UDA Magazine - Fall 2022

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UDA FALL 2022 magazine Arizona Taking Center Stage this Fall Building Virtual Dairy Case Opportunities

calves.1 Finally, you

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United Dairymen of Arizona Officers & Executive Commitee

Ian TomBenArieDanielAccomazzoBoschmaDeJongDickmanDugan Gila MaricopaTonopahBendBuckeyeStanfield Dan Gladden Bill CaseyNickPaulJustinTomKerrThompsonStewartRoveyVanderweyDugan Palo CasaGlendaleBuckeyeBuckeyeVerdeMesaBuckeyeGrande

UNITED DAIRYMEN is published quarterly for the dairy cooperative members of the United Dairymen of Arizona, 2008 S. Hardy Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282. Additional distribution includes agencies, businesses and individuals associated with the production of milk. Paid subscriptions are not available. Membership list is not available for public use. Acceptance of advertising does not assure that merchandise contentdepartmentorservicesadvertisedhavebeenapprovedbyUnitedDairymenofArizona,thehealthorotherregulatoryagencies.Advertisersaresolelyresponsiblefortheofthewrittenmaterialorrepresentationsthatappearintheadvertisement.


Craig Caballero Jim Boyle Jr. Ben RobertGinggVan Hofwegen David RobertFeenstraChesler President Vice Secretary/TreasurerPresidentMemberatLargeMemberatLarge Asst. Secretary/Treasurer

From the CEO Written by Robert Chesler, UDA Arizona Taking Center Stage this Fall By Scott Wallin, VP of Industry Media Relations and Issues Management, Dairy Management Inc. Arizona Dairy Farmers’ Perspectives Critical to Ongoing Farm Bill Discussions By Paul Bleiberg, SVP of Government Relations - NMPF Be DairyKind: From the Start to the End of a Cow's Life By Michele Schack, DVM Make Ahead Breakfasts for Early Mornings How Dairy Farmers Are Reducing Methane & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Climate Reporting Rules are Coming. Are You Ready? Michael Dykes, D.V.M. President and CEO, IDFA Building Opportunities In The Virtual Dairy Case American Dairy Products Institute Upcoming Events AZ Milk Producers Partner with Bashas' for June Dairy ArizonaMonth Milk Producers Update Fall 2022 21-26:15-16:13-14:11-12:9-10:7-8:5-6:1-2:17:18:19:

We’ve taken measures to help our community fight the duress of inflation by raising wages, overtime schedules as we also investigate creative concepts such as group fuel purchasing programs. We’ve never broken our commitment to health and safety by investing in security guards, cameras, and other initiatives all led by an incredible team addition, Hannah Jones.


Additionally,destiny. we’ve taken out hedges to fight interest rate increases for UDA and invested in plant efficiencies. We’ve added people with outside experiences to compliment our preexisting talent and will soon launch new educational opportunities for ongoing excellence within our entire team. We’ve redefined contractual terms with many of our customers to ensure a steadier, more predictable supply of milk to them, which will reduce the uncertainty around our balancing of milk and supply chain. We’ve added incentives for being consistent in milk orders and intakes as well as penalties if milk is not taken as forecasted.

Robert Chesler

From the CEO

As a result, we are arguably more financially stable on a forward basis than UDA has ever been.

Post recovery, things feel different, like the hangover after the party. Perhaps the hangover is from all the help the Federal Reserve provided; what’s certain is that the talk on the news now surrounds inflation and laying odds of a recession, both are sensitive to our entire UDA community. While we have no unique ability to predict the future more accurately, we believe we can plan for success in any market environment in comparison to our competition. We must try and outrun the bear while assuring we can at least outrun the competitor next to us.

We’ve built a global dairy product brand under the name UDA where before, we were unknown and labeled under a brand over which we had no influence.

The stock market can be a roller coaster, whipsaw, and many other names, but mostly unpredictable. Initially created as an investment tool, the stock market has become the indicator of the economy. Not all that long ago, in 2008, we saw the global financial crisis spurring the Federal Reserve to come to the rescue and allow a subsequent twelve-year bull run for stocks and the U.S. economy. More recently, in 2020, we experienced the unforeseeable COVID-19 pandemic. Once again, the Federal Reserve came to the rescue and we saw the fastest stock market and economic recovery in recorded history.

