4 minute read
Trinity Faith Education Building, Lewes (IA219–01)
Class limit: 40
UD OLLI Online (IA219–06)
Class limit: unlimited
Wednesday 10:45 a.m.–noon
Instructors: Sergei Boboshko, Lee Stanford
Number of class sessions: 11
Course format: Discussion, Lecture, Video Based
Required text: Great Decisions 2024 textbook, www.fpa.org
Seminar discussion of the issues included in the Great Decisions textbook published by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA). Topics are Mideast realignment, climate technology and competition, science across borders, U.S./China trade rivalry, NATO’s future, understanding Indonesia, the High Seas Treaty, pandemic preparedness and two topics to be determined. Seminar participants are encouraged to volunteer to lead discussion on topics of particular interest. Purchase of textbook required from FPA or Amazon. This is a hybrid-online course: one section meets on site; one is online only. See page 3 for details.
Arsht Hall, Wilmington (IA221–01)
Class limit: 70
UD OLLI Online (IA221–06)
Class limit: 55
Thursday 9–10:15 a.m. 2/8/2024–4/25/2024
Instructors: Steven Dombchik, Arthur Butler, Claude Faulkner
Number of class sessions: 11
Course format: Discussion, Lecture, Video Based
Each class features an introduction followed by a video presentation and class discussion. Topics include Mideast realignment, climate technology and competition, science across borders, U.S./China trade rivalry, NATO’s future, understanding Indonesia, the High Seas Treaty and pandemic preparedness. Purchase of the Great Decision Briefing Book is recommended. This is a hybrid-online course: one section meets on site; one is online only. See page 3 for details.
Trinity Faith Education Building, Lewes (IA220–01)
Class limit: 25
UD OLLI Online (IA220–06)
Class limit: unlimited Monday 9–10:15 a.m. 4/8/2024–5/6/2024
Instructor: Trudie Thompson
Number of class sessions: 5
Course format: Discussion, Lecture
This is a brief overview of the U.S. Intelligence Community, with which the instructor had considerable contact as a U.S. Army strategic intelligence officer and a U.S. State Department foreign service officer, and during a one-year tour with the Defense Intelligence Agency completing a Master of Strategic Intelligence degree. Retired from the U.S. government many years ago, the instructor uses open sources, including Wikipedia, to avoid anything that is likely to be classified. This is a hybrid-online course: one section meets on site; one is online only. See page 3 for details.
UD OLLI Online: On Demand (IA216–07)
Flexible—viewing is on your own schedule
Instructor: Rebecca Worley
Number of class sessions: 11
Course format: Discussion, Lecture
For the academic year 2023–24, UD is celebrating 100 years of study abroad at UD, initially launched to promote crosscultural learning by Professor Raymond Kirkbride who garnered support from both public and private sources. On July 7, 1923, eight juniors set sail for a yearlong experience in France, beginning UD’s journey with study abroad. Speakers representing all of UD’s study abroad places, dates and experiences tell their stories. This is a prerecorded version of IA216 originally taught in fall 2023. View this class on your own schedule. Viewing link is emailed to participants prior to the semester start.
UD OLLI Online: On Demand (IA217–07)
Flexible—viewing is on your own schedule
Instructors: Christopher Mark, Sergei Boboshko
Number of class sessions: 5
Course format: Discussion, Lecture
America’s chief geopolitical rivals, China and Russia, appear intent on establishing a radically revised global order. Following the invasion of Ukraine, their leaders made clear they share an animosity to the U.S.-led global order, which they see as inhospitable to their authoritarian political systems at home and their ambitions abroad. In this course, lectures and graphics provide geopolitical background and context. This is a prerecorded version of IA217 originally taught in fall 2023. View this class on your own schedule. Viewing link is emailed to participants prior to the semester start.
Trinity Faith Education Building, Lewes (IA218–01)
Class limit: 40
UD OLLI Online (IA218–06)
Class limit: unlimited
Monday 9–10:15 a.m. 2/5/2024–3/4/2024
Instructor: Christopher Mark
Number of class sessions: 5
Course format: Lecture
A deepening crisis in relations between the U.S. and China is raising the risk of an unintended conflict between the two superpowers that could derail the global economy. In this course, which updates and extends a spring 2023 OLLI course, lectures and graphics provide historical, political and economic background and context, with time reserved at the end of each session for questions and open discussion. This is a hybrid-online course: one section meets on site; one is online only. See page 3 for details.