September 28, 2008

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Volume 135, Issue 4

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2 September 23, 2008

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Sen. Joe Biden meets with members of the football team in Wilmington.

Courtesy of BobBurleigh

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THE REVIEW/Steven Gold

A chef gives a demonstration at the Taste of Newark on Sunday. Editor in Chief Laura Dattaro Executive Editor Brian Anderson

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A student uses glow sticks at the Girl Talk performance on Thursday night.

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Incident sparks change in policy

September 23, 2008

University revises rules for distributing publications following student complaints BY JOSH SHANNON Managing News Editor

The university has changed its policy governing the distribution of printed materials amid complaints that representatives of a new student-run newspaper were denied permission to distribute the publication outside of the Trabant University Center. Vice President for Student Life Michael Gilbert said that after students raised concerns about the policy, he and his staff deleted clauses that mandated students obtain permission from the Event Services Office to distribute materials and that also required publications to be labeled to indicate the student or group sponsoring it. “In reviewing the document, I recognized it was time for a review and an update,” Gilbert said. The issue stems from a Sept. 1 incident during Student Activities Night in which several students were told they could not distribute copies of The LampLighter in front of Trabant. The students were allowed to hand out copies from behind a table inside the student center. Junior Carl Rimi said he was standing outside of the Main Street entrance to Trabant distributing the papers when he was approached by Scott Mason, associate director of student centers. “He was stopping us from passing things out because the rules of Activities Night, just for that particular night, said that organizations couldn’t be passing things out outside because Scott Mason said that if we were able to do that, then all the groups would be outside passing stuff out,” Rimi said. Rimi, who does not work for the paper but was helping a friend hand out copies of it, said he then called junior Tom Schrandt, the editor in chief of The LampLighter, who was distributing the newspaper at another entrance to Trabant. Schrandt said when he joined the conversation between Mason and Rimi, Mason told him the students needed a permit from the city of Newark because their actions were considered solicitation. “He told us that no, we would absolutely be prohibited from distributing inside any of the [other] buildings or even on the Green,” Schrandt said. “The only place we could ever distribute the paper would be from a university-approved table.” However, Schrandt said he and other students passed out the paper throughout campus the previous weekend without a problem. The paper, which Schrandt said is “center-right” but does not set out to promote an ideology, was started this year and is funded mostly by university alumni dissatisfied with the school’s current policies, he said. Its cover story was critical of last year’s Residence Life program. Gilbert said the students were asked not to distribute papers in front of the building because doing so could block access to the building. “With so many student groups present and so much traffic in and out of the building, there was a concern about them being directly outside the building right outside the doors,” he said. If other groups decided to leave their tables to stand outside the student center, the scene could become chaotic, Gilbert said. He would not comment on the allegation the students were told they needed a city permit, but City Secretary Patricia Fogg said a student would only need permission to distribute on city streets, not on university property. Gilbert did not say Mason’s actions were wrong, but said the policy has been changed to avoid a similar situation. “This is a singular event that has been corrected,” he said. Gilbert said Mason’s actions were not based on the content of The LampLighter, and the university had no problem with Schrandt and others distributing the paper on campus the previous weekend. He said Mason told Schrandt he was welcome to distribute the papers at a table inside Trabant as part of Student Activities Night.


The semiannual event allows registered student organizations that apply for a space to set up a display at their designated table. Approximately 100 registered student organizations and 3,800 students attended the event, Gilbert said. Schrandt said he passed out the papers at the tables of the College Republicans and several other sympathetic groups, but did not feel that was sufficient. “We didn’t think having a table or handing out papers from the table reached an appropriate audience,” he said. “It would have been a better use of our time and more efficient to stand outside and distribute papers.” Schrandt said he understands the university’s argument that he should have stayed behind a table like all of the other groups, but he still feels his rights were violated. “Even if that argument is true, it is not a legitimate reason to stand in the way of constitutional freedoms,” he said. Schrandt said he does not believe he was treated differently than the other student groups, but that the rule all groups had to abide by is unjust. He said after his initial conversation with Mason, he called his friend, senior Alyssa Koser, who has experience working with First Amendment issues. He and Koser met again with THE REVIEW/Ricky Berl Mason and Director of Student Centers Students were told to stop passing out The Lamplighter at the Main Street Marilyn Prime, and were were told the entrance to Trabant on Activities Night. same thing as before. “When I told Mason and Prime that understand. It was not always clear what was being required students have a right to pass out their newspaper on campus, or suggested to students.” these administrators replied, ‘Well, according to the policy He removed from the policy a paragraph that read “In they don’t,’ ” Koser stated in an e-mail message. order to distribute materials as described in each case below, Neither Mason nor Prime could be reached for com- a space on campus from which to distribute approved matement. rials must be reserved through the Event Services Office.” Koser said she called the Foundation for Individual Gilbert also deleted the requirement that materials be Rights in Education, with whom she had worked before. labeled and replaced it with language that states such labelFIRE, a Philadelphia organization that speaks out on behalf ing is encouraged. The new policy states the university will of college students who feel their rights have been violated, not mandate labeling unless the publication gives the false was one of the leading critics last year of the university’s impression that it is sponsored by the university. Residence Life program. Both policies list the University Bookstore, Morris William Creeley, director of legal and public advocacy Library and dining halls as places where material cannot be for FIRE, sent a letter on behalf of the organization on Sept. distributed. However, the new policy includes the addition 10 to university President Patrick Harker giving an account to the list “other areas where such distribution may reasonof the conversation between the students, Mason and Prime. ably be limited.” It also criticized language in the policy that referred to Otherwise, students are free to distribute material as long “approved material” and required materials to be labeled as they abide by the Disruptive Behavior Policy in the with the name of the group that sponsored it. Student Code of Conduct, Gilbert said. “UD’s ‘Distribution of Published Materials on “The time, place or manner of distribution of printed Campus’ policy is riddled with constitutional deficiencies, materials cannot cause a serious disruption of normal unias are Mason’s and Prime’s understandings of the policy’s versity business and function,” he said. operation,” the letter stated. “Indeed, the policy is in direct Both policies state the university cannot limit distribuconflict with UD’s legal and moral obligation as a public tion based on content. institution of higher learning to uphold the First In an e-mail sent Sept. 12, Gilbert informed Koser, Amendment.” Rimi and Schrandt of the updated policy. The letter did not mention the students successfully disKoser said she is satisfied with the new policy, but tributed the paper the previous weekend and inside Trabant Schrandt said it should go farther. on Student Activities Night. “The university is public land,” he said. “I think greater Gilbert, who was at Student Activities Night but did not provisions for distributing inside university buildings witness the conversation between the students and his staff, should be made,” he said. said Mason and Prime told him about the incident later that Although the new policy has been posted on the univernight. He began reviewing the policy, which has been in sity’s Web site, it has not been announced to the university effect since 1969, before receiving the letter from FIRE, he community, Gilbert said. However, he said he has offered to said. speak about it at an upcoming Student Government “The old document did have several points that were of Association meeting. concern to me,” he said. “One was that it was confusing to

4 September 23, 2008






Mark Barteau, director of the university’s Energy Institute, spoke at Clayton Hall on Friday.

THE REVIEW/Justin Maurer

Institute focuses on research, partnerships it has ever been, he said. “It really is exciting to see the univerFriday marked the official opening of sity pulling together so many centers of the university’s Energy Institute with a excellence, so many researchers that have day-long conference with more than 170 been doing work,” Carney said. “Several students, faculty members, politicians and years ago, you wouldn’t see the number of experts in attendance. people that are gathered in this room The conference included speeches by today.” U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, He said he knows science and math university President Patrick Harker, skills will be important in the future in the Institute Director Mark Barteau, Lt. Gov. United States. Organizations like the John Carney and U.S. Sen. Thomas Energy Institute are a catalyst for innovaCarper, D-Del. The topics included wind tion and learning. power, electric cars, the nation’s economic Harry Shipman, an astrophysicist and challenges and Delaware’s energy future. science professor, said he is teaching a Barteau said the goal of the institute university science class with elementary was to create and advance new and old education majors in it. Instead of having energy technologies, strengthen the uniclass at its normal time and location, he versity’s research and partnerships with decided to make the class attend at least the industry and government and make the two lectures at Friday’s conference. university a leading resource for energy “I basically decided it is really stupid education for both the state and the nation. for me to be down in Sharp Lab, teaching “What we’re looking to achieve with about energy, when they can come up and the energy institute is to integrate and to listen to the U.S. Secretary of Energy talk foster collaboration, and also to recognize about energy,” Shipman said. where the holes are, and to respond quickHe said he hopes the Energy Institute ly as new opportunities arise,” Barteau encourages people to get more involved. said. Professors at the university do strong He said the institute was founded on a research that can help lead the way in broad base of research topics for technological breakthroughs. researchers at the university but also has “What we are really good at is doing strong and practical ties to the outside the cutting-edge research that leads to world. He said researchers will work with some of the technology,” Shipman said. students and industries and will focus on Senior Cedric Jacob said he works at the challenges, not just the known solutwo centers at the university, the Fuel Cell tions. Research Lab and the Center for “Here at the University of Delaware, Composite Material. we have a very broad portfolio of energy Jacob said he is trying to make a fuel THE REVIEW/Justin Maurer research — some of it long established, cell for portable electronics and three of some of it new,” Barteau said. “One of the An electric car was included in the displays in the foyer at the Energy Institute’s opening. the speeches — wind, solar and electric things that we’ve done today is to provide — tied into his research. displays of many of the different projects and programs and Strategic Planning Committee’s recommendations were also “It’s working along with the same big picture, where a major factor in the institute’s formation. centers that are part of our energy research and education we can have energy coming all over the place and all of it’s Carney, who serves as the chairman of the Delaware green,” Jacob said. “I just think that’s kind of cool.” portfolio.” He said he has seen grassroots interest within the uni- Science & Technology Council, said the institute’s formaHe said he came to the conference because the goal of versity from different areas, which is one of the inspirations tion is exciting for the state because the interaction between the institute and the topics of the speeches fit into what he for the institute. the state and the university will be important as more alter- is interested in doing. T h e native energy options are explored. “I want to look back 50 years from now and go, ‘I went He said members of the state government are anxious to that. I was there when it started,’ ” he said. to work with university researchers. The interaction between the state and university is more important now than BY BRIAN ANDERSON Executive Editor

September 23, 2008


Harker powers up new Energy Institute BY BRIAN ANDERSON Executive Editor

University President Patrick Harker officially opened the Energy Institute on Friday. The Energy Institute grew out of one of six initiatives from the university’s “Path to Prominence,” Harker said. As part of the Strategic Planning process, community members, faculty, staff members and students made it clear they are concerned about the environment. Harker said in his speech that the goals of the Initiative for the Planet are conducting research in the environmental field, becoming a greener university, using alternative energy technologies and integrating environmental programs within university curriculum. “I think it is clear today that we are in search of energy solutions that are renewable, clean and sustainable,” he said. Harker said the purpose of the Energy Institute is to create new solutions to the challenges of energy sufficiency and sustainability. It will also allow members to take a leadership role in grant proposals. “It will leverage our strengths and partnerships with industry and government, developing and coordinating efforts on campus and off,” he said. Harker said a key part of the Energy Institute is it will provide students with understanding of new and existing fields and will allow them to become involved in cuttingedge research. He said the university has already created programs that stress sustainability and the impact the university is having on the environment. Researchers have begun to determine the university’s carbon footprint, in an effort for the university to become carbon neutral. Recycling is also a major issue being stressed, Harker said. Streamlined recycling programs are being put into effect, including at university football games. At the Sept.

13 game agaiinst West Chester, onethird of the garbage collected was recycled. “That’s a great baseline from which we can grow,” he said. Harker said members at the university believe the university is poised to become a national and international resource for research, education and technology for energy and the environment. “The University of Delaware’s Energy Institute will serve as a focal point for a wide variety of efforts already underway in these areas,” he said. There is no one solution, or “silver bullet,” to solving the energy challenge, Harker said. However, the university is conducting research. “The issue must be tackled from a range of different approaches — energy efficiency, sustainability, new and advanced technologies and innovative policies,” he said. “For the past four decades, this university has been conducting leading-edge THE REVIEW/Brian Anderson research in many of these areas.” University President Patrick Harker discussed the university’s new recycling plan. Harker said the Energy Institute will connect fields of study because no specific discipline can solve the energy challenge. gy field and must face the issues confronting the environDifferent centers in different departments have been doing ment. Harker said the university must not give up, but rather research for a long time and they will now be connected to make a difference. “We must not throw up our hands in defeat,” he said. help solve challenges, as well as help provide students with “We must redouble our efforts to find solutions. We must a comprehensive education. He said the university faces major obstacles in the ener- seize these opportunities to make the world a better place.”

U.S. Secretary of Energy speaks at university BY BRIAN ANDERSON Executive Editor

U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman discussed the need for the next generation to become involved in energy fields at the university’s Energy Institute conference on Friday. In his speech, Bodman said that throughout the nation’s history, universities have played an important role in solving the country’s problems. The federal government relies on the private sector and academia to help overcome problems. “With its many contributions to the field of energy research, the University of Delaware is certainly one of our valued partners,” Bodman said. “With the launch of the Energy Institute here today, you are not only expanding the university’s substantial expertise in this area, you are also fostering the kind of collaboration among academia, industry and government that is so essential as we continue to confront our significant energy challenges.” The government plays a major part in the search for better ways to use and consume energy but partnerships are needed, he said. Bodman said different aspects of people’s lives today — home, work and recreation — consume a large amount of energy. The production of energy has a high cost, both monetarily and environmentally. Everyone, from government to private industry to academia, needs to work to lessen that cost. “There are things that all of us can do right now that will make a difference,” he said. “They will make a difference by saving money, by helping our environment and collectively, will take some pressure off of demand.” Bodman said citizens can all work to reduce demand, but renewable energy, such as wind power, fuel cells and biofuels, must also be exam-

Energy will lead in this matter,” Bodman said. “I am very optimistic that we will not just meet but we will exceed the president’s expectations.” The Department of Energy will focus on other forms of renewable energy, not just wind and solar power, he said. Since the beginning of 2007, approximately $1 billion has been raised for the next generation of biofuel research THE REVIEW/Justin Maurer and industry. Bodman said Samuel Bodman addressed the university’s role in the nation’s two-thirds of the energy plans. petroleum used in the country go toward ined. daily transporation. Renewable and alternative In March, the federal government invested approximately $13.7 million over three years fuels are being focused on, but until U.S. for 13 university-led projects on renewable researchers find breakthroughs in these areas, energy research, he said. Two University of citizens will continue to rely on fossil fuels, Delaware projects are among the 13 and the such as oil or natural gas. “If we are to dramatiuniversity will receive $3 million over two cally reduce our oil years in Department of Energy funding. Bodman said the federal government is consumptions or the largest user of energy in the nation. The our greenhouse gas president released an executive order for the emissions, we government to reduce its energy consumption must have a viable, readily by 30 percent. and He said he believes the Department of available competitively priced alterEnergy will be able to follow through on the native fuel, as well as greatly order. “I am determined that the Department of enhanced efficiency throughout the transportation sector,” he said. It is becoming clear that

nuclear energy is becoming more important and will play a significant role in the future of energy in this country, Bodman said. He said the government is helping bring large, clean-energy projects to the country’s energy field. “We are making available over $40 billion in loan guarantees aimed at getting large-scale, clean energy projects built as quickly and as efficiently as possible,” Bodman said. He said it is important to invest in the next generation of leaders in the energy field and it is critical universities keep pace with the growing energy industry and technological advancements. “I believe these investments are vital to a successful and prosperous future for our entire country,” Bodman said. The bottom line is citizens must all work together to solve the energy problem, he said. “All of us, in government, in industry and in academia, have a responsibility to help this nation address a major energy challenge,” Bodman said. “We need everyone involved. “By providing a forum for ideas and fostering the type of collaboration that we need, this university, and in particular the Energy Institute at this university and others like it, will help lead us toward a cleaner, more affordable and more secure energy future for all Americans.”

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

6 September 23, 2008

a peckabove

Peace, piercings and a positive outlook Each week, The Review will feature a professor, employee or staff member at the university. Know of someone noteworthy? Send your idea to

BY CLAIRE GOULD Staff Reporter

Alan Smith doesn’t look like an average professor. With piercings in his lip and nose, a tattoo of a peace sign on his right cheek and an outfit of jeans, a hoodie, sneakers and a hat, Smith looks more like an average college student. Smith teaches approximately 12 different courses at the university, in the fields of philosophy, black American studies and education. Smith said his young appearance allows him to be creative in getting to know his students. Sometimes on the first day of class he will sit in the back, pretend to be a student, and listen to what his pupils have to say about him. His laid-back style fits his attitude toward teaching. He said in his classes, he wants to debunk the myth of teachers imparting wisdom on their students. “We are all teachers and learners, constantly switching back and forth,” he said. Smith said he sees the learning process as a journey. He is merely the tour guide, and at each stop, students will connect with their own experience to make something entirely new. Part of this journey is getting rid of traditional methods of assessment. All of Smith’s classes are discussion based, and Smith tells his students they have an “A” unless they do something to change his mind. He said everyone makes assessments of each other all the time, so formal measures like grades aren’t necessary. “Assessments are impediments to the learning process,” Smith said. “They don’t encourage discovery. They focus on competition.” He said he discovered non-assessment based learning when he was the dean of a Quaker middle school. He has also been the

head of a high school math department and has taught every subject in every grade from kindergarten to 12th grade when he worked for schools in Connecticut and Maryland. Smith said he was born in 1970 to an Episcopalian priest and a teacher. He moved around the East Coast throughout his childhood, eventually attending a high school for the arts in New York City. He received degrees in political science and American studies with minors in African studies and Middle Eastern studies from Williams College in Pennsylvania. His hobbies include running seven to 10 miles per day, which he said is his time to work out problems. He also paints and travels throughout the world. Smith said after he returns from a trip to Antarctica for Thanksgiving, he will have been to all seven continents, including 20 countries and 45 states. “Traveling has shown me how connected we really are,” he said. “My life’s process is trying to discover and trying to make myself more aware of that connection — my goal is to learn to love everyone — we all share this planet together. To have compassion and respect for everyone, that just enlarges my life.” Smith said he tries to teach his students not to run away from conflict, and to attack ideas, but not the other person’s humanity. He tries to encourage his students to express their true feelings. “I see myself as a change agent, and I try to push boundaries, break down communication walls,” he said. Smith said peace is very important to him. He got the tattoo of a peace sign on his right cheek the day America began bombing Iraq. “I was speechless, so I let my outward appearance do the talking,” he said. Smith said he makes a point to be accessi-

ble to his students at all times, and is almost always signed into Instant AOL Messenger. He talks to his students not only about school but also about life. Junior Maaz Hussain, who took Philosophy of NonViolence (PHIL 367) with Smith last Winter Session, said Smith always went out of his way to help his students. “He tries to get to know all his students on a personal level, which isn’t something professors usually do,” Hussain said. “That makes him probably the best professor on campus.” His classes have Courtesy of Alan Smith gone on field trips to Professor Alan Smith teaches philosophy at the university. see peaceful protests on Saturdays. He took Hussain’s class to better,” Hussain said. “The information, it stays Washington, D.C., where almost 1 million peo- with you. I still remember practically everything.” ple were protesting the War in Iraq. Alumnus Adam Murauskas, who took the “He takes it to the next level,” Hussain said. “That was eye-opening. We met people class in spring 2006, is now a teacher and said he uses some of the constructionist learning from all over the nation.” He said he likes the way Smith arranges concepts Smith used in his classes. He said he his classes, by setting the chairs in a circle and has never had a professor quite like Smith. “We were all in on the teaching process,” then guiding the students’ discussions instead Murauskas said. “Smith was going on a journey of lecturing. “It’s not traditional, but I think it’s a lot with us. He is one-of-a-kind.”

CNN correspondent speaks for diversity reporting on Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. She has been working CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien empha- for CNN since 2003 and previously worked for sized the benefits of diversity during her NBC News. keynote speech Thursday for the university’s O’Brien, who was introduced by universiLatino Heritage Month opening ceremony. ty President Patrick Harker, said in her speech, O’Brien is a special correspondent for besides being morally appropriate, diversity is “CNN: Special Investigations Unit” and critical for the business world. She said as the helped produce the series, “CNN Presents: U.S. economy becomes more based on knowlBlack in America.” She has done in-depth edge and less on goods, U.S. citizens must solve problems in groups. “Teams that consist of the same types of people are less likely to come up with a wide range of solutions,” O’Brien said. She said having diverse groups of people who differ by gender, socioeconomic class, race and other qualities will solve dilemmas by allowing for a wide range of experiences to be represented. With current issues such as global warming, education reform and the THE REVIEW/Steven Gold economy, different Soledad O’Brien spoke at the university Thursday. BY JENNIFER HEINE Managing News Editor

groups of people must come together. “These problems are not going to be solved by one smart person leading the way,” O’Brien said. “They are going to be led by everyone bringing their diversity to the table.” Every person brings his or her own “box of things” to each situation, she said. The box includes qualities such as intelligence, the ability to negotiate and sense of humor. “It’s the tools in that box that you get by your diverse experiences,” O’Brien said. She said the November presidential election brings diversity, no matter if the McCainPalin ticket or Obama-Biden ticket wins. “This is an opportunity to change thinking,” O’Brien said. “This is an opportunity to change the paradigm from what we used to be to what we can expect to get.” Diversity also involves thinking differently, she said. A community in Africa, where young girls were previously expected to stay at home rather than attend school because they were domestically valuable, decided to think differently. School officials encouraged 8-yearold girls to stay in school by giving the girls lunches as well as packed dinners they could bring home to their families. This food program encouraged the young girls to continue their education because they were still able to help provide for their families, creating societal change, O’Brien said. She said another instance of “thinking differently” is when K-12 students are paid for reading a certain number of books or achieving certain scores on assessment tests. O’Brien

said in many cases, young students are motivated to read or achieve more than what they are required. O’Brien said she struggled with obstacles throughout her journalism career as she looked for jobs because supervisors would ask her to change her name or told her she was not “black enough” to be a black television anchor. She said her parents, who had their own difficulties as a bi-racial couple, encouraged her to achieve her dreams. “If there are obstacles in your way, go around them,” O’Brien said. “There is no magic to it that’s the formula to succeeding.” Newark Mayor Vance A. Funk III named O’Brien mayor for the day and gave her a plaque at the event. Seventeen registered student organizations and university offices sponsored the Clayton Hall event, which drew approximately 400 students, faculty and community members. Graduate student Jane Luke said she attended Thursday’s opening ceremony because she likes O’Brien’s reporting, but she also enjoyed the lecture. “She’s very humorous, very poignant,” Luke said. Sophomore Susana Cortez said she thought O’Brien’s lecture was interesting and she came to the lecture to learn more about O’Brien’s opinions. “Hearing all these different things that are going on, it’s just amazing to have someone caring about our community,” Cortez said.

September 23, 2008


Police, UD start plan to suppress crime BY LYDIA WOOLEVER City News Editor

Photos courtesy of Newark Police

Tierch Oned (left) was arrested, and Brooke Boyd is wanted, in relation to recent crimes near campus.

Students, university take precautions against crime BY LYDIA WOOLEVER City News Editor

The greater Newark area has taken measures to increase safety and security after university students were robbed at gunpoint on five different incidents. Students, residents, landlords and university officials have been taking precautions to ensure the well-being of themselves and the community. With the severity of these crimes sinking in and hitting home, students and residents are beginning to focus on safety measures and taking precautions themselves. According to some students, the student body is considerably concerned about the recent assaults on students. Senior Jake Voorhees said he has begun taking more stringent precautions. “Even though I am a male, I will not walk home alone if it’s really late,” Voorhees said. “I always try to be aware of things going on around me, taking busier streets and paths that are more illuminated than others.” Junior Alyssa Agrifolio said her social life has changed since she began hearing about the crimes. She has begun leaving parties earlier and always walking in pairs. “My friends and I try to take Public Safety everywhere we go, whether it is a driving or a walking escort,” she said. “We’ll take anything to make sure we’re not walking anywhere alone. “We’ve even chosen not to go to certain places because of how far they are from where we live and because we know the neighborhoods are not as safe. These crimes are scary and it definitely reminds you of how important the buddy system is.” The Newark Police Department and the university’s department of Public Safety have increased their measures through a Fall Crime Suppression Plan, which plans to increase police presence and suppress crime and has already resulted in five arrests. Cathy Skelley, assistant director of Residence Life at the university, said residential halls are locked 24 hours per day and students are encouraged to lock their doors. “We need to teach our students, while we still have them,” Skelley said. “Can we be doing more to help them prepare to live off campus?” Officials at the department of Residence Life are working with Public Safety officials in a new measure to deter crimes, she said. If there is a crime in a residence hall, Public Safety will create a flyer, which tells key details about the incident, Skelley said. Public Safety will then post the flyers throughout the residence hall in order to inform students. In addition to the crime flyers, Residence Life has proposed a plan of having a designated officer for students to go to, she said. “There would be a specific police officer that is assigned to a particular area of campus and will do some programs with students to let them get to know the offi-

cer and find someone who is approachable,” Skelley said. “In some of the crime suppression aspects, I think knowing who you’re talking to is a big help.” Regarding safety measures by the city of Newark for off-campus housing, Thomas Sciulli, director of building for the city, said there is no real correlation between crime safety and building codes. “This is something the landlord could do,” he said. “The codes that not only Newark, but that the entire country enforces, are minimum standards — building codes are concerned mainly with protecting occupants from fire.” However, Sciulli said in comparison to other cities, Newark has gone beyond the minimum codes since they were amended years ago. “The city amended their building codes so that it now states all structures built after Sept. 26, 2005, the following security systems shall be required,” he said. These requirements include all exterior doors will be self-closing with approved lockable devices to prohibit unlawful or unwanted entry and all sliding-glass doors will be equipped with an approved, lockable device. All apartment entry doors will have an approved peephole and public-exterior ways, stairways, parking spaces, garages and carports need to have illumination. These standards only apply to multi-family dwellings, like apartment buildings, Sciulli said. Many students are taking their own precautions around their homes for an extra sense of security. “We lock our doors at night and there are some big lights which overlook our backyard,” Voorhees, who lives on New London Road, said. “I think if a building is secure and the proper precautions are taken, your residence will most likely not be broken into around Newark.” Agrifolio said she takes similar precautions around her home. “By now, people not locking their doors at night is asking for something to happen,” she said. “I make sure our door is always shut and locked, and that people aren’t roaming around outside our house.” Voorhees said although recent muggings have primarily been crimes of opportunity, he thinks other steps besides police tactics could be taken. “Since these victims are being hurt and beaten, the need for immediate solution is even greater,” he said. “Freshmen should be required to do a security quiz, much like the alcohol education quiz that the university has recently implemented.” Agrifolio said she hopes the safety measures will make a difference. “It’s really awful to feel unsafe in your home away from home,” she said. “No one should feel this way about where they live.”

In light of recent crimes on and around the university campus, police have implemented a strategy to combat local crime and violence. The Newark Police Department has joined forces with the university’s Office of Public Safety to create the Fall Crime Suppression Plan. According to the plan, the program will deploy more officers throughout areas commonly riddled with crime. “Aggressive patrol tactics” will also be implemented in order to increase security and deter criminals. Cpl. Gerald Bryda, of the Newark Police Department, said police shifts have been increased and patrols will focus on specific neighborhoods where crimes occurred. “The plan went into effect to zero-in on certain areas of the city, at certain times of night, like off-school hours,” Bryda said. Skip Homiak, director of Public Safety at the university, said his office is working closely with the Newark Police Department to develop deployment strategies. “We have allied ourselves with them for the fight on these sorts of crimes,” Homiak said. “Some of the initiatives involve putting officers on the streets at key times, so we are adjusting some administrators’ schedules to work night time or to free up more officers.” Homiak said Newark police have set up a command post on Cleveland Avenue. In addition to the already increasing police force, Chief James Flatley, director of the university’s Public Safety department, said Public Safety is working on increasing its force as well. “Presently, I have 12 officers who graduated from the New Castle County Police Academy and Delaware State Police Academy,” he said. “They are currently in field training, and once they graduate, they can be released on their own which allows us to have additional officers out there.” Flatley said he hopes to have eight new officers by the beginning of November and four more by the beginning of December. On Sept. 8, the plan resulted in the arrest of four suspects believed to be involved with an armed robbery that occurred on Sept. 5 in the parking lot of the Foxcroft Apartments on Wilbur Street. On Sept. 17, arrests were made for two suspects believed to be involved in an armed robbery of a university student at the Newark Shopping Center on Sept. 2. The first suspect, 17, was arrested and transported to a local detention center. The second suspect, 21, is currently wanted by the Newark Police for two separate robberies and wanted for warrants by four other Delaware police agencies. Flatley said Public Safety’s services are open to all, from students to staff, faculty and visitors to campus. “At the same time, we ask that if there is a large group of students — say six, eight, 10 people — that they try to utilize the transportation systems offered by the university,” he said. “The escort service can get backed up but we do have additional escorts on weekends, as well as additional personnel to take the phone calls and dispatch the escorts to the locations.” In addition to being aware of what Public Safety offers, such as walking and driving escorts, Flatley said it is important for students to be aware of the crimes. “We encourage students to check UDaily because we do post crimes that are of a serious nature for both on and off campus,” he said. “Students can sign up at the university’s homepage and receive e-mails regarding crimes that occur.” Police recommend students travel in groups, be alert and aware of their surroundings, walk on well-lit and heavily traveled routes and walk confidently and directly. Students should avoid over-consumption of alcohol because intoxicated people are easy victims. Flatley said he likes to stress students take these safety measures to heart. “This is your community, this is your home,” he said. “We all have a certain amount of responsibility. So whatever town you came from, there was a sense of ownership in your community and we would like to encourage that among our students.” Flatley said he encourages students to report anything out of the ordinary. “When it comes to ensuring the safety and security of every member of the university community, if we don’t have [student] assistance, their cooperation, it makes the job extremely difficult if not impossible,” he said.

8 September 23, 2008

Taking a stand: A guide to the candidates

Abortion FPreserve a woman’s right to choose under Roe v. Wade and opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade. FExpand access to contraception, sexual health information and preventative services, including safe sex practices and abstinence. Stem Cell Research FSupports stem cell research.

Gay and Lesbian Rights FSupports legislation to outlaw employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. FSupports a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act; supports civil unions. FOpposes legislation banning same-sex marriage.

With election day six weeks away, The Review offers this look at where the candidates stand on key issues. Check back next week for tips on registering to vote, and each week after that for continuing coverage and tips.

Energy and the Environment FEnsure 10 percent of United State’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025. FPromotes domestic production of natural gas and oil, as well as the construction of the Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline. FMake the United States a leader in climate change by creating a Global Energy Forum, a forum of the world’s largest pollution emitters, which would focus on global energy and environmental issues. Economy FProvide a $50 billion relief program to jumpstart the economy and prevent 1 million citizens from losing their jobs. FRaise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011.

Courtesy of BarackObamadotcom —

College and Education FMake college more affordable by creating the universal and refundable American Opportunity Tax Credit, which ensures the first $4,000 of college are free for most citizens. Covers two-thirds of the cost of tuition at public colleges and universities and makes community college tuitions free for many students. Students receiving the credit have to conduct 100 hours of community service per year. FSimplify application for financial aid by eliminating the current federal financial aid application and eliminating the need for a separate application.

Healthcare FCreate quality, portable and affordable healthcare coverage for all Americans through insurance for all, comprehensive health benefits, affordable premiums and deductibles and easy enrollment. FCreate the National Health Insurance Exchange to help individuals purchase private insurance plans. FMake healthcare coverage of children mandatory. Young adults will have more options for coverage, such as allowing them to continue coverage through their parents’ plans until age 25.

Military and the Middle East FPhased withdrawal of troops in Iraq, removing all troops by summer 2010. FBelieves residual force should remain in Iraq and in the region to conduct targeted counter-terrorism missions against al-Qaida. FSecure all loose nuclear materials in the world in four years. Enact a global ban on the production of nuclear weapons material.

The Workplace FCombat employment discrimination by overturning the Supreme Court’s ruling that reduces minorities’ and women's abilities to challenge pay discrimination. Pass the Fair Pay Act to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work as well the Employment NonDiscrimination Act which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

John McCain

Abortion FOverturn the Supreme Court’s verdict in Roe v. Wade. FMake abortion the decision of individual states.

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith Stem Cell Research FOpposes the intentional creation of human embryos for research purposes. FSupports funding for amniotic fluid and adult stem cell research and other types of scientific studies that do not involve the use of human embryos. FOpposes “fetal farming” and would make it a federal crime for researchers to use cells or fetal tissue from an embryo created for research purposes. FOpposes using or obtaining human cells developed in animals. FOpposes human cloning.

Gay and Lesbian Rights FOpposes gay marriage, but feels the decision should be left to individual states. FSupports the Defense of Marriage Act. FOpposes civil unions.

Energy and the Environment FExpand domestic oil exploration by lifting the federal moratorium on drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf. FExpand and promote domestic supplies of natural gas. FSupports research toward clean-coal technologies and alternative vehicle fuels. FConstruct 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030. FEncourage alternative energy sources. FInstitute a summer gas tax holiday by calling on Congress to suspend the 18.4 cent federal gas tax and 24.4 cent diesel tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Economy FKeep the top tax rate at 35 percent, maintain the 15 percent rates on dividends and capital gains and phase out the Alternative Minimum Tax. FBan Internet taxes. FBan taxes on cell phones, including text messages and 911 calls. College and Education FProposes a student loan continuity plan. Calls on the federal government to anticipate loan problems by expanding the lender-of-last resort capabilities for each state’s guarantee agency. FGive bonuses to teachers who teach in underprivileged schools and demonstrate student improvement. FEncourages alternative certification methods for teachers supporting programs such as Teach for America, the New York City Teaching Fellowship Program and the New Teacher Project.

Healthcare FReform healthcare by allowing for cheaper medicine, increased research on chronic disease and greater accessibility to care. FSupports portable insurance — insurance that does not change from job to job, retirement or temporary leave from work. FSupports coordinated care with providers to produce health care for patients at lower costs. FMake the tax subsidy fair by giving every family $5,000 (individuals receive $2,500) toward insurance, regardless of its insurance or yearly income.

Military and the Middle East FDo not withdraw troops until Iraq is capable of governing itself. FIncrease the size of the military. FSupports the development and deployment of theater and national missile defenses. FThe rights and freedoms of American citizens should not be infringed upon in the process of fighting terrorism.

The Workplace FSupports workplace flexibility, including modernizing labor laws to allow for more flexible scheduling arrangements, portable health care and choices for retirement.

— compiled by Maddie Thomas from and

Courtesy of Wigwam Jones —

Barack Obama

September 23, 2008

From paychecks to politics


Professors contribute money to both presidential campaigns BY KAITLYN KILMEITS Administrative News Editor

According to Federal Election Committee records, a number of university employees have been active campaign contributors in the current presidential election. The FEC is a government agency to which campaigns are required to report the names and occupations of their contributors. Thirty-three contributors listed as university employees, in positions ranging from professors to administrators, have donated a total of $38,300 to the presidential race. In total, $31,900 went to the Democratic Party and $6,400 to the Republican Party. Twenty-eight contributors listed specifically as professors employed by the university have contributed $26,950 to the 2008 presidential campaigns. From professors, the Democratic Party received $24,150, whereas, the Republican Party received $2,800 . Nicole Byrd, a government relations associate from the American Association of University Professors, said the same attributes that make one decide to become a professor would carry over into making a professor interested in the election. “Anybody who’s going to take the time and put in the sweat and the tears to pursue a Ph.D. is someone who obviously values being educated and being knowledgeable,” Byrd said. “It just shows that these people really value a high level of education and awareness.” She said she is not surprised so many professors are active in the political process and have contributed to the upcoming election. “I think that you see a lot of professors who pay pretty close attention to what’s going on,” Byrd said. “I think with a lot of people who are engaged in research and collaborating with colleagues abroad in the same field, you

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

do tend to see a lot of our members who are very engaged, who pay a lot of attention to what’s going on in the country and in the world.” Sheldon Pollack, a professor of legal studies who contributed toward Sen. John McCain’s race for the presidency in the primary season, said he thinks professors are more involved in politics than employees in other professions. “Compared to tire salesmen and garage mechanics, of course they are,” Pollack said. He said there are certain aspects to professors’ personalities that make them more likely contribute to campaigns. “Professors are people who are interested in ideas, have intense views, overwhelmingly are on the left and in fact it’s not surprising that they would contribute,” Pollack said. “It would be surprising if they didn’t contribute after having intense political views.” He said he believes some fields of study to be more politically involved than others. “University professors are political activists, certainly in the social sciences,” Pollack said. “For instance, you have a whole political science department of people who are extremely interested in politics so it’s not surprising they would be intense in their views and willing to contribute.” Since he chooses not to advertise his political views in the classroom, he finds it strange a student can access information about his political leanings and donation amounts with a click of a mouse, he said. “You fill out a form listing your name and your employer and you don’t really realize that’s going to show up on a Web site and be accessible so easy,” Pollack said. He said some professors may be uncomfortable with this personal informa-

tion being published over the Internet. “I think people assume that it’s like their vote — that it’s confidential and a private matter — but in fact it isn’t,” Pollack said. “It’s a public record.” Christopher Rasmussen, a computer and information sciences professor who donated funds to Sen. Barack Obama, said he understands it is necessary to the election process that his campaign contribution information was made public. “Who you work for and who you support feels private but there are election rules, and rules are rules,” Rasmussen said. “I think it’s important for the country and how government is run that that kind of information be public so you kind of have to sign on to that when you give money.” He said he recognizes the importance of campaign contributions being be available to the public. “I wouldn’t want other candidates or contributors to be able to hide the fact that they back a certain campaign,” Rasmussen said. Multiple variables contribute to making professors strong campaign contributors, he said. “Professors are a mixture of the politically aware, the intellectual, they read the issues, they read the newspaper and they have money to give,” Rasmussen said. “It’s a combination of those factors that make them big contributors” He said he thinks the university community stimulates political awareness and activism. “I think universities are environments where politics are definitely discussed more,” Rasmussen said. The campaign donation records are available for public viewing at

Courtesy of Chris Lang

A student’s question for the candidates

University student Chris Lang asked the candidates about youth service.


A university student won a contest that allowed him to travel to a presidential forum and pose a question to the candidates. Senior Christopher Lang, a triple major in political science, economics and finance, recently won a contest sponsored by, an organization that promotes public service, by submitting a question for Sen. Barack Obama, and Sen. John McCain. Lang’s question stated, “What types of politics would you institute in your first few months in office to instill service and leadership in America’s youth?” Lang said that he tried to direct his question toward service. “I feel that a big drive occurring in the U.S. is the drive to increase public service in America’s youth,” he said. Lang said he was surprised when he found out he won. “I was notified five days before it was announced,” he said. “It came out of nowhere.” As part of winning the contest, Lang traveled to the National Service Forum at Columbia University in New York on Sept. 11. “There were so many motivated people around us,” he said. “Hearing McCain and Obama speak before us was awesome.” Lang said he met young leader and actor Tobey Maguire, but did not get to meet either of the candidates. “At one point I did stand next to Joe Biden and the governor of New York [David Paterson],” he said. Lang said neither candidate answered the question directly. “They didn’t really dive into the question, but they each have good service plans and said that they want to institute more into America,” he said. Lang’s father, Jeffrey, attend-

ed the forum with his son and said it was a moving event and he is very proud of his son’s accomplishment. “He continues to amaze me with the different things he gets involved in,” Jeffrey said. “It’s a great thing to have a son like him.” Ann Morrison, Chris’ mother, said the experience was fantastic. “I am excited and honored that his question got picked,” Morrison said. Lang’s parents said he was involved with politics since freshman year of high school. “He’s very interested in how government and business work together,” Jeffrey said. Morrison said her son used to participate in mock legislative sessions in Dover and was picked as a delegate to go to a national convention in high school. Lang said his parents and adviser, political science professor James Magee, inspired him to continue involving himself in public services. Magee, who has known Lang since he was a baby, said he is very proud of Lang’s selection to attend the forum. “Chris has already earned his credentials as a ‘citizen of the republic,’ not just because he has the privilege of being born into citizenry, but because he has been actively engaged in public services since he was in high school,” Magee said. He said Lang interned over the summer for Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., in Washington, D.C., and was funded by the James R. Soles Citizenship/Public Service fellowship from the department of political science and international relations. Magee said he foresees a career in politics for Lang. “Chris will be governor of Delaware one day, the state’s member of Congress, one of its two senators or maybe all three in his career,” he said.

10 September 23, 2008

‘Hen After 10:’ A late-night friend BY ANDREW LYNCH Copy Editor

The university instituted a new late-night bus route, “Hen After 10,” to make public transit more convenient for students. William Fitzpatrick, interim director of supporting services and route coordinator, said the bus route’s new map and times were requested by students. He said the idea came about during a service management course held by university President Patrick Harker last spring. “Dr. Harker’s spring class was the one that really initiated the evaluation of the route,” Fitzpatrick said. “We were made aware that the routes could be more convenient for the students.” He said the university’s transit system has always had a late-night bus running throughout campus. The new system is simply an alteration of the previous late-night route based on students’ recommendations. “What members of Dr. Harker’s class did is they evaluated the route and times, the genesis of that evaluation being ‘Hen After 10,’ ” Fitzpatrick said. Sunday through Wednesday, the new route runs every 40 minutes until 2:25 a.m. Thursday through Saturday, the route runs every 20 minutes and remains active until 3:59 a.m. Fitzpatrick said the new plan has been well received. Trends in ridership show more people have been riding the bus, he said. “It’s an increase, but I would not classify it as a significant increase this early in the semester,” Fitzpatrick said. “Hen After 10” makes several stops, including West Campus, Laird Campus, Chapel Street, Main Street and the Smith Overpass. He said the new route is an alteration of the old system, but with less stops so the bus completes more cycles per night. The old route took longer to complete a cycle, discouraging students to take the bus at night. “It was designed with the intention to cover a lot of ground as opposed to getting students around faster,” Fitzpatrick said. He said like any business, the university’s public-transit officials are always evaluating ridership so they can cater to the needs of the customer. After the students in Harker’s class said the old system could be

improved, he said it was time for a change. Junior Kathryn Duplessis said the university’s former public-transit system was inefficient. “Sometimes I would get there five minutes after the bus left,” she said. “Then I would have to wait for a half-hour. My friends never wanted to take the bus.” Senior Bryan Hoffmeier said the old bus system took too long. “I live in Park Place apartments and ride the bus a lot,” Hoffmeier said. “After waiting for the late-night express to come, it still took a while for it to get across campus. I’m hoping this new route will be a little more convenient.” He said pocket-sized brochures showing the routes and operating hours are being distributed at campus events and student centers to promote “Hen After 10.” Chief James J. Flatley, director of Public Safety, said the new bus routes could be beneficial to students if they are utilized properly. He said the bus routes were not created to replace Public Safety escorts. “While Public Safety escorts can only handle groups of two or three students, these new bus routes can handle a group of eight or nine students without having to make them separate into smaller groups,” Flatley said. “This factor keeps students safer, but can only do so much.” He said these routes were not created with the intention of lowering crime on campus, but rather as a way to transport students conveniently. The issue of campus safety has little to do with ‘Hen After 10.’ “The bus system, if utilized properly, will put less of the student body on the street where they are susceptible to crime,” Flatley said. “As far as safety is concerned, students can contribute to their own safety and the safety of others by doing simple things.” He said students could increase their safety by walking in a group or with at least one other person, knowing their exact destination and where they are coming from and being fully aware of their surroundings. “Students need to be thinking about safety, especially when they go out at night,” Flatley said. “‘Hen After 10’ is a convenient way to get around campus at a time that most buses are done circulating.”

THE REVIEW/Justin Maurer

“Hen After 10” runs until 3:59 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.

September 23, 2008

in the news

Bush defends buyout of financial institutions The Bush administration raised the price tag on its emergency plan to revive the U.S. financial system, asking Congress for the authority to spend up to $700 billion to relieve crippled financial institutions of their mortgage-based assets, a sum that would exceed the current cost of the war in Iraq. Senior administration officials pressed their counterparts in Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and elsewhere to establish similar programs to rescue their own troubled firms in what would be an unprecedented bailout of the worldwide financial system. Congressional leaders

responded positively to the administration’s rescue plan, though the price tag was $200 billion higher than they had been told to expect three days prior. President Bush urged Democrats to set aside those demands. Bush defended the size of the request, saying drastic action was needed because of the magnitude of the financial crisis, a cataclysm that started with bad mortgage loans to U.S. homeowners, spread to the banking and financial services industry and is now enveloping markets around the world.

Pakistani officials said Sunday 21 foreigners, including two Americans stationed at the U.S. Embassy, were among the victims of a massive suicide truck bombing Saturday night that destroyed a luxury Marriott hotel in the capital. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani said the bomber’s intended target was Gillani’s official residence a block from the hotel, where newly elected President Asif Ali Zardari and other officials were gathered to break their daily Ramadan fast when the bomb exploded approximately 8 p.m. As rescue teams combed the

still-smoldering five-story building, officials put the death toll at 53, with an unknown number of people still unaccounted for. At least 266 people were injured. Most of the victims were hotel workers. A senior government security adviser, Rehman Malik, pointed the finger at Islamist militant groups based in South Waziristan, a volatile tribal area near the Afghan border. These groups have vowed to retaliate against the government for steppedup military raids and for a series of U.S. military incursions in pursuit of al-Qaida and Taliban fighters.

South African President Thabo Mbeki was forced from office, paving the way for rival Jacob Zuma to take power and leaving the country in a state of political and economic uncertainty. The populist Zuma, expected to take over after parliamentary elections next year, has made several comebacks from near political oblivion: He beat rape charges in 2006 and just over a week ago managed to have fraud and racketeering charges thrown out on a technicality. The executive committee of the rul-

ing African National Congress decided to “recall� or depose Mbeki, and a presidential spokesman said he had agreed to resign. Mbeki's departure could presage a major shift in economic policy and the resignation of numerous Mbeki loyalists in the Cabinet. However, the ANC's secretary general, Gwede Mantashe, said Zuma was calling on Cabinet ministers to stay on for the sake of stability. A trusted Zuma ally, parliamentary speaker Baleka Mbete, is expected to be appointed interim president.

Suicide bombing in Pakistan’s capital kills 53

South African president forced to resign

— compiled from the L.A. Times and Washington Post news wire

police reports

MAN ROBBED OF BIKE A 22-year-old male reported his bicycle stolen on Sunday, at 10:12 p.m., Cpl. Gerald Bryda, of the Newark Police Department, said. An unknown suspect entered the victim’s residence in the 400 block of Apple Road and stole the victim’s bicycle. The victim, a university student, told police the mountain bike was worth approximately $875, Bryda said. There are no leads or suspects at this time.

STUDENTS ASSAULTED AFTER PARTY Two university students were assaulted by several people after a party on Kershaw Street on Sunday at 3:03 a.m. Unknown suspects assaulted the victims, an 18-year-old female university student and an 18-year-old male university student, causing injury to both, just off of Cleveland Avenue, Bryda said. The female victim was distracted by an unknown female. The suspect became upset, called the victim a name, and began to attack her, hitting her several times very quickly. The male victim attempted to defend the female victim by physically restraining the female suspect. As this occurred, the suspect screamed, causing additional suspects to exit a party and assault both victims, Bryda said. The victims were transported to Christiana Hospital, after receiving facial lacerations. One victim lost a tooth. No adequate descriptions were given; therefore there are no leads or suspects at this time, Bryda said. — Lydia Woolever


Del. resident raises brain tumor awareness BY RYAN CARROLL Staff Reporter

Earlier this month, the Kelly Foundation Heinz-Grundner launched the foundation’s first campaign, Get Your Head in the Game, which seeks to raise awareness of brain tumors in New Castle County and eventually nationwide. Chris Grundner, founder and president of the foundation, created the organization in memory of his late wife, Kelly. In October 2004, Grundner, a resident of Wilmington, wrote a business plan for the foundation to honor Kelly one month after she passed away from a malignant brain tumor. He said he realized he had to bring national attention to raise awareness for brain tumors. “If someone were to tell me that a year after Kelly’s passing I would be at a podium announcing the launch of the foundation, I would have thought they were crazy,� Grundner said. “I realized pretty quickly that something had to be done, and I was the one who had to do it.� In September 2005, the foundation staged its first annual fundraising event, Tulips Against Tumors, which continues to raise money for the foundation by selling tulips each fall. However, the foundation’s defining moment was in May when approximately 2,000 people attended the first annual awareness walk in Wilmington. The event raised over $200,000 for the foundation, he said. While other brain tumor foundations focus on research and treatment development, the Kelly HeinzGrundner foundation stresses the importance of awareness and early detection, Grundner said. “I wanted to put brain tumors on people’s radars,� he said. “Most parents don’t realize that brain cancer is the second leading cancer of people under the age of 20.� Kelly went undiagnosed for six

months with her brain tumor, he said. Grundner said he thinks if the tumor were diagnosed earlier, his wife’s health could have improved after surgery. However, because she received a late prognosis, her surgery left her confined to a wheelchair. With the guidance of WH2P, a branding and marketing firm based in Wilmington, Get Your Head in the Game is airing radio spots, painting billboards, buying ad space in local magazines and plans to be one of the first nonprofit organizations to have its message present at university football games. The Get Your Head in The Game foundation is also advertising heavily at the Wilmington train station where a floor ad, multiple posters on the platform and a hanging banner in the stairwell showcase the campaign’s slogan, “Did You Know?� Joe Harris, a partner at WH2P, said working with Grundner on the Get Your Head in the Game campaign was “destiny.� After meeting through a mutual friend, Harris and Grundner realized they were connected through the cause for raising brain tumor awareness. “On a personal level, my father had a 30-year tumor and two good friends were brain tumor survivors,� Harris said. “When Chris told me his story and goals for the foundation, I was immediately interested.� Four years after meeting, the team launched the Get Your Head in the Game campaign and hopes to eventually move it from the county to state level by 2009, and nationwide sometime after. “You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run,� Grundner said on the foundation’s progress. For the campaign to expand, he said it will require more than personal donations and will need to garner the support of larger corpora-

Got a story idea? Send it to ...or stop by the office above Perkins Student Center.


tions. Currently, market research is being done to prove investing in the Kelly Heinz-Grundner foundation is a worthwhile venture for other companies, Grundner said. Lisa Henry, spokeswoman for Comprehensive Cancer Control, said the foundation has a one-year contract with the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. The Delaware general assembly approved providing Grundner’s organization with a grant. “In our opinion, people should be aware of all cancers and preventive measures,� Henry said. Grundner said the long-term vision of the campaign hopes to follow in the steps of the Susan B. Komen Foundation, which has been able to raise national breast cancer awareness through what started out as a small foundation. He said he understands the large amount of work required to achieve what the Susan B. Komen Foundation has in the last 20 years. The support the campaign requires to grow may come from an expected source. Grundner has recently become a top 10 finalist in Lance Armstrong’s Livestrong Dare competition, which encourages contestants to explain how they have overcome obstacles in their lives. Having the support of Livestrong could be a powerful asset in directing attention and support toward the campaign, he said. “Livestrong would be a great organization to partner with,� Grundner said. “If we win the competition, we will get a signed bike from Lance Armstrong, which we will donate to the foundation and raffle off to make money for our family assistance program, which helps families in Delaware who are affected by brain tumors.�


September 23, 2008



Q: Do you think professors should make their political views public? Vote online at


Shrub Toons

THE REVIEW/ Jan Dickey

Keep school policies updated University should be proactive rather than reactive

During Activities Night at the Trabant University Center, a group of students tried to distribute a newspaper to students entering the building. Upon seeing this, university officials requested they go inside and hand out the newspaper, The Lamplighter, since it was against policy to distribute materials outside the building since it had not been previously registered by a student organization. Members of The Lamplighter entered Trabant and continued to hand out their newspaper but thought their First Amendment rights had been violated. Since then, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has become involved and the university has changed its policies on pamphlet distribution. After last year’s residence hall ordeal, it has been a goal of the university to minimize negative publicity and maximize student rights. However, every time controversy stirs, the administration seems to adjust outdated policies. It is the responsibility of the university to be aware of all policies. Michael Gilbert, vice president of student life, said he was thinking about revising the printed materials

policy but just hadn’t done it yet. If administrators are aware of policies needing change, something should be done before students have to waste their own time and energy to change them. Some of the outdated policies have been around since the 1960s. Surely campus life was quite different then. It is vital for a growing university to constantly update rules and regulations in order to be proactive rather than reactive. The policy for handing out materials on campus now states that event services do not need to be approved and while labels from RSOs are not required, they are strongly suggested. This will give any group on campus — organized or not — the ability to distribute information. The new policy is more welcoming to groups that want to express their views and share ideas and will help to enforce and support their First Amendment rights. In the future, the university shouldn’t wait for FIRE or student activists to provoke policy revisions. It is the administration’s job to embrace the sharing and debating of ideas and be aware of any policies that may be holding them back.

Professors talk politics in class University is the perfect setting to share political ideas It’s no surprise that many professors feel inclined to become politically active. In a university setting, thorough knowledge of the democratic process is constanly encouraged, as it should be. Finding out that at least 35 university faculty members and five administrators have donated approximately $40,000 to various campaigns is encouraging for students. On a campus whose students have been scolded for being apathetic toward politics, it is refreshing to see that professors are encouraging students to care about the issues facing our world. Not only is it inspiring to see the passion some professors have toward a particular candidates, but it is interesting to have a glimpse into their political views too. It gives students a way to get to know and relate to professors on a more personal level. It can stimulate students to get involved when a professor discusses politics. If discussing a certain viewpoint motivates one more student to vote in November it will be completely worth the debate. Professors along with students have the right to vote. By association, this gives them the rightful opportunity to discuss political

opinions. Students organizations on campus have the right to express their political ideas — College Democrats and College Republicans, for example. It is the job of both students and faculty to be open and respectful of everyone’s opinions, despite how different they may be from their own. If a student does see that a professor supports a political group different from their preferred organization, it is the student’s job to be prepared to hear opinions with which they may not agree. Being aware of a professor’s opinion can make class more interesting if both students and faculty are aware of the issues and can respectfully debate them. However, professors should have an unspoken agreement with students to be fair about expressing opinions. In a university, healthy arguments are vital in promote both equality and education. Professors should not try to push a particular political agenda but rather express their views and be courteous to students who agree and disagree. Discussing politics in class can only positively affect awareness on campus and the more students know about the issues, the more they will want to vote in upcoming elections.

“Don’t give up on your dreams.”

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Students support local election

The Delaware Democratic Party’s primary race for governor between Jack Markell and John Carney was a historic and unprecedented event in Delaware politics and I have never been prouder to be a registered democrat in this great state. Markell’s and Carney’s campaigns did an incredible job and the students involved in this race

deserve to be recognized for their hard work and dedication over the past 15 months. High school and college students worked together to change the face of politics in Delaware and I am excited that young people made a big difference in the primaries for both campaigns. As we join together to move forward toward the November elections, I hope that more students decide to get involved in local and state-wide races for candidates in

Delaware. Becoming a part of a campaign helps students develop important experience and critical skills for today’s career world. I hope more university students will take the step toward playing a greater role in 2008 campaigns here in Delaware. Alyssa Koser Senior

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September 23, 2008


Q: Do you think the university is doing enough to make the campus feel safer? 86% No 14% Yes



Video game warps evolutionary theory Rikipedia Ricky Berl

Natural selection is ‘dumbed down’ for public entertainment When Darwin penned the final lines to his “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, he could not possibly have foreseen the revolution in scientific thought that his intended “abstract” would spark. He did expect a brutal reception from the religious community and did his best to avoid any explanation of how life may have arisen in the very beginning, in spite of the book’s title. The intensity of that animosity is why, in his second edition, the words “by the Creator” were added to this last sentence of his work. “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” 1,562,663 forms, to be exact, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s list of described eukaryotic species. Sporepedia, the online repository for the new computer game “Spore,” has over 16 million creatures at the time of this writing. It seems like Homo sapiens are pretty

good at this whole creation business. Will Wright, the guy behind a long line of games for the simulation-inclined such as “SimCity,” “SimAnt” and “The Sims”, took a great amount of inspiration from modern science while designing the framework for what he often liked to call “SimEverything.” One of the loudest criticisms of the game since its release has been the severe “dumbingdown” of its elements in order to appeal to a wider audience. Wright himself acknowledged in the latest issue of Seed Magazine that much of the science behind “Spore” had to be simplified to make for a fun and engaging computer game. The depiction of evolution in the game, however, seems to completely ignore the real meat and potatoes of Darwin’s theory: natural selection. The modern understanding of natural selection, with contributions from the field of genetics that were unknown in Darwin’s time, states that individuals with any heritable advantage contributing to their reproductive success will have a better chance of passing on their alleles, including this advantage, to the next generation. In other words, if the environment says your genes are better than the next guy’s, it’ll be your kids that survive. In “Spore,” the genetic basis of your creature is transformed into “DNA points” which allow you to purchase different upgrades for your critter, such as faster feet, sharper claws, or another set of limbs. Except, the “evolution” in this game doesn’t depend on what you already have to work with as it does in the real world. At any time, you can call a mate over,

pull off all of your creature’s parts and create a whole new monstrosity for the next generation. Moreover, any time you do feel like having some babies, you just hit the “Mating Call” button — there’s no competition for mates whatsoever, otherwise known as sexual selection. Imagine if you had a button you could push for instant sex. The world would be a very different place.

hangouts — Homegrown and the Co-op — it can sometimes be hard to find a good, meatless meal around town. I know many people will sit there and start listing in their minds all of the places that have something on the menu that is meatless. However, when you’re a vegetarian, there are many more things to consider when going to find something to eat than what is on the menu. Granted, there are a lot of imitators, a lot of places try to satisfy my hunger for tofu. Perkins Student Center does have a few options like the garden burger at GrilleWorks and the salads from the salad bar. However, I usually avoid getting a salad because as many vegetarians will tell you, we don’t like salad as much as you see in the movies or hear from your friends.

OK, so Perkins wasn’t working out. So I left and decided to try option number two — Trabant University Center. I stood in line and took a look around at the Chick-fil-A, GrilleWorks and Konomi sushi. To a vegetarian, Trabant can be the worst place to go. Your stomach is grumbling, yet all you see is chicken, fish and the dreaded spatula-flipping of GrilleWorks. Before I sound like the most pretentious and stuck-up veggie lover in the world, I will acknowledge that Trabant does have pizza and Quiznos. You just have to forget for a moment that Quiznos specializes in subs with meat on them and that eating pizza every day would probably turn me into the world’s roundest tomato. As funny as being a round tomato would be, the truth of the matter is that Trabant does have veggie-options. However it is here that I run into my second batch of frustrations. Those frustrations can be traced back to the lack of healthy vegetarian food to be found in Trabant. Although pizza, burgers, candy and subs are all good in moderation, I’m just like many of my meat-eating friends who like to have a good mix of the healthy and not-so-healthy food groups. If I am con-

So what will be the effect of teaching a flawed version of Darwin’s vision to the general public?

Wright tells us his hope is that people will play the game, become interested in the subject and do the research on their own. As nice as this would be, it’s probably a far cry from reality. Any time someone creates something as entertainment — or even art, as many recent games can be argued to be (see “Shadow of the Colossus,” “Okami,” and the “Metal Gear Solid” series for examples) — then the designers behind that game become educators, especially to the younger, more impressionable generation that, by and large, won’t have the motivation or the means to question what you’re presenting to them. When you tout your game as an “evolution simulator,” it had better reflect actual scientific theory. “Spore,” though an incredible achievement technologically and a truly fun game to play, is not an evolution simulator.

Much in line with Will Wright’s previous games, “Spore” is a sandbox game—one that allows the user a near-infinite amount of freedom in how he or she chooses to play the game but one that glosses over many fine details that would have made it tedious and boring. Much like Darwin did nearly 150 years ago, Wright dodges the question of the beginning of life itself. At the start of the game, it shows your first cellular creature emerge from a chunk of asteroid that hit the planet’s primeval oceans. One would think that evolution could be accepted as fact by now considering that even in Darwin’s day there was little debate about the idea of evolution, only the ways in which it acted. Unfortunately, a 2007 Gallup poll shows that only 18 percent of Americans today believe that evolution is “definitely true.” Whether or not “Spore” can help translate the scientific community’s widespread acceptance of Darwin’s theory into a form the rest of society can agree with is yet to be seen. One can only hope the simplified form as shown in the game is taken with a grain of salt and the more curious gamers among us actually do look into the subject. So, reader, get out there and evolve something. Discover the grandeur in Darwin’s view of life. And try not to make a race of sentient penises like everyone else. It’s less funny than you might think. Ricky Berl is the photography editor for The Review. His viewpoints do not necessarily represent those of the Review staff. Please send comments to

Vegetarian options on campus medium-rare Ramblin’ Ryan

Ryan Langshaw

Finding meat-free meals is harder than it seems When I first came to the university as a transfer student, many things were different. The classes were bigger, the residence halls were smaller and for me, being vegetarian, the food was worse. I’ll never forget my first experience at the dining hall during my sophomore year. As I walked into the craziness, I remember looking around at all the choices and feeling more out of place there than I had in my first class of 200 students. The other day I decided to take a journey after class to find food. After being in class for three straight hours, I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. Well actually no, not a horse or any meat at all, for that matter. Being a vegetarian on campus has sometimes been a difficult way of life for me. Aside from the two major vegetarian

The garden burger seems like a great option, but after watching everyone ahead of me get their regular burgers cooked on the same grill and flipped using the same grease-soaked spatula, I kind of lose my zest for the garden burger experience.

sistently eating foods toward the top of the veggie food pyramid, eventually the pyramid will crumble. So by this point I had tried the two most popular campus food hangouts and I was still hungry and getting hungry enough to eat some sort of horse — maybe a chocolate one. So alas, I decided to make the trek to the most dreaded of all halls — the dining hall. As I nervously took my first steps into the lion’s den of college food service, something appeared out of the corner of my eye. What’s this? The dining hall had an entire cart devoted to me, the vegetarian. As I made my way past my usual dining hall options of pizza, salad and french fries, I finally felt redeemed as I encountered my four-by-three station of satisfaction — healthy vegetarian food that will not turn me into a tomato and make the vegetarian food pyramid crumble. It looks like after much searching this vegetarian finally found some love.

Ryan Langshaw is a managing sports editor for The Review. His viewpoints do not necessarily represent those of the Review staff. Please send comments to

14 September 23, 2008


September 23, 2008


Jim Breuer


see page 19

TV show makes a


in Dewey Beach see page 23

18 September 23, 2008

Museum’s Web site takes candidates out of history and into living rooms BY SABINA ELLAHI Features Editor

In an era where political campaign ads often include some form of accusation, blame and other attacks on the opposing candidate, it’s hard to believe ads have not always been this way. In fact, ads from the 1950s were much more light-hearted — featuring jingles, animation and smiling American faces. These ads and many others from the past are featured on the Web site “The Living Room Candidate,” run by the Museum of Moving Image in Astoria, N.Y. The site, which launched its 2008 edition Sept. 12, is an online archive of presidential campaign ads since 1952. Chief museum curator David Schwartz says it took months of research and archiving to put the current collection together. “We looked at several different ads from the Presidential Library, ad agencies and campaign teams,” Schwartz says. “It was easier once we put it all together, and now we update it every four years during an election.” The site, started in 2000, was inspired by a 1992 gallery exhibit featuring television monitors continuously playing ads. As the Internet surfaced and started to grow, Schwartz says he decided to put the archives online at viewers’ fingertips, allow them to analyze ads for themselves. “Visitors can see the evolution of the ads, and see over the years how the style of the ads change, but the messages and context stay the same,” he says. While the ad collection is purely an online archive, Schwartz says the museum occasionally hosts discussions with school groups. The site features lesson plans for teachers and professors who decide to use it as a tool in their classrooms. Communication professor Ralph Begleiter says the site is a great tool for the public and students to see how campaign techniques are reused. He says he uses the Web site in a class he is teaching this semester, The Road to the Presidency (POSC/ENGL/COMM 467).

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

“The site allows you to look at the ads at different angles,” Begleiter says. “It’s insightful because it gives people the chance to look at how campaign messages are crafted to the voters and how they don’t change much.” Begleiter, who teaches the class every four years during the presidential election with political science professor Joseph Pika, says he discovered the site in 2004 and used it in his class then. Since then, the site has improved greatly, he says, allowing easier navigation for users. “The site has added more portals by breaking down the ads into different categories,” he says. “Every little thing in these ads is carefully designed — the images, music, colors — and the way the site breaks these aspects down reveals the under-scheming nature of the ads.” Schwartz says the new version of the site heavily emphasizes navigation, which he says is a major strength. The navigation facilitates flexibility and sorts out the ads by theme. Schwartz says a feature of the site is the thematic playlists, which let visitors see various ads, as well as create their own playlist of ads they may prefer. Pika says he plans to use the site in his class. He says the way the site chronicles all the ads is an invaluable tool, especially in the classroom. “It includes an excellent sampling of campaign ads across history and helps citizens get a better sense of how the current candidates are trying to influence their thinking and behavior.” Pika says. “Being conscious of the devices being used helps us, as citizens, to sort through the messages we see and hear.”

Ads have evolved from simple ads asking for the public’s vote to full-on attacks on the opponent. With this evolution, users of the site can see how approaches to campaigning have changed drastically. Pika says because users can witness changes over time, he believes the site permits the public to be more aware of what the ads ultimately convey. “The public learns to become more wary of the ads they see — they learn the techniques used to ‘sell’ candidates,” Pika says. “The ads have become much more sophisticated — messages are more subtle and more carefully constructed.” Begleiter says he feels the site is especially important for college students, because they are potentially the most important voters in this election. “It’s like a revelation or a window into history,” he says. “The past comes alive, letting us all make discoveries on our own.”

Beloved professor returns to classroom BY AMY PRAZNIAK Features Editor

THE REVIEW/Amy Prazniak

Professor Patrick White and his fiancee are pictured in his Memorial Hall office.

causing adverse effects. Instead of thinning White’s blood, Heparin formed clots on the right side of his body, destroying tissue in both of his feet and half of his right hand. The only solution was amputation. Despite the situation, White has a spirit that can’t be defeated. He says he tries not to “moan and groan” about his situation. Motioning toward his fiancee at his side, he jokes and says she could probably say otherwise. “I try not to complain,” he says. “But she can tell you this is a bunch of lies.” In addition to undergoing procedures, he says he has also been burdened by medical costs. As an adjunct English professor at the university, he is not in the group insurance plan, but instead pays for his own insurance, he says. As a result, his plan has a limited range for durable medical goods, such as a wheelchair and in his case, prosthetics. White says his policy only covers up to $1,000 in durable medical goods, while the cost for prosthetics can easily reach $20,000. He says his prosthetist asked him to speak to the news media recently, because White is representative of a larger issue, including the attempt to pass nation-wide legistration.

While he gently strokes what’s left of his bandaged right hand, professor Patrick White says his health problems started a long time ago. White, who is referred to as “Whitey” by his students, says Spring Semester last year was when his suffering health became noticeable. His lungs began to retain fluid, causing a bad cough and shortness of breath that prevented him from moving a few steps without becoming winded. “By Spring Break, I was just hanging on,” White says. “And I’m notorious for not canceling class.” White says doctors told him that his symptoms were associated with liver complications. However, it was his cardiologist who informed him the problem was with his heart. “My heart was basically sitting in a cement box,” he says. Last April, calcification — a hardening from calcium build-up — of White’s heart brought him to the surgeon’s table, where his condition only worsened. During the surgery, White had a severe allergic reaction to the blood thinner Heparin, See ENGLISH page 23

The Mosaic Interview: Jim Breuer

September 23, 2008


From ‘Saturday Night Live’ to Sirius to stand-up comedy BY TED SIMMONS Entertainment Editor

Jim Breuer doesn’t wear tie-dyed shirts. He doesn’t have an unhealthy relationship with Funyuns and he definitely doesn’t end his sentences with “Yeah, man” — intentionally, at least. The image from “Half-Baked,” with which most college students associate him, isn’t exactly accurate. Instead, the comedian is busy with his show on Sirius Satellite Radio, “Breuer Unleashed,” and performing from campus to campus on his Breuniversity Tour. His next stop is the university, as he and fellow Saturday Night Live alumnus Kevin Nealon perform Sept. 26 for Parents and Family Weekend. He insists his routine won’t make for an awkward ride home with parents, though he’s known for his passionate and sometimes reckless delivery. Breuer took some time to talk to The Review about taking care of his dad, rocking out to AC/DC and the pains of being a Mets fan. So Jim, how about those Mets? Do you think they’re going to make the playoffs? I don’t know. They scare the living snot out of me. It’s like being in love with an alcoholic and everyday they go, “Alright, you know what? I promise you, I’m not going to drink anymore,” and then you have a wonderful day with them. And then you come home and they’re passed out naked on the floor. The most frustrating relationship I’ve ever had in my life. I don’t know, man. I really just don’t know. It’s going to be a fight until the end. I think they are starting pitching and Delgado will win it for them. He’s a gorilla. A savage. A beast.

Do people ever confuse you with your characters, mainly Brian from “Half-Baked”? A lot of times people want to get stoned with me, which is flattering, but those days are long gone. I save that for you collegiate students. You’ll carry the torch — I’ll watch and laugh. How does radio — namely uncensored radio — compare to other stuff you’ve done, like hosting “Web Junk 20” or MTV’s Beach House? Uncensored radio is by far the best thing ever created.

My show is getting to know comics and actors off the stage — the room that you’re not allowed to hang out in before we come out. And it’s brutally honest and truthful and funny. Where television is corny, it’s all scripted by terrible writers, and they all have these investors that want to make sure their thing is done. You’re not really yourself on TV.

No, I appeal to everybody. It’s funny — I’m one of the only comics that students feel safe to bring their parents. I talk about everything you can relate to. I’m not a dirty guy. I talk about my dad. He craps himself. It’s a reality of life — they’re not going to teach you that in college, ‘Alright great, go out and get a job. Oh, by the way, your dad craps himself.’ Do you have good college memories you want to share? Oh, mine were a blur. My college days, I thought I was going to be a rock star, because I was acting. So I didn’t really go to college — I was there. And I didn’t get to share a real college dorm. I went to community college. I didn’t get to do the dorm thing. To me, the dorm was on the road. Once I committed to doing stand-up and I lived on the road, that was my college.

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

How did your Breueniversity tour go? That went phenomenal. It started last year, and I’ll probably kick it in again in January ’09. I just filmed a onehour special that’ll come out in ’09. The Breuniversity thing came out really good. I got a movie out of it. I got these things called road journals that I started airing on my Web site. And I brought my father along — he’s 85. It’s hilarious. When you’re performing at the university, it’s for Parents and Family weekend. Any warnings, or are you changing any of your material?

You’re a big heavy metal fan, and you got to sing with Rob Halford of Judas Priest and Brian Johnson of AC/DC. If you have the grandkids lined up, what’s the first story you tell them? I mean, Brian’s obviously bigger because of AC/DC. To me, the coolest story is Halford, because that was a full-blown surprise, where I was in the studio and I started doing the pre-song. And then he came in and hadn’t sung for almost a year. And here’s the coolest thing about that song — the song’s called “The Devil’s Child.” He had just finished a cigarette. He came in and saw me doing it. He came in and started singing with me. And then on the following tour, which he does now, he put that song in their concert, not realizing what a popular song it was. I talked him into putting that song into his regular set list.

Who would win in a fight between your old “SNL” characters Goat Boy, Joe Pesci and Glen Henderson? Pesci would win and he’d eat the goat. He’d serve it to all his friends.

Anything you want to tell the students? I am going to crush. I’ve been annihilating since I’ve been doing stand-up again. So, I don’t know what they’re charging you guys, but it’s going to be the best money you’ve spent all year. I’m going to mutilate the place.

Pictures courtesy of Kasey-Samuel Adams —

Comedian Jim Breuer will perform at the Bob Carpenter Center with fellow “Saturday Night Live” alumnus Kevin Nealon for Parents and Family Weekend.

20 September 23, 2008

film enhances the suspense. From the start, when the couple moves in, the mood is tense and unwelcoming. The frequent use of the shaky camerawork adds more uneasiness for the characters. While everything works for the movie, it still has its flaws. It’s never explained why Abel has beliefs old-fashioned about race, and why he has such psychotic anger. many Unfortunately, scenes are left loose and do not explain the fierce character of the cop. Abel believes he is the law and everyone will follow his rules. In one particular scene, Abel warns a criminal to never break the law. When the criminal swears to God, Abel is angered and tells the criminal to swear to him and not God. The aging Jackson portrays this character skillfully. Although he has white facial hair, he is still just as good as he was in his “Pulp Fiction” days, where he provoked fear in the audience. For example, in his dialogue delivery in a house-warming scene, he unsettles all the guests and then has a harsh conversation with his neighbor. Jackson speaks from his eyes — he does not blink once in the scene. “Lakeview Terrace” has its flaws, but they are overshadowed by the suspenseful storytelling and Jackson’s stunning performance. — Sanat Dhall,

All dolled up for a night out

him when I see him.” In “Hush Hush,” the girls walk out on a controlling boyfriend — “I never needed your corrections.” After a long night dancing, getting away from the loud club to spend time alone with another is just what the girls sing about with R. Kelly and Polow Da Don in “Out Of This Club.” There are 16 songs on Doll Domination, all of which address some aspect of picking up a boy or getting rid of him. They catch a guy off-guard on “Magic,” talk about the highs and lows of a relationship on “Elevator” and take a break from the dance floor on “I’m Done.” The Pussycat Dolls are about to “Take Over The World,” or more appropriately, take over the nightclub. The group sings, “Baby are you rolling with me / might wanna be on my team.” Soon enough, every nightclub will be on the girls’ team, playing this song all night long. — Katie Pizzullo,

Big Bad World Plain White T’s Hollywood Records Rating: P (out of PPPPP) Bands often record live albums filled with imperfections to establish a raw connection with listeners. In the case of Big Bad World, the pop-punk band Plain White T’s attempt a classic ’50s sound — there’s rawness and there’s imperfection, but there’s no connection. The sound, seemingly manufactured, is like an old, rusty Ford Pinto with a tacky paintjob. Although the 2007 re-release of the single “Hey There Delilah” reached the top of charts worldwide, Plain White T’s has little substance. In Big Bad World, the band is trying something with more drive — a drive borrowed from bands like the Beatles. The drive is dragged senselessly through several decades, butchered like a fatted calf and sold as something real.

Singer Tom Higgenson, off-key, sings, “I don’t know what this girl was after / She’s a natural disaster.” Similarly, it’s not clear what this band was after, but they made a disaster in the process — an unnatural disaster. — James Adams Smith,

Love, War, and The Ghost of Whitey Ford Everlast Three Ring Project Rating: PPP 1/2 (out of PPPPP) After a four-year hiatus, the genre-bending Everlast, aka Whitey Ford, has returned with the album Love, War and The Ghost of Whitey Ford. The first single, “Letters Home From the Garden Of Stone,” calls on more rock elements than his past hits have. The song is a charged political

statement that speaks about the conditions of the War in Iraq. Ford takes on the role of a soldier writing a letter home

Courtesy of

Courtesy of

story emerges. Where movies like “Over Her Dead Body” are about as transparent as their ghost protagonists, “Ghost Town” has a strong skeletal story and a good body of humor and heart to go with it. Writer David Koepp took a break from action blockbusters to pen the cute and clever screen play. Pincus always has the perfect rebuttal, and when other characters call him “pink ass,” the audience can’t help but enjoy his embarrassment. The story is set in New York in autumn. The vivid colors of the leaves contrast the bleak skyscrapers that dwarf them, and as ghosts bustle around Central Park, there’s a joy in seeing all this commotion and comedy in New York. “Ghost Town” loses some speed as the movie unfolds, but the message in the end is a worthwhile one. As the ghosts strive for that missing link and a dead Kinnear ponders why he didn’t get Tetris on his Blackberry before he died, Pincus starts to realize how much it takes to feel complete. He needs all the pieces to fit together nicely to form a foundation. All the pieces in “Ghost Town” come together neatly. While the bitter Pincus is enjoyable, his transformation doesn’t leave him completely unfunny. He learns that it’s what’s underneath that counts. Underneath “Ghost Town” is great comedy, and underneath Gervais is a comedic genius. — Ted Simmons,

to his mother saying, “I don’t know the man that kills me / And I don’t know these men I kill.” The second single off the album is Ford’s attempt to breathe new life into the late Johnny Cash song “Folsom Prison Blues.” As a whole, it’s as strong a Hip-hop album as it is a rock album. However, many of the songs are too opinionated for major mainstream success. — Russell Kutys, Courtesy of

Doll Domination Pussycat Dolls Interscope Records Rating: PPPP 1/2 (out of PPPPP) The Dolls are dominating both men’s hearts and nightclubs with their latest album Doll Domination. Pussycat Dolls has been known for its dance music since its first CD, The Pussycat Dolls, came out in 2005. The girls, Nicole, Carmit, Kimberly, Ashley, Jessica and Melody, have grown since their first disc — while their sophomore album includes the usual dance tracks, it also highlights the softer side of the girls. The first single, “When I Grow Up,” is No. 9 on The Billboard Hot 100. The song has fans singing, “I wanna be famous” while they dance to the hard-beating rhythm. “Bottle Pop,” the second song on the album, features rap-artist Snoop Dogg. It delivers a new type of sound for the group that’s more computerized than in the past. Along with the vocals, the song actually “pops” by using an electronic beat. The second single from the album, “Whatcha Think About That” featuring Missy Elliot showcases the girls as they sing about a “dude ain’t actin’ right.” The song has an ethnic drum beat while the Dolls tell their listeners if their man is acting unreasonable, “He got to go.” The girls take the tone down a little with “I Hate This Part.” The group sings about getting over a relationship after a long break-up. To compliment the song, the group describes a girl who finally gets out of an unhappy engagement in “Happily Never After,” with, “I don’t think I want this anymore / as she drops the ring to the floor.” The girls don’t stay sad for long with “In Person,” about getting back on a cheating boyfriend. Lead singer Nicole sings, “Gonna get

“Ghost Town” Dreamworks SKG Rating: PPP (out of PPPP) The Ricky Gervais bandwagon is getting larger by the minute. The boss on the original, English version of “The Office” made his American television debut with the HBO series “Extras” and takes his hand at headlining with “Ghost Town.” Gervais plays dentist Bertram Pincus, a rude, self-loathing jerk, whose people skills are that of a Kodiak bear. When Pincus dies momentarily, he awakes with the ability to see ghosts. Unlike in “The Sixth Sense,” the ghosts pester Pincus to help them achieve afterlife closure by turning over one more worldly leaf. Pincus’ quick wit and disdain for conversation are delivered beautifully by Gervais. He’s the definition of a cynic, as he questions and belittles everyone around him. As he leaves the hospital, a nurse says, “Come back soon,” to which Pincus replies, “Who says that in a hospital?” Naturally, through helping one particular ghost (Greg Kinnear), Pincus sees the error of his ways, and a feel-good Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

“Lakeview Terrace” Overbrook Entertainment Rating: PP 1/2 (out of PPPP) After his failure in the 2006 remake of “The Wicker Man,” director Neil LaBute tries his luck with a suspense thriller. While the previews of “Lakeview Terrace” are reminiscent of the teenage thriller “Disturbia,” the film is far from being another remake. “Lakeview Terrace” is about Los Angeles cop Abel Turner (Samuel L. Jackson), who enforces the law and prevents crime using his “bad cop” attitude, even in his home. He wants to make sure his children are protected and live a proper life with strict rules. The story takes a turn when a young married couple (Patrick Wilson, Kerry Washington) move in next door. Abel’s extreme racial beliefs are revealed when he determines the romantic antics of the interracial couple are not appropriate for his kids and becomes vicious. The story unfolds at a clever pace, and is smartly written. The feud between the neighbors starts off with a war of floodlights, progresses to a chainsaw fight and then reaches a violent climax. The film first seems like a serious drama when Abel’s racial opinions are revealed; however, the movie switches gears and becomes a psychotic thriller. LaBute — working from someone else’s script — develops a side story reflecting a metaphor for the young couple. In many scenes, he brings the news about forest fires spreading through the Californian town. Similarly, the conflict between Abel and the couple starts small, but gets worse as the forest fire progresses. The appropriate background music of the

A ghost story with heart

Courtesy of

Solid acting fills holes in plot


Alicia Gentile Columnist

Chivalry doesn’t seem to exist in college. It’s a concept that evolved back in the 15th and 16th centuries, when men were sole providers for their families and women stayed home to tend to the children. Men were taught to care for their ladies, hence the beginning of chivalry. Eventually it faded to simple actions such as opening the door or pulling out the chair for a lady friend. In this day and age, chivalry could simply be when a guy asks a girl out on a date, picks her up without honking and buys her a nice dinner. None of this seems to exist in college. Instead of asking a girl out and courting her, many guys think it’s acceptable to text her, asking her to come pregame at their place and drink some beer so perhaps they might get lucky. This is disgusting to me. I grew up in a house where my brother was taught to have a job, so if he asked a girl out he could offer to buy her dinner. A place where if a woman got cold,

Sans shining armor

her significant other would take off his jacket and lend it to her. Common things like that just aren’t as common anymore, especially on college campuses. Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware that the world we live in now is different. Women have fought for independence and freedom. But just because women are now independent doesn’t mean chivalry is no longer appreciated. The offer should still exist. Last year my friend’s car broke

you think

Tell me what

...for next week:

1. What do you think are the healthiest forms of birth control? 2. At what point in a relationship is birth control no longer an issue? Respond to

down and she needed to jump her battery. Frantic and pressed for time, she searched her car for jumper cables. Of course, they were nowhere to be found. Across the street was a porch full of guys hanging out and enjoying the beautiful spring day. She strolled over and asked one of them for jumper cables. One of them, being polite, got up and brought her the cables. He handed them to her, sat back down and watched her and my other friend jump the car. I want to make it clear that I support girls knowing how to do things for themselves. Learning to do useful things such

a s jumping a car is necessary, but where was the chivalry in that story? My roommate and I had a long discussion about guys paying for their date’s dinner. I am firm in my opinion — if a guy asks a lady out on a date, he should pay for the dinner. If he’s courting her, it’s expected that he’ll pay. This isn’t to say a girl shouldn’t offer — I’m always down with being polite — but the fact is, if a guy doesn’t have the funds to pay for dinner, but he wants to take her out, he can be creative and make a picnic. A lot of the time, it’s the thought that counts. Once a couple is dating, I’m an advocate for splitting the bill, or if the girl is feeling generous, treating him to dinner. But while things are still getting comfortable, it’s the man’s responsibility to fund the meal. Call me old-fashioned, but I’d prefer to it chivalry. Way too often on campus, chivalry is hard to come by and girls who see or experience it are pleasantly surprised. College is a time to be free and experience life, but it doesn’t have to be a time to lose the manners we learned at a young age.

mediadarling Total Request Dead competition. Those were the good old days of “TRL.” The days when Carson Daly and his black nail polish hosted, and people actually flooded Times Square in hopes of either getting upstairs or at least having the camera focus on a sign declaring their love for a certain boy band. But now, MTV is announcing the end of what we all know, and maybe at one point loved, as “TRL.” Honestly, I forgot the show still existed until I heard this announcement. I didn’t realize people still watched it, and I guess now I know they don’t.

The final episode is airing in November, and the executive producer Dave Sirulnick has announced the 10-yearold show will be ending on a happy, celebratory note, not a sad one — I doubt anyone is really all that sad. According to an Associated Press article, Sirulnick has said “TRL” has been “working hard” for the past 10 years and needs a reward in the form of some rest. The poor guy is in such denial. He and I, and the rest of the country, know the show is clearly dirt — tired, outdone dirt at that. Sure, it was a hit back during its early years when boy band and Britney Spears obsessed preteens like myself consumed it for all it was worth, but nowadays pre-teens are too busy MySpacing and such to care about “TRL.” And if they want to see the Jonas Brothers or Miley’s newest video, they can just go on YouTube and watch it in its entirety rather than suffer through the awfulness that is “TRL” to get to see 20 seconds of the video. So rest in peace, “TRL.” I doubt anyone will miss you, because let’s face it — the TRL we knew and loved died a long time ago when they took the “wannabe-edgy” version of Carson off. — Amy Prazniak, Courtesy of

I have a lot of hilarious memories from my pre-teen days. I vividly remember all the awkward school dances, the Old Navy performance fleece and putting those stupid butterfly clips in my hair. I especially remember coming home from middle school and waiting almost every day for that special moment. Once I was tuned into MTV’s classic “Total Request Live,” more commonly known as “TRL,” I waited as patiently as I could through all the interviews with celebrities I didn’t care about to get down to what really mattered. I’m talking about those precious 30 seconds of pure perfection — the gentlemen of *NSYNC in the video “Drive Myself Crazy.” You know, the one where they’re all in the looney bin. I swooned hard. This was part of my daily routine. I was a girl possessed and obsessed, and I can recall it actually infuriating me when the video was cut short. I always wondered why MTV insisted on creating a music video countdown, and not showing the entire video. It probably had something to do with the fact that most of the videos had played for a thousand days straight. I was always so proud when *NSYNC’s videos were forced to retire. It’s like they were the reigning champs of “TRL” — they couldn’t be defeated, only forced to leave the

September 23, 2008



Prepping the next generation

I’m a sucker for the TV show “Gossip Girl.” I love the plot twists, bold characters and the fact that 17-year-olds are riding to high school in town cars and living in five-star hotels — all aspects that make me say, “OMFG.” Sabina Ellahi While I do clear Columnist my schedule on Monday nights to tune in to the show for the fun narrative tactics, I admit there’s a more important factor that keeps me glued to my TV — the clothes. The Alice and Olivia dress Blair wears in the Hamptons, the Oscar de la Renta dress Serena wears at a garden party — it’s like a moving visual of magazine fashion spreads. “Gossip Girl” has become my main source of fashion ideas and advice — it’s even up there with Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue. I’ve seen how Carrie Bradshaw and the girls of “Sex and the City” captured the eyes of fashionistas across the world and made designers like Manolo Blahnik a household name. “Gossip Girl” has gone beyond that with its teen-dominated audience, which has become the huge source of buying influence. The overwhelmingly super-preppy attire that reigns the set has weaved its way into mainstream retailers — headbands worn by Queen Bee Blair Waldorf made a resurgence last season and were on the heads of young girls everywhere — including myself, and I own 24. Many retailers know how insanely popular the show is, especially among teens who, in the end, are most likely to spend a good amount of their parents’ money on these clothes and accessories since they still heavily rely on them for clothing — at least for the fortunate ones, who are the ones who watch the show anyway. How does a television show garner so much success that it influences its viewers’ wear? The answer is simple — the fashion business. Designers are focusing on getting whatever pieces they can to the stylists for these shows just to get their few minutes of fame. I don’t blame them, as most items that are seen on the show are usually sold out on almost every Web site right after “Gossip Girl” airs. I speak about this from experience, as I’ve tried to order several pieces — or cheaper replicas of them since I’m a broke college student — and have had no luck. Many of these designers are not necessarily small-name designers, but contemporary ones who haven’t reached the heights of, say, Alexander McQueen or Marc Jacobs. Indeed, a break on a show that, according to the Nielson ratings, has over 2 million viewers, would be worthwhile and a smart marketing strategy. Ultimately, it all comes down to the everchanging, booming fashion market, especially for young girls. Unlike myself, whose parents refuse to contribute to my wardrobe needs at this age, the teens are the ones willing to convince their parents to constantly spend money in order to keep up with the latest trends. After all, it’s during the teenage years that most girls think looking good is important. It is these young girls who tune in not just for the guilty-pleasured plots, but for ideas on how to look like the characters Blair or Serena. The designers, in the meantime, get their plug, which generates business, while the network gets its viewers in return. Luckily fashionistas, if you find yourself like me and want the items featured on the show, you won’t have to crack into your safety deposit to buy them. With its increasing popularity, the styles are hitting mainstream stores now. Take that as my tip for you this week. You know you love me. XOXO.

22 September 23, 2008

Students benefit from new experience professors. “When I first came in, I noticed her In a room of 30 students, Stephanie pitch was slightly different, but it wasn’t Kerschbaum’s class engages in a discus- anything profound,” Dunn says. Even with the interpreter in the sion among each other and Kerschbaum herself. It seems like a normal classroom class at all times, Dunn says he feels setting — notebooks are out, Kerschbaum Kerschbaum finds ways to understand her is engaging with her students and every- students without the constant reliance on sign language. one is listening intently. “There was even one time I said A student raises his hand and asks a question. Kerschbaum can understand something underneath my breath and she him, but then looks over to her certified turned to me and said, ‘What did you say?’ sign language interpreter Jan Keen, who ” he says, laughing. “A lot of the times, the conveys the exact words the student says interpreter is there just to keep us under control and make sure we’re not disrupting because Kerschbaum is partially deaf. Kerschbaum says she was born with class.” In the classroom, Keen says she interprofound hearing loss in both ears. She is not completely deaf, but requires a hearing prets what the professor says to the stuaid. She teaches two English classes — dents and vice versa, giving visual comCritical Reading and Writing (ENGL110) munication access to everyone. As the students and Expository continue to dicW r i t i n g tate their (ENGL301). responses and Kerschbaum, look at who has taught Kerschbaum, English for eight Keen says years, joined the Kerschbaum can university’s usually figure English departthe context by ment this fall as an lip-reading, but assistant professor she makes sure after teaching at their comments A&M Texas are relayed to University. While Kerschbaum she says she correctly. teaches like any “She is very other professor dynamic and is does in a small always excited English class, she about her teachdoes note some ing,” she says. obstacles she “She is so enthufaces. siastic because “Most of my she loves what difficulty comes she is teaching from when people and loves her are seated far students, which away, and I have a motivates them hard time reading to work hard.” their lips,” Keen, who has Kerschbaum says. worked as a sign “Students tend to talk fast someCourtesy of Stephanie Kerschbaum language intertimes, so I have an Prof. Stephanie Kerschbaum teaches English. preter for 35 years and served interpreter who as the principal smoothes the comat the Delaware School for the Deaf, says munication process.” These complications do not discour- the process of interpreting is mentally and age her from what she does, but allow her physically strenuous. “In the process of translating, I am to become innovative with her teaching basically going through 22 mental methods, she says. “There are definitely ways I’ve been processes at the same time,” she says. “I able to adjust in my teachings so my lack take in the source language, which is spoof hearing wouldn’t be a problem,” ken English, process it to determine meanKerschbaum says. “I don’t look at it as a ing, then put it out in the target language, disadvantage, but just a different charac- which is American sign language.” Dunn says he admires what Keen is teristic of mine.” She says she maintains group discus- doing and says she is a great addition to sions most of the time in her class and has the classroom. Keen says Kerschbaum’s class benestudents complete group projects. She says she feels interaction among herself and the fits students, as it teaches them to be more students brings energy to the class, allow- aware. “It’s a really good experience for ing her to feel comfortable. “I enjoy classroom discussions where them to be exposed to her, because it everyone sits in a circle, so everyone can makes them stop and think about things see me and each other,” Kerschbaum says. they take for granted,” she says. Kerschbaum says the best thing for “It helps the students feed off one another’s ideas and allows me to understand her to do is to work her way around her disability and just be herself. them easier.” “I don’t feel awful because I have On the first day of class, Kerschbaum says she explained her deafness and how it this, nor do I try to overcome it,” she says. affects the way she speaks to her students. “It’s just who I am and I just focus on Senior Casey Dunn says he doesn’t being myself.” feel any difference in comparison to other BY SABINA ELLAHI Features Editor


East End Cafe family celebrates 21 years

East End Cafe has featured live local music since its opening in September 1987.

BY MOLLY YBORRA Staff Reporter

A group of friends share a round of drinks and tell stories about their day around a wooden table. In the corner, a small stage holds five musicians. A woman sings and plays her keyboard, while the guitarist belts out a funky solo. The song ends, people clap, more smiles are passed around and the crowd gets another round of beers. All the past and present 21year-olds that frequent the café finally have a new bar-buddy — their favorite café just turned 21. For the café’s 21st birthday this month, the East End Cafe scheduled musical performances almost every night and added a few items to its menu. The largest celebration was on Sept. 21 with 12 hours of live music, including local acts like the Sin City Band, Steve Pepper, Silky Sullivan and I’m Not Sally. East End’s employees approached current owner Steve McAllister about planning the anniversary month, McAllister says. “That kind of core group of people have stepped up, because they know what the place is like, they know what they want to have and what people are looking for and I was all for it,” McAllister says. “I thought it was a great idea.” The café sees a lot of the same crowd. The same bands have been performing there for two decades, and the same people come in year after year. McAllister says East End started humbly 21 years ago — the original building was only one room and a kitchen. Rich Katz, Gary Ignace and Bill Rattenni started the restaurant in September 1987 and let it grow from there into an integral part of Newark’s local music scene. “They progressed into building on the front room and then the porch — the whole while, bringing more of a good food product and trying to bring it up as a restaurant,” McAllister says. “Then they got into the music end of it.” The first band to play at East End was the Sin City Band. The restaurant soon became a place for bands to perform and locals to appreciate new music. Scott Birney, the founder and lead singer of the Sin City Band, says he knew Katz before East End opened and was excited to play in the new venue. “We just went in there one day and had heard that there was this new place that might be hiring bands,” Birney says. “We kind of started playing regularly there right away.”

Katz says he had music in mind since East End first became a restaurant. “I wanted to have music from day one,” Katz says. “Scott was on vacation so we actually waited until he came back from vacation, because I really wanted Scott Birney to be the first musician to play at the East End.” The chemistry between the band and East End was immediate and the Sin City Band continues to play there today. “We just walked on in there and made ourselves at home and have never left,” Birney says. “They’ll have to get a court order to keep us out.” After the Sin City Band’s first performance, they started playing there twice a month, while the owners looked for other musicians to play at the café. McAllister says it attracts an eclectic mix of people — from doctors in suits and ties to construction workers fresh off the job — interested in hearing musicians play original music. “We’re not trying to be like a Stone Balloon or a bigger venue,” McAllister says. “We’re really just trying to keep true to some of the musical roots of the place, which has been pretty much a local, original music venue. It’s grown to the point that music is here most nights of the week.” Marcus Watkins, the lead singer of Fat Daddy Has Been — another band that frequents East End — says he enjoys the atmosphere Katz created and McAllister maintains. Watkins says the café is a place for bands to be creative — a place where musicians don’t have to play covers. “East End is the kind of place where you don’t have to really censor anything about your message,” Watkins says. “East End is a good place to play all your original stuff.” McAllister says East End promotes a family vibe — the customers who go there on a regular basis all know each other and come to the café to hang out. “By five o’ clock this afternoon, I can tell you almost the name of everybody that’ll be sitting at the bar, and I can tell you on what nights of the week which guys are going to be in here,” he says. “It’s much more of a family atmosphere with the people who come.” The café has been a part of Newark’s music scene for 21 years, and McAllister sees no need to change what is already working. He says he sees the future of East End to be much of the same it has been. “I’d like to see it maintain,” he says. “It’s never going to be five star dining.”

Rough surf in Dewey Beach New television show captures crime in Delaware town BY SEAN CONNOLLY Staff Reporter

This July 4 was essentially the same as any at the Delaware shore — there were packed bars and nightclubs, unbearable traffic and the constant threat of sunburn. The only major difference was the camera crew capturing it all on film. What the camera crew was filming is what would become “Surf and Rescue: Dewey Beach,” a mini-series that began airing Sept. 8 on TruTV that follows not only the activities of the Dewey Beach Patrol, but also those of the Dewey Beach Police Force as it handled the hectic days surrounding the holiday. Capt. Todd Fritchman of the Dewey Beach Patrol says Independence Day is one of the patrol’s busiest times. Fritchman has been a lifeguard for more than 30 years and has been captain of the beach patrol for 13 years. As captain, he oversees approximately 28 lifeguards that patrol the beach, many of whom are university students. According to the latest U.S. Census, Dewey Beach has a general population of only 311 people and an area of only 0.3 square miles. According to the show, however, 35,000 people visit the small town over most summer weekends and holidays, according to the show. On Independence Day weekend, those numbers can actually increase to 40,000 — a large number for a town only a little over a mile long. Regardless of its small size, the show calls Dewey Beach Delaware’s utmost “party beach” due to the high concentration of bars and hotels as the beach’s main attractions. In the first episode of “Surf and Rescue: Dewey Beach,” the usually quiet town is dubbed “the premier party spot for the mid-Atlantic coast,” and the show depicts it that way. The first two episodes of the show feature Dewey Beach Patrol fishing a drunken man out of the water before noon, along with Dewey Beach Police arresting a nurse who had urinated on herself before falling asleep in her car. Senior Meghan Walter says she is familiar with Dewey’s reputation. “Dewey is ridiculous in the summer,” Walter says. “I was working in Rehoboth and all I would hear people talk about is how they

Pictures courtesy of Todd Frichtum

going to were Dewey to get trashed. I knew girls that were underage and getting into all the bars.” Being from the Delaware shore, Walter says she didn’t find the show too far off from reality. “I’m not a big drinker so I don’t get to experience much of it firsthand, but nothing that I saw surprised me,” she says. Sophomore Louis Sarris says he saw the show and found it over the top at points. “To me, it felt like a lot of the show was just exaggerated, like they “Surf and Rescue: Dewey Beach” was filmed during the summer months. were trying to play “There were mixed emotions,” he says. up the drama,” Sarris says. “It seemed like “Some people were excited to be on camera they were at a loss for interesting material.” Despite the less serious instances of and saw the experience as positive — others patrolling the town’s bar scene and beaches for were a bit more reluctant to be filmed.” Despite some initial uneasiness, Fritchman those who had too much to drink, the same episode of the show also features lifeguards says he feels the show represented his team rescuing a raft full of teenage girls who are well, and found the experience generally positive. almost pulled out to sea when winds pick up. “The camera crew wasn’t very intrusive,” While such helicopter-assisted rescues are exciting and ideal for TV, Fritchman says such he says. “Them and my staff actually became duties only comprise a small portion of the pretty close over the filming and remain in touch.” beach patrol’s responsibilities in the summer. Though there are few records of drowning “For entertainment reasons, the show only focused on two of our core activities — those over recent years in Dewey Beach, the Dewey Beach Patrol performs regular open-water being ocean and open water rescues,” he says. The patrol also performs searches and assists and rescues — something Fritchman says he feels is important and was glad to see attends to first aid emergencies on the beach. Even though the show portrays Dewey’s represented accurately in the show. “I like to think it shows a profound need lifeguards in a heroic fashion with dramatic music, quick camera cuts and a grave-sounding for beach patrol in the summer months,” he narrator, Fritchman says there was some hesita- says. tion to the idea of taking part in the show.

September 23, 2008


English prof. stays positive Continued from page 18

White jokes that he loves to brag about himself. He says his fiery attitude and strength are a result of his upbringing, as he was raised in a working-class environment. “You work hard, and if something bad happens, you deal with it,” he says. “You don’t burden people with it. No one likes a whiner.” He says his situation is all a matter of perspective — he’s not dead, and he can still work, so it could be worse. After four months in the hospital, White was able to come home in July. “By August, I was like, ‘Get me back to work,’ ” he says. “I wanted to be back where I feel I was meant to be.” White says he was born to teach and is happy his accident didn’t prevent him from working. Today, White is back in the classroom. “My relationship with my students is important to me,” he says. “It’s comfortable, and I like that.” White isn’t the only one who feels he and his students share a special relationship. Last year, White’s ratings on the Web site were so positive, he was ranked No. 47 in the Web site’s top 50 highest-rated professors in the nation. A Facebook group was formed in light of White’s accident and serves as a forum for his students to brainstorm and discuss possible ways to raise money to reduce his medical bills. One student wrote that he’d donate from his own pocket. White was unaware of this group and says he is touched by his students’ compassion. “God, that’s amazing,” he says. “It’s an honor. You can’t look at it any other way.” White says he has received emails, cards and visits from students supporting him, which he finds particularly gratifying. To him, his students are his “clientele.” He says the English department is also raising money, which makes him feel humbled and reaffirms the idea that there are decent people out there. “I’m not ‘Mr. I-LoveHumanity,’ ” he says. “But in this situation, you can’t be cynical.” Sitting in his wheelchair, wrapped in a wooly dark sweater, White says he is awaiting the arrival of a motorized wheelchair to replace the “clunky dinosaur” he has now. He is in an office decorated with pictures, literary names like Edgar Allan Poe and an old children’s book titled “Whitey Looks for a Job” — a family heirloom from his father, who was also nicknamed “Whitey.” With his prosthetic legs already in place, White says he’s waiting on getting a prosthetic for his hand now. He says he plans on being able to walk again with the aid of a cane by spring.

24 September 23, 2008

The adaptation battle: books vs. films BY KATHERINE GUINEY Staff Reporter

whose book I’ve already read.” Although his tolerance for watching adaptations is low, Leitch says there are exceptions to the “book is better” ideology. He lists “The Graduate,” “Psycho” and “The Last of the Mohicans” as better in film. “I have never seen a film version of ‘The Last of the Mohicans’ that is not better than its novel,” Leitch says, “And I think I never will.”

