Herald v1 issue4

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A Life of



A Certain Kind UECP 84th Anniversary Life Disciplines for Christians Basic Foundations of Christian Counseling Mission Trip to San Vicente, Samar OCTOB E R- DE CE M BE R 2 0 1 3


Elaine Lao




What Prayer Is... Marlene Go

Features When Prayers Don’t Get Answered Do I Believe in Prayers? To Worry or To Pray? Sacred Music & Psalms: Intertwining Generations My God is Much Bigger Than the Big C Prayer + God = Two Sons God Sets our Time and Place Lord, Please Help Me Cultivating the Prayer Habit Praying Till the End When God Says No Galleries Prayer is... I Pray Because.... Prayer Thoughts & Insights In His Time Answered Prayer of a Different Kind 主恩满溢

NEWS A Certain Kind UECP 84th Anniversary Life Disciplines for Christians Basic Foundations of Christian Counseling Mission Trip to San Vicente, Samar Rev. Stephen Kwan

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Prayer is not only asking God for what we want or need. It is more of wanting to know and needing to submit to what God asks of us. Jesus asked His Father “to remove the cup of suffering” not as he would choose but as His Father willed.

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We praise God for granting our prayers. Yet, we need to cherish the journey more for God’s intent – the building of our character. The way allows us to experience God’s heart and mind and leads us to appreciate Him better. We learn to evaluate ourselves – where we came from, where we are, and where we need to go forward with God.

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Prayer is much more about the journey than simply reaching the end. Often, we are thrilled by the light at the end of the tunnel but God takes interest more in walking with us through the dark channel.

Prayer is listening to God’s still small voice as much as wanting God to attend to our cries. After the haggles and struggles of life, the subsequent silence actually whispers the voice of God more clearly to us who truly seek Him. When we stop talking, we begin to hear God speaking. Prayer is answered when I am changed and aligned to God’s ways – even without Him altering my circumstances according to my wishes. Many situations and people in my prayers remain the same. Instead, as I pray, God works for me to grow in His likeness through these trying times and individuals. I learn to depend on His wisdom and power, not on my poor understanding and abilities. A humble heart in true repentance is a sacrifice pleasing unto the Lord – more eloquent than any brilliant word uttered in prayer. God amazes me by honoring the cries of my contrite heart – admitting the errors of my way as I kneel before Him. He hugs me with His arms of love and forgiveness. To pray is to come into the presence of God – to soften in His warm embrace, in utter peace, beyond human understanding, even when death draws near. This I experienced when I was first diagnosed with cancer. After my surgery, through the unknown tunnel of each radiation session, along numerous medical check-ups – no matter what results await me, I continue to rest in His perfect will. What peace and comfort and joy to cherish Him right beside me! As a child, I asked God for many things I wanted. Growing in faith, I learned to ask Him more for what He wants me to do. Psalm 37:4 consistently prompts Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. When His saints call on Him, God reveals His glory as He responds to our prayers. Consequently, our full submission – in trust and obedience, honors Him. In prayer, God removes the dross from our spiritual gold until only the image of His likeness is reflected in us – for the world to see, for His glory. This issue of Herald compiles the prayer journeys of God’s children – in sickness or in health, in healing or in death, in want or in abundance, in despair or in joy – whether God said yes or God said no. This is the collective testimony to God’s faithfulness, grace, and mercy. Come, let us pray without ceasing.


When Prayers Don’t Get Answered Rev. Felix Ong


he Bible tells us that Paul prayed to God three times asking Him to remove the thorn in his flesh. We don’t know exactly what that thorn was, whether it was something physical or spiritual. Yet, God responded to Paul’s cry by saying: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Cor. 12:9) Should we pray when our prayers don’t get answered? Absolutely! But we must allow God’s power to override our prayers by letting God answer them in His time and in His way. It is like the old-style public buses in the early 80’s. I remember when I was still in the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines, to get off at the next stop, the commuter pulls the overhead cord to signal the bus driver. Sometimes the bus driver (being able to view a situation much better from the driver’s seat) may override a request and stop at a place which is less hazardous. So like a bus driver, God is in the driver’s seat of our lives and has the power to override our prayers. It is really for our own protection when He denies our request, so we must be grateful to Him because we often do not pray for God’s best. B.M. Palmer, in Theology of Prayer, tells of a woman who had spent the summer away from her children and was quite anxious to get back to them. When she learned that all the rooms on a certain steam boat were taken, she wept bitterly. Because she couldn’t get another room on any other ship, she was detained for two weeks in New York City. But the sorrow of being delayed was turned into thanksgiving when, within a few days, she learned that the vessel that denied her passage was buried at the bottom of the Atlantic. She didn’t see the “no” as a wonderful answer to prayer until the whole story unfolded. We may think that our prayers went unheeded at times, but what is God doing on our behalf at the very instant we pray? We need to understand an important principles that God teaches us about praying.

Always pray with thanksgiving whatever your expectations. There is something about thanksgiving which safeguards our hearts. It simply means that we are thankful that God is working in our lives even when we may not know or understand what He is up to. But what we do know is that God in His infinite wisdom knows what is best for our lives and we must “pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1Thess. 5:17-18) Why must we pray with thanksgiving? Because it is God’s will for us. Should we lose that heart of thanksgiving, our hearts may become dangerously open to bitterness, resentment, discouragement, and surrender to sin. Another story in Theology of Prayer tells of a carpenter building some crates for the clothes his church was sending to an orphanage in China. On his way home, he reached into his shirt pocket to retrieve his glasses, but these were gone. He remembered putting them there that morning, so he drove back to the church. His search proved fruitless. When he mentally replayed his earlier actions, he realized what happened. The glasses had slipped out of his pocket unnoticed and fallen into one of the crates, which he had nailed shut. His brand new glasses were heading for China! The Great Depression was at its height, and the man had six children. He had spent twenty dollars for those glasses that very morning. “It’s not fair,” he told God as he drove home in frustration. “I’ve been very faithful in giving my time and money to your work, and now this.” Several months later, the director of the orphanage was on furlough in the United States. He wanted to visit all the churches that supported him in China, so he came to speak one Sunday night at this small church in Chicago. The carpenter and his family sat in their customary seats among the congregation.

The missionary began by thanking the people for their faithfulness in supporting the orphanage. “But most of all,” he said, “I must thank you for the eyeglasses you sent last year. You see, the Communists had just swept through the orphanage, destroying everything, including my eyeglasses. I was desperate.” “Even if I had the money, there was simply no way of replacing those glasses. Along with not being able to see well, I experienced headaches every day, so my co-workers and I were much in prayer about this. Then your crates arrived. When my staff removed the covers, they found a pair of glasses lying on top.” The missionary paused long enough to let his words sink in. Then, still gripped with the wonder of it all, he continued, “Folks, when I tried on the glasses, it was as though they had been custom-made just for me! I want to thank you for being a part of that.” The church congregation listened, happy for the miraculous glasses. But the missionary surely must have confused their church with another, they thought. There were no glasses on their list of items to be sent overseas. But sitting quietly in the back, with tears streaming down his face, an ordinary carpenter realized the Master Carpenter had used him in an extraordinary way. God knows what is best for our lives even if we disagree. So we must allow God “override” rights in our lives. The principle is thankfulness in all things. We may not understand what happens to us, but having a thankful heart guards our souls. Pray for wisdom as you seek your desires. Stay faithful for “… we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”(Roms.8:28) We can pull on the overhead cord, but remember that God is in the driver’s seat and we must allow Him to override our prayers.




Do I Believe in Prayer? Angeline Tan


ne need not be a theologian or religious leader to fully understand the power of prayer. Growing up in UECP, I was actively involved in church ministry, leading and talking about prayers. God, in His wisdom, had a different plan for my life. He moved me to a place where I knew no one and had no spiritual leaders from whom to seek counsel in times of need. It was at that point that I was moved to tap into what was inside me so that I understood what I had been doing all along. That breakthrough brought me to my knees and made me trade my religiosity (activity-centered Christianity) for a relationship with my Heavenly Father. Being far from and not knowing where home was because my family was scattered in different places, we learned that the best means of communicating with each other was through prayers (even until now). Our family set a prayer time every 6 o’clock at night. All members pray wherever they are and whatever they are doing. What did we gain from all these years of prayers?

