechist, whether in a Catholic school or in a parish catechetical program. This workshop will take you to the next level -- from good to great -- by demonstrating hands-on participative activities that can be incorporated into your Religion classes. The activities are appropriate for grades K-8 for either Catholic school or parish catechetical students. VI-11 Integration vs. Separation: Connecting Young Adults with the Faith Community  Joan C. Weber  MR 1 (3rd) This workshop will engage participants in developing strategies to make their parishes more young adult responsive. We will explore ways of inviting young adults into leadership in parish life,

liturgy, justice and service, and youth ministry. We will also examine methods of reaching out to young adults, learning what the parish can do to meet their needs, and making adult faith formation more relevant to their everyday lives.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 Session VII| 9:15 - 10:15 am   VII-01 Awakening the Mission Spirit in America!  Rev. Jack Wall  Hall A (1st) Rev. John J. Wall is President of Catholic Extension, the national Catholic organization committed to building and strengthening the Catholic faith in America’s poorest regions. Inspired by personally witnessing the transformative power of faith in very poor Catholic communities across our country, Father Wall is calling on us to awaken a new mission spirit in our Church. “The Church is not a member-centered institution,” he states, “but a mission-driven one. We are being called in this challenging moment to a new evangelization effort by giving witness to the power of the gospel to transform hearts, lives, church, and society. Now is the time for all American Catholics to walk together in faith and to bond our lives in a common effort.” Describing Catholic Extension as one way that American Catholics work together to collaboratively build faith, inspire hope, and ignite change, he offers a vision of how a shared mission can help renew the Catholic Church in America.

Session VIII | 10:45 - 11:45 am   VIII-01 Celebrating the Year of Faith with Middle School Youth: Fun, Frustrating or Fascinating?!  Mary Lee Becker, M.P.M.  GB 6 (4th) Also being presented in Session II VIII-02 “I Don’t Need Your Catechism”: The Danger of Ignoring the Creed in Teaching Religion Marlon De La Torre, M.A., M.Ed.  MR 3 (3rd) This presentation will draw on how the Catechism is actually relevant in catechetical teaching. At the same time, this workshop will reveal potential errors and pitfalls when ignoring the Creed in catechetical instruction. VIII-03 49 Years After the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: Are We There Yet? Sandra Dooley   MR 9 (3rd) The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy was promulgated on December 4, 1963. What does the CSL have to say to us today and how do recent liturgical documents relate to it? To what extent has the vision of the CSL been realized?



RCIA Adapted for Children Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D.JB C-D (3rd) What do you do with children at the parish or Catholic school who arrive without benefit of baptism, first communion, or confirmation? How is their initiatory catechesis similar to and yet different from the sacramental catechesis of their peers who were baptized as infants? Teachers, catechists and youth ministers are discovering the need to be prepared for the growing number of older children and youth who fit this description. This presentation focuses on what the Church calls us to do to meet the spiritual and sacramental needs of these children and their families through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for them. Discover the essential elements of RCIA adapted for children and how to implement these elements through sample case studies. Also being presented in Session X

Session Descriptions VIII-04 “I Will Ask the Father and He Will Send You Another Advocate to Be with You Always”  Gene Giuliano, M.A.  MR 6 (3rd) The great gift that Jesus promised to his followers before his death, resurrection, and ascension was the gift of the Holy Spirit. The very Spirit of God is offered to us to be our spirit. Yet, how real is this gift to us? Is the Holy Spirit more to us than that third person of the Trinity who is difficult to explain and even more difficult to relate to? It is easy to understand why there are those who find it hard to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit when the Spirit is viewed as a mysterious power or force and is described using biblical images like breath, wind, water, dove, fire, and cloud. This session examines the biblical presentation of the Holy Spirit and prayerfully reflects on the Holy Spirit as the gift of God, the presence of God, the power of God, the truth of God, and the very heart of God. VIII-05

Advent: Fuel for the Fire of Faith Lisa M. Hendey  GB 7 (4th) During this Year of Faith, we will enter more fully into the promise and potential of the liturgical season of Advent. Learn to joyfully rediscover your faith during the season of Advent and to be renewed in sharing your faith with others. Goals for this session will include examing the Advent scriptures and sharing personal and group opportunities for faith sharing and catechesis during the season of Advent.

VIII-06 Music for Bilingual (English-Spanish) Celebrations Peter M. Kolar  JB A-B (3rd) When English- and Spanish-speaking assemblies come together for worship, music becomes an essential factor in the welcoming experience. Bilingual music, in particular, can be an important bridge between cultures, if used effectively. We’ll look at various bilingual and monolingual selections, both recent and traditional, that are useful for bicultural liturgies. Practical suggestions for application will be offered as well as a tour of pertinent resources. VIII-07 How to Talk with Young People about God!  Robert McCarty, D.Min.   GB 4-5 (4th) The call to discipleship is a response to the Word! This session will provide participants with practical skills on how to use symbols, analogy, and metaphors in developing God talk. These skills are applicable to home, classes, youth ministry settings, and in our conversations. Further, this session will identify spiritual practices, faith skills, and rituals that enable young people to ‘talk’ about God and faith and to live out their discipleship. Let’s talk about young people and about God!


VIII-08 Vatican II: The Great Grace and Sure Compass for the Church of the Third Millennium  Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.   MR 8 (3rd) Also being presented in Session VI VIII-09 What Does it Mean to be a Liturgical Parish?  Michael R. Prendergast, M.T.S., M.A.  GB 1-3 (4th) Also being presented in Session VI VIII-10 La Familia’s Catechesis: Accompaniment on the Journey of Faith Dr. Verónica Rayas, Ph.D.   MR 5 (3rd) Traditionally, Catholicism has been a “home religion” among Mexican Americans, as children grow up experiencing countless opportunities of faith expressions and spiritual wisdom. Many Mexicans and Mexican Americans learned to live a life of faith in their childhood homes. This workshop focuses on basic catechetical principals used in “la familia’s catechesis,” such as the development of community, the importance of a faith-cultural identity, and the role of aesthetics and traditions in catechesis. Join us as we explore the experiences and lessons learned in “la familia,” while highlighting the use of these catechetical principles in the religious formation of children, youth, and adults in your community. VIII-11 How Can We Support Infertile Couples and Those Who Have Experienced Miscarriage or Stillbirth?  Angelique Ruhi-López & Carmen Santamaría, J.D.  GB 8 (4th) With one in six couples experiencing infertility in the U.S., the Catholic Church must stand ready to provide medical, ethical and spiritual support to couples bearing this cross. This session will begin with a basic introduction to infertility and the Church’s teachings on the subject. It will also address the emotions and challenges of those experiencing infertility, as well as how to minister to infertile couples and those who have experienced miscarriage through support groups, special Masses/liturgies, and other resources and ideas that dioceses and parishes may implement. VIII-12 Keys to Happiness: Two Types of People, Those Who are Happy and Those Who are Working On It  Anna Scally  MR 2 (3rd) Being in ministry is filled with ups and downs. How do you deal with all the challenges thrown your way? Spending time improving your own happiness will have a direct and lasting impact on your personal and professional life. Helping young people with their everyday issues will result in happier young people. This will improve the quality of your ministry. Arrive ready to laugh, be challenged and given a new direction for your ministry.

Session Descriptions VIII-13

Teaching To and From the Rites Scott Sollom, M.A.   JB C-D (3rd) Catechesis becomes intellectualized if it fails to come alive in sacramental practice. The goal of this workshop is to help catechists to teach toward full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy. We will look at the key dimensions of liturgy, including baptism and Rite of Acceptance/ Rite of Welcoming.

Session IX | 12:15 - 1:15 pm IX-01 Creative Catechesis: Going Beyond the Worksheet Julie Brunet & Renée McAlister  GB 4-5 (4th) This interactive presentation will demonstrate how to enthuse and involve students in the learning process while making religion lessons come alive. Attendees will be shown how to incorporate seasonal themes and liturgical events, giving relevance and meaning to religion lessons. Through literature, music, art, drama, and many hands-on experiences, attendees will become active participants in this presentation. IX-02 Music for Celebrating the Mass with Children  John Burland  JB C-D (3rd) As religious educators, the introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal has called us to ensure that children and families continue to grow in their knowledge, understanding and celebration of the Mass. In this workshop, John will share a collection of catechetical songs for deepening children’s understanding of the Mass and a variety of liturgical music that can be used in Masses with children. Come ready to raise your voice as we celebrate together in song!

IX-04 The Communion Minister and the Real Presence: Is There an Elephant in the Living Room? Patricia J. Hughes, D.Min  GB 7 (4th) Experience a refreshingly detailed look at the liturgical ministry of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. From a pastoral perspective, come discover—or perhaps revisit—the history, theology, and spirituality of the Communion Minister. There’s “an elephant in the living room” when we choose to distribute Holy Communion rather than serve the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, often overlooking or not understanding the doctrine of the Real Presence. Faith plus formation is the goal for anyone who is currently an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, or for those who are interested in learning this ministry. Expect practical information, training resources, a glossary of terms, and inspiration for the faith-full ministry of the Communion Minister. Clarifying questions will be welcomed! IX-05 Bloom Where You’re Planted: Finding God Where He’s Always Been  Dan Luby, S.T.D.  GB 6 (4th) “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” With this famous prayer, St. Augustine not only expresses one man’s yearning for God, he also describes a universal human reality. To be human is to be a seeker; specifically a seeker after God. This session offers conversation and shared insight about how we can embrace our fundamental vocation of seeking God. Its premise is that our search rarely calls us to exotic, far away places, but rather to seek and find God in the day-today circumstances which constitute our lives. Participants will exchange and take away concrete suggestions for cultivating the virtue and practice of “presence” in the Presence of God. IX-06 Utopia or Reality? Building Unity in the Classroom, Parish, and Beyond  Dr. Thomas Masters   MR 6 (3rd) Also being presented in Session VI IX-07 Mary as Disciple and Evangelizer  Sr. Honora Nolty, OP  MR 9 (3rd) In this Year of Faith, we are asked to look at the role Mary, the Mother of God plays in our faith life. Through the lens of Scripture, this workshop will explore Mary’s life as disciple and evangelizer. We 25


VIII-14 The Year of Faith: Four Pillars of the Catechism  Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi, J.D.  MR 1 (3rd) In this Year of Faith, a year dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi reflects on the four pillars of the Catechism from his four books on this subject, a series published by Ave Maria Press entitled the Pillars of Faith Series. These four catechetical books, and his workshop, are and will be a pastoral and theological reflection on faith, the seven sacraments, the moral life (especially the 10 commandments) and prayer. His four book series is useful and beneficial, especially in this Year of Faith, for personal study, classroom work, adult faith formation and the RCIA.

IX-03 “I’m Catholic. Now What?” A Biblical and Catechetical Approach in Helping the New Catholics Find Their Way in the Church  Marlon De La Torre, M.A., M.Ed.  MR 7 (3rd) This workshop will draw on key and practical catechetical and doctrinal principles to assist the neophyte in his/her transition into daily Catholic life. Emphasis will be placed on formation, curriculum, and evangelizations techniques.

Session Descriptions will consider her readiness to receive and accept God’s invitation to bring Christ to the world, her remarkable response, and the invitation that is ours today. IX-08

he Crucifixion and the Cross in T Faith and Form  Lyle Novinski  MR 8 (3rd) Lyle Novinski, emeritus professor of Art at the University of Dallas, examines the fundamental Christian symbol, the Cross, and the evolution of Crucifixion iconography. This illustrated lecture will develop an awareness of the importance of the shift in meaning and content from the symbolic to the literal interpretation of an action. It will describe the shift in emphasis from the cosmic significance of the Incarnation and Resurrection to the emotional paradigm of suffering. IX-09

Sacraments: Gifts of God’s Love Joyce Springer   MR 3 (3rd) Joyce Springer, author of the book Handbook of Sacraments for Today’s Catechist, brings experience in both Catholic schools and parishes. Presenting a clear and accessible introduction to all seven sacraments, this workshop offers handson learning for participants, including echo-stories, parables, crafts and interviews. This workshop will give you interactive ideas that you can use immediately with the families and children. This workshop is appropriate for anyone working with children of grades K-8. Also happening this session… Resource Spotlights – see page 14 Musical Performances – see page 15

Session X | 1:30 - 2:30 pm   X-01 Vibrant Music Ministry for Liturgy and More Steve Angrisano & Curtis Stephan  JB A-B (3rd) Also being presented in Session IV X-02 Seven Verses Every Catholic Should Know!  John Bergsma, Ph.D., Th.M., M.Div.  MR 3 (3rd) Ever been stumped by a non-Catholic friend quoting verses against the Catholic Church? The anti-Catholic use of Scripture is common in America. Rightly used, however, the Scripture supports the Church, and Dr. Bergsma discusses seven verses crucial for understanding, defending, and sharing the Catholic faith. Memorizing these seven is very helpful for evangelism, apologetics, and catechesis. X-03 Parent to Parent – Practical Ways of Sharing Faith as Parents of Youth  Tom East  GB 6 (4th) How can we engage youth in faith conversations and prayer at home? A variety of research 26

projects demonstrate that adolescence is a critical time for family faith sharing. This workshop will provide ideas and resources, parent to parent, to help families seize teachable moments, talkable moments and prayable moments during the adolescent years. This workshop is geared toward parents and would also be helpful for leaders in youth ministry and religious education. X-04 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: Clear Guidance from our Bishops on Understanding and Prioritizing the Issues as Faithful Catholics  Karen Garnett  MR 8 (3rd) It is the duty and moral obligation of Catholics to be active in the public square and to advocate for life, justice and peace in our nation and world. In November 2011, the U.S. Bishops reissued their 2008 edition of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, including a new Introductory note. To help Catholics unpack the teaching in this comprehensive document in 2008, Bishops Kevin Farrell and Kevin Vann issued a two-page “Joint Statement to the Faithful of the Dioceses of Dallas and Fort Worth” in both English and Spanish. The Joint Statement was heralded as one of the clearest ever to be issued on this critical, but toooften misunderstood and misinterpreted, teaching of our Church. In this talk, Karen Garnett (English track) and Aurora Tinajero (Spanish track) walk through the Bishops’ Joint Statement point-by-point, differentiating between issues that are “intrinsically evil” and those of “prudential judgment,” explaining “proportionate reasons” and what is morally permissible when forming consciences. X-05 Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™ A Catholic Response to Bullying  Lynne Lang  MR 6 (3rd) Also being presented in Session V X-06 Stewardship: Let Your Light Shine!  Mary Campo  Hall A (1st) Are you creative, organized, an introvert or extrovert, competitive, compassionate, a leader or someone who would rather be behind the scenes, a good listener or a good talker? Are you a harmonizer or a debater, flexible or stubborn, do you adapt easily or find change difficult? Are you mathematical or artistic? Do you love teaching children or teens, or are you more comfortable with adults? Are you someone who gets spiritual satisfaction from sitting and praying or from taking action on a social justice issue? What makes you, YOU? How are you using your talents to strengthen your relationship with God and become more fully engaged in your faith community? This workshop will explore the never ending, joyful journey of recognizing and living your God-given gifts and becoming a grateful and generous Christian steward.