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

The phrase on English professor Thomas Leitch’s shirt ultimately says it all: “The book was better.” He holds the black and white T-shirt up to approximately 30 people gathered in a Morris Library lecture hall Thursday. The shirt features a camera slate, and while that usually denotes the beginning of a movie scene, Leitch uses his T-shirt to start his lecture. The shirt, which was given to Leitch by a group at the Wilmington Public Library, refers to the relationship between books and their film adaptations. Leitch, the director of the film studies concentration in the English department, discussed adaptation and his book, “Film Adaptation and Its Discontents: From ‘Gone with the Wind’ to ‘The Passion of the Christ.’ ” When adapting a book to cinema, Leitch says there is a transformation from verbal to visual text. However, the new visual version is often not received as well as the verbal one and frequently garners criticism from loyal readers. With the much talked-about “Twilight” adaptation due in theaters Nov. 21, fans of the book will have to decide which version they enjoy more. Popular books including “Harry Potter,” “The Chronicles of Narnia” and “Cold Mountain” hold a special place in readers’ hearts. Each has been translated to the big screen and has received different feedback from readers. Junior Andrew Cheney remembers his affection for “The Chronicles of Narnia,” but also remembers placing the book series on a higher pedestal than the film. “The book is just better,” Cheney says. Like Cheney, senior Caitlin Ryan says she generally likes the book more and has heard most people feel the same way. “Books are better because it’s your interpretation of what you’re reading,” Ryan says. “Film is different than you imagined.” Both Ryan and Cheney say the reason most people prefer books over movies is personal translation.

“I usually like the book more because you get to imagine,” Cheney says. “Everything looks the way you want it to look.” Leitch says he has a different opinion. He believes the reason is fidelity. It is surprisingly rare, Leitch says, that movies stick to the original text upon which they’re based. He says this is what makes people unhappy. “People who go to adaptations based on books they love want it exactly the same, only better,” Leitch says. It was this complaint that got Leitch interested in film adaptations in the first place. After his brother-in-law went to see “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and whined that material from the book was left out, Leitch says he felt compelled to investigate further. In his book, Leitch discusses problems with film adaptations. The issues he addresses include being faithful to scripture in Biblically grounded movies, why comic book adaptations do not look like comic books and multiple film interpretations of the same novel. Lietch also asks how some film adapters gain cinematic significance or recognition when most do not, in his book. He cites Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick and Walt Disney among them. Being able to interpret the book themselves allows different adaptors to tackle the same work, he says. Films like “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “Pride and Prejudice” demonstrate how filmmakers can put a different spin on the same story. Leitch says jokingly that his ability to watch each of the 28 versions of “A Christmas Carol” is a priceless commodity. To complete research for the book, Leitch says he spent hours watching movies in Morris Library. Had he watched them at home from the comfort of his couch, he says, the films would have sent him into a coma. Despite his study of adaptations, Leitch says he cannot stand them. “I never liked to watch adaptations,” he says. “I have no patience whatsoever for sitting through a movie

Student’s art featured on national tour

Buddy Holly, primary colors splashed onto a computer-drawn face submitted by Ringo Junior visual communication major Starr and a smudgy self-portrait of Bob Allison Wolfe recently participated in the Dylan. In the midst of all the works is Rock Art Show, a traveling tour of artwork Wolfe’s quad-media, Warhol-ized Bob made either for or by established rockers of Marley piece. Wolfe says she received a call about her mainstream music. Some of the featured work includes a traditional photograph of piece with no knowledge that anyone had seen her work outside the classroom. “Around the beginning of last year, someone at WMMR radio station in Philly saw my Bob Marley and suggested it to a Rock Art Show the station sponsored,” Wolfe says. That call came from S c o t t Segelbaum, president of the Rock Art Show. She says he offered her a spot on the tour to have her creation travel for a Courtesy of Allison Wolfe year to be disin The Rock Art Show displays junior Allison Wolfe’s artwork of Bob Marley. played BY HEATHER LUMB Staff Reporter

cities like Philadelphia, Chicago and Bangor, Maine. The Marley picture was Wolfe’s first major project from her sophomore drawing class. The assignment was to create four ink illustrations. Some of the techniques included cross-hatching, scratchboard — a grownup version of scraping black Crayola off to reveal colors underneath — and writing Marley’s name over and over again to form his face. “I tend to be meticulous sometimes,” she says. “So when I thought about the fourth technique which could be anything we wanted, I had to be different.” Wolfe says she received much help and guidance from her professors in the last two years, which she says has positively affected her artistic ability. “The art professors here at the university are really effective in their teaching approach,” Wolfe says. “They have encouraged me to put myself out there and not be afraid to fail.” This lack of fear of failure helped Wolfe become content with her artistic ability. “I can confidently say that I have learned and grown so much since my freshman year,” she says. “Each teacher that I have had over the past three years has contributed to my growth as an art student.” Even though Wolfe says she has worked extensively in art for as long as she can remember, she says she felt compelled to go to a school that can offer the full college experience. This includes being a member of her sorority, Alpha Epsilon Phi. “I love art,” she says, “but I knew that I wanted to attend a university that would

provide me with a well-rounded education, being that I am interested in many different things.” Although Wolfe says she is unsure of what she wants to do after graduation, she says she interviewed for an internship with the art director at Anthropologie, a women’s clothing and accessories retailer run by Urban Outfitters. Wolfe says her parents are major supporters of her artistic career, which includes enrolling her in extracurricular art classes from a young age to helping her choose a college based strictly on its art department. If Wolfe is conscious of the “starving artist” threat upon graduation, she doesn’t show it. “It’s scary because it’s so competitive,” she says. “You can’t really worry about the future — keep thinking about the here and now and doing what you like.” The advice is a combination of both her parents’ assistance and the professors of the art department, Wolfe says. When she thinks about a career in the future, she merely smiles at the decision that a job can wait. Wolfe says she does listen to Bob Marley, which influenced her idea for her creation, but she also listens to a variety of other genres. “I saw a picture of him and it inspired me,” she says, “but I do listen to him and everything really, like John Mayer, Nirvana and some Hip-hop.” Her personal advice to newcomers in the art field is simple, if not slightly trite, she says. “Just have fun and let loose,” Wolfe says. “I think the more fun you have with your work, the better the results will be.”


One student’s trash, another’s treasure September 23, 2008

Public Safety sponsors Lost and Found Sale BY ERICA FLORENTINE Staff Reporter

The clock strikes 8 and they’re off. Herds of bargain hunters bundled up on a crisp fall morning with one common mission — to get the best bang for their buck. The early birds have been there a solid hour waiting for the moment. And now, it’s on. Public Safety employee William Katorkas says, “It’s more like an Easter egg hunt,” referring to the school’s annual Lost and Found Sale at the Perkins Student Center garage that took place Saturday. The sale is one of Public Safety’s ways of raising money for crime prevention on campus, as well as an opportunity to clear out the large amount of items that get turned in throughout the year. There may have been more bikes in the Perkins parking garage than at the local bicycle store, and they weren’t nearly as pricey as a new bike — there was a navy blue Magna for $10, a silver Mongoose for $15 and a bright yellow Huffy for $3. Other lost items lining the tables include jewelry, a Casio keyboard and “Superstar” on DVD. Even with the discounted prices, Katorkas says Public Safety raises approximately $1,000 to $1,500 each year during the sale. Public Safety employee Yvonne Simpson says they try not to price anything too high and all the items are priced to sell. The money the sale raises goes mostly into making pamphlets about crime prevention, which are passed out to students by Public Safety. The money also helps fund Rape Aggression Defense. According to the program’s Web site, RAD is a selfdefense class at the university that is offered to female students, faculty and staff. Senior Rich Duong says he hoped getting to the sale 10 minutes early would give him time to

scope out some worthwhile items. He says masses of people clawing for a good buy didn’t allow him the luck he’d wanted, but he refused to walk away empty-handed. “I only got an umbrella, but I’m going to put it to good use,” Duong says. “It opens pretty well.” Most items disappear within a half hour — the bikes speed away most quickly of all. By 8:45 a.m., the crowd has diminished to a few stragglers playing with umbrellas. In the distance, a cashier announces, “Free umbrella with any purchase!” Junior Angie Goldman found her best luck of the day on the sunglass table. She purchased two pairs and loitered around the remaining shades. “They’re all a dollar or two,” she says, motioning toward the multiple sunglasses sprawled on the table. “I’m contemplating if I need two more.” Not all the items for sale are in perfect condition, but most sell no matter what the damage is. One man strolled out of the garage wheeling a $3 bicycle with no seat. The sale, which has been raising money annually at the university for decades, has yet to see someone come in and claim anything as his or her own. “Usually people will call us if they have lost something,” Simpson says. “I can’t remember anyone ever coming into the sale and saying, ‘Oh that’s mine.’ ” Sophomore Karen Bilotti rushed into the garage looking for a bike that was stolen from her last year while she was in class. She says she was told to look around before the 8 a.m. showdown, but she found nothing. “It’s not there,” she says, and shrugs disappointedly. “All I need is a bike.” A few dollars later, and she’s on her way, along with the rest of the morning’s stampeding crowd. It’s a 45-minute whirlwind, and a successful one at that.

THE REVIEW/Katie Smith

THE REVIEW/Steven Gold

The Lost and Found sale is a fundraiser for Public Safety’s crime prevention on campus.

26 September 23, 2008

September 23, 2008



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CAMPUS EVENTS Tuesday, September 23

“University Visitors Center Open House” Member f the campus community may drop by any time between 3:00pm and 5:00pm. Visitors may tour the building and join the Enrollment Services staff for some light refreshments. For more information call 302-831-1280 University Visitors Center 3:00pm-5:00pm Wednesday, September 24

“Developing a 30 Second Commercial” Lost for words? Unsure how to market your abilities or experience to a recruiter? Come learn how to develop a 30-second monologue describing the benefits of hiring YOU! The commercial can be used to introduce yourself, approach a recruiter, or in a cover letter. The workshop is open to all Career Services Center Workshop Room 6:00PM -7:30PM

“Savage Grace” Film. Wednesday movies $2 w/ UD ID. Trabant University Center Theater 7:30PM

To place an ad call: 302-831-2771 or e-mail: or for display advertising call: 302-831-1398 CAMPUS EVENTS


“Punk Rock Karaoke” Sing Along to your favorite punk songs and help us raise money! On the playlist are The Ramones, The Clash, etc. but suggestions will be taken in the facebook group. Hope to see you there! Trabant Multipurpose Room A 7:30PM - 9:30PM

“New Faculty Reception” College Faculty and staff are invited to a fall reception honoring new college and faculty appointments. For more information, call 302-831-2401 5:00PM

Thursday, September 25

“Faculty Jazz” Featuring Todd Groves and Vernon James, saxophone; Harvey Price, vibraphone; Tom Palmer, drums; Craig Thomas, bass. Tickets available at the door only. Gore Recital Hall, Roselle Center for the Arts. 8:00PM Friday, September 26

“Wanted” Film Weekend movies $3 with UD ID Trabant University Center Theater 7:30 PM “Sex and The City” Film Weekend movies $3 with UD ID Trabant University Center Theater 10:00PM Saturday, September 27

“Ghosts on the Green” Learn about the University’s haunted history during a thrilling 90-minute walking tour of campus lead by author Ed Okonowicz (UD ‘69, ‘83M) and historian Mike Dixon. Together, they will share campu stories that arent featured in the official guidebooks, as well as local legends and folktales related to Newark and UD’s campus. This walking tour will be held regardless of weather conditions 10:00PM “Life is Change” Judson Laipply presents a down to earth and highly motivational, creative and appealing, humorous and thought provoking, lively and enriching presentation on “Life is Change” 11:30AM - 1:30PM

Sunday, September 28

Monday, September 29

“Hyatt Information Session” Hyatt will be on campus to discuss opportunities for internships and full time jobs. Raub Hall 6:00PM - 7:00PM

RATES University Affiliated: $1 per line Outside: $2 per line Bolding: $2 one-time fee Boxing: $5 one-time fee

USE CAUTION WHEN RESPONDING TO ADS The Review cannot research the reputability of advertisers or the validity of their claims. Because we care about our readership and we value our honest advertisers, we advise anyone responding to ads in our paper to be wary of those who would prey on the inexperienced and naive. Especially when repsonding to Help Wanted, Travel, and Research Subjects advertisements, please thoroughly investigate all claims, offers, expectations, risks, and costs. Please report any questionable business practices to our advertising department at 831-1398. No advertisers or the services or products offered are endorsed or promoted by The Review or the University of Delaware.

FRIENDLY BEAGLE FREE TO GOOD HOME Please contact Johnny at (610) 656 3210

September 23, 2008


Did you know? Wide receiver Kervin Michaud was named 2003 Southeastern Pennsylvania player of the year in track and field.

weekly calendar Tuesday, September 23

Volleyball vs. Delaware State 7 p.m.. Wednesday, September 24 Thursday, September 25 Friday, September 26

Men’s Tennis vs. Delaware State 9 a.m. Volleyball @ Georgia State 5:30 p.m.

Men’s Soccer vs. Old Dominion 7 p.m.

Field Hockey vs. James Madison 7 p.m. Saturday, September 27 Football vs. Albany 6 p.m.

Women’s Rowing vs. Saint Joe’s and Temple 10 a.m. Men’s Tennis vs. Delaware State 9 a..m. Sunday, September 28

Field Hockey vs. Virgina Commonwealth 1 p.m.

Women’s Soccer vs. Northeastern 1 p.m.


PAT MAGUIRE “Defending the Empire”


Buchholz starts pro career BY GREG ARENT Copy Editor

It is June 17, 2008 just past seven o’clock, the sky is clear, the evening cool and still. As Alex Buchholz approaches the plate for his first at bat as a member of the Billings Mustangs, a rush of nerves consumes him. He is finally batting for a professional baseball team, living a dream that has been running through his mind since he was a child. The 20-year-old steps into the batters’ box, fresh off being drafted in the sixth round by the Cincinnati Reds. It is the second inning and the bases are empty, the Mustangs holding a 1-0 lead. Buchholz stares at the first pitch — a fastball — ball one. He watches a slider go past the plate for a second ball. On the third pitch he sees an opening and takes a cut at a fastball, narrowly missing the meat of the ball and fouling the pitch away. He patiently watches another fastball miss its mark. With the count at three and one he seizes his opportunity and rips a fastball to left center field for a base hit, the first of his minor league career, and he feels the pressure immediately drift from his shoulders. The first hit of his minor league career proved to be the start of a great year. Buchholz did not slow down all season. In 34 games for the Mustangs, he roped 53 hits and batted .396 with 26 RBIs and a .471 on-base percentage. “I was extremely focused,” Buchholz said. “Coming in, my goal was to hit between .300 and .340, to get a nice first year under my belt. You gotta work real hard every day and that’s what I did. I went on a little run and fortunately I had a great season. I just wanted to get that first year under my belt.” For three years Buchholz was a leader for the Hens on the baseball diamond, consistently finding himself atop the stat sheet in most of the major batting categories. He was not a highly recruited baseball player coming out of high school, and head coach Jim Sherman said he did not expect a big contribution from Buchholz when he first came to the Hens. Sherman was pleasantly surprised, as Buchholz hit .378 with 18 home runs and 64 RBIs in his first season, earning him the Colonial Athletic Association rookie of the year award and the honor of being named a Louisville When I go home in the summer or winter or on vacations, I head back to Massachusetts, about 40 minutes south of Boston near Cape Cod. I spend my days working and my nights and weekends watching the Red Sox, Celtics or Patriots. It’s nothing special, but the same thing could be said for most males from Massachusetts between the age of 19 and 90. This summer started with the glory of the Boston Celtics winning their 17th world championship and ended with the anticipation of another Patriots team vying for an undefeated season. Where I’m from, we live and breathe Boston sports. It is part of the culture and part of the tradition. It gives us a sense of pride and belonging. It also causes us to be very territorial. It’s what I call “Fanism.” Fanism is the sports equivalent of Nationalism. In sports, just as in the world, people tend to group themselves based on where they live, who they can relate to and who has the same culture. I define Fanism as excessive (or maybe appropriate) pride for one’s sport culture and territory. Allow me to explain. I come from what I shall refer to as the Boston Empire. The mother

Slugger first-team freshman AllAmerican. He started getting noticed immediately. “My dream was always to get drafted but realistically at the end of my sophomore year I started getting a lot of letters and I was getting a lot of phone calls,” Buchholz said. “That’s when it really hit me that I had a chance of going into the draft.” Buchholz said going into this year’s draft he did not know which team would take him or which round he would go in, but in the sixth round he got a call from the Cincinnati Reds saying they were going to make him the newest member of their organization. “I was really excited,” Buchholz said. “I had my close family around. So it was nice to be with them when it all happened. It was a special moment that I will never forget.” Kyle Davis, a senior infielder for Delaware, said Buchholz’s biggest asset on the field is his competitiveness and his drive to want to do well all the time. He says Buchholz’s mental toughness will drive him to the major leagues. Davis still talks to Buchholz consistently and raves about his attitude. “He loves it.” Davis said. “Like every kid’s dream, he gets to play Major League Baseball. He is living his dream Courtesy of the Billings Mustangs right now and he is getting an opportunity to play at the next level and contin- Alex Buchholz batted .378 his freshman year at UD. ue to make it to the level that Kevin Sherman said. “If you are going to get a six-figure Mench is at. He is loving it and he is loving the payday, that’s pretty good stuff. It’s kind of hard to success he is having.” turn away from.” Buchholz pursued his dream of playing proDavis said he supports Buchholz’s decision fessional baseball after his junior season. He said and is not surprised in the success he’s had. the decision to leave college to follow his dream “I expected him to do well. It’s not surpriswas very long and drawn out, but after weighing ing because when we came in freshman year and his options he knew he needed to follow his dream no one really counted him as someone who was of being a professional baseball player. going to put up the numbers, he did,” Davis said. Sherman told him to make the right financial “His consistency has always been there.” decision. Buchholz said the professional game is much “My advice always is that if it’s financially rewarding for you I think its the time to go,” See BUCK page 31 country is Massachusetts and it is surrounded by five satellite states (New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island and Connecticut). Many students here at the university come from another empire known as the New York Empire. In New York’s case, the mother country is New York and it has one satellite state (New Jersey). The New York Empire invaded Southern Connecticut years ago in hopes of gaining territory, but we refused to give in. We may have lost troops, sure, but we will never lose that war. Delaware, well, Delaware is like the Rhineland. The Pennsylvanian Empire and the Maryland Empire have been fighting for that territory for centuries now. People don’t know whether to watch Phillies playoff games or Ravens Monday Night Football in the fall. The war over the Delaware territory will likely persist for all eternity, but my guess is the two empires will someday have to divide the Delaware territory into two halves and call it even. Upon hearing my explanation of Fanism, one may come to realize my complete, belligerent rage upon the infiltration of our borders by a citizen from another empire, particularly our arch

enemy — the New York Empire. To me, a Yankees hat in Massachusetts is like a Soviet flag on a “Happy Days” episode. It’s a matter of respect. I don’t wear an American flag T-shirt and a cowboy hat in Russia and I certainly wouldn’t wear a Red Sox hat in New York. As far as I’m concerned, growing up in Massachusetts means you are a Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics and Bruins fan. You can’t pick and choose. You must be loyal to the empire you were brought up in. Sure, criticism is allowed and freedom of speech is always permitted . But never, ever, should one develop a sense of Fanism for another empire. It goes both ways, too. I’ve met a number of students at Delaware who are from the New York or the Pennsylvanian Empire but claim to be Red Sox fans. How can I possibly trust such a claim? By no means, as a representative of the Boston Empire, could I accept the citizenship of someone who was born and raised in another empire. It leads me to believe that these people vying for citizenship are likely spies sent to disrupt the Fanism on which my empire prides itself.

