proc default_zone_test { } { global cl_winhost_ip_list set wwn_list [get_device_wwns] set pid_list [get_all_device_pids] set number_remote_pid [expr [llength $pid_list] - [llength $wwn_list]]
foreach pid $pid_list { if {[convert_to_dec [get_pid_alpa $pid]] == 0} { set fport_wwn [get_pid_wwn $pid] } }
if {[cause "nszonemember $fport_wwn" "[llength $wwn_list] local zoned members"] == 0} { add_status "Proper local zoned members shown for nszonemember" 3 } else { add_status "Number of local zoned members shown is not correct" 1 }
if {[cause "nszonemember $fport_wwn" "$number_remote_pid remote zoned members:"] == 0} { add_status "Proper remote zoned members shown" 3 } else { add_status "Number of remote zoned members shown is not correct" 1 }
if {[cause "defzone --show" "committed - All Access"] != 0} { add_status "Default zone with no access allready enabled" 1 }
set cfgshow_config [get_after "cfgshow" "no configuration" 1] if {([trim_string [lindex $cfgshow_config 0]]=="defined") && ([trim_string [lindex $cfgshow_config 1]]=="in effect ")} { add_status "There is no effective or defined configuration" }
do_command "defzone --noaccess" set cfgshow_config [get_after "cfgshow" "no configuration" 1] if {([llength $cfgshow_config]==1) && ([trim_string [lindex $cfgshow_config 0]]=="in effect")} { add_status "Default zone is shown in defined configuration" } else { add_status "cfgshow doesn't display proper default zone after configuring noaccess" 1 }
if {[trim_string [get_after "defzone --show" "transaction - "]] == "No Access"} { add_status "proper transaction is shown with defzone --show option" 3 } else { add_status "proper transaction is not shown with defzone --show" 1 }
retry_command "cfgsave"
if {[get_after "defzone --show" "committed - "]!="No Access"} { add_status "Default zone show not displaying proper access" 3 }
if {[cause "cfgshow" "no configuration"] == 0} { add_status "Improper display of cfgshow" 1 } else { add_status "cfgshow on saving default zone is shown properly" 3 }
set nszone_mem [get_before "nszonemember $fport_wwn" "zoned members" 1] if {([trim_string [lindex $nszone_mem 0]]=="No local") && ([trim_string [lindex $nszone_mem 1]]=="No remote")} { add_status "Proper display of nszone membership after default no access" }
sleep 30
if {([info exists cl_winhost_ip_list])&&([lindex $cl_winhost_ip_list 0]!="")} { get_inq_device_count [lindex $cl_winhost_ip_list 0] 0 }
do_command "defzone --allaccess"
retry_command "cfgsave"
if {[cause "defzone --show" "committed - All Access"] != 0} { add_status "Default zone is not set to all access" 1 }
set cfgshow_config [get_after "cfgshow" "no configuration" 1] if {([trim_string [lindex $cfgshow_config 0]]=="defined") && ([trim_string [lindex $cfgshow_config 1]]=="in effect ")} { add_status "There is no effective or defined configuration" } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
transaction_test -tests zone transcation buffer property
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
Tests transcation buffer test property
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ##
################################################################### proc transaction_test { } { do_command "zonecreate \"zone_trans\",\"239,1\"" if {[count_number "cfgshow" "zone_trans"] == 1} { add_status "Created zone with zone_trans" 3 } else { add_status "zone creation failed" 1 }
if {[cause "cfgtransshow" "Current transaction token is"] == 0} { add_status "Zoning transaction is available" 3 } else { add_status "Zoning transaction failed" 1 } set trans_size [trim_string [get_after "cfgsize" "transaction -"]]
if {$trans_size >0} { add_status "Transaction size is greater than zero its $trans_size" 3 } else { add_status "Transaction size is wrong" 1 }
if {[cause "cfgtransabort" "Zoning transaction aborted"] == 0} { add_status "zoning transaction aborted successfully" 3 } else { add_status "zoning transaction abort failed" 1 }
if {[count_number "cfgshow" "zone_trans"] == 0} { add_status "zonecreation properly aborted" 3 } else { add_status "Zone creation didn't abort" 1 } } ########################################################################### ## NAME ##
verify_zones - verify that the zone is propogated properly in the fabric
## ## SYNOPSIS ## ##
This procedure verifies zone configuration propogation in the fabric
## also returns the members of this zone ## ## OPERANDS ##
zone_name: name of the zone whose members needs to be checked
status: Checks Effective/Defined configuration based on input
user_ad_list: username, password and admindomain
ip_list: ipaddress of the fabric that needs to be checked for zone propogation
If nothing is specified it takes ipaddress from cl_ip_address_list
member list of the zone specified
## ## USAGE ##
verify_zone zone_first Effective
--> {10:00:00:00:c9:2b:9d:35 22:00:00:04:cf:03:4c:fa}
## ################################################################### proc verify_zones {zone_name status {user_ad_list "admin password"} {ip_list ""}} { # Store the original ip address for login back to same spawn global cl_ip_address_list global cl_ip_address
global spawn_id set username [lindex $user_ad_list 0] set pwd [lindex $user_ad_list 1] set ad [lindex $user_ad_list 2] set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
set orig_ip_address $cl_ip_address set status [string toupper $status] if {$ip_list==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list } # set ip_list [get_fabric_ips] foreach ip $ip_list { if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } } elseif {[set_spawn_id $ip] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } }
if {$ad !=""} {
ad_select $ad }
retry_command "cfgshow" # Checks the Effective configuration for zone's if {$status=="EFFECTIVE"} { set cfgshow_output [get_command "cfgshow"] set cfgshow_string1 [regexp {Effective configuration:(.*)} $cfgshow_output cfgshow_string] } # Checks the Defined configuration for zone's if {$status =="DEFINED"} { set cfgshow_string [get_between "cfgshow" "Defined configuration:" "Effective configuration:|Type <CR> to continue "] } # Spliting the cfgshow by new line character if {$status=="EFFECTIVE"} { set cfgshow_list [split $cfgshow_string "\r\n"] set lengt [expr [llength $cfgshow_list] - 2] set cfgshow_list [lrange $cfgshow_list 0 $lengt] } else { set cfgshow_list [split $cfgshow_string "\r\n"] } # Variable that needs to be passed set members_list ""
set first_line "" for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $cfgshow_list]} {incr i} { set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] #
Search for zone expression in each of cfgshow line if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)} $cfgshow_line cfgshow_zone]} { if {[lsearch $cfgshow_zone $zone_name]!=-1} { for {set j 2} {$j<[llength $cfgshow_zone]} {incr j} { append first_line [lindex $cfgshow_zone $j] } if {$first_line!=""} { lappend members_list $first_line } while {$i< [expr [llength $cfgshow_list]-1]} { incr i set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] if {[llength $cfgshow_line]==0} { continue; } #Check if next zone, alias, config has started if so exit if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)|(.*)as:(.*)|(.*)fg:(.*)} $cfgshow_line kk]} { break; } lappend members_list $cfgshow_line } }
} } set members_string [join $members_list ";"] set members_list [split $members_string ";"] set final_member_list "" foreach member $members_list { set final_member [string trim $member] if {[regexp {[a-zA-Z0-9:,-_]+} $final_member t]} { lappend final_member_list $final_member } } lappend zone_list $final_member_list if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { end_telnet "exit" } }
Check whether zone is propogated properly through out the fabric through compare list set zone_member1 [lindex $zone_list 0] foreach zone_member $zone_list { set compare_result [compare_lists [lsort $zone_member1] [lsort $zone_member]] if {$compare_result != ""} {
add_status "zone configuration is not propogated properly through out fabric $compare_result" 1 } }
if {[set_spawn_id $orig_spawn_id] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $orig_ip_address $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $orig_ip_address failed" 0 } } return $zone_member1 }
############################################################################## ## ## NAME ##
create_zone - create zone based on key and list provided
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure will create zone based on the list provided
with zonename as zone_$key and configuration as cfg_$key if configuration
argument is set then only creation of zone happens.
If key is given as lsan_* then zone is not appended as this is requirement
for FCR testing which need zones to start with lsan_*
## ## OPERANDS ##
key: string used to create zone and configuration
zonelist: list of devices that needs to be part of zone
configuration: If any value is given to this argument,
only zone creation gets executed, creation of zone configuration
and enabling is ommitted.o
## ## USAGE ##
create_zone first {4,5 6,7}
## ################################################################### proc create_zone {key zonelist {configuration ""} {enable ""}} {
if {[regexp -nocase {^qos|^lsan} $key]} { set zone_name $key } else { set zone_name zone_$key } set cfg_name cfg_$key set zonestring [join $zonelist ";"] set zonestring [trim_string $zonestring] do_command "zonecreate \"$zone_name\", \"$zonestring\"" do_command "zoneshow"
do_command "cfgshow" do_command "cfgsave" if {$configuration == ""} { retry_command "cfgcreate \"$cfg_name\",\"$zone_name\"" do_command "zoneshow" do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 20 if {$enable == ""} { retry_command "cfgenable $cfg_name" } } sleep 20 } ############################################################################## ## ## NAME ##
add_zone - add members to existing zone
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure will add members to existing zone
key: string used to create zone and configuration
zonelist: list of devices that needs to be part of zone
## ## USAGE ##
add_zone first {4,5 6,7}
## ################################################################### proc add_zone {key zonelist} { if {[regexp -nocase {^qos|^lsan} $key]} { set zone_name $key } else { set zone_name zone_$key } set cfg_name cfg_$key set zonestring [join $zonelist ";"] do_command "zoneadd \"$zone_name\",\"$zonestring\"" do_command "zoneshow" do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 20
############################################################################## ## ## NAME ##
remove_zone - remove members from existing zone
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure will remove zone members from existing zone
## ## OPERANDS ##
key: string used to create zone and configuration
zonelist: list of devices that needs to be part of zone
## ## USAGE ##
remove_zone first {4,5 6,7}
## ###################################################################
proc remove_zone {key zonelist} { if {[regexp -nocase {^qos|^lsan} $key]} { set zone_name $key } else { set zone_name zone_$key } set cfg_name cfg_$key set zonestring [join $zonelist ";"] do_command "zoneremove \"$zone_name\",\"$zonestring\"" do_command "zoneshow" do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 20 }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
failover_with_zonecfg - failover of coreswitch with zone cofiguration
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure does hafailover if switch is bladed
## else it does hareboot
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## USAGE ##
proc failover_with_zonecfg { } { global cl_ip_address cl_zvm_build if {[info exists cl_zvm_build] && $cl_zvm_build == 1} { brcd_login $cl_ip_address do_command "hadisable" do_command "cd /fabos/bin" do_command "./zvmk-tgt -cov" 300 do_command "./zvmk-tgt -leak" 300 do_command "haenable" wait_for_ha_sync } if {[get_switch_platform] < 12000 } {
do_command "hareboot" sleep 120 close_spawn_list "exit" } else { if {[cause "hashow" "ync"] != 0} { add_status "HA State is NOT on Sync. Exiting.... " 0 } else { add_status " HA State is in Sync" } set chk1 [get_hastate] set firstroundCP [get_ActiveCP]
if {[get_ActiveCP] == 2} { do_command "hashow" add_status "HA is DISABLED on this system, exiting the script" 0 } do_command "hafailover" 180 set Timer 10 while {[cause "hashow" "ync" 30 1] != 0} { add_status "Not synchronized yet..." 3 set Timer [expr $Timer - 1] if {$Timer == 0} { add_status "CP failed to synchronize" 1 break }
sleep 30 }
if {[get_hastate] == 0} { do_command "hashow" add_status "After failover, system has only ONE cp or HA is disabled, exiting the script" 0 } } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
get_number_devices - get the number of devices based on zone string
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure parses the zonestring and finds out number of
## devices(targets) participating in the zone ## ## OPERANDS ##
zone_string: zone member list that will be used to find the number of
## targets visiblie through host ##
## DEPENDENCIES ## COPA needs to be installed on the host ## ## RETURN ##
0: on success
-1: on failure
## ## USAGE ##
get_number_devices 1,3 3,4
--> 4 (4 target visible through host)
## ################################################################### proc get_number_devices {zone_string} { global array fportlist global array lportlist global cl_ip_address_list
set device_count 0 foreach dev $zone_string { foreach ip $cl_ip_address_list { if {$lportlist($ip)!=""} { if {[regexp {([0-9]+,[1-9]+)} $dev]} { set index [lsearch $lportlist($ip) $dev] if {$index!=-1} { incr device_count [llength [lindex $lportlist($ip) [expr $index +1]]]
} } else { for {set j 1} {$j<[llength $lportlist($ip)]} {incr j 2} { if {[lsearch [lindex $lportlist($ip) $j] $dev] != -1} { incr device_count } } } } } } # add_status "Device count $device_count" return $device_count }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
## # DESCRIPTION ## Get all the remote devices pids ##
## OPERANDS ## NONE ## ## DEPENDENCIES ## get_remote_devices ## ## RETURN ## Give the PID of remote devices ## ## USAGE ##
## ################################################################### proc get_all_remote_devices {{domain_ -1}} { set return_value "" set temp_list [get_remote_devices]
if {$domain_ < 0} { set return_value $temp_list } else { foreach item $temp_list { set item_domain [convert_to_dec [get_pid_domain [lindex $item 0]]] if {$domain_ == $item_domain} { set return_value [lappend return_value $item] }
} } return $return_value }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
SDK Routine
## #############################################################
proc get_all_remote_device_wwns {{wwn_type_ "port"} {domain_ -1}} { set return_value ""
if {$wwn_type_ == "port"} { set wwn_type_ 1 } else { set wwn_type_ 2 }
set temp_list [get_all_remote_devices $domain_] if {$temp_list != ""} { foreach item $temp_list { set return_value [lappend return_value [lindex $item $wwn_type_]] } }
return $return_value } ########################################################################### ## NAME ##
check_device_presence - check device presence through nsshow, nscamshow
## and nsallshow ## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure does nsshow and check whether device is present
## then it telnet's to switches in the fabric, checks the devices presence ## through nscamshow ## ## OPERANDS ##
wwn_list: wwn_list that needs to be checked through nsshow and nscamshow
user_ad_list: username, password and admindomain
ip_list: List of ip address that needs to be traversed for checking nameserver
entries. If nothing is given it takes cl_ip_address_list as default
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## get_device_wwns # get_all_device_pids ## ## RETURN ## ## USAGE ##
check_device_presence {21:00:00:04:cf:03:10:10 21:00:00:04:cf:03:51:38}
## ################################################################### proc check_device_presence {wwn_list {user_ad_list "admin password"} {ip_list ""}} { global cl_ip_address_list cl_ip_address global spawn_id
set orig_ip_address $cl_ip_address set username [lindex $user_ad_list 0] set pwd [lindex $user_ad_list 1] set ad [lindex $user_ad_list 2] set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
Checking the availability of device through nsshow
set ns_wwn_list [get_device_wwns] set pid_list [lsort [get_all_device_pids]] # add_status "PID's from nsallshow : $pid_list" 3
# add_status "wwn's got through nsshow $ns_wwn_list" 3 foreach wwn $wwn_list { if {[lsearch $ns_wwn_list $wwn]== -1} { add_status "Could not find WWN $wwn through nsshow on switch $orig_ip_address" 1 } }
# set ip_list [get_fabric_ips] if {$ip_list==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list }
## Checking the availability of device through nscamshow foreach ip $ip_list {
if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } if {$ad !=""} { ad_select $ad } set ns_wwn_list [get_device_wwns] set ns_remote_wwn_list [get_all_remote_device_wwns] foreach wwn $wwn_list { if {[lsearch $ns_remote_wwn_list $wwn]== -1} { add_status "Could not find WWN $wwn through nscamshow on switch $ip" 1 } }
## Checking the nsallshow it should be same within the fabric set compare_result [compare_lists $pid_list [lsort [get_all_device_pids]]] if {$compare_result != ""} { add_status "nsallshow did not match: $compare_result" 1 } end_telnet "exit" } } if {[set_spawn_id $orig_spawn_id] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $orig_ip_address $username $pwd] != 0} {
add_status "Telnet to switch $orig_ip_address failed" 0 } } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
check_device_absence - check for device absence in name server
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure does nsshow and checks for device absence,
## then it telnet's to switches in the fabric, checks the devices ## is not shown remotly through nscamshow ## ## OPERANDS ## ## ## ##
wwn_list: wwn_list that needs to be checked through nsshow and nscamshow user_ad_list: username, password and admindomain ip_list: List of ip address that needs to be traversed for checking nameserver entries. If nothing is given it takes cl_ip_address_list as default
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## get_device_wwns
# get_all_device_pids ## ## RETURN ## ## USAGE ##
check_device_absence {21:00:00:04:cf:03:10:10 21:00:00:04:cf:03:51:38}
## ################################################################### proc check_device_absence {wwn_list {user_ad_list "admin password"} {ip_list ""}} { global cl_ip_address_list cl_ip_address global spawn_id set orig_ip_address $cl_ip_address set username [lindex $user_ad_list 0] set pwd [lindex $user_ad_list 1] set ad [lindex $user_ad_list 2] set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
## Checking the availability of device through nsshow set ns_wwn_list [get_device_wwns] # add_status "Got wwn list is $wwn_list" 3 # add_status "wwn's got through nsshow $ns_wwn_list" 3 foreach wwn $wwn_list { if {[lsearch $ns_wwn_list $wwn]!= -1} { add_status "WWN $wwn found through nsshow on switch $orig_ip_address" 1 }
## Checking the availability of device through nscamshow #set ip_list [get_fabric_ips] if {$ip_list==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list }
foreach ip $ip_list { if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { #
if {[set_spawn_id $ip] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 }
} if {$ad !=""} { ad_select $ad } set ns_wwn_list [get_device_wwns]
add_status "wwn's got through nsshow on switch $ip is $ns_wwn_list" set ns_remote_wwn_list [get_all_remote_device_wwns]
add_status "NS WWN List in switch $ip is $ns_remote_wwn_list" 3 foreach wwn $wwn_list { if {[lsearch $ns_remote_wwn_list $wwn]!= -1} { add_status "WWN $wwn found through nscamshow on switch $ip" 1
} } end_telnet "exit" } } if {[set_spawn_id $orig_spawn_id] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $orig_ip_address $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $orig_ip_address failed" 0 } } } ########################################################################### ## NAME ##
clear_zonecfg - disables and clears the zone configuration
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure disables and clears all the zone confiuration
## NONE ## ## RETURN ## NONE ## ## USAGE ##
## ############################################################################# proc clear_zonecfg { } { retry_command "cfgdisable" sleep 30 retry_command "cfgclear" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 30 retry_command "cfgshow" }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
reinitialize_device_array - reinitializes the device array
## ## SYNOPSIS ## ##
This procedure reinitializes the device array by calling nsallshow
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## get_devices -sdk routing ## ## RETURN # NONE ### ## USAGE ##
## ################################################################### proc reinitialize_device_array { } { global array fportlist global cl_ip_address global array lportlist set local_device_list [get_devices] set fportlist($cl_ip_address) "" set lportlist($cl_ip_address) "" for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $local_device_list]} {incr i} { set pid [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0]
set loop [string range [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0] 4 5] set domain [convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0] 0 1]] set dp "" if {$loop==00} { append dp $domain,[convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0] 2 3]] lappend fportlist($cl_ip_address) $dp lappend fportlist($cl_ip_address) [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 1] } set dp "" if {$loop!=00} { set domain [convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0] 0 1]] append dp $domain,[convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0] 2 3]] lappend lportlist($cl_ip_address) [list $dp] set templist [list [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 0]] set wwnlist [list [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $i] 1]] for {set j [expr $i+1]} {$j<=[llength $local_device_list]} {incr j; incr i} { set next_pid [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $j] 0] set first_domainarea [string range [lindex $templist 0] 0 3] set next_domainarea [string range $next_pid 0 3] if {$first_domainarea==$next_domainarea} { lappend templist [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $j] 0] lappend wwnlist [lindex [lindex $local_device_list $j] 1] } else { break;
} } lappend lportlist($cl_ip_address) $wwnlist } } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
initialize_device_array - Initialize the device array list
## ## SYNOPSIS ## initialize_device_array ## ## DESCRIPTION ## Initialize the device array using nsallshow, output is population ##
of global array fport and lport list with ipaddress as index
ip_list: IP's of switch whose device information needs to be gathered.
