University of Dallas 2014 Viewbook

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The Catholic University for Independent Thinkers

A Compendium of Stories, Facts, Illustrations & Idiosyncrasies to Consider When Choosing UD


erhaps you aspire to challenge yourself academically, culturally,

spiritually and socially. Maybe you seek to connect with the foundations of the Western tradition while studying in Rome. Maybe you hope to strengthen your faith through study, debate and reflection. Or maybe you simply wish to be well prepared for life, regardless of where it may take you. No matter what you aspire to, the University of Dallas offers a truly unique environment of intellectual, spiritual and cultural opportunities in which to grow. The following reasons will show you how we help our students as they‌

No. 01

We know who we are. The University of Dallas is a Catholic liberal arts institution that seeks to educate its students in developing intellectual and moral virtues, preparing themselves personally and professionally and becoming leaders in the community. Through intensive teaching, interactive discourse and critical analysis, the university pursues truth, virtue and wisdom in the liberal arts and professional studies.

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No. 02

Top scholars, not teaching assistants Among the country’s most learned scholars and original thinkers, our faculty choose UD because of the emphasis placed on teaching. Students benefit from a student-tofaculty ratio of 11 to 1 and the fact that 90 percent of our professors hold the highest degrees in their academic fields. Plus, all courses are taught entirely by faculty rather than teaching assistants. No. 03

No. 04

“We prepare leaders who can think critically “Future leaders are formed by knowing and creatively about the problems faced in the great leaders of the organizations and society, past and by reflecting and we do this in the upon the excellence context of an ethical of which human framework.” beings are capable.” J. Lee Whittington Ph.D., Professor of Business

Andrew Moran Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English

No. 05

No. 06

“Tomorrow’s leaders need to be able to discuss, debate and transform society. UD provides an excellent basis for that action through its Core curriculum.”

Richard Olenick Ph.D., Professor & Department Chair of Physics

“The UD curriculum is five-star and contributes to Catholic education in America on all levels.” Susan Hanssen Ph.D., Associate Professor of History


No. 07

Leaders in their fields UD faculty value the academic freedom to pursue intellectual inquiries both within and outside their disciplines. For this reason, their expertise is much sought after and their list of achievements goes well beyond the following highlights. Faculty members have: n

Consulted with the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts on its award-winning “The Spirit of Ceramics” film series


Presented at the World Shakespeare Congress


Served as a bio-mechanics and medical expert on the History Channel’s “Stan Lee’s Superhumans”


Exhibited three prints at the Centre Sint-Niklaas in Belgium


Presented at the European Financial Management Association Conference


Consulted with the Perot Museum of Nature and Science’s Rose Hall of Birds and Discovering Life Hall


Received a NASA grant for “STExTS: Small Telesecope Extrasolar Transit Searches”


Published in the International Journal of Retailing & Distribution Management


Served as academic program chair of the Jane Austen Society of America’s annual general meeting


Cited in a Psychology Today article for research on procrastination

No. 08

Our anything-but-average class size While 17 students is our official average class size, many classes have far fewer. This makes for full faculty engagement in every class, in settings that encourage meaningful dialogue, help develop critical thinking skills and push intellectual capabilities to new heights. Most of all, however, it means that everyone participates.

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No. 09

“We foster students from orientation through graduation with oneon-one academic and social support. Sharon Oster Academic Success Adviser

Our Academic Success Office is one of many ways we show our commitment to maximizing student success. Add to that professors who students describe as truly involved, always available and easily accessible, as well as student study groups that are the norm rather than the exception, and you have the formula for a successful transition to UD. No. 10

Mentors and friends From the first day of class, you’ll find a faculty that is committed to serving as mentors, coaches, advisers and friends. Professors spending time with students outside of class is not uncommon for a faculty that is known for building close relationships and developing the whole person.


No. 11

Homer, Vergil, Plato, Aristotle and others Only a handful of schools in the country provide a life-transforming opportunity to learn from the intellectual giants of Western civilization. All students, regardless of major, are required to complete our nationally recognized Core curriculum – a two-year, 60-credithour sequence of classes. Through the Core, they explore many fields of study and come to understand the interconnected nature of all knowledge. Common Core Curriculum Courses* English (4 Courses) ■■

The Literary Tradition I

Classical epic poetry at the base of the Western tradition


The Literary Tradition II

The great Christian epic poems and the nature of lyric poetry



The Literary Tradition III Tragedy and comedy from the Greeks through the English tradition The Literary Tradition IV The novel as a distinctly modern contribution to the Western tradition

History (4 Courses) ■■




American Civilization I American intellectual, political and military history from the colonial period to the Civil War American Civilization II The United States emerging from the Civil War and the Reconstruction Western Civilization I Foundation of the West from Greek and Roman culture through the Renaissance Western Civilization II

Continued study of the West to the present

Philosophy (3 Courses) ■■

Philosophy & the Ethical Life

A philosophical inquiry into the nature of the fully human life


The Human Person

The nature of the human person as a unity of body and soul


Philosophy of Being

An introduction to metaphysical thought

Theology (2 Courses) ■■ ■■

Understanding the Bible

A careful, historical close reading of sacred Scripture

Western Theological Tradition History and theology of the early Christian church and its subsequent tradition

Politics (1 Course) ■■

Principles of American Politics

Basic principles of the American political order

Economics (1 Course) ■■

Fundamentals of Economics

Fundamental modern economic concepts in contrast to other economic systems

*In addition to the 13-15 common Core courses that are taken by most students, there are up to 10 others that students choose from in math, the sciences, fine arts and foreign languages. 06 | ud a l l as.e du/admissions | 800.628.6999

No. 12 pre-medicine students are accepted 80% obyf our a medical school of their choice pre-law students are accepted by a 90% olawf ourschool of their choice Cambridge. Carnegie Mellon. Georgetown. Harvard. Notre Dame. Oxford. Stanford. UT Southwestern. Recent UD graduates have entered some of the world’s most highly regarded graduate and professional schools. No. 13

“No matter how far technology may advance, the ability to critically reason and think on your feet will always be the most sought-after skill in the workforce.” Paul Lanari, Class of 2011

Rigorous graduate and professional programs, as well as competitive careers, require more than knowledge of a specific subject; they require critical thinking skills, the ability to articulate complex thoughts and the confidence to make tough decisions. UD provides these attributes to each and every graduate.