See THAT BEAN-TOWN page 29

29 September 23, 2008

That Bean-Town pride runs deep


After his four-turnover performance against Furman this weekend, should Hens quarterback Robby Schoenhoft be benched?

Continued from page 28

Don’t get me wrong — I love to explore different cultures. That is why I came to the University of Delaware. Large college campuses are a safe haven for all empires, where intellectuals from all over the sports world can discuss ways to negotiate among each other and develop peace treaties — for instance, an agreement between the Boston and New York Empires to admit that Tom Brady’s injury may hurt the Patriots roster for admittance that the Jet’s roster may hurt Brett Favre. We, as students on a college campus safe haven, have the opportunity to vie for sports world peace. Someday, we may all live in harmony and be accepting of all cultures and empires. Giants fans and Eagles fans may someday stand side by side holding hands, hoping for a tie in the NFC East. Red Sox fans and Yankees fans may someday come together and hope that both David Ortiz and Alex Rodriguez suffer season-ending injuries. Borders will be crossed and bridges will be built. A store for Mets merchandise could be built in the center of Philadelphia and cheesesteaks could become the best-selling grub in Shea Stadium. Of course, all this thought is all purely hypothetical, highly unlikely and ridiculous to even entertain. In fact, the sheer preposterousness of my ramblings is making me nauseous. I may be a cynic and John Lennon and beauty pageant contestants all over the world may disagree with me, but sports world peace may be impossible. Fanism everywhere is just too strong. Pat Maguire is a sports editor for The Review. His viewpoints do not necessarily represent those of the Review staff. Send questions, comments and a can of beans to

“Not against Albany. It is too big of a game. Joe Flacco did not look good in the beggining also. I think they should keep him as the starter.” -Andrew Meyer Junior

“Give him another game, and see how it works out. It is still the beggining of the year.” -Dana Corasaniti Freshman

Early Christmas?

THE REVIEW/Seif Hussain

Tennis ready to make a big racket this season BY MATT FORD Staff Reporter

Amid the frenzy that defines the start of a new school year, Delaware’s tennis teams quietly vie for contention in their conference. Last year, despite having a winning record overall, both the men’s and women’s teams lost in the quarterfinal round of the CAA’s conference tournament. That experience, along with help from some upstart new players, is something the teams hope can help them improve and advance toward victory in the tournament this year. Head coach Laura Travis leads her team with the experience she gained as a player on UD’s team herself in the mid to late ’80s. The winningest women’s tennis player in school history, she has high hopes for her players this season. “The expectations are to stick to team goals,” Travis said. “We really base things on our perform-

ance goals, rather than the outcome goals, and those are high intensity, focus and execution and getting rid of any poison that one might bring.” The term poison, Travis said, could be anything that could limit the day-to-day potential of her players. “Poison can be fatigue from not sleeping,” she said. “Poison can be the fact you have three exams the next day and are stressed because you’re at practice versus studying. Poison can be frustration with the game itself.” She said she knows every member of her team has to deal with it in some way, and being able to eliminate it can have a positive effect for the whole squad. Last season, the men’s team finished 10-7 (3-1 CAA), while the women’s team went 12-3 and was undefeated(5-0 CAA) in the conference. This fall, returning members plan to better their marks from last season, as well as

maintain their confidence through the spring. Thus far the men’s team has played in the Swarthmore Invitational Tournament, which took place earlier this month. The Hens competed against Swarthmore and Haverford and were victorious in all five singles flights and both doubles flights. The team dominated so thoroughly that in four out of the five flight singles finals matches, Delaware players were forced to square off against each other. Travis said she hopes these results are a sign of things to come. She said her current men’s squad is the deepest and most talented men’s team she has ever coached. Sophomore Chris Hincker set a record last season for the highest number of wins by a freshman with 19. Hincker said he hopes the successful individual performanc-

See HENS RULING page 31

“I think they should give it a shot with a new quarterback. They were all competing at a high level during the pre-season.” -Matt Defroda Freshman

THE REVIEW/File Photos

Both the Hens’ men and women’s tennis teams have been stellar so far.

underp eview:

Delaware v. University of Albany BY ALEX PORRO Sports Editor

About the Teams:

The Hens:

Delaware is coming off a 23-20 upset loss to Furman this week in which they turned the ball over five times and committed nine penalties. Hens quarterback Robbie Schoenhoft finished the game 22-39 for 246 yards, but also threw four costly interceptions, one of which was returned for a touchdown. The Hens’ defense recorded two sacks and an interception, but gave up 263 yards through the air.

The Great Danes:

Albany suffered a heartbreaking 34-24 loss to then No. 10 New Hampshire last week. The Great Danes led the Wildcats 24-23 late in the third quarter before UNH stormed back to take the lead. Runningback David McCarty carried the ball a school-record 39 times for 130 yards and quarterback Vinny Esposito completed 21 of 31 pass attempts for 283 yards and a touchdown. The Great Danes’ defense recorded three sacks and two interceptions.

Time: Saturday, September 27 at 6 p.m. Location: Tubby Raymond Field at Delaware Stadium

Why we can win: Six Through the Air: New Hampshire quarterback R.J. Toman passed for 255 yards on 21 completions and four touchdowns against the Great Danes’ defense last week. The week before, Hofstra quarterback Cory Christopher put up 272 yards and a score and UMass’s Liam Coen passed for three touchdowns during Albany’s season opener. Early on, the Hens may turn to Schoenhoft and his receivers Aaron Love, Mark Duncan and Kervin Michaud to open up a big lead. The Clock Killers: The trio of Johnathon Smith, Phillip Thaxton and Jerry Butler combined for 142 yards and two scores on the ground against Furman and dominated against West Chester, so expect a heavy dose of running plays if the Hens can put up several early scores. Battle Tested: So far this season the Hens have played Maryland, West Chester and Furman, while Albany has taken on UMass, Hofstra and New Hampshire. Those three teams have combined for eight wins and four losses, including an upset of nationally ranked California. Not bad at a combined seven wins and three losses, but the likes of UMass, Hofstra and New Hampshire don’t quite stack up. Delaware has been tested against tougher competition and that should come in handy when the pressure is turned up. Why we could lose: Decisions, Decisions:The Hens played a tough opponent last week. Furman is a good team, playing in a powerful conference, and Delaware should have come away with the victory. The Hens led in almost every major statistical category except the one that matters most: points.So how does a team that seemingly dominated their opponent, lose? Five turnovers and nine penalties will help. Schoenhoft threw four interceptions, the most for a Hens quarterback since 1996. For the Hens to have a shot at winning against Albany, Schoenhoft must make better decisions with the football.

September 23, 2008

5 0


The Numbers:

The amount of turnovers by the Hens last week against Furman.

Amount of 4th quarter points scored by Albany this season.

The Prediction:

Look for an early touchdown or two from the Hens’ passing game and then the running game to wear down the Great Danes’ defense with power runs up the middle and short passes, to eat up the clock. The defense will need to shut down McCarty because ground success for Albany will create opportunities for Esposito in the passing game and that could hurt the Hens.

Delaware 28, Albany 17

Football plans for future with new receiver BY DAVE THOMAS Staff Reporter

The wait is agonizing. Patience is not his strong point. For prized Delaware recruit Nihja White, the first year will be a learning experience. At 6 feet 2 inches, 200 pounds, White has all the physical tools necessary to be a successful receiver at the collegiate level. The former Conestoga High School star, whose stock skyrocketed after a junior year in which he compiled 988 yards and 15 touchdowns, oozes with potential. His talents caught the attention of many college coaches, including a few at the Football Bowl Subdivision level. White visited Penn State University, but was disenchanted with the recent spurt of arrests occurring among members of the Penn State football team. He later focused his attention on Duke, another FBS school, which, at the time, heavily recruited his services, but a coaching change soured him on the program. “At Duke, when the coaching change happened, they did some things that my family and I did not agree with,” White said. “They wouldn’t call me back. The coaches showed no interest at all.” With only a week left until signing day, Delaware swooped in on Duke’s squandered opportunity. Head coach K.C. Keeler aggressively pursued White and convinced him of the Hens’ passion for football. “He talked about how Delaware loves their football,” White said. “Just as much as Penn State. The atmosphere here is amazing.” While White has shown potential, the unveiling of his talents on the field will wait until next year. With a deep corps of receivers, White was advised to redshirt his freshman year in order to develop under the trio of Aaron Love, Kervin Michaud and Mark Duncan. T.J. DiMuzio, Delaware’s receivers coach, was quick to point out that while he has noticeable talent, White remains a work in progress. “Nihja has a lot of things he still needs to work on,” Di Muzio said. “He has good size and he’s pretty athletic, so he has good potential.” White said he could use the extra time to get healthy, as a torn labrum in his left shoulder has prevented him from

participating fully in practice. Even with the injury, the year has been a steep learning curve for White. While coming in and red-shirting has been tough, he said, he has been very busy absorbing information from both coaches and teammates. “I’ve been like a sponge,” White said. “Just taking everything in.” Still, every athlete wants to play. After a standout career in high school, riding the bench for an entire year has been a tough THE REVIEW/Brian Anderson Courtesy of Sports Information THE REVIEW/Brian Anderson transition White said. Freshman Nihja White (middle) will be able to learn from the Hens’ experienced receiving corps. That switch, from experienced star to stands the pressure to improve and relishes the opportunity inquisitive pupil, has not gone unnoticed by teammates. to one day develop into the top-flight playmaker he is Love, a preseason All-Colonial Athletic Association expected to become. pick, was quick to compliment the young receiver. After all, White said it was Delaware’s rich football his“He takes coaching well,” Love said. “He looks to older tory and passion that originally convinced him this was the guys like myself and his motivation to want to get better will place he should be. make him better.” Quarterback Robbie Schoenhoft said that White was Love said White was fortunate to have elite size. Love, quick to recognize the successes of Delaware’s receivers at 5 feet 9 inches, did not have the luxury of being labeled a and has wisely chosen to take advantage of their tutelage. prototype wide receiver. “He has great receivers to learn under,” Schoenhoft “He’s going to be blessed because he has the frame and said. “He’ll see the success they have had and learn how they athleticism of a D-I athlete,” Love said. got there.” Still, the future looks bright for the redshirt freshman. White said he yearns to be an integral part of a team Already, he has begun to mesh with his teammates, staying that triggers such fervor in the 22,000 fans that routinely after practices to work with both receivers and quarterbacks pack Delaware Stadium and the university community. to develop the crisp timing that will be essential to his “When we lose, they lose,” he said. “When we win, they growth as a wide-out in Keeler’s system. He said he under- win.”


September 23, 2008

Hens keep ruling the courts

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es that he and other teammates had can translate into success for the team. “The goal would be to win it all,” Hincker said. “We might be far from being favorites but there is always a shot.” Nearly all of the players on the men’s squad from last season have returned to the team this year. Junior Camilo Perez, who last spring was chosen as the winner of the Blue Hen Team Sportsmanship award for men’s tennis, said having no loss of experience will go a long way towards helping the team achieve their goals. The women’s team has been no less successful this season. Also a part of the Swarthmore Invitational, on Sept. 6, the women showed they still carried the momentum from last season, which allowed them to stay above the competition, winning all four singles flights and both doubles flights. The following weekend, while the men were having their turn at the Swarthmore

Invitational, a round robin match against Delaware State at the UD Field House courts provided further motivational fuel for the already excited team, as they went on to sweep all three third-round singles matches and all three third-round doubles matches. This season, Susan Pollack, one of the team’s best players from the past four seasons, moved up to the assistant coaching position and the team has added depth in the form of two freshmen, Samantha Carnall and Lauren Gruber, and transfer Megan Doran. All three new additions won their round-three matches against Delaware State, and the older players on the team are looking forward to the new talent helping them win tournaments. Sophomore Ivana Petrich said she is is looking forward to seeing what the teams new talent can do. “I’m excited,” she said. “I think we’re a strong team this year.” This weekend, the men’s tennis team will host a three team tournament, known as a tri-match, against Delaware State and Johns Hopkins University.

Athletes of the Issue

Elena DelleDonne Volleyball

Freshman right-side / middlehitter Elena DelleDonne was named the CAA Rookie of the Week for her performance during last weekend’s College of Charleston Invitational. During the tournament, DelleDonne placed first on the team with nine blocks and was second on the squad with 23 kills, helping the team overcome the loss of injured co-captain Michelle LaLonde. The 6 foot 5 inch Delaware native helped her team post a 1-2 record overall in the tournament, including a 3-0 win over GardnerWebb. Against Duke University, DelleDonne notched 11 kills to go along with a .500 attack percentage, good for the highest percentage the team has achieved so far this season.

Colin Smith Golf

Sophomore golfer Colin Smith shot a 69 to lead Delaware to a second place finish overall at the Navy Fall Classic this past weekend. Smith also finished second in the individual standings during the tournament. Because of Smith’s sharp play during the last day of the tournament, Delaware was able to move up from eighth place, where they began Saturday. During last season, Smith shot a 66 at the Old Dominion Invitational, which tied the school record for the lowest round in Delaware history. Smith is a native of Delaware and attended Salesianum High School, where he was a three-time first-team all state selection in golf. Smith also posted a 59-1 career record during his high school career.

Buck has great first year with Billings Mustangs

Continued from page 28

different than the college game and with the use of wooden bats instead of aluminum bats it forces teams to manufacture runs and play more small ball instead of swinging for the fences all the time. He said the atmosphere in the clubhouse and on the field is much more business oriented and not quite as much fun as the time spent here at the university. He said the schedule is much more grueling. “We were on the road all the time,” Buchholz said. “Long bus trips all the time. It’s not the glory life at all that you might imagine. We get to the park early in the day around 1 o’clock and the game will be at 7. We work out the whole day and then we play a game at night. It’s like that all summer long for every game.” Buchholz said he attributes much of his success to the coaching staff at Delaware. He said he was not a big recruit coming out of high school and is grateful to have gotten an opportunity to prove his value Courtesy of Alex Buchholz as a member of the Hen’s Alex Buchholz drills the ball down the line. squad and improve his play

under the tutelage of Sherman and the rest of the coaching staff. The question now is how long it will be before we see Buchholz in a major league uniform. “I hope not too long,” Davis said. “I dont want to put any numbers on it — some guys can be superstitious about that stuff — but I hope not too long. When he’s ready, I’m sure the organization will know and I’m sure Buck will do what he does and represent himself, his family and the University of Delaware.” Sherman said Buchholz reminds him of a young Jeff Kent, a player who does everything well and does not do anything flashy. He said Buck may need to learn a little bit more plate discipline, but he should improve with more at-bats. He was thoroughly impressed by Buck’s rookie ball campaign and said most of Buck’s game is already on a major league level. “You dont expect a kid to go hit .400,” Sherman said. “He is one of those special guys that comes along once in a blue moon and I think he’s going to be a big-leaguer. He is well on his way.”

September 23, 2008


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