Udesign shop & andreu world

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Me London Hotel ................................................................................ Muse Saint Tropez Hotel ...................................................................... Cafe 3440 .......................................................................................... Bahía de Palma House ........................................................................ Das Stue Hotel ..................................................................................... Office EG ............................................................................................. Porta Fira Hotel ................................................................................... Nikon (Madrid) ..................................................................................... Matamala Restaurant .......................................................................... Deiglig Bakeri ....................................................................................... Museum of Modern Art of Cleveland .................................................... Prasino Restaurant .............................................................................. Newport University ............................................................................... Paradissus Playa del Carmen ............................................................... Yoshii Restaurant ................................................................................ Gastrosol Restaurant ........................................................................... Jaan Restaurant (Swissotel The Stamford) .......................................... DLA Pipper Llc Office ........................................................................... Gran Central Hotel ............................................................................... Taller Paco Roncero ............................................................................. Las Arenas Hotel ................................................................................. Azerbayan University ............................................................................ Dos Palillos Restaurant ........................................................................ Lakewood Garden Mausoleum ............................................................ Mercer Hotel ........................................................................................

04 08 12 14 16 18 20 24 28 32 34 36 38 40 44 46 48 50 52 56 60 62 70 72 76

Sake Restaurant .................................................................................. Parlament Hotel ................................................................................... Jaleo Restaurant .................................................................................. Hospital La Fe - Library ........................................................................ Il Cafe .................................................................................................. Almogàvers Business Factory .............................................................. Portia Wineries .................................................................................... Start Casino Restaurant ....................................................................... Untitled Restaurant .............................................................................. Kafka Summer House .......................................................................... Montalbo Restaurant ........................................................................... Foredeck America’s Cup Restaurant ................................................... Gran Claustre Hotel .............................................................................. Frieles Kaffee ....................................................................................... Niemeyer Center .................................................................................. Sixteen Restaurant (Trump International Tower) ................................... Arte y Vino Restaurant ......................................................................... Zen Resort & SPA Hotel ...................................................................... Kavarna Rog ........................................................................................ Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ........................................................... Tinta Fina Restaurant ........................................................................... Carbon Hotel ....................................................................................... Rica Narvik Hotel ................................................................................. Clos de Tapas Restaurant ................................................................... Marqués de Riscal Wineries ................................................................

78 82 84 86 88 90 96 102 104 106 108 110 114 116 118 120 124 126 130 132 134 136 140 142 144

Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Me London Hotel London (United Kingdom) Foster & Partners Pritzker Award

Models ..................................

Lineal Comfot (chair), Smile (barstool), Tauro (armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Me London Hotel London (United Kingdom) Foster & Partners Pritzker Award

Models ..................................

Tauro (armchair), Ronda (armchair) Lineal Comfort (barstool), Brandy (lounge chair), Reverse (table)


Project ......................... City .............................. Interior design ..............

Muse Saint Tropez Hotel Saint Tropez (France) Sophie Ambroise

Models .........................

Trenza (chaise longue/lounge chair/barstool), Serena (lounge chair), Sand (sofa), Dual (table)

0 1

Project ......................... City .............................. Interior design ..............

Muse Saint Tropez Hotel Saint Tropez (France) Sophie Ambroise

Models .........................

Sand (sofa), Sombra (chaise longue) , Serena (lounge chair), Dual (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Cafe 3340 Pitztal (Austria) Bauschlager-Eberle

Models ..................................

Woody (chair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Bahía de Palma House Mallorca (Spain) Ignasi Pons, Arturo Vila, José Luis Pujol (3D3 Arquitectos) Sara Espinosa (3D3 Arquitectos)

Models .........................

Zisa (chair), SP (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Das Stue Hotel Berlin (Germany) Axthelm Architekten / Studio Urquiola

Models ..................................

Nub (lounge chair/armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Office EG Neerpelt (Belgium) Lens Ass Arquitects

Models ..................................

Smile (chair/armchair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Porta Fira Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Toyo Ito Pritzker Award Santos Design

Models .........................

New Anna (chair), Dual (table base)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Porta Fira Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Toyo Ito Pritzker Award Santos Design

Models .........................

New Anna (chair), Dual (table base)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Nikon Madrid Madrid (Spain) AM Asociados

Models ..................................