No. 14

Required reading Dozens of “Great Books” make up our Core curriculum’s foundation, including these seven notable titles: n The

Iliad by Homer

n The

Republic by Plato

n Divine

Comedy by Dante

n Paradise

Lost by John Milton

n The

Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

n Summa

Theologiae by St. Thomas Aquinas


The Bible


No. 15

Undergraduate Majors n



n Art History















Human Sciences in the Contemporary World




Classical Philology (Greek, Latin)



Classics (Greek, Latin)




Comparative Literary Traditions

Art (ceramics, painting, printmaking, sculpture)

n Computer Science n n

Drama Economics

n Pastoral Ministry n









Economics & Finance





Electrical Engineering*




Cooperative degree program: Nursing - Texas Women’s University; Engineering - University of Texas at Arlington

No. 16

Undergraduate Concentrations (Minors) ■■

American Politics




Applied Math


History & Philosophy of Science


Applied Physics


Human Sciences in the Contemporary World


Area Studies


Industrial/Organizational Psychology


Art History


International Studies


Art – Studio Art




Biblical Greek






Business (for non-business majors)



Christian Contemplative Studies





Legal Studies Medieval & Renaissance Studies




Comparative Literary Traditions



Computer Science


Molecular Biology






Environmental Science


Political Philosophy




Pure Math





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No. 17

Recent program additions Electrical Engineering – An integrated dual-degree program in physics and electrical engineering that offers a multidisciplinary approach to the increasingly complex challenges of the engineering field. Computer Science – Careful, critical thinking of computer programming merges with the creative thinking and intellect of arts and humanities. Nursing – An integrated dual-degree program in biology and nursing provides a pathway to a career as a liberally educated health care professional.

What will they learn? Only a few universities, like UD, make the annual “What Will They Learn?” report’s “A-List” for providing graduates with the “broad-based skills and



No. 18

knowledge to succeed in the global marketplace.” We’ve also been designated one of three “Hidden Gems” by receiving credit for every rating criteria.

No. 19

Pre-professional pathways Eight pre-professional programs are ideal for students planning to attend professional school after graduation in the areas of architecture, dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, ministerial programs, physical therapy and teaching.


No. 20

Show your stuff Art exhibits, senior studio plays, comprehensive exams and major research presentations are among the various ways students demonstrate the depth and breadth of their knowledge. While the nature of the experience varies by department, all students are required to complete some type of capstone experience in their major field.

No. 21

“I’m very impressed with the intellectual standard, and with the heart of the students who are willing to go after truth.” Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein Whether a visit by Liechtenstein’s royal couple, a Jewish/ Catholic interreligious dialogue, a traveling United States Holocaust Memorial Museum exhibition or a lecture by the curator of the Vatican Meteorite Collection, learning opportunities outside the classroom are all around.

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No. 22

No. 25

Phi Beta Kappa

Badges of honor

Fewer than 10 percent of colleges and universities have been granted a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, America’s oldest and most widely recognized collegiate honor society. Fewer still have received a charter in as little time as UD. When awarded a Phi Beta Kappa chapter in 1988, only 32 years after our doors officially opened, UD became the youngest in the 20th century to be so honored.


No. 23

Our Fulbright legacy UD graduates are no strangers to the Fulbright Program, a highly selective international exchange for talented students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. Consider our age – only 58 years – and our relatively small size. Then consider that 38 Fulbright alumni are also UD alumni. No. 24

Question: Which of the following were heard during a recent walk across campus? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

A. “Dude, Homer never would have said that.”


B. “If you could be any character from ‘Pride and Prejudice,’ which one would you be?”


C. “Publius had such a great sense of humor.”


D. All of the above


Answer: While it’s entirely possible for D to be the answer, only A and B actually have been confirmed. Slightly off-kilter,


intellectual conversations outside the classroom are commonplace around here.


No. 26

Research opportunities Students play an integral role in Associate Professor of Biology Stephen Slaughter’s research on fall prevention for the elderly. Their work in our state-of-the-art Human Performance Lab, where they measure patterns of movement and stability, is not only introducing them to research methods and principles, but it is also collecting valuable data that will eventually be used to improve the lives of millions. UD provides similar opportunities, both on campus and off, for students interested in gaining research experience.

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No. 27

Sunday Sundaes Student Government makes sure students close each weekend right with Sunday Sundaes. The town hall format allows students to interact with their Student Government representatives, all while enjoying the build-your-own sundae bar. Particularly popular is make your own sundae night, when the Chemistry Department demonstrates how to make ice cream using liquid nitrogen.

National Merit Scholars...concentrated Seventy-five National Merit Scholars currently attend UD, giving us one of the highest percentages per capita when compared to all other Catholic colleges and universities in the United States, according to the National Merit Scholarship Annual Report. No. 28 “As a prospective student, I had the opportunity to sit in on English classes with Dr. Osborn and Dr. Gregory. The classroom dynamic was truly impressive, and from the moment the students started discussing Byron’s poetry, I found myself hopelessly in love with this school.”

No. 29 “The main reason I chose UD was that I wanted an education in how to think – to learn an underlying thought process that would enable me to succeed in any aspect of life. UD – with the Rome program, the Core curriculum and that mission intertwined into all of its classes – really stood out.”

Rachel Hastings English Major Heath, Texas National Merit Scholar

Will Chavey Economics Major Ann Arbor, Michigan National Merit Scholar

No. 30

No. 31

“The truly Catholic culture and the liberal arts curriculum attracted me to UD. I considered attending an engineering school, but I believe the broadness of a liberal arts education will help me build the intrinsic skills necessary for success.” Thaddeus Howard Physics Major Buford, Georgia National Merit Scholar

“Nearly everything about UD – the Core and the overall academic rigor, the strong Catholic community and the Rome program – influenced my decision to attend. It just seemed like a really positive place to learn.” Caitlin Vaughan Undeclared Major Bronx, New York National Merit Scholar


No. 32

A campus with faith interwoven A keen interest among students in religious, theological and spiritual matters creates a nurturing environment for engaging in faith-based discussions and debates beyond the classroom. The light of the Catholic faith illuminates every aspect of life at UD, from social activities to clubs and organizations.