Session Descriptions X-07 The Year of Faith: Pope Benedict’s Blueprint for the New Evangelization  Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.   GB 4-5 (4th) Also being presented in Session III X-08

RCIA Adapted for Children Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D.  GB 8 (4th) Also being presented in Session VI


Also happening this session… Resource Spotlights – see page 14

Session XI | 3:00 - 4:00 pm XI-01 The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines  John Allen   GB 4-5 (4th) Eighty percent of all acts of religious persecution in the world today are directed against Christians, but in the West it is often difficult to conceive of Christianity as a persecuted minority. Yet in a growing number of global hotspots, such as the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and parts of sub-Saharan Africa, Christians are paying in blood for their faith every day. Right now, there’s a real possibility that the Holy Land could turn into a “spiritual Disneyland,” full of glittering attractions but empty of living Christian communities. This session will sketch the global war against Christians and highlight what we can do about it. XI-02

onfirmation: Sacrament of C “Initiation” or “Graduation?” Mary Lee Becker, M.P.M.  MR 5 (3rd) Also being presented in Session V

XI-04 EXPOSED - Faith & Trauma  Shannon M. Deitz  JB A-B (3rd) Through the extremely personal, no-holds-barred account of one woman’s journey down a selfdestructive path, this session will address such issues as rape and other abuse, living in the prison of a victim mentality, and the need to relinquish control of one’s self to God. Not only will Shannon Deitz expose the awful truths of abuse, but she will give encouragement to all that no matter how deeply our wounds may run, we will always be worthy of God’s healing grace. XI-05

Keeping in Balance Ann Marie Eckert  GB 7 (4th) This workshop will explore the Four Pillars of a Christian Spirituality as outlined in Fr. Ronald

XI-06 Enlivening the Sacrament Preparation Process! Steven Ellair  MR 8 (3rd) Are you involved in the sacrament preparation process and need some new ideas? Are you looking to renew your vision of what this process is all about? If so, then come to this workshop! We will explore how this important time of preparation can be full of life and meaning for those we are working with, for ourselves, and for the whole community. We will look at some keys of effective sacrament preparation and experience some engaging activities that can be used in this process. Come and learn how to create an enlivened process of sacrament preparation in your parish or school! XI-07 The God of the Old Testament  James B. McGill, M.A.  GB 8 (4th) The God revealed in the pages of the Old Testament: 1) creates (chaos into order, fruitfulness, blessing, well-being), 2) makes promises (despair to hope, barrenness to life, makes possible a future), 3) delivers (disrupts social bondage and exploitation, authorizes freedom, dignity, justice), 4) commands (insists on holiness and justice making life and community possible), and 5) leads (continually transforms abandonment into homecoming). In this presentation, we will examine this description of God. No other ancient religion understood God the way the Israelites did. Such a distinctive sense of who God is and how God acts prepared them for the full revelation of this God in Jesus Christ. XI-08 Embracing Vulnerability: The Holiness of Family Life  Greg Dobie Moser, D.Min.  MR 7 (3rd) Recognizing and embracing God in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of family life is a way to help parents and families grow in holiness. Join us as we build bridges between the eucharistic table in our kitchen and the Eucharistic table where we gather as a Family of Families around the table of the Lord. XI-09 Faith and Vietnamese Culture: What Pastoral Leaders Need to Know  Rev. Hy Nguyen  JB C-D (3rd) Pope Paul VI, in Evangelii Nuntiandi states: “The split between the Gospel and culture is without a doubt the drama of our time, just as it was of other times.” Pastoral leaders are to help the faithful to live out one’s faith authentically. In many cases, misunderstanding leads to negative effects on pastoral works. If developing multicultural awareness is a decisive 27


Life in Christ Scott Sollom, M.A.   MR 7 (3rd) Conversion is the ‘marvelous exchange’ between God and man. The focus of this workshop is on Christ as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We will delve into Paul’s fascinating expression that we are all temples of the Holy the Spirit, including the Old Testament background, Christ’s fulfillment as the New Temple, and the way in which Christ’s life is reproduced in each of us.

Rolheiser’s book, The Holy Longing. Participants will be invited to think, journal, share, and explore each of these pillars and the ways that they are being lived out in their own lives and the challenges that present themselves for future growth.

Session Descriptions factor for social and business success, how much more should it be for pastoral - theological purposes? It is critical for pastoral leaders to know how to inculturate people’s faith in their own parish setting, and to make all theologies local theologies. XI-10 It Begins with a Question --Evangelizing Families  Jo Ann Paradise, D.Min.  MR 9 (3rd) If you fall into the category of those of us who want to motivate families to make their home a place where faith is loved, learned and lived, then join us as we consider how to do just that. Perhaps the answer lies not in trying to find the answer but in trying to ask the right questions. This will lead us to some practical ideas to inform, form and facilitate transformation in our families.

XI-12 Mission Possible -Catholic Identity and Young Adults  Joan C. Weber  MR 1 (3rd) Young adults are self-motivated learners. If the Church wants to engage them in faith formation, it is vital to make the connection between their Catholic faith and their everyday lives. This workshop offers strategies for doing catechesis with young couples and singles through unique settings and creative methods which capture their imaginations and awaken their hunger for learning more about their God and their Catholic faith.

XI-11 Year Round Catechumenate: a Blessing Without Number  Michael R. Prendergast, M.T.S., M.A.  MR 6 (3rd) Also being presented in Session II

Speaker Biographies Alejandro Aguilera-Titus  VI-01, VIII-21 Alejandro Aguilera-Titus is assistant director of the Secretariat for Cultural Diversity in the Church at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He has twenty five years of experience in ministry with a strong emphasis on leadership development and formation, catechesis, pastoral planning and ministry with young people. Mr. AguileraTitus is a nationally known speaker and writer, highly regarded for his practical application of theological thought to pastoral ministry and formation. He is an adjunct faculty member at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. John Allen   XI-01 John L. Allen, Jr. is the prize-winning senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and the senior Vatican analyst for CNN, as well as the author of seven books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs and a popular speaker both in the United States and abroad. His weekly online column, “All Things Catholic,” is read in more than 75 countries as a source of insight on the global Catholic scene. Allen goes beyond “just the facts” reporting, trying to supply context and analysis to help people ponder the implications of new developments, but he stops short of drawing conclusions or telling his audience what to think. As a result, he’s a rare journalist in a highly partisan time with credibility across the usual ideological divides. Allen divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver, Colorado. He holds a master’s degree in religious studies from the University of Kansas. Steve Angrisano  IV-01, X-01 Steve Angrisano is undoubtedly one of the most effective and versatile ministry leaders in the Church today. Those who are young (and young at heart) embrace the passionate message of faith, hope and love woven throughout his music and storytelling. A veteran musician, composer and youth minister who has been featured at 6 World Youth Days, several National Catholic Youth Conferences and many diocesan youth conventions/conferences, Steve Angrisano’s easy, honest style of ministry is born from who he is: a committed witness to the life and love of Jesus Christ. Steve has a keen intuition regarding the needs of any audience and engages them with his unique blend of humor, song, story and interaction. This makes him both a natural and popular choice for diverse parish, diocesan, national and world-wide events. 28

Speaker Biographies Deacon Frank Ashley, Ed.D.  III-01 Deacon Ashley was ordained into the diaconate in the Diocese of Dallas in 2006. He served one year at St. Joseph’s Parish in Commerce, Texas before returning to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in College Station in 2007. In his professional life, Deacon Ashley has served in a variety of roles, including teacher, coach and administrator. For 25 years, he has served in various positions at the Texas A&M University System, including interim assistant provost for enrollment, director of admissions and associate dean for undergraduate studies and teacher education in the College of Education, all at the College Station campus. He also served as interim provost and vice president for academic affairs at Texas A&M University-Commerce and vice chancellor for academic and student affairs for the Texas A&M University System. Deacon Ashley received his doctorate and master’s degrees from the University of Alabama, his bachelor’s degree from Louisiana College and has studied further at St. Thomas University and the University of Dallas.

Mary Lee Becker, M.P.M.  II-02, V-02, VIII-01, XI-02 Mary Lee Becker is a speaker, consultant and author. She has spoken at events in 43 states, including the LA R.E. Congress and NCCL Conference, and contributed to publications for St. Mary’s Press, Harcourt Publishing, Lifelong Faith, CMD and NFCYM. She brings 30 years of experience, a master’s in pastoral ministry, humor, passion and insights to share! John Bergsma, Ph.D., Th.M., M.Div.  V-03, X-02 Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Dr. John Bergsma is associate professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He served as a Protestant pastor for four years before entering the Catholic Church in 2001, while pursuing a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Notre Dame, specializing in the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dr. Bergsma speaks regularly at conferences and parishes nationwide, and has appeared on EWTN’s “The Journey Home,” “Life on the Rock,” “Franciscan University Presents,” and Relevant Radio’s “Drew Mariani Show.” He and his wife Dawn reside with their seven children in Steubenville, Ohio. More information on Dr. Bergsma and his talks (on DVD, CD, and MP3) are available on his webpage, www.JohnBergsma. com and his blog, Janette K. Boazman, Ph.D.  II-03 Janette Boazman, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of education at the University of Dallas. She teaches elementary and secondary preservice teachers. Her specialization is in gifted education and her research focuses on psychological constructs that contribute to personal wellbeing, hopefulness, and success in academic settings. Her methodological areas include ANOVA, MANOVA, regression, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. Julie Brunet  III-02, IX-01 Sponsored by William H. Sadlier Julie Brunet holds a bachelor of art’s degree in religious studies from Loyola University in New Orleans, and a bachelor of art’s degree in elementary education from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Lafayette. Presently Julie is a writer, national creative consultant, and early childhood education specialist for William H. Sadlier, Inc., and music director for Saint Mary Early Learning Center. Other positions that Julie has held 29


John Barone  II-01, IV-02, V-01, VI-02 John Barone received his bachelor’s degree in religious education from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX, and his master’s degree in private school administration at the Institute for Catholic Educational Leadership at the University of San Francisco. He has an extensive background in adolescent development, education, youth ministry, workshop facilitation and teaching students with neurological differences. He currently serves as the director of the Learning Resource Center at Strake Jesuit College Preparatory in Houston. He is the author of “A Place for All: Ministry for Youth with Special Needs” and “Jesus the Christ Catechist Guide.”

Speaker Biographies include assistant principal at Saint Mary Early Learning Center and kindergarten teacher. Julie has been presenting at various conferences on the national, regional, and local levels for over 20 years. Julie has co-authored teacher’s guides, student books, and ancillary materials for religion programs published by William H. Sadlier, Inc. Julie is co-founder of A Child’s Garden, an educational consulting firm. She has co-authored the Hands Across the Curriculum series of books for teachers. John Burland  III-03, IX-02 Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum John Burland is a teacher and composer who has been writing and recording religious music for children and adults for over twenty years. During this time, he has written and recorded over 180 songs and published twelve music collections which are used in school/parish communities across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and North America. In 2008, two of John’s liturgical compositions were included in the Sydney World Youth Day Opening Mass and Stations of the Cross. For the past twenty-five years, John has been working in Catholic schools throughout the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia, holding a variety of executive positions including that of religious education coordinator, deputy principal and acting principal. He is currently the project officer - liturgy/ music for the Catholic Education Office in Sydney, Australia, and a workshop presenter, composer, and touring musician for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division, in North America. Heidi Butkus  II-04, III-04, V-04 Heidi Butkus has been teaching in California public schools since 1985. Combining a strong knowledge of brain research with practical experience, Heidi has created a wealth of fun and engaging teaching techniques that work well with diverse populations. She has presented at conferences nationwide, and is the owner and founder of Heidi has also created fourteen original CD’s and DVD’s for teaching beginning reading and math skills, three musical plays designed especially for young performers, and has written some picture books and many other teaching resources. Heidi’s multimedia workshops are filled with fun and motivational educational activities that have been classroom tested and revised for effectiveness with all types of learners. Mary Campo  X-06 Mary Campo joined Changing Our World, Inc., a philanthropic consulting company, in 2011 as a managing director and is currently working on a planning study for the Diocese of Dallas. She served as director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Venice, Florida, from 2004 to 2011, creating one of the most successful diocesan appeals in the nation. Previously, Mary worked in stewardship and development for the Archdiocese of Washington. Mary has worked closely with pastors and parish leaders to encourage greater understanding of Christian stewardship for parishioners. She served for six years on the board of the International Catholic Stewardship Council, and has given years of service to the Gift of Life Program of Rotary, organizing medical missions to developing countries. Mary is a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), holds a B.S. in organizational management and an M.A. in pastoral theology from Barry University. She resides in Plano. Melissa Caraway, Ph.D.  III-05, V-12 Dr. Caraway is a veteran music teacher, classroom teacher of grades 1-6, and reading specialist for grades EC-12 in Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma. Her college teaching includes classes at Texas Tech, Texas Woman’s University, and the University of Dallas. Melissa serves on the Board of Directors of the Texas Association of Literacy Educators and the editorial board of English in Texas. Her research areas include early literacy, literacy for English language learners, and literacy as a catalyst for school improvement. Marlon De La Torre, M.A., M.Ed.  VIII-02, IX-03 Marlon M. De La Torre is currently the director of catechist formation and children’s catechesis for the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth. He holds bachelor of art’s degrees in theology and mental health and human service along with a master’s degree in theology with a concentration in catechetics from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a master’s degree in educatioal administration and curriculum from the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, KS. He has over sixteen years of catechetical experience, serving the 30

Speaker Biographies Church as a parish and diocesan director of religious education, Catholic high school principal, and diocesan superintendent of Catholic schools. Marlon is the author of multiple articles on catechesis, doctrine, and the Catholic faith, is a regular guest on EWTN radio, and has appeared on EWTN live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa regarding his books and articles. He is also a lead writer for several national Catholic publications including, and the Sower International Catechetical Journal.

Sandra Dooley  III-06, VIII-03 Sandra Dooley is an experienced church musician, religious educator and liturgist. She has been a coordinator and/or speaker at numerous diocesan and national conferences. For six years she served as the director of the Office for Worship of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and during that time she was a member of the board of directors of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC). Currently she is on the board of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Sandy writes occasionally for Liturgy Training Publications. In September of 2011, she returned to her former position as director of liturgy at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Winter Park, FL. She is also a member of the Orlando Diocesan Liturgical Commission. Tom East  II-05, X-03 Sponsored by the Center for Ministry Development (CMD) Tom is the director of the Center for Ministry Development, project coordinator for Youth Ministry Services, and coordinator of the Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies. Tom holds a master of art’s degree in religious studies from Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles. Previously, Tom was the director of youth ministry and the associate director of religious education for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Tom is the primary author and editor for Leadership for Catholic Youth Ministry published by Twenty-Third Publications (2010). He was also the primary author and editor for Call to Faith – A Thematic Approach to Young Adolescent Catechesis series, published by Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division (formerly Harcourt Religion Publishers, 2007). Ann Marie Eckert  II-06, V-05, XI-05 Sponsored by the Center for Ministry Development (CMD) Ann Marie Eckert has 20 years of experience in Church ministry, working in parishes and dioceses, and most recently for the Center for Ministry Development. She has a keen interest in helping Church ministers to develop the leadership and personal skills necessary to grow their ministry and keep them happy, healthy, and holy. Steven Ellair  IV-03, XI-06 Sponsored by Saint Mary’s Press Steven Ellair is a senior editor and national presenter with Saint Mary’s Press. He has been involved in catechetical ministry for 20 years and has served as a parish catechist, youth minister, Catholic school teacher, and archdiocesan catechetical consultant. Steven has been involved in Catholic publishing for nearly 8 years and continues to write and speak nationally on issues related to catechesis.



Shannon M. Deitz  XI-04 Shannon M. Deitz is an author and an international speaker on faith issues and surviving abuse, founder of Hopeful Hearts Ministry, and spokesperson for the Maria Goretti Network, a non-profit self-help abuse survivor support group. Her memoir, EXPOSED: Inexcusable Me…Irreplaceable Him (Believers Press) was voted runner up for the 2011 Catholic Reader’s Choice Award. Shannon has had the honor of speaking at WYD Sydney ’08 and WYD Madrid ’11, and has been on the speaking team for Steubenville Youth Conferences since ‘07. Shannon and her husband, Neal, live in Kingwood, Texas, where they are active in their local parish and community. Their two sons, Ryan and Seth, provide them with endless joy and reason to continually count their blessings. For more information on the book and her ministry visit

Speaker Biographies Karen Garnett  X-04 Sponsored by the Catholic Pro-life Committee Karen Garnett is the executive director of the Catholic Pro-Life Committee (CPLC), the respect life ministry of the Diocese of Dallas. Recognized as the largest diocesanbased respect life ministry in the country, the CPLC is considered “a national model” of diocesan pro-life work. Karen is oneof 25-30 Catholic and Christian cultural leaders worldwide who were invited to attend the Springtime of Faith Foundation Summit in Rome. She is the 2006 recipient of the John Cardinal O’Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame Award from Legatus International, the only time this award has been presented to a diocesan respect life director. She attended the arrival ceremony for Pope Benedict XVI at the White House in 2008 at the invitation of President George W. Bush, and in 2011, she received the Texas Life, Faith & Education Award from the NFP Center of Dallas. Karen is a regular guest on the Guadalupe Radio Network in North Texas. Gene Giuliano, M.A.  VI-03, VIII-04 Gene Giuliano has more than 35 years experience in the area of adult faith formation and has been an instructor at the University of Dallas School of Ministry for the past 10 years. He earned a master of art’s degree in sacred theology, with concentrations in systematic theology and sacred scripture, from St. Thomas Seminary Graduate School in Denver, Colorado. Gene was awarded the Cynthia and David Freeman Professorship of Sacred Scripture in 2011 and currently teaches scripture classes, using The Catholic Biblical School Program, which he co-authored for Paulist Press. In addition, he presents adult faith formation and deacon formation classes for the dioceses of Dallas, Tyler, and Shreveport. Gene is the author of the introductions to the Twelve Minor Prophets in the St. Mary’s Press College Study Bible and has contributed to He has given numerous presentations, workshops, retreats, and missions at local parishes and has spoken at a variety of diocesan conferences. Todd Gruninger, Ph.D.   III-07 Todd Gruninger is a 1998 graduate of Jesuit College Preparatory School in Dallas, TX. He attended both Loyola University New Orleans and Texas A&M University for undergraduate work. Todd earned a B.S. in biomedical science from Texas A&M University in 2003 and a Ph.D. in henetics from Texas A&M in 2008. After completing his doctoral research, he returned to Jesuit where he now serves as co-chair of the science department. Over the past 4 years at Jesuit, Todd has taught various courses in science including biology, chemistry, and genes and behavior, as well as led classroom and school-wide discussions on the interaction of science and faith. In his senior-level course, genes and behavior, students read and discuss material from various authors, well-known for their participation in science vs. faith arguments, including Richard Dawkins, Michael Behe and Kenneth Miller. Magdalena Gutierrez  IV-04, VI-23, VII-23 Magdalena Gutierrez is the former coordinator of evangelization and hispanic RCIA for the Archdiocese of Washington. She lives in the Washington, DC, area and is working as an RCIA and evangelization consultant. She contributes a periodic column about evangelization to Evangelization Exchange.