If not defined cl_ip_address_list is taken as default
## ## OPERANDS ## ip_list(optional) ## ## DEPENDENCIES ## get_all_devices
## get_fabricshow_info ## ## RETURN ## NONE ## ## USAGE ##
proc initialize_device_array {{ip_list ""} } { global array fportlist global array lportlist global cl_ip_address_list
if {$ip_list == ""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list }
foreach ip $ip_list { set fportlist($ip) "" set lportlist($ip) "" }
set all_devices [get_all_devices] set fabric_info [get_fabricshow_info]
foreach switch_info $fabric_info { lappend domain_iplist [lindex $switch_info 0] lappend domain_iplist [lindex $switch_info 2] } add_status "IP Address list $domain_iplist" 3 for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $all_devices]} {incr i} { set pid [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0] set loop [string range [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0] 4 5] set domain [convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0] 0 1]] set dp "" if {$loop=="00" || $loop=="c0" || $loop=="40" || $loop=="80"} { append dp $domain,[convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0] 2 3]] set index [lsearch $domain_iplist $domain] set ip [lindex $domain_iplist [expr $index + 1]] lappend fportlist($ip) $dp lappend fportlist($ip) [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 1] } set dp "" if {$loop!=00} { append dp $domain,[convert_to_dec [string range [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0] 2 3]] set index [lsearch $domain_iplist $domain] set ip [lindex $domain_iplist [expr $index + 1]] lappend lportlist($ip) [list $dp] set templist [list [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 0]] set wwnlist [list [lindex [lindex $all_devices $i] 1]]
for {set j [expr $i+1]} {$j<=[llength $all_devices]} {incr j; incr i} { set next_pid [lindex [lindex $all_devices $j] 0] set first_domainarea [string range [lindex $templist 0] 0 3] set next_domainarea [string range $next_pid 0 3] if {$first_domainarea==$next_domainarea} { lappend templist [lindex [lindex $all_devices $j] 0] lappend wwnlist [lindex [lindex $all_devices $j] 1] } else { break; } } lappend lportlist($ip) $wwnlist } } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ## initialize_pid_db ## ## SYNOPSIS ## initialize_pid_db ## ## DESCRIPTION ## initialize PID database using nsshow and nscamshow
## ## OPERANDS ##
SDK Routing get_all_devices
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ##
## ################################################################### proc initialize_pid_db {} { global array wwn_pid_list set dev_data [get_all_devices] foreach device $dev_data { set wwn_pid_list([lindex $device 1]) [lindex $device 0] } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ## get_wwn_pid_db
## ## SYNOPSIS ## get_wwn_pid_db ## ## DESCRIPTION ## get PID for give wwn through database ## ## OPERANDS ##
initialize_pid_db should have been called earlier
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ##
## ###################################################################
proc get_wwn_pid_db {wwn} { global array wwn_pid_list return $wwn_pid_list($wwn) }
proc check_cfg {zone} { set boolean 0 foreach tmp_zone $zone { if {$boolean == 0} { do_command "cfgcreate \"tmp_config\", \"$tmp_zone\"" set boolean 1 } else { do_command "cfgadd \"tmp_config\", \"$tmp_zone\"" } } do_command "cfgenable \"tmp_config\""
set member_list [get_zone_object_members "cfg" "tmp_config"] foreach tmp $member_list { foreach tmp_zone $zone { if {$tmp == $tmp_zone} { add_status "tmp_config was created with zone $tmp_zone" 3 } } }
set check_tmp_cfg [trim_string [get_after "cfgshow" "Effective conf(.*)cfg:"]]
if {$check_tmp_cfg == "tmp_config"} {
add_status "tmp_config is effective" } else { add_status "tmp_config was not made effective" 1 } }
proc get_alias_wwnport {wwnport_list alias_list} { set ret_list "" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $wwnport_list]} {incr i 1} { foreach element [lindex $wwnport_list $i] { foreach tmp $alias_list { if {[lindex $element 0] == $tmp} { lappend ret_list [lindex $element 1] } } } } return $ret_list } ############################################################################## ### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
Create dummy zone as part of defined zone configuration
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ## create_dummy_zone ############################################################################## ### proc create_dummy_zone {} { for {set i 25} {$i<35} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j<10} {incr j} { append zone_list "21:00:00:0$j:00:00:1c:$i" " " } } set zonestring [join $zone_list ";"]
for {set i 108} {$i<118} {incr i} {
for {set j 0} {$j<10} {incr j} { append zone_list1 "$i,$j" " " } } set zonestring1 [join $zone_list1 ";"]
for {set i 1} {$i<50} {incr i} { do_command "zonecreate \"dummyzone_$i\", \"$zonestring\"" } for {set i 51} {$i<100} {incr i} { do_command "zonecreate \"dummyzone_$i\", \"$zonestring1\"" } do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 30 }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
verify_zones_vf - verify that the zone is propogated properly in the fabric in LS context
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure verifies zone configuration propogation in the fabric
## also returns the members of this zone ## ## OPERANDS ##
zone_name: name of the zone whose members needs to be checked
status: Checks Effective/Defined configuration based on input
fid : LS fid
user_ad_list: username and password
ip_list: ipaddress of the fabric that needs to be checked for zone propogation
If nothing is specified it takes ipaddress from cl_ip_address_list
member list of the zone specified
## ## USAGE ##
verify_zones_vf zone_first Effective
--> {10:00:00:00:c9:2b:9d:35 22:00:00:04:cf:03:4c:fa}
## ################################################################### proc verify_zones_vf {zone_name status {fid "128"} {user_ad_list "root fibranne"} {ip_list ""}} { # Store the original ip address for login back to same spawn global cl_ip_address_list global cl_ip_address
global spawn_id set username [lindex $user_ad_list 0] set pwd [lindex $user_ad_list 1] set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
set orig_ip_address $cl_ip_address set status [string toupper $status] if {$ip_list==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list } foreach ip $ip_list { if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } } elseif {[set_spawn_id $ip] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } }
if {($fid != 128) && ([is_vf_enabled] == 0)} { setcontext_fid $fid } retry_command "cfgshow"
# Checks the Effective configuration for zone's if {$status=="EFFECTIVE"} { set cfgshow_output [get_command "cfgshow"] set cfgshow_string1 [regexp {Effective configuration:(.*)} $cfgshow_output cfgshow_string] set cfgshow_list [lrange [compress_list [split $cfgshow_string "\r\n"] ] 0 end-1] } # Checks the Defined configuration for zone's if {$status =="DEFINED"} { set cfgshow_string [get_between "cfgshow" "Defined configuration:" "Effective configuration:|Type <CR> to continue"] set cfgshow_list [compress_list [split $cfgshow_string "\r\n"] ] } # Variable that needs to be passed set members_list "" set first_line "" for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $cfgshow_list]} {incr i} { set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] # Search for zone expression in each of cfgshow line if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)} $cfgshow_line cfgshow_zone]} { if {[lsearch $cfgshow_zone $zone_name]!=-1} { for {set j 2} {$j<[llength $cfgshow_zone]} {incr j} { append first_line [lindex $cfgshow_zone $j] } if {$first_line!=""} { lappend members_list $first_line
} while {$i< [expr [llength $cfgshow_list]-1]} { incr i set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] if {[llength $cfgshow_line]==0} { continue; } #Check if next zone, alias, config has started if so exit if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)|(.*)as:(.*)|(.*)fg:(.*)} $cfgshow_line kk]} { break; } lappend members_list $cfgshow_line } } } } set members_string [join $members_list ";"] set members_list [split $members_string ";"] set final_member_list "" foreach member $members_list { set final_member [string trim $member] if {[regexp {[a-zA-Z0-9:,-_]+} $final_member t]} { lappend final_member_list $final_member } }
lappend zone_list $final_member_list if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { end_telnet "exit" } }
# Check whether zone is propogated properly through out the fabric through compare list set zone_member1 [lindex $zone_list 0] foreach zone_member $zone_list { set compare_result [compare_lists [lsort $zone_member1] [lsort $zone_member]] if {$compare_result != ""} { add_status "$status zone configuration is not propogated properly through out fabric $compare_result" 1 } else { add_status "$status zone configuration is propogated properly through out the fabric === $compare_result" 3 } }
if {[set_spawn_id $orig_spawn_id] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $orig_ip_address $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $orig_ip_address failed" 0 } } return $zone_member1 }
########################################################################### ## NAME ## check_device_status - Verifies if the particular device wwn is connected in the given port number ## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure verifies portshow portWWn's of device and checks if the
## given wwn is connected to that port. ## ## OPERANDS ##
device_info_list : passed as a list of lists. 1st member should be port number
## verified.
and next member is the wwn of device which needs to be
## Eg: set device_info_list [list "9 22:00:00:04:cf:03:4c:fa" "7 10:00:00:00:c9:2b:9d:35"] ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ##
check_device_status $device_info_list
## ################################################################### proc check_device_status {device_info_list} { set flag 0 set len [llength $device_info_list] foreach line $device_info_list { set port [lindex $line 0] set wwn [lindex $line 1] set wwn_list [trim_list_elements [lrange [compress_list [split [get_between "portshow $port" "portWwn of device" "Distance"] "\r\n"]] 1 end] "\t"] if {[lsearch $wwn_list $wwn] == -1} { add_status "Error device wwn \"$wwn\" missing in switch in port $port. Update the device list in testbed file properly" 0 } else { incr flag } } if {$flag == $len} { add_status "All devices verified successfully" 3 } }
########################################################################### ## NAME ## get_wwn_pid_nsshow - Used to return pid and wwn from nsshow output in the form of a list. ##
This procedure returns a list of list with each element consisting of
## pid and wwn of each device obtained from nsshow output. Regexp in th api can be modified ##
according to future needs.
## ## OPERANDS ##
## RETURN ##
List of lists - containing pid and wwn of devices
## ## USAGE ##
## ################################################################### proc get_wwn_pid_nsshow {} { set return_list [list] set wwn_list [list] set pid_list [list] set output [lrange [compress_list [split [get_command "nsshow | grep '\[0-9a-fA-F\]\\{6\\}'"]
"\r\n"]] 1 end-1] add_status "$output==>" 3 foreach line $output { set temp [split $line ";"] if {[regexp {N\s+([0-9a-f]+)} [lindex $temp 0] match pid]==1} { lappend pid_list $pid if {[regexp {(([0-9a-fA-f]+:){7}[0-9a-fA-F]+)} [lindex $temp 2] match wwn ignore] ==1} { lappend wwn_list $wwn } } } lappend return_list $wwn_list $pid_list return $return_list }
proc zone_cfg_enable {cfg_name zone_name} { retry_command "cfgcreate \"$cfg_name\",\"$zone_name\"" do_command "zoneshow" do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgsave" sleep 20 retry_command "cfgenable $cfg_name" sleep 20 }
proc get_index_given_port {port_no_list} { set index_list "" set port_list_output [get_switchport_details] foreach port_no $port_no_list { if {[regexp "/" $port_no]} { set port_temp [split $port_no "/"] set slot [lindex $port_temp 0] set port [lindex $port_temp 1] set flag 1 } else { set port $port_no set flag 0 } foreach list1 $port_list_output { set index "" if {$flag == 0} { if {[lindex $list1 1] == $port} { set index [lindex $list1 0] lappend index_list $index } } else { if {([lindex $list1 1] == $slot) && ([lindex $list1 2] == $port)} { set index [lindex $list1 0]
lappend index_list $index } } } } return $index_list }
proc get_pid {port_no} { set pid "" set port_list_output [get_switchport_details] if {[regexp "/" $port_no]} { set port_temp [split $port_no "/"] set slot [lindex $port_temp 0] set port [lindex $port_temp 1] set flag 1 } else { set port $port_no set flag 0 } foreach list1 $port_list_output { set list1 [compress_list $list1] if {$flag == 0} { if {[lindex $list1 1] == $port} { set pid [lindex $list1 2]
} } else { if {([lindex $list1 1] == $slot) && ([lindex $list1 2] == $port)} { set pid [lindex $list1 3] } } } return $pid }
proc get_slot_type { } { set slot_type "" set val [lrange [compress_list [split [get_command "slotshow -m"] "\r\n"]] 3 end] foreach line $val { set slot "" set type "" set status [regexp {([0-9]+)\s*[a-zA-Z\s]+([0-9]+)\s*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+} $line ignore slot type] if {$status == 1} { lappend slot_type $slot $type } } return $slot_type }
proc get_slot_ports {slot} {
set port_list "" clear_buffer set val [make_matrix "switchshow" "============" ""] foreach line $val { set line [compress_list $line] set temp [lindex $line 0] if {[lindex $temp 1] == $slot} { lappend port_list [lindex $temp 2] } } return $port_list }
proc compare_switch_logs {id_1 id_2 show_command_list {file_dir ""}} { set return_value 0 if {[string length $file_dir] != 0} { set file_dir "$file_dir/" } foreach type $show_command_list { set return_list "" if {[string first "=" $type] >= 0} { if {[llength $type] >= 2} { set type [lindex $type 0] set type [string trimleft $type "="] }
set type [replace_string_all $type " " "_"] set type [replace_string_all $type "/" "_"] set diff_count [compare_files "$file_dir[set id_1]_$type.txt" "$file_dir[set id_2]_$type.txt"] add_status "diff_count : $diff_count" if {$diff_count != 0} { add_status "$type outputs do not match" 2 add_status "files are $file_dir[set id_1]_$type.txt and $file_dir[set id_2]_$type.txt" 3 set return_value [llength $diff_count] lappend return_list $return_value $file_dir[set id_1]_$type.txt $file_dir[set id_2]_$type.txt } else { add_status "PASSED: $type outputs match" lappend return_list $return_value } } add_status "return_list : $return_list" return $return_list }
proc get_showListcmd_output {ip_address show_list {fid 128}} { global cl_log_path cl_diff_file_dir if {[set_spawn_id $ip_address]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip_address]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $ip_address not available" 1
} } if {$fid != "128"} { setcontext_fid $fid clear_buffer } set switch_info [log_switch_state $show_list [subst $cl_diff_file_dir]]
return $switch_info }
proc swap_ports {port1 port2} { do_command "portswapenable" do_command "portdisable $port1" do_command "portdisable $port2" set status [get_command "portswap $port1 $port2"] if {[regexp "portswap done" $status]} { add_status "Port swap done between $port1 and $port2 successfully" 3 } else { add_status "Error observed while doing port swap" 1 } do_command "portenable $port1" do_command "portenable $port2" sleep 60 }
proc check_test_mode_configuration {test_mode} { global cl_ag_ip_address_list cl_ip_address_list cl_fid_list set flag 0 foreach SUT $cl_ag_ip_address_list { if {[set_spawn_id $SUT] == 1} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT] != 0} { add_status "Switch $SUT not available" 0 } } set switch_mode [string trim [get_after "switchshow" "switchMode:"]] if {$switch_mode == "Access Gateway Mode"} { add_info "AG mode is already enabled in $SUT" add_status "Check for Disabled ports in the switch" set disabled_port_list [get_ports "Disabled"] if {$disabled_port_list != ""} { foreach port $disabled_port_list { do_command "portcfgpersistentenable $port" } sleep 50 } add_status "Required configuration exists in AG $SUT" } else { add_status "Required configuration not available" add_status "Making the necessary configurations for AG...."