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No. 33

Educating the whole person For hundreds of years, the Catholic Church has been delivering education that takes the whole person into account. UD continues that longstanding Catholic intellectual tradition, preparing students for success beyond UD and encouraging them to make a difference in the world by providing rigorous scholarship with an emphasis on the liberal arts, a commitment to spiritual and ethical values and the development of the whole person. No. 34

Independent thinking Students laughingly describe our professors as sometimes playing “devil’s advocate” in the classroom, acknowledging that they occasionally need that kind of spur to see and understand different points of view. Because we are “The Catholic University for Independent Thinkers,” we believe that faith is strengthened and matures more fully when it is the subject of deep thought, probing questions and impassioned debate. UD is truly an intellectual community engaged in an open and honest search for the truth.

No. 35

All are welcome Those of other faiths find that our Catholicism is willing to consider, debate and discuss, and in fact enjoys engaging with those who offer different perspectives. While more than 80 percent of our students are Catholic, we welcome those of all denominations. UD supports academic and religious freedom and fosters spiritual development – no matter the faith tradition – to prepare students for their calling as men and women of faith in the world.


No. 36

Campus Ministry In the spirit of true ecumenism, our Campus Ministry Office welcomes all students to participate as fully as possible in prayer and programming. The spiritual, intellectual and moral development of our students is the goal of activities that range from lectures, Bible study and career fairs to volunteer opportunities, weekly faithbased gatherings and annual retreats.

No. 37

Praise and Worship On Sunday evenings after the final Mass, students gather for an experience of praise and worship, lifting their voices to God through a combination of prayer and charismatic hymns.

No. 38

“One of my most important responsibilities is to ensure that students have as many opportunities as possible to receive the sacraments. It is the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation that enable them to be nourished and grow in their faith.�

Fr. Donald Dvorak, O.P. University Chaplain & Church of the Incarnation Rector

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No. 39

Other places of worship The Church of the Incarnation is not the only option for worship on our campus. _________________________________________

Cistercian Abbey accommodates monks of the Cistercian Order who operate an on-site preparatory school.

No. 40

Church of the Incarnation Students attend liturgies on campus at the 500-seat Church of the Incarnation, which houses our St. Thomas Aquinas Eucharistic Chapel. Because it is centrally located and open 24 hours per day, you’re never more than a brief walk away from a quiet haven for prayer and reflection any time of the day or night.


The Priory and Novitiate of St. Albert the Great is the residence of the Dominican friars who have served as UD chaplains and professors since 1958. _________________________________________

The Holy Trinity Seminary is a place of residence for the students who attend classes at UD as they prepare for the diocesan priesthood.

No. 41

Daily Mass

Cistercian Abbey

Mass is celebrated at UD twice daily most weekdays during the academic year, as well as once Saturday and three times Sunday. For students of other faiths, Campus Ministry can help locate nearby worship services, as well as provide transportation.


No. 42

“The University of Dallas has provided service to the Catholic community in Texas and throughout the nation for half a century... Any Catholic student interested in challenging his or her mind would do well to put UD on a list of colleges to investigate.” The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College

In its annual college guide, the Cardinal Newman Society, an organization dedicated to renewing and strengthening Catholic identity at Catholic institutions of higher education, has identified UD as one of the nation’s top Catholic universities.

No. 43

No. 44

The Blessed Sacrament

A vocation of service

Our students find peace and grace in the St. Thomas Aquinas Eucharistic Chapel, located within the Church of the Incarnation, where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed 8 a.m–5 p.m. most weekdays. Those who wish to make adoration part of their weekly routine can commit to being present with the Eucharist for a 30-minute time slot each week. 18 | ud a l l as.e du/admissions | 800.628.6999

For those seeking information to help with the discernment process, Campus Ministry’s Vocation and Post-Grad Fair is a valuable resource. The annual event provides students with an opportunity to learn more about religious life and discerning their future by engaging a wide variety of Catholic organizations, such as religious orders, vocation directors and postgraduate volunteer programs.




Richard R. Gaillardetz,


“Eucharist, Hunger and ction: Environmental Destru Heal Can a Religious Ritual the World?” Catholic • Murray/Bacik Professor of n Ohio. Studies University of Toledo i tz and • Married to Diana Gaillarde oys. they are the parents of four b

2009 Saturday, December 5, ium 7:30 p.m. in Lynch Auditor


LandregLa nd LectureLecturnregan e November 2010 6, 7:30 Lynch

No. 45


Speaking to your faith George Weigel, biographer of Pope Saint John Paul II, addressed graduating seniors at commencement just weeks after the pontiff ’s canonization. UD students have frequent opportunities to hear leading Catholic thinkers speak on today’s pressing issues of faith.


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agno, S.J., Ph.D.

Brother Guy Consolm

 Lynch Au

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Why the Vatican Studies Meteorites 2011 Saturday, December 3, rium 7:30 PM |Lynch Audito

1845 E. Northgate Dr. Irving, TX 75062 7 972.721.4118 or 888.447.477 972-721-5382 at least the ADA coordinator at to attend should contact assistance. n to those requesting needing special assistance reasonable accommodatio Persons with disabilities The University will provide 72 hours before the event.

No. 46 “It’s critical to have programs in place that foster the growth of this faith. The growth of good youth ministers and catechetical directors is vital to the Church’s well-being. I’ve been ministered to; now I’m learning to minister to others.” Emily Wilson, Class of 2015

The School of Ministry offers an undergraduate degree in pastoral ministry, which combines a deep commitment to the broad educational vision of the liberal arts with the passionate commitment to hands-on service of Christ and his Church.

No. 47

Landregan Lectures For more than a decade, the Landregan Lecture series – named after an alumnus with a distinguished legacy of service to the Church – has brought to campus nationally and internationally prominent figures to speak on diverse topics of interest to the Catholic and broader community.


No. 48

Crusader Awakening Truly communicate with the Lord through prayer and adoration; examine God’s role in your life and share with others through spiritual talks and small group exercises; receive the grace to enkindle life through daily Mass and the sacraments; and come together in the love of Jesus Christ. Each spring, UD students build up the Christian faith and community during Crusader Awakening, an annual peer-led weekend retreat hosted by Campus Ministry.

No. 49

Freshman Retreat Many of our students begin their college journeys by participating in Freshman Retreat, a weekend hosted by Campus Ministry and filled with community-building activities, the sacraments and upperclassman insight. It’s the perfect opportunity for new Crusaders to get to know, learn from and pray with their classmates. 20 | ud a l l as.e du/admissions | 800.628.6999

No. 50

Spring break with purpose Awake at 6. Daily Mass at 7. Follow up with packing lunches, morning prayer and a full day of manual labor. Not the typical college spring break, but all in the name of serving those in need. Since 1994, UD students have been participating in Alternative Spring Break, helping communities across the country while gaining a greater understanding of significant social issues.