Regina Haney, Ed.D.  SB-01 Regina is the executive director of the Department of Boards and Councils, a department of the National Catholic Education Association. In this capacity, she shares her experience with school and diocesan boards across the country through workshops and publications. Regina has also served as assistant executive director of the Department of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE) of the NCEA, from 1997 to 2001. During the 1991-92 and 1996-97 school years, Regina served as acting director of CACE. Prior to joining NCEA in 1990, Regina served for nine years as the superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina.


Speaker Biographies Lisa M. Hendey  IV-05, VIII-05 Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of and the author of “O Radiant Dawn” and “A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms.” As an active speaker, freelance writer, and Catholic podcaster, Lisa resides in the Diocese of Fresno with her husband and two sons.

Marti R. Jewell, D.Min.  IV-06 Dr. Marti R. Jewell is an assistant professor of theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. Previously, she was the director of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project, a national research project studying excellence in parish leadership. Co-author of The Changing Face of Church and The Next Generation of Pastoral Leaders which detail the findings of the Project, she also served as an agency director in the Archdiocese of Louisville from 1990 to 2003. Marti holds a bachelor’s in mathematics from the University of Dayton, a master’s in theological studies from St. Francis Seminary School of Pastoral Ministry, and a doctorate of ministry from the Catholic University of America. Thomas W. Jodziewicz, Ph.D.  V-07 Since 1978, Dr. Tom Jodziewicz has been a professor of history at the University of Dallas. He received an A.B. from Providence College, an M.A. from Tufts University, and a Ph.D. from the College of William and Mary. He has published two monographs and a number of articles and presentations on early American history, American Catholic history, and American diplomatic history in such journals as The New England Quarterly; The Catholic Historical Review; American Catholic Studies; Spiritual Life; The Homiletic and Pastoral Review; the American Philosophical Society Transactions, American National Biography; Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity; Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture; and Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature. He currently serves as president of the Texas Catholic Historical Society (2004-2008, 2012-2014) and as a book review editor for the Catholic Southwest: A Journal of History and Culture since 1990. He served as chairman of the department of history at the University of Dallas from 1991-2009. Barbara Khirallah, M.Ed., ABD  V-08 Barbara Khirallah is a faculty member in the Department of Education at the University of Dallas, an educational consultant for the Diocese of Dallas Catholic Schools Office, and a newly appointed member of Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission. She is also the founder and director of the Dallas Area Network of Teaching and Education (DANTE), an academic “community of practice serving Catholic educators in the Dallas, Ft. Worth, and Tyler Dioceses.” DANTE has offered credit courses, workshops, and in-service education in support of teachers and catechists for over 15 years. Barbara served Holy Family parish in Irving, TX as co-director of the RCIA program from 1985-2002 and as director of Vacation Bible School from 1984-1994. She and her husband Ray have five children, all educated in Catholic schools.



Patricia J. Hughes, D.Min  V-06, IX-04 Dr. Patricia Hughes has ministered in the Church for over 45 years, initially as a parish organist and accompanist. She earned an undergraduate degree in elementary education, and later graduate study includes a master’s in pastoral theology from Loyola University (New Orleans), and a master’s in divinity and a doctorate in ministry from the Catholic Theological Union (Chicago). She has served as a director of music and liturgy in Ohio and Indiana parishes, and has taught undergraduate and graduate students. Currently the director of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Dallas, she formerly directed the Worship Office for the Diocese of Grand Rapids (Michigan), and recently served as director of worship for the Cathedral of the Assumption (Louisville, Kentucky). She serves on the board for the Southwest Liturgical Conference, and is a frequent contributor of articles solicited by the NPM and Abbey Press. She has worked nationally as a liturgical clinician for pastors, musicians and parish volunteers.

Speaker Biographies Peter M. Kolar  IV-22, V-09, VIII-06, IX-21 Sponsored by World Library Publications (WLP) Peter Kolar is the senior editor of hispanic publications for World Library Publications and J. S. Paluch Company. He is a bilingual composer, pianist, and recording artist, known for his innovative blend of classical music with Latin-American styles. His bilingual mass setting, “Misa Luna,” has gained acclaim nationwide. Peter resides with his wife and two daughters in El Paso, TX, where he is an instructor for the Tepeyac Institute and the director of the El Paso Diocesan Choir. Lynne Lang  V-10, X-05 Lynne Lang, director of school climate for the Catholic Education Center in St. Louis, holds a master’s degree in health management. She has worked in violence prevention since 1998 and, as part of the Missouri Summit for Online Child Exploitation in 2007 and 2009, she compiled the white papers with legislative recommendation. In 2011, she spoke on technology use at a sponsored side event for the United Nations 55th Commission on the Status of Women. She has developed health curriculum both in the U.S. and as part of a team working in developing countries. She developed Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline™, an initiative that upholds the dignity of the human person and provides individuals a way to return to goodness. By first cultivating virtue within ourselves, Lang encourages us to inspire others to end bullying through these holy habits. Mark Lowery, Ph.D.   II-07 Mark Lowery, Ph. D., has spoken to over 150 audiences in recent years on a variety of theological and practical topics. He is professor of theology at the University of Dallas, former departmental chair, and former editor-in-chief of the Catholic Social Science Review. He has published articles, both in theological journals such as Communio, The Jurist, Faith and Reason, the Catholic Social Science Review, and the Irish Theological Quarterly, and in such popular periodicals as the This Rock, New Oxford Review, The Catholic Faith, Homiletic and Pastoral Review, and the Social Justice Review. His introductory book on moral theology, Living the Good Life, is published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. He and his wife Madeleine have nine children and live in Irving, Texas. Dan Luby, S.T.D.  VI-04, IX-05 Dr. Daniel Luby earned a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, where he also earned the licentiate in sacred theology. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, and a master’s in theology from the University of Dallas. Dr. Luby was the long-time director of the Office of Adult Formation, and most recently the director of the Division of Christian Formation for the Diocese of Fort Worth. Luby served as Tschoepe Chair of Homiletics at the School of Ministry from 2007-2010. He is currently assistant professor and director of enrollment and student affairs at the School of Ministry of the University of Dallas. His Eminence Roger Cardinal Mahony  I-01 His Eminence Roger Cardinal Mahony is an American cardinal and retired prelate of the Roman Catholic Church who served as archbishop of Los Angeles from 1985– 2011. Pope John Paul II created him a cardinal on June 28, 1991. Born in Hollywood, Cardinal Mahony is the first native Angeleno and the third archbishop of Los Angeles to be created a cardinal. In 1986, to better minister to the five million Catholics in the Archdiocese, Cardinal Mahony created the five Pastoral Regions (Our Lady of the Angels, San Pedro, Santa Barbara, San Fernando, San Gabriel). Cardinal Mahony serves on a number of committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, including those on Liturgy, Pro-Life Activities, and Migration & Refugees. He was a member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (1984-1989) and the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants (1986-1991); he is presently on the Pontifical Council for Social Communications (1989-present), the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See (2000-present), and the Congregation for Eastern Churches (2009-present). On April 18-19, 2005, as a member of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Mahony participated in the Papal Conclave that was convened following the death of Pope John Paul II, that resulted in the election of Pope Benedict XVI. On February 27, 2011, Cardinal Mahony reached his mandatory retirement age and 34

Speaker Biographies was succeeded as Archbishop of Los Angeles by Archbishop José H. Gómez. Dr. Thomas Masters   VI-05, IX-06 Dr. Tom Masters is the editorial director of New City Press, Hyde Park, NY, publishing house of the Focolare Movement. He has lectured and written widely on the connection between spirituality and education, including Education’s Highest Aim: Teaching and Learning through a Spirituality of Communion. For forty years, he taught English for the Leyden Community High Schools near Chicago, and courses in writing and education at the University of Illinois and at DePaul University. He and his wife, Kathleen, have been active in their parish and in the Focolare. They have three adult children.

Robert McCarty, D.Min.   V-11, VIII-07 Bob McCarty is the executive director for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, which provides networking, resources, and leadership for the development of youth ministry within the Catholic Church. He has been in professional youth ministry since 1973, serving in diocesan, parish, school, and community programs. Bob offers workshops and training programs in ministry skills and issues internationally. His recent books are Thriving in Youth Ministry, The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry: Fundamentals, Theory and Practice, and Be A Champion for Youth: Standing With, By and For Young People, co-authored with his wife, Maggie. His newest book is Raising Happy, Healthy and Holy Teenagers: A Primer for Parents. Bob has a bachelor’s in sociology/theology from St. Joseph’s University, a master’s in religious education from LaSalle University, and a doctorate in ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in Indiana. James B. McGill, M.A.   IV-07, XI-07 James McGill earned a bachelor’s in philosophy from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and a master’s in theology from St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California. Professor McGill had been an instructor of theology and sacred Scripture for the Greco Institute in Shreveport, Louisiana, for 18 years. He currently is an instructor in the Catholic Biblical School of the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas, serving as the Janice Kay Peterson Professor of Applied Ministry. Greg Dobie Moser, D.Min.  II-08, XI-08 Dobie is the executive director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry & CYO for the Cleveland Diocese. He has done full-time ministry in Houston, TX, Silver Spring, MD and Columbus, OH. Dobie has a master’s in family systems counseling and a doctorate in ministry with a focus on leadership development. He received the NFCYM National Excellence in Training Award and has written many articles, publications, and religious education resources for ministry and catechetical programs. Dobie served as the board chair for the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry and the National CYO Sports. He has been a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee, and he and his wife Lisa volunteer at St. Joseph parish with refugees, and in their community with the Strongsville Youth Commission. Dobie is also a CYO coach.



Renée McAlister  III-02, IX-01 Sponsored by William H. Sadlier Renée McAlister holds a master of science degree in early childhood development from Louisiana State University. Presently, Renée is a writer, national creative consultant, and early childhood education specialist for William H. Sadlier, Inc. She also serves on the school board for Little Shepherds Preschool at Holy Cross Parish in Lafayette. Other positions that Renée has held include family life coordinator for Holy Cross Parish, adjunct professor at South Louisiana Community College, principal of Saint Mary Early Learning Center, where she helped open the school, and kindergarten teacher. Renée has been presenting at various conferences on the national, regional, and local levels for over 20 years. Renée has co-authored teacher’s guides, student books, and ancillary materials for religion programs published by William H. Sadlier, Inc. Renée is co-founder of A Child’s Garden, an educational consulting firm. She has coauthored the Hands Across the Curriculum series of books for teachers.

Speaker Biographies Nguyen   Rev. Hy Nguyen  VII-41, VIII-41, XI-09 Rev. Matthew Nguyen Khac Hy is a member of Society of St. Sulpice, American province. Attending seminary at St. Patrick, San Francisco, he was ordained for the Diocese of Oakland in 1997 and joined the Sulpicians in 2000. Fr. Nguyen graduated doctrinal theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and is currently a professor of theology at St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore. Sr. Honora Nolty, OP  II-09, IX-07 Sponsored by RENEW International Sr. Honora begins to describe herself as a first generation Irish New York Catholic, raised in Queens, New York; a New Yorker by birth and choice. As a Dominican Sister of Amityville, NY, she ministered in Brooklyn’s inner city, Long Island, Seattle, the Pacific Northwest, and Central America. Her work as teacher, principal, associate superintendent of schools, director of an international volunteer program and a spirituality center in Southampton, NY, have all prepared her for her position as assistant director and director of RENEW International. As assistant director, Sr. Honora is a supervisor and works with the program managers and project leaders. John M. Norris, Ph.D.  III-07 John Norris is an associate professor of theology at the University of Dallas, where he has taught for twenty years. He received a Ph.D. in historical theology from Marquette University. His special field of study is St. Augustine and patristic exegesis. For three years he taught in Rome, where he also served as director of the Rome Program, a study abroad for UD undergraduates. He has also served as chair of the Theology Department and as chair of the Faculty Senate. He is currently involved in the establishment of a concentration in the history and philosophy of science, where he is responsible for the core course in faith and science. Lyle Novinski  IX-08 Lyle Novinski, professor emeritus of the University of Dallas, served as chair of its nationally recognized Haggerty Art Department for forty years. Widely known as a lecturer on a variety of subjects drawn from his teaching of the history of art, Professor Novinski has conducted a popular European study program, Eternal Cities, traveling to Italy and Greece with students of all ages. His commission and exhibition record in painting is extensive. At the same time, he has established a distinguished career of sacred art in all media from stone to stained glass. His work is seen in many churches across Texas, specifically the windows of St. Rita, renovations of Holy Trinity, and liturgical furnishings in Christus Holy Family Chapel and the Church of the Incarnation at the University of Dallas to name a few. Presently he teaches the history of sacred art and architecture at UD and, with his son David, runs Novinski Studio. Dr. Richard Olenick, Ph.D.  IV-08 Dr. Olenick received his doctorate in physics from Purdue University and currently is professor of physics at the University of Dallas, where he teaches a popular course on astronomy. He began the development of physics materials for classroom use in 1982, when he was the associate director of the Annenberg/CPB Project, The Mechanical Universe and Beyond the Mechanical Universe, and principal author of the accompanying texts. He was project director for four National Science Foundation grants to adapt the college version for use in high school classrooms -- a project that has been translated into eleven languages. In 1995, the Carnegie Foundation named him Texas Professor of the Year for the Advancement of Teaching, in 1997 the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation named him a Piper Professor, and in 2010 he was name a Haggerty Teaching Fellow at UD. He has maintained active involvement of undergraduates in research through computational modeling and cataclysmic variable star studies. Jo Ann Paradise, D.Min.  II-10, XI-10 Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Dr. Jo Ann Paradise is the national consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. Jo Ann has served as catechetical administration in several parishes in the Diocese of Pittsburgh for over 32 years and was most recently the director of parish 36

Speaker Biographies ministerial life and spiritual formation at St. Sebastian Parish. She has been a teacher in the Catholic school system at both the grade school and high school levels, as well as an adjunct faculty member for several universities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While Jo Ann gives keynotes and workshops at diocesan conferences throughout the United States and Canada, she has also presented at the NCEA, NCCL, LA Congress and the Hofinger Conference. Through her stories, Jo Ann helps educators and catechists understand the need for and develop the skills necessary to be heralds of the Good News. She is a popular retreat director and provides spiritual direction. Jo Ann lives in Pittsburgh with her husband Don and extended family.