incr flag } }
if {$flag != 0} { add_info "Enable AG mode in AG capable switch" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ }
set val "Scenario_$test_mode" switch $val { "Scenario_1" { set flag 0 foreach SUT $cl_ip_address_list { if {[set_spawn_id $SUT] == 1} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT] != 0} { add_status "Switch $SUT not available" 0 } } set vf_status [string trim [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {[regexp {enabled} $vf_status] == 0} { add_info "VF is already disabled in $SUT" add_status "Check for Disabled ports in the switch" set disabled_port_list [get_ports "Disabled"] if {$disabled_port_list != ""} {
foreach port $disabled_port_list { do_command "portcfgpersistentenable $port" } sleep 50 } } else { incr flag } } if {$flag == 0} { add_status "All switches in the fabric are in Non-VF mode" #Verify whether the fabric has come up fine set SUT [lindex $cl_ip_address_list 0] if {[set_spawn_id $SUT]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $SUT not available" 0 } } set total_no_of_switches [llength $cl_ip_address_list] set total_switches 0 set fabric_show [get_command "fabricshow"] regexp {The Fabric has ([0-9]+) switches} $fabric_show ignore total_switches if {$total_no_of_switches == $total_switches} { add_status "Fabric has come up fine" 3 add_status "configuration for Non-VF mode testing is available. Proceed with testing...." 3
} else { add_status "Fabric has not come up properly" add_info "Creating configuration for testing in Non-VF mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } close_spawn_list end_telnet "exit" } else { add_info "Creating configuration for testing in Non-VF mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } } "Scenario_2" { set flag 0 foreach SUT $cl_ip_address_list { if {[lsearch $cl_ag_ip_address_list $SUT] == -1} { if {[set_spawn_id $SUT] == 1} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT] != 0} { add_status "Switch $SUT not available" 0 } } set vf_status [string trim [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {[regexp {enabled} $vf_status] == 1} { add_status "VF is already enabled in $SUT" set ls_list [get_logical_switch_fid]
set bs_fid [get_base_switch_fid] if {([llength $ls_list] == 2) && ($bs_fid == "")} { foreach ls $ls_list { if {[regexp "128" $ls]} { do_command "setcontext 128" set onlineport_list [get_ports "Port"] if {$onlineport_list == ""} { add_status "No online ports found in DS" } else { add_status "Online ports found in DS" incr flag } } else { setcontext_fid $ls clear_buffer set disabled_ports [get_ports "Disabled"] if {$disabled_ports != ""} { foreach port $disabled_ports { do_command "portcfgpersistentenable $port" } } sleep 50 } } } else {
incr flag } } else { incr flag } } } if {$flag == 0} { add_status "VF is enabled in all the switches in the fabric" set fabric_sw_list "" foreach switch $cl_ip_address_list { if {[lsearch $cl_ag_ip_address_list $switch] == -1} { lappend fabric_sw_list $switch } } if {[llength $fabric_sw_list] > 1} { set SUT [lindex $fabric_sw_list 0] if {[set_spawn_id $SUT]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $SUT not available" 0 } } set lsfid [lindex $ls_list end] setcontext_fid $lsfid clear_buffer
set total_no_of_switches [llength $fabric_sw_list] set total_switches 0 set fabric_show [get_command "fabricshow"] regexp {The Fabric has ([0-9]+) switches} $fabric_show ignore total_switches if {$total_no_of_switches == $total_switches} { add_status "Fabric has come up fine" 3 add_status "configuration for VF LS mode testing is available. Proceed with testing...." 3 } else { add_status "Fabric has not come up properly" add_info "Creating configuration for testing in VF LS mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } close_spawn_list end_telnet "exit" } } else { add_info "Creating configuration for testing in VF LS mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } } "Scenario_3" { set flag 0 foreach SUT $cl_ip_address_list { if {[lsearch $cl_ag_ip_address_list $SUT] == -1} { if {[set_spawn_id $SUT] == 1} {
if {[telnet_switch $SUT] != 0} { add_status "Switch $SUT not available" 0 } } set vf_status [string trim [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {[regexp {enabled} $vf_status] == 1} { add_status "VF is already enabled in $SUT" set ls_list [get_logical_switch_fid] set bs_fid [get_base_switch_fid] if {([llength $ls_list] == 2) && ($bs_fid != "")} { foreach ls $ls_list { if {[regexp "128" $ls]} { do_command "setcontext 128" set onlineport_list [get_ports "Port"] if {$onlineport_list == ""} { add_status "No online ports found in DS" } else { add_status "Online ports found in DS" incr flag } } else { setcontext_fid $ls clear_buffer set disabled_ports [get_ports "Disabled"] if {$disabled_ports != ""} {
foreach port $disabled_ports { do_command "portcfgpersistentenable $port" } } sleep 50 } } } else { incr flag } } else { incr flag } } } if {$flag == 0} { add_status "VF is enabled in all the switches in the fabric" set fabric_sw_list "" foreach switch $cl_ip_address_list { if {[lsearch $cl_ag_ip_address_list $switch] == -1} { lappend fabric_sw_list $switch } } if {[llength $fabric_sw_list] > 1} { set SUT [lindex $fabric_sw_list 0]
if {[set_spawn_id $SUT]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $SUT]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $SUT not available" 0 } } set lsfid [lindex $ls_list end] set ls_list [list $lsfid $bs_fid] set flag1 0 foreach ls $ls_list { setcontext_fid $lsfid clear_buffer set total_no_of_switches [llength $fabric_sw_list] set total_switches 0 set fabric_show [get_command "fabricshow"] regexp {The Fabric has ([0-9]+) switches} $fabric_show ignore total_switches if {$total_no_of_switches == $total_switches} { add_status "Fabric has come up fine in $ls" 3 } else { add_status "Fabric has not come up properly" incr flag1 } } } if {$flag1 == 0} { add_status "configuration for VF LF mode testing is available. Proceed with testing...." 3
} else { add_status "Fabric has not come up properly" add_info "Creating configuration for testing in VF LF mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } close_spawn_list end_telnet "exit" } else { add_info "Creating configuration for testing in VF LF mode" source /vobs/multisite/intgtest/inc/ } } } }
proc get_WWNbasedPID_status { } { set status "" set val "" send_command "configure" expect { -re "Fabric parameters" { exp_send "y\r" exp_continue } -re {WWN Based persistent PID[^\n]+} {
exp_send "\r" set val $expect_out(0,string) exp_continue } -re ":" { exp_send "\r" exp_continue } -re ">" { } } set res [regexp {WWN Based persistent PID \(yes, y, no, n\): \[([a-zA-Z]+)\]} $val ignore status] return $status }
proc get_wwnaddress_show_output {{area ""}} { set wwn_show_output "" set wwn_show_list "" set wwn_list "" set wwn_area_list "" set wwn_show_output [split [get_command "wwnaddress --show"] "\r\n"] foreach element $wwn_show_output { if {$element != ""} { lappend wwn_show_list $element }
} set end_val [expr [llength $wwn_show_list] - 3] set wwn_show_list [lrange $wwn_show_list 3 $end_val] foreach line $wwn_show_list { set line [compress_list $line] lappend wwn_list [lindex $line 1] lappend wwn_area_list [lindex $line 1],[lindex $line 2] } if {$area == ""} { return $wwn_list } else { return $wwn_area_list } }
proc get_wwn2BoundAreaMap_file_output {ip_address {fid 128} {file ""}} { set return_list "" if {[set_spawn_id $ip_address]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip_address]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $ip_address not available" 1 } } if {$fid != "128"} { setcontext_fid $fid
clear_buffer } if {$file == ""} { set cmd_val "" do_command "cd /etc/fabos" set cmd_val [split [get_command "ls wwn2BoundAreaMap*"] "\r\n"] set file_list "" foreach line $cmd_val { if {$line != ""} { lappend file_list $line } } set req_file [lindex $file_list end-1] } else { set req_file $file } set file_output [lrange [split [get_command "cat $req_file"] "\r\n"] 1 end-1] set file_content "" foreach line $file_output { if {$line != ""} { lappend file_content $line } } set wwn_list "" foreach line $file_content {
set line [split $line "-"] lappend wwn_list [lindex $line 0] } return $wwn_list }
proc clear_wwn2BoundAreaMap_files { } { do_command "cd /etc/fabos" do_command "rm wwn2BoundAreaMap*" set status [get_command "ls wwn2BoundAreaMap*"] if {[regexp "No such file or directory" $status]} { add_status "All existing wwn2BoundAreaMap.* files have been deleted" 3 } else { add_status "wwn2BoundAreaMap file couldn't be deleted" 1 } }
proc verify_wwnaddress_cli { } { set cmd_list [list "wwnaddress" "wwnaddress --help"] set search_pattern_list [list "wwnAddress --bind" "wwnAddress --unbind" "wwnAddress --show" "wwnAddress --findPID" "wwnAddress --help"] foreach cmd $cmd_list { set cmd_output [get_command $cmd] set count 0 foreach pattern $search_pattern_list {
if {[regexp $pattern $cmd_output]} { incr count } } if {$count == [llength $search_pattern_list]} { add_status "Usage is shown properly for $cmd" 3 } else { add_status "Usage is not shown for $cmd" 1 } } }
proc get_device_wwn_list_byPortType { {type "F-Port"}} { set port_list [get_ports $type] array set wwn "" foreach port $port_list { set wwn_list [lrange [split [get_between "portshow $port" "portWwn of device" "Distance"] "\r\n"] 1 end] set wwn_list [compress_list $wwn_list] set wwn_list [trim_list_elements $wwn_list "\t"] array set wwn [list $port $wwn_list] } return [array get wwn] }
proc enable_wwnbasedpid {ip_address {fid 128} {mapfile ""}} {
if {[set_spawn_id $ip_address]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip_address]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $ip_address not available" 1 } } if {$fid != "128"} { setcontext_fid $fid clear_buffer } set sw_type [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] if {([regexp {62|77} $sw_type] == 0) || ($fid != "128")} { if {$mapfile == ""} { clear_wwn2BoundAreaMap_files } clear_buffer set status [configure_items "WWN Based persistent PID" "yes"] clear_buffer if {$status == 1} { add_status "WWN based PID assignment enabled successfully" 3 } else { add_status "Error observed while enabling WWN based PID assignment" 1 } do_command "switchdisable" sleep 20 do_command "switchenable"
sleep 50 } }
proc convert_portList_to_range {port_list} { set return_list "" set temp_list1 "" set temp [lindex $port_list 0] set count 1 foreach val1 $port_list { set val2 [lindex $port_list $count] if {[expr $val2 - $val1] == 1} { lappend temp $val2 set flag 1 } else { set temp_list2 $temp set temp $val2 set flag 0 }
if {$flag == 0} { lappend temp_list1 $temp_list2 } incr count }
foreach element $temp_list1 { if {[llength $element] > 1} { set init [lindex $element 0] set final [lindex $element end] lappend return_list $init-$final } else { lappend return_list $element } } return $return_list }
proc get_area_portAddress_show {{port_no ""}} { if {$port_no != ""} { set flag 1 if {[regexp "/" $port_no]} { set port_temp [split $port_no "/"] set slot [lindex $port_temp 0] set port [lindex $port_temp 1] set port_flag 1 } else { set port $port_no set port_flag 0 } } else {
set flag 0 set sw_type [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] if {[regexp {62|77} $sw_type]} { set sw_flag 1 } else { set sw_flag 0 } } set port_address_list [make_matrix "portaddress --show" "============" ""] foreach line $port_address_list { set line [compress_list $line] if {$flag == 1} { if {$port_flag == 0} { if {[lindex [lindex $line 0] 1] == $port} { set area [lindex [lindex $line 0] 2] } } else { if {([lindex [lindex $line 0] 1] == $slot) && ([lindex [lindex $line 0] 2] == $port)} { set area [lindex [lindex $line 0] 3] } } } else { if {$sw_flag == 0} { lappend area [lindex [lindex $line 0] 2] } else {
lappend area [lindex [lindex $line 0] 3] } } } return $area }
proc disable_wwnbasedpid { } { clear_buffer set status [configure_items "WWN Based persistent PID" "no"] if {$status == 1} { add_status "WWN based persistent PID disabled successfully" 3 } else { add_status "Error observed while disabling WWN based persistent PID" 1 } do_command "switchdisable" sleep 20 do_command "switchenable" sleep 50 }
proc get_random_area { } { set return_value "" set vf_status [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric: "] set area_list ""
if {[regexp {enabled|Enabled} $vf_status]} { set ls_list [get_logical_switch_fid] foreach ls $ls_list { setcontext_fid $ls clear_buffer append area_list " " [get_area_portAddress_show] } } else { set area_list [get_area_portAddress_show] }
while {1} { set temp [convert_to_hex [get_random_integer 144 255]] set area "0x[append temp 00]" if {[lsearch $area_list $area] == -1} { return $area } } }
proc get_mapfile_list { } { set temp "" set temp [lrange [compress_list [split [get_command "ls /etc/fabos/wwn2BoundAreaMap.*"] "\r\n"]] 1 end] set temp [compress_list [split [lindex $temp 0] " "]] if {[regexp "No such file or directory" $temp]} {
add_status "No wwn2BoundAreaMap files are present" set temp "" } return $temp }
proc get_port_portAddress_show {area} { set port "" set ls_list "" set sw_type [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] if {[regexp {62|77} $sw_type]} { set flag 1 } else { set flag 0 } set vf_status [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"] if {[regexp {enabled|Enabled} $vf_status]} { set ls_list [get_logical_switch_fid] set flag1 1 } else { set ls_list "128" set flag1 0 }
foreach ls $ls_list {
if {$flag1 == 1} { if {[regexp "128" $ls]} { set ls 128 } setcontext_fid $ls clear_buffer } set port_address_list [make_matrix "portaddress --show" "============" ""] foreach line $port_address_list { #set line [compress_list $line] if {$flag == 1} { if {[lindex [lindex $line 0] 3] == $area} { set port [lindex [lindex $line 0] 1]/[lindex [lindex $line 0] 2] return $port } } else { if {[lindex [lindex $line 0] 2] == $area} { set port [lindex [lindex $line 0] 1] return $port } } } } }
proc check_area_range { } { set sw_type [string range [trim_string [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"]] 0 1] set switch_port_count [list 64 80 66 40 71 24] set sw_index [lsearch $switch_port_count $sw_type] set port_count [lindex $switch_port_count [expr $sw_index + 1]] set generated_area_list "" for {set i 0} {$i < $port_count} {incr i} { set temp "" set area "" set temp [convert_to_hex $i] if {[llength [split $temp ""]] == 1} { set temp 0$temp } set area "0x[append temp 00]" lappend generated_area_list $area } add_status "generated_area_list : $generated_area_list"
set actual_area_list "" set vf_status [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"] add_status "vf_status : $vf_status" if {[regexp {enabled|Enabled} $vf_status]} { set ls_list [get_logical_switch_fid] foreach ls $ls_list {
if {[regexp 128 $ls]} { set ls 128 } setcontext_fid $ls clear_buffer set temp [get_area_portAddress_show] add_status "temp : $temp" append actual_area_list " " $temp } set ls_flag 1 } else { set ls_flag 0 set actual_area_list [get_area_portAddress_show] } add_status "actual_area_list : $actual_area_list" add_status "[get_list_disjoint $generated_area_list $actual_area_list]" if {[get_list_disjoint $generated_area_list $actual_area_list] != "" } { add_status "Some area in the switch is beyond MAX_PHY_PORTS" add_status "Unbind that area and bind a new area within the valid range" set diff_actual_list [get_list_opposite_of_intersection $generated_area_list $actual_area_list] set diff_generated_list [get_list_opposite_of_intersection $actual_area_list $generated_area_list] set port_list "" foreach val1 $diff_actual_list val2 $diff_generated_list { set port [get_port_portAddress_show $val1]
add_status "port : $port" if {$ls_flag != 0} { array set arr "" parse_lscfgshow arr set fid $arr($port) if {[regexp "128" $fid]} { set fid 128 } setcontext_fid $fid clear_buffer } do_command "portdisable $port" do_command "portaddress --unbind $port $val1" do_command "portaddress --bind $port $val2" } } else { add_status "All assigned areas are within the valid range (less than MAX_PHY_PORTS)" } } ########################################################### # windows settings #----------------------------------------------------------------# win_init - create a telnet session with Windows host # inputs:
windb - array where windows data will be stored
host - hostname or IP addr of Windows host
# outputs:
returns 0 if success
windb - loaded with windows data
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc win_init { windb index host } { global winuser global winpassword global winprompt global cl_host_user cl_host_password cl_win_prompt upvar $windb win
set win($index,host) $host if {[info exists winuser]} { set win($index,user) $winuser } else { set win($index,user) "$cl_host_user" } if {[info exists winpassword]} { set win($index,password) $winpassword } else { set win($index,password) "$cl_host_password" } if {[info exists winprompt]} { set win($index,prompt) $winprompt } else { set win($index,prompt) "$cl_win_prompt"
set win($index,retry) 3 set win($index,id) 0 set win($index,rc) 0 set win($index,cmd) "" set win($index,out) {} set win($index,targets) {} set win($index,targetportals) {}
win_goto_prompt win $index
return $win($index,rc) }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# win_close - close a telnet session with Windows host # inputs:
windb - win data created by win_init
# outputs:
returns nothing, telnet session is closed
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc win_close { windb index } { upvar $windb win
if {$win($index,id) != 0} { catch {
close -i $win($index,id) wait -i $win($index,id) } junk set win($index,id) 0 } set win($index,rc) 0 set win($index,out) {} }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# win_login - login to win host # inputs:
windb - win data created by win_init
# outputs:
returns 0 if success
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc win_login { windb index } { add_status "Entering login proc" global ctrl_c
upvar $windb win set rc -1 set retry $win($index,retry) set loginstate 0
if {$win($index,id) != 0} { win_close win $index
} set timeout 300 #
puts "login: telnet $linux(host)\n"
#spawn telnet $win($index,host) spawn sh -c "TERM=tty;export TERM;telnet $win($index,host)" set win($index,id) $spawn_id
while {$retry > 0} { expect { -re "\[^ \]login:" { catch {puts stderr "login: Got login prompt - send $win($index,user)\n"} send "$win($index,user)\r" exp_continue }
"password:" { if { $loginstate == 0 } { catch {puts stderr "login: Got password prompt $loginstate - send $win($index,password)\n"} send "$win($index,password)\r" incr loginstate } exp_continue }
-re "Connection closed" { catch {puts stderr "login: Connection closed by $win($index,host)\n"} set $win($index,id) 0 win_login win $index break }
-re "$win($index,prompt)" { catch {puts stderr "login: Got win prompt $loginstate done\n"} set rc 0 break exp_continue }
eof { catch {puts stderr "login: Got EOF - can't telnet to $win($index,host)\n"} win_close win $index set rc 1 break }
timeout { catch {puts stderr "login: Got timeout - failed to login\n"}
send "$ctrl_c\r" set rc 2 break } } incr retry -1 puts stderr "login: retry = $retry\n" } #
stty raw -echo
set win($index,rc) $rc return $rc }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# win_goto_prompt - make sure we are at win prompt, this func #
needs more work as required
# inputs:
windb - win data created by win_init
# outputs:
returns 0 if success
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc win_goto_prompt { windb index } { global ctrl_c
upvar $windb win set rc -1
set retry $win($index,retry)
puts stderr "goto: win = $win(host)\n" if { $win($index,id) == 0 } { win_login win $index } set spawn_id $win($index,id)
puts stderr "goto: checking $win(host)\n"
expect *
while {$retry > 0} { send "\r"
expect { -re "\[^ \]login:" { #
puts stderr "prompt: Got login prompt - need to login first\n" set rc [win_login win $index] break }
-re "$win($index,prompt)" { #
puts stderr "prompt: Got win prompt - done\n" set rc 0
break }
-re "Connection closed" { puts stderr "login: Connection closed by $win($index,host)\n" set $win($index,id) 0 win_login win $index exp_continue }
eof { #
puts stderr "prompt: Got EOF - disconnected\n" win_close win $index set rc [win_login win $index] break }
timeout { #
puts stderr "prompt: Got timeout - try again\n" send "$ctrl_c\r" } } incr retry -1 }
expect *
set win($index,rc) $rc return $rc }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# win_cmd - execute a command and return output # inputs:
windb - windows data created by win_init
cmd - command string
# outputs:
returns list containing output for command
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc win_cmd { windb index cmd {change_prompt 0} {prompt ""}} { upvar $windb win
global timeout
set rc -1 set buf "" set lines {} set done 0 set oldtimeout $timeout set timeout 30
set rc [win_goto_prompt win $index]
set spawn_id $win($index,id) set retry $win($index,retry) if {$change_prompt} { set win($index,prompt) "$prompt" add_status "Changed prompt as $prompt" }
if { $rc != 0 } { set timeout $oldtimeout return {} }
puts stderr "cmd: Sending command: $cmd\n" send "$cmd\r\n" while {$retry > 0} { expect {
-re "$win($index,prompt).*$cmd" {
puts stderr "cmd: Got cmd echo - continue\n"
-re "$win($index,prompt)" { #
puts stderr "cmd: Got win prompt - done\n" set rc 0
puts stderr "cmd: flushing"
set done 1 set timeout 3 append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" # break exp_continue }
-re "--More--" { #
puts stderr "cmd: Got more prompt - press enter\n" append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" send "\r\n" exp_continue } eof {
puts stderr "cmd: Got EOF - disconnected\n" win_close win $index set rc 1 break } full_buffer { append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" exp_continue } timeout { if {$done == 1} {
break } puts stderr "cmd: Exceeded timeout value. Exiting the procedure without receiving prompt" set rc 1 append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" }
-re ".+" { #
puts stderr "cmd: Got more lines - keep reading\n" append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" exp_continue } } incr retry -1
puts stderr "cmd: retry = $retry\n" }
#NM: Why appending twice?? #append buf "$expect_out(buffer)" regsub -all "\033\\\[\[0-9\]+;\[0-9\]+(\[A-Z\]|\[a-z\])" $buf "\n" tmp1 regsub -all "\015" $tmp1 "\n" tmp2 regsub -all "\010 \010" $tmp2 "\n" tmp1 regsub -all -- "--More--" $tmp1 "\n" tmp2 regsub -all ", next page: Space, next line: Return key, quit: Control-c" $tmp2 "\n" tmp1
set timeout $oldtimeout foreach line [split $tmp1 "\n"] { if { ![regexp "\^\[\t\\ \]*\$" $line junk]} { lappend lines [string trim $line] # TOM1: keep newline lappend lines [string trim $line "\t\ "] #
puts stderr "cmd: dbg: $line\n" } } set win($index,out) $lines return $lines
proc winhost_inquiry { winhost } {
set numdestdrives 0 set rc 0
add_status "Telnet to windows host $winhost" if {[win_init winpc 1 $winhost] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to windows host $winhost failed" 1 set rc -1 return $rc }
win_cmd winpc 1 "cd C:\\copa"
set winpc(1,out) {}
## List the drives win_cmd winpc 1 "inq.wnt"
add_status "Getting the number of drives on windows host" foreach line $winpc(1,out) { set line [string trim $line] if [regexp -nocase {^.*PHYSICALDRIVE(.*).*:SEAGATE.*} $line junk drivenum] { #Assumes **ONE** internal scsi drive. Ignore this drive. if { $drivenum == 0 } { continue } incr numdestdrives } }
add_status "Found $numdestdrives device on windows host" win_close winpc 1 return $numdestdrives }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# enable_bcu_port - To enable a given bcu port # inputs: port - Port number to be enabled in host
# outputs: 1 : Success #
-1 : Failure
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc enable_bcu_port {port} { global winuser winpassword winprompt winip set index 1 win_init win1 $index $winip set spawn_id $win1($index,id) set output [win_cmd win1 $index "bcu port --enable $port"] if {[regexp {port enabled} $output] ==1} { return 1 } else { return -1 } win_close win1 $index }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# disable_bcu_port - To disable a given bcu port # inputs: port - Port number to be disabled in host # outputs: 1 : Success #
-1 : Failure
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc disable_bcu_port {port} { global winuser winpassword winprompt winip
set index 1 win_init win1 $index $winip set spawn_id $win1($index,id) set output [win_cmd win1 $index "bcu port --disable $port"] if {[regexp {port disabled} $output] ==1} { return 1 } else { return -1 } win_close win1 $index }
#----------------------------------------------------------------# get_bcu_port - To get the bcu port number of a given wwn # inputs: wwn - wwn of the device connected # outputs: port : Port number of the given wwn #
-1 : WWN not found in bcu port list
#----------------------------------------------------------------proc get_bcu_port {wwn} { global winuser winpassword winprompt winip set index 1 win_init win1 $index $winip set spawn_id $win1($index,id) set output [win_cmd win1 $index "bcu port --list"] set port ""
foreach line $output { if {[regexp "(.*?)\[ \t]+(.*)\[ \t]+(.*)\[ \t]+$wwn.*Linkup" $line match port ig ig1 ig2] ==1 && $port!= ""} { break } } win_close win1 $index if {$port == ""} { return -1 } else { return $port } }
