Yoga Day Celebrated At WeSchool
The television advertisements, news channels and even newspapers have dedicated a lot of time and space to let us know that 21st June has been declared by the United Nations General Assembly as
International Day of Yoga. Also, that this is the direct result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special mention of Yoga as the ‘gift of India’s tradition’. He specifically asked that 21st June be adopted as International Yoga Day as it is the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere.
Yoga is truly the gift from India to the world and is in fact a multi-billion dollar industry globally. Millions of people have discovered the benefits of Yoga which include fitness and physical well-being but more importantly, inner peace and mental balance. In fact, business schools across the globe are also appreciating the value of Yoga in the stressful lives of students. Harvard Business School, Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and even MIT’s Sloan School of Management have strong advocates of Yoga and Yoga clubs which promote the benefits of Yoga.
Closer home, WeSchool, the Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research has also set aside a large hall called Nirvana for students, faculty and staff to make Yoga a part of their lifestyle. While understanding the benefits of Yoga and practicing it regularly initially takes some time, the professional teachers soon find students practicing it voluntarily and with appreciation for the impact it has in developing a balanced mind, body and soul. Students like Mihir Anand, say, “Yoga helps me destress after a day of lectures, brainstorming and hitting the books. I think I would burnout without my daily dose of Yoga.” Agreeing with him Sonika Kulkarni avers, “We lead such fast paced lives, we need to set aside some time to focus on ourselves from within and rethink our life goals. In this highly competitive environment, Yoga is the one consistent thing that brings me a sense of calm.” Yoga has been an integral part of the Welingkar learning environment for the last 15 years. According to Prof Dr Uday Salunkhe, Group Director Weschool “Yoga is also important to learn balance, between work and life, between ambition and aspiration, between greed and achievement, and helping to handle career setbacks as well as highs in this cutthroat
world. Yoga is an excellent tool for a balanced approach to managing “Self-Organization-Society”
This year, WeSchool is also celebrating International Yoga Day with the rest of the world on 21st June. While the students and faculty will be there, Welingkar has also specially invited persons suffering from spinal cord injury from the NINA FOUNDATION. The Foundation has been a part of WeSchool’s extended family for several years. The Nina foundation is an NGO which is involved with the development of people who are suffering from spinal cord injuries and conducts training and counseling sessions for them. In fact, Dr Ketna Mehta, Associate Dean Research at Weschool and a founder of Nina Foundation asserts “Yoga is excellent for persons with spinal cord injuries, especially for managing blood pressure issues”.
The celebration of Yoga Divas at WeSchool commenced at 8.30 AM at the Nirvana Room at WeSchool, Matunga.
Dr. Uday Salunkhe Website: