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New Tool Launched To Keep Children Safe Online
Research by LANTERN research group lead and Lecturer in Education Dr Simon P Hammond has helped to inform the development of an important new digital passport launching in May, designed to help children with care experience make the most of technology through relationship building and communication. The Digital Passport was the idea of Adrienne Katz and was created by her with expert input from Adam Gordon, Dr Simon P Hammond, Steve Bailey and other members of the UK Council for Internet Safety (UKCIS) Vulnerable Users Working Group. The Digital Passport enables care-experienced children to enjoy the benefits of online connectivity safely. It will provide details of the child’s knowledge and use of digital technology so that their wellbeing can be supported as well as helping carers to safeguard their online safety by being aware of their online capabilities. Dr Hammond said the resource is a critical tool to facilitate communication about digital communication: “One of the most important and effective ways of keeping children and young people safe online is for them to have regular and meaningful conversations with a trusted adult about what they do online, why they love it, and if they have any concerns”. Chair of the UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group Claire Levens says the passport will serve as an important resource to support foster carers in managing the crucial conversations that will help them understand, support and safeguard their child’s online life: “This digital passport will help initiate those conversations and to write down information. “It is vital that caregivers are equipped with bespoke understandings of these issues within the context of children and young people with care experiences in ways that enable them to flourish in this increasingly vital area”. According to the Vulnerable Users Working Group, we know that foster carers can be tech-hesitant and may default to removing devices and restricting digital access when, for many young people in care, it is the only way of connecting to friends and, where appropriate, family.
“Evidence shows that online risks are not evenly spread young people with offline vulnerabilities are more at risk online and, very often, are less supported. We need to do more work in addressing this, and the Digital Passport is an important first step.” -Dr Simon P. Hammond, Dr Simon P. Hammond, lecturer in education, UEA, and lantern group lead.
The tool: Helps enable the child’s digital life in a positive and supportive way Enables carers to clarify and support a discussion and understanding about online life Supports agreements about internet access and device use between carer and child Creates consistency for a child or young person if they move to another placement or home environment Is a record to improve safeguarding Helps make the most of what technology offers and opens opportunities for children and young people, especially those in or leaving care “Our work aims to provide professionals and young people with strategies, skills and knowledge to better navigate, recover and grow following online risk experiences. This new digital passport is a new resource” concluded Chair of the UKCIS Vulnerable Users Working Group Claire Levens. You can find the passport here.