Lucas Pollice, M.T.S.   III-08, VI-06, VIII-08, X-07 Lucas Pollice, M.T.S., began work in July as the Symbolon RCIA director of training for the Augustine Institute in Denver, CO. For the past five years, Lucas was the director of catechesis for the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas. He holds a B.A. in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville and a master’s of theological studies degree from the Institute of Pastoral Theology at Ave Maria University. Lucas has been involved in full-time parish and diocesan catechetical ministry since 1999. He has been involved in the RCIA process and adult faith formation at both the parish and diocesan level for over 12 years and is the author of Open Wide the Doors to Christ: Discovering Catholicism, a complete curriculum for RCIA published by Emmaus Road Publications. Lucas and his wife Mary have five children and live in Highlands Ranch, CO. Michael R. Prendergast, M.T.S., M.A.  II-11, VI-07, VIII-09, XI-11 Michael R. Prendergast has more than 35 years experience as a musician and liturgist at the parish, cathedral and diocesan levels. He served as OCP’s liturgy specialist and editor of Today’s Liturgy until the spring of 2007, during which time he received two Catholic Press Association awards as an editor and author. Michael is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Theology at the University of Portland and serves as the coordinator of liturgy at St. Andrew Parish in Portland, OR. A frequent workshop presenter, he is the author and editor of several books and articles written on topics related to music and liturgy in Pastoral Music, Liturgical Ministry, New Theological Review, Today’s Liturgy, Pastoral Liturgy, Today’s Parish Minister, Liguorian, and Catechumenate. He holds a master’s in theological studies from Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon, and a master’s in liturgical studies from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota. To learn more about Michael visit Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D.  VI-08, X-08 Diana Dudoit Raiche, Ph.D., is currently assistant professor of theology in the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. Her area of concentration is the intersection between liturgy and catechesis, with a focus on appropriate catechetical methods for catechesis in pastoral situations across the life cycle. In her capacity as former executive director of the department of religious education at the NCEA, she served as a consultant to the Bishops’ Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, on the planning team for the Diocesan Educational Catechetical Leadership Institute with USCCB and NCCL, as a founding member of the Partnership on Adolescent Catechesis, and managed NCEA’s religious education assessments. Her experiences as a teacher in Catholic schools, director of parish catechetical programs and the catechumenate for adults and children, and as a former chairperson of a diocesan education 37


Stephen Pitts, SJ – III-07 Stephen Pitts, SJ, is a Jesuit scholastic who presently teaches mathematics at Jesuit College Preparatory in Dallas. Outside of the classroom, he works as one of the faculty moderators of the Robotics Club. Last spring, with colleague Todd Gruninger, he gave a presentation to several theology classes on the complementary relationship between theological and scientific modes of inquiry. Stephen entered the New Orleans province of the Society of Jesus after graduating from the University of Oklahoma with dual degrees in mathematics and computer science. During his time in college, he worked as a computer programmer in genetics labs affiliated with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center. Prior to his assignment to Jesuit College Prep, he completed a master’s degree in philosophy at Loyola University Chicago with a thesis on the parallels between Ignatian spirituality and the thought of Martin Heidegger.

Speaker Biographies commission, inform her work as a consultant to numerous dioceses regarding sacramental catechesis, the baptismal catechumenate, and catechetical method. Dr. Verónica Rayas, Ph.D.   V-23, VII-26, VIII-10 Veronica Rayas, Ph.D., is the director of the Office of Religious Formation for the Diocese of El Paso. She holds a doctorate from Fordham University in religious education. Her dissertation titled “La Familia’s Catechesis: the Mexican American Family as a place of catechesis through their spirituality” focused on the catechetical principles present in the traditions and lived faith of many Mexican American families. Veronica has extensive experience in various ministries as a catechist, youth minister, Catholic school teacher, and pastoral associate. Before returning to El Paso, Veronica was the co-director of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of New York. Angelique Ruhi-López   III-22, V-13, VIII-11, X-23 Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Angelique Ruhi-López has been married to her husband Richard since 2003 and the two have both biological and adopted children: Emmanuel, Sebastian, Madeleine and Anabella. They experienced infertility before deciding to adopt their first child. Ruhi-López holds a master’s degree in theology from Boston College. She served as an award-winning staff writer at La Voz Católica, the Spanish-language newspaper of the Archdiocese of Miami. Ruhi-López is a freelance writer for The Florida Catholic, and a blogger and web editor for the Archdiocese of Miami, Florida. Jake Samour, M.T.S.  IV-23, VI-09 Sponsored by Ascension Press Jake Samour is originally from El Salvador, and emigrated from there 33 years ago with his family. His background is in engineering, which precedes a personal call to ministry working in “la pastoral juvenil Hispana” (Hispanic youth and young adult ministry) in the Archdiocese of Denver. Jake studied at the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family Life in Washington,DC, where he met his wife Ramie; they both graduated with a master’s degree in theology in May of 2005. They moved to San Antonio, TX, over five years ago, where Jake is the director of the Office of Marriage, Family Life and Natural Family Planning for the Archdiocese. Jake is currently enrolled in the doctor of ministry program at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. Jake and Ramie have three children: Carlos Raymond, Elizabeth Therese, and Lilliana Pearl, whom they welcomed in January 2012. Carmen Santamaría, J.D.  III-22, V-13, VIII-11, X-23 Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Carmen Santamaría has been married to Alex since 2001, and together, they have been blessed with their children: Monica, Antonio Javier, Victoria, and Daniel, both biologically and through adoption. They experienced more than three years of secondary infertility following the birth of their second child and continue to face this challenge. Santamaría received a master’s degree in business administration and a juris doctor from the University of Miami. She is an attorney in Miami, Florida. Anna Scally  II-12, VIII-12 Anna Scally is president of Cornerstone Media, Inc. Anna has been effective and creative in relaying the message of good decision making and being a true friend. She is the columnist for Cornerstone Media’s Top Music Countdown, an on-line resource, and host of the radio show, Burning Issues, which deals with relevant youth topics. She just received the National Youth Ministry Performer/Artist/Author of the Year Award from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Her book, Keys to Happiness, published by Saint Mary’s Press, is inspiring people all over North America. She has been the master of ceremonies at World Youth Day in Denver, Toronto, and Germany.


Speaker Biographies Scott Sollom, M.A.   II-13, VIII-13, X-09 Scott Sollom is an assistant professor of theology at Franciscan University and coordinator of campus RCIA. Scott works with the Association for Catechumenal Ministry as a presenter for catechist training seminars. Some of Scott’s publications include “The Keys to the Deposit” and “Learning St. Augustine” in the Sower Review. Scott is married with 5 wonderful children, and has 16 years of catechetical experience.

Curtis Stephan  IV-01, X-01 With deep roots in liturgy and music, Curtis Stephan serves the Church with spirit-filled workshops and events that draw young and old into the art of prayer in song. After earning a master’s degree in music from the University of North Texas, Curtis brought his extensive knowledge of classical and popular music to serve at St. Ann Parish in Coppell, TX, where he serves as music director. Published by Oregon Catholic Press, Curtis and his music have been heard at World Youth Day celebrations in Germany, Sydney, and Spain, National Catholic Youth Conferences, National Pastoral Musicianand as a featured artist in Turin, Italy with Pope Benedict XVI. Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi, J.D.  II-14, VIII-14 Sponsored by Ave Maria Press Monsignor Peter J. Vaghi is pastor of the Church of the Little Flower in Bethesda, Maryland, and a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington. He received seminary and theological training at the Pontifical North American College and Gregorian University, both in Rome. Also a graduate of University of Virginia Law School, Vaghi practiced law for many years and remains a member of the Virginia State Bar and the District of Columbia Bar. He is the author of the Pillars of Faith series, which currently includes The Faith We Profess, The Sacraments We Celebrate, The Commandments We Keep and The Prayer We Offer. He has written a number of articles for America, Priest, and Our Sunday Visitor. He has also a contributed to two collections of writing on spirituality: Behold Your Mother and Born of the Eucharist and has spoken at numerous catechetical conferences around the country. Rev. Jack Wall  VII-01 Sponsored by Catholic Extension Society In March 2007, the Holy See appointed Father Wall as President of Catholic Extension. In this role, Father Wall focuses his efforts on raising awareness and resources for the 91 poor mission dioceses served by Catholic Extension throughout the United States. Prior to leading Catholic Extension, Father Wall was pastor of Old St. Patrick’s Church, the second oldest parish in the city of Chicago. He was ordained on May 2, 1968, after receiving his master of divinity and S.T.L. from the University of St. Mary of the Lake. He has served on the faculty of Niles College Seminary at Loyola University, and was vocations director for the Archdiocese of Chicago from 1979 to 1985. Joan C. Weber  VI-11, XI-12 Joan is the coordinator of young adult ministry services, a project coordinator for Young Neighbors in Action, and project coordinator for parish training in lifelong faith formation at the Center for Ministry Development. She holds a master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Creighton University and a certificate in faith and justice. Joan served as editor and co-author of Connecting Young Adults to Catholic Parishes (USCCB), co-authored Leadership for Life (CMD), and co-edited and co-authored Young Adult Works (CMD) and the Ministry Resources for Justice and Service book in the Total Youth Ministry series (SMP). Joan has worked in diocesan youth and young adult ministry and is former president of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association. 39


Joyce Springer   VI-10, IX-09 Joyce is first and foremost a religious educator. She has spent her entire life working with children and adults, sharing her faith. Her career started as a religion teacher in Catholic schools in Missouri, but she transitioned to part-time DRE. She spent many years, including recent years, as a parish catechist. She recently prepared children for first sacraments in her parish of St. Jude’s in Allen, TX. She also offers adult education courses. Joyce has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a master’s degree in theology, with an area of concentration in Scripture. She and her husband, Bob, live in McKinney.

Musician Biographies Steve Angrisano Fri - 11:45 am (MS) | Fri - 5:45 pm (MS) Also presenting during Sessions IV & X See Biography in Speaker Section

TS = Terrace Stage (2nd floor) MS = Main Stage (Hall A) AES= Art Exhibit Stage (4th floor)

Communities of Prayer Fri - 4:00 pm (AES) | Sat - 2:30 pm (TS) Communities of Prayer is a Catholic ministry helping people grow in prayer and develop a deeper relationship with God. We accomplish this through our retreats and talks, centered around our unique Lectio Divina guides, which are incredibly effective resources for growing in holiness. We also foster community by our weekly meeting, open to all, where we gather together and meditate on the Sunday Gospel, sing praise and worship songs, and pray the Liturgy of the Hours to live music. Praying the Liturgy of the Hours to music became such a hit that we decided to record some of our live sessions and put them on a CD for others to enjoy and pray with. As a ministry, this will be our second time performing our musical work at UDMC. We hope you enjoy! Jason Deuterman Fri - 1:00 pm (TS) | Sat - 4:00 pm (TS) With a fearless passion for Christ, Jason Deuterman has made it his mission in life to be a counter cultural witness of God’s love to all of those he comes into contact with. His ability to uniquely combine his skills in technology, media and music with his fervor for youth ministry allow him to create a dynamic and welcoming atmosphere tailored towards the youth of today. Jason graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in English and has been the director of youth ministry at Holy Family of Nazareth Catholic Church in Irving, Texas for the past 3 ½ years. He is also currently pursuing a master’s degree in theological studies at the University of Dallas. Jason’s zeal for youth ministry is eclipsed only by his passion for his vocation -- to be a great husband to his wife of almost two years, Allison. Santiago Fernandez Sat - 11:45 am (MS) También se presentará en la Sesiones III y X Vea la sección del Conferenciantes

In Our Midst Friday - 2:30 pm (TS) | Sat - 1:00 pm (TS) In Our Midst is a collaboration of three long time liturgical musicians: Joan Grabowski of St. Rita’s in Ft. Worth, Bob Sandford of St. Catherine’s in Grandview, MO, and James Baird of Holy Family of Nazareth in Irving. This year you will be hearing In Our Midst and friends, including other musicians with whom we often minister. We have moved our vision from simply performing in liturgical settings to spreading the message of His love in a ministry that appeals to the Christian music lover. Through CDs and live ministry events, we humbly endeavor to witness the profound ways that God has touched the three of us through our singing and playing and prayer. Find us on the web: or http://, and on iTunes (search for Joan Grabowski). Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama Fri - 12:45 pm (MS) | Fri - 5:45 pm (MS) | Sat - 12:45 pm (MS) | Sat - 2:30 pm (AES) One name, two meanings. Jesus Team A is an energetic bilingual praise and worship band. The group seamlessly blends Spanish and English songs and brings together faith communities from diverse backgrounds. By sharing personal faith journeys and exploring differences in cultural experience, the group is able to unite listeners as the Body of Christ. Their message challenges participants to reach beyond personal borders and offer the unconditional acceptance that Christ offers to all of us. 40

Musician Biographies Augie Leal Fri - 12:20 pm (TS) | Fri - 2:30 pm (AES) | Sat - 12:45 pm (MS) | Sat - 4:00 pm (AES) Born and raised in Houston, Augie has been playing music for over 38 years. He is a self-taught musician and an extraordinary guitarist. Over the years, he has played for countless liturgies, retreats, music festivals, conferences, concerts, youth rallies, and work camps. Augie has shared the stage with many artists including Tony Melendez, Tom Booth, Matt Maher, Jesse Manibusan, Fr. Stan Fortuna, and Steve Angrisano, just to name a few. Augie is also the founder and executive director of the SHINE Catholic Work Camps, a week long summer mission camp for junior high, high school and college students. Augie and his wife Dawn live in Tomball, Texas, with their children. When Augie is not on the road sharing his music or helping run SHINE, you can find him just hanging out and being dad to his kids. Find out more: augieleal or

Mike Pavelka Friday - 4:00 pm (TS) | Sat - 12:20 pm (TS) Hailing from Corpus Christi, Mike Pavelka is a rising Catholic Christian music artist who recently launched his first full length album in February 2012. “Life is a Journey” - written, recorded, and produced in the music-friendly city of Denton, Texas - seeks to spread the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through a fusion of contemporary Christian praise with a rock-country polish. Christian lyricist Tina Pavelka, Mike’s wife, has provided her spiritually-charged words as the album’s primary songwriter. Mike’s anthems and drive have earned him local praise and a growing reputation in the Texas faith arena and beyond. His dedication to his music ministry has led him to team up with charitable outlets including Denton Loreto House and Food for the Poor. Please check out Mike’s website at Curtis Stephan Fri - 11:45 am (MS) Also presenting during Sessions IV & X See Biography in Speaker Section

The Third Class Relics - Jessica Volcansek, Brett Koltuniak, Travis Steel Fri - 11:45 am (AES) | Sat - 11:45 am (TS) The Third Class Relics, Jessica Volcansek (vocals and guitar), Travis Steel (cajon) and Brett Koltuniak (vocals and keyboard), is an acoustic praise and worship yeam that originated at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Plano. They play for adults and youth alike, ranging from lively and interactive performances at retreats, workshops, and rallies, to reverent and meditative worship at liturgies and (their favorite) during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Their first professionally recorded acoustic album is coming soon. You can find updates on Jessica’s website:



Michael James Mette Fri - 11:45 am (TS) | Sat - 11:45 am (AES) In addition to his developing musical career, Michael James Mette also has over 14 years experience in Catholic youth ministry as a worship leader, keynote speaker, workshop presenter, and retreat coordinator. His degree in theology adds depth to his lyrics and allows him to provide more than art and entertainment. While many musicians may shy away from public speaking, Michael embraces these opportunities by sharing his rich life experiences including his service in the Air Force, ministry in the Church, marriage of 13 years, and being the father of 5 young children. His’s sophomore album “Bring Forth the Light” (2012) shows a mature variety of songs ranging from intimate worship ballads to punk-rock inspired anthems. Veteran producers Kevin Clay and Steve Wilson capture the vitality and essence of the songs through haunting vocal harmonies juxtaposed with fuzz driven guitars. The sound is brooding and spirited, while maintaining a modern rock approach that feels both fresh and familiar.

Carta de Bienvenida

Octubre 2012 Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, ¡Es con gran regocijo que le damos la bienvenida a la sexta Conferencia de Ministerio de la Universidad de Dallas, celebrada anualmente y co-auspiciada por la universidad, la Diócesis de Dallas y la Diócesis de Fort Worth! Esperamos que Caminando Juntos en la Fe se convierta en una experiencia formativa llena de fe y bendiciones a través de la oración, las sesiones que asistan, sus visitas a las exhibiciones y a las diferentes organizaciones que nos patrocinan, y que también disfruten del arte litúrgico y las actuaciones musicales durante los próximos dos días. Al comenzar el Año de Fe, es más importante que nunca que hagamos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para enriquecer y profundizar la fe en nuestras vidas de manera que podamos convertirnos en mejores discípulos de Cristo en nuestras comunidades. La Conferencia de Ministerio de la Universidad de Dallas ofrece a los católicos la oportunidad de recibir una formación excepcional en la fe por parte de conferenciantes reconocidos nacionalmente y quienes presentarán temas relevantes a la fe, catequesis, educación, teología, oración y ministerio. Estamos confiados que la información ofrecida en esta conferencia nos ayudará a cada uno de nosotros a vivir plenamente nuestra comunión en la fe y a convertirnos en mejores ministros para aquellos a quien el Señor ha confiado a nuestro cuidado. Gracias por su presencia, por su fiel participación y por su disposición a compartir generosamente los conocimientos que adquieran en esta conferencia con sus comunidades católicas en su lugar de residencia. ¡Que el Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, bendiga a cada uno de ustedes y que el conocimiento, oración y el compañerismo de esta conferencia renueve su espíritu y su dedicación al ministerio en la iglesia! Sinceramente en Cristo, Most Rev. Kevin J. Farrell, D.D. Obispo, Diócesis de Dallas Most Rev. Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D. Obispo, Diócesis de Fort Worth Thomas W. Keefe, J.D. Presidente, Universidad de Dallas


Información General ATM (ATH) Hay una máquina ATM (ATH) localizada en el ‘Exhibit Hall Level’ (1er piso) en el pasillo cerca del ‘Hall B’ y las oficinas del ICC. Teléfonos Celulares/Pagers Por respeto a los conferenciantes y otros participantes, favor de apagar sus teléfonos celulares y ‘pagers’ durante las sesiones y liturgias. Emergencias Si usted tiene alguna emergencia, favor de contactar al personal de UDMC, voluntarios, o al personal más cercano del ICC. Si no encuentra ayuda, favor de llamar al despacho al 972-401-7793. Recuerde que en una emergencia es importante mantener la calma. Tenemos personal de emergencia en esta dependencia para este evento.