proc online_disk {host_ip} { global winuser global winpc_user global cl_ip_address_list win_init win1 1 $host_ip win_cmd win1 1 "diskpart" win_cmd win1 1 "rescan" set oput [win_cmd win1 1 "list disk"] #set oput [split [win_cmd win1 1 "list disk"] "\r\n"] foreach line $oput { set num "" regexp -nocase {(Disk\s+\d+).*offline} $line ig num
add_status "Line: $line Disk: $num" if { $num != "" } { win_cmd win1 1 "select $num" win_cmd win1 1 "online disk" } } sleep 20 win_cmd win1 1 "list disk" win_close win1 1 } ############################################## #! /bin/sh
proc enable_vf_no_check {} {
if {[is_vf_enabled] != 0} { exp_send "fosconfig --enable vf\r" log_test_command_ "fosconfig --enable vf" expect { "]:" { exp_send "y\r" } timeout { add_status "timed out $timeout seconds waiting for affirmation of enabling vf" 0 } }
sleep 15 end_telnet "exit" return 0 } else { return 1 }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
returns the current LS you are in
## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
returns the current LS you are in
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## ## RETURN ##
-1 no current LS found after parsing switchshow
ls_num the number of the logical switch
## ## USAGE ## return_current_ls ## ############################################################################## ##### proc return_current_ls {} { set stuff [get_command "switchshow"] set lines [split $stuff "\n"] set lsnum -1 foreach line $lines { if {[string first "LS Attributes" $line] >= 0} { regexp "FID:\[ \t]*(\[0-9]+)," $line ignore lsnum
} } return $lsnum }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verifies if VF is enabled
## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
verifies if VF is enabled
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## ## ## RETURN ##
0 not enabled
1 enabled
## ## USAGE ## verify_vf_enabled ## ##############################################################################
##### proc verify_vf_enabled {} { if {[trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] == "enabled"} { add_status "vf is enabled" 3 return 1 } else { add_status "vf is not enabled" 3 return 0 } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ## creates logical switch at $fid, will retry command until it successfully completes unless it times out in 200 seconds ## this is because creation of logical switch can commonly be stalled due to FOS with the "system is not ready" response ## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
creates logical switch without having to worry about command being accepted
the fid number
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## ## ## RETURN ##
0 failed because maximum number of switches created
1 passed, logical switch at $fid created
-1 failed, timed out, 10 tries with 20 seconds wait each
## USAGE ## create_logical_switch 29 ## ############################################################################## ##### proc create_logical_switch {fid {wait_time "180"}} { set times 0 #v7.3.0v7.3.0_pit_a_131121_1700 set version [join [lrange [regexp -inline {([0-9])\.([0-9])\.*} [get_version]] 1 end] "" ] add_status "$version : [get_version]" if { $version < "72" } { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid" $wait_time] } else { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid -force" $wait_time] }
while {[string first "system is not ready" $cmd] >= 0} {
sleep 20 if { $version < "72" } { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid" $wait_time] } else { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid -force " $wait_time] } incr times if {$times >= 10} { add_status "tried 10 times to create logical switch at $fid, but system is not ready, quitting" 1 return -1 } } if {[string first "maximum number of switches" $cmd] >= 0} { return 0 } else { return 1 } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## delete_logical_switch ## ## SYNOPSIS
## deletes logical switch at $fid, will retry command until it successfully completes unless it times out in 200 seconds ## this is because creation of logical switch can commonly be stalled due to FOS with the "system is not ready" response ## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
deletes logical switch without having to worry about command being accepted
## ## OPERANDS ##
the fid number
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## ## ## RETURN ## ##
1 passed, logical switch at $fid created
-1 failed, timed out, 10 tries with 20 seconds wait each
## ## USAGE ## delete_logical_switch 29 ## ############################################################################## ##### proc delete_logical_switch {fid} { set times 0
set wait_time 120 set version [join [lrange [regexp -inline {([0-9])\.([0-9])\.*} [get_version]] 1 end] "" ] if { $version < "72" } { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --delete $fid" $wait_time] } else { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --delete $fid -force" $wait_time] } while {[string first "system is not ready" $cmd] >= 0} { sleep 20 if { $version < "72" } { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --delete $fid" $wait_time] } else { set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --delete $fid -force" $wait_time] } incr times if {$times >= 10} { add_status "tried 10 times to delete logical switch at $fid, but system is not ready, quitting" 1 return -1 } } if {[string first "Unable to delete" $cmd] >=0 } { add_status "switch complaining about logical switch $fid having ports even though it does not. unable to delete, quitting" 1 return -1 }
return 1 }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ## creates base switch at $fid, will retry command until it successfully completes unless it times out in 200 seconds ## this is because creation of logical switch can commonly be stalled due to FOS with the "system is not ready" response ## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
creates base switch without having to worry about command being accepted
## ## OPERANDS ##
the fid number
## ## RETURN ##
0 failed because maximum number of switches created
1 passed, base switch at $fid created
-1 timed out, 10 tries at 20 seconds wait each
## ## USAGE ## create_base_switch 29 ## ############################################################################## ##### proc create_base_switch {fid} { set wait_time 240 set times 0 set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid -b -f" $wait_time] while {[string first "system is not ready" $cmd] >= 0} { sleep 20 set cmd [get_command_no_wait "lscfg --create $fid -b -f" $wait_time] incr times if {$times >= 10} { add_status "tried 10 times to create base switch at $fid, but system is not ready, quitting" 1 return -1 } } if {[string first "maximum number of switches" $cmd] >= 0} {
return 0 } else { return 1 }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
enables virtual fabric feature on the switch, requires a complete reboot
## ## ## DESCRIPTION ## enables virtual fabric feature on the switch and after a complete reboot will log back into the original spawns that existed when this routine was called ## ## OPERANDS ##
optional wait time for reboot to finish, recommended default is 250 seconds
## ## RETURN ##
1: succeeded in enabling virtual fabric
0: no need to enable
-1: failed
## ## USAGE ## enable_virtual_fabric ## ############################################################################## ##### proc enable_virtual_fabric { {wait_time 250} } { set SUT [trim_string [get_after "ipaddrshow" "Ethernet IP Address:"]] add_status "The IP of the SUT is: $SUT" 3 set platform [get_switch_platform] if {[check_firmware_version] >= 62} { add_status "Virtual Fabric is supported in this Loaded FOS" 3 #set switchType [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] #set switchType [parse_integer $switchType strict] if {[check_vf_capable_platform] == 1} { add_status "Verifying VF is enabled/disabled" 3 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]]
if {$vf_status == "enabled"} { add_status "VF is already enabled" 3 return 0 } else { slot_switch_validation add_status "Enabling the VF mode" 3 send_command "fosconfig --enable vf" expect { "\\\[Y/N]:" { exp_send "y\r" } timeout { add_status "timed out waiting for Y/N prompt after fosconfig enable vf" 2 return -1 } } sleep 60 end_telnet sleep 360 end_telnet if {[telnet_switch $SUT] != 0} { add_status "Switch not available" 0 return -1 } else { if {($platform >= 12000)} {
set xyzabc 0 while {[cause "hashow" "HA State not in sync" 5 wait] == 0} { incr xyzabc sleep 30 add_status "HA State still not in sync after Enabling VF, retrying" 3 if {$xyzabc == 10} { add_status "HA State not in sync after waiting for 5 minutes" 1 break } } } slot_switch_validation add_status "Checking VF is enabled properly" 3 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] add_status "value of vf is $vf_status" 3 if {$vf_status == "enabled"} { add_status "VF enabled successfully" 3 return 1 } else { add_status "Issues Observed while enabling VF" 1 return -1 }
} } } else { add_status "Platform doesn't support VF" 3 return 0 } } else { add_status "Virtual Fabric is not supported in this loaded FOS" 3 return 0 } }
#Bob:root> lscfg --show #Created switches: 128 2 #Slot
9 10 11 12
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#Port # 0 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 128 |
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 1 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 2 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 3 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 4 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 5 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 6 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 7 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 8 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
# 9 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#10 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#11 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#12 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#13 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#14 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#15 | 128 |
| 128 | 128 |
| 2|
| 128 |
| 128 |
#16 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#17 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#18 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#19 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#20 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#21 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#22 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#23 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#24 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#25 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#26 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#27 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#28 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#29 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#30 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#31 | 2 |
| 128 |
| 2|
| 2|
| 2|
#32 |
| 2|
#33 |
| 2|
#34 |
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#35 |
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#36 |
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#37 |
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#38 |
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#39 |
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#40 |
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#41 |
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#42 |
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#43 |
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#44 |
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#45 |
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#46 |
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#47 |
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############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## parse_lscfgshow ## ## SYNOPSIS ## parse_lscfgshow ##
Routine will parse lscfg --show, which assosciates every port on the switch
to a logical switch FID (fabric ID). The default logical switch FID is 128.
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
-1 if error occurred
## ##
mtx(x/y) assosciative array is returned, visually
represented below
## ##
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15 128 0 0 128 128 0 0 2 0 128 0 128
16 2 0 0 0 128 0 0 2 0 2 0 2
17 2 0 0 0 128 0 0 2 0 2 0 2
## ##
the X axis corresponds to the slot number
the Y axis corresponds to the port number
the value is the FID the port X/Y belongs to.
For example, if you want port 1/5 (slot 1, port 5) simply use
==> $mtx(1/5)
## ##
Make sure that the string between the ()'s contains no spaces
as this is a simiulated matrix using assosciative arrays.
## ##
For example
==> $mtx(1/5) NOT EQUAL TO $mtx (1 /5)
## ## ## USAGE ##
## ############################################################################## ##### proc parse_lscfgshow {array} { upvar $array mtx #make sure VF is enabled set output [split [get_command "lscfg --show"] "\r\n"] if {[string first "requires VF to be enabled" $output] >= 0} { add_status "Virtual Fabric is not enabled and therefore there are no partitions from lscfg --show" 1 return 0 } elseif {[string first "command not found" $output] >= 0} { add_status "Command not found, probably not an Orion or later build" 1 return 0
} set ten 0
set col 0 set row 0
set chassis "no" foreach line $output { if {[string first "Slot" $line] >= 0} { set num_slots [expr [llength $line] -1] set chassis "yes" } if {$chassis == "yes"} { if {$num_slots == 8} { set found [regexp "^ *\[0-9 ]+\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ] +)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+).*$" $line ignore clm1 clm2 clm3 clm4 clm5 clm6 clm7 clm8] } else { set found [regexp "^ *\[0-9 ]+\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ] +)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+)\\|(\[0-9 ]+).*$" $line ignore clm1 clm2 clm3 clm4 clm5 clm6 clm7 clm8 clm9 clm10 clm11 clm12] } if {$found == 1} { set col 1 for {set i 1} {$i <= $num_slots} {incr i} { set var clm$i if {[parse_integer [set $var]] == 0} {
set mtx($col/$row) -1 } else { set mtx($col/$row) [parse_integer [set $var]] }
incr col } incr row }
} else {
#Created switches: 128(ds) 10 20(bs) 30
10 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 |
if {[regexp "^FID\[ \t]+(\[0-9 ]+)\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ] +)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?\\|?(\[0-9 ]+)?.*$" $line ignore x0
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9] == 1} { for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { set var x$i set index [expr $i + $ten] if {[parse_integer [set $var]] == 0} { set mtx($index) -1 } else { set mtx($index) [parse_integer [set $var]] } if {$i == 9} { set ten [expr $ten + 10] } }
} ########################################################################### ## NAME ## ##
clear_zonecfg - disables and clears the zone configuration
This procedure disables and clears all the zone confiuration
## ############################################################################# proc clear_zonecfg {} { while {1} { set zone_cfg [get_command "cfgshow"] set result [regexp -nocase {(.*)busy(.*)} $zone_cfg -] if {$result} { sleep 20
} else { break } } set result [regexp {([a-z0-9][a-z0-9]:)+([a-z0-9][a-z0-9])} $zone_cfg -] if {$result} { do_command "cfgshow" retry_command "cfgdisable" retry_command "cfgclear" sleep 10 retry_command "cfgsave" do_command "cfgshow" add_status "Wait for switch to stabilize" 3 sleep 30 } }
proc setcontext_mercury {ls_fid} { global cl_ip_address_list set sut [lindex $cl_ip_address_list 0] global cl_PROMPT if {$ls_fid == 128} { set cmd "setcontext chassis" send_command "setcontext fcsw 128"
} else { set cmd "setcontext fcsw $ls_fid" send_command "setcontext fcsw $ls_fid" } expect { "Use Control-C to exit" { sleep 3 exp_send "\003" expect { -re ".*>.*" { if {[string first "Please logout" $expect_out(buffer)] >= 0} { add_status "$cmd command failed, working around by using logout and re-telnet" 1 end_telnet "logout" telnet_switch $sut } else { add_status "setcontext command succeeded, no need to use logout" 3 } } } } }
clear_buffer }
########################################################################### ## NAME ## ## setcontext_fid :will set the context of a particular ls ## ## SYNOPSIS ## setcontext_fid $ls_fid ## ## DESCRIPTION ## This procudure will set the context of the fid which you will pass it as argument ## ## OPERANDS ## Fabric id of the ls of which you want to set the context ## ## DEPENDENCIES ## NONE ## ## RETURN ## NONE ## ## USAGE ##
setcontext_fid $ls_fid
## ############################################################################# proc setcontext_fid {ls_fid} {
add_status "inside setcontext in virtual_switch_fabric.lib" 3 set timeout 60 global cl_PROMPT send_command "setcontext $ls_fid" expect { "Use Control-C to exit" { sleep 3 exp_send "\003" wait_for "until password is changed." } "ethsw" { setcontext_mercury $ls_fid } -re "$cl_PROMPT" { add_status "prompt received, no password change required" 3 } "requires VF to be enabled" { add_status "FOS responded that it \"requires VF to be enabled\" while issuing setcontext $ls_fid" 2 } timeout { add_status "setcontext $ls_fid command timed out, aborting" 2 } } clear_buffer }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
Deletes all the LS's in the SUT
## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
a)Moves all the ports in all the LS's including BS(Base switch) to DS(Default switch)
b)Deletes all the LS's and BS if all the ports are successfully moved to DS from
that LS instance
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ## 0: Failed to delete all LS's ## 1: Successful deletion of all the LS's ## ## ## USAGE ## delete_all_ls ##
############################################################################## ##### proc delete_all_ls {} { add_status "You are in delete all ls procedure" 3 global timeout set f_port_trunking_status 0 set return_type 1 set ls_fids "" set ds_fid "" set other_ls_fids "" global cl_PROMPT if {[check_firmware_version] >= 62} { add_status "Virtual Fabric is supported in this Loaded FOS" 3 #set switchType [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] #set switchType [parse_integer $switchType strict] if {[check_vf_capable_platform] == 1} { add_status "Verifying VF is enabled/disabled" 3 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {$vf_status == "disabled"} { add_status "VF is already disabled" 3 } else { set ls_fids [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] foreach fids $ls_fids { set str [regexp {\(.+?\)} $fids match] if {$str == 1 && $match == "(ds)"} { regexp {\d+} $fids ds_fid
#set ds_fid [string trimright $fids $match] } elseif {$str == 1 && $match == "(bs)"} { regexp {\d+} $fids match set other_ls_fids [linsert $other_ls_fids 0 $match] #set other_ls_fids [linsert $other_ls_fids 0 [string trimright $fids $match]] } elseif {$str == 1} { regexp {\d+} $fids match lappend other_ls_fids $match #lappend other_ls_fids [string trimright $fids $match] } else { lappend other_ls_fids $fids } } set ls_fids_len [llength $ls_fids] add_status "The total LS's are:$ls_fids; Of which DS is:$ds_fid and LS's are: $other_ls_fids" 3 if {$ls_fids_len > 1} { foreach fid $other_ls_fids { add_status "Switching to LS $fid" 3 setcontext_fid $fid sleep 10 set switchshow_output [get_command "switchshow"] set switchshow_info [split $switchshow_output "\n"] foreach line $switchshow_info { set ge_port ""
if {[regexp "\[x\]*ge\[0-9\]" $line ge_port] == 1} { set slot_num [string trim [lindex $line 0]] do_command "lscfg --config $ds_fid -slot $slot_num -port $ge_port -f" } } if {[cause "porttrunkarea --show enabled" "No ports have Trunk Area enabled"] != 0} { set f_port_trunking_status 1 do_command "switchshow" add_status "Disabling f-port trunking before moving the ports; ($f_port_trunking_status)" 3 set slot_port "" #set switchType [parse_integer [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] strict] set fport_trunk_list [split [get_command "porttrunkarea --show enabled"] "\n"] if {[get_switch_platform] > 12000} { foreach fport_list $fport_trunk_list { set port_type [trim_string [lindex $fport_list 2]] if {$port_type == "F-port" || $port_type == "--"} { set slot [lindex $fport_list 0] set port [lindex $fport_list 1] lappend slot_port "$slot/$port" set area [lindex $fport_list 5] } } } else { foreach fport_list $fport_trunk_list {
set port_type [trim_string [lindex $fport_list 1]] if {$port_type == "F-port" || $port_type == "--"} { lappend slot_port [lindex $fport_list 0] set area [lindex $fport_list 4] } } } add_status "the trunking info is:- area= $area; Port list is= $slot_port" 3 do_command "switchdisable" sleep 10 do_command "porttrunkarea --disable all" sleep 10 do_command "switchenable" sleep 30 } else { add_status "No trunking links were found hence continuing" 3 } set ports_info_before "" set ports_info_before [get_ports_info] add_status "The ports information is:\n $ports_info_before" 3 set ports_info_before_len [llength $ports_info_before] set list_of_ports "" set port1 "" set port "" if {$ports_info_before_len!= 0 && [regexp "No ports found in the system!!!" $ports_info_before] != 1} {
if {[check_ha_capable_platform] == 0} { foreach port1 $ports_info_before { lappend list_of_ports [lindex $port1 1] } add_status "The list of ports in LS($fid) are:$list_of_ports" 3 set list_of_ports [convert_portList_to_range [lsort -integer $list_of_ports]] foreach port $list_of_ports { send_command "lscfg --config $ds_fid -port $port" expect { "\\\[y/n]?:" { exp_send "y\r" wait_for "Please enable your ports/switch when you are ready to continue." #
exp_continue }
-re "$cl_PROMPT" {
} timeout { add_status "Command Timed out($timeout)" 2 } } } } elseif {[get_switch_platform] > 12000} { set slots [list] foreach port1 $ports_info_before { set slot [lindex $port1 1]
set port [lindex $port1 2] if {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} $port]} { lappend slots slot_$slot lappend slot_$slot $port } }
set slots [lsort -unique $slots] foreach sl $slots { set portrange [convert_portList_to_range [lsort -integer [set $sl]]] set slot [lindex [split $sl "_"] 1] add_status "Port range - $portrange for slot $slot" foreach port $portrange { send_command "lscfg --config $ds_fid -slot $slot -port $port" expect { "\\\[y/n]?:" { exp_send "y\r" wait_for "Please enable your ports/switch when you are ready to continue." #
exp_continue }
-re "$cl_PROMPT" {
} timeout { add_status "Command Timed out($timeout)" 2 }
} } unset $sl } } } setcontext_fid $ds_fid setcontext_fid $ds_fid add_status "Deleting LS with fid $fid" 3 set version [join [lrange [regexp -inline {([0-9])\.([0-9])\.*} [get_version]] 1 end] "" ] if { $version < "72" } { send_command "lscfg --delete $fid" } else { send_command "lscfg --delete $fid -force" } if {[wait_for "Switch successfully deleted." 200] == 0} { add_status "Successfully deleted LS($fid)" 3 } else { add_status "Failed to delete LS($fid) in given time" 1 } } add_status "checking for the successful deletion of LSwitches" 3 sleep 20 set ls_fids_after [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] set ls_fids_after_len [llength $ls_fids_after]
add_status "The LS after deletion are: $ls_fids_after; length: $ls_fids_after_len" 3 if {$ls_fids_after_len == 1} { add_status "All the LS's are successfully deleted" 3 set return_type 1 } else { add_status "The LS's [lrange $ls_fids_after 1 end] failed to be deleted" 1 set return_type 0 } ################################### # Reconfiguring the f-port truking ################################### if {$f_port_trunking_status == 1} { add_status "Reconfiguring the f-port trunking after deleting all the LS" 3 do_command "switchcfgtrunk 1" do_command "switchdisable" sleep 10 if {[check_ha_capable_platform] == 0} { foreach fport $slot_port { do_command "porttrunkarea --enable $fport -area $area" } } else { foreach fport $slot_port { do_command "porttrunkarea --enable $fport -index $area" } }
} else { add_status "No f-port trunking was enabled hence did not reconfigure" 3 do_command "switchdisable" sleep 10 } do_command "switchenable" sleep 30 if {[verify_command "switchShow" "(unconfirmed)" 20] == 0} { add_status "Switch still coming up" 3 } if {[cause "porttrunkarea --show enabled" "No ports have Trunk Area enabled"] == 0 && $f_port_trunking_status == 1} { add_status "Failed to reconfigure F-port trunking" 1 } elseif {$f_port_trunking_status == 0} { add_status "F-port trunking was not enabled initially itself" 3 } else { add_status "F-port trunking is reconfigured successfully" 3 } } else { add_status "There are no LS's created; could find only $ls_fids" 3 } } } else { add_status "Platform doesn't support VF###" 3 } } else {
add_status "Virtual Fabric is not supported in this loaded FOS" 3 } return $return_type } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
Disables virtual fabric feature on the switch, requires a complete reboot
## ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
a)Checks if all the LS's are deleted and
b)Then disables VF if all the switch instances are deleted succeessfully.
## ## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
## ## ## USAGE ## disable_virtual_fabric ## ############################################################################## ###### proc disable_virtual_fabric {} { add_status "You are in disable virtual fabric procedure" 3 set SUT [trim_string [get_after "ipaddrshow" "Ethernet IP Address:"]] add_status "The IP of the SUT is: $SUT" 3 if {[check_firmware_version] >= 62} { add_status "Virtual Fabric is supported in this Loaded FOS" 3 add_status "Verifying VF is enabled/disabled" 3 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {$vf_status == "enabled"} { set ls_fids [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] set ls_fids_len [llength $ls_fids] if {$ls_fids_len == 1} { add_status "No LS's detected; continuing with disabling of VF" 3 send_command "fosconfig --disable vf" puts "==>sending y" expect { "Would you like to continue" { exp_send "y\r" add_status "==>sending y"
} } sleep 60 end_telnet sleep 360 end_telnet if {[telnet_switch $SUT root fibranne] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $SUT failed" 0 } add_status "Verifying for successful disabling of VF" 3 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {$vf_status == "enabled"} { add_status "Failed to disable VF" 1 return -1 } else { add_status "VF is Successfully disabled" 3 } } else { add_status "The LS's $ls_fids failed to be deleted hence failed to disable VF" 1 return -1 } } else { add_status "VF is already disabled" 3 } } else {
add_status "Virtual Fabric is not supported in this loaded FOS" 3 } return 1 } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## verify_ls_presence ## ## SYNOPSIS ## verify_ls_presence ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
This procedure verifies for the presence of given LS FID by getting the list
of LS's created in SUT by executing lscfg --show
## ## OPERANDS ##
fid of the switch to be tested
## ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN ##
0: if it finds the fid among the LS's present on the switch
1: if it fails to locate the same
## ## USAGE ##
verify_ls_presence $ls_fid
verify_ls_presence 12
## ############################################################################## ###### proc verify_ls_presence {fid} { set ret "" set total_ls "" set ls_fid $fid set ls_fids [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] if {[llength $ls_fids] < 1} { sleep 10 set ls_fids [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] } foreach fids $ls_fids { set str [regexp {\(.+\)} $fids match] if {$str == 1} { lappend total_ls [string trimright $fids $match] } else { lappend total_ls $fids } } add_status "the total ls are:$total_ls;ls_fids=$ls_fids" 3 if {[lsearch $total_ls $ls_fid] != -1} {
add_status "Successfully created LS($ls_fid)" 3 set ret 0 } else { add_status "Failed to create LS($ls_fid),Please check" 1 set ret 1 } return $ret } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## move_online_port ## ## SYNOPSIS ## move_online_port ## ## DESCRIPTION ##
Moving the F-Port,L-Ports from DS to LS and E-ports from DS to BS.It takes
care of those f-ports with trunking (f-port trunking) enabled
## ## OPERANDS ##
The following operands had to be passed in the sequence
BS FID,LS FID,E-port list,F-port list,L-port list
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ##
move_online_port $bs_fid $ls_fid $switch_eport $switch_fport $switch_lport
## ############################################################################## ###### proc move_online_port {bs_fid1 ls_fid1 switch_eport1 switch_fport1 switch_lport1} { add_status "you are in move online port procedure" 3 proc port_movement {port_list lsfid} { add_status "you are about to move the ports" 3 set switch_port $port_list set ls_fid $lsfid set version [join [lrange [regexp -inline {([0-9])\.([0-9])\.*} [get_version]] 1 end] "" ] #set switchType [parse_integer [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] strict] set platform [get_switch_platform] foreach line $switch_port { if {$platform >= 12000} { if {[regexp "switchshow" $line] != 1} { #set status [lindex $line 6] if {[regexp "Online" $line]} { set slot [lindex $line 1] set port [lindex $line 2]
send_command "lscfg --config $ls_fid -slot $slot -port $port" expect { "\\\[y/n]?:" { exp_send "y\r" if {[wait_for "Logical Switch management operations. Please try again shortly."] == 0} { send_command "lscfg --config $ls_fid -slot $slot -port $port" exp_continue } elseif {[wait_for "Please enable your ports/switch when you are ready to continue."] == 0} { exp_continue } } } } elseif {$line == ""} { #add_status "ignore" 3 } else { add_status "Port $line is not online, Please check" 1 } } } else { if {[regexp "switchshow" $line] != 1} { #set status [lindex $line 4] if {[regexp "Online" $line]} { set port [lindex $line 1] send_command "lscfg --config $ls_fid -port $port"
expect { "\\\[y/n]?:" { exp_send "y\r" wait_for "Please enable your ports/switch when you are ready to continue." #
exp_continue } } } elseif {$line == ""} { #add_status "ignore" 3 } else { add_status "Port $line is not online, Please check" 1 } } } } } #set switchType [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] #set switchType [parse_integer $switchType strict] #add_status "switch_type is $switchType" 3 if {[check_vf_capable_platform] == 1} { add_status "It's a VF capable switch" 3 set platform [get_switch_platform] add_status "Platform is $platform" 3 set f_port_trunking_status 0 set switch_eport $switch_eport1
set switch_fport $switch_fport1 set switch_lport $switch_lport1 set ls_fids [trim_string [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*:"]] foreach fids $ls_fids { set str [regexp {\(.+?\)} $fids match] if {$str == 1 && $match == "(ds)"} { regexp {\d+} $fids ds_fid #set ds_fid [string trimright $fids $match] add_status "The DS is: $ds_fid" 3 } } set ls_fid [lindex $ls_fid1 0] if { $version < "72" } { send_command "lscfg --create $ls_fid" } else { send_command "lscfg --create $ls_fid -force" } wait_for "Switch successfully created." add_status "Checking for successful creation of the ls($ls_fid)" 3 if {[verify_ls_presence $ls_fid] != 0} { add_status "Failed to create LS($ls_fid), do consider to check" 1 } else { add_status "Successfully created LS($ls_fid)" 3 } set bs_fid [lindex $bs_fid1 0]
if { $version < "72" } { send_command "lscfg --create $bs_fid -b" } else { send_command "lscfg --create $bs_fid -b -force" } expect { "\\\[y/n]?:" { exp_send "y\r" wait_for "Switch successfully created." #
exp_continue } } do_command "switchenable" sleep 30 if {[verify_ls_presence $bs_fid] != 0} { add_status "Failed to create Base Switch($bs_fid), do consider to check" 1 } else { add_status "Successfully created Base switch($bs_fid)" 3 } ################################### # Moving E-ports ################################### set switch_eport [split $switch_eport "\n"] port_movement $switch_eport $bs_fid ###################################
# Moving F-ports ################################### if {$switch_fport != ""} { set switch_fport [split $switch_fport "\n"] #Checking for the presence of f-port trunking# add_status "checking for the presence of f-port trunking" 3 set fport_output "" set fport_output [get_command "porttrunkarea --show enabled"] if {[regexp "No ports have Trunk Area enabled" $fport_output] != 1} { set f_port_trunking_status 1 set area "" set slot_port "" do_command "switchshow" add_status "Disabling f-port trunking before moving the ports; ($f_port_trunking_status)" 3 #set switchType [parse_integer [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] strict] set fport_trunk_list [split [get_command "porttrunkarea --show enabled"] "\n"] if {[get_switch_platform] > 12000} { foreach fport_list $fport_trunk_list { set port_type [trim_string [lindex $fport_list 2]] if {$port_type == "F-port" || $port_type == "--"} { set slot [lindex $fport_list 0] set port [lindex $fport_list 1] lappend slot_port "$slot/$port" set area [lindex $fport_list 5]
} } } else { foreach fport_list $fport_trunk_list { set port_type [trim_string [lindex $fport_list 1]] if {$port_type == "F-port" || $port_type == "--"} { lappend slot_port [lindex $fport_list 0] set area [lindex $fport_list 4] } } } add_status "the trunking info is:- area= $area; Port list is= $slot_port" 3 do_command "switchdisable" sleep 10 do_command "porttrunkarea --disable all" sleep 10 do_command "switchenable" sleep 30 } else { add_status "No trunking links were found hence continuing" 3 } port_movement $switch_fport $ls_fid ################################### # Reconfiguring the f-port trunking ###################################
if {$f_port_trunking_status == 1} { add_status "Reconfiguring the f-port trunking after deleting all the LS" 3 setcontext_fid $ls_fid do_command "switchcfgtrunk 1" do_command "switchdisable" sleep 10 if {[check_ha_capable_platform] == 0} {
foreach fport $slot_port { do_command "porttrunkarea --enable $fport -area $area" } } else { foreach fport $slot_port { do_command "porttrunkarea --enable $fport -index $area" } } } else { add_status "No f-port trunking was enabled hence did not reconfigure" 3 do_command "switchdisable" sleep 5 } do_command "switchenable" sleep 30 if {[verify_command "switchShow" "(unconfirmed)" 20] == 0} { add_status "Switch still coming up" 3
} set fport_output [get_command "porttrunkarea --show enabled"] if {[regexp "No ports have Trunk Area enabled" $fport_output] == 1 && $f_port_trunking_status == 1} { add_status "Failed to reconfigure F-port trunking" 1 } elseif {$f_port_trunking_status == 0} { add_status "F-port trunking was not enabled initially itself" 3 } else { add_status "F-port trunking is reconfigured successfully" 3 } setcontext_fid $ds_fid } else { add_status "No F-port in the switch to move" 3 } ################################## # Moving L-ports ################################## if {$switch_lport != ""} { set switch_lport [split $switch_lport "\n"] port_movement $switch_lport $ls_fid } else { add_status "There are no L-port in the switch" 3 } sleep 30 } else { add_status "It's not a VF capable switch" 3
} }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Delete LS with specified FID.
# # RETURN #
0: On successful deletion of LS
1: On failure to delete LS
delete_ls 10
############################################################################## proc delete_ls {fid} { set return_value 0 set version [join [lrange [regexp -inline {([0-9])\.([0-9])\.*} [get_version]] 1 end] "" ] if { $version < "72" } { set command "lscfg --delete" } else { set command "lscfg --delete $fid -force" } if {[cause "$command" "Switch successfully deleted"] != 0} { set return_value 1 } return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Disables or enables VF
lf_flag: 1 to enabled LF and 0 to disable LF.
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
configure_lf 0
############################################################################## proc configure_lf {{lf_flag 1}} { global cl_PROMPT do_command "switchdisable" set timeout 1 if {$lf_flag == 0} { set str_to_send "n" } else { set str_to_send "y" } send_command "configure" expect { "Fabric parameters" {
exp_send "y\r" exp_continue } "Allow XISL Use" { exp_send "$str_to_send\r" exp_continue } "WARNING!! Disabling this parameter" { exp_send "y\r" exp_continue } -re "$cl_PROMPT" {
} default { exp_send "\r" exp_continue } } do_command "switchenable" }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Returns the FID of base switch.
# # RETURN #
bs_fid: FID of base switch.
# # USAGE #
############################################################################## proc get_base_switch_fid {} { set bs_fid "" set created_ls [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*: "] set ls_list [split $created_ls " "] set refined_ls_list "" foreach element $ls_list {
if {$element != ""} { lappend refined_ls_list $element } } foreach ls $refined_ls_list { if {[regexp {[0-9]+\(bs\)} $ls]} { regexp {[0-9]+\(bs\)} $ls bsid set bs_fid [parse_integer $bsid] } } return $bs_fid }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Returns list of LS FIDs
# # RETURN #
ls_fid: List of LS FIDs
# # USAGE #
############################################################################## proc get_logical_switch_fid {} { set ls_fid "" set created_ls [get_after "lscfg --show" "Created switches.*: "] set ls_list [split $created_ls " "] set refined_ls_list "" foreach element $ls_list { if {$element != ""} { lappend refined_ls_list $element } } foreach ls $refined_ls_list { if {![regexp {128\(ds\)} $ls] && ([regexp {[0-9]+\(bs\)} $ls] != 1)} { if {[regexp {\d+} $ls match]} { lappend ls_fid $match }
} } return $ls_fid }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Created LS with specified FID.
fid: LS FID
base_attribute: Indicates whether the LS is BS
# # RETURN #
0: On successful creation of LS
1: On failure to create LS
# # USAGE #
create_ls 10
############################################################################## proc create_ls {fid {base_attribute 0}} { set return_value 0 if {$base_attribute == 0} { if {[cause "lscfg --create $fid" "The system is not ready" 60] == 0} { set return_value 1 } } else { if {[cause "lscfg --create $fid -b -f" "The system is not ready" 60] == 0} { set return_value 1 } else { do_command "chassisenable" sleep 60 } } return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME # #
Indicates whether VF is enabled or not.
