Nasa Gsen trophy 2014

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Gsen 2014

redesign trophy

c o n t e x u a l i t y time,




classification are those lacking substantial means for survival. are those lacking in the basic needs for a minimum standard of well-being, life and income.

are of cities or pertaining to it.

urban poor

slum dwellers

on the basis of :

slum dwellers


from rural to urban

Slums have been perceived as a problem or a hindrance that needs to be solved, but its residents view these very slums as a solution to the problems of shelter ,amenities and employment in large cities.

inclusion _ involuntarily embodied in the urban migration _ movement of rural population to the urban for better livelihood




A transition, seen of the rural mass into the urban contextthat ropes them into the informal economy but refuses their integration into the social structure.

earning members marriage health social/political housing problems

below poverty line

above poverty line


seasonal migrants

slum dwellers

acquistion of house/flat




The shifting and settling of rural population in urban setups is termed

The places where poor people struggle to make a living and bring up their families, and the places where about one third of the world’s urban population live. slum is an area characterized by over-crowding, deterioration , in sanitary conditions or absence of facilities or amenities, which endanger the health, safety or morals of the inhabitants of the community. 17% of urban India lives in slums i.e. Nearly one in every six urban Indian residents lives in a slum.

of slum

rapid population growth: Many countries simply cannot respond to rapid urbanization quickly enough. People are coming to cities far faster than the planning process can incorporate them. Often, they find their own land and build a shack before the government has a chance to learn of their existence.

urbanization: Due to no jobs and no return from farming and non farming activities in their native place, increasing debts forced them to migrate to the cities where they got small jobs but not enough income to afford proper housing forcing them to settle in the slums.

inadequate housing deficient facilities overcrowding poor people poor sanitation congestion

“Space and light and order These are the things that men need Just as much as they need bread or a place to sleep.” Le Corbusier Physically, an area of the city with inadequate housing, deficient facilities, overcrowding and congestion Socially, a slum is a way of life, a special character which has its own set of norms and values reflected in poor sanitation, health values , health practice , deviant behaviour and social isolation.

congestion : Population growth has outpaced the ability of city authorities to provide for housing and environmental and health infrastructure due to which people are force to live in miserable conditions.

poor governance: Governments often fail to recognize the rights of the urban poor and incorporate them into urban planning and are left with no affordable housing thereby contributing to the formation of slums. the poverty line

it should be higher

it should be here

it should be lower

social isolation deviant behaviour health values poor sanitation health practice

no here!

1 overcrowding

The slums are a refuge area for, the homeless and the socially adjusted that live in typically poor quality and insecure houses. Over time, the slum expands, becomes dense and spreads in the nearby empty spaces to accommodate new dwellers. I n a d e q u a t e consumption of necessities including food and, often, safe and sufficient water, often problems of indebtedness with debt repayments significantly reducing income available for necessities.

3employement Lack of formal recognition and low levels of productivity and incomes causes a majority of slum dwellers to earn their living from informal jobs .Low permanency of these jobs leads to phases of unemployment.

4 education

Though the literacy rate in slums too has gone up to 78% compared to the overall urban literacy of over 84%, significant fraction of the slum children are involved in informal jobs or begging since they have little incentive or motivation for education.

For employment for better prospects In search of employment

loss of culture pollution pressure on amenities

characteristics 5

2income and food

female(urban) male(urban) female(rural) male(rural)


causes causes characteristics of slum formation

Transfer of service


“There is no them there are only facets of us.”


proximity of works


Only 19 percent of urban Indian slums have owned and shared toilets available to a majority of their residents. In 50 per cent of slums, the prevalent form of sanitation for residents is public or community toilet blocks.

6 basic services and infrastructure Daycare/vocational training healthcare emergency service, public transport, communication , law enforcement and amenities like piped water , sanitation, drainage , roads , footpaths are generally insufficient, ineffective or unavailable.

7 crime scenario Insufficient law enforcement and inadequate public policing support illicit economy such as drug trafficking, brewing, prostitution,gamb-ling that ultimately manifest into high crime rates.