Sail (chair)


Environment and sociability

Entorno y sociabilidad

The first impulse in our relationship with the environment is an integrated feeling as well with others who live there. The Greek agora’s essential function was to encounter, communicate and trade within cities. Since then, our relationship with the environment and sociability has evolved gradually. The environment demands common uses and functions as well as other services. The link between the public and private is created and maintained by the balance of two interdependent but differentiating forces: respect for the public and environment as well as the possibility of constructing them individually such as the window and the mirror. The little nuances that underlie it are indelible traces on our timeline.

El primer impulso en nuestra relación con el entorno es sentirnos integrados en él, así como con los otros que lo habitan. El ágora griego tenía como función esencial el encuentro, la comunicación y el comercio dentro de las ciudades. Desde entonces, nuestra relación con el entorno y la sociabilidad entre nosotros han evolucionado de manera progresiva. Demandamos otros usos y funciones de lo común y esperamos también otros servicios. La vinculación entre lo público y lo privado se crea y se mantiene con el equilibrio de dos fuerzas interdependientes, pero diferenciadoras: el respeto por el entorno y por lo público, y la posibilidad de construirnos individualmente. Son la ventana y el espejo. Los pequeños matices que lo sustentan son nuestro rastro imborrable en la línea del tiempo.

Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Matamala Restaurant Barcelona (Spain) CGA Arquitectes Associats

Models ..................................

Smile (chair) 30

Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Matamala Restaurant Barcelona (Spain) CGA Arquitectes Associats

Models ..................................

Smile (barstool)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Deiglig Bakeri Blinder (Norway) Behance

Models ..................................

Smart (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Museum of Modern Art of Cleveland Ohio (USA) Rafael Vi単oly

Models ..................................

Lineal Comfort (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Prasino Restaurant Chicago (USA) Simeone Deary Design Group

Models ..................................

Brandy (lounge chair) Carlotta (lounge chair), Lineal Comfort (chair), Vogue (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Newport University Wales (United Kingdom) BDP

Models ..................................

Sit (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Paradissus Playa del Carmen Cancun (Mexico) Ă lvaro Sans

Models ..................................

Tauro (armchair), Ginox (table), Lineal Comfort (armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Paradissus Playa del Carmen Cancun (Mexico) Ă lvaro Sans

Models ..................................

Tauro (armchair), Nanda (armchair), Carlotta (barstool)


Project ......................... City .............................. Interior design ..............

Yoshii Restaurant Sydney (Australia) Yoshii Ryuichi

Models .........................

Manila (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Gastrosol Restaurant Sevilla (Spain) J端rgen Mayer

Models ..................................

Sail (chair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Jaan Restaurant (Swissotel The Stamford) Singapore City (Singapore) I.M. Pei Bent Severin Associates

Models .........................

Zarina (armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

DLA Pipper LLC Office Washington (USA) Gensler Group

Models ..................................

Lineal Corporate (armchair), Zarina (barstool/armchair)



Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Gran Central Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Uriol Tintor茅 Tarruella & L贸pez

Models .........................

Ronda (armchair)

Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Gran Central Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Uriol Tintoré Tarruella & López

Models .........................

Lineal (chair), Cloé (armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Paco Roncero Taller (Casino de Madrid) Madrid (Spain) Carmen Baselga (Taller de proyectos)

Models ..................................

Tauro (barstool)


Dialogue with architecture

Diálogo con la arquitectura

A natural design evolution is to relate the space and what inhabits it. The architecture that houses the furniture and the objects with the dual intention of being functional, using the reason that all needs are covered emotionally and habitability, by connecting feelings with space. In design, shapes and materials is the writing and the architecture is the support so that the writing becomes legible. The relationship between the two may be rational and emotional. The will of Andreu World is to move forward in the logical and in the natural pairing between design and architecture. We work closely with architects, designers, interior designers, creators and artists, to generate new conquests and propose new challenges. Our contribution before technical challenges and new ways of inhabiting a space is to feel the quality of the finished objects, the historical link within the craft, the current guidelines of sustainability and being conscience of the place that we want to occupy, little by little.

Una evolución natural del diseño es relacionarse con el espacio que se ha de habitar. La arquitectura acoge el mobiliario y los objetos con la intención doble de ser funcional, usando la razón para que todas las necesidades de habitabilidad queden cubiertas; y afectiva, mediante la conexión de los sentimientos con el espacio. Las formas y los materiales son la escritura del diseño. La arquitectura es el necesario soporte para que esa escritura se vuelva legible y a la vez sea racional y afectiva. La voluntad de Andreu World es seguir avanzando en el binomio lógico y natural entre diseño y arquitectura. Colaboramos estrechamente con arquitectos, diseñadores, interioristas, proyectistas, creadores, artistas, para generar nuevas conquistas y proponernos nuevos retos. Nuestra aportación ante los desafíos técnicos y ante los nuevos modos de habitar el espacio y de sentir los objetos es la calidad de los acabados, la vinculación histórica con la artesanía, las directrices actuales de sostenibilidad y la consciencia de estar, poco a poco, en el lugar que deseamos ocupar.

Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Las Arenas Hotel Valencia (Spain) Francisco Nebot, Ramiro Amorrortu & JesĂşs Alfaro Santos Design

Models .........................

Lineal (chair)


Project .................................. City .......................................

Azerbayan University Baku (Azerbayan)

Models ..................................

Sail (chair), Reverse (table), Tauro (armchair)


Project .................................. City .......................................

Azerbayan University Baku (Azerbayan)

Models ..................................

Lineal Comfort (armchair), Nanda (armchair), Dual (table)


Project .................................. City .......................................

Azerbayan University Baku (Azerbayan)

Models ..................................

Sit (chair), Colors (table)


Project .................................. City .......................................

Azerbayan University Baku (Azerbayan)

Models ..................................

Vogue (armchair), SP (table), Tauro (lounge chair), Central (table)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Dos Palillos Restaurant (Casa Camper) Barcelona (Spain) Fernando Amat (Vin莽on), Jordi Ti贸 Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec

Models .........................

Smile (barstool / chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Lakewood garden mausoleum Minnesota (USA) HGA Architects

Models ..................................

Byblos (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design.......

Lakewood garden mausoleum Minnesota (USA) HGA Architects

Models ..................................

Byblos (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Mercer Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Rafael Moneo Pritzker Award

Models ..................................

Sand (sofa / table), Trenza (chaise lounge), Dual (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Sake Restaurant Brisbane (Australia) Luchetti Krele

Models ..................................

Smile (chair/barstool)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Sake Restaurant Brisbane (Australia) Luchetti Krele

Models ..................................

Smile (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Interior design .......................

Parlament Hotel Budapest (Hungary) Nathalie Rottenburg (Cubika International)

Models ..................................

Zarina (armchair) 82

Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Jaleo Restaurant Las Vegas (USA) Rockwell Group

Models ..................................

Carola (chair), Central (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Hospital La Fe - Library Valencia (Spain) Ram贸n Esteve & Aidhos Arquitec

Models ..................................

Sit (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Il Cafe (Armani) Manama (Bahrain) Plan Architecture and Design (PAD)

Models ..................................

Carola (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

AlmogĂ vers Business Factory Barcelona (Spain) La Granja Design

Models ..................................

Sail (chair), Pure (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

AlmogĂ vers Business Factory Barcelona (Spain) La Granja Design

Models ..................................

Zisa (lounge chair), Dual (table)


Versatile Design

The designs that we offer condenses our history of more than 55 years, from past to present where we have sustained the updates and demands of contemporary societies. The wide variety of materials and finishes as well as the chromatic and unique forms that comprise the Andreu World catalogue, offers the most versatile pieces for all types of spaces and uses. Our maximum is made available to professionals with the best tools so that they can develop absolute freedom within their creations. In the same way we work to offer professionals a wide range of solutions to fulfill the requirements of all kinds of small or large, public or private spaces, is the same approach we take when we offer an individual solutions for the comfort of their home. In large spaces such as offices, hotels, shopping centers, administrative spaces, ports, airports, stadiums and sports facilities, universities, museums or in small spaces such as shops, bars, restaurants and coffee shops we present products that are the also the perfect fit personal space and comfort of the individual and his family: the home, your home.

Diseño polivalente

El diseño que ofrecemos condensa nuestra trayectoria de más de 55 años para llegar al presente con las actualizaciones y exigencias que demandan las sociedades contemporáneas. La gran variedad de materiales y acabados, de gamas cromáticas y formas singulares que conforma el catálogo de Andreu World está encaminada a ofrecer la mayor polivalencia para todo tipo de espacios y usos. Nuestra máxima es poner a disposición de los profesionales las herramientas óptimas para que puedan desarrollar con absoluta libertad sus creaciones. Del mismo modo, trabajamos para ofrecer a los profesionales una amplia oferta de soluciones que puedan adaptarse a los requerimientos de todo tipo de espacio, ya sean grandes o pequeños, de uso público o de ámbito privado. En oficinas, hoteles, centros comerciales, espacios administrativos, puertos, aeropuertos, estadios e instalaciones deportivas, universidades, museos… tanto como en pequeños comercios, bares, restaurantes y cafeterías o lugares de ocio y, por supuesto, soluciones también para el espacio más personal y confortable del individuo y su familia: la casa, su hogar.

Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Portia Wineries Gumiel de Izรกn, Burgos (Spain) Foster & Partners Norman Foster Pritzker Award

Models .........................

Nanda (armchair), Mar (table base)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Portia Wineries Gumiel de Izรกn, Burgos (Spain) Foster & Partners Norman Foster Pritzker Award

Models .........................

Lineal (barstool), Nanda (armchair), Mar (table base)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Portia Wineries Gumiel de Izรกn, Burgos (Spain) Foster & Partners Norman Foster Pritzker Award

Models .........................

Lineal (armchair), Closed (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Start Casino Restaurant Sydney (Australia) Fitzpatrick+Partners

Models ..................................

Moody (barstool), Woody (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Untitled Restaurant New York (USA) Rockwell Group (New York)

Models ..................................

Lineal Comfort (barstool)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Kafka Summer Home Dallas (USA) Safdje Rabines

Models ..................................

Trenza (chaise lounge), Wok (lounge chair), Serena (lounge chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Montalbo Restaurant Moscow (Russia) Evdokimova Svetlana, GuslyaKov Egor and Argento Style

Models ..................................

Smile (chair/barstool)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Foredeck America´s Cup Restaurant Valencia (Spain) David Chipperfield, Fermín Vázquez, (b720 Arquitectos) Janfri Design

Models .........................

Sit (chair), Aire (table base)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Foredeck America´s Cup Restaurant Valencia (Spain) David Chipperfield, Fermín Vázquez, b720 Arquitectos Janfri Design

Models .........................

Sit (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design ....... Models ..................................

Gran Claustre Hotel Barcelona (Spain) Urbano Rifaterra Gloria Durรกn Brandy (lounge chair), Trenza (lounge chair/armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Frieles Kaffe Bergen (Norway) Soldesing

Models ..................................

Smile (barstool), Smart (chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Niemeyer Center Gij贸n (Spain) Oscar Niemeyer Pritzker Award

Models ..................................

Smile (chair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Sixteen Restaurant (Trump International Tower) Chicago (USA) Adrian Smith Joe Valerio

Models .........................

Anna (barstool)




The work between Andreu World and with the best professionals has allowed us to maintain close contact with a large number of them. From creative designers and collaborators as such as Norman Foster, Frank O. Gehry, David Chipperfield, Ricardo Bofill, Francisco Mangado, Rafael Moneo and Toyo Ito, we have learned to value their work and used them as inspiration to improve our products. Joint work with these figures has allowed us to be present in more than 65 countries, maintaining a very promising growth and becoming a high profile company. This book includes some of the international projects we have recently been apart of, and generates a global tour of countries and areas that are related to architecture and contemporary design, by way of mapping projects. These are not all of the installations we have, but this is our updated upward trajectory. In our collaborations with leading professionals, we hope to accommodate the others in a short period of time.

La voluntad de Andreu World de trabajar con los mejores profesionales ha posibilitado mantener un contacto estrecho con un gran número de ellos. A los diseñadores y creativos con los que colaboramos cabe añadir arquitectos de la talla de Norman Foster, Frank O. Gehry, David Chipperfield, Ricardo Bofill, Francisco Mangado, Rafael Moneo, Toyo Ito… con los que hemos aprendido a valorar su trabajo y también a mejorar nuestros productos. El trabajo conjunto con ellos nos ha permitido estar presentes en más de 65 países, manteniendo una perspectiva de crecimiento muy esperanzadora y convirtiéndonos en una empresa de gran proyección. Este libro incluye algunos de los proyectos internacionales en los que hemos colaborado recientemente, y genera un recorrido global por países y espacios que son referentes de la arquitectura y el diseño contemporáneos, a modo de cartografía de proyectos. No están todos los que son, pero actualiza nuestra trayectoria ascendente de colaboración con grandes profesionales y, del mismo modo, esperamos poder dar cabida a los restantes en un plazo corto de tiempo.

Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Arte y Vino Restaurant Navarra (Spain) DS-Quadra by Eva Almohacid

Models ..................................

Smile (chair / barstool)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Zen Resort & Spa Hotel Rømskog (Norway) Tom Skarpaas Tone Bergesen

Models .........................