# # RETURN #
0: If VF is enabled
1: If VF is disabled
# # USAGE #
############################################################################## proc is_vf_enabled {} { set return_value 0 set vf_status [trim_string [get_after "fosconfig --show" "Virtual Fabric:"]] if {[string first "enabled" $vf_status] == -1 } { set return_value 1 }
return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Move specified ports to specified FID
fid: LS FID
port_range: Ports to be moved
slot_num: Slot on which ports are to be moved
# # RETURN #
0: On successful port movement
1: On failure to move ports
move_port_to_ls 10 0-5 3
############################################################################## proc move_port_to_ls {fid port_range {slot_num ""}} { global cl_ip_address set return_value 0 if {$slot_num == ""} { set port_move_string "-port $port_range" } else { set port_move_string "-slot $slot_num -port $port_range" } # if {[cause "lscfg --config $fid $port_move_string -f" "Configuration change successful" 300] != 0} { # #
set return_value 1 } set status [get_command "lscfg --config $fid $port_move_string -f" 100]
if {[regexp {Configuration change successful} $status] || [regexp {port is already in the current switch} $status]} { set return_value 1 } return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Verified whether GE ports are successfully moved to LS
num_ge_ports: Number of GE ports moved
# # RETURN #
0: On successful GE-Port movement
1: On failure to move GE-Ports
# # USAGE #
verify_ge_port_movement 1
############################################################################## proc verify_ge_port_movement {num_ge_ports} { set return_value 0 set offline_count 0 set disabled_count 0 set ge_port_count 0
if {$num_ge_ports == 1} { set expected_offline_count 8 } elseif {$num_ge_ports == 2} { set expected_offline_count 16 } set switchshow_info [get_command "switchshow"] set switchshow_info [split $switchshow_info "\n"] foreach line $switchshow_info { if {[regexp "Disabled" $line] == 1} { incr disabled_count } elseif {[regexp "Offline" $line] == 1} { incr offline_count } elseif {[regexp "FCIP" $line] == 1} { incr ge_port_count } } if {$disabled_count > 0} { set return_value 1 add_status "There are disabled GE/VE ports in in the logical switch" 3 } if {$ge_port_count != $num_ge_ports} { set return_value 1 add_status "Expected number of GE-Ports not present in the logical switch" 3 } if {$offline_count != $expected_offline_count} {
set return_value 1 add_status "Expected number of VE-channels not present in the logical switch" 3 } return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Verified lscfg --show for proper port assignment to LS
slot: Slot number
port: Port number
fid: LS FID
0: On successful port assignment to LS
1: On failed port assignment
# # USAGE #
verify_lscfg_output 10 5 10
############################################################################## proc verify_lscfg_output {slot port fid} { set return_value 0 parse_lscfgshow array if {$slot != "NONE"} { if {$array($slot/$port) != $fid} { set return_value 1 } } else { if {$array($port) != $fid} { set return_value 1 } } return $return_value }
############################################################################## # NAME # #
Disables/enables chassis for removing segmentation
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
############################################################################## proc chassis_disable_enable {} { do_command "chassisdisable" sleep 3 do_command "chassisenable" sleep 60 }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Clears def zone configuration
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
############################################################################## proc clear_defzone_cfg {} { global cl_ip_address_list foreach ip $cl_ip_address_list {
if {[set_spawn_id $ip] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to $ip failed" 0 } } do_command "switchdisable" default_zone "allaccess" clear_zonecfg do_command "switchenable" } sleep 60 }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Returns the zone list for specified FID from testbed file
fid: LS FID
# # RETURN #
zone_list: Zone list for specified FID taken from testbed file
# # USAGE #
get_zone_list_fid 10
############################################################################## proc get_zone_list_fid {fid} { global cl_zone_set_$fid set zone_list "" eval set zone_list_temp $\{cl_zone_set_$fid\} set zones [split $zone_list_temp ","] set num_zones [llength $zones] for {set zone_index 0} {$zone_index < $num_zones} {incr zone_index} { if {[regexp {[0-9]*-[0-9]*} [lindex $zones $zone_index]]} { set zone [split [lindex $zones $zone_index] "-"] for {set z_index [lindex $zone 0]} {$z_index <= [lindex $zone 1]} {incr z_index} { lappend zone_list $z_index } } else { lappend zone_list [lindex $zones $zone_index] }
} return $zone_list }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Returns the zone members for specified FID from testbed file
fid: LS FID
# # RETURN #
all_zone_list: Zone members for specified FID taken from testbed file
# # USAGE #
get_zone_mem_info 10
############################################################################## proc get_zone_mem_info {fid} { set zone_list [get_zone_list_fid $fid] foreach mem $zone_list { global cl_zone_$mem\_list } set all_zone_list "" set zone_name_mem_list "" foreach mem $zone_list { eval set zone_mem_list_temp $\{cl_zone_$mem\_list\} set zone_name [lindex $zone_mem_list_temp 0] set zone_mem "" for {set index 1} {$index < [llength $zone_mem_list_temp]} {incr index} { lappend zone_mem [lindex $zone_mem_list_temp $index] } lappend zone_name_mem_list $zone_name lappend zone_name_mem_list $zone_mem lappend all_zone_list $zone_name_mem_list set zone_name_mem_list "" } return $all_zone_list }
############################################################################## # NAME
Uploads configuration for specified FID
fid: LS FID
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
config_upload_vf 10
############################################################################## proc config_upload_vf {{fid "all"}} { global cl_network_path global cl_upload_file global cl_upload_passwd global cl_upload_host
global cl_upload_user
######################################################################### # Execute the configupload command. ######################################################################### add_status "Executing configupload command" 3
if {[upload_config $cl_upload_host $cl_upload_host $cl_upload_user $cl_upload_file "scp" $cl_upload_passwd $fid] == 0} { add_status "Configupload executed successfully" 3 } else { add_status "Configupload failed" 1 }
######################################################################### # Confirm configuration file is uploaded. #########################################################################
add_status "Verifying the uploaded configuration file" 3 if {[read_file $cl_network_path$cl_upload_file 1] > 0} { add_status "The Config Upload file could not be accessed using read_file" 1 } else { add_status "The configuration file uploaded was accessed successfully using
read_file" 3 } }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Executes configdefault -all to set configuration on all LS to factory
# # RETURN #
############################################################################## proc config_default_vf {} { do_command "chassisdisable" do_command "configdefault -all" sleep 10 do_command "diagdisablepost" sleep 5 complete_reboot "fastboot" "480" }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Downloads configuration for specified FID
fid: LS FID
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
config_download_vf 10
############################################################################## proc config_download_vf {{fid "all"}} { global cl_network_path global cl_upload_file global cl_upload_passwd global cl_upload_host global cl_upload_user
do_command "chassisdisable" sleep 5 if {[download_config $cl_upload_host $cl_upload_host $cl_upload_user $cl_upload_file "scp" $cl_upload_passwd $fid] == 0} { add_status "Configdownload executed successfully" 3 } else { add_status "ConfigDownload failed" 1 } do_command "chassisenable" sleep 60 }
############################################################################## # NAME #
Changes domain ID on switch to specified domain ID
domain_id: Domain ID of switch
# # RETURN #
# # USAGE #
change_dom_id 10
############################################################################## proc change_dom_id {domain_id} { global cl_PROMPT
do_command "switchdisable" set timeout 1 send_command "configure" expect { "Fabric parameters" { exp_send "y\r" exp_continue } "Domain:" { exp_send "$domain_id\r" exp_continue } -re "$cl_PROMPT" {
} default { exp_send "\r" exp_continue } } do_command "switchenable" sleep 20 }
########################################################################### ## NAME ##
verify_zones - verify that the zone is propogated properly in the fabric
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This procedure verifies zone configuration propogation in the fabric
## also returns the members of this zone ## ## OPERANDS ##
zone_name: name of the zone whose members needs to be checked
status: Checks Effective/Defined configuration based on input
user_ad_list: username, password and admindomain
ip_list: ipaddress of the fabric that needs to be checked for zone propogation
If nothing is specified it takes ipaddress from cl_ip_address_list
member list of the zone specified
## ## USAGE ##
verify_zone zone_first Effective
--> {10:00:00:00:c9:2b:9d:35 22:00:00:04:cf:03:4c:fa}
## ################################################################### proc verify_zones {zone_name status {fid "128"} {user_ad_list "root fibranne"} {ip_list ""}} { # Store the original ip address for login back to same spawn global cl_ip_address_list global cl_ip_address global spawn_id set username [lindex $user_ad_list 0] set pwd [lindex $user_ad_list 1] set ad [lindex $user_ad_list 2] set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
set orig_ip_address $cl_ip_address set status [string toupper $status] if {$ip_list==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list } # set ip_list [get_fabric_ips] foreach ip $ip_list { if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 }
} elseif {[set_spawn_id $ip] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip failed" 0 } }
if {$ad !=""} { ad_select $ad } if {($fid != 128) && ([is_vf_enabled] == 0)} { setcontext_fid $fid } retry_command "cfgshow" # Checks the Effective configuration for zone's if {$status=="EFFECTIVE"} { set cfgshow_output [get_command "cfgshow"] set cfgshow_string1 [regexp {Effective configuration:(.*)} $cfgshow_output cfgshow_string] } # Checks the Defined configuration for zone's if {$status =="DEFINED"} { set cfgshow_string [get_between "cfgshow" "Defined configuration:" "Effective configuration:|Type <CR> to continue "] } # Spliting the cfgshow by new line character
set cfgshow_list [split $cfgshow_string "\r\n"] # Variable that needs to be passed set members_list "" set first_line "" for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $cfgshow_list]} {incr i} { set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] # Search for zone expression in each of cfgshow line if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)} $cfgshow_line cfgshow_zone]} { if {[lsearch $cfgshow_zone $zone_name]!=-1} { for {set j 2} {$j<[llength $cfgshow_zone]} {incr j} { append first_line [lindex $cfgshow_zone $j] } if {$first_line!=""} { lappend members_list $first_line } while {$i< [expr [llength $cfgshow_list]-1]} { incr i set cfgshow_line [lindex $cfgshow_list $i] if {[llength $cfgshow_line]==0} { continue; } #Check if next zone, alias, config has started if so exit if {[regexp {(.*)ne:(.*)|(.*)as:(.*)|(.*)fg:(.*)} $cfgshow_line kk]} { break; }
lappend members_list $cfgshow_line } } } } set members_string [join $members_list ";"] set members_list [split $members_string ";"] set final_member_list "" foreach member $members_list { set final_member [string trim $member] if {[regexp {[a-zA-Z0-9:,-_]+} $final_member t]} { lappend final_member_list $final_member } } lappend zone_list $final_member_list if {$ip!=$orig_ip_address} { end_telnet "exit" } }
# Check whether zone is propogated properly through out the fabric through compare list set zone_member1 [lindex $zone_list 0] foreach zone_member $zone_list { set compare_result [compare_lists [lsort $zone_member1] [lsort $zone_member]] if {$compare_result != ""} {
add_status "$status zone configuration is not propogated properly through out fabric $compare_result" 1 } else { add_status "$status zone configuration is propogated properly through out the fabric === $compare_result" 3 } }
if {[set_spawn_id $orig_spawn_id] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $orig_ip_address $username $pwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $orig_ip_address failed" 0 } } return $zone_member1 }
proc enable_disable_switch {sw_mode {ls_fid "128"} {sw_ip ""}} { global cl_ip_address_list cl_ls_fid if {$sw_mode == "switchenable"} { set sw_state "Online" set sw_status "Enabled" } else { set sw_state "Offline" set sw_status "Disabled" } if {$sw_ip == ""} {
set sw_ip $cl_ip_address_list } foreach ip $sw_ip { if {[set_spawn_id $ip]!= 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip]!= 0} { add_status "Switch: $ip not available" 0 } } if {[is_vf_enabled] == 0} { setcontext_fid $ls_fid do_command $sw_mode sleep 20 } else { do_command $sw_mode sleep 20 } if {[string trim [get_after "switchshow" "switchState:"]] == $sw_state} { add_status "switch $ip $sw_status successfully" 3 } else { add_status "switch $ip not $sw_status successfully after $sw_mode" 1 } } }
proc get_switch_platform_type_old {} {
do_command "switchshow" set type [string trimleft [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] ] if {[regexp {(10|21|42|62|77)} $type]} { set sw_type 1 } else { set sw_type 0 } return $sw_type } ############################################### ############################################################################## # NAME #
This routine find the first valid Viking switch from the list of ip_addresses
ip_list : list containing IP address
ip_address : This is the first valid viking ip_address from the list
# # USAGE #
validate_viking_switch $cl_viking_ip_address_list
# ############################################################################## proc validate_viking_switch {viking_ip_list} { set viking_switchtype "44.0" set success_ip 0 ########################################################################## # Telnet to the viking switches specified in viking_ip_list" ########################################################################## add_status "Get the first viking switch from ip list" 3 set num_viking_switches [llength $viking_ip_list] if {[llength $viking_ip_list] == 0 } { add_status " There are no Viking switches in the list" 0 } else { foreach ip $viking_ip_list { if {[telnet_switch $ip] != 0 } { add_status "Unable to telnet to switch $ip " 0 } else { set switch_num [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] set switch_num [expr {floor($switch_num)}] if { [trim_string $switch_num] == $viking_switchtype } {
set success_ip 1 return $ip } end_telnet "exit"
} } if { $success_ip == 0 } { add_status " Couldn't get valid viking ip address " 0 } } } ############################################################################## # NAME #
This routine enables the range of ports on a given switch
# # OPERANDS # #
ipaddress start_port end_port
# # USAGE #
enable_ports [ip_address start_port end_port]
# ##############################################################################
proc enable_ports {ip start_port end_port} {
if { [set_spawn_id $ip] != 0 } { if { [telnet_switch $ip ] != 0 } { add_status " Unable to telnet to switch $ip" 0 } } for {set index $start_port} {$index < $end_port} {incr index } { do_command "portenable $index" } } ############################################################################## # NAME # #
This routine disable the range of ports on a switch and check whether
ports are in disabled state
ip_address start_port end_port
# # USAGE #
disable_ports [ip_address start_port end_port]
# ##############################################################################
proc disable_ports {ip start_port end_port} { if { [set_spawn_id $ip] != 0 } { if { [telnet_switch $ip ] != 0 } { add_status " Unable to telnet to switch $ip" 0 }
} for {set index $start_port} {$index < $end_port} {incr index } { do_command "portdisable $index" } sleep 5 set switchshowList [get_switchshow_info] set portDescriptorList [lindex $switchshowList 1] for {set index $start_port} {$index < $end_port } {incr index} { set value_to_be_compared [lindex [lindex [lindex $portDescriptorList $index] 6] 1] if {[string compare $value_to_be_compared "Disabled"] != 0 } { add_status " port $index is not Disabled " 1 } else { add_status "Port $index is disabled" } } } ############################################################################# # NAME #
This routine first check if the switch is viking switch then return the area
number directly. Otherwise convert the area number into slot/port format
return area_number if the switch is viking otherwise
return port_number (port is converted in slot/port format)
convert_viking_slottoport area_number
# ##############################################################################
proc convert_viking_slottoport {area_number} { set viking_switchtype "44.0" set switch_num [get_after "switchshow" "switchType:"] if { [trim_string $switch_num] == $viking_switchtype } { return $area_number } else { set port [convert_to_slotport area_number] return $port } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## cleanup_user ## ## SYNOPSIS ##
cleanup_user [ip_list]
This procedure will cleanup the users within the fabric
## ## OPERANDS ##
ip_list: Description for user profile
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful creation of user
1 : User account already exists
2 : Failed to create new user due to failure
## ## USAGE
create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" - Creating a user without assigning any AD
############################################################################## ###### proc cleanup_user {{ip_list ""}} { global cl_ip_address_list if {$ip_list ==""} { set ip_list $cl_ip_address_list } do_command "passwddefault" set fabric_info [get_fabric_info] foreach switch_info $fabric_info { if {[lsearch $ip_list [lindex $switch_info 2]]!=-1} { append sw_domain_list [lindex $switch_info 0] ";" } }
do_command "distribute -p pwd -d \"$sw_domain_list\"" sleep 30 } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
create_user user [role] [password] [AD list] [home AD] [CurrentVF] [VF List] [Description]
This procedure will create user with given role, password, AD members and home AD
## ## OPERANDS ##
user : name of the account
role : role of the account
admem_list: AD member list
adhome: Home AD
description: Description for user profile
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful creation of user
1 : User account already exists
2 : Failed to create new user due to failure
## ## USAGE ##
create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" - Creating a user without assigning any AD
## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "AD1 AD2 AD3" - Creatinga user with AD list "AD1 AD2 AD3" ## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "AD1 AD2 AD3" "AD2" - Creating user with AD list and home AD AD2 ## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "" "" "User with role user" - Creating user without AD but it has description
## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "AD1 AD2 AD3" "AD2" "test" -Creating user with AD list, home and description ## ############################################################################## ##### proc create_user {user {role ""} {password ""} {admem_list ""} {adhome ""} {description ""}} { global cl_PROMPT global cl_user_password if {$role == ""} { set role admin } if {$password == ""} { set password $cl_user_password } if {$description == ""} { set description "$user creation" }
if {$admem_list!=""} { set admem_string [join $admem_list ,] }
add_status "Creating the user $user with role $role and password $password" 3 set result 0 set command_to_send ""
if {($admem_list=="")&&($adhome=="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -l 128 -d \"$description\"" }
if {($adhome=="")&&($admem_list!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -a $admem_string -d \"$description\"" }
if {($adhome!="")&&($admem_list!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -h $adhome -a $admem_string -d \"$description\"" } send_command $command_to_send expect { "Named account already exists" { set result 1 add_status "$user account already exists" 3 exp_continue } "assword:" { sleep 1 exp_send "$password\r" exp_continue } "command not found" {
set result 2 add_status "Current user cannot create a user account" 3 exp_continue } "Maximum number of allowed accounts reached" { set result 2 add_status "Unable to create new user as maximun no. of allowed accounts reached" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account name" { set result 2 add_status "Invalid user account name $user" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account role" { set result 2 add_status "Invalid user account role $role" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid AD-ID" { # Message TBD set result 2 add_status "Invalid Admin Domain" 1 exp_continue } "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" { # Message TBD
set result 2 add_status "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" 1 exp_continue } "Home AD not present in user's AD permissions" { # Message TBD set result 2 add_status "Home AD not present in user's AD permission list" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account description" { set result 2 add_status "User account description exceeds maximum allowed length" 1 exp_continue } "has been successfully added" { set result 0 add_status "User account created successfully" 3 exp_continue } -re "$cl_PROMPT" { exp_continue } }
set show_res [verify_user_profile $user $role $admem_list $adhome $description]
set result 0 #
Need to handle AD Name now I am overlooking foreach ad $admem_list { if {($ad>=0)&&($ad<=255)} { set id 1 } else { set id 0 return 0 } } if {$admem_list==""} { set id 1 } if {$id==1} { set show_res [verify_user_profile $user $role $admem_list $adhome $description] if {($show_res!=0)} { add_status "Userconfig show doesn't show correct profile" 1 set result 2 } } return $result
} ############################################################################## ###### ############################################################################## ######
## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
create_user user [role] [password] [VF_ID list] [home VF] [Chassis Role] [Description]
This procedure will create user with given role, password, VF members and home VF
## ## OPERANDS ##
: name of the account
: role of the account
: VF list
: Home VF
vfchassis : Permission for chassis cli's
: Description for user profile
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful creation of user
1 : User account already exists
2 : Failed to create new user due to failure
## USAGE ##
create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" - Creating a user without assigning any FID
## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "FID1 FID2 FID3" - Creatinga user with VF FID list "FID1 FID2 FID3" ## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "FID1 FID2 FID3" "FID3" - Creating user with VF FID list and home FID3 ## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "" "" "User with role user" - Creating user without VF List but it has description ## create_user "USER1" "user" "passwd" "FID1 FID2 FID3" "FID2" "Creating User" -Creating user with VF list,home & descri ############################################################################## ##### proc create_uservf {user {role ""} {password ""} {vflist ""} {vfhome ""} {vfchassis ""} {description ""} {passexpire ""}} { global cl_PROMPT global cl_user_password global cl_tmp_logical_switch_fid_list
if {$role == ""} { set role admin } if {$password == ""} { set password $cl_user_password } if {$description == ""} { set description "$user creation" } if {$vflist!=""} {
set vf_string [join $vflist ,] } if {$vfchassis == ""} { set vfchassis admin }
add_status "Creating the user $user with role $role and password $password and chassis role $vfchassis" 3 set result 0 set command_to_send "" if {($vflist=="")&&($vfhome=="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -l [lindex $cl_tmp_logical_switch_fid_list 0] -h [lindex $cl_tmp_logical_switch_fid_list 0] -d \"$description\" -c $vfchassis" } if {($vflist!="")&&($vfhome!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -l $vf_string -h $vfhome -d \"$description\" -c $vfchassis" } if {$passexpire!=""} { append command_to_send " -x" }
send_command $command_to_send expect { "Named account already exists" { set result 1
add_status "$user account already exists" 3 exp_continue } "assword:" { sleep 1 exp_send "$password\r" exp_continue } "command not found" { set result 2 add_status "Current user cannot create a user account" 3 exp_continue } "Maximum number of allowed accounts reached" { set result 2 add_status "Unable to create new user as maximun no. of allowed accounts reached" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account name" { set result 2 add_status "Invalid user account name $user" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid role" { set result 2
add_status "Invalid user account role $role" 1 exp_continue } "An invalid VF_ID was specified" { set result 2 add_status "Invalid VF_ID" 1 exp_continue } "Maximum VF_ID list size exceeded" { set result 2 add_status "Maximum VF_ID list size exceeded" 1 exp_continue } "The Home VF specified is not present in the users VF permissions" { set result 2 add_status "Home AD not present in user's AD permission list" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account description" { set result 2 add_status "User account description exceeds maximum allowed length" 1 exp_continue } "has been successfully added" { set result 0
add_status "User account created successfully" 3 exp_continue } #
-re "$cl_PROMPT" {
} -re "$cl_PROMPT" { } timeout { add_status "Command Timed out($timeout)" 2 } } set result 0 return $result
} ############################################################################## ########################## ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ## user_passwd_failure param user [role] [password] [AD list] [home AD] [Description] ## ## DESCRIPTION ## ##
This procedure will handle invalid passwords passed for creating a user
param : password feature for which invalid scenarios have to be taken care
user : name of the account
role : role of the account
admem_list: AD member list
adhome: Home AD
description: Description for user profile
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful creation of user
1 : User account already exists
2 : Failed to create new user due to failure
## ## USAGE ## user_passwd_failure "repeat" "USER1" "user" "passwd" ## ############################################################################## ##### proc user_passwd_failure { param user {role ""} {password ""} {admem_list ""} {adhome ""} {description ""} } { global cl_PROMPT global cl_user_password set count 0
if {$role == ""} { set role admin } if {$password == ""} { set password $cl_user_password } if {$description == ""} { set description "$user creation" } if {$admem_list!=""} { set admem_string [join $admem_list ,] } add_status "Creating the user $user with role $role and password $password" 3 set result 0 set command_to_send ""
if {($admem_list=="")&&($adhome=="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -d \"$description\"" } if {($adhome=="")&&($admem_list!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -a $admem_string -d \"$description\"" }
if {($adhome!="")&&($admem_list!="")} {
set command_to_send "userConfig --add $user -r $role -h $adhome -a $admem_string -d \"$description\"" } send_command $command_to_send switch $param { "repeat" { expect { "Enter new password:" { exp_send "$password\r" incr count exp_continue
} "Password contains more repeated characters than allowed" { add_status "Password contains more repeated characters than allowed string " 3 exp_continue } "Password must be between 8 and 40 characters long." { add_status " Password supplied must be satisfying the basic conditions " 1 } "Failed to get user account password" { if {$count != 3 } { add_status "Account creation successful eventhough it violates passwd policy" 1 } else { add_status "Account creation Unsuccessful " 3 }
} } } "sequence" { expect { "Enter new password:" { exp_send "$password\r" incr count exp_continue
} "Password contains more character sequences than allowed" { add_status "Password contains more characters in sequence than allowed " 3 exp_continue } "Password must be between 8 and 40 characters long." { add_status " Password supplied must be satisfying the basic conditions " 1 } "Failed to get user account password" { if {$count != 3 } { add_status "Account creation successful eventhough it violates passwd policy" 1 } else { add_status "Account creation Unsuccessful " 3 } }
} } } } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
remove_user user
This procedure will remove user $user account from the switch
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
0 : success
1 : failed to remove the user from the switch
## ## USAGE
remove_user "USER1"
## ############################################################################## ##### proc remove_user {user} { add_status "Removing user account $user from the switch" 3 if {[do_command "userconfig --delete $user"] != 0} { add_status "Unable to delete the account $user form the switch" 1 return 1 } return 0 }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verify_user_profile user [role] [ad_list] [home_ad] [description]
This procedure will check whether user was created successfully with
role, home AD, AD list. These are passed as argument
user : name of the account
role : role of the account
ad_list: AD member list
home_ad: Home AD
description: Description for user profile
## ## RETURN ##
0 : User profile verification passed
1 : User profile verification failed
## ## USAGE ##
verify_user_profile "USER1" "admin" "1 3" 1 "User Check"
## ############################################################################## ##### proc verify_user_profile {user {role ""} {ad_list ""} {home_ad ""} {description ""}} { # Verifying whether the user is created successfully add_status "Verifying profile of user $user" 3 set userconf_list [get_command "userconfig --show $user" 10] set ad_list [lsort -integer $ad_list] if {[regexp "Account name: $user" $userconf_list] != 1} { add_status "User $user profile doesnot exists" 1 return 1
} if {$role !=""} { if {[regexp "Role: $role" $userconf_list] != 1} { add_status "User not created with role $role " 1 return 1 } } if {$ad_list!=""} { set parameter "AD membership: " set parameter1 "Home AD" if {[regexp ($parameter)(.*)($parameter1) $userconf_list expression expression1 user_ad]} { foreach ad $user_ad { if {[regexp {([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)} $ad]} { set ad_range [split $ad -] for {set i [lindex $ad_range 0]} {$i<=[lindex $ad_range 1]} {incr i} { append user_ad_list $i " " } } else { append user_ad_list $ad " " } } } set compare_result [compare_lists [lsort $user_ad_list] [lsort $ad_list]] if {$compare_result != ""} {
add_status "There is variation in AD list configured $ad_list and shown $user_ad_list" 1 } }
if {$home_ad!=""} { if {[regexp "Home AD: $home_ad" $userconf_list] != 1} { add_status "Home AD is wrong" 1 return 1 } } if {$description!=""} { if {[regexp "Description: $description" $userconf_list] != 1} { add_status "Description for user is wrong" 1 return 1 } } return 0 }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
verify_user_admember user AD_list
This procedure will check whether the user has the ad members specified.
## ## OPERANDS ##
user : name of the account
ad_list : AD member list
## ## RETURN ##
0 : AD member present for this particular user
1 : AD memeber is not part of this particular user
## ## USAGE ##
verify_user_admember "USER1" "1 3 4"
## ############################################################################## ##### proc verify_user_admember {user ad_list} { # Verifying whether ad_memeber is present set return_value 0 set userconf_list [get_command "userconfig --show $user"] set ad_list [lsort -integer $ad_list]
set parameter "AD membership: " set parameter1 "Home AD"
if {[regexp ($parameter)(.*)($parameter1) $userconf_list expression expression1 user_ad]} { foreach ad $user_ad { if {[regexp {([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)} $ad]} { set ad_range [split $ad -] for {set i [lindex $ad_range 0]} {$i<=[lindex $ad_range 1]} {incr i} { append user_ad_list $i " " } } else { append user_ad_list $ad " " } } }
foreach ad $ad_list { if {[lsearch $user_ad_list $ad] == -1} { set return_value 1 } } return $return_value }
###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verify_user_adhome user ad
This procedure will check whether the user has specified AD as its home AD.
## ## OPERANDS ##
user : name of the account
ad : AD
## ## RETURN ##
0 : AD is home AD for this particular user
1 : AD is not home AD for this particular user
## ## USAGE ##
verify_user_adhome "USER1" "3"
## ############################################################################## #####
proc verify_user_adhome {user ad} { # Verifying whether Home AD is the given AD set return_value 0 set userconf_list [get_command "userconfig --show $user"] if {[regexp {(Home AD: )(.*)} $userconf_list i j ad_home] == 1} { if {$ad_home!=$ad} { set return_value 1 } } return $return_value } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verify_passwd_configuration parameter value
This routine will try to verify if the correct password attribute is set
## ## OPERANDS ## parameter: password configuration parameter (example: repeat,sequence etc) ## ##
value: value that needs to verified for that particular password parameter
## ## RETURN ## 0 - Success ##
1 - Failure
## ## USAGE ##
verify_passwd_configuration "repeat" "3"
## ############################################################################## ##### proc verify_passwd_configuration {parameter value} { set parameter [string tolower $parameter] set passwd_configuration passwdcfg.$parameter: set parameter_value [trim_string [get_after "passwdcfg --show" $passwd_configuration]] if {$value==$parameter_value} { return 0 } else { return 1 } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
add_ad_to_user user ad_list [ad_home]
This routine is used to add AD/homeAD to the user
## ## OPERANDS ## ## ##
user : name of the account ad_list : List of AD's that needs to be added ad_home: Home AD that will be modified
## ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful additon of AD to user
1 : failed to add AD to the user
## ## USAGE ##
add_ad_to_user "USER1" "AD1 AD2 AD3" "AD2" - Adding AD and Home AD
## add_ad_to_user "USER1" "AD1 AD2 AD3" modifying the Home AD ##
- Adding only the AD memebers not
############################################################################## ##### proc add_ad_to_user {user admem_list {adhome ""}} { global cl_PROMPT
set admem_string [join $admem_list ,] add_status "Adding ad $admem_list to user $user" 3 set result 0 set command_to_send ""
if {($adhome=="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --addad $user -a $admem_string" }
if {($adhome!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --addad $user -h $adhome -a $admem_string" }
send_command $command_to_send expect { "command not found" { set result 1 add_status "Current user cannot create a user account" 3 exp_continue } "Maximum number of allowed accounts reached" {
set result 1 add_status "Unable to create new user as maximun no. of allowed accounts reached" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account name" { set result 1 add_status "Invalid user account name $user" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid AD-ID" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Invalid Admin Domain" 1 exp_continue } "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" 1 exp_continue } "Home AD not present in user's AD permissions" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Home AD not present in user's AD permission list" 1 exp_continue } "New Ads for account $user has been successfully added" {
set result 0 add_status "AD added successfully" 3 exp_continue } -re "$cl_PROMPT" { exp_continue } } set show_res [verify_user_admember $user $admem_list] if {$show_res != 0} { add_status "userconfig show doesn't show the added AD memeber $admem_list" 1 set result 2 } if {$adhome!=""} { set show_res [verify_user_adhome $user $adhome] if {$show_res != 0} { add_status "userconfig show doesn't show the added home AD memeber" 1 set result 2 } } return $result }
############################################################################## ######
## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
delete_ad_from_user user ad_list [ad_home]
This routine is used to delete AD/home AD from the user
## ## OPERANDS ## ## ##
user : name of the account ad_list : List of AD's that needs to be added ad_home: Home AD that will be modified
## ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN ##
0 : successful deletion of AD to user
1 : failed to delete AD from the user
## ## USAGE ##
delete_ad_from_user "USER1" "AD1 AD2 AD3" "AD2" - deleting AD and Home AD
delete_ad_from_user "USER1" "AD1 AD2 AD3"
- deleting only the AD memebers
## ############################################################################## ##### proc delete_ad_from_user {user admem_list {adhome ""}} { global cl_PROMPT
set admem_string [join $admem_list ,] add_status "Deleting ad $admem_list from user $user" 3 set result 0 set command_to_send ""
if {($adhome=="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --deletead $user -a $admem_string" }
if {($adhome!="")} { set command_to_send "userConfig --deletead $user -h $adhome -a $admem_string" }
send_command $command_to_send expect { "command not found" { set result 1 add_status "Current user cannot create a user account" 3 exp_continue }
"Maximum number of allowed accounts reached" { set result 1 add_status "Unable to create new user as maximun no. of allowed accounts reached" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid user account name" { set result 1 add_status "Invalid user account name $user" 1 exp_continue } "Invalid AD-ID" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Invalid Admin Domain" 1 exp_continue } "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Maximum AD_ID list size exceeded" 1 exp_continue } "Home AD not present in user's AD permissions" { # Message TBD set result 1 add_status "Home AD not present in user's AD permission list" 1 exp_continue }
"New Ads for account $user has been successfully deleted" { set result 0 add_status "AD added successfully" 3 exp_continue } -re "$cl_PROMPT" { exp_continue } } set show_res [verify_user_admember $user $admem_list] if {$show_res != 1} { add_status "userconfig show displays the deleted AD memeber" 1 set result 2 } if {$adhome!=""} { set show_res [verify_user_adhome $user $adhome] if {$show_res != 1} { add_status "userconfig show displays the deleted home AD memeber" 1 set result 2 } } return $result }
############################################################################## ######
## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
login_user ip_address user passwd
This procedure will login as user, and stores the spawn_id as
two dimension spawn_user_id array
Example: spawn_user_id(,user1)
## ## OPERANDS ## ## ##
ip_address : IP address of the switch user : User name to login the switch passwd : Password of the user
global two dimenstional array should be present in the main program
## Example: set spawn_user_id(,user1) "" ## ## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE
login_user user1 password
## ############################################################################## ##### proc login_user {ip_address user passwd} { global array spawn_user_id global spawn_id if {[set_spawn_id $spawn_user_id($ip_address,$user)] != 0} { if {[telnet_switch $ip_address $user $passwd] != 0} { add_status "Telnet to switch $ip_address failed" 0 } } set spawn_user_id($ip_address,$user) $spawn_id }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ## verify_failure_nondist_cfgdownload ## ## SYNOPSIS ## verify_failure_nondist_cfgdownload ## ## DESCRIPTION ## This routine will try to download the configuration filter parameter to the switch and verify that configuration \ ##
parameters cannot be downloaded when switch is enabled
## ## RETURN ##
## ## USAGE ## verify_failure_nondist_cfgdownload param "value" ## ############################################################################## #####
proc verify_failure_nondist_cfgdownload { } {
global cl_upload_host global cl_upload_user global cl_upload_file global cl_upload_passwd set protocol ftp set return_value 0 set timeout 300 exp_send "configDownload\r"
expect { "may not be executed" { add_status "Switch must be disabled first." 1 } "erver Name " { exp_send "$cl_upload_host\n" exp_continue } "ser Name " {
exp_send "$cl_upload_user\n" exp_continue } "ile Name " { exp_send "$cl_upload_file\n" exp_continue } "rotocol (" { exp_send "\n" exp_continue } "assword:" { exp_send "$cl_upload_passwd\n" exp_continue }
"Do you want to continue" { exp_send "y\n" exp_continue } "ogin incorrect." { add_status "config_download failed. Login incorrect." 1 } "ermission denied." { add_status "config_download failed. Permission denied." 1 } "load failed" { add_status "config_download failed. (Incorrect host / user / password ?)" 1 } "load complete" { add_status "Config download performed even when switch was not disabled " 1 set return_value 1 } "configDownload not permitted" { add_status " Verified that Configuration file cannot be downloaded to the switch without disabling it" 3 set return_value 0 } "Can only execute this command on the Primary FCS switch" { add_status " Verified that Configuration file cannot be downloaded to the backup FCS switch without disabling it" 3 set return_value 0
timeout { add_status "configDownload timed out." 1 } } clear_buffer return $return_value }
proc verify_success_nondist_cfgdownload { } {
global cl_upload_host global cl_upload_user global cl_upload_file global cl_upload_passwd set protocol ftp set return_value 0 set timeout 300 exp_send "configDownload\r" expect { "may not be executed" { add_status "Switch must be disabled first." 1 } "erver Name " {
exp_send "$cl_upload_host\n" exp_continue } "ser Name " {
exp_send "$cl_upload_user\n" exp_continue } "ile Name " { exp_send "$cl_upload_file\n" exp_continue } "rotocol (" { exp_send "\n" exp_continue } "assword:" { exp_send "$cl_upload_passwd\n" exp_continue } "Do you want to continue" { exp_send "y\n" exp_continue } "ogin incorrect." {
add_status "config_download failed. Login incorrect." 1 } "ermission denied." { add_status "config_download failed. Permission denied." 1 } "load failed" { add_status "config_download failed. (Incorrect host / user / password ?)" 1 } "load complete" { add_status "Config download performed even when Primary FCS switch was not disabled "3 set return_value 1 } "configDownload not permitted" { add_status " Configuration file cannot be downloaded to the switch without disabling it" 1 set return_value 0 } "Can only execute this command on the Primary FCS switch" { add_status "Current Switch is a Primary FCS Switch" 1 set return_value 0 }
timeout { add_status "configDownload timed out." 1 }
} clear_buffer return $return_value }
##################################################### ################### ## NAME ##
verify_required_index - verifies if the minimum required
index is in a list
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verify_required_index list min_index [error_level]
Verifies if the minimum required index is in a list
## ## OPERANDS ##
min_index: The minimum required index. The default
## ## ## ##
A list for verifying required index.
ist set to 1 if not specified. error_level: Error level for add_status. The default is set to 0 if not specified.
## ## RETURN ##
<index>: returns 0 if required number of index is in the list,
else will return the number of indexes needed to reach the
required number.
## ## USAGE ##
set index [verify_required_index $ip_list $min_ip $error_level]
if {$index != 0} {
add_status "this list needs $index more indexes to reach its
## ##
required index." }
proc verify_required_index {list_ {min_index_ 1} {error_level_ 0}} { set return_value 0 if {[llength $list_] < $min_index_} { add_status "Missing index(es), need at least $min_index_ in this list" $error_level_ set return_value [expr $min_index_ - [llength $list_]] } return $return_value }
################### ## NAME ##
login_all_ips - login to all ip addresses
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
login_all_ips ip_list min_ip [error_level]
Verifies if the minimum required ip addresses is in
the ip list and login to all ip addresses.
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ##
A list of ip addresses to login. The minimum required ip addresses. The Default
is set to 1 if nothing is specified. error_level: Error level for add_status. The default is set
to 0 if nothing is specified.
## ## RETURN ##
<index>: If verification succeeds, returns 0 if all ip address
logins are successful, else will return the number of
logins that weren't successful.
If verification fails, returns the number of ip's
needed to reach the required number.
## ## USAGE ##
if {[login_all_ips $ip_list] == 0} {
## ##
add_status "All ip logins are successful" } else {
## ##
add_status "not all ip logins are successful" }
proc login_all_ips {ip_list_ {min_ip_ 1} {error_level_ 0}} { set return_value 0
set index [verify_required_index $ip_list_ $min_ip_ $error_level_] if {$index != 0} { set return_value $index } else { for {set count 0} {$count < [llength $ip_list_]} {incr count 1} { if {[telnet_switch [lindex $ip_list_ $count]] == 1} { add_status "Switch [lindex $ip_list_ $count] not available" $error_level_ incr return_value 1 } } }
return $return_value }
################### ## NAME ##
get_list_intersection - gets the intersection of two lists
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
get_list_intersection element list
Gets the intersection of two lists.
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
<list_intersection>: returns the intersection of two lists, else
## ## ## USAGE
will return "" if nothing is found.
set intersection [get_list_intersection $list1 $list2]
proc get_list_intersection {list1_ list2_} { set return_list "" foreach tmp1 $list2_ { foreach tmp2 $list1_ { if {$tmp1 == $tmp2} { lappend return_list $tmp1 } } } return $return_list }
################### ## NAME ##
get_list_opposite_of_intersection - gets the opposite of
intersection of two lists
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
get_list_opposite_of_intersection element list
Gets the opposite of intersection of two lists.