Blessed Father, we humbly ask Thee, Let none who wait on Thee be ashamed; no, not one. Some are weary, and the time of waiting appears long. And some are weak and scarcely know how to wait. And some are so entangled in the effort of their prayers and their work. They think that they can find no time to wait continually. Father, teach us all how to wait! Teach us to think of each other and pray for each other. Teach us to think of Thee, the God of all waiting ones. Father, let none who wait on Thee be ashamed. For Jesus’ sake. Amen. - Andrew Murray

Prayer saves! There were many times when we sensed danger in someone’s life and had no news as yet regarding that family member, so we prayed! When we met and talked, we discovered that prayers made during those times helped save a member who planned to commit suicide; a house about to be burned down; and protected a member from death threats. Prayers gave us a sense of comfort amidst the sea of uncertainties and fears. It gave us God’s peace which surpasses all understanding and allowed us to feel God’s protective arms when human help seemed unavailable. Prayer heals! Whenever a member of the family fell ill, we prayed and asked God to provide for our needs, give us wisdom to act rightly, and send comfort when we couldn’t be physically present. Our collective prayers healed a heavy smoker and cancer-stricken member of the family. Prayer bridges! It is true what they say, “Whenever our hands cannot reach the people we love, we hug them with prayers.” What could not be verbally communicated, we whispered in prayers. When issues arose and everyone wanted to call it quits, we prayed to God and asked Him to humble us, to teach us to understand and accept, to forgive and to start anew. When words were difficult and actions were misinterpreted, we prayed and asked God to mend, heal and work in our hearts. God worked miracles reconciling hottempered members in one family. (Is temper genetic, I wonder?) Prayer changes! Sometimes it was too difficult to accept the need to change a habit or character trait. All of us are Christians and we could not accept that we needed to tone down when we talked, to leave behind past sins, to bear each other’s weaknesses, to be less critical and easily irritated, and to smile more than frown. The challenge of changing a difficult character was made possible with prayers as well. Do I believe in prayers because of seemingly answered prayers? For more than 25 years now, we still have a list of unanswered prayers (individually or as a family). Time is ticking and things are getting worse. Hope seems dim and prayers look futile. Faith wavers when prayers are unanswered. This time the Lord is teaching me - where should I place the object of my faith? In answered prayers (object) or the character of God (subject)? It might take another 20 years or even after my death and my prayers might still be unanswered. Yet, I am at rest knowing that the God we pray to has never once failed us, never once forsaken us, never once given up on us. So, I gladly say, as for me and my family, we will continue to pray to the Lord with joy and expectations!



What wings are to a bird, and sails to a ship, so is prayer to the soul. - Corrie ten Boom To pray effectively we must want what God wants. - A.W. Tozer Prayers are heard in heaven very much in proportion to our faith. Little faith will get very great mercies, but great faith still greater. - Charles Haddon Spurgeon To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world. - Karl Barth


To Worry or To Pray? Marlene Go

As a child, I sang this song in Sunday school: Why worry, when you can pray? Trust Jesus, He’ll be your stay. Don’t be a doubting Thomas, Rest fully on His promise, Why worry, worry, worry, worry, when you can pray?


n life, I realized singing it is so much easier than living it.

Do you know what used to be my biggest worry since I got married? Maids! The issue may seem small and shallow, especially for people who prefer to forego house helpers, but it is a serious one for me. Without detailing the woes of finding good helpers, of actually hiring bad ones, and the hoard of anxieties with domestic helpers, I want to share how God works through the years when I pray for this concern. I used to envy friends who, for generations, have loyal helpers – from their moms to their children! I remember praying as I visited employment agencies – just to be able to get one. (Once, the employers so outnumbered the prospects, you had to grab any one as they alighted from the agency van!) I also prayed for wisdom to choose the right one (when applicants were many). Then I prayed for the maid I got to stay with me. I endured sleepless nights when a new maid arrived, wondering how long she would last before wanting to leave me. When it was time to let her go, the disruptive cycle of worry and prayer would recur. Never was my prayer for a maid to last a life time granted (mostly, they last from 2 to 3 years). As I struggled over this trivial anxiety, I learned God’s practical lessons for me. First, God wants me to depend on Him. Initially diagnosed with cancer, I remember saying to myself, “Thank God I have a cook, a laundry lady, and another to clean the house. If I was going to be sick, they can help take care of our home.”

Little did I expect the cook to bid me goodbye for another job at a school canteen the next day! After years of painful lessons, I calmly (okay, with some anxiety) asked her to tarry until after my surgery. Praise God, she readily agreed. I tasted God’s sufficient grace and warm embrace most intimately during my cancer treatment procedure. I wallowed in His love, fully rejoicing over His mercy and goodness and faithfulness and... (I could go on and on). God showed me how it is not just about me and my family. More than bringing convenience and comfort to our home, having house help is also about supporting the less fortunate – them that seek employment. Furthermore, it is about touching lives – bringing my maids to know Christ. Just before I got sick, God impressed upon me to start bible studies with my helpers. Despite the problems I had with them, I realized God’s Word is powerful to change them much more than anything I can ever say or do. So, even as my maids come and go, they leave with a Bible and the gospel. Above all, I discovered how God answered my prayers in this area of my life by changing me. He realigned my priorities and reformed my attitude. Today, I no longer pray for maids to last me a lifetime; that is an almost impossible prayer. I ceased to pray for helpers to be good to us. (God is good. Even if I don’t ask, He provides the good ones.) Instead, I now pray for wisdom to show them God’s goodness. So, why should I worry, when I can pray? I may not have completed God’s curriculum on prayer, but God is amazingly patient with me. What a wonderful privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer!

What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, Oh, what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!




Sacred Music and Psalms: Intertwining Generations Christine Sim


hat are things you do as a family? What occupies each member of your family during your bonding times? Do you travel, dine out or shop? Play sports, hike up mountains or swim? Watch movies, play computer games or bake together? The family of Elder Sy Seng Cho and the family of Elder Jeoffrey Uy have a unique way of bonding together. They conduct family worship in their homes. This started with the Sy family. Elder Sy Seng Cho and Mrs. Elena Co Sy would assemble the children every night after dinner for family worship. Deaconess Peggy Sy remembers that she was called to join when she was 4 years old but says that it probably started when her eldest brother, Stanley, was 3-4 years old. The program was simple – hymns, Bible verses, closing prayer. Elder Sy would choose 3 hymns that they would sing together, then Mrs. Sy would choose 3-4 Bible verses to memorize. They would review one Bible verse learned the previous day then learn 2-3 new verses. Peggy said her mother most probably started with Psalm 23, then Psalm 100, and so on. She added that they memorized more than 20 Psalms because of this nightly activity, except for nights when her parents would attend Consistory meetings or parties.

The Sy children did not understand all of the verses they memorized until they were older. Peggy says that now that she is an adult, there are times when she would feel discouraged and a verse or two from their family worship times would pop into her head to uplift her spirit. So, knowing from experience that what one learns while still a child would be retained even if one is already using a cane to walk, she desires that her daughters memorize Bible verses even if they are still too young to understand them. Long summer days with no classes to attend were another reason why Jeoffrey and Peggy started their own family devotion time. When her daughters were around 5-6 years old, they were sickly during the school year, so she wanted them to rest during summer vacation. But she did not want their minds to be idle. She then initiated family devotion time to build up their characters. Her topic that summer was Fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Uy family continued this bonding activity every summer. Peggy thinks of topics and uses our church’s library, the Internet and Christian videos as her resources for materials. She picks the songs that would be appropriate, chooses a Bible story to fit the topic and comes up with a suitable art activity that would make the day’s teaching memorable and relevant. During the school year, Jeoffrey and Peggy do family devotion every night before their daughters go to sleep. They tell a Bible story, teach a Bible verse or two for the girls to memorize, sing songs and then pray together. The whole family is therefore reaping wonderful benefits out of this nightly ritual:

As a result, older brothers Stanley and Steven, and eventually Peggy and younger sister Pennie too, while they were still young, became known for being able to recite lengthy Psalms and were frequently invited to do so.



• First, just like the previous generation in the Sy family, all members of the Uy family have already memorized 3 whole Psalms. • Second, Phoebe and Justine are experiencing the joy that comes from having their prayers answered positively, particularly when a loved one is healed from sickness. • Third, the girls have learned to pray aloud with their family without shame or fear. • Fourth, Jeoffrey and Peggy get to know their children more intimately as they share their experiences and problems during their devotion time, drawing them closer together in love and respect. • Lastly, their children share that these times help them to apply what they learned from the Bible to their daily lives.

To make the routine exciting, Peggy hopes that she will be able to invite resource persons in the future to facilitate some of their family devotions. Since this plan might take considerable effort to organize considering the lack of contextualized teaching materials, she makes sure that she has craft activities prepared because her children love doing crafts. The girls also love it when they sing worship songs while their mother is playing the piano. Moreover, the members of the Uy family sometimes take turns in leading the devotion, somewhat like what the Sy family did before. Peggy remembers that when she and her siblings were a bit older, Elder Sy would assign a child as the program leader for a particular day. As program leader, he/she had the privilege to choose the hymns to be sung that day.