“Pasaporte” para la sala de exposiciones En la parte de atrás de su etiqueta, usted encontrará un “pasaporte” para la sala de exposiciones. Simplemente visite los puestos de los patrocinadores listados en su tarjeta y también los otros puestos de la exposición. Obtenga una firma con las iniciales de cada puesto en su caja designada. Una vez que usted tenga todas las cajas firmadas, presente está tarjeta en el quiosco de Evaluación fuera del Pasillo A para ser elegible para ganar 1 de 2 tarjetas de regalo de $50 de ¡No olvide incluir su información de contacto en la tarjeta de Pasaporte!

Irving/Las Colinas Si desea más información sobre el área de Irving/ Las Colinas, incluyendo restaurantes y medios de transportación, favor de preguntar en la recepción en el ‘Exhibit Hall Level’ (1er piso) al lado de los elevadores, en donde personal de la Oficina de Visitantes de Irving le asistirán con mucho gusto. Oficina de Objetos Perdidos La oficina de objetos perdidos se encuentra en la Casilla de Información de UDMC localizada en el vestíbulo del ‘Meeting Room Level’ (3er piso). Si encuentra algún objeto mientras asiste esta conferencia, favor de entregarlo a esta localidad. Alternativas para Comidas Las comidas y bebidas no están incluidas en el cargo de inscripción. En el centro de convenciones existen áreas en donde pueden comprar alimentos, especialmente en el Café, en el ‘Exhibit Hall’ (2do piso) o en el vestíbulo del ‘Exhibit Hall’ (1er piso). También hay varios restaurantes cercanos al ICC, tanto a pie o en carro. Favor de preguntar en la recepción para más información. Etiquetas con los Nombres Favor de mantener a la vista en todo momento las etiquetas con sus nombres. Estas son su boleto de admisión a las sesiones, eventos musicales y exhibiciones. Si olvida o pierde la etiqueta con su nombre, podemos imprimir una nueva en la Casilla de Inscripción por un valor de $5.00 en efectivo. Agradeceremos que reciclen la cobertura plástica de las etiquetas al finalizar la conferencia. Simplemente colóquenlas en las cajas designadas al salir del centro de convenciones. ¡Gracias! Estacionamiento El Centro de Convenciones de Irving ofrece estacionamiento con techo y cuesta $5.00. También pueden estacionar en las áreas abiertas al cruzar la calle o alrededor del centro de convenciones. Grabación de Sesiones Este año en UDMC, Manna Recording & Duplication ( estará grabando algunas de las sesiones y estarán disponibles para la venta en la casilla de Manna Recording localizada en el vestíbulo localizado en el ‘Meeting Room Level’ (3er piso). Nuevo Sistema de Registros/Escáneres Este año, vamos a estar utilizando escáneres para registrar a los participantes en varias sesiones. Por favor sea paciente con nosotros mientras utilizamos este sistema nuevo. 43


Evaluaciones Este año estamos pidiendo que todos los participantes completen una evaluación general de toda la conferencia, en la cual también se les pide que evalúen las sesiones individuales que asistieron (van a necesitar el número de la sesión para poder llenar la forma correctamente). Pueden completar la evaluación en papel, el cual se puede encontrar en la página en medio del programa, o pueden completar la evaluación que se encuentra en la pagina web: udmc/evaluation. Además, busque los códigos QR con las direcciones directas a esta evaluación a través del ICC. Cada día las primeras 500 personas en presentar una evaluación (ya sea en línea o papel) en el quiosco de Evaluación en el vestíbulo principal, situado en el nivel de la Sala de Exposiciones (1er. piso) recibirán una pluma UDMC como agradecimiento. ¡Anime a sus compañeros a que también llenen las evaluaciones! La parroquia o escuela que tenga el porcentaje más alto de evaluaciones sometidas para el viernes, 2 de noviembre a las 11:59PM (hora central) recibirá 20 inscripciones gratis para la Conferencia de Ministerio de UD del 2013.

Información Favor de dirigirse al personal en las Casillas de Inscripción de UDMC localizadas en el vestíbulo del ‘Exhibit Hall Level’ (1er piso) o a la Casilla de Información de UDMC en el vestíbulo del ‘Meeting Room Level’ (3er piso) para información general o preguntas.

Eventos de UDMC

Programa de viernes

Programa de sábado

8:30 – 9:00 am

Oración matutina y bienvenida

Oración matutina y bienvenida

9:15 – 10:15 am

Sesión I (Conferencia Magistral en inglés)

Sesión VII (Plenaria en inglés)

10:45 – 11:45 am

Sesión II

Sesión VIII (Conferencia Magistral)

12:15 – 1:15 pm

Sesión III

Sesión IX

1:30 – 2:30 pm

Sesión IV

Sesión X

3:00 – 4:00 pm

Sesión V

Sesión XI

4:30 – 5:30 pm

Sesión VI


5:45 – 6:15 pm

Oración vespertina

Horario de inscripciones/registro

7:00 – 9:00 am

Horario de la exposición 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (viernes) 8:00 am – 4:00 pm (sábado) Horario de la comida

11:45 am – 3:00 pm

Horario de presentaciones musicales D urante el almuerzo y los descansos (más información en la página 15) Horario de Resource Spotlight Durante los sesiones III, IV, IX, y X (más información en la página 14)

Oración matutina y bienvenida

Sala A | 8:30 am

Escuchen al Obispo Farrell de Dallas, al obispo Vann de Fort Worth y al Persidente Keefe de UD mientras dan la bienvenida a los católicos del norte de Texas a este evento de dos días.

‘Resource Spotlights’

MR 1 & 2 | Sesiones III, IV, IX y X

Varias de nuestras exhibiciones ofrecen recursos excelentes y a sus organizadores les gustaría hablarte sobre éstos. Ven y únete en MR 1-2 durante las sesiones III, IV, IX y X para que conozcas más de sus productos. Cada persona que participe en la conferencia recibirá una muestra para llevarla a casa. Favor de referirse a la página 14 para ver el itinerario completo y más detalles sobre los presentadores.

Eventos musicales

Varios | Durante el almuerzo y los descansos

San Agustín dijo, ‘Cuando tú cantas, oras doble’. Vengan y disfruten de los talentos musicales de artistas cristianos muy reconocidos, quienes van a elevar sus voces para alabar a nuestro Señor. Las actuaciones musicales tendrán lugar a lo largo de la conferencia. Favor de referirse a la página 15 para el ver el itinerario y detalles delos artistas.

Exposición de Arte Litúrgico

‘Grand Ballroom Level’ (4to piso)

Visite la antesala del ‘Grand Ballroom Level’ (4to piso) en donde los Estudios Novinski han montado una exhibición de cruces y crucifijos a través de la historia. Vengan a deleitarse de este arte y a inspirarse con el mensaje que transmiten estas obras.

Oración vespertina

Sala A | viernes a la 5:45 pm

Le invitamos a que reflexionen con los demás participantes sobre las experiencias durante el primer día de la conferencia.

Misa de clausura

Sala A | sábado a la 4:30 pm

¡Qué mejor forma de cerrar la Conferencia de Ministerio de UD que con una misa de Acción de Gracias para celebrar nuestra fe y el llamado a compartirla! Vengan a unirse al Obispo Farrell, al Obispo Vann y a otros sacerdotes de las Diócesis de Dallas y Fort Worth mientras celebran el sacramento de la Santa Misa. 44

Sesiones de viernes y sábado El símbolo de  indica que la sesión será grabada. En las paginas 7-8 aparece un índice de los conferenciantes y las temas correspondientes.

Sesión I | 9:15 - 10:15 am Conferencia Magistral en inglés

Ninguna sesiones en español Sesión II | 10:45 - 11:45 am Ninguna sesiones en español Sesión III | 12:15 - 1:15 pm

III-21 Cuando No Hay Coro... Música para Quinceañeras, Bodas y Funerales

Fernández  JB C-D (3rd)

III-22 ¿Que enseña la Iglesia Católica sobre la tecnología reproductiva?

 Ruhi-López & Santamaría

Gutierrez  GB 8 (4th)

VII-24 En el matrimonio, ¿el amor es para siempre?

VII-25 Formacion Permanente para Adultos: Transformacion hasta la talla Adulta de Cristo Jesus

IV-23 El Carisma del Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas Caminando juntos en la Fe para realizar su Misión

Samour  MR 7 (3rd)

Sesión V | 3:00 - 4:00 pm Maria discípula y evangelizadora

Hernandez  MR 7 (3rd)


Ordieres  MR 6 (4th)

V-23 Alimentar/ensenar la oración en la catequesis

Rayas  MR 3 (3rd)

Caminando en Fe con Jesus

Aguilera-Titus  Hall A (1st)

Sesión IX | 12:15 - 1:15 pm Kolar  JB A-B (3rd)

IX-22 Los secretos de un misterio: la Eucaristía

GB 6 (3rd)

VI-22 Caminando juntos en RICA por un proceso de discernimiento vs vía rápida

Tinajero  GB 6 (4th)

IX-21 La Música al Servico de la Liturgia, Parte 2

Sesión VI | 4:30 - 5:30 pm

 Espinosa de los Monteros

Septién  GB 7 (4th)

VII-29 Formando Consciencias para Ciudadanía Fiel: Orientación Clara de nuestros Obispos sobre Entendiendo y dando Prioridad a los Asuntos como Católicos Fieles

Sesión VIII | 10:45 - 11:45 am

V-22 En el matrimonio, ¿el amor es para siempre?

VI-21 "Prepárate para amar" - para jóvenes

Rendon-Reyes  MR 3 (3rd)

VII-28 Al encuentro con Dios en los Salmos


Kolar  JB A-B (3rd)

Ramirez de León  JB C-D (3rd)

VII-27 El papel de la Sagrada Escritura en el proceso de RICA

González  GB 4-5 (4th)

IV-22 La Música al Servico de la Liturgia, Parte 1

Ordieres  JB A-B (3rd)

Rayas  GB 4-5 (4th)

IV-21 El amor es un arte, no un sentimiento


Guerrero  MR 6 (3rd)

VII-23 La Espiritualidad Católica y la Conversión durante la Cuaresma

VII-26 La catequesis de la familia: Acompañamiento en la jornada de fe

Sesión IV | 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Calva  MR 8 (3rd)

VII-22 Caminando juntos en RICA por un proceso de discernimiento vs vía rápida

GB 8 (4th)

Sesión VII | 9:15 - 10:15 am VII-21 Repercusiones de las relaciones sexuales en los jóvenes y la familia



Guerrero  MR 2 (3rd)

Ordieres  GB 8 (4th)

IX-23 Hacia una Espiritualidad Integral: Varon y Hembra los creo Dios

Ramirez de León  GB 1-3 (4th)

VI-23 La Espiritualidad Católica y la conversión en el Precatecumenado

Gutierrez  GB 1-3 (4th)

VI-24 La Nueva Evangelizacion - Signo de un Nuevo Pentecostes

Ramirez de León  MR 7 (4th)


Sesiones de viernes y sábado Sesión X | 1:30 - 2:30 pm X-21 ¿Cómo Enganchar a los Jóvenes en la Misa?

Fernández  JB C-D (3rd)


El amor es un arte, no un sentimiento

González  GB 7 (4th)

X-23 ¿Cómo podemos apoyar a las parejas infértiles y aquellos que han perdido un bebé?

 Ruhi-López & Santamaría  GB 1-3 (4th)

Sesión XI | 3:00 - 4:00 pm XI-21 Dignitas personae y Donum vitae: Técnicas de reproducción artificial

Calva   GB 6 (4th)


Ponle fuerza a lo débil


Maria discípula y evangelizadora


Al encuentro con Dios en los Salmos

 


Espinosa de los Monteros   GB 1-3 (4th) Hernandez  MR 3 (3rd) Septién  MR 2 (3rd)

Descripciones de las Sesiones El símbolo de  indica que la sesión será grabada. En las paginas 7-8 aparece un índice de los conferenciantes y las temas correspondientes.

VIERNES, 26 DE OCTUBRE Sesión I | 9:15 - 10:15 am

Conferencia Magistral en inglés

Ninguna sesiones en español Sesión II | 10:45 - 11:45 am Ninguna sesiones en español Sesión III | 12:15 - 1:15 pm

III-22 ¿Que enseña la Iglesia Católica sobre la tecnología reproductiva?  Angelique Ruhi-López & Carmen Santamaría, J.D. GB 8 (4th) Un concepto erróneo y común es que la Iglesia Católica dice “NO” a la mayoría de las tecnologías reproductivas cuando en realidad, la Iglesia dice “SÍ” a algunas tecnologías reproductivas y a una manera de sanar las causas de la infertilidad que mantienen la dignidad de la pareja y el hijo que esperan concebir. Durante la sesión, se elaborará lo que enseña la Iglesia sobre la inseminación, la fertilización in vitro, el alquiler de úteros, y más. Al describir las alternativas católicas de tratamientos, la sesión dará una explicación clara de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre estos asuntos bioéticos.

Sesión IV | 1:30 - 2:30 pm IV-21 El amor es un arte, no un sentimiento  Rev. J Eduardo González  GB 4-5 (4th) Dios Padre nos envia el primer mensaje de amor al regalarnos, como un artista y creador, esta casa-universo donde habitamos. En la la cruz de su Hijo nos revela que el amor, no es un sentimiento romántico, sino una firme determinacion de entregarlo todo para salvarnosrecrearnos, canjeando su muerte por una vida

IV-22 La Música al Servico de la Liturgia, Parte 1 Peter M. Kolar  JB A-B (3rd) ¿Qué tan poderosa es la música en moldear nuestra experiencia del culto? ¿Qué tan importante es el papel del coro en la Misa? Tiene que ver, últimamente, con la participación de la asamblea: los coros buenos están atentos, sobre todo, al cantar del pueblo reunido; los coros no atentos ni se fijan en la asamblea, tratándoles como si estuvieran en un concierto. Exploraremos la estructura de le Misa, y cómo la música litúrgica puede y debe elevar nuestras voces al cielo. ¡Para los músicos y todos los feligreses que quieren ser mejores participantes en la Misa! IV-23 El Carisma del Sacramento del Matrimonio: Parejas Caminando juntos en la Fe para realizar su Misión  Jake Samour, M.T.S.  MR 7 (3rd) Por medio de la alianza sacramental del matrimonio cada pareja se pone al servicio de la misión de la Iglesia para construir el Reino de Dios. Esta misión eclesial existe por medio de un carisma especial en el sacramento y llega a ser una tipo de consagración en Cristo. Es decir, “el amor humano es asumido en el Amor Divino” (Gaudium et Spes, 48), y es puesto al servicio de un amor más grande: El amor de Dios y el amor a la humanidad en Cristo. Durante esta presentación veremos cómo esta misión contribuye y edifica el cuerpo nupcial de Cristo, la Iglesia, como está arraigada en la alianza sacramental del matrimonio y como es vivida dentro de la comunidad eclesial. Esta misión, por supuesto, es formar una comunión de vida y amor y al mismo tiempo es ser enviado al mundo. Examinaremos como es que estas dos tareas son vividas simultáneamente y más importante como corresponden totalmente a los deseos más profundos de cada cónyuge. En fin, es un reconocer a lo que hemos sido creados y ofrecer una respuesta a lo que cada pareja últimamente anda buscando.

