Mother of Perpetual Help Center Thailand Newsletter No. 2 December 2013
We here at Mother of Perpetual Help Center wish you and all your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year
A n o t h e r b u sy year has come and al mos t gone, so we look f orward to anoth er g ood year. As in past ye ars staff from the C enter have been busy looking after patients at Villa Marie Hospice, teenagers at Ban Mae Marie, the Aids Education progr am with the youth in schools and so many other activities which keep the Center running.
In 2013 as a resul t of people not tak ing these medications a n increasing n umbe r of people have died. Two in particular w ere sad cases as they were too young to die. Both young men had spent time at Ban Mae Marie, both only 19 years old.
Other patients at th e hospice are long t erm cases as they have no where to go, no home to return to a nd no one who is in terested to look af ter them. In reality, t hey will be with us for l ife. Some of them will Villa Marie Hospice need to have full ti me care at the hosp ice, others who are ab le to look after themselves for the most part we have renovated With the aids antiv iral medications being some of the buildings on our farm as a a v a ila b le t o thos e living with aid s , the home for them, here they can look a fter number of deaths has decreased over the thems el v es . years. Now people can live a normal and p ro l o n g e d lif e — pro vided they tak e car e of t h e mse lve s p r oper ly and take their medi c ations as pres cribed . While at Vil la M arie there is no problem for them taking th ese me d ica t io n s, but many once leavi ng the h o s p ice f e e l w ell an d think they don’ t h av e to take these medicines — that is a problem!