By taking our brand into our own hands, we’ve taken control over our mutual

I trust in you. I trust that we will each dig in and give that extra ten percent every day. This will allow us success in any environment as we execute our plan for global dairy domination together.


Consumers will always need what UDA makes. Our plans create flexibility allowing us to shift production between premium products that sell for premium prices when the economies of the world are strong, while also having the ability to produce more high-volume, low-cost commodities when the economies of the world are soft. Given our exposure to exporting, we also risk sales when the U.S. dollar is strongas it costs other countries more local currency to purchase U.S. dollar-priced dairy products. Having exposure to domestic customers and foreign customers is one of our strengths as the markets fluctuate.

People will always need milk and dairy products.

While we are investing in premium products like lactoferrin, MPC 70, and 200 mesh lactose to sell for higher prices than others, our commodities profitability enhancement is tied to our ability to create manufacturing efficiency. When we operate at a higher percentage efficiency drying milk into a product, when our packaging line runs smoother, we create a competitive edge and profitability. Find us efficiencies in operations and it will bring you and UDA further financial strength. These are the investments we make to create a sustainable future for everyone on our UDA team. We are blessed to be part of an organization investing in what lies ahead. I’m honored to be alongside you for today and the future as we build the best UDA possible, assuring good things for you, our families, and our community.

25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 affiliates.itsorCorporationHealthAnimalPhibrotolicensedorbyownedtrademarksaredesignlogoPhibroandPhibroHealth.andNutritionAnimalDSMoftrademarkaisHy•DHealth.andNutritionAnimalDSMandCorporationHealthAnimalPhibro©2022HY020822USAMaintaining proper calcium status in your dairy cows is critical during the transition period to prevent hypocalcemia and other costly consequences of low blood calcium. Hy•D®, a unique source of vitamin D3 , complements a negative DCAD diet to help close the calcium gap and support overall herd health and performance. Increased Milk and Component Yield 3 12% increase in energy corrected milk (ECM) DiseaseDecreasedIncidence4 Retained placenta decreased from 30% to 0% Metritis decreased from 40% to 15% ColostrumIncreasedYield3 CLOSE THE CALCIUM GAP WITH A SMARTER SOURCE OF VITAMIN D 1 Ellenberger, Newlander and Jones. 1931. Proc. Amer. Soc Anim Prod. Pg 120. 2 NRC, 2001. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, 7th Rev. Ed. Wash D.C. 3 Martinez et al., 2018. J. Dairy Sci. 101:2544. 4 Martinez et al., 2018. J. Dairy Sci. 101:2563. Hy•D® helps support calcium homeostasis through a unique source of vitamin D3 called 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH D3). Studies have demonstrated that the addition of 3 mg of Hy•D® along with a basal level of vitamin D3 from cholecalciferol (minimum of 20,000 IU) can lead to significant herd health and production advantages. Cow contains 6 kg Ca1 Where's the gap? First 9 weeks of lactation, a cow has a Ca≈10DEFICITg/day 2 That's a 10% Ca LOSS duringlactationearly Contact Me For More Information Sarah Radachy Senior Account Manager Phone: 623.693.3052 Email: Sarah.Radachy@pahc.com

IMMUNE SUPPORT TO HELP PROTECT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Contact Me For More Information Sarah Radachy Senior Account Manager Phone: 623.693.3052 Email: Sarah.Radachy@pahc.com 1Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council, 2017. 2Riberio et al. 2016. J. Dairy Sci. 99:2201–2220. 3Casarotto et al., 2020. Anim. Feed. Sci. Technol. 267:1-9. Economic Impacts of Feeding OmniGen to Multiparous Dry Holstein Dairy Cows. 4Jorgensen-Muga, 2018. J. Anim. Sci. 96(E-Suppl. 3):51. (Abstr.). 5Snider et al., 2019. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 210:1-9. PAHC Reference OG1210420USA. Available upon request. OG130822GLB ©2022 Phibro Animal Health Corporation. Phibro, Phibro logo design and OmniGen are trademarks owned by or licensed to Phibro Animal Health Corporation or its affiliates. OmniGen nutritional specialty products can help improve immune response leading to fewer health events, which may decrease days open. Learn more about the benefits of OmniGen at TheOmniGenDifference.com. Improve Conception Rates IMPROVED BETTERENVIRONMENTUTERINE4ANDEMBRYOQUALITY 5 in animals fed OmniGen®. REDUCED DAYS OPEN EXCESSIVE DAYS OPEN DUE TO DISEASE IS AN EXPENSIVE PROBLEM PER EACHCOW/DAY OPEN1$2-6 Fresh cow diseases may interfere with reproduction for up to 4+ MONTHS2WhatHaltsReproduction? IMPAIRED UTERINE ENVIRONMENT + REDUCED OOCYTE QUALITY are associated with poor reproduction in cows with inflammatory diseases2 INFLAMMATORY DISEASES that occur before first insemination can reduce pregnancies in the long run2 with cows fed OmniGen3 FEWER DAYS OPEN

