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Low Volume Roads
FUNDING Federal Year: October 1
Programmed Funding 2021: $40 million 2022: $40 million 2023: $40 million
CONTACT Austin Baysinger 801 965-4846 abaysing@utah.gov
In 2019, UDOT completed 368 lane miles of surface projects.
Road categories include:
• High volume, which carry more than 1,000 vehicles per day
• Low volume, which carry fewer than 1,000 vehicles per day
The program supports a prescriptive and cost-effective resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation strategy that restores structure, prolongs the service life, and enhances the safety of existing roadways.
The pavement management strategy for these roads is to improve the existing condition levels condition using a combination of preservation and rehabilitation projects.
UDOT’s Central Asset Management division analyzes UDOT’s roadway network condition each year to determine the funding needed for the program and the funding allocation for each region. Each region identifies pavement preservation and rehabilitation projects during the annual STIP workshop.
Program amounts and project lists are presented to the Utah Transportation Commission for approval at the March or April commission meeting.
Ride quality is evaluated using the International Roughness Index, the standard for measuring ride quality on a generic vehicle. IRI calculations reflect relative comfort of the riding surface based on longitudinal road profile and vehicle speed.