No. 51

No. 53

Crusaders for Life

Alumni who serve

Actively practice your commitment to defending life from conception to natural death by joining Crusaders for Life, one of four clubs sponsored by Campus Ministry. Other organizations include: Best Buddies - better the lives of those who are intellectually disabled Called to Crochet – create baby items for a Catholic crisis pregnancy center Hearts & Hammers – help refurbish Dallas/Fort Worth homes for those in need

Serving the Catholic Church is something we have been committed to since our founding in 1956. Not only do our alumni serve as chaplains, youth ministers, brothers, sisters and priests, but there are even seven bishops who claim UD as their alma mater. Bishop Oscar Cantu ’89 uxiliary Bishop A J. Douglas Deshotel ’74 ’78 Bishop Michael Duca ’74 ’78 Bishop Daniel E. Flores ’83 ’87 Bishop Mark Seitz ’76 ’82

No. 52

Food and food for thought Home-cooked meals and lively discussions of current faith topics, led by UD professors and outside speakers, are served up in lively weekly forums known as Dinner and Discourse. Other weekly faith-based gatherings include Open Anselm, an opportunity to make friends by way of board games, movies and snacks. There’s also Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) for those interested in becoming Catholic or finding out more about the Catholic Church.

Bishop Joseph Strickland ‘81 ‘85 Bishop Robert Francis Vasa ’76

No. 54

Share a prayer Make your personal prayer needs known to the UD community or find out how you can pray for others. Requests come in many forms, but none are as visible as Campus Ministry’s prayer request board, located in one of the busiest areas of the Haggar University Center.


No. 55

The Rome experience What sets UD’s Rome Program apart from nearly every other study abroad program in the world is that, at the Eugene Constantin Campus in Rome, it’s all UD, all the time. Though study time may be interspersed with trips to the gelateria, it’s still hardcore Core curriculum in the Rome Program. All courses, which are as academically challenging as those taken on the Irving campus, are taught by UD professors and taken only with fellow UD students.

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No. 56

Nationally recognized for study abroad Our Rome Program is not mandatory, but the great majority of UD students spend a fall, spring or summer semester living and learning on our Eugene Constantin Campus. For this reason, according to the Institute of International Education, UD ranks fifth nationally among all master’s institutions when it comes to the percentage of undergraduate students who study abroad for academic credit.

No. 57

Learn it. Live it. A part of the Rome Program is the fast-paced and challenging curriculum of study. The following Core courses are generally saved to be taken in Rome because they not only take advantage of the unique setting in which they are taught, but they are designed to fit smoothly into the Core program required of all students.

Typical Rome courses Art & Architecture of Rome Literary Tradition III (Tragedy & Comedy) The Human Person Western Civilization I Western Theological Tradition


No. 58

An extended ancient campus Classes are typically held on the Rome campus 8 a.m.–1 p.m., leaving afternoons open for a little face time with history, architecture, religion and art. Primed with knowledge of Rome’s history and the enormous contributions made to the world by its residents, students take full advantage of free time to descend upon ancient ruins, monuments, museums, galleries, churches and castles, solidifying daily much of what they learn from our Core curriculum. No. 59

More second home than vacation rental UD’s Rome campus is not a generic space leased solely for the purpose of claiming to have an international campus. Instead, the elegant Eugene Constantin Campus, which is situated on 12 acres amid olive groves and working vineyards, is a microcosm and extension of UD’s main campus. The former private estate, with a clear view of the Papal palace on the hill above, features suite-style student housing, classrooms and a library, as well as a swimming pool and tennis courts. No. 60

Rome: the rivalry Our biggest rivalry doesn’t happen on a diamond, field or court. Instead, the most heated competition occurs when students debate which Rome semester is best.

Fall in Rome

Spring in Rome

Beautiful weather

Easter at the Vatican

Campus grape harvest

Carnivale in Venice

Swimming in Greece

Europe in bloom

Oktoberfest in Munich

Skiing in the Swiss Alps

“Notte Bianca” in Rome (entire city open all night) Summer travel before the semester begins

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Summer travel after the semester ends More time to earn travel money

No. 61

No. 62

All roads lead to (and from) Rome

Faith in the Eternal City

The Rome experience is packed with planned, faculty-led group travel, but there is still considerable time for independent travel. In fact, because half of the weekends during the Rome semester are three-day weekends, students make frequent trips to surrounding towns and historical sites.

From the catacombs, where early Christians worshipped in hiding, to the Coliseum, where many were martyred, to the tomb of St. Peter beneath the basilica that bears his name, Rome is filled with the sites that loom largest in the Catholic Church’s history. These nearby sites, along with Vatican City, have provided the backdrop for the Rome Program’s spiritual dimension, which has profoundly affected those visiting the earthly center of Catholicism. No. 63

“Students seem as eager to embrace the challenges of our Core curriculum as they do the pleasures of living in Europe. It’s exciting to see a whole new world open up to them.” Peter Hatlie, Director & Dean of the Rome Campus


Palazzo Papale

No. 64

Closer to the Pope Literally. While many leave the Eternal City feeling profoundly closer to their Catholic faith, all leave Rome having experienced a more literal interpretation. UD’s Eugene Constantin Campus is located on the outskirts of Rome fewer than two miles from Palazzo Papale, a majestic palace that serves as the Pope’s summer residence. UD Rome Campus

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No. 65

Overnight junkets Rome students are eased into educational travel with an early semester overnight trip to southern Italy’s Campania region and its abundance of Greco-Roman art and history. The weekend experience, which includes a visit to the archaeological site at Paestum and a day spent in the ancient city of Pompeii, complements the curriculum that is studied during the semester’s first weeks and encourages Romers to fully immerse themselves in ancient culture. No. 66

Ancient to modern in five days To think that the transition from the ancient to modern world takes place only on the pages of textbooks would be a mistake. Before your eyes, the study of ancient Greece and Rome shifts to Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the awakening of the modern world during a five-day trip to three of Europe’s most historic cities – Florence, Venice and Assisi.

No. 67

Working in the vineyards Once a working Italian villa, our Rome campus still features five acres of vineyards from which our own brand of organic wine, Rosso da Tavola, is produced. Late fall is time to harvest grapes − or vendemmia − and students are invited to assist.