The program begins with the Fall Meeting on Nov. 15. The Dairy Sustainability Alliance® is a multi-stakeholder initiative of the Innovation Center and includes more than 165 dairy companies and organizations from across the value chain. The meeting will feature representatives exchanging ideas, best practices and tackling shared challenges on issues affecting the industry to accelerate progress toward U.S. dairy’s collective social responsibilitygoals.

Scott Wallin, VP of Industry Media Relations and Issues Management, Dairy Management Inc.

The 2022 Dairy Sustainability Alliance® Fall Meeting and the 2022 Sustainable Agriculture Summit are coming to Glendale, Nov. 15-17. These events, led through the checkoff-founded Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, will feature sustainability experts, surface shared learnings through interactive sessions, and make connections through engaging networking events.


Arizona Taking Center Stage This Fall

Arizona dairy farmers are taking center stage during two meetings this fall that are designed to showcase U.S. dairy’s leadership in sustainability to global food and agriculture organizations.

The Summit follows Nov. 16-17 and is considered the premier sustainability event for all of agriculture, bringing together farmers, suppliers, processors, brands, academia, conservation organizations and the public sector. The Summit will highlight some of the unique conditions and challenges faced by agriculture across the American West and allow for agricultural stakeholders to learn from expert speakers, share challenges and successes, and forge and strengthen cross-sector partnerships, which will drive a more sustainable future.


“We are very proud to showcase Arizona’s dairy industry by hosting these important events,” said Arizona Milk Producers General Manager Tammy Baker. “Sustainable farming continues to grow in importance for consumers and these gatherings can offer meaningful opportunities for farmers in Arizona and across the country to continue their generations-long commitment to the planet.”

A special twist to the activities will be the inclusion of local high school students who will join Dairy Sustainability Alliance® representatives and other meeting attendees at farm tours to Stotz Dairy and Kerr Family Dairy ahead of the meetings on Nov. 14. The students will then attend the Fall Meeting where they will share their views on issues of importance to them with Alliance members.

For more information or questions about either meeting, please contact Angela Hessinger of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy at Angela.Hessinger@dairy.org

The 2018 Farm Bill expires next September, just over one year away. That means it’s time for Congress to start examining in earnest which areas of current policy are working well and which need serious fixing. This summer, the House and Senate agriculture committees are reviewing current farm, conservation and nutrition policy.

Arizona Dairy Farmers’ Perspectives

By Paul Bleiberg, SVP of Government Relations - NMPF


The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) has a crucial seat at the table, providing input on issues ranging from the farm safety net to conservation and trade. NMPF-affiliated dairy producers from the Southwest are playing prominent roles in discussions as lawmakers begin working toward the 2023 Farm Bill, elevating dairy priorities on farm policy, trade, sustainability and other issues.

Critical to Ongoing Farm Bill Discussions

The farm bill contains many more important titles that affect dairy farmers and the families they work hard to feed every day, including pricing policy, risk management, trade, nutrition, rural development, and energy. NMPF, on behalf of its members, is excited to continue providing Congress with the input needed to craft effective, bipartisan farm policy in the next iteration of this bedrock of federal farm policy. Each farm bill process is unique, but these current efforts to gather stakeholder feedback are essential.