F E AT U R E S When asked if she and Jeoffrey intend to do this even when their children are older, Peggy explains that the couple’s purpose in doing the family devotion is for Phoebe and Justine to form the habit of praying and meditating on the Bible every day. She is therefore quite heartened when she sees the girls praying on their own before sleeping during the rare nights when the couple does not have time to lead the family devotion. To instill a love for God’s word in their children, Peggy shared some practical ways to do this: 1. Since children learn by imitation (and complete understanding comes later in life), we communicate much to our child when we reverently handle our Bible and our love for its truth. 2. Children learn to pray not because they hear prayers during Sunday School; they learn to pray as you give thanks at each meal, as you seek God’s help and guidance during the day, and as you thank God each night for the blessings you receive. 3. A child learns biblical truths because his parents read verses from the Bible out loud and repeat these verses together with him/her in the valuable classroom we call home. 4. Some parents leave the teaching of spiritual truths to Sunday School; this should not be so. Sunday School is only a helpful assistant as you teach the next generation. (Psalm 78:1-8) Deut. 6:6-7 tells us that God gave the commandments to the Israelites and instructed them to impress these upon their children, whether they sit, walk, lie down, or get up. Based on this passage, Peggy pointed out that the responsibility of teaching God’s word to the next generation is primarily given to the child’s parents. We can be encouraged and uplifted when we view parenting as God’s appointed calling. This responsibility of nurturing and training children demands much energy, wears thin our patience, and plumbs the depths of a parent’s wisdom, so it is but natural that parents feel drained and frustrated at times.

Peggy emphasizes that we should expect personal change when we bear this responsibility and enjoy this privilege called parenting. She articulates, “As the years go by, it sometimes surprises us to discover that in addition to impacting a child’s life, God accomplishes another purpose in parenting. Through the challenges, frustrations, joys and the observation of human nature in our little ones, we ourselves become conformed increasingly to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. In short, God is using the children He has given to mold ‘me’ and deepen my relationship with my Heavenly Father.” The challenge for parents today, according to her, is to find the time and persevere in the discipline of doing family devotion. With younger children, it would be easier to fix a regular schedule for this routine since their school time is the same every day. She therefore urges Christian parents to grab the opportunity of “training up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6a) while the child is still in preschool and elementary grades. Elder Elena Sy’s labor of love in teaching her children to memorize Bible verses has come full circle. Her granddaughter Phoebe’s favorite Bible passage is Psalm 23. Although Mrs. Sy is now in her twilight years and has become forgetful at times, she has not forgotten the hymns and the Bible verses she taught to her children. Peggy recounts that she recently called her mom over the phone and started singing to her the classic hymns: What A Friend We Have in Jesus; Yesterday, Today and Forever; and I Am Coming, Lord. Mrs. Sy sang all the 3 songs with her. Such a marvelous thread intertwining generations of the Sy family – sacred hymns and psalms! Below is a prayer of Phoebe.

However, Peggy adds that the privilege of this calling is awesome – it is the privilege of helping to shape a unique individual. She used Psalm 127:3-5 to expound. God did not give us children to punish us or to make our lives miserable. He gave us children as a reward to enrich our lives, draw us closer to Him, and to display His glory.




My God is bigger than the big C Elaine Lao


s cancer a curse or a blessing? Find out after you read about mine. While taking a bath in October 2005 I noticed a lump in my left breast. Thinking that it was one of those premenstrual symptoms, I didn’t pay much attention to it. But as the days went by, it hardened and grew larger. So I consulted a doctor. The doctor performed an ultrasound which revealed a vicious mass of about 2.8cm in diameter and bristling with what looked like menacing tentacles. The doctor suspected that I might have cancer-stage 2 and recommended an immediate core biopsy. CANCER? Scary... The process consisted of inserting a hollow needle into the mass to suck out a specimen for lab testing. The doctor did the procedure five times and told me to return after a week. While waiting for the elevator after I left the clinic, 3 statements popped into my mind. First, I told myself, “Thank God, I’m going to lose weight and get slimmer.” Then I said to my father who passed away two years before, “Pa, I’m going to see you soon.” Lastly, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4) When the results came out a week later, the doctor gently broke the news that I had to undergo surgery because the result showed an invasive ductal carcinoma. Invasive means that the mass has already broken out of the membrane of the duct and had started to grow. It’s final; I have Cancer. I had my lumpectomy on November 3. Philip and I prayed together before I went into the operating room. After a few hours of rest in the recovery room, Philip took me home. When I returned to the doctor a week later, the pathological report, waiting for me, was BREAST CANCER STAGE 3C. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. Because of this, my doctor told me to undergo CT SCAN of my liver, lungs, and bones. If the results were to come out positive, that would mean I have stage 4 cancer. My heart seemed to drop into my gut! “Whoa! This is getting really complicated, Lord.” Stunned and numbed, I could hardly think. But I knew then that I had to decide. So I prayed: “Oh God, I will not ask for a miracle this time, but that what will happen to me will be a blessing to other people so they will be encouraged and give glory to you.” Praise the Lord – the results


were better than expected. CT scan results were negative. After the surgery and CT scan, 2 hurdles were done. Next was the post-surgical treatment, which included 8 sessions of chemotherapy and 33 sessions of radiation therapy to be done 5 days a week over 6-1/2 weeks. Chemotherapy causes nausea, vomiting, chronic fatigue, and of course, loss of hair. This is horrible for us, women! Each chemo session left me so sick that I would be in bed for days. I lost a few pounds because all food seemed tasteless. It felt like I was pregnant again because food smelled so bad. Due to my weakened immune system, I was forbidden to go to crowded places to minimize the chances of getting infected. After every chemo session, I went to my mother’s place, quickly ate my lunch and slept. Each time I woke up or was awakened, I would immediately throw up. Each time, I cried before I lay down to sleep. “Lord, I can’t pray right now, please listen to those who are praying for me right now.” After praying, I would cry tears of joy because I felt God’s presence, just like a father cradling his child to sleep. How wonderful it felt as I thanked God for enabling me to sleep well even after each treatment! Is it not ironical that some people cannot sleep at night as they worry about their future? I also thanked God for His provision for my treatment expenses, and for the prayer support I received from friends and family, even strangers, including those living in another country. What a magnificent God we have! During this very difficult time, I became more attuned to God. I especially enjoyed the quality time spent with our Heavenly Father. My daily devotion became more intimate and personal as I devoted more time in prayer, reading God’s Word, and seeking His purpose for my life. It was also during this time that I read the book of Job. He was rich and righteous but lost everything and suffered so much, yet, he still professed his love for God. I said to God: “I will be like Job.” Whatever trials may come my way, I will not replace Him for anything. I might not know why I have cancer, but I do know that God is too great and too wonderful for me to understand His ways. No one can fully comprehend God and all that He has done. There will always be more questions than answers. That’s why God declares in


Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways.” Therefore, the unknown should not cast a shadow over our faith, peace and joy because we know that Someone greater is in control. Whenever I was down and broken-hearted, when I felt like quitting, I read Psalm 34:8-9, “Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing.” Many times, I complained and asked why, but I realized I could not blame God as He is not the source of my troubles. When I feel like running, I can run to God. I learned not to ignore or defy the tests or challenges that come my way. How about you? Are you in the midst of troubles, pains and sufferings? Then use the opportunity to grow in God. Only God can help us cling to Him. A friend sent me an article entitled, “Don’t Waste Your Cancer” by John Piper, a pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota, USA. Piper was diagnosed with prostate cancer early that year when he wrote: 1. You will waste your cancer if you do not believe it is designed for you by God. 2. You will waste your cancer if you do believe it is curse, not a gift. 3. You will waste your cancer if you seek comfort from your odds rather than from God. 4. You will waste your cancer if you refuse to think about death. 5. You will waste your cancer if you think that “beating” cancer means staying alive rather than cherishing Christ. 6. You will waste your cancer if you spend too much time reading about cancer and not enough time reading about God. 7. You will waste your cancer if you let it drive you into solitude instead of deepening your relationships with manifest affection. 8. You will waste your cancer if you grieve as those who have no hope. 9. You will waste your cancer if you treat sin as casually as before. 10. You will waste your cancer if you fail to use it as a means of witness to the truth and glory of Christ. Today I testify to you that my cancer is a gift – a blessing received through experiencing God’s presence in prayer.