Keys to a successful harvest ■

1 durable pair of gardening gloves

■ Extra

sharp pruning shears

■ 1

sturdy five-gallon bucket

■ 1

giant vat

■ Feet

suitable for stomping


No. 68

The ‘cradle’ is your outdoor classroom For many, the Rome semester is highlighted by a 10-day learning expedition to what is generally considered the cradle of Western civilization, Greece. Daily, on-site lectures by UD faculty with iconic monuments and sites as the backdrop bring Core courses to life. An unofficial “no-homework” policy means there is plenty of time to explore.

No. 70

Europe on your own Budapest, Warsaw, Prague? Barcelona, Nice, Zurich, Vienna? Dublin, Amsterdam, Paris? You decide your own itinerary during what’s known simply as “Ten Day,” the mid-semester break during which students are able to explore Europe independently. Make sure to keep the UD tradition alive and end the break by meeting up with your classmates at the Hofbräuhaus in Munich. Sample Itinerary 1 Prague Salzberg Munich Berlin Zurich

No. 69

Sample Itinerary 2

Affordable travel


Unlike other study abroad programs, tuition in Rome is the same as in Texas, and all federal financial assistance programs apply. Plus, there are specific scholarships offered for the Rome semester. Students are responsible for additional travel costs.

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Amsterdam Copenhagen Stockholm

Sample Itinerary 3 Croatia Albania Slovenia

No. 71

Rome sickness Each semester, students who have just returned from Rome experience a psychological “illness” commonly referred to as “Rome sickness.” The affliction is usually incurable, but can be alleviated by future

Staring off into space as if mind is elsewhere Longing for food and beverages only found in Rome

world travel.


Feeling the need to walk everywhere

Looking at Rome photos over and over Wearing Rome clothes long past their prime Rearranging Irving residence hall rooms to look like those in Rome

Symptom Checker No. 72

The Rome supplement For those who are unable to travel to Rome in either the fall or spring, there is the Rome Summer Program. Much like its popular semester-long counterpart, this six-week-long program offers room and board at the Eugene Constantin Campus near Rome, faculty-led day and overnight excursions and plenty of time for independent exploration.

No. 73

More reasons to roam At UD, study abroad has become synonymous with Rome. That doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t plenty of other study abroad options for those looking to experience life beyond our campus borders. Perfect your Spanish through language immersion programs or study habitat restoration in Costa Rican tropical forests. Opportunities are all around.


No. 74

No car? No problem. A brief two-block walk, 12 miles of light rail and a couple bucks are all that separate UD students from the popular shopping, entertainment and cultural destinations that make Dallas one of the nation’s most dynamic and cosmopolitan areas. Catch a Stars or Mavs game, take in a great play or symphony performance or hang out at NorthPark Center. The University of Dallas DART station provides convenient, safe and inexpensive access to Dallas and beyond. Plus, with the new airport station, it’s a straight shot from campus to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

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No. 75

Dallas is a great place to learn…and then stay It is with good reason that more than a million people moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth region during the last decade, making it the nation’s fourth largest metropolitan area. Its central location, low cost of living, great weather, strong regional and state economies and abundance of leisure activities all contribute to a thriving DFW.

No. 77

Midnight breakfast Blood-shot eyes. Brain filled to capacity. The need for sleep is setting in. The stress of final exams keeps building, so what do UD students do for relief? Eat breakfast. As it turns out, the key to successful test-taking might be Midnight Breakfast, a biannual event where faculty and staff volunteer to serve up the most important meal of the day, all in the name of a much-needed late-night break.

No. 78

Super Dave

No. 76

The freshman resident As a first year student, you’ll live in a double room in one of six traditional residence halls designated primarily for freshmen, where you’ll spend every day doing everything in the company of friends who become your extended family. The transition from living at home to living on your own is easier when surrounded by like-minded neighbors and supportive resident assistants and coordinators.

Students feel safe with a dedicated team of professional safety officers – like 28-year veteran Campus Safety Officer Dave LeMire, known around campus as “Super Dave” – who are on duty around the clock to create an environment that gives parents comfort and peace of mind. Even though we’re located at the heart of Texas’ most populated metropolitan area, our campus is considered to be one of the state’s most safe.

No. 79

Comfort + food Homestyle comfort foods, made-to-order pasta and stir fry, fresh-cut vegetables and seasonal fruits, as well as salads, sandwiches, burgers and desserts, mean you won’t go hungry. Enjoy the Haggar Café’s freshly prepared American entrées, ethnically inspired foods and vegetarian selections with our all-access meal plan, which includes unlimited meals.

No. 80

No. 81

Ample couch potato prevention

Lead and others will join

A small fleet of UD sailboats is docked only a short drive away, waiting for those interested in becoming skippers or wanting to enjoy a leisurely sail on a warm day. In addition to sailing, the Office of Student Activities and Recreational Services ensures that there are plenty of intramural and recreational programs: Basketball






Flag football



Ultimate Frisbee



Powder-puff football




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Our students relish the dozens of academic, service and social clubs and organizations offered at UD and throw themselves into those activities with the same energy and enthusiasm they devote to their studies. While a wide variety of interests is represented, it’s not uncommon for new studentorganized opportunities to pop up all the time. Starting your own club is just that easy.

No. 82

Clubs and organizations Alpha Phi Omega

Pre-Health Society

America Runs on Dallas

Psychology Club

Best Buddies

Residence Hall Association

Beta Beta Beta Biological – Honors Society

Rotaract Club

Classics Club

Society for Women

College Republicans

Society of Physics Students

Contra Club

Society of St. Vincent DePaul

Crusader Yearbook

Spanish Club

Crusaders for Kids

Student Foundation

Crusaders for Life

Student Government

Debate Club Education Club

Student Members of the American Chemical Society

Electronic Music Club

Student Programming @ UD

Indian Film and Culture Club

Students for Liberty

International Students Assoc.

Swing Club

Investing Club

UD Art Association

Invisible Children

UD Chapter of Alexander Hamilton Society

Italian Club Juggling Club Latino Association of Students MARKETshare Martial Arts Club

Sigma Tau Delta

UD Law Society UD ROTC UD Rugby Football Club UD Ultimate (Frisbee)

Philosophy Club

University News Student Newspaper

The Phoenix Club

Venture Crew

No. 83

“The University of Dallas delivers a passionate and beautifully staged version of the Bard’s play about wine, women and song at the Margaret Jonsson Theater.” D Magazine of UD’s recent production of William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

The greater Dallas/Fort Worth community takes notice when UD students perform. Campus life is filled with performances that range from full-scale dramatic productions and senior drama studios to Broadway musicals and formal choirs and ensembles. Off-campus options include the country’s largest urban arts district with world-class theater, dance, opera and symphonic music.