Arizona Dairy Farmers’ Perspectives Critical to Ongoing Farm Bill Discussions, Continued

Arizona dairy farmer and UDA member Jim Boyle spoke on June 25 at a farm bill listening session in Coolidge where he emphasized the need for more equitable treatment of dairy farmers of all sizes, including in pandemic relief programs to reimburse dairy farmers for COVID-19 losses. In advance of the farm bill, NMPF is continuing its work with Congress to provide additional reimbursements to producers participating the USDA’s Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program whose payments bumped against the program’s initial five-million-pound production cap.


wants to see a cow suffering. These are the animals that you have cared for and the animals that, by providing milk, have cared for us.

The FARM Program requires that euthanasia protocols and practices demonstrate established criteria for identification of animals to be euthanized, techniques follow the approved methods of the AVMA and AABP, and carcass disposal is appropriate. There is also a training requirement for any employee responsible for euthanasia. Missing any of these will trigger a Mandatory Corrective Action Plan, which means the dairy has to fix what is missing and will need to undergo another audit within the next 9 months.

Michelle Schack, DVM

Humane euthanasia is the intentional causing of a painless and rapid death for the alleviation of suffering or painful disease. This is the most vulnerable time in this cow’s life, and it is the responsibility of her caretakers to know when and how euthanasia is to be Noperformed.dairyfarmer

The decision of when to euthanize an animal must be educated and informed. Euthanasia is a tool that, when used properly, allows us to respect a cow through her final day.


From the start to the end of a cow’s life

The DairyKind Euthanasia Course takes approximately 9 minutes to complete. There are two modules, with quizzes after each module reinforcing the main points.

The first module explains what euthanasia is, reviews the criteria for euthanasia, and explains the methods of euthanasia.

The DairyKind Euthanasia course demonstrates the training of proper identification of animals, proper techniques, and proper carcass disposal. It also highlights what NOT to do. By having any employee responsible for euthanasia take the DairyKind Euthanasia course, this training is documented and the results are stored.

The second module reviews confirming death and how to move the carcass.

By following the steps outlined in the DairyKind Euthanasia course, those responsible for this task will be fully aware of the expectations and prepared to perform the euthanasia correctly.

It is always recommended that the DairyKind Euthanasia course is used as the first step in training, followed by in-person training with your veterinarian of Mankindrecord.is

This is DairyKindwherecanhelp.

dependent on dairy cattle as a sustainable resource for nutritional, industrial, home and fiber uses. Dairy cattle are dependent on farmers for their care and comfort. The bond between cattle and farmers is built on respect. The proper use of onfarm euthanasia is an act borne of respect and concern for the well-being and comfort of the cattle we care for, day by day. There is no excuse for mistreating any animal on the dairy. Being DairyKind is ensuring animal well-being in every aspect of dairy.



In a large bowl, crack the eggs. Add the half and half, mustard, cayenne pepper and salt / pepper. Whisk briskly for one minute. Pour the egg mixture over the bagel pieces, try to cover each one. Add the Parmesan cheese and ½ cup cheddar cheese to the casserole dish. Use a spoon to gently toss the casserole mixture. Cut the cream cheese into 14 squares. Distribute the top of the casserole with the cream cheese, sausage, bell peppers and tator tots.

What you’ll need:

½ cup Parmesan, shredded 1 cup grated cheddar, divided 8 oz. cooked sausage links, diced ½ bell pepper, diced 8 oz. cream cheese 1 cup tator tots Green onions to garnish

Overnight Everything Bagel Breakfast Casserole For Early Mornings


2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

Early wake up calls might make you tempted to skip breakfast but as one of the most important meals of the day, not to mention the energy you need for a day on the farm, it’s a meal that just can’t be missed!

Make Ahead Breakfasts

Pressed for time? Try these quick and easy make-ahead recipes.

Break the bagels into bite-sized pieces and place into a buttered 9x13 casserole dish.

Top with the remaining half of cheddar cheese. Cover and refrigerate for four hours or overnight. The longer it sits, the better it will be. Bake, covered, at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove the cover and bake for 15 more minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes. Serve with coffee and enjoy!

1 cup half and half Salt/pepper, to taste

6 everything bagels, lightly toasted

Let’s get started:

1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper

8 large eggs

*ToNotes:freeze: Cover each burrito tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Freeze up to 1 month. To reheat, (1) microwave for 4-6 minutes, turning halfway, or (2) bake at 400 degrees F for 30-40 minutes, or until completely cooked through.