Sesión V | 3:00 - 4:00 pm V-21 Maria discípula y evangelizadora  Manuel Hernandez  MR 7 (3rd) En este el año de la fe se nos pide ver el papel que Maria juega como madre de Dios y madre nuestra, en nuestra vida de fe. En este taller exploraremos a través de los lentes de las Escrituras la vida de Maria como discípula y como evangelizadora. Tomaremos en consideración su 47


III-21 Cuando No Hay Coro... Música para Quinceañeras, Bodas y Funerales Santiago Fernandez JB C-D (3rd) Muchas veces el coro parroquial está enfocado en el ministerio dominical de la parroquia, o no está disponible entre semana o los sábados porque todos trabajan, pero las quinceañeras, bodas y funerales deben también formar parte integral del programa musical en la parroquia y no podemos tolerar la mediocridad en estas misas. ¿Quién canta cuando el coro no está disponible? ¿Se permite en la parroquia que canten “solistas” o grupos como si fuera un concierto en lugar de fomentar la participación de la asamblea litúrgica? En esta sesión hablaremos de estos y otros desafíos y de los requisitos y reglamentos que debe haber cuando otros cantores o instrumentistas visitan nuestras parroquias.

que no conoce limite. Por amor nos devuelve a los humanos la imagen de un Dios que nos permite expresar, con una valiente decision, el amor, como una verdadera obra de arte que divinamente nos capacita para ayudarle a Dios mismo, a recrear a la persona a la que fielmente amamos y al planeta donde vivimos. También se presentará en la Sesión X

Descripciones de las Sesiones disponibilidad para recibir y aceptar la invitación de parte Dios de traer a Cristo al mundo. Tanto su extraordinaria respuesta como su invitación es nuestra hoy. También se presentará en la Sesión XI V-22 En el matrimonio, ¿el amor es para siempre?  Alejandro Ordieres MR 6 (4th) ¿Por qué algunos matrimonio se rompen? ¿Por qué el amor se acaba? ¿Dónde quedó la pasión con la que vivimos nuestros primero años como novios y recién casados? El matrimonio es para siempre pero ahora ese “para siempre” dura demasiado. Sin embargo, Dios es amor y, por ello, el amor es un misterio que por naturaleza es eterno para todos aquellos que están dispuestos a realizar el esfuerzo que exige amar. También se presentará en la Sesión VII V-23 Alimentar/ensenar la oración en la catequesis Dr. Verónica Rayas, Ph.D.  MR 3 (3rd) La oración es un componente esencial de la catequesis que se centra en alimentar la relación de la persona con Dios. Este taller dará a los catequistas y educadores religiosos una comprensión de las cuatro formas básicas de oración: petición, acción de gracias, perdón y alabanza (CCC 2626 - 2643). Actividades creativas y divertidas y herramientas basadas en las diversas inteligencias múltiples serán compartidas junto con los recursos para su aplicación inmediata.

Sesión VI | 4:30 - 5:30 pm VI-21 “Prepárate para amar” - para jóvenes  Rev. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, L.C.  GB 6 (3rd) ¿Cómo vivir un noviazgo? Obstáculos, medios, ¿hasta dónde? ¿Qué es el amor? ¿Cómo saber si es él o ella la persona con la que puedo construir toda una vida? VI-22 Caminando juntos en RICA por un proceso de discernimiento vs vía rápida  Sr. Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp, MTS  MR 2 (3rd) En este taller juntos vamos a reflexionar sobre el don de discernimiento vs. haciendo una decisión trás la vía rápida. Es un proceso, una jornada de fe, que se camina gradualmente conociendo y enamorandose de la persona de Jesús y la Iglesia. Consciente de la presencia amorosa de Dios en la vida, los candidatos/catecúmenos junto con los que caminan con ellos, aprenderán a discernir a escuchar y responder al llamado de Dios que los lleva a comprender y abrazar el Misterio Pascual. También se presentará en la Sesión VII


VI-23 La Espiritualidad Católica y la conversión en el Precatecumenado Magdalena Gutierrez  GB 1-3 (4th) La primera etapa del proceso catecumeanal es para proclamar el Evangelio y llamar a la gente a creer en Cristo y a una vida de conversión continua. Los participantes explorarán ideas prácticas para enseñar los elementos básicos de una vida de conversión continua a Cristo y los pasos iniciales en el proceso de abrazar un estilo de vida Católico. VI-24 La Nueva Evangelizacion Signo de un Nuevo Pentecostes  Antonio Ramirez de León, Ph.D., D.Min.  MR 7 (4th) “La evangelizacion es la mision escencial de la Iglesia” nos decia el Papa Paulo VI. En esta presentacion veremos que significa evangelizar y cuales son los puntos centrales de lo que hoy se llama la Nueva Evangelizacion. Profundizaremos en este tema ya que sera el punto central del proximo sinodo de los Obispos. Este nuevo impulso a proclamar la buena nueva es un signo claro de un nuevo Pentecostes. !Ay de mi si no evangelizara! (San Pablo) Urge anunciar en nuevas formas el amor de Dios y la salvacion en Cristo Jesus.

SÁBADO, 27 DE OCTUBRE Sesión VII | 9:15 - 10:15 am VII-21 Repercusiones de las relaciones sexuales en los jóvenes y la familia  Dra. Pilar Calva   MR 8 (3rd) Los Padres son los primeros educadores de sus hijos. Su ejemplo es la influencia esencial en la vida de sus hijos. El amor y cariño que den a sus hijos es el mejor impedimento contra un comportamiento promiscuo y conductas rebeldes. Una familia fuerte y disciplinada produce ciudadanos más responsables, y disminuye de manera importante la tasa de adolescentes embarazadas y con enfermedades de transmisión sexual. El Colegio Americano de Pediatras (American College of Pediatricians) apoya fuertemente la educación sexual basada en la abstinencia hasta el matrimonio y recomienda su adopción por parte de todo el sistema educativo, en lugar de la “educación sexual integral”. VII-22 Caminando juntos en RICA por un proceso de discernimiento vs vía rápida  Sr. Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp, MTS  MR 6 (3rd) También se presentará en la Sesión VI VII-23 La Espiritualidad Católica y la Conversión durante la Cuaresma Magdalena Gutierrez  GB 8 (4th) La entrega a Jesucristo genera en los creyentes el deseo de conocerle más profundamente y de identificarse con El. Esta vida cristiana es

Descripciones de las Sesiones un camino espiritual que provoca un “cambio progresivo de actitudes y costumbres”, hecho de renuncias y de luchas, y también de gozos que Dios concede sin medida. Los participantes explorarán ideas prácticas para guiar a los participantes del RICA y a toda la parroquia a un renovado deseo de santidad y a un cambio de corazón y mente que es práctico y contagioso. VII-24 En el matrimonio, ¿el amor es para siempre?  Alejandro Ordieres  JB A-B (3rd) También se presentará en la Sesión V

VII-26 La catequesis de la familia: Acompañamiento en la jornada de fe Dr. Verónica Rayas, Ph.D.  GB 4-5 (4th) Tradicionalmente, el catolicismo ha sido una “religión en casa”, entre los México-americanos que crecen experimentando un sinnúmero de oportunidades sobre las expresiones de fe y sabiduría espiritual. Muchos mexicanos y Méxicoamericanos aprendieron a vivir una vida de fe en el hogar de su infancia. Este taller se centra en principios básicos utilizados en “La catequesis de la familia”, tales como el desarrollo de la comunidad, la importancia de una identidad de cultura-religiosa y el papel de la estética y las tradiciones en la catequesis. Únete a nosotros para explorar las experiencias y lecciones aprendidas en “la familia”, además de destacar el uso de estos principios de catequesis en la formación religiosa de niños, jóvenes y adultos en su comunidad. VII-27 El papel de la Sagrada Escritura en el proceso de RICA  Juan Rendon-Reyes  MR 3 (3rd) La sesión presentará a los participantes la importancia de la Sagrada Escritura en el proceso de RICA. Después de la sesión el participante

VII-28 Al encuentro con Dios en los Salmos  Pía Septién  GB 7 (4th) Al encuentro con Dios en los Salmos: los salmos son alabanzas, pero no son solo alabanzas, son mucho más…La finalidad de esta conferencia es la de responder a las preguntas: ¿Qué son los Salmos? ¿Por qué los cantamos? ¿Son una oración? ¿Hay diferentes tipos de Salmos? ¿Cómo puedo rezar con los Salmos? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Salmos de acción de gracias, alabanza, imprecación, reales, etc.? Dicen que hay salmos de imprecación o maldición ¿cómo puede haber eso en la Biblia? También se presentará en la Sesión XI VII-29 Formando Consciencias para Ciudadanía Fiel: Orientación Clara de nuestros Obispos sobre Entendiendo y dando Prioridad a los Asuntos como Católicos Fieles  Aurora Q. Tinajero  GB 6 (4th) Es el deber y la obligación moral de los Católicos participar activamente en la plaza pública y abogar por la vida, la justicia y la paz en nuestra nación y el mundo. En noviembre de 2011, los Obispos de Estados Unidos volvieron a publicar su edición de 2008 de Formando la Conciencia para Ciudadanía Fiel, incluyendo una nota introductoria nueva. Para ayudar a los católicos descomprimir la enseñanza en este documento completo en el año 2008, los obispos Kevin Farrell y Vann Kevin publicaron una página doble “Declaración Conjunta para los Fieles de la Diócesis de Dallas y Fort Worth”, en ambos Inglés y Español. La declaración conjunta fue anunciada como una de las más claras sobre esta enseñanza de nuestra Iglesia crítica y muy frecuentemente mal entendida. En esta charla, Aurora Tinajero caminan a través de la Declaración Conjunta de los Obispos, punto por punto, diferenciando entre las cuestiones que son “intrínsecamente malas” y las de “juicio prudencial”, explicando “razones proporcionadas “ y lo que es moralmente permisible en la formación de conciencias.

Sesión VIII | 10:45 - 11:45 am VIII-21 Caminando en Fe con Jesus  Alejandro Aguilera-Titus  Hall A (1st) Jesus nos da un modelo de como a acompanar a nuestro pueblo en su caminar de fe por la vida. Ven y descubre los elementos de este modelo y aprende como aplicarlos a tu vida familiar y a tu ministerio.



VII-25 Formacion Permanente para Adultos: Transformacion hasta la talla Adulta de Cristo Jesus  Antonio Ramirez de León, Ph.D., D.Min.  JB C-D (3rd) La mayoria de las Parroquias tienen catequesis para ninos y muchas otras para jovenes pero son muy pocas las que tienen formacion sistematica para adultos. Las inquietudes y formas de aprendender de los adultos tienen sus caracteristicas propias y van transformandose en las diferentes etapas de la vida. En esta presentacion nos basaremos en modelos para la formacion constante y permanente del Laico y los puntos claves en su liderazgo ministerial. Los modelos de formacion estan basados en el documento: “Co-Responsables en la Viña del Señor” de los Obispos de los EUA.”Para que no seamos niños en la fe, sino crezcamos hasta la talla adulta de Cristo Jesus.” (San Pablo)

tendrá disponibles algunas herramientas para poder hacer del proceso de RICA un Encuentro con el Señor en las Escrituras.

Descripciones de las Sesiones Sesión IX | 12:15 - 1:15 pm IX-21 La Música al Servico de la Liturgia, Parte 2 Peter M. Kolar  JB A-B (3rd) Continuación de la parte 1. El enfoque será el documento oficial sobre la música, “Cantemos al Señor”, y la importancia de la participación plena, activa, y consciente de la asamblea. Continuaremos nuestra examinación de los Tres Juicios, y cómo determinar si un canto es o no es apropriado para usar en la liturgia. (No se requiere asistencia en la parte 1). IX-22 Los secretos de un misterio: la Eucaristía  Alejandro Ordieres  GB 8 (4th) Un misterio es aquello que no se puede explicar, comprender o descubrir. Se trata de algo reservado, secreto o recóndito, y la Eucaristía es un misterio. Pero el misterio se revela a quien participa de él, a quien forma parte del círculo que lo rodea. La Eucaristía es la presencia real de Cristo en la tierra pero, ¿realmente lo creo? El mismo Cristo de hace dos mil años está entre nosotros y no me he dado cuenta. Acompáñame a revelar los secretos del Misterio Eucarístico para llegar al centro de la vida cristiana. IX-23 Hacia una Espiritualidad Integral: Varon y Hembra los creo Dios  Antonio Ramirez de León, Ph.D., D.Min.  GB 1-3 (4th) Actualmente existe un debate entre que es religion y que es espiritualidad, en esta presentacion veremos que las dos individualmente tienen su importancia pero convergen en su valor, es decir, una religion sana encamina a una espiritualidad sana. Descubriremos la importancia de integrar lo espiritual y lo material, ya que somos cuerpo alma y espiritu, viviendo en una sociedad multicultural. Finalmente se introducira el Tema de la Espiritualidad para Varones que llama al hombre a transformarse y llegar a la verdadera comunion y corresponsabilidad con la mujer, ya que en ella misma se refleja la imagen y semejanza de Dios. En otras palabras, como puede el varon convertise en mejor padre, hijo, esposo y miembro activo de la sociedad y la Iglesia.

Sesión X | 1:30 - 2:30 pm X-21 ¿Cómo Enganchar a los Jóvenes en la Misa? Santiago Fernandez  JB C-D (3rd) Cómo implementamos eficazmente un ministerio musical en la parroquia que realmente enganche a nuestros jóvenes? ¿Es correcto usar música de alabanza, mejor conocida como “Praise and Worship” en Misa? ¿Estamos aplicando juicios litúrgicos, pastorales y musicales en nuestra selección de música ? ¿Usamos música con ritmos alegres latinos pero que respete la dignidad de nuestras liturgias? ¡Ven a participar en este ameno diálogo con Santiago! 50

X-22 

El amor es un arte, no un sentimiento Rev. J Eduardo González  GB 7 (4th) También se presentará en la Sesión IV

X-23 ¿Cómo podemos apoyar a las parejas infértiles y aquellos que han perdido un bebé?  Angelique Ruhi-López & Carmen Santamaría, J.D.  GB 1-3 (4th) Con una de cada seis parejas experimentando la infertilidad en los Estados Unidos, la Iglesia Católica debe de estar lista para ofrecer apoyo médico, ético y espiritual a las parejas que cargan esta cruz. Esta sesión comienza con una introducción básica a la infertilidad y lo que enseña la Iglesia sobre este tema. También se hablará sobre las emociones y los retos de aquellos que experimentan la infertilidad, a demás de cómo ayudar a las parejas infértiles y los que han perdido un bebé, a través de grupos de apoyo, Misas especiales/liturgias, y otros recursos e ideas que diócesis y parroquias pueden implementar.

Sesión XI | 3:00 - 4:00 pm XI-21 Dignitas personae y Donum vitae: Técnicas de reproducción artificial  Dra. Pilar Calva   GB 6 (4th) Inseminación artificial, fecundación in vitro y embriones sobrantes. Se analizan las técnicas de reproducción artificial tanto desde el punto de vista científico como sus implicaciones éticas. Los derechos del hijo son: ser fruto del acto de amor conyugal de sus padres y ser respetado en todo momento (desde su concepción) como persona. Las investigaciones y tratamientos que intentan ayudar a resolver la esterilidad humana deben alentarse si están al servicio de la persona, de sus derechos inalienables, y de acuerdo con la dignidad de la persona humana. XI-22

Ponle fuerza a lo débil Rev. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, L.C.   GB 1-3 (4th) Esta conferencia es sobre los valores fundamentales que debe tener cada persona para salir adelante en la vida y poder sobre ponerse a las dificultades que ofrece toda situación: Matrimonio, familia, trabajo, enfermedad. XI-23 

Maria discípula y evangelizadora Manuel Hernandez  MR 3 (3rd) También se presentará en la Sesión V

XI-24 

Al encuentro con Dios en los Salmos Pía Septién  MR 2 (3rd) También se presentará en la Sesión VII

Conferenciantes Alejandro Aguilera-Titus  VI-01, VIII-21 Alejandro Aguilera-Titus (Candidato al doctorado en ministerio). Tiene 25 años de experiencia en el campo pastoral especialmente en la formación de la fe, de líderes y de jóvenes. Alejandro ha trabajado a nivel parroquial, diocesano y nacional. Es altamente apreciado por la aplicación práctica del pensamiento teológico a la pastoral. Actualmente, es asistente del director de la Secretaria de la Diversidad Cultural en la Iglesia en USCCB y miembro del profesorado en el Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary. Dra. Pilar Calva   VII-21, XI-21 La Dra. Pilar Calva es médico cirujano con especialidad en Genética Humana y una subespecialidad en Citogenética en Paris, Francia, donde laboró en el servicio del Profesor Jerôme Lejeune. Maestría en Bioética. Actualmente es profesora de Bioética y de Sexualidad en diversas instituciones. Es coordinadora y consultora de la sección de bioética del portal Instructora certificada del Método de la Ovulación Billings, ha impartido cursos desde 1984 en diversos países. Ha impartido conferencias y ponencias en congresos a nivel internacional. Tiene publicaciones en revistas nacionales y extranjeras, y en tres libros. Miembro de la Academia Pontificia para la Vida, del Consejo de Bioética del Episcopado Mexicano y del CELAM, de la Asociación Panamericana de Bioética, Academia Mexicana de Bioética y del Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina. Es casada y tiene cuatro hijos.