8 slum permanency In the rapidly growing cities, areas once occupied by slums are later occupied for other purposes. The moved slum emerges elsewhere, perhaps to be replaced still later by another occupancy.

aspects politcial aspects By making provisions for slum dwellers, political parties having vested interests for procuring votes. pre-existing gangs exploit and manipulate the weaker masses to withhold positions of power and prevent efforts for overall development.

economy aspects Long-standing slums develop an interwoven economy within the slum alongside the adjunction to the city. dwellers are not a h o m o g e n e o u s population, and some people of reasonable incomes live within or on the edges of slum communities.

social aspects Amidst all the squalor, a sense of community prevails among the residents of diverse origins in slums. Inhabitants might be strangers to one another or wide acquaintances . Those inhabited by immigrants of a particular race or caste may have a firm social organization


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redesign trophy

major slums


site introduction


contribution of industrial sector in ssi units


industrial growth



Rajkot has several small scale manufacturing units and is the 3rd largest small scale sector in Gujarat.


1.15% Others









Food Products Metal Products Glass and Ceramics




semi permanent

Rubber Products 2%

Paper Products


3% 4%

About 35% of slum people are without employment opportunity.

6% 6%

total bpl


Introduction Introduction

140 120 100 60 40

population about 14.70% of total slum population is Below Poverty Line.

20 0 2010-2011





family members 1-4 family members 5-8 family members 9-11

The emergence of slums took place due to the high growth rate of population without the provision of sufficient housing facilities.




The name emerged as the “Kathi” occupant set a wadd in this region and the region came to be known as “Kathis”-“wad” After 11th century it was attacked by Greeks, Rajputs, and Muslim. Greeks and Roman called it 'Saurastrene'- and its Present name is “Saurashtra”-The good country. Merchants from Europe, Africa, and Turkey came and earned money by trading, making it a prosperous province.



99% 100%



no of families

Population statistics: 190136151, 2001-100200 industries, trade and commerce also flourished inviting immigrant population to a large extent.

267 482




city growth pattern

city structure 1822 A.D.

Types of settlements Organic


1870 A.D.



1 room, kitchen 2 rooms, kitchen

26% 20%

12% 0%

-5% 0%





















Rajkot is one of the fastest growing cities in Gujarat. Largest city in saurashtra region (and fourth largest in Gujarat). The rapid growth and prosperity of the city is mainly credited to the industrialization of the city, which boasts having some of the most reputed industries in India being the third largest region in Gujarat for small scaleindustries, it Attracts a large population from nearby and far of places for working in industries.

types of houses



male children female


59% 6L

No. of families

ward boundary



rajkot city


The slum situation in Rajkot

The population 2001 36,151 2011 10,02,000 . average annual gr of 4.29%.


-G.I.D.C -Railway station -Modi School


population growth rate [gr]







no.of total household -204 no.of temples – 3 no.of shops - 5 no.of residents -1044

Non Ferrous Metals





total site area -2.82 ha left side -0.86 ha right side -1.96 ha

The site - bhaktinagar station slums situated near Bhaktinagar railway station. The Site can be accessed by the Laxminagar 1st street that is connected to the laxminagar underpass road which divides the site into two. Persistence of the slum - 40-50 years old. It was a focal point of jobs due to existence of gowdowns. So people migrated from north as scope of employment was better. occupation- vendors or rag pickers. People also work in the GIDC is situated near the site. The people living here are of one of the poorest sections and they have no basic amenities are provided.

years Population

Additional Population

Population Growth Rate

development pattern Rajkot emerged from a village, the plan depicts the evidence of irregular pattern juxtaposed with the geographical pattern. It came in cental position in Gujarat, and the seat of government shifted to the east of river Aji. The natural boundaries of the settlement was de-marked by the north and south nullahs.

1890 A.D.

1920 A.D.

a well planned layout of rajkot was disrupted by the establishment of slums which resulted into deteriorated standards of living and increase in pollution. Ribbon development was seen around the transportation corridor where public spaces and river banks were occupied by migrants. The growth rate of slums is comparatively very high than the growth rate of the city and many times that of the facilities. The number of slums have increased from 24 sums to 74 slums in past 25 years.

1950 A.D.

1975 A.D.

site and occupation

the city started to develop. the settlement happened near river aji.

Development of new Residential and garden towards northwest outside the fortwall.

The new railway line opened. It became a barrier between the new and the old city.

The cotton mill got established and new industries developed towards south.

Establishment of new industries. Residential development extended towards south west. Establishment of new railway station towards east.

The old railway alignment shifted from the town. new industrial estates and aerodrome gave new character to the town. Causeways constructed across the river.

Slum dwellers are engaged in occupations like daily wage laborers, vendors, rag pickers, animal husbandry, housemaids etc. Main occupation is of “bhangaar” (Rag pickers) and vegetable selling(vendors). the occupation include housemaids, drivers Per day income ranges between Rs.150- Rs.300.