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No. 84

DFW on the cheap Whether a Dallas Cowboys football game, a concert at the world-famous House of Blues, the State Fair of Texas or something a little more cultural, like the opera, Dallas Year offers multiple chances to explore the area with a full calendar of diverse activities. Tickets are generally low-to-no cost, and transportation is always free.

No. 85

Art is all around Take a stroll around campus and you’ll find original student and alumni works of art in virtually every public space. Or choose a more direct route straight to the Haggerty Gallery, home to approximately 30 exhibits yearly from an array of contemporary artists. If that’s not enough, then the Dallas Museum of Art and Fort Worth’s Kimbell Museum are close by.

C OM M U N I T Y C ON N E C T ION | 35

No. 86

UD loves Groundhog Shortly after the university’s founding, students approached the president asking for suggestions of social traditions. From that meeting, a celebration of Groundhog Day – or “Groundhog” as it is now known – was born. Now, our longeststanding and most popular social tradition includes a full schedule of activities like a 5K run, powder-puff football game, rugby game and celebration at Groundhog Park, which students can only travel to via a hay ride. UD alumni observe the “holiday” at Groundhog events in major cities throughout the U.S.

No. 88

It’s all a bout liv e music Salsa, fo lk, coun tr

y, rock o obsessio r punk, U n with a D’s ny and a music is ll types never m of live o re evident one of th than du e largest ring campus Mallapa celebrati looza. F ons, a culty, st students a ff, alumn alike ga i and ther on solid da the Mall y and nig for a h t o f non-sto from bo th stude p music nt and lo cal band s.

No. 87

’ nced ‘tijit u o n o r p That’s r “Thank stands fo

GIT,” f our ks like “T d is one o But it loo rsday” an u h T ’s itions. It d a ampus tr Goodness popular c d n d a n e ly re a most liv te the ne ay, celebra e d th rs u in h T c si h u Eac ith live m rrive r week w friends. A of anothe st se lo c r u yo f o y se au it’s compan ugh, bec Rat,” tho e h “T t a early acked. usually p

No. 89

e a caus and r o f ts, airb n Fu studen ssor y and

fe cult d a pro oned fa oke an ra Impris a ple of k , m s mall sa mance s r a fo r ly rity e p g Cha are on show n durin e p p e a talent is s at h that ra ents th dition ra t the ev r local l a fo u h year an ann c , a k e e s e W dollar nds of s. thousa haritie c l a tion and na

No. 90

Soaked to the


For a fe w hours one day Residen in April, ce Hall A the ssociatio all it can n (RHA) to make does su re attends everyon Lazy Fa e who ire wind to the b s up soa one. Part ked carnival, park, pa part wa rt “boun ter c y house� h annual U eaven, th D tradit is io n c elebrate of warm s the arr er weath ival er with ju food, infl gglers, fa atables ir and a lo schedule t of H 0. R s a rang HA 2 e of eve the year nts thro to help ughout p ro v id and enjo e a more yable liv active ing envir onment.

No. 91

“Our student-athletes compete at the NCAA Division III level with a focus on academics and integrating into campus life. Don’t be misled about the quality of play, as UD has produced drafted baseball and professional basketball players, as well as an Olympian.” Dick Strockbine, UD Athletic Director

UD competes in 15 intercollegiate sports at the NCAA Division III level as a member of the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference. Baseball (M) Basketball (M, W) Cross Country (M, W) Golf (M, W) Lacrosse (M, W) Soccer (M, W) Softball (W) Track & Field (M, W) Volleyball (W)

40 | ud a l l as.e du/admissions | 800.628.6999

No. 92

Bocce Take bowling, croquet and billiards, roll them into one and you’ll have something like bocce, a ball sport with its beginning in ancient Rome that now has a professional-grade home at UD. Beyond our new bocce court, there are other more mainstream recreational facilities like a fullyequipped fitness center and a softball complex that is described as one of the best in Texas, as well as baseball and soccer fields, five miles of jogging trails, lighted tennis courts and an outdoor swimming pool.

No. 93

Urban oasis

No. 96

Because UD is situated on one of the highest points in Dallas County, the view from certain vantage points is dominated by the skylines of both Las Colinas and Dallas. At ground level, students enjoy a more serene environment afforded by approximately 200 acres of heavily-wooded rolling hills. No. 94

A towering symbol The Braniff Memorial Tower, built in 1966, rises 188 feet above our 30-building campus, serving as an area landmark that can be seen for miles and housing four bronze bells that still ring out every 15 minutes. Other significant campus features include the Haggar University Center, Braniff Graduate Building, SB Hall, Gorman Lecture Center, Haggerty Science Center, Margaret Jonsson Theater and Haggerty Art Village, a five-building complex of classrooms, art studios and galleries. No. 95

Word problem Two students hurriedly set out at 8:50 a.m. from the same room in Madonna Hall. Walking at the same pace, one heads through the Art Village to the Braniff Graduate Building for “Understanding the Bible,” while the other makes a stop in the Haggar University Center to grab a cappuccino before “American Civilization I” in the Gorman Lecture Center. Question: Will both students arrive before their classes begin at 9 a.m.? Answer: Yes. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to get almost anywhere on campus, then you’re probably walking too slowly. UD’s campus is compact with most academic buildings situated around the Braniff Mall.

A taste of Rome at home Long before the current coffee house craze, UD opened the Cap (cappuccino) Bar as a pleasant reminder to students who returned from Rome missing the local cafés. Now, after serving generations of students, it has become the campus crossroads at its location in UD’s student union, Haggar University Center. Within the center you’ll also find dining options, a bookstore, post office and more. C OM M U N I T Y C ON N E C T ION | 41

No. 97

Internship opportunities ExxonMobil. AT&T. American Airlines. JCPenney. GameStop. Celanese. More than a dozen Fortune 500 companies have headquarters located within a 10-mile radius of our campus. Add scores of Fortune 1000 and major privately-held companies that also call Dallas/Fort Worth home, and it adds up to a large number of internship opportunities – all at our back door. The list of internships the Office of Personal Career Development has helped UD students secure is long, but includes: AmeriCorps Food on the Move Program Boy Scouts of America Colliers International Department of Homeland Security The Fort Worth Modern Museum of Art