## ## OPERANDS ##
## ## RETURN ##
<list_intersection>: returns the opposite of intersection of
two lists, else will return "" if
nothing is found.
## ## USAGE ##
set var [get_list_opposite_of_intersection $list1 $list2]
proc get_list_opposite_of_intersection {list1_ list2_} { set return_list "" foreach tmp1 $list2_ { set boolean 0 foreach tmp2 $list1_ { if {$tmp1 == $tmp2} { set boolean 1 break
} } if {$boolean == 0} { lappend return_list $tmp1 } } return $return_list }
################### ## NAME ##
reboot_host - reboots a sun host
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
get_list_opposite_of_intersection element list
Reboots a sun hust with the "reboot -- -r" command
## ## OPERANDS ##
host_ip: host ip address
host_user: host username
host_pass: host password
wait_for: For logging back into the host to ensure it is back
up from a reboot. Will sleep for specified seconds
and then ensure host is back up. If value given
is 0, it will skip the verification completely.
Will default to 60 if nothing is specified.
## ## RETURN ##
<return>: returns 0 if host successfully rebooted, or a value
greater than 0 if not.
## ## USAGE ##
if {[reboot_host $host_ip] == 0} {
## ##
add_status "host has been successfully rebooted" }
#proc reboot_host {host_ip_ {host_user_ ""} {host_pass_ ""} {wait_for_ 60}} { #
global cl_PROMPT
global cl_HOST_PROMPT
global cl_is_last_command
global spawn_id
# # #
if {$host_user_ == ""} { global cl_host_name
set host_user_ $cl_host_name
if {$host_pass_ == ""} {
global cl_host_pass
set host_pass_ $cl_host_pass
if {($host_user_ == "") || ($host_pass_ == "")} {
# #
return 1 }
# #
set orig_prompt $cl_PROMPT
set orig_spawn_id $spawn_id
set orig_ilc $cl_is_last_command
# #
telnet_switch $host_ip_ $host_user_ $host_pass_
set cl_is_last_command 1
set return_value [do_command "reboot -- -r"]
# #
if {$wait_for_ > 0} {
sleep $wait_for_
set return_value [telnet_switch $host_ip_ $host_user_ $host_pass_]
if {$return_value == 0} {
end_telnet "exit"
# #
} }
# #
set cl_PROMPT $orig_prompt
set spawn_id $orig_spawn_id
set cl_is_last_command $orig_ilc
return $return_value
proc reboot_host { args } { global cl_ERROR
set argc [llength $args]
if {$argc == 1} { set spawn_id [lindex $args 0] } elseif {$argc == 3} { set system_name [lindex $args 0] set user [lindex $args 1] set password [lindex $args 2] if {[telnet_host $system_name $user $password] != -1} { add_status "$system_name is up successfully; reboot it!" } else { add_status "$system_name is not up successfully, cannot reboot it." 1 return $cl_ERROR
} }
set system [get_uname]
if {$system == "HP-UX"} { send -- "shutdown -r now\r" sleep 300 puts "system rebooted!" return 0 } else { send -- "reboot -- -r\r" expect -exact "Connection closed by foreign host." { sleep 120 } puts "system rebooted!" return 0 }
} #############################################
################### ## NAME ##
verify_fabric_io - Verifies traffic throughout a fabric.
verify_fabric_io ip_list [target_list] [performance]
Verifies traffic on each device port in a fabric.
Note, traffic is verified by comparing the average
portperfshow to a performance limit (in bytes).
## ## OPERANDS ##
List of IP addresses of the switches that traffic is
desired to be verified. There must be connections
already open to the switches and available by spawn_id.
target_list: List of targets by WWN or Domain/Port format that
specifies which targets are desired for traffic
verification. The default is all targets if no list
is specified.
performance: An integer that represents the least amount of
performance (in bytes) that is acceptable for traffic
to be verified on a port. The default is 150000 bytes
if nothing is specified.
verify_switch_io: verifies traffic for each switch
## ## RETURN ##
<failure_number>: returns 0 if traffic on all switches in the fabric
was successfully verified, else will return the
number of switches that failed verification.
## ## USAGE ##
if {[verify_fabric_io $cl_ip_address_list $target_list] > 0} {
## ##
add_status "traffic was not verified" 1 } else {
## ##
add_status "traffic was successfully verified" 3 }
proc verify_fabric_io {ip_list_ {target_list_ ""} {performance_ 150000}} { global spawn_id
set return_value 0 set original_spawn_id $spawn_id foreach ip $ip_list_ { if {[set_spawn_id $ip] == 0} { if {[verify_switch_io $target_list_ $performance_] > 0} { incr return_value 1 } } } set spawn_id $original_spawn_id return $return_value
################### ## NAME ##
verify_switch_io - Verifies traffic on a switch.
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
verify_switch_io [target_list] [performance]
Verifies traffic on each device port in a switch.
Note, traffic is verified by comparing the average
portperfshow to a performance limit (in bytes).
## ## OPERANDS ##
target_list: List of targets by WWN or Domain/Port format that
specifies which targets are desired for traffic
verification. The default is all targets if no list
is specified.
performance: An integer that represents the least amount of
performance (in bytes) that is acceptable for traffic
to be verified on a port. The default is 150000 bytes
if nothing is specified.
## ## RETURN ##
<failure_number>: returns 0 if traffic on all ports in the switch
was successfully verified, else will return the
number of ports that failed verification.
## ## USAGE ##
if {[verify_switch_io $target_list_ $performance_] > 0} {
## ##
add_status "traffic was not verified" 1 } else {
## ##
add_status "traffic was successfully verified" 3 }
proc verify_switch_io {{target_list_ ""} {performance_ 150000}} { set switch_type [get_switch_platform] set target_list_ [get_device_areas $target_list_] set return_value 0
foreach target $target_list_ { if {$switch_type > 4100} { set target [convert_to_slotport $target] } if {$switch_type == 3900} { set tmp_matrix [get_avg_switch_perf 50] set tmp_perf [extract_port_perf $tmp_matrix $target] } else { set tmp_perf [get_avg_port_perf $target 50] } if {$tmp_perf < 0} { set tmp_perf [expr $tmp_perf * -1] } if {$tmp_perf < $performance_} { add_status "The throughput on port $target is less than $performance_!!" 1 add_status "The throughput was $tmp_perf" incr return_value 1 } else { add_status "Traffic on port $target is confirmed!!" 3 add_status "The throughput was $tmp_perf" } clear_buffer } return $return_value }
## NAME ##
get_device_areas - Gets the Pid areas all devices
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
get_device_areas [device_list]
Converts local devices into Pid area format.
Note, there is still an outstanding issue with legacy and core
Pid differentiation. This function assumes all Pids are in
core Pid format.
## ## OPERANDS ##
device_list: List of devices by WWN or Domain/Port format that
specifies which devices are desired to be converted
into Pid area format. The default is all devices
if no list is specified.
## ## RETURN ##
<area_list>: returns a list of all Pid areas found. Will return
"" if nothing was found.
## ## USAGE ##
set target_list [get_device_areas $target_list_]
proc get_device_areas {{device_list_ ""}} { set return_value "" set temp_list [get_device_pids]
if {$device_list_ == ""} { if {$temp_list != ""} { foreach single_pid $temp_list { set pid_area [convert_to_dec [get_pid_port $single_pid]] set return_value [lappend_unique $return_value $pid_area] } } } else { set local_devices [get_devices] foreach member $device_list_ { # if it is in "domain,port" format, change to "domain port"
set member [replace_string $member "," " "] set member [string tolower $member] foreach local_device $local_devices { set new_member "" if {([string first $member $local_device] >= 0) || ([convert_to_domain_port [lindex $local_device 0]] == $member)} { set new_member [convert_to_dec [get_pid_port [lindex $local_device 0]]] set return_value [lappend_unique $return_value $new_member] } } } }
return $return_value } ################################################### ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will give the list of port members, status and failover from TI zone
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN: ## List containing: ## port_list ## status ## failover ## ## USAGE ##
get_ti_zone_show zone1
## ############################################################################## #####
proc get_ti_zone_show {name} { set firmware_version [get_version] regexp {v[0-9]+.[0-9]+} $firmware_version version_string set zone_show_output [get_command "zone --show $name"] set zone_show_list [lrange [split $zone_show_output "\n"] 0 end-1]
if {[string compare $version_string "v6.1"] == 0} { foreach elem $zone_show_list { set elem [trim_string $elem] if {[regexp {(Port List:)(.*)} $elem i j k] == 1} { set port_list "" set port_list [trim_string $k] } if {[regexp {(Status:)(.*)(Failover:)} $elem i j k] == 1} { set status [trim_string $k] } if {[regexp {(Failover:)(.*)} $elem i j k] == 1} { set failover [trim_string $k] } } set port_list [split $port_list ";"] foreach port $port_list { set port [trim_string $port] if {$port!=""} { append port_list1 $port " " } } set zone_show_list "{$port_list1} $status $failover" return $zone_show_list } else { foreach elem $zone_show_list {
set elem [trim_string $elem] if {[regexp {(Port List:)(.*)} $elem i j k] == 1} { set port_list "" set port_list [trim_string $k] } elseif {![regexp {Configured|Enabled} $elem]} { append port_list $elem add_status "Ari:port list is $port_list" } if {[regexp {(Configured Status:)(.*)(/ Failover-)} $elem i j k] == 1} { add_status "Stats is $i, $j, $k" set status [trim_string $k] } if {[regexp {(Failover-)(.*)} $elem i j k] == 1} { add_status "failover is $i, $j, $k" set failover [trim_string $k] } } set port_list [split $port_list ";"] foreach port $port_list { set port [trim_string $port] if {$port!=""} { append port_list1 $port " " } } add_status "list1 $port_list1"
set zone_show_list "{$port_list1} $status $failover" return $zone_show_list } } ############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will create ti zone with port members
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## port_list - List of ports(D,P) ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN ## ## USAGE ##
To create TI zone with list of parameters
ti_zone_create zone1 {1,1 1,3}
## ############################################################################## #####
proc ti_zone_create {name member_list {failover ""} {activate ""}} {
set i 0 foreach member $member_list { if {$i!=0} { append member_string ";" } incr i append member_string [join $member ";"] } set member_string \"$member_string\" if {($failover=="")&&($activate=="")} { do_command "zone --create -t ti $name -p $member_string" } if {($failover=="")&&($activate!="")} { do_command "zone --create -t ti -o d $name -p $member_string" } if {($failover!="")&&($activate=="")} { do_command "zone --create -t ti -o n $name -p $member_string" } if {($failover!="")&&($activate!="")} {
do_command "zone --create -t ti -o dn $name -p $member_string" } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will add port members to ti zone
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## port_list - List of ports(D,P) ## failover- f(failover enable) ##
n(failover disable)
## activate- a(activate) ##
## ## DEPENDENCIES ## ##
## RETURN ## ## USAGE ##
To add TI zone with list of parameters
ti_zone_add zone1 {1,1 1,3}
## ############################################################################## #####
proc ti_zone_add {name member_list {failover ""} {activate ""}} { set member_string "" set i 0 foreach member $member_list { if {$i!=0} { append member_string ";" } incr i append member_string [join $member ";"] } set member_string \"$member_string\" if {($failover=="")&&($activate=="")} { do_command "zone --add $name -p $member_string" } if {($failover=="")&&($activate!="")} { do_command "zone --add -o d $name -p $member_string" }
if {($failover!="")&&($activate=="")} { do_command "zone --add -o an $name -p $member_string" } if {($failover!="")&&($activate!="")} { do_command "zone --add -o dn $name -p $member_string" } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will remove port members from TI zone
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## port_list - List of ports(D,P) ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN ## ## USAGE ##
To remove the port members from TI zone
ti_zone_add zone1 {1,1 1,3}
## ############################################################################## #####
proc ti_zone_remove {name member_list} {
set i 0 foreach member $member_list { if {$i!=0} { append member_string ";" } incr i append member_string [join $member ";"] } set member_string \"$member_string\" do_command "zone --remove $name -p $member_string" }
############################################################################## ######
## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will verify the ti zone show with portlist, status and failover
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## port_list - list of ports participating in the zone ## state - State of TI zone activated or non activated state ## failover - status whether failover is enabled or disabled ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN: ## NONE ## ## ## USAGE ## ##
verify_ti_zone_show zone1 {1,1 1,2 1,3} Activated Enabled
############################################################################## #####
proc verify_ti_zone_show {name port_list {state ""} {failover ""}} { set ti_zone_show [get_ti_zone_show $name] set got_port_list [lindex $ti_zone_show 0] add_status "got_port is $got_port_list and $port_list" foreach port $port_list { if {[lsearch $got_port_list $port] == -1} { add_status "port $port is not in the zone show list" 1 } } if {$state!=""} { if {$state !=[lindex $ti_zone_show 1]} { add_status "State of TI zone $name doesn't match: expected $state, found [lindex $ti_zone_show 1]" 1 } } if {$failover!=""} { if {$failover !=[lindex $ti_zone_show 2]} { add_status "Failover status of TI zone $name doesn't match: expected $failover, found [lindex $ti_zone_show 2]" 1 } } }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will return the state of specified TI zone
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN: ## status ## ## ## USAGE ##
get_ti_zone_state zone1
## ##############################################################################
proc get_ti_zone_state {name} { set ti_zone_show_list [get_ti_zone_show $name] return [lindex $ti_zone_show_list 1] }
############################################################################## ###### ## NAME ##
## ## SYNOPSIS ##
This routine will return the failover status of specified TI zone
## ## OPERANDS ## Name - Name of the zone ## ## DEPENDENCIES ##
## ## RETURN: ## failover state(Enabled or Disabled)
## ## ## USAGE ##
get_ti_zone_failover zone1
## ############################################################################## #####
proc get_ti_zone_failover {name} { set ti_zone_show [get_ti_zone_show $name] return [lindex $ti_zone_show 2] }
proc get_route_domain {in_port domain} { set return_value ""
set raw_data [make_matrix "urouteshow [convert_area_slotport $in_port] $domain" "----------" "" 6] set in_port_blob "" set in_port_current "" foreach line $raw_data { set in_port [lindex $line 0] scan [lindex $line 1] "%d %d %d %d %s %d,%d" domain_ out_port_ metric_ hops_ flags_ remote_domain_ remote_port_ if {$in_port != ""} { if {$in_port_blob != ""} {
lappend return_value [list $in_port_current $in_port_blob] set in_port_current $in_port set in_port_blob [list "$domain_ $out_port_ $metric_ $hops_ $flags_ $remote_domain_ $remote_port_"] } else { set in_port_current $in_port lappend in_port_blob [list $domain_ $out_port_ $metric_ $hops_ $flags_ $remote_domain_ $remote_port_] } } else { lappend in_port_blob [list $domain_ $out_port_ $metric_ $hops_ $flags_ $remote_domain_ $remote_port_] } } lappend return_value [list $in_port_current $in_port_blob] return $return_value } proc get_out_next_dp {in_port domain} {
set route_list [get_route_domain $in_port $domain] set local_domain [trim_string [parse_integer [get_after "switchshow" "switchDomain:"]]] set out_route_list [lindex [lindex $route_list 0] 1] foreach route $out_route_list { set dom [lindex $route 5] set out_port [lindex $route 1] set next_port [lindex $route 6] set ndp "$dom,$next_port"
set odp "$local_domain,$out_port" append dp_list $odp " " $ndp " " } return $dp_list }
proc verify_no_route {in_port domain} { set route_list [get_route_domain $in_port $domain] set routes [lindex $route_list 0] foreach route $routes { if {$route!=""} { add_status "Routes are not empty" 1 } } } ########################################### proc telnet_SW {} { global cl_SWITCH global cl_EXPECTED_VERSION
if {[telnet_switch $cl_SWITCH] != 0} { add_status "Unable to connect to $cl_SWITCH" 0; }
send_command "auto" expect { "Booting" { add_status "waiting.." 1 sleep 60 end_telnet "exit" if {[telnet_switch $cl_SWITCH] != 0} { add_status "Unable to connect to $cl_SWITCH" 0; } } } set_spawn_id $cl_SWITCH do_command "version" if {[verify_version $cl_EXPECTED_VERSION] == 1} { add_status "Incorrect version. Firmwaredownload failed" 0 } }
proc reboot_SW {} {
global cl_SWITCH
# Reboot switch
set_spawn_id $cl_SWITCH puts "SWITCH GOING FOR FASTBOOT.." set cl_login_pause 200 do_command "fastboot" wait_for "Enabling switch..." 120:w }
proc release_term_console {} { global cl_SWITCH global cl_PROMPT
# find console ip ports set loc [string first " " $cl_SWITCH] set console [string range $cl_SWITCH 0 $loc]
set loc [expr $loc + 3] set port1 [string range $cl_SWITCH $loc end] if {[string index $port1 0] == 0} { set port1 [string index $port1 1] }
set old_PROMPT $cl_PROMPT set cl_PROMPT "> "
if {[telnet_switch $console "root" "pass"] != 0} { add_status "Unable to connect to $console" 0; }
add_status "sending command" do_command "user logout port$port1" end_telnet "quit"
sleep 5
set $cl_PROMPT $old_PROMPT } ####################################################### puts "
########################## temp library ##########################"
# type 26 should be 3850 # type 22 should be 3016 # type 21 should be 24000 # type 23 should be production model number for Pulsar-24 # type 32 should be production model number for Pulsar-32 proc get_switch_platform {} { set switch_version 0
set switch_type [parse_real [get_after "switchShow" "switchType:"]] set switch_type [parse_integer $switch_type strict]
# set chassis_config [parse_real [get_after "chassisconfig" "Current Option:"]] # set chassis_config [parse_integer $chassis_config strict] if {$switch_type < "1"} { set switch_type [parse_real [get_after "agswitchshow" "switchType:"]] set switch_type [parse_integer $switch_type strict] if {$switch_type < "1"} { # The line below is needed to handle the case of a standby switch # which does not support the switchShow command to return a switchType set switch_version 12000 } else { set switch_version 3900 } } elseif {$switch_type == "32"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "26"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "27"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "23"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "22"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "29"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "21"} {
set chassis_config [parse_real [get_after "chassisconfig" "Current Option:"]] set chassis_config [parse_integer $chassis_config strict] if {$chassis_config == "2"} { set switch_version 12000 } else { set switch_version 12128 } } elseif {$switch_type == "17"} { set switch_version 3600 } elseif {$switch_type == "16"} { set switch_version 3200 } elseif {$switch_type == "12"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "10"} { set switch_version 12000 } elseif {$switch_type == "9"} { set switch_version 3800 } elseif {$switch_type <= "8"} { set switch_version 2000 } elseif {$switch_type == "42"} { set switch_version 12128 } elseif {$switch_type == "33"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "34"} { set switch_version 3900
} elseif {$switch_type == "44"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "46"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "37"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "58"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "55"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "62"} { set switch_version 96000 } elseif {$switch_type == "120"} { set switch_version 96000 } elseif {$switch_type == "64"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "66"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "71"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "67"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "76"} { set switch_version 3900 } elseif {$switch_type == "77"} {
set switch_version 68000 } elseif {$switch_type == "121"} { set switch_version 68000 } elseif {$switch_type == "83"} { set switch_version 5000 } elseif {$switch_type == "109"} { set switch_version 6510 }
return $switch_version }