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site elucidation before 30 years

before 20 years

before 10 years

Requisite of labour for the coal works by the railway station acted as a stimulant for the migration of people from Radhanpur to Rajkot.

Demolition of the coal works resulted into joblessness.

Dispossession compelled the migrants to start working as daily wage labourers on construction sites and as house helps.

Augmented ďŹ nancial conditions enabled them to re-occupy the shanties demolished by the government next to the railway tracks.



Lack of street lights and electricity in g e n e r a l ,accounts for inadequate l i g h t i n g during night time.




out of the total earnings, 60% income is used in food expenditure. They earn around Rs. 5000 whereas spend around rupees 6000 per month. The slum dwellers go to municipality hospital and civil hospital, when they suffer from major diseases while in case of minor diseases they approach nearby private hospitals. Another major expense is of the battery, which they use for electrical purposes and spend Rs. 40 daily on it.


income 3000045000




2 wheeler 8

reasons for low income


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

lack of both toilets and bathroom facilities for individual units.

toilet no private facility combined individual Lack of skills



Residents of the nearby area have used the open space near the slum as their dumping ground causing hygiene problems.

less opportunity

more than 45000

toilets no. of houses

education Due to lack of skills and site 1 Km dia. for health and goods to sell



Lack of skills competition contract less opportunity

no. of families monthly savings no. of families

savings of the majority of population does not exceed Rs. 750 per yearly.

no electricity

through battery

bathroom facility no. of houses colour TV 11


120 100 80 60 40

less than 15000

inside the house

bicycle 25




outside the house

40 20 0

Animal Husbandry Business Man Drivers House-Miads Factory Hotel Job Labourer Masons Vendors Rage-Pickers

House-Hold Income 0-5000/-

157 43 501-1000




activity generator

1001-1500 >1501

lack of amenities Unavailability of potable water and water for daily usage forces the residents to go into the neighbouring localities to source water.

no facility



In the slum population shows variability in income, some people are earning through small businesses while majority of the people are earning their bread only. The average income ranges between 3500-5000. The area has taken long time to develop.

no. of houses




120 100


over the years, people have settled in small shanties and have adopted theoccupation of selling vegetables.

consumer duarables bathroom facility


The phenomenon of rural to urban set in motion due to the lack of employment opportunities and it resulted in mass movement of people from radhanpur to rajkot

present condition present condition

before 40 years

fan 78


before 50 years

density map

3 Km dia. for education 5 Km dia. for amenities 7 Km dia. for work

education people are not employed. hence the reason for their low income and substandard way of living. 23%

For work they need to travel within 10km of their residence. They avail health facility,education and amenities within a radius of 5km.

77% Uneducated Educated

Inadequate facilities for sanitation, drainage and garbage disposal promote public defecation, open g u t t e r s and dumping g r o u n d s . I m p r o p e r drainage facilities further the vulnerability to diseases and s p r e a d o f epidemics.

distances storage on roof

storage of water cart stored

daily chores such as veg. cutting, cooking etc

income & occupation

vendor storing the cart

closed space used for interaction and the other part as kitchen

having food and as an interaction space

waste dump

every household has an open and semi open space at least

chaarpai or khat(cot) in open space for rest and interaction


vendor leaving for work

cooking in semi open space

narrow street


storage of valuables in closed spaces

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site section

semi open

The retail spaces across the slum generate activities throughout the day. Gathering and interaction too happens in open space. The temples are the central grounds for interactions and celebrations during both day and night. All festivals are celebrated together as they all are of the same caste. Many open spaces are created due to built or arrangement of individual units.

spaces outside the house facing the street.

open but defined

open (street) roof tops, sill of the half walls and shelves are utilized for storage.




·The heat of summers compels the dwellers to sleep outdoors during the nights. ·Crevices in the walls and tiled floorings in most houses fail to aid against the biting cold during w i n t e r s . ·D e s p i t e t h e u s e o f tarpaulin sheets, heavy rainfall causes water seepage into the hutments. Moreover the tin sheets used in roofs and timber in walls are prone to rotting.


















corrugated sheets, manglore tiles stones





cloth 0



6 hay



asbestos tiles cement


manglore tiles admixture of sand gravel

& timber








type of construction





Informal settlement with its survival economy represents recycled city, which is an antithesis to the energy splurge of the formal city. A negligible component of energy, mostly recycled, is the only input required in the built forms of the slums. . This recycled component translates into reducing the absolute costs of living in the c i t y . The slums should be acknowledged as service providers.