Santiago Fernandez  III-21, X-21 Santiago Fernández se ha desempeñado como músico pastoralista por los últimos 25 años en varias parroquias y ministerios. El es actualmente director de ministerios musicales en la parroquia de San Damián de Molokai en Pontiac, Michigan, en donde dirige los coros en español y en inglés. Santiago es conferencista y presentador de talleres en eventos y conferencias a nivel nacional en el área de música litúrgica hispana. Sus composiciones aparecen en varios recursos y cancioneros de OCP. Santiago fue galardonado con un “Unity Award” como Álbum del Año (Español) y Canto del Año en 2010. También recibió 3 “Unity Awards” como mejor artista, disco y canción internacional en 2006. Rev. J Eduardo González  IV-21, X-22 Padre Eduardo González es rector de la Catedral Santuario de Guadalupe en Dallas TX. Originario de Puebla México, fue ordenado sacerdote el 28 de marzo de 1981 en la Basílica de Ntra. Señora de Guadalupe. Cursó la Licenciatura en Educación por la F.E.P. , tiene una Maestría en Orientación y Desarrollo (consejería) por la Universidad Iberoamericana y una especialización en Terapia “Gestalt” por el Instituto de Terapia Gestalt de la Cd. de México. Ha dedicado su vida a los ministerios educativo-pastorales como director de escuelas católicas en México. Colaboró en la formación permanente (actualización educativo-pastoral) de los sacerdotes y religiosos de las dos provincias de la congregación salesiana en México. Ha sido presentador de los programas de radio,: “Sintonía”, “El oficio de vivir”, y “Aprendiendo a vivir”, en las estaciones KRVA, KESS, KINF, Univision Radio de AM área de Dallas-Fort Worth. Actualmente es conductor del Programa “El Arte de Vivir” en Guadalupe Radio, San Antonio TX.



Rev. Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros Gómez Haro, L.C.  VI-21, XI-22 Nació en Puebla, México. Legionario de Cristo desde Septiembre de 1984. Tiene maestría en Humanidades Clásicas por el Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos de Salamanca, España. Estudió Filosofía en la pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, y en Ateneo Regina Apostolorum, en Roma, donde obtuvo la Licencia en Teología Moral, con especialización en Bioética. Desde ser Sacerdote, ha trabajado como orientador juvenil, y como orientador familiar en Guadalajara, México, en Medellín, Colombia, donde fue además director del colegio Cumbres, en París donde colaboró en la formación de adultos y actualmente en Roma Italia, donde dirige además algunos apostolados. Ha impartido conferencias sobre matrimonio, valores familiares y espiritualidad, en ciudades de México, Estados Unidos, todo Centro y Sudamérica, Italia y Francia. Ha atendido a cientos de parejas a través de los centros FAMILIA Y ALFA Y OMEGA, ofreciendo consejo y programas de crecimiento conyugal y familiar. Publicó el libro: “El anillo es para siempre”, traducido a diferentes lenguas.

Conferenciantes Sr. Esther M. Guerrero, mcdp, MTS  VI-22, VII-22 La Hermana Esther M. Guerrero es miembro religiosa de las Misioneras Catequistas de la Divina Providencia en San Antonio, Texas. Su ministerio de trabajo ha sido extensivo en la área de Evangelización y Catequesis, tanto en México como en Estados Unidos. Su trabajo principal en México fue en la Formación de Adultos. Ha servido com Directora de Educación Religiosa tanto a nivel parroquial como diocesano en Dallas, Texas y otras ciudades en Texas. Actualmente, sirve en el Consejo General de su congregación desde 2006 y a la vez Coordinadora de RICA y Formación de Fe de Adultos en la parroquia de San Marcos el Evangelista en Plano, Texas. Magdalena Gutierrez  IV-04, VI-23, VII-23 Magdalena Gutiérrez ha sido la Coordinadora de Evanglelización y RICA para la arquidiocesis de Washington y vive en el area Washington, DC y trabaja como consultor con el RICA y la Evangelización. Ella aporta una columna periódica sobre la evangelización para “Evangelization Exchange”.

Manuel Hernandez  V-21, XI-23 Patrocinado por RENEW International Manuel Hernandez actualmente esta trabajando ayudando a varias diócesis a implementar los procesos de ¿Por qué ser católico? Y Levantate. Tiene un BS en Administración de Negocios de Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY, y una Maestría en Ministerio Pastoral de Fordham Univertisy, NY. Corrientemente el Sr. Manuel Hernandez es candidato para un doctorado en ministerio de la Universidad de Barry, Miami Shores, FL. Antes de llegar a RENEW International en el 2012, el Sr. Hernández estuvo involucrado en ministerio pastoral en la Republica Dominicana, en la Arquidiócesis de New York, y en la diócesis de Paterson, NJ. Peter M. Kolar  IV-22, V-09, VIII-06, IX-21 Patrocinado por World Library Publications (WLP) Peter Kolar es Editor Principal de Música y Publicaciones Hispanas en la casa editorial, World Library Publications / J. S. Paluch en Chicago, Illinois. Es compositor bilingüe, pianista, y artista de grabación. Su composición “Misa Luna” ha ganado mucho reconocimiento a través del país. Peter es actualmente el director del Coro Diocesano de El Paso e instructor para el Instituto Tepeyac. Sus grados en composición musical son de la Universidad Northwestern. Está casado y vive en El Paso, Texas, con su esposa y dos hijas. Alejandro Ordieres  V-22, VII-24, IX-22 Alejandro Ordieres estudió las licenciaturas de Filosofía y Teología Moral en Roma realizando también una Maestría en Santo Tomás. Al regresar a México, estudia un MBA en el Tecnológico de Monterrey buscando especializarse en ética empresarial. Fue Director de la Licenciatura de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de esta institución estudiando al mismo tiempo el Doctorado en Filosofía. Colaboró durante cuatro años con la Universidad Católica de Dallas impartiendo diversas materias de Teología en el Deacon Formation Program. Actualmente es profesor de tiempo completo en el Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México de las asignaturas de Ideas e Instituciones Políticas. Alejandro ha conjugado sus actividades profesionales con el acompañamiento de grupos juveniles en varias partes del mundo fungiendo como consejero espiritual , colaborando en la predicación de retiros e impartiendo conferencias sobre diferentes temas espirituales. Es también autor de los libros “Fundamentos para una ética ciudadana” y “Pensamiento crítico”.


Conferenciantes Antonio Ramirez de León, Ph.D., D.Min.  VI-24, VII-25, IX-23 Patrocinado por Liguori Publications Nació y creció en la ciudad de México. Recibió su licenciatura en Psicología de la Universidad de California; su Maestría es en Educación de UTSA, y su Doctorado (PhD) en Counseling, Educación. El Dr. Ramírez tiene una Maestría en Teología y Doctorado en Ministerio del Graduate Theological Foundation. Fue misionero laico en México, Centro América, y Argentina por 10 años bajo la guía de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Ha presentado conferencias y retiros por más de 25 años. Actualmente, el Dr. Ramírez en profesor en la UIW en San Antonio y en el Mexican-American Catholic College. Finalmente, el Dr. Antonio es Pastor Asociado de la parroquia de St. Luke’s, es psicoterapeuta, y Co-Director del Ministerio “BreatheRespira”. Su libro: “Manual para Lideres Laicos de Hoy” fue publicado por la editorial Liguori en 2011 y su próximo libro: “Manual para una Espiritualidad para Varones” será publicado a final del 2012. Dr. Verónica Rayas, Ph.D.  V-23, VII-26, VIII-10 Patrocinado por William H. Sadlier Verónica Rayas, Ph.D., is the director of the Office of Religious Formation for the Diocese of El Paso. She holds a doctorate from Fordham University in Religious Education. Her dissertation titled “La Familia’s Catechesis: the Mexican American Family as a place of catechesis through their spirituality” focused on the catechetical principles present in the traditions and lived faith of many Mexican American families. Veronica has extensive experience in various ministries as a catechist, youth minister, Catholic School teacher, and pastoral associate. Before returning to El Paso, Veronica was the codirector of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of New York.

Angelique Ruhi-López   III-22, V-13, VIII-11, X-23 Patrocinado por Ave Maria Press Angelique Ruhi-López ha estado casada con su esposo Richard desde el 2003 y los dos tienen hijos biológicos y adoptivos: Emmanuel, Sebastian, Madeleine y Anabella. Experimentaron la infertilidad antes de adoptar su primer hijo. Ruhi-López tiene una maestría en teología de Boston College. Fue reportera de La Voz Católica, el periódico en español de la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Ruhi-López escribe para The Florida Catholic y es una editora del sitio web de la Arquidiocesis de Miami, Florida. Jake Samour, M.T.S.  IV-23, VI-09 Patrocinado por Ascension Press Jacobo (Jake) Samour, M.T.S., nació en El Salvador y es el mayor de 12 hijos. En 1979, debido a la guerra civil de ese país, emigro con su familia a los Estados Unidos. Jake sacó una maestría en Ingeniería en 1990 y trabajó para una compañía aeroespacial durante 10 años antes de una llamada personal al ministerio. A continuación, trabajó durante tres años en la Pastoral Juvenil en la Arquidiócesis de Denver. Posteriormente, obtuvo una maestría en teología del Instituto Juan Pablo II sobre Estudios de Matrimonio y Familia en Washington, D.C. Jake reside en la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio donde es el Director de la Oficina de la Pastoral para Matrimonios, Vida Familiar y Planificación Natural de la Familia. Desde junio del 2010, él ha estado inscrito en un programa de doctorado en ministerio (D.Min.) en Oblate School of Theology en San Antonio, TX. Él está casado y tiene tres hijos.



Juan Rendon-Reyes  VII-27 El Sr. Juan Rendon-Reyes desempeña su labor como instructor en la Universidad de Dallas School of Ministry desde el 2007. Su labor en la Universidad de Dallas School of Ministry incluye impartir clases de pastoral bíblica y teología. Antes de ser parte de la facultad en esta institución, impartió clases de religión en la preparatoria Bishop Thomas K. Gorman Regional Schools en Tyler, Texas. Desde el 2009 es parte del equipo formador del seminario Holy Trinity de la Diócesis de Dallas. Su cargo es la dirección de la pastoral parroquial. El Sr. Rendon-Reyes obtuvo su licenciatura en filosofía y letras en la Universidad de Dallas. También obtuvo dos maestrías, una en pastoral y la otra en teología, ambas de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en Houston, Texas. Actualmente está cursando sus estudios de doctorado en teología pastoral en la Universidad Católica de América en Washington, DC.

Conferenciantes Carmen Santamaría, J.D.  III-22, V-13, VIII-11, X-23 Patrocinado por Ave Maria Press Carmen Santamaría ha estado casada con Alex desde el 2001, y juntos, están bendecidos con Mónica, Antonio Javier, Victoria and Daniel, sus hijos biológicos y adoptivos. Experimentaron más de tres años de infertilidad después del nacimiento de su segundo hijo y continúan enfrentándose con este reto. Santamaría recibió una maestría en administración de empresas y un doctorado en derecho de la Universidad de Miami. Ella es abogada en Miami, Florida. Pía Septién  VII-28, XI-24 Pía Septién obtuvo su licenciatura en Administración de Empresas por la Universidad Anáhuac en la Ciudad de México, maestría en Estudios Teológicos y Certificación en Administración Pastoral por la Universidad de Dallas. Ha dado clases desde el año 2006 hasta el presente en la Escuela para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas en el programa de la Escuela Bíblica Católica, en la formación diaconal de la Diócesis de Dallas y de Tyler y en el Programa del Certificado en Teología Pastoral. También ha dado clases en línea de Introducción al Antiguo Testamento para la Universidad de Dayton, Ohio. Es co-autora de una serie de libros de texto de educación religiosa para los grados 7 al 9 y autora de los libros “Mujeres del Antiguo Testamento” y “Mujeres del Nuevo Testamento” de Libros Liguori. Actualmente es Directora de Estudios Continuos de la Escuela para los Ministerios de la Universidad de Dallas. Aurora Q. Tinajero  VII-29 Patrocinado por el Comité Católico Pro-Vida Aurora es líder en la comunidad pro-vida Hispana. Director del Ministerio en Español para el Comité Católico Pro-Vida y anfitrión del programa radial en KJON 850 AM llamado “Celebrando la Vida.” Fue seleccionada como columnista de “Voces de la Comunidad” del Dallas Morning News y fue columnista de El Católico de Texas. En 2007, recibió el Premio de Persona Pro-Vida del Año de Padre Edward Robinson, O.P. Fue panelista en la Conferencia de Directores de Ministerios de la Secretaria Pro-Vida de la Conferencia Episcopal cual discutió maneras de alcanzar a Hispanos Diocesanos con el mensaje pro-vida. Organizó el primer Congreso Nacional Pro-Vida Hispano en 2008. En 2010 por invitación del Monseñor Thomas J. Olmsted de la Diócesis de Phoenix ayudo a planear el Congreso Bi-nacional Hispano de Respeto a la Vida y Evangelización. Aurora organizara el Congreso Hispano de las Américas Pro-Vida y Evangelización que se llevara a cabo en Dallas del 16-18 de Agosto del 2013.


Thư chào mừng

Tháng 10 năm 2012 Anh chị em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô, Thật là một niềm vui lớn lao cho chúng tôi được chào đón anh chị em đến với hội nghị Mục Vụ tại Đại học Dallas hàng năm (University of Dallas Ministry Conference,) tổ chức lần thứ sáu, đồng tài trợ bởi trường đại học Dallas, Giáo phận Dallas và Giáo phận Fort Worth! Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng qua hai ngày Đồng Hành trong Đức Tin (Walking Together in Faith) quí anh chị em sẽ đạt dược một kinh nghiệm tràn đầy ơn phúc, đầy đức tin, và bổ ích qua các phiên họp, những buổi cầu nguyện, qua việc viếng thăm các buổi triển lãm và các tổ chức tài trợ, và qua các tác phẩm nghệ thuật phụng vụ và những buổi trình tấu âm nhạc. Trong dịp khai mạc Năm Đức Tin, thật là quan trọng hơn bao giờ hết để chúng ta làm tất cả những gì có thể làm để làm giàu thêm và đào sâu hơn đời sống đức tin để chúng ta trở thành môn đệ tốt hơn cuả Chúa Kitô trong cộng đồng của chúng ta. Hội nghị Mục Vụ tại Đại học Dallas (University of Dallas Ministry Conference) cung cấp cho người Công giáo một cơ hội tu bổ đức tin qua nhiều diễn giả nổi tiếng trong nước, họ sẽ đề cập đến nhiều chủ đề liên quan đến đức tin, giáo lý, giáo dục, cầu nguyện, thần học và mục vụ. Chúng tôi tin rằng những thông tin cung cấp tại hội nghị này sẽ giúp mỗi người trong chúng ta sống đầy đủ hơn nữa sự hiệp thông đức tin và trở thành những thừa tác viên hiệu quả hơn nữa cho những người mà Chúa giao phó cho chúng ta coi sóc.