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

8 (8-inch) flour tortillas

1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese

2 Roma tomatoes, diced

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

What you’ll need:

8 links breakfast sausage, casing removed


Let’s get started:

1/3 cup half and half

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves

8 large eggs, lightly beaten

2 cups frozen tater tots

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 (16-ounce) can refried beans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat with nonstick spray.

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Cook tater tots according to package instructions; set aside. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add sausage and cook until browned, about 3-5 minutes, making sure to crumble the sausage as it cooks; drain excess fat, reserving 1 tablespoon in the Addskillet.eggsto the skillet and cook, whisking, until they just begin to set. Gently whisk in half and half; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Continue cooking until thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, about 3-5 minutes; set aside. Spread beans down centers of tortillas; top with tater tots, sausage, eggs, cheeses, tomatoes and cilantro. Fold in opposite sides of each tortilla, then roll up, burrito-style.* Place, seam-sides down, onto preparing baking sheet; cover. Place into oven and bake until heated through, about 12-15 minutes.

Make Ahead Breakfasts


States and the rest of the world, there is a renewed emphasis on reducing methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to our current climate crisis. Nick Gardner, senior vice president of sustainability and multilateral affairs for the U.S. Dairy Export Council, said while much of the global focus over the years had been on carbon dioxide, cutting methane emissions gained significant attention last November following the announcement of the Global Methane Pledge at the United Nations global climate summit, commonly referred to as COP26.

The dairy industry has long made its mark fueling humans with nutrient-dense milk and other dairy foods. Many of the nation’s nearly 29,000 dairy farm families have also evolved their dairies in a decades-long commitment to planetary health, and they, along with scientists and technology experts, continue to unlock a cow’s potential to combat global

The U.S. and European Union have been joined in the pledge by more than 100 countries that together are responsible for nearly 50% of global human-caused methane emissions. These countries have committed to collectively reduce methane emissions by at least 30% below 2020 levels by 2030, seeking to reduce global warming by 0.2 degrees Celsius by 2050.

It’s quite possible that the BMW speeding on California’s Interstate 5 is running on cow power. Same for that heavy-duty truck over in the slow lane.

Source: Undeniably Dairy

The Port of Los Angeles? Also keeping the cargo moving thanks to mooinspired hydrogen.

How Dairy Farmers Are Reducing Methane & Greenhouse Gas Emissions



How Dairy Farmers Are Reducing Methane & Greenhouse Gas Emissions

One of those is the production of renewable natural gas (RNG), which is of growing interest to American consumers, including many who want every fill-up to come with a story of sustainability. Producing milk comes with the potential to produce methane-rich biogas, which occurs when cow manure decomposes. Recovering the methane creates a source of renewable energy for electricity, heating or clean, carbon-negative transportation fuel.

Although fossil fuels and waste disposal comprise major sources of methane emissions, agriculture, and specifically livestock operations such as dairy, are in the crosshairs of this global methane-reduction effort. But technologies and resources have created possibilities that are causing people to see dairies not as an environmental threat but as an environmental solution.

To learn more about methane, renewable natural gas, and more, click here.


The U.S. dairy industry has committed significant resources to achieve ambitious environmental stewardship goals by 2050, and we’re making solid progress.

As of 2007, producing a gallon of milk uses 90% less land and 65% less water, with a 63% smaller carbon footprint than in 1944. Thanks to innovative dairy farming practices, the impact of producing a gallon of milk in 2017 shrunk significantly, requiring 30% less water, 21% less land, and a 19% smaller carbon footprint than it did in 2007, according to the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.

This is good timing. By many measurements, consumers are demanding sustainably produced foods. Purdue University’s Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability found more than two-thirds of U.S. survey respondents buy foods with some appreciation for social and sustainability concerns. The Kerry Group surveyed more than 14,000 consumers across 18 countries and found 49% consider sustainability attributes when purchasing food and beverages. Meanwhile, EU governments are implementing regulations to encourage GHG reductions and improved waste management.


Michael Dykes, D.V.M. President and CEO, International Dairy Foods



With our own regulatory landscape changing, we encourage all companies to have a solid, verifiable understanding of how their operations impact the environment. We also need time. That’s why IDFA is requesting the SEC give companies more than 2 years to comply. We are also concerned that there is no recognition by the SEC that small and some medium-sized businesses lack the technical expertise and financial resources to measure and report GHG emissions, creating potential barriers to entry.