No. 98

“In a competitive job market, being prepared makes all the difference, and the Office of Personal Career Development’s mission is to help prepare students to meet their demanding career goals.” Julie Janik, Director of Personal Career Development

The Office of Personal Career Development helps students build convincing résumés and cover letters, gain interviewing skills and learn salary negotiation strategies. Furthermore, OPCD establishes lasting relationships with a wide range of prospective employers. No. 99

Professional life beyond UD Armed with the flexibility of a liberal arts education, many UD alumni have achieved great success in a variety of fields. ■■ ■■

GE Capital Finance


George W. Bush Institute


The Heritage Foundation


Merrill Lynch


National Center for Policy Analysis


The Retina Foundation


Texas Public Policy Foundation U.S. House of Representatives The Wall Street Journal Workers’ Defense Project

■■ ■■ ■■

Vice President & Chief Information Officer; 7-Eleven, Inc. Global Supply Manager; Apple Assistant Attorney General; State of Arizona Director of Process Improvement; Bayer Corp. Vice President of Corporate Affairs; Blue Cross Blue Shield Curator of Special Projects; City of Chicago Public Art Program Director of Finance; ConocoPhillips Vice President of People; Southwest Airlines Assistant Vice President of Finance; Citigroup Director of Finance; U.S. Department of Labor Vice President of Marketing; Weather Channel

In addition, our graduates have gone on to become doctors, teachers, economists, lawyers, politicians and even bishops.

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Seattle Spokane

St. Paul Boston

Minneapolis Buffalo Milwaukee

Cedar Rapids



Cleveland Philadelphia


Sacramento Oakland San Francisco




Kansas City


Washington DC


Baltimore Richmond

St. Louis Louisville

Las Vegas


Santa Barbara


Los Angeles Long Beach


San Diego

New York City



Durham Springfield


Memphis Oklahoma City


Little Rock Wichita Falls






Ft. Worth El Paso

Austin Houston

New Orleans

San Antonio

Orlando Tampa W. PalmBeach Miami

No. 100

Worldwide alumni support Even before you graduate, you become part of a global UD alumni network that can assist with job searches and career advice. While the majority reside stateside – alumni are concentrated in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, D.C./Baltimore and New York City – approximately a quarter of our nearly 30,000 graduates live outside the U.S. in Thailand, Taiwan, China, Belgium, France, Indonesia and 101 other countries.

No. 101

The next steps are easy... If something you’ve seen has piqued your interest, then take the next steps to becoming a member of the UD community. We try hard to make the admission process as easy and painless as possible.

One of the best ways to get a sense of what we’re all about is to take us for a test

drive. Schedule a personalized campus visit or attend Odyssey Days, a two-day, on-

campus open house for prospective students and families. Go to

We accept applications for admission via the online Common Application or

ApplyTexas, either of which may be accessed by visiting




Need to Know n

Visiting Campus


Applying to UD


Financial Aid

44 | ud a l l as .e du/ admissions | 800.628.6999

Visiting Campus

The Admission Office The Office of Admission is located on the main floor of Haggar University Center, which is located toward the center of campus near the mall. For a campus map, visit directions.

Visiting a college campus can be one of the most important things you do during your college search. At UD, we take extraordinary measures to make your visit as informative and enjoyable as possible.


Two Ways to See UD

Several area hotels offer special preferred rates for UD visitors. For a list of accommodations near campus, visit

Odyssey Days October 24-25, 2014

Directions to Campus

November 21-22, 2014

UD is located in Irving, Texas, approximately 15 minutes from Dallas and 10 miles from either DFW International Airport or Dallas Love Field.

In the fall of your senior year in high school, you can experience the life of a UD student by attending one of two Odyssey Days programs. These two-day events will enable you to immerse yourself in the UD community by sitting in on classes, meeting with UD faculty, staff and students, eating in Haggar Café and experiencing campus events and spiritual life, as well as staying overnight in a residence hall. Plus, you’ll be provided an opportunity to take a studentled tour of campus, talk with your admission counselor and ask questions during a studentonly panel.

From DFW International Airport DART Rail (Beginning August 18, 2014): Take the Orange Line from Terminal A to the University of Dallas station. North Exit: Take Highway 114 eastbound to the Tom Braniff Drive exit. Turn right on Tom Braniff Drive. Take the first right into the UD campus. South Exit: Take Highway 183 eastbound to the Carl Road exit. Turn left onto Carl Road and travel north to Northgate Drive. Turn right onto Northgate Drive and travel east until you reach the UD campus.

Personalized Campus Visits If Odyssey Days does not fit your schedule, we’ll help you plan an individual campus visit tailor-made to your interests. Given two weeks advance notice, we’ll make sure you meet the faculty members, coaches and students who can tell you everything you want to know. You’ll also get a campus tour and a chance to meet with an admission counselor. Call 1-800-628-6999 or visit to register.

From Love Field Turn right on Mockingbird Lane. Follow Mockingbird Lane to Highway 183. Take Highway 183 westbound to the Carl Road exit. Turn right on Carl Road and travel north to Northgate Drive. Turn right on Northgate Drive and travel east until you reach the UD campus. From Northbound or Southbound Loop 12

Persons with disabilities needing special assistance to attend should call (972) 721-5000 at least three days in advance and ask for the ADA coordinator.

Take the Highway 183 westbound exit. Take Highway 183 to the Carl Road exit. Turn right on Carl Road and travel north to Northgate Drive. Turn right on Northgate Drive and travel east until you reach the UD campus. I-35E




183 I-820












Applying to UD We understand how exhilarating – yet difficult – the college selection process can be, so be assured that you’ll receive personalized attention from our staff, faculty and current students throughout the process. It is our goal to work alongside you and your family so you may make an informed decision about whether or not UD is the best fit for your college education.

Application Check List

UD welcomes students of all backgrounds to apply for undergraduate admission. As such, we look at several factors when evaluating your application, such as your high school curriculum and standardized test scores, as well as individual achievements and talents.

n Official

The Office of Admission accepts applications via the Common Application and ApplyTexas. To apply, visit

Standardized Test Codes ACT: 04234 SAT/CEEB: 6868 In order to have your official test score(s) sent to us, provide the corresponding UD code.

Academic Profile


nline application via the Common O Application, including the essay

n UD

Member Questions via the Common Application

n Official

high school transcript with online counselor evaluation form

n $50

ACT and/or SAT score reports

application fee or official fee waiver form

Application Deadlines Our application schedule is flexible, but in order to qualify for our merit-based scholarships, you should observe the priority deadlines. Those who apply after March 1 receive admission decisions on a rolling basis and scholarship consideration based upon availability of funds.