Zisa (chair), Lineal (armchair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Zen Resort & Spa Hotel Rømskog (Norway) Tom Skarpaas Tone Bergesen

Models .........................

Lineal Comfort (armchair) SP (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Kavarna Rog Liubliana (Slovenia) Aksl Arhitekti

Models ..................................

Carola (armchair), Dual (table)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Bill & Melinda Gates Fundation Seattle (USA) NBBJ

Models ..................................

Carlotta (lounge chair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Tinta Fina Restaurant Granada (Spain) Guillermo S谩nchez Gald贸

Models ..................................

Woody (barstool), Moody (chair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Carbon Hotel Genk (Belgium) Peter Cornoedus & PCP Architects Limburg Designers

Models .........................

Lineal Comfort (armchair), Ronda (armchair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Carbon Hotel Genk (Belgium) Peter Cornoedus & PCP Architects Limburg Designers

Models .........................

Lineal Comfort (armchair)


Project .................................. City ....................................... Architect / Interior design .......

Rica Narvik Hotel Oslo (Norway) Scenario Interiorakitekter

Models ..................................

Nub (lounge chair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Clos de Tapas Restaurant Sao Paulo (Brazil) Naoki Otake Enrique Rodriguez / Gilberto Elkis

Models .........................

Smile (armchair)


Project ......................... City .............................. Architect ...................... Interior design ..............

Marqués de Riscal Wineries Elciego, La Rioja (Spain) Frank O. Gehry Pritzker Award Gehry Partners & Javier Muñoz

Models .........................

Lineal (chair), Central (table base)


Special Thanks Agradecimientos

This catalogue has been made possible thanks to the experience, the quality, the creativity and the joint effort of leading designer, architects, interior designers, creators and international professionals from the sector- At the same time, we would like to acknowledge the close collaboration of our team, our customers and representatives throughout the world, who make Andreu World a unique reality and an international reference in furniture design and habitat.

Este catálogo ha sido posible gracias a la experiencia, la calidad, la creatividad, y el esfuerzo conjunto de grandes diseñadores, arquitectos, interioristas, creadores y profesionales internacionales del sector. Al mismo tiempo, quisiéramos reconocer la estrecha colaboración de nuestro equipo humano, de nuestros clientes y representantes de todo el mundo, que hacen de Andreu World una realidad única y un referente internacional en el ámbito del mobiliario de diseño y el habitat.

Industrial Designers Diseñadores Industriales

Lievore Altherr Molina Patricia Urquiola Piergiorgio & Michele Cazzaniga William Sawaya Javier Mariscal Estudio Andreu Joan Lao

Art Direction

Antonio Solaz Lievore Altherr Molina

Graphic Project

Estudio Antonio Solaz

Photographers Fotógrafos

Manolo Yllera ............................................................................................. Eugeni Pons .............................................................................................. Steve Hall at Hedrich Blessing ................................................................... Bieke Claessens ........................................................................................ Toby Dixon ................................................................................................ Nuria Puentes ............................................................................................ Tuca Reinès ............................................................................................... Miguel Coelho ............................................................................................ Gerald Kiernan ........................................................................................... Sean Airhart & Timothy Hurley .................................................................... Jeff Green .................................................................................................. Paul Crosby ............................................................................................... Christoph Schöch ...................................................................................... Jaspen Sanidad ......................................................................................... José Hevia ................................................................................................. Lara Kastner .............................................................................................. Noemi Jariod .............................................................................................

144 20 / 70 / 90 120 18 78 28 142 14 46 / 24 / 62 / 56 132 84 72 104 12 50 36 16

Andreu World

Showroom Valencia (Spain) &Head Office Phone +34 96 180 57 00 info@andreuworld.com Permanent Cologne (Germany) Showroom Phone +49(0)895 49 98 65 66 sevicebuero@andreuworld.com

Andreu World America

Showroom Chicago (USA) &Head Office Phone 312 464 0900 info@andreuworldamerica.com Permanent Showroom

New York (USA) Toll free 1.800.632.5272

Andreu World Pacific

Office Japan Phone +81 3 3549 5508 info@andreuworldpacific.com

Andreu World Karpatia

Office Ukraine Phone +38-03131-540-70 info@andreuworldkarpatia.com

Todas nuestras colecciones estĂĄn protegidas por registros de diseĂąo industrial, design patent, copyright y derechos de propiedad intelectual en todo el mundo. All our collections are protected by international industrial design registries, design patents, copyrights and Intellectual Property laws.

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