Now we’re seeing regulators like the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, publish regulations that would make GHG reporting a requirement for publicly traded companies in the United States, which affects most private companies as they sell to the public companies.

Increasingly, dairy companies are making broad Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles a central part of their business models. That’s why IDFA continues to encourage our members to gather GHG data, measure it, validate it, and report it in a transparent way.

The time is now to get up to speed on ESG and sustainability policy. In addition to our advocacy, IDFA is collaborating with experts like accounting firm PwC, consulting firm McKinsey & Company, academic partners, and NGOs to educate our members. Visit idfa.org/sustainability for more.


Dairy, thankfully, is entrenched in the virtual shopping experience as the second-largest department, behind dried goods with 14% of the total share. “Milk” also is the No. 1 searched term by consumers shopping on grocery retail Onlinesites.


Building Opportunities In The Virtual Dairy Case

Online grocery shopping is big business at about $100 billion in annual sales. But it is far from hitting its peak, with sales projected to reach $250 billion by This2025.means

To learn more about virtual opportunitiesdairy conversationsandDMI has had with Amazon as well as social and digital campaigns, click here.

retailers very much understand dairy’s value. The average online grocery order that does not contain dairy is $79. However, when dairy is included in the electronic shopping basket, that total jumps to $138.

that in three years, one out of every three grocery purchasing experiences will happen from the comfort of a person’s home.

eCommerce grocery sales had been projecting upward, but COVID-19 and its impact on human interaction sped the process along. In the pre-pandemic days, about 2% of grocery sales happened online, but that number soared to about 70% during peak lockdown times. It since has settled to about 13%, but category experts project it will only grow.

Source: Progressive Dairy

For members in both industry and academia, the Technical Symposium focuses on the latest technological developments, tailored dairy ingredients, industry trends, and ADPImore.recently

September 11-14, 2022 | Chicago, IL

American Dairy Products Institute Upcoming Events

September 26-28, 2022 | Santa Barbara, CA

November 9-10, 2022 | Madison, WI

Dairy Purchasing & Risk Seminar

Subject matter experts discuss the future market opportunities and challenges for dairy ingredients.

2022 International Whey Conference: Blazing the Whey

ADPI Technical Symposium

As the fall season approaches, the American Dairy Products Institute is gearing up to host various training and technical events aimed at keeping those in the dairy ingredients industry up-to-date on the latest in terms of economics, advances in science and technology, and future outlooks, risk management and more. To learn more about the events listed below, visit www.ADPI.org/Events.

Co-hosted with the CME Group, dairy industry participants learn key concepts involved in managing price risk and volatility in the dairy commodity markets.

Dairy Ingredients Seminar

launched new resources online for both the general public and member organizations to put ingredient and product standards at individual fingertips. The new Ingredient Resource Center features the ingredient standards that the industry trusts ADPI to publish, and members can access all the technical information and many more resources online at www.ADPI.org.


The latest research, development, and technical advances for the whey industry.

October 5-6, 2022 | Chicago, IL

Connecting your operation just got easier. The UTT3S — Smooth. Simple. Safe.

Allflex Digital ID tools increase the ease and accuracy of data collection, saving time and money while helping you streamline many breeding, management and milking processes. Connect cows to vital records using our fast, clean Allflex Tissue Sampling Units, our conveniently matched visual and EID tags and our powerful new wand readers. The Allflex Digital ID system helps your dairy march ahead with predictable consistency. www.allflexusa.com

We Help You Bring It All Together

Utilizing the dominant power of social media, AZMP and Bashas’ teamed together to engage ads targeted to multiple audiences. Circulating the informative post between Facebook and Instagram resulted in over 500 organic impressions from AZMP posts alone, in just ten days. Rounding out the marketing plan was a radio ad that ran for one week, driving consumers into

AZ Milk Producers Partner with Bashas' for June Dairy Month


The multi-channel marketing effort included clings on dairy cooler doors at all 54 Bashas’ locations, in-store announcements, digital ads on the Bashas’ website, and a video featuring Arizona farm families at all registers, truly bringing the local farm-to-table story full circle.