Prayer + God = Two Sons As narrated by Deaconess Esther Dy to Christine Sim


ow does God answer prayers? This is how our all-powerful and loving God answered mine… When I was in high school, I regularly experienced intense abdominal pain whenever I had my monthly period. My pain tolerance level was quite high so I was able to endure this monthly suffering and didn’t bother to see a doctor. However, three months after I got married, I couldn’t get up from my bed because the pain was so agonizing. I went to see the elderly Dr. Manahan to find out what was wrong with me. He did a probe and at the first touch, I jumped up in pain. He told me that I needed an operation. Since we were going to the United States in a few days, I decided to have the operation there. This was around 1979-1980. I called my husband Sammy’s uncle who was a doctor living in the States and asked him about it. He also advised me to have the surgery in the USA. When we got to the States, Sammy’s uncle referred us to a fertility doctor specializing in test tube babies. This fertility doctor examined me using laparoscopy and he discovered that I had a ruptured cyst and stage 4 endometriosis. Because of this ruptured cyst, there was massive infection which required medication before any surgery could be done. I was also not a candidate for having a test tube baby. Thank God that we decided to have the surgery in the USA because the problem I had was so severe that the Philippine doctor could not have done anything and would have had to just close the incision if he had opened me up. To heal the infection, the fertility doctor prescribed male hormones for nine months. This treatment would dry up the infection from the ruptured cyst inside my ovary. I did this and experienced the side effects of growing hair all over my body and even having a moustache! I was also swollen all over. The most terrible side effect on me was it changed my voice so that I could no longer sing in the choir. Fortunately, these side effects disappeared once I stopped taking the medication, with the exception of my voice - I lost my first soprano voice. This is my only regret - that I can no longer sing praises aloud. After the nine-month treatment, I had to undergo microsurgery, with the doctor using a microscope while operating on me. The doctor removed my stage 4 endometriosis after a lengthy 5-hour surgery. Once this was done, the doctor prescribed fertility medicines which

I needed to take in addition to making daily body temperature charts. After three years, we decided to consult the doctor again. This time he discovered a water nodule as big as an orange in my left ovary. After running blood tests, he diagnosed that my prolactin hormone was very high, which was also preventing me from getting pregnant, but this could be controlled through medication. So, I underwent another microsurgery. My left ovary was completely removed and a quarter of my right ovary was also removed. With the removal of most of my ovaries, the probability of me conceiving naturally was only 18%. There was so little hope for me conceiving that the only possibility was a miracle. Sammy and I prayed nightly, asking God for a child. At that time, there were no adult education classes to teach us how to pray; we just kept praying every night, like a broken record. My parents-inlaw prayed for us too. I do appreciate the fact that my in-laws never pressured me to quickly give them a grandchild considering that Sammy was their only son. I remember friends and godparents praying for us too, particularly our godmother, Elder Rebecca Bendicion. We moved to Canada during that time and it was a blessing for me. I kept seeing and hearing friends and acquaintances getting pregnant and giving birth while I was in Manila; it only exacerbated my longing for a child. People here would also be very concerned once they heard my difficulties in trying to conceive, and they would suggest different types of treatment. The pressure to have a child would have been overwhelming! This was not the case in Canada. People there did not ask why we did not have children so I didn’t feel any additional pressure to bear a child. Nevertheless, when I saw pretty children’s clothing in the mall, I would buy them as gifts for others while feeling despair that I was not buying them for my own child. Sammy and I consulted another doctor while in Canada now that we were married for six years. The doctor advised us that artificial insemination would be our best course of action. To prepare for it, I had to take fertility drugs for a period of time and then go back for a check-up. However, the doctor did not show up at the clinic on the day of my check-up. Not knowing how to proceed, I decided to continue taking the medication. To our great delight, I became pregnant. An amazing answered prayer!



F E AT U R E S from page 8

I did not experience the normal morning sickness. I was sleepy all the time but that was it. I even slipped on an icy pavement one time but it did not affect my pregnancy. I moved to Buffalo, New York before I delivered to be with my in-laws and my kumare doctor who would deliver my baby. Finally, eight and a half years into my marriage, I gave birth to my son Samuel Timothy. Such a complicated birth! Because Timmy’s head was too big, I gave birth through Caesarean section. When my kumare doctor sliced my abdomen using the bikini-cut method, she accidentally cut into my bladder and my ureter too. It turned out that my bladder was stretched beyond normal size due to my complicated medical conditions. The doctor immediately called for an urologist. When the urologist came and saw my opened abdomen, he recognized it immediately. This urologist was the same urologist who attended my two previous surgeries. He then said that it was a miracle that I could conceive at all considering how complicated my condition was. Apart from this unexpected complication, my baby was fine and healthy. Sammy and I thanked God profusely and did not seek any more children. Yet, God surprised us. Three years after Timmy was born, I became pregnant again – and eventually gave birth to Sean. An added bonus to our fervent prayers! God is good; He gave us the privilege of rearing up two intelligent sons. Sammy and I, in response to His lovingkindness, told God that we would dedicate our sons to Him for fulltime ministry, should He will it. Praise God that He has given our first son Timmy the desire to serve Him fulltime! He is now taking his Master of Divinity at Gordon Conwell Seminary in the USA. May God use him for His glory! We did not know how to pray while we were asking God for a child; we just prayed and prayed, and God answered magnificently. Truly, “… nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) Hallelujah!


God Sets Our Time and Place Oliver Go

uly 2, 2013 marked two memorable events in my life: the last official day of my longest secular career, 12.25 years, at a multinational chemical company; and the day I was hospitalized for appendicitis. Both seemingly unfavorable events at first glance, but were actually testaments of God’s answered prayer and His perfect timing. In June 2010, I prayed to God that I might qualify for an early separation benefit from the company as I was bored working almost as a one-man show for quite some time. One year later, I started dreaming of receiving my termination letter from the company. This year, in June 2013, that dream came true and I was compensated for my years of service with the company. I fully agreed with the business decision and I was not surprised at all. The branch office that I managed was making more money than before but the business decision to trim down the local operations was a long-term plan made even before I joined the company. God answers prayers if we pray according to His will! On July 2, 2013, I was supposed to travel to Olongapo for the PCEC (Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches) Conference after lunch, but God changed my itinerary early that morning. I ended up in the hospital emergency room because of appendicitis. Yes, my plans may have been disrupted, but I thank God for the timing of His intervention, for allowing me to be home and within reach of my family’s help and care when this emergency happened. God sets the times of our lives, and His timing is perfect! Praise Him! Today, as I wait for His leading towards the next chapter of His plan in my life, I look back and recall the many occasions God’s hand was evident in my life. I have experienced Him as my Rock and Protector, when He spared my life and stopped the van I was driving from dropping into the West Philippine Sea while traveling from Vigan to Laoag; as my Provider, when He sustained me as a freelance agent for seven months with the same average monthly income that I was receiving when I was employed; as my Guide, when He led me to wait and accept my last job where I stayed for 12 yrs. I know for sure that God is not yet done with me. And I will continue to trust Him as my Rock, my Provider, my Guide, as I wait for His answer to my prayers in His perfect time.




Lord, Please Help Me Yeng Gelsinger


ast March 8, 2012, something extraordinary happened. Our phone line was down; but for some amazing reason, we had internet service. That Thursday was when I learned of an emergency which required that I go to Manila, as soon as possible. Trying to book a flight to Manila was difficult. International flights out of New York, New Jersey or Detroit were not available. After several hours, I was finally able to purchase my ticket to Manila. The flight would take me from Philadelphia to New York, then to Hong Kong, and finally, to Manila. I flew from Philadelphia to New York without any problem because it was a domestic flight. However, I was not allowed to board the flight out of New York to Hong Kong because of the issue of double identity. I used my credit card, which was issued in my married name, to purchase my ticket. But, my passport still used my maiden name. All of my US documents had my married name. The immigration officer said I had a double identity. I told him I really needed to go to the Philippines, that it was an emergency. He said it would not be possible that day because I had to go to their office to fix the problem. I then asked, “If I purchase another ticket using cash, can I use that to take the flight?” He answered that there were no more seats available. I reasoned that they could use the same seat that was assigned to me then. He said no. At that moment, my human instinct was to give up. What can I say? NOTHING. I was speechless. Powerless. In my disappointment, I wished I could dig a hole in the ground and pop up in Manila. Then I just sat down on the floor in the middle of the New York airport departure area like a 4-year-old, sobbing. The only words I uttered were ”Lord, please help me.” Then I stood up and approached the same immigration officer again with the same documents in my hand. I asked him if he could help me. He looked at me, then at my documents, and said, ”I don’t see any problem here.” He even issued and signed a paper stating that my documents were good for travel! Isn’t it amazing that the immigration officer who would not allow me to board the plane because of my double identity issue, was the same officer who allowed me to board the plane with the same documents that I had! On top of that, I learned that he was the head of the New York airport immigration section. I was then escorted to the plane. God really works in mysterious ways. He answers our prayers in ways beyond our comprehension. He knows best. He is an awesome God! I am so glad that I am His child! Miracles to be thankful for: 1. Our phone line was down but we still had internet service. 2. My emergency happened on March 8, 2012; my US citizenship interview was set on March 10. If those dates were switched, I could not have left the country because I would be without a passport. 3. God used the immigration officer to remind me that He is always with me even when the situation seems hopeless.