Freshman November 1 - Early Action I December 1 - Early Action II January 15 - Priority Scholarship; applicants who want maximum consideration for a meritbased scholarship must apply by this date

Mid-range Scores (25th-75th percentiles)

March 1 - Regular Admission Deadline

SAT: CR 550-680; M 540-650

March 1-August 1 - Rolling Admission

ACT: 24-30 Position in High School Class 54% in top 10% 68% in top quarter 88% in top half

Transfer January 1 - Spring Entry July 1 - Fall Entry

International Freshman March 1 - Fall Entry

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Financial Aid Homeschool Applicants

Cost of Attendance

Homeschooled students, who make up about 15 percent of our undergraduate student body, are encouraged to apply for undergraduate admission. Small seminar-style classes, a tightknit community and an active faith life are the attributes that attract a significant number of students from home-educated backgrounds.

The cost of attendance, along with a student’s FAFSA, are the cornerstones of establishing a student’s financial need because they determine the limits on the total aid a student may receive for state, federal and campus-based aid.

Our homeschool application process has been specifically tailored to the unique characteristics of a home education.

Undergraduate Cost of Attendance 2014/2015 for a freshman living on campus: Tuition

$ 32,080

Transfer Applicants


$ 2,350

UD welcomes transfer students who have proven themselves to be academically successful at other postsecondary institutions. Whether transferring from a community college or a four-year degree program, completing a degree at UD can broaden your educational foundation through a liberal arts curriculum rooted in the Great Books of Western tradition, as well as detailed studies in a specific major.

Books & Supplies

$ 1,200


$ 6,450


$ 4,620


$ 2,300

Personal Expenses

$ 1,600


$ 50,600

Students considering transferring to UD are invited to apply for the fall or spring semester, but are encouraged to make the transition as early as possible during their academic careers. Our academic advising sheet, which is available at, can help determine which of your credits will transfer and can assist you in deciding which courses to take while in the transfer transition. All credits are subject to the approval of the academic dean.

Cost of attendance is the estimate of a student’s educational expenses for an academic year (typically fall and spring terms), including direct costs such as tuition, fees, room and board. Estimated costs like personal and travel expenses are also incorporated into the cost of attendance. The full cost is not what a family owes to the university.

International Applicants With a global alumni population, a growing international student body and a reputation for being a top liberal arts school, UD is the ideal place for international students to continue their education. Just as domestic applicants are evaluated individually based on previous academic performance, candid recommendations, standardized testing and personal qualities, so are our international applicants. Additional components, however, are required of international student applicants in order to complete the application process.


Types of Financial Aid

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Approximately 96 percent of UD undergraduates receive some sort of financial assistance in the form of achievement-based and need-based awards and scholarships that are available from federal, state, private, outside and institutional sources. Awards range from scholarships to grants and loans to work study, with many packages being made up of a combination.

Opportunities exist for students to earn scholarships from private (outside) sources. Visit scholarship websites, such as, for additional information.

Merit Scholarships Academic Achievement

$5,000-Full tuition

Departmental Awards


Elite Transfer Scholarship IB Scholar Award

$16,000 $1,000-$10,000

National Achievement Scholarship


National Hispanic Scholars


National Merit Finalist

Full tuition

Parish Matching Scholarship

Up to $2,000

Phi Theta Kappa Premier Transfer Scholarship Select Transfer Scholarship

Grants Grants may be offered through federal, state or institutional sources and are based on the demonstrated level of need. While some grants are guaranteed, such as the Pell grant, others from the state (for Texas residents) or university are based on availability of funding.

Work-Study UD offers federal and state work-study awards to students who demonstrate need. Awards are limited to the funding allocated to the university annually. A work-study award allows a student to work part-time on campus by applying through our Human Resources Department.

Loans Half tuition $14,000 $5,000

The application for admission also serves as the application for institutional scholarships. Upon being granted admission to UD, you will be awarded the merit-based scholarship for which you are eligible. This scholarship is offered for four years, provided eligibility requirements set forth in the scholarship letter are met. Merit scholarships range from $5,000-full tuition based on GPA and test scores (ACT or SAT). To estimate your merit-based award, visit our online scholarship calculator at

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Unlike scholarships, grants and work study, loan funds must be paid back to the lender. Undergraduate-level loan amounts are determined by grade level and consist of both need-based and non-need-based loans. Beyond federal loan options, a student may research state and private loans. We recommend that students exercise moderation when applying for additional funding. Private loans have variable interest rates and are generally more expensive.

Payment Plans While not considered financial aid, the payment plan is a useful method of payment for families that would like to pay off their balance in installments. The number of payments is determined by the specific plan.

For More Information Office of Admission & Financial Aid University of Dallas 1845 E. Northgate Dr. Irving, TX 75062 Phone: (972) 721-5266 Toll-Free: (800) 628-6999 Email: Web: ___________________________ The University of Dallas is open to all applicants without regard to ethnic or national origin, gender or creed. Applicants for admission must furnish evidence of good character and demonstrate the academic work ethic required to earn a degree from the university. Accreditation The University of Dallas is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award degrees through the Ph.D. Questions relating to accreditation and the accreditation status of the University of Dallas should be directed the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, GA 30033 (404) 679-4500 Non-Discrimination Policy The university does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its programs and activities. Any person alleging to have been discriminated against in violation of Title IX may present a complaint to the Title IX coordinator. The coordinator assists in an informal resolution of the complaint or guides the complainant to the appropriate individual or process for resolving the complaint. The university has designated Janis Townsend, director of human resources, as the Title IX coordinator. The Human Resources Office is located on the second floor of Carpenter Hall and the phone number is (972) 721-5382. Primary photos by Jeff McWhorter and Danny Sauer.

Quick Facts 1,380 undergraduates 49 states 22 countries 11:1 student/faculty ratio 3.77 average high school GPA 550-680 SAT CR 540-650 SAT M 24-30 ACT

mid-range scores (25th-75th percentiles)

17 average class size 90% of faculty hold the

highest degree in their field

29 majors 8 pre-professional programs 12 acre Rome campus 80% of pre-med students accepted to medical school 90% of those who apply accepted into law school

96% of students receive financial aid

University of Dallas Office of Admission 1845 E. Northgate Dr. Irving, Texas 75062 800.628.6999


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