A History Of Fans With Ideas For Today – Handheld Sewing Machine _____________________________________________________________________________________
By Jonr Jony - http://handheldsewingmachine.net/
Fans actually have a long history that many probably are unaware of. Fans have been used as status symbols, decorative pieces, and cooling devices. In the past fans were made from palm leaves and feathers, with bases of wood, paper, and even chicken skin! Handheld fans were used as communicating tools; certain waves of a fan indicated specific emotions or messages in social circles. As status symbols, fans displayed costly materials and precious materials, displaying an individual's wealth. Gold, mother of pearl, tortoiseshell, and ivory were used in some fan designs, creating pieces of art in the process.
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With the discovery of electricity the fan became an automatic motor-powered cooling device, without the tiring of human arms. Large spaces can now be cooled in a very short amount of time. Industrial fans can cool at an extraordinary rate, bringing much needed relief without draining your energy bills.The first electric fan was invented in the late 1800's by Philip Diehl, who used a sewing machine's motor for an electric ceiling fan. It was known as the Diehl Electric Fan. He added his own light kit later on and continued to work on advancements.
From the Great Depression to the sixties, electric fans became less and less popular and less available in America, but by the seventies they were back with a bang for a while.However, with more cooling advancements, air conditioners reduced fan popularity once again, and with the reduction in popularity came a reduction in research and features. The standard of high class fan motors, blades, and housing were somewhat lost from the nineties through recent years with mass production and the flourishment of modern chainstores.
Yet, today companies such as Electric Fan, have worked hard to make fans a guaranteed, high-tech appliance where quality comes above quantity. While an air conditioner is an excellent cooling tool, electric fans are the only apliances that peform cooling duties with the by using a considerable low amount of energy and work to actually move and circulate the air while in operation. Our fans come with all of the latest technology, placing high CFM and RPM, long fan life, and low noise level at the top of our list of products. With the Underwriter's Laboratory and Energy Star ratings available today, we can guarantee your fan in the categories of energy savings and effective output, so you don't have to just take our word for it.
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