Partnering with Bashas’ grocery stores, an enticing promotion was born; a chance at winning a free one-year supply of milk! Consumers were motivated to purchase twenty-five dollars of locally produced dairy products in a single transaction to gain entry. Upon completion of their purchase, a custom code was printed on the receipt which directed them to an entry form on arizonamilk.org. The winner received 52 vouchers provided by Bashas’ for free gallon of milk.


Throughout National Dairy Month, ads are filled with pictures of ice-cold glasses of milk, gooey melted cheese, and creamy scoops of ice cream so decadent that you can almost taste them. An ideal time to capture the quintessential audience, Arizona Milk Producers (AZMP) strives to outdo consumer reach and impact sales every summer; this year was no different.

strategy proved successful and continues to be the most prosperous approach to contest-style campaigns. This promotion was successful in driving sales of gallons up by 4% this June vs last for a total of over 125,000 pounds of increased dairy sold! The butter and cheese categories saw the largest incremental sales increase with over 31,000 units sold this June vs. last. Reflecting that our combined efforts and partnership with Bashas continue to be impactful, the promotion saw 12,183 qualifying purchases. We look forward to future partnerships with our local retailers to continue activating our assets and driving sales for our producers.

The promotion was shared via social media, digital marketing, and in-store.

(left) Promotional clings hung on windows in the dairy (below)section.

(bottom) Graph showing yearover-year sales comparison.

clingsfordairycasedoors recordedin-storeannouncements andradioads avideofeaturinglocalfarms, playedinaloopatallstore graphicsregistersforsocialmediaposts, Bashas.com,and weeklyads

InpartnershipwithCircleKandFairlife, AZMPprovidedneckhangersfor placementon15K,14oz.bottlesof Fairlifemilkonpromotionat656 conveniencestores.Thedesignincluded messagingtoconveyFairlifeasalocal product,andaQRcodethatlinked to AZMP'swebsitepagefeaturing Local Farms.

Visitspromotothelandingpage:272; 2.8%of websitevisitsduringJune NDM transactionsin Junemetorexceeded the$25inlocaldairy purchasesforentry!


ArizonaMilkProducers(AZMP)teamed withBashas'torepeattheretailer's popularpromotion,WinFreeMilkfora Year.DuringthemonthofJune,when Bashas'shopperspurchased$25in selectmilkanddairyproductsfromlocal brands,theyearnedanentryforthe chancetowin aoneyearsupplyoffree AZMPmilk.provided:

Gallonunitsup4%YOY 125,000lbsofadditional dairy sold!

Oneinevery$10ofgrocerypurchasesis spentonline,6Xmorethanpre-Covidspending.To capturethesesales, abannerad wasplacedontheInstacartsiteduringthemonthofJune, promotinglocallactose-freemilk.Foreverydollarspentonthepromotion,$14.90 wasreturnedinpromotedproductpurchases.Proteinfortifiedlactosefree optionssawa102%growththelastweekofthecampaign.

Salesofsingleserveup27%,a totalof84,815lbs.duringJune






AttheJuneFFAStudentLeadershipConference&Job Fair,DCAZsponsoredaboothandprovideddairy educationmaterials,informationaboutbecomingadairy farmer,andjobopportunitiesatUDA.

TheteamworkedwithShamrocktosecureadonation of3,990halfpintsofmilktogotowardFFA'sgoal ofproviding40-50KmealsthroughMealsofHope, servingCommunityFoodBankofSouthernArizona clientele.


DairyCouncilofArizona(DCAZ)combined effortswith UDAtoprovideavirtualtourof theprocessingplant for17FutureFarmersof America(FFA)teachers.Afterthetour, participantsengagedinarealmilkandplantbasedbeveragetastingactivityandreceived informationonthenutritionalbenefitsand affordabilityofmilkandlactose-freemilk comparedtoothermilkalternative

80% tastethefavoritewholechoseparticpantsofmilkastheirinblindtest

ToassistschoolswithSummerFoodService Programs, DCAZpresentedonfreenutrition educationresourcesandpromotionideas.The presentationwasmadeavailableonArizona DepartmentofEducation'svirtualplatform.

Thebeverages.tastetestwassopopularthateach teacherwassentadigitalcopytouse,and thetoolkitwasuploadedtotheAZMPcatalog foralleducatorstoaccess.

SpecialthankstoJodivanRijn forsharingherknowledge!

