Hype About Massive Open Online Courses By Dr. Uday Salunkhe, WeSchool

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Hype About Massive Open Online Courses By Dr. Uday Salunkhe, WeSchool

Dr. Uday Salunkhe, WeSchool explains, the concept of MOOCs (massive open online courses) is neither new nor is it unique. It already has its roots in the distance education mode but the advent of modern technology has curbed the distance and replaced the correspondence. MOOCs are a more technology-hinged version of the distance learning but with a zillion times bigger spectrum of experts.

There are already over 250,000 Indians enrolled on Coursera. The technology based learning may be a little alien an idea to the old school of academics in India.

MOOCs are very richly resourced, with the best of the experts and institutions being a part of it. Online courses can wonderfully increase accessibility of education and can be used to complement the conventional learning. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Welingkar further explains Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation (MKCL) which was set up to host of virtual classrooms for delivery of lectures across the state has been funded by various universities and government bodies. Dr. Uday Salunkhe specially points out that Edex is one of the very popular forums on MOOCs and has the support of MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley, Kyoto University, Australian National University, University of Queensland and IIT- B. MOOCs in India will definitely garner a stronger support especially among the young tech-savvy professionals and learners.

Dr Uday Salunkhe Websites:

http://www.udaysalunkhe.com http://www.udaysalunkhe.net http://www.udaysalunkhe.in http://www.udaysalunkhe.co.in http://www.udaysalunkhewelingkar.com http://www.udaysalunkhewelingkar.net http://www.udaysalunkhewelingkar.in http://www.udaysalunkhewelingkar.co.in

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