Gsen 2014 sen

redesign trophy



half kachcha


20 sqm.

carton, plastic


40 sqm.


45 sqm.

construction material

72.80 mm

82.80 mm

wooden planks jute sacks mud

All the activities ranging from cooking to storage is confined to this unit. Open spaces outside are utilized for sleeping. Women sleep inside.

Frailty of wooden planks renders the shanties feeble against strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall. Jute, plastic, timber used for constructing the hutments are susceptible to fire, exhibiting a liability to perishment. Water seepage through the crevices and jute is inevitable despite the use of plastic/tarpaulin sheets.The Demolition of slums, inevitably worsens the a l r e a d y d i l a p i d a t e corrugated d c i r c u mtin s t sheets a n c eand s wood both are liable to rotting. of the dwellers. The man-hours utilized for reconstruction, consequently result in loss of valuable time and employment and hence, money. Moreover,the resources spent for procuring new construction materials further add to the misery.


They are indigenous, as are constructed using natural materials and is cost effective as they follow the traditional way of construction. The design is flexible, structurally strong and respond to the climate. Space utilization is maximum in bhoongas as the cots are hung on the frame structure when not in use hence by increasing the space for other activities.

a group of houses often share an open space which is utilized for washing, drying clothes, income generation or interaction.

comparatively elaborate houses have a hierarchy in the sense enclosure.



space between the houses forms a narrow lane of tertiary road network

Common open spaces that is s h a r e d b y neighbours are used for activities like washing clothes ,vessels and drying of clothes. it also acts as an informal s p a c e f o r interaction. hence forming the backyard of the house. Carts are stored in the open

cluster level

During the day, s e m i - o p e n spaces are the f o c i o f a l l activities. Daily chores are conducted there, cooking is done and it is the place, which is used as living room of the house, acts as a kitchen too. During summers people sleep in the open or the s e m i o p e n areas.This space is used for lunch and acts as a buffer space.

open spaces


Covered spaces are used for storage, shelter during rains and winter, and kitchen. It is less occupied during the day. This space is used for dinner. All the valuables are s t o r e d h e r e including carts at times.

semi open spaces

Area of the plinth is usually between 20-28 sq.m. Within a single unit a raised platform of mud is created upon which all of the functions of the house are accommodated. Shelves are used for storage, these are made up of mud and bricks.

covered spaces



Is slum a problem or a solution?

affecting the slums

They demonstrate innovative shelters and efficient livelihood strategies, which form an important part of the urban ecosystem.

Women abuse

The existing gap between the by the informal sector.

homeless shelters Homeless shelters are temporary residences for homeless people. They also offer a variety of services including job training, rehabilitation for drug addicts, and soup kitchens. Shelters develop empowerment based "wrap around" services in which clients are case managed and supported in their efforts to become self-reliant.

slum - city relationship

Despite its spontaneous and improvised character, the informal sector has provided virtually the only delivery vehicle which had had any success in providing appropriate, low cost solutions to the shelter problems of the poor. Slums are a solution that appears to deny conventional planning orthodoxy. Spaces has takes precedence over performance, function over aesthetic.

Banks and other finance institutions often exclude the dwellers. As a result, they have to resort to loan sharks who charge very high interest rates and further impoverish them.

Desertion and Destabilization ( Bu re a u c ra c y a n d c o rru p t i o n ) The authorities see land occupied by slums as most convenient source of land for public works and new commercial developments thus ignoring the needs of the dwellers. These mega-schemes destabilize and displace them and further results in deteriorating the condition of housing as well of social amenities in the city.

Under the constant pressure by developers and threats of displacement the slumdwellers have been pushed further into a state of uncertainty.


slum from the dwellers’ eyes slums are the first stopping point for immigrants – they provide the lowcost and only affordable housing that will enable the immigrants to save for their eventual absorption into urban society. As the place of residence for lowincome employees, slums keep the wheels of the city turning in many different ways. Slums are also places in which the vibrant mixing of different culture frequently results in new forms of artistic expression.

Inability to improve

Homeless shelters help in accommodating the seasonal migrants. They help in breaking the cycle of slum manifestation by reducing the influx of slum dwellers in the city. They also give refuge to the pavement dwellers, especially during the winters

Industries develop along transport routes, wider scale of movement motivate lower income residents to live close to these employment opportunities.

conventional supply of housing and the demand for it has been filled

the occupational requirement is very well accommodated in the informal settlement where accesses and edges are adapted for these activities.


G o v e rn m e n t ' s commitment to the projec of development has regularly placed enormous burden on those people least able to defend them.