Praying till the End Rev. Tony Cheng

Cultivating the Prayer Habit Wyndale Wong


ur emeritus Elder Esther Dy informed me in early April this year that the family of Atty. Frederick Sy wanted me to go and pray for him. He was suffering from an unknown illness. The medical tests and findings were inconclusive. Amidst the confusion, family friends recommended many things. One consulted a faith healer who told them that someone cast a spell on Frederick. In God’s perfect timing, Elder Esther Dy found out about Frederick’s situation and recommended that a pastor lay hands and pray for him. That was the start of my journey with him. I went to the hospital with Rev. Joel Indico to assess Frederick’s condition. Much to our surprise, he smiled at us as if nothing serious was happening to him. Since Rev. Indico found no indication of any evil possession, we just led him to reaffirm that JESUS was his Lord and Savior. Furthermore, we went to their house to pray over the place. Again, contrary to what the faith healer claimed, there was no sign of any evil disturbance. After that, the family started to reassess the physical causes of Frederick’s sickness. All test results were sent to two reputablyknown hospitals in the United States for further analysis. The final diagnosis was angiosarcoma, a very rare form of cancer of the blood vessels. Frederick showed no sign of depression all this time. He might not have understood why things happened, but he continued to trust God. He was confined in the hospital for more than three months, four weeks of which were spent in the ICU. One could hardly imagine the pain, stress and sufferings he and his family went through. I rallied many of our church members to pray for him and his family. Many visited, prayed and even fasted for him during this period. Indeed, it was God’s grace as well as the encouragement and prayers of His saints which strengthened Frederick’s faith until his final breath. May his life inspire us to cling to God amidst difficulties.

(Contents Based on Chapter 8 & 9 of Edmund Chan’s Book Growing Deep in God)


rayer is meeting with God. It is essential and integral to our spiritual walk; but what is genuine prayer, why do we pray, and how should we pray? - Genuine prayer is not a means to a more important end; but prayer is the greater end, where we undergo transformation, through our allegiance to God’s Lordship. - Genuine prayer cannot be done out of compulsion, like a chore, but should be done out of delight to meet God, to seek His presence, and to receive His blessing without shame. - Genuine prayer is not based on performance; but based on the posture of the heart, with humility and contriteness, so that God can fill up this empty vessel. - Genuine prayer cannot be done in a hurried manner, but with intentional waiting and whole-hearted devotion, enjoying the journey and the presence of God. Now that we are clear what prayer is all about, what then stops us from praying? - Lack of submission - False knowledge of God - Un-confessed sins - Un-teachable spirit - Un-forgiven people - Fears and deceptions - Incorrect priorities - Lingering guilt - Displeasing relationships in God’s eyes - Wrong motives So now that we know what hinders us, how do we effectively grow more in prayer? - Set time by removing less important things and replacing it with prayer - Pray through God’s Word - Explore with devotional materials - Seek God’s leading - Keep the prayer focused - Get a prayer partner - Get a prayer mentor - Make specific prayers - Keep a prayer journal - Deal with sins in your life This is how we can cultivate the prayer habit!




When God Says No Cristina Dy

At that time I pleaded with the LORD: “Sovereign LORD....let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan— that fine hill country and Lebanon... “That is enough,” the LORD said. “Do not speak to me anymore about this matter.” Deuteronomy 3:23-26 (NIV)


hen I came across this verse, I knew God was clearly telling me ‘No’ to my earnest prayer. He had already used circumstances to reveal His will. This time, He confirmed it with His word. Just as Moses pleaded with God to grant him his lifelong dream to enter the Promised Land, I pleaded with God to grant my heart’s desire. I felt what Moses must have felt at that time - extremely disappointed and sad, to see the fulfilment of a personal dream so close and yet beyond reach. When we do not receive a positive answer to our earnest prayer, we sometimes experience a sense of spiritual confusion. We can’t understand why God chose not to grant our request for healing, for restored relationship, for a marriage partner, for a child, for a financial breakthrough, for a good business or career. We may even experience self-doubt. We thought God was leading us in a certain direction or has planted the desire in our heart, yet things did not turn out as we planned. There are times when we are not even sure what we ought to pray for anymore. This sense of helplessness, of being not in control, brings us to our knees and to a humbling awareness of our utter dependence on God. In times like these, it is critical that we maintain the right perspectives: our perspective of God and our perspective of Life. Our Perspective of God Even when God denies our request, it does not change nor contradict who He is. That our God, our Heavenly Father is.... a good God, who desires to give good gifts to His children (Matthew 7:11). a generous God, who is able to give immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). a wise God, whose thoughts and ways are beyond us (Isaiah 55:8-9). a loving God, whose steadfast love and faithfulness endures forever (Deuteronomy 7:9). a Sovereign God, who can do all things and whose purposes cannot be thwarted (Job 42:2). Just because a father did not grant his son’s request, it doesn’t

change the fact that he loves his son, and wants the best for him. How much more our good, gracious, generous God towards His beloved children! When we remember who God is, we can stop struggling, relinquish control, and simply rest in Him. We are in GOOD HANDS! Our Perspective of Life We sometimes get confused which is the reality, and which is the illusion: the visible world or the unseen eternity? When we remember which is real and will ultimately last, we wouldn’t hold on too tightly to what is an illusion and eventually passes away. When we view life on earth as merely a journey, with eternity as our destination, what is temporal diminishes in value compared to what is eternal. Personal dreams or desires take second place to God’s purposes in our lives. God denied Moses’ personal dream, but He fulfilled His purpose in Moses’ life. Then the LORD said to him, “This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it.” And Moses the servant of the LORD died there in Moab, as the LORD had said. He buried him in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to this day no one knows where his grave is. Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face, who did all those signs and wonders the LORD sent him to do in Egypt—to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel. Deuteronomy 34:4-10 God personally buried Moses and brought him to a much better Promised Land. God may deny our request, but He is always by our side and has something much better in store for us. For no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9). THE BEST IS YET TO COME!




Elisha Monzon




Justine Uy

Sean Monzon




PRAYER IS... Celine Murillo Prayer is my closest connection to God with no holds barred. I can express my innermost feelings to Him. I know God is listening and it makes my relationship with Him grow deeper. As a person who has control issues, I am bothered when I get a negative answer to my prayers, but then God reminds me that He has better plans for me, more than I could ever know. I have been asking God to help me improve my relationship with Him. His response was subtle yet direct, and I realized He was teaching me about total dependence on Him rather than on my own. Ria Yao Prayer connects me to God, and it is the foundation of my spiritual walk with Him. I know that every time I pray, I get closer to God. Sometimes I get disappointed if the answer isn’t positive, but I believe that God has a purpose why the answer is like that, and I also believe that He knows what’s best for me. I was on my second year high school when my grandfather went to the hospital for the first time because of liver cirrhosis. I prayed for his recovery and God allowed grandpa to stay with us for more than 3 months. After that, he was confined again. That day, I thought it was just the usual problem, but God took him away that night. I was in despair because we wouldn’t be celebrating Christmas with grandpa, yet I was also comforted that he didn’t have to bear the pain anymore. Then and there, I realized that God has a reason for everything and that everything is in His hands. Jennivee Chua Prayer is not only talking to, but talking with, God and sharing everything to Him. Without prayer, we can never grow in our relationship with God. It’s important because prayer is a form of surrender, and surrendering is living out our salvation. At first, I’d get disappointed when I didn’t get a positive answer to my prayer. But looking at the bigger picture would always lead me to thanksgiving because at the end of the day, God’s way is still the Way. There were times when God answered my prayers in peculiar ways. One time, when everything was going wrong, I prayed that He would take it away. Then God made me realize that these challenges were actually my answered prayer, for a couple of months earlier, I asked Him to teach me in a way that seemed best to Him. And indeed, those challenges molded me to be a more mature Christian.


