This is my documentation of a self-funded project to rediscover Bangalore's stone inscriptions. This project is motivated purely by my desire to learn more about my home city, Bangalore, and to publicise the learnings.
A very key learning so far is that we have right in our midst - in the urban jungle that is Bangalore, a plethora of historical evidence from our past (517AD onwards) in the form of stone inscriptions! Unfortunately, visually not very attractive most such stones have been misunderstood or ignored and lie in pitiable, unsecured surroundings. While a good number of these stones are still intact in their originally installed locations, many have been destroyed, sadly in the past decade or so. Their rapid rate of destruction is bound to increase given the increased maddening pace in the growth of the city and the pressures of skyrocketing prices for land. I think with increased public awareness of what these stones are, the chances of their being secured are much higher.