LeveragingtheirFuelUptoPlay 60(FUTP60) partnership,Dairy CouncilofNevada(DCNV) createdacolorfulposter, featuringRaiderswidereceiver HunterRenfrowand showcasingthemany benefits ofmilk's13essentialnutrients. Theposterisavailablefor downloadontheNevada website.



17,268viewstodateon Radiers'YouTubechannel

Aspartof partnershipAZMP'swiththeSuns, abanneradwasplacedon theteamapp.Affogato, icecreamwithespresso pouredovertop,was displayedasasuggestion foranewwaytoenjoy coffeeasthetempsrise. Averagemonthly viewsonPhoenixSuns app:1.14M


Atthisyear'sHungerAwarenessNightwiththe Diamondbacks,over500boxesofcerealweredonatedand over$8,000donatedformilkpurchasesfor UnitedFoodBank,St.VincentdePaulandMom's Pantry

Legend-DairyCooking,DairyCouncilofNevada'sregularly featuredcookingseries,highlightslocalrestaurantsand thedeliciousrecipestheyserveupthatincludedairy.This spring,asegmentwasarrangedfeaturingRaiderswide receiver,HunterRenfrowandtheownerofEggWorks,in thekitchenmakingcreamy,decadentstrawberrycream cheeseFrenchtoast.

ofDCAZ'spartnershipwiththeUniversityofArizonaagricultureandnutritionprograms,15grad students,interns,andfacultytouredDu-BrookDairyandDesperadoDairyinCasaGrandetolearnfirsthandofsustainabilitypracticesofdairyfarmers,agriculturecomponents,andthepositivenutritionalvalueofmilk anddairyproducts. Ascurrentandfutureleadersinagandnutrition,thegoalofthesetoursistoprovidefactual informationfortheparticipantstothenshareandpromotetothepeopleandorganizationstheyreach.

Atthisyear'sArizonaAgricultureInstitute(formerlySummerAg Institute)DCAZsponsorededucationaltoursofTripleGDairyandthe LactalisYogurtprocessingplanttopromotedairyfarmingandthe nutritionalbenefitsofmilkandyogurt.DCAZalsoprovidedlimited financialaidforattendeesandadesignrefreshoftheinformationalbooklets.Aspart

40educatorsparticipatedin theprogram-each educatorreaches30-150 students 24

HEALTH&NUTRITION NDM pre-&posttourresultssurvey 100%stronglyagree/agree milkissafe&nutritious 3.7%↑instronglyagree/agree categoriesforexcellenceincowcare 28%↑inveryfavorable/favorable categoriesfordairyfarmingpractices


PotatoChileRellenothatincludesoneblockof MontereyJackcheese

10,526reach 9,206videoviews 1,485engagements

Hispanic,mominfluencerSibsterdeveloped three separateInstagrampostscenteredonspringtime Eastercontent.Forkids,abunnybasketcraftedfroma milkjug.Forthehomechef,Sibiasharedherfamily’s traditionaldessertandmaindishrecipes: *Capriotada,atraditionalMexicanbreadpudding servedduringLent,craftedintoatreslechesversion thatincludeswholemilk,condensedmilk,&evaporated

INFLUENCER CAMPAIGNS NDM 6,285videoviews 1,236engagements 6,539videoviews 380engagements


Sibiaengagement.alsocreatedanInstagramReel demonstratingseveralcreativewaysto repurposemilkjugstotieinwithmessaging relatedtodairyfarmingsustainability practices.

DuringNationalDairyMonth,Sibiaaskedher followerstosubmittheirquestionsabout dairyfarming,cows,andproducts.To provideanswers,avideoconferencecallwas arrangedbetweenSibiaanddairy nutritionist,RosemarieBurgos.Thecandid conversationresultedinaninformative three-partvideoserieswithgreataudience

CONSUMERCOMMUNICATIONS Q3 AZAnalyticsWebsiteMediaSocial&&NV AZandNVsocialplatformsandwebsitesdelivermessagingto:generalconsumers;health,nutrition,andschoolprofessionals; andyouthaudiences.NationalDairyMonth,WorldMilkDay,andEarthDayweretopfeaturesthisquarter. Instagram Facebook Pinterest Website 509K+impressions 177K+impressions 59K+ 443K+pageviewsimpressions

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