Ralph Lao Prayer is our humble surrender and acknowledgement of the power of an omniscient God. The importance of prayer is not just to tell God the things we need, but it’s remembering God in our lives and how we are blessed by His love. The answer is not important because what is MOST important is what God’s will is, and surrendering to His will is what will glorify Him most. Wilkinson Gonzales Prayer is a two-way conversation with God, where we acknowledge Him and His presence in whatever situation, good or bad, and appreciate who He is in our life. I believe that prayer is essential to a Christian’s life because without it, there would be this feeling of emptiness – one that cannot be satisfied by mere pleasures in life. A constant communication with our Father and Friend is needed to bring us closer to His heart and will. There have been many instances when my prayers have been answered, and sometimes, I even forgot to thank God for them. But there are times when I have unanswered prayers – things I really want and things that I aspire for but with which I’m having difficulties. I hope that I’ll learn to trust Him unconditionally, be thankful, and just be patient in waiting for His answers that may be revealed through His Word, through incidents, and through other people. Gladys Armada Prayer is the primary way of talking to God. As in any relationship, communication is one of the key factors in order for it to grow. And this is not just any relationship. It is the most important one that we can have – a relationship with the Master. If the answer God gives isn’t positive, I’d be honest in saying that sometimes there would be a tinge of sadness in me; yet overall, I wouldn’t feel bad. I only know a little of what would be good for me but God, on the other hand, knows what’s best. Ralp Tan Prayer gives me hope and peace. It also brings me closer to God. Honestly, when the answer to my prayer isn’t positive, I get a little sad, but I know that God did it for my best, so the sadness will disappear soon. Back when I was in third year college, I prayed to God that I will not fail in one particular subject. Unfortunately, I failed. But at the end of my summer class, I thanked God because I learned more about that


subject. I realized then that God did what was best for me, even if that was not what I felt at the beginning, and that God knows everything. Mcjeh Forbes It is important to talk with God, and for us to say our heart’s desire. If the answer to my prayer isn’t positive, I’d be sad; but I must accept it, for God has better plans for me, plans to prosper me and plans that will not harm me. I prayed to God when my family became financially challenged. We’ve been through rough situations. Even my parents nearly gave up on our family. But I told my friends and brothers to help and continually pray for my family and our relationships with each other. After almost six months of hardship, our prayer was answered. Now, I have a stronger family. Angelina Lim Prayer is communicating with God it is talking and listening to Him. It is acknowledging and praising who God is, attuning our desires and will with His. Prayer is also claiming His grace and promises. It is the most essential thing in a Christian’s life because prayer is a daily surrender of self that allows us to get closer to God. Yes, there were times God didn’t answer my prayers, and I would feel sad and confused. But I know that God knows what is best for me. And that He will always provide what I truly need.

Richie Tan Prayer is a fundamental part of a Christian’s life. It helps me to be more confident in dealing with things, it makes my burdens lighter, and it makes me feel better when I’m weary. Sometimes I feel bad if the answer to my prayer isn’t positive. But after much reflection, I realize that God has a better plan for me, and maybe what I’m asking for is not part of His plan for me, or He is just telling me to wait for the right time. Raymund Paningbatan In praying to God, I can express myself without anyone judging me. Sometimes, I feel depressed when the answer isn’t positive. One of my answered prayers is when I prayed for a group to lead and then a pastor asked if I could help out as a small group leader in a fellowship.


The Power of Prayers

I Pray Because...

Aileen Tiu Tong

Prayer is important to me because I want to have a daily relationship with God. I know God hears me and remembers me. Sometimes I may not receive a positive answer to my prayers. I believe it is because He may not agree with us or He may be telling us to be patient and wait. One time, I was very concerned about my difficult periodical test in Math and I prayed to God. I got an 88 on the test. Christiana Tiu, 11 yrs. old Through praying, God can help us in everything that we ask Him, be it advice or request. When God does not answer my prayer with a yes, it is because He knows what is best for me. Jerahmeel Coching, 13 yrs. old

I believe in the power of prayer. It’s not mindless chanting or a placebo anesthetic to relieve the hopeless. No! Prayer is battling with your hand on the hilt of the sword, as you enter the battlefield where arrows fly and the wounds and scars are real. Yes, in prayer we cover the front line. With it, we strengthen the barricades, and we move forward following our Master as He leads. Yes, in prayer we wield powers that mortal eyes don’t see, yet the impact is as tangible as the pavement you walk on and the air you breathe. I believe in the power of prayer, and I believe in victories - of strongholds breaking down, of hope restored, of healing breakthroughs, of calm, peace and strength in the midst of storms. I believe, and yes I will see…

Two Kids and Heaven Pastor Irene Tan (Singapore)

I like to talk to God. I know He hears me because I have experienced Him answering my prayers. Ruth Janica Lim, 12 yrs. old

Almost eight years ago, I had a conversation with a 4- or 5-year-old girl about heaven.

Through prayer, our relationship with God becomes closer. A few weeks ago, I got sick. My mom and I prayed to God for healing. God answered our prayers. Jasmine Lim, 8 yrs. old

Me: Heaven is a very nice place. When in heaven, one doesn’t need to eat!

When I have nightmares and I cannot sleep, I pray to the Lord to remove my nightmare. Naomi Yturzaeta, 10 yrs. old I know God answers prayers because one time we were having a quiz in school and I thought it was hard so I prayed to God. The quiz turned out to be very easy. Another time I prayed for my family to be protected and God answered my prayer. That is why I pray to God whenever I need Him, but I also pray to say thanks to Him. Beverly Go, 11 yrs. old Prayer is important to me because I need to talk to God. Last year, when I was in grade 4, I needed to memorize something in my computer class. I started memorizing but I couldn’t; it was too much for me. It was Sunday and I had to recite it in front of class on Monday. I prayed to God for more time to memorize. On Monday, my computer teacher was absent and the substitute teacher told us to answer our books. Kimberly Go, 11 yrs. old I know God hears me and He will answer my prayers using the Bible. God may sometimes not answer our prayers because our prayers can be bad for us or harm other people. God answered my prayers by helping me with my studies, achieve my goals, and giving me good health, friends and food. Stephanie Go, 12 yrs. old

Girl: Umm… I don’t want to go to heaven… There’s no food. (Oh no! I forgot that this girl loves to eat. If i remember it correctly, I immediately explained to her that there is no hunger in heaven-that’s why there’s no need to eat!) Two days ago, my son whom I call Honey and I had a conversation about death. I then shared with him that the physical body of a Christian will be dead, but that his person will be in heaven, in the presence of God. Honey: Can I talk in heaven? (He loves to talk and is scared that heaven might be like his class.) My husband and I: Yes, you can! After our reply, Honey’s eyes sparkled with relief. Me: Actually, GOD LOVES TO HEAR YOU TALK. And there would be a lot of singing praises to God!




In His Time Dominga Uy Ong

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a


got married at the age of 32. In a span of seven years, I had six miscarriages because of multiple myoma in my uterus. God knew how much I wanted to have a family. I wasn’t getting any younger. But He has His own way and timing. A few months after our marriage, my husband’s employer was killed and Cesar, my husband, was out of a job. At that time, Cesar’s uncle was working in Taiwan, so he encouraged Cesar to work there. Six months after he moved to Taiwan, Cesar wanted me to follow. I wanted to have a family and I believed I should be with my husband. So I followed my husband. Back then, I already had two miscarriages. In Taiwan, I consulted many doctors. They told me that if I underwent surgery, they might have to remove my uterus. I remember that in one of my visits to the doctor, somebody on the side was laughing at me, saying, “Look at her, she wants to have children, but she can’t. She got multiple myoma in her uterus.” They spoke in Mandarin. They thought I couldn’t understand what they were saying since I do not look Chinese. I felt insulted, but I kept quiet and ignored them. When my sixth pregnancy was still unsuccessful, my doctor advised me not to try anymore. My uterus was thinning out. He recommended hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus), and told me to think it over. That night in the hospital, I prayed to the Lord, “O Lord, I want to have a child. What shall I do? Please help me with the words that I will say to the doctor.” When I met with my doctor the next day, I asked, “Doc, can you just remove that myoma which is blocking the growth of the fetus, and keep my uterus intact? Is this possible? I really want to have a child.” The doctor was hesitant, but he agreed and told me there was no guarantee that I would have a successful pregnancy. I was happy and hopeful, and I recognized that this idea was from the Lord. If God could provide a child to Abraham and Sarah in their old age, He could do the same for me.

work. I was pulling a cart and it turned over. The items on it fell on my stomach. I was so afraid. I kept praying, “Dear Lord, please, please save my child.” And God protected him! I returned to the Philippines to give birth. Because of the presence of multiple myoma in my uterus, there was the risk of abnormalities in the child. I prayed to God that my child would be alive and healthy. Dominique Curtis Ong was born on the 32nd week of my pregnancy, and had to be put in an incubator for a month. Yet God was gracious to me. He gave me a healthy child. When my obstetrician checked on me the day after, she said, “You know, Dominga, your uterus is hmmmm......” Her voice and facial expression made me afraid. My uterus was in an unhealthy condition, disgusting and ‘yucky’. She did not remove my uterus because she was not able to secure my permission prior to delivery. Because I was frightened by her remarks, I told her to remove it. She said she could not do that as I just had a delivery. She told me to let it be and just come see her if I feel any pain. So I returned to Taiwan with my son. After 3 years, I found myself pregnant again. This time, my husband was really worried. He said, “Kaya mo ba?” (Are you still able to do this?) I said, “We wanted so much to have a child before Dominique came. Now, God is giving us another one, a bonus.” In my second month, I bled. A spoonful of blood came out. I was frightened. As I waited for my husband to bring me to the hospital, I cried and cried, sure that I had lost the baby. I was so amazed and grateful that I was wrong. Though I bled for ten days and had to stay in the hospital for a week, the baby was fine. In due time, my second son, Christian Dave, was born. God was so gracious and good to me; He gave me my heart’s desire in His time. If He wills it, He will give it. Nothing is impossible with God; I need only to trust Him. Today, as I face the challenge of battling cancer, I remember God’s love and graciousness to me in the past. The Lord loves me so much. I have experienced His provision and protection so many times in my life. I cannot complain. I simply trust Him. I pray that in His grace, He will grant me complete healing from my illness, protection and good health for my family, and guidance in my children’s studies and in their future.