Financial exclusion

The city residents perceive the slum dwellers as outsiders and often alienate them from various social activities and this further adds to the existing social inequity.


The block edges tend to be where the commercial activities such as shops and in some cases light industry or craft based activities take place, while the tree structures are where residential uses are concentrated.

Slums can be viewed as partial solutions to a bigger problem. They represent a survival strategy in the face of insufficient affordable housing and lack of tenure security, often blending production and distribution spaces along with living quarters.

High mortality


migration is a response to urbanization and industrialization which is not addressed appropriately due to lack of adequate infrastructure in the urban fabric.

The lack of toilets and overcrowding in slums leaves people with little or no privacy. This p rob lem is particularly acute for women, adolescent girls, young couples, and large families. Unstable income inhibits the dwellers to i n v e st i n t h e improvement of their living conditions. Unemployment and domestic violence lured by the prospect of oblivion through alcohol or drug abuse, worsen the situation further.

the households located in the vicinity of the slums provide water to the dwellers in exchange for daily chores.

slums are generally confined and hence separated from the rest of the city by a means of conveyance. The edge of the same is marked with informal commercial activities generated from the slum.

One of the effects of the tree structures is that they focus activity on the block edges the lack of connections through the block and weight of origins and destinations created by the Galis increases choice values at a local scale

proposed regulations which should be made by the government: A minimum wage rate should be created

for workers immigrating to town.

Computerized ID numbers should be allotted to the labourers for maintaining ESI dispensaries and counselling services should be provided should be centrally registered.


indwelling areas. All labours

upliftment programmes

Strict rules should be formulated to prevent the misuse of funds. Factories with a workforce of more than 100 labours should have compulsory dwelling units. The accommodation facilities should be made available before the commencement of any project. A direct partnership needs to be established communities of slum-dwellers.


the Government

People need to attest that they can afford to live in the dwellings being constructed by corroborating their savings and income. Participation of People from the slum of age group 16-26 Yrs is compulsory construction of the their own dwellings. the property cannot



for them

in helping in the

be sold or rented for the first five years of tenure

They cannot expand horizontally and can expand vertically only up to the 1st floor. Community participation is compulsory In upliftment programs.

Exclusion and lack off acknowledgment of the slum dwellers The governments do not recognize these people and fails to support and help co-ordinate them as city builders. They usually PANCHAYAT refuse to acknowledge that they are citizens with legitimate rights and needs for public infrastructure and services. SKETCHES 2.awareness

programs -rules and regulations -waste disposal, water usage and importance of sustain ability. -birth control and health programs


. .Health and hygiene checkup and camps

4.Community Participation 5.Panchayat (Weekly Meetings) 6.ECONOMIC -Workshops on handicrafts and other home based crafts -Small scale industries -Business skills


Skills -Communication Skills -Social Upliftment -Personality Development


design propositions

disregard to climate factors

orientation and the nature of built form

climate is an important factor affecting site layout and building design. the built form of old cities and towns responded positively to the climate of the region and therefore created a more comfortable living environment. today, new developments generally ignore these factors when considering the orientation and the nature of the built form.

Climate was one of the important considerations in evolving a conducive living environment. Most of the plots are small and permitted only row house development. The plot sizes are worked out to suitably accommodate courtyards in the built form. The resultant built form was compact, low rise with internal court yards a nd simila r in p rinc ip le to the tra d itiona l towns. This informal characters also helped in breaking the monotony and rigidity of the spatial organization.

informal character

The terrace can be used as outside sitting room. It is designed to promote interaction between between neighbours through an element of low rised parapet. This further enhances and integrates the inside with the outside.

most of planned developments are very monotonous and rigid in terms of spatial organization. the informality and flexibility which has permitted changes and growth within the traditional urban fabric is seen in this development.

appropriate open space outdoor spaces, used for a variety of activities, are very important in the Indian context. very often, these spaces are sacrificed to accommodate a larger number of plots. wherever open spaces are provided, they are appropriately designed to suit the needs of the people. this provision of open spaces encourages the social, cultural and economic activities which can take place there.

form and planning of areas basic space requirement: basic space requirements are established- in public housing, a standard dwelling is used to house all sizes of families with different backgrounds. these dwellings are established according to their economic conditions and take into account the socio - economic conditions of the occupants.

income generating activities income generating

activities are integrated

into housing schemes-

the design of any housing development, particularly for the lower income groups, should provide for work activities and should be flexible enough to suitably accommodate them. most planned housing disregards this fact, and small scale income generating activities spring up in various locations in an improvised way.