Xin cảm ơn sự hiện diện, sự tham gia trung thành của anh chị em, và sự sẵn sàng để chia sẻ cách hào phóng những gì mà anh chị em học hỏi tại hội nghị này với các cộng đồng Công giáo ở nhà. Kính xin Chúa là Cha trên trời ban phước lành xuống cho mỗi người, và ước mong rằng những kiến thức, lời cầu nguyện và tình thân hữu tại hội nghị này có thể làm mới tinh thần của anh chị em và công việc mục vụ của anh chị em trong Giáo Hội! Trân trọng trong Chúa Kitô, Most Rev Kevin J. Farrell, D.D. Giám mục, Giáo phận Dallas Most Rev Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D. Giám mục, Giáo Phận Fort Worth Thomas W. Keefe, JD Viện trưởng, Đại học Dallas


Thông tin chung ATM Ở cùng tầng với Exhibit Hall (Tầng 1), có một máy ATM đặt trong hành lang gần Hall B và văn phòng ICC. Điện thoại di động / Máy nhắn tin Pager Để tôn trọng các diễn giả và những người tham dự, xin vui lòng tắt máy điện thoại di động và máy nhắn tin trong các phiên họp và trong các giờ phụng vụ. Trường hợp khẩn cấp Nếu bạn có một trường hợp khẩn cấp, xin liên lạc với nhân viên UDMC, hoặc tình nguyện viên, hoặc một nhân viên ICC gần nhất. Nếu bạn không thể tìm thấy ai, xin gọi số 972-401-7793. Xin nhớ rằng, trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, điều quan trọng là phải giữ bình tĩnh. Chúng tôi có EMTs (Y Tá) ứng trực trong suốt thời gian hội nghị. Lượng giá Năm nay, chúng tôi yêu cầu tất cả những người tham gia hoàn tất một bảng lượng giá chung cho hội nghị, bạn cũng được yêu cầu đánh giá các phiên họp mà bạn tham dự (bạn sẽ cần có mã số cuả phiên họp để hoàn tất bảng lượng giá). Bạn có thể dùng mẫu giấy được kèm trong bià của cuốn chương trình, hoặc bạn có thể đánh giá trực tuyến tại Ngoài ra xin hãy tìm mã số QR để có thể liên kết trực tiếp với bảng lượng giá này trong suốt chương trình ICC. Xin hãy khuyến khích các đồng bạn để họ cũng hoàn tất việc đánh giá này! Những giáo xứ hoặc trường học hoàn tất việc lượng giá xong lúc 11:59PM hôm thứ 6 ngày 2 tháng 11 và có tỷ lệ cao nhất sẽ nhận được 20 phiếu miễn phí cho hội nghị năm 2013 UD Ministry Conference. Thông tin Nếu có những câu hỏi chung, xin vui lòng gặp một nhân viên túc trực tại các quầy đăng ký UDMC ở tiền sảnh Tầng 1 (cùng tầng với Exhibit Hall,) hoặc tại quầy thông tin ‘UDMC Information’ trong tiền sảnh của các Phòng Họp (Tầng 3). Bạn cũng có thể tìm gặp một tình nguyện viên mặc áo sơ mi màu xanh với dấu hiệu “Ask Me” ở bất kỳ nơi nào trong khuôn viên. Irving / Las Colinas Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm thông tin về khu vực Irving / Las Colinas, bao gồm các nhà hàng và các phương tiện di chuyển, xin ghé lại bàn hướng dẫn du khách nằm trong hành lang cùng tầng 1 với Exhibit Hall ngay bên cạnh cầu thang máy, sẽ có một nhân viên của văn phòng Irving Visitors Bureau trực tại đó để giúp bạn.


Lost and Found Nơi giữ đồ bị mất (Lost and Found) được đặt tại quầy Thông tin UDMC nằm trong hành lang của các Phòng Họp (Tầng 3). Nếu bạn tìm thấy một vật đánh rơi nào đó trong thời gian hội nghị, xin vui lòng chuyển đến nơi đây. Lựa chọn bữa ăn Lệ phí cuả bạn không bao gồm thực phẩm và nước giải khát. Bạn cần mua đồ ăn và thức uống tại các quầy hàng xung quanh hội trường, đặc biệt là trong quán Café trên tầng 2, trong phòng Exhibit Hall, và trong tiền sảnh của Exhibit Hall (Tầng 1). Ngoài ra còn có một số nhà hàng ở gần có thể đi bộ hoặc lái xe từ trung tâm ICC. Xin đến quầy hướng dẫn khách (Concierge Desk) nằm trong hành lang của Exhibit Hall (Tầng 1) bên cạnh cầu thang máy để biết thêm chi tiết. Bảng tên Xin luôn luôn đeo bảng tên của bạn trong thời gian hội nghị. Đây là vé đi vào tất cả các phiên họp, các buổi biểu diễn âm nhạc, và phòng triển lãm. Nếu bạn quên hoặc mất bảng tên, chúng tôi sẽ in một cái mới tại quầy Đăng ký với một khoản phí tổn thay thế là $ 5,00 tiền mặt. Chúng tôi rất mong mỏi quí bạn sẽ tái chế (recycle) những tấm khung để giữ huy hiệu của bạn. Xin vất những khung bằng nhựa của bạn vào các hộp ‘tái chế’ khi bạn rời khỏi hội nghị. Cảm ơn bạn! Bãi đậu xe Irving Convention Center cung cấp bãi đậu xe có bảo hiểm (không có thể ra vào tùy ý) với giá $5. Bãi đậu xe phụ cũng được mở thêm ở nơi đồng trống đối diện với trung tâm và trên các đường phố xung quanh. Thu âm Năm nay hãng Manna Recording & Duplication ( sẽ ghi âm một số phiên họp cuả UDMC. Bạn có thể mua các đĩa ghi âm cuả các phiên họp tại gian hàng Manna Recording ngoài hành lang của các Phòng Họp (Tầng 3).

Vị giảng thuyết tiếng Việt Nam và những đề tài trong ngày

Rev. Hy Nguyen

Linh mục Matthew Nguyễn Khắc Hy là thành viên của tu hội Xuân Bích tỉnh Hoa Kỳ. Theo học tại đại chủng viện St. Patrick, San Francisco, cha chịu chức cho giáo phận Oakland năm 1997 và gia nhập Xuân Bích năm 2000. Cha tốt nghiệp tiến sĩ Thần Học Tín Lý tại Đại Học Giáo hoàng Gregorian, Roma, và hiện là giáo sư thần học tín lý tại St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore. Rev. Matthew Nguyen Khac Greece is a member of the provincial societies of the United States Xuan Bich. Attending seminary at St. Patrick, San Francisco, he was ordained for the Diocese of Oakland in 1997 and joined Xuan Bich in 2000. Dr. Cha graduated Doctrinal Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and is currently a professor of theology at St Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore.

Phần VII | 9g15 – 10g15 VII-41 Cùng Bước Đi Trong Đức Tin: Đức Tin Công Giáo được gieo trên mảnh đất Văn Hoá Việt Nam Trọng chữ Tín  Rev. Hy Nguyen  MR 7 (3rd) Tự căn tính văn hoá Việt Nam là văn hoá hữu thần. Văn hoá này đã là mảnh đất được chuẩn bị cho hạt giống đức tin Công giáo được gieo trồng ở Việt Nam. Tuy nhiên, nhiều hiểu lầm đã tạo ra những căng thẳng đáng tiếc giữa đức tin và văn hoá dẫn đến bắt bớ và trục xuất hàng chục ngàn người Công Giáo. Chúng ta học được bài học gì trong quá khứ? Với người Công giáo Việt Nam trên đất Mỹ, chúng ta làm thế nào giữ gìn văn hoá để củng cố đức tin Công giáo chúng ta trên vùng đất mới này?

Phần VIII | 10g45 – 11g45 VIII-41 Tôi tin Giáo hội Duy Nhất, Thánh Thiện Công giáo và Tông Truyền  Rev. Ly Nguyen  MR 7 (3rd) Người Việt Nam, chịu ảnh hưởng Khổng giáo, tôn trọng trật tự trong xã hội. Người Công giáo Việt Nam yêu mến và kính trọng phẩm trật trong giáo hội. Với xu hướng chống đối giáo hội hiện nay, chúng ta cần làm gì để giữ vững niềm tin vào giáo hội? Chúng ta cần giáo hội hay không? Đâu là nguyên nhân làm mất niềm tin vào Giáo hội? Và những gì cần làm để phục hồi lại niềm tin đó?

Phần XI | 3g00 – 4g00 XI-09 Faith and Vietnamese Culture: What Pastoral Leaders need to Know  Rev. Hy Nguyen  JB C-D (3rd) Pope Paul VI, in Evangelii Nuntiandi states: “The split between the Gospel and culture is without a doubt the drama of our time, just as it was of other times.” Pastoral leaders are to help the faithful to live out one’s faith authentically. In many cases, misunderstanding leads to negative effects on pastoral works. If developing multicultural awareness is a decisive factor for social and business success, how much more should it be for pastoral - theological purposes? It is critical for pastoral leaders to know how to inculturate people’s faith in their own parish setting, and to make all theologies local theologies. VIỆT 57












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Exhibitor Categories Apparel/Gifts/Jewelry

Angelluz Jewelry............................................. 207 Gospa LLC..................................................... 715 Faith Factory T-Shirts............................ 412 & 511 Full of Grace, Divine Designs.......................... 411 J. West, Inc..................................................... 304 Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries....................... 401 PrayWrite, L.L.C.............................................. 115 Product Concept Manufacturing, Inc............... 302 Sandalstrap.................................................... 202 Seraphym Designs.......................................... 605 Totally Catholic Tees....................................... 706 The Catholic Shop................................ 418 & 517


G.R. Hoelzeman Studios................................. 811 R.C. Focseneanu Reversed Glass Icons............ 501 Shelley Kolman Smith, LLC Flying Paint Ranch Sculpture Studio................ 812

Catholic Services & Programs

Austin Street Center....................................... 407 Birth Choice of Dallas..................................... 804 Catholic Charities of Dallas............................. 118 Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas,   Respect Life Ministry of the   Diocese of Dallas........................................ 404 Christian Foundation for   Children and Aging..................................... 515 Hopeful Hearts Ministry &   Maria Goretti Network................................ 904 Maranatha Libreria........................................ 905 MaryKnoll, The Catholic Foreign   Mission Society of America.......................... 802 National Catholic Educational Association...... 416 ORNIT........................................................... 603 Perpetual Motion Ministries............................. 414 RENEW International..................................... 417 SHINE Catholic Work Camp........................... 713 Sister Carmelitas Descalzas............................. 907 St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store............. 303 & 305 The H2O Project............................................ 903 The Pines Catholic Camp............................... 705 Theology of the Body   Evangelization Team, Inc............................. 513 Youth for Life and Speakers Bureau,   Ministries of the Catholic   Pro-life Committee...................................... 405

Computer Software/Media

FACTS Management Company....................... 406 Herald Entertainment, Inc............................... 208 MMPro Music Ministry Productions................. 714 Nest Family.................................................... 215 Parish Data System......................................... 608 Quality High-Tech Services, Inc....................... 218 Rediker Software, Inc...................................... 114 RenWeb School Management Software........... 201

Curriculum Resources

InspirEd Educators.......................................... 709 Nancy Larson Publishers................................. 604 Rowland Reading Foundation......................... 116 Shurley English............................................... 205 Zaner-Bloser Publishers.................................. 216

Diocesan Organizations

Dallas Diocesan & Fort Worth Diocesan   Council of Catholic Women......................... 901 Diocese of Dallas, Addictions   Ministry and Jail Ministry............................. 102


Diocese of Dallas,   Department of Catechetical Services........... 808 Diocese of Dallas, Marriage Ministries............. 805 Diocese of Dallas, Ministry to   Persons with Disabilities............................... 507 Diocese of Dallas, Youth &   Young Adult Ministries....................... 806 & 807

Education Resources

CCC of America............................................. 708 Center for Ministry Development..................... 217 Cornerstone Media, Inc.................................. 415 Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for   Education and Tolerance............................. 803 Friends and Heroes........................................ 408 Growing with the Saints, Inc........................... 402 Illuminated Ink...........................609 & 610 & 611 Little Rock Scripture Study.................... 106 & 108 Loyola Press......................................... 306 & 308 Novare Science and Math.............................. 403 Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division.112 & 211 Pflaum Publishing Group................................ 311 Saint Mary’s Press................................ 111 & 113 School Sisters of Notre Dame......................... 902 Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty... 809 Veritas............................................................ 317 Word On Fire Catholic Ministries........... 204 & 206 YDisciple, Augustine Institute.......................... 213


Communities of Prayer................................... 911 Curtis Stephan................................................ 712 In Our Midst with Joan Grabowski................... 908 Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama.......................... 710 Michael James Mette...................................... 912 Mike Pavelka Music Ministry........................... 910 Steve Angrisano............................................. 711 The Third Class Relics   Acoustic Praise & Worship Team.................. 909

Professional Services

TCC Credit Union........................................... 703 Technology Media Group - TMG........... 101 & 103 Trinity Publications................................ 701 & 702

Religious Books/Publications

Ascension Press.............................................. 104 Ave Maria Press.................................... 212 & 214 Bound By Grace Press.................................... 413 Compass Catholic Ministries........................... 606 CRC Bookshelf............................................... 801 Focolare Movement........................................ 810 Give Us This Day.................................. 106 & 108 Image Books.................................................. 312 Libreria Catolica JC Enterprise......................... 505 Liguori Publications........................................ 707 Liturgical Press..................................... 106 & 108 Liturgy Training Publications................. 313 & 315 Magnificat..................................................... 301 Pauline Books & Media................................... 607 Paulist Press................................................... 318 RCL Benziger................................................. 704 Summa Enterprises......................................... 503 The Word Among Us...................................... 314 USAMadrid Books.......................................... 307 VIVA Bookstore.............................................. 316 William H. Sadlier, Inc.......................... 601 & 602 World Library Publications............................... 203

Exhibitor Index For the descriptions of the exhibiting organizations, please visit our website:



Ascension Press



Austin Street Center



Ave Maria Press

212 & 214


Birth Choice of Dallas



Bound By Grace Press



Catholic Charities of Dallas



Catholic Pro-Life Committee of North Texas, Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of Dallas



CCC of America



Center for Ministry Development



Christian Foundation for Children and Aging



Communities of Prayer



Compass Catholic Ministries



Cornerstone Media, Inc.



CRC Bookshelf



Curtis Stephan



Dallas Diocesan Council of Catholic Women & Fort Worth Diocesan Council of Catholic Women


Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance



Diocese of Dallas, Addictions Ministry and Jail Ministry



Diocese of Dallas, Department of Catechetical Services



Diocese of Dallas, Marriage Ministries



Diocese of Dallas, Ministry to Persons with Disabilities




Angelluz Jewelry


Exhibitor Index Diocese of Dallas, Youth & Young Adult Ministries

806 & 807


catholicyouthministryofdallas. org

FACTS Management Company



Faith Factory T-Shirts

412 & 511


Focolare Movement



Friends and Heroes



Full of Grace, Divine Designs



Give Us This Day

106 & 108


Gospa LLC



G.R. Hoelzeman Studios



Growing with the Saints, Inc.



Herald Entertainment, Inc.



Hopeful Hearts Ministry & Maria Goretti Network



Illuminated Ink

609 & 610 & 611


Image Books



In Our Midst with Joan Grabowski


InspirEd Educators



J. West, Inc.



Jesus Team A / Jesus Te Ama


Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries



Libreria Catolica JC Enterprise



Liguori Publications



Little Rock Scripture Study

106 & 108


Liturgical Press

106 & 108


Liturgy Training Publications

313 & 315


Loyola Press

306 & 308





Maranatha Libreria




Exhibitor Index 802


Michael James Mette



Mike Pavelka Music Ministry



MMPro Music Ministry Productions



Nancy Larson Publishers



National Catholic Educational Association



Nest Family



Novare Science and Math





469 442 7514

Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division

112 & 211


Parish Data System



Pauline Books & Media



Paulist Press



Perpetual Motion Ministries



Pflaum Publishing Group



PrayWrite, L.L.C.



Product Concept Manufacturing, Inc.



Quality High-Tech Services, Inc



R.C. Focseneanu Reversed Glass Icons



RCL Benziger



Rediker Software, Inc.



RENEW International



RenWeb School Management Software



Rowland Reading Foundation



Saint Mary’s Press

111 & 113





School Sisters of Notre Dame



Seraphym Designs




MaryKnoll, The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America


Exhibitor Index Shelley Kolman Smith, LLC - Flying Paint Ranch Sculpture Studio



SHINE Catholic Work Camp



Shurley English



Sister Carmelitas Descalzas


St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store

303 & 305

Steve Angrisano


Summa Enterprises



TCC Credit Union



Technology Media Group - TMG

101 & 103

Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty



The Catholic Shop

418 & 517


The H2O Project



The Pines Catholic Camp



The Third Class Relics - Acoustic Praise & Worship Team



The Word Among Us



Theology of the Body Evangelization Team, Inc.



Totally Catholic Tees


Trinity Publications

701 & 702


USAMadrid Books






VIVA Bookstore



William H. Sadlier, Inc.

601 & 602

Word On Fire Catholic Ministries

204 & 206


World Library Publications



YDisciple, Augustine Institute



Youth for Life and Speakers Bureau, Ministries of the Catholic Pro-life Committee



Zaner-Bloser Publishers




carmelitasmorelos 214-373-7837

Exhibit Hall Layout | Dise帽o de Sala de Exposici贸n

Irving Convention Center Maps

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MR 9 MR 8 MR 7



Grand Ballroom Level (4th Floor)

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MR 5

MR 6

MR 4 MR 3





MR12 MR11

MR 2


(on 2nd level)







Cafe Level (2nd Floor) & Meeting Room Level


(3rd Floor)











Exhibit Hall Level (1st Floor)

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