After six months, I got pregnant again. I used to resign from my job each time I got pregnant. But this time, I decided not to. I thought to myself, “If God wants me to have this child, whatever I do, He will see to it that I will carry him through. If it’s not for us, then it will not happen.” So I continued to work. I had a couple of frightening incidents. I experienced bleeding during the first few months of my pregnancy and had injections to prevent miscarriages. I was very careful when I went back to work. On my fifth month, I had an accident at



特 寫

主恩满溢 Answered Prayer of a Different Kind Sirene Chua


or the past twenty-one (21) years of our marriage, Ben and I have had times of joy and times of trials. Unfortunately, 13 years ago, Ben was paralyzed from the waist down. During this very difficult time, we went through stages of pain, discouragement, anger, confusion and tears. I could not understand why God didn’t heal my husband. This struggle with God went on for years. Ben thought God was punishing him for his sins. A pastor explained to him that trials are not necessarily punishment for sin, but can be God’s instruments for us to experience Him in a different way. When God did not answer our prayers for healing, I asked Him to help us accept His will, to submit to His sovereignty. God’s sovereignty can be difficult for an unbeliever to understand. But for us believers, we have the privilege of trusting and submitting to God. The challenge is to submit in wholehearted obedience what our mind already knows - that He is sovereign and that He knows best.

By God’s grace and through the prayers of many people, we finally submitted to His will. It was then that we experienced inexplicable peace and His faithfulness. God did not answer our prayer for physical healing, but He has healed us emotionally and spiritually. God has brought Ben and me closer to God. Ben would read the Bible. And when he could not sleep, he would talk to God and pray for others. God has taught us to depend on the power of prayer, not in the sense of getting a ‘yes’ answer from Him, but that we can tell God everything and leave the answer in His hands. Today, I can say that even if there was no physical healing, there is joy, and we can continue to serve, with no conditions attached. For the past few years, God led us to serve Him in the rehabilitation center. We meet many patients, therapists and doctors. Through our experience, God has developed in us an empathy with those who are sick. From time to time, we are able to share the love of God and encourage them not to lose hope. Our prayer is that God will be glorified in us. We do not know what will happen to us in the future, but we firmly believe that “Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me (us) all the days of my life (our lives), And I (we) will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:6 (NASB)


詩篇八十九:1-2節「我要歌唱耶和華的 慈愛,直到永遠;我要用口將祢的信實傳 到萬代。因我曾說“祢的慈悲必建立到永 遠;祢的信實必堅立在天上。”」 我出生於非基督教的家庭,父母是虔誠的佛教徒。 上帝帶領我和弟妹在嘉南中學受教育。然後有機會參加 1974年教會舉辦的青年夏令會,那時我清楚地接受主做我 個人的救主。從信主那天起,上帝就開始操練我,我參加 了團契聚會,小組查經,聖歌團。暑假到Angeles擔任兒 童事工教師。在這過程中,雖然不是一帆風顺,有父母親 的反對,有對家庭和學校的責任,但是主藉著許多攔阻, 讓我學習信心和忍耐的功課,使我能靠着主常常得勝。主 也賜我許多教會弟兄姐妹成為我的支持與代禱同伴,教會 更成為我寶貴的第二家庭。 然後,上帝按着祂预定的時間賜給了我一位基督徒 丈夫。在結婚將近二十年的前夕,細看婚姻過程,有不少 歡喜快樂,也遇到不少的試煉苦楚。尤其在十三年前,丈 夫遇到不幸,導致半身不遂。在這難熬的歲月裡,我們經 歷了許多痛苦。我們憂傷失志,生活裡充滿了怒氣、混亂 和眼淚。不明白為什麼上帝不醫治他?後來才明白,是上 帝給我們學習的功課,要我們學習有信心,要順服祂的主 權。當我們順服接受祂的旨意後,我們就經歷祂所賜出人 意外的平安,就體會到祂的信實。雖然我的丈夫沒得到肉 體的醫治,但上帝給我心靈的寧靜。 上帝藉著主裡的弟兄姐妹,支持我們的家庭,關心 代禱與扶持我們直到現在。在這些年裡,主帶領我們到康 復中心(rehabilitation center)事奉祂 ,在那邊遇到很 多病人、醫生和復健人員。我們有機會傳揚主的愛,鼓勵 病人不要失去希望。我們祈禱藉着我們的服事榮耀上帝的 名。 雖然我的丈夫需要以輪椅代步,我們不知道以後將 如何!但是我們相信上帝的慈愛與恩惠,一生一世追隨我 們。 請繼續為我們祈禱,也為我母親的救恩祈禱,希 望她早日接受主。願榮耀歸給我們的上帝!最後我以詩篇 34:1-8節作結束感恩禱告。

『我要時時稱頌耶和華,讚美祂的話必常在我口中。 我的心必因耶和華誇耀;謙卑的人聽見,就要喜樂。 你們和我當稱耶和華為大,一同高舉祂的名。我曾尋 求耶和華,祂就應允我,救我脫離一切的恐懼。凡仰 望祂的,便有光榮,他們的臉必不蒙羞。我這困苦人 呼求,耶和華便垂聽,救我脫離一切苦難。耶和華的 使者,在敬畏祂的人四圍安營搭救他們。你們要嚐嚐 主恩的滋味,便知祂是美善,投靠祂的人有福了。』 先 鋒 會 刊


NEWS 84th Anniversary UECP celebrated its 84th anniversary on July 11 in a joint Sunday worship service. Guest speaker this year was Dr. Edmund Chan, who also spoke during the 2-day conference entitled A Certain Kind (see separate news). Dr. Chan preached from Joshua 3:1-17 and challenged our members to Cross the Uncrossable. He shared 3 principles on how to accomplish this: 1. By having a heart to follow after Encountering the Divine Presence 2. By having the faith to believe by Embracing the Divine Promise 3. By having the courage to act to Experience the Divine Power

八十四週年 菲律賓中華基督教會於七月十一日慶祝教會成立八十四週年並舉行聯合崇拜 會。 當天特請曾金發博士為講員。他也是『某一種』塑造門徒大會的主講。 曾博士引用約書亞三章1-17節來挑戰會友過一條無法跨越的路並分享三項原 則以完成這項挑戰: 1. 在經歷上帝的存在後要有心跟隨祂 2. 在抓住上帝承諾的同時要一心信奉 3. 在經歷上帝的權柄時要勇於擔當

A Certain Kind By Aileen Atinon The 1st Metro Manila Filipino Chinese Discipleship Congress held at UECP last July 12 – 13, 2013 was composed of two segments. The Workshops (which happened on the first day) included “Everyday Commandment” and “Everyday Commission.” Everyday Commission provides believers with a model and process for becoming a disciple-making disciple, while Everyday Commandment is designed to help lay leaders be involved in sharing God’s love with their nonchurchgoing friends. Accredited trainers of Wavemakers and Sonlife International facilitated the workshops. After the workshops, the 5-session Conference followed in the evening. Rev. Edmund Chan and his wife, Pastor Ann Chan, were the speakers. Rev. Edmund is the senior pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church in Singapore. Representatives from more than 30 Fil-Chi churches nationwide, some schools, Filipino churches, and other organizations attended the conference. Indeed, God was very much involved from the planning, to the preparation and until the end of the congress. He provided just the right number of delegates and enough volunteers. He also blessed us with timely provision of technical resources as well as good weather. The scheduled program flowed smoothly without major glitches. Even the dreaded parking problem, God solved abundantly. He supplied enough strength to Pastor Edmund, enabling him to speak effectively in each session in spite of his sore throat.