Low rise built form is suitable for this planning. The advantage of low-rise development being greater contact with the ground which helps to balance the temperature.

development stage 1

development stage 2

development stage 3

development stage 3

Form And Planning of Areas

A variety of outddor spaces are important for various activities to take place. the courtyard type built form is very suitable.

For this climate, desirable orientation of the longer sides of buildings should be towards north-south,as this will ensure reduced solar radiation on the built form during the summer months.

needs alternative shading devices +plantations + narrow streets


services and public amenities- this is a major problem concerning all urban areas of the country. providing proper provisions for the services and ammenities creates a hygienic environment which helps to maintain physical and mental well-being of the individual and community.

Linear double-banked planning --lacks privacy --formal character --limited climatic functionality

Staggered linear planning ---lacks privacy ---formal character ---functions better climatically

evolution of house form the dwellingsare planned to suit the life style of the people like, Charans (Animal Husbandary) Devipujaks(Vegetable Vendors) Rag pickers

---Staggered cluster formation ---creates central common space for interaction ---climatically suitable planning ---informal character ---creates opportunity for multifunctionality of spaces. ---creates constricted vistas which change at every junction, breaking the monotony ---each cluster exhibits a different identity ---the open spaces create a varying character as per functions ---unplanned spaces create scope for future adaptation as per needsflexibility for modification

identity and privacy stereotype mass housing lacks vitality and inhibits individual identity and privacy. the current building practices discourage any attempt by the user to modify the unit to suit his needs and enhance his individuality.

efficiency of plot sizes & their organization The houses were designed with narrow frontage and common party walls, so as to use the land more efficiently. Plots were made narrow and deep to reduce the length of the acces roads.

---open space is vital for animal husbandry. ---alongwith common shed for the cattle of entire community, open space within module combined with the built area suffices needs of storage, daily chores and habitation.

space is required for lorries and vegetables in the case of vendors · accordingly, module with adequate open space is ideal.



Planning at the Cluster Level 

 

 


Gsen 2014

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design ideas Unit A -21sq m

Unit C -44 sq m

Unit C -33.1 sq m

WALL PLANE DESIGNPLAN MULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 2.7M X 3.7M >can be utilized as living, dining as well as bedroom. BACKYARD- 1.35M X2.7M >can be utilized for putting their carts and various stuffs

DESIGNPLAN MULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 3.75M X 3.2M >can be utilized as living, dining as well as bedroom. BACKYARD- 2.9M X 1.55 M >can be utilized for putting their carts and various stuffs

DESIGNPLAN MULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 3.9M X 3.2M >can be utilized as living, dining as well as bedroom. BACKYARD- 2.9M X 1.55 M >can be utilized for putting their carts and various stuffs

MATERIAL fly ash ,water residue, cement, lime, river sand

PROPERTIES dimensions compressive strength water absorption

230x110x75 mm 10.16 kg/sq cm 12.99%

COST DESIGNMULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 2.7M X 2.5M >can be utilized as living, dining as well as bedroom. FRONT YARD-3MX1.2M >acts as interactive space between street and the house. defines the hierarchy of the space beyond the house. BACKYARD- 1.35M X2.7M >can be utilized for puttinh their carts and various stuffs

.60 - .75 per brick DESIGNPLAN MULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 3.75M X 3.2M >can be utilized as living, dining as well as bedroom. BACKYARD- 2.9M X 1.55 M >can be utilized for putting their carts and various stuffs

D E S I G N MULTI PURPOSE SPACE- 3.75M X 2. M >can be utilized as living, dining as well a s b e d r o o m . F R O N T Y A R D - 3 M X 1 . 2 M >acts as interactive space between street and the house. defines the hierarchy of the space beyond the h o u s e . BACKYARD-3.75M X2.9M >can be utilized for puttinh their carts and various stuffs

OPENINGS materials such as fruit crates and vegetable oil tin cans can be reused to make window frames and louvres. In the image, the frame is of reused carte wood while the louvres are of flattened tin sheet.

Unit B - 31.5sq m

people participation

people participation

Involvement of the dwellers in the construction process would take optimum benefit of their building skills.

Inclusion in the planning process would give the people flexibility to design the interiors as per their needs and requirements. Comfort level while settling in increases due to such provision.

people participation

roping in the residents for planning of their houses would introduce a character specific to individual dwellings.


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Gsen 2014

redesign trophy

citation 2


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