God enabled UECP, as host of this event, to gain everyone’s all-out support behind the scenes. Church leaders, youth leaders and many volunteers filed for leave from their respective jobs not just to attend but to serve as ushers, marshals, worship team members, translators, food staff and sanitation staff. The maintenance staff spent days and nights cleaning and arranging things without complaining. This is God’s family. It is God’s home – a place of equality and unity, where everyone with one heart and one mind finished the tasks assigned to them - without complaining, without comparing, without thinking of recognition. Everybody contributed his best for the glory of God. Related to the church’s vision of “Transforming Lives for the Glory of God,” Rev. Chan spoke on life transformation process: “… to build depth in the lives of leaders who would influence the church to rise above superficiality, immaturity and mediocrity.” What is disciple-making all about? “Disciplemaking is all about a certain kind of person who is radically committed to a certain kind of purpose, who through a certain kind of process, reproduces a certain kind of product.” Let us as a church pray for transformation to a life of humility and depth - a certain kind of life that starts with a certain kind of change - in perspective, in prayer life, and in practical living.


Life Disciplines for Christians Dr. Amanda Shao Tan conducted a workshop on Life Disciplines for Christians as part of our GROW classes. 50 people registered for this class held on the first four Sundays of September. The workshop culminated with a retreat on Sept 29. Dr. Tan taught various inward and outward spiritual disciplines, helpful for Christians who desired to have a deeper walk with God. In the workshop, students learned how their relationship with the Lord translates into sacrificial service to God and others. Each session included biblical principles paired with practical hands-on exercises to apply in daily life. The one-day retreat helped the participants integrate all the principles learned in both personal and corporate settings, as well as internalize and practice the spiritual disciplines highlighted in the workshop.

Mission Trip to San Vicente, Samar

Dr. Annalisa Co, a professor from Alliance Graduate School, taught a course on the Basic Foundation of Christian Counseling to a group of more than 30 participants for all the Sundays from August 18 to October 6, 2013.

UECP sponsored a medical & dental mission trip to San Vicente, Eastern Samar last August 20-21, 2013. A team consisting of 9 UECP leaders and members, 1 from UEC Greenhills, 2 from UEC Pasay, and 3 from Medical Ambassador, Philippines, ministered to 844 people in San Vicente.

The seminar was about helping people deal with life’s struggles and crisis. In this class, students gained understanding of what counseling is; what the Bible says about counseling; the importance of confidentiality; and qualities of an effective counselor. The module also equipped students with the skills of active listening, empathy, questioning, summary, and exploring options. The class aimed to let students learn how to help others in their walk with Christ.



陳有純博士於九月一日為教會的成長班舉辦 了一系列有關基督徒該有的生活紀律研討 會。共有五十人報名參加這四週課程,此課 程於九月廿九日以一場退修會圓滿結束。

宣道神學院教授Annalisa Co博士於八月十 八日至十月六日(每週日)在教會舉辦基督教 輔導的基礎班,共有三十位會友踴躍報名參 加。

陳博士與參加者分享了各樣內在與外在屬靈 紀律來幫助渴望更深與上帝同行的基督徒。 在此研討會中,學生們學習到他們與主的關 係如何轉化為上帝和他人犧牲奉獻。每一堂 課都包括聖經原則搭配實際應用。 而最後 一天的退修會則教導學員如何整合所學到的 原理來應用在個人及事業上,從內在發揮並 實踐研討會中所強調的屬靈紀律。

該課程是為了幫助人們如何處理生活中的掙 扎與危機。學生們能從此課程中理解何謂輔 導; 聖經如何解釋輔導; 保密的重要; 以及一 位有效的輔導員該有的素質。此課程也同時 裝備學生輔導該有的枝能例如: 主動傾聽, 換位思考,提問,總結,發覺其他可能,等 等。此課程的目標乃是要學生學習怎樣去幫 助別人與主同行。

Rev. Stephen Kwan

He taught the ladies of the consistory on September 7 and spent time with the men on September 14.

Our former senior pastor Rev. Stephen Kwan (now serving the Lord in the United States) is on his sabbatical year. He has committed to come to Manila and help UECP in an advisory capacity. Last September 5 to 23, he devoted most of his time here training our pastors in preaching. There were also 2 training sessions for members of the consistory.


Basic Foundations of Christian Counseling

關國瑞牧師 教會前任主任牧師關國瑞牧師(今在美國事 奉主)利用他的假年來本教會擔任顧問。關 牧師於九月五日至廿三日投入時間培訓牧師 傳道更有效的講道法。此外,他也舉辦兩次 長執會的培訓班,先於在九月七日培訓女長 執,後於九月十四日培訓男長執 。

601 availed of medical services, 112 availed of the dental services, 81 had their eyes checked, and there were 16 cases of surgical procedures. Aside from these services, the medical team educated the people on preventive health care. An evangelistic video was shown to young people aged 10 to 19. The mission team also distributed gospel tracts for spiritual feeding.

Vesper Service Starting August 11, 2013, and every Sunday thereafter, UECP is holding a fourth Worship Service at 4:30 in the afternoon. The additional service accommodates members who have work on Sunday mornings and those who prefer to attend an afternoon service. Our church is the only one in the area which has a Sunday vesper service. This worship service is held in the Audio Visual Room on the 4th floor.



特 寫

壞心與壞的心 許邵晨心

感謝上帝的恩典,讓我有機會跟 大家分享我的見證!我的名字裡面有一 個“心”字,我最近所經歷的和我要分 享的見證也是跟“心”有關係的,那就 是“壞心與壞的心”。 四月五日(二零一三年)那天, 我突然感覺心胸有點痛,而且呼吸困 難。心裡覺得事情有點嚴重,就告訴了 許牧師。跟他說:「這些狀況有點類似 于兩年前(2011年6月12日)所發生的 事情。」兩年前, 身體狀況極為不好, 因此到醫院做了心臟通心血管手術。然而,兩年後的 今天,又是同樣的狀況發生,而且這次比上一次更為 嚴重。心裡想:「難道我的時候到了嗎?是不是要去 見主了呢?」四月十二日許牧師安排時間帶我去見醫 生,大家也知道,看醫生是需要提前預約的,否則醫 生看診的概率很低。非常感恩的就是上帝為我們預 備,雖然沒有預約,但是那天可以看到醫生!醫生看 過之後,覺得不嚴重,就給我開了一些胃藥,並讓我 安排時間去作化驗(Thallium test),以穩定我的心 情。這種特別化驗也是需要提前預約的,聽說有很多 時候需要被安排到一個星期後才能檢驗。非常感謝神 的恩典,在十六日,恰巧有空位給我,很快也很順利地 完成了化驗。檢查結果出來以後,他們不告訴我什麼 狀況,醫生通知我要回來做第三次檢查。因為我兩年 前已經做過通心血管手術,所以需要四月十七日早上 八點第三次的化驗。 四月十二至二十二日,這段時間裡,使我再次 經歷到神極大的恩典,也體會到了更多的東西。在這 段時間裡我的心胸、手臂、呼吸都非常的難受,當時 的主治醫生已經出國。我只能等待醫生回來,同時多 多的禱告,並且請求BSOP的大家庭及教會的肢體多 多為我代禱。在那個時候,我自己也在神的面前省察 認罪禱告。同時,也不斷地回想主耶穌的愛。當時, 我也做好了心理準備,倘若主召我回天家的話,我就 準備心去了。我就開始向家人、同工、朋友、同學都

21 先 鋒 會 刊

一一道別,對他們說感謝的話,如同 交待自己的後事一樣。我覺得這次可 能會去見主了,把該交待的都交待得 一清二楚。我還記得二十二日那天, 我進入醫生的檢查房時,醫生表情很 嚴肅的對我和許牧師說:「你的狀況 很不正常,化驗檢查的結果報告說, 你的心血管又堵塞了,這次可能是兩 條,你要盡快住院治療。」於是,四 月二十五日,醫生馬上安排我住進了 醫院,馬上先做了插管檢查(Angiogram)和通心血管(Angioplasty) 手術。感謝神,手術做的非常成功,沒有經歷很大的痛 苦。同時,要感恩的是醫生為著我的緣故,而取消了他 的韓國之行。後來得知,我心臟的那兩條血管堵塞了將 近90%,情況十分危險,如果這期間心臟病發作,可能 就去見主了。 這次的事情,已經是我生命中第五次大的經歷 了。每一次都更加經歷到神豐盛的恩典,更加為著賜予 我生命和看顧我生命的上帝而感恩,也更加體會到我們 的生命是何等的寶貴。因著上帝的保守,讓我一次次與 死亡擦肩而過,又得以重獲生命。回過頭來看,上帝每 一次存留我的生命,都好像是為著要我去幫助他人一 樣,都好像是為著祝福更多的人而存留我的生命。我自 己心裡也在想:「主啊!這次又需要我幫助什麼人呢? 」就如同聖經上所說:「我不是為自己活,乃是為著為 我們死而復活的主而活的。」我們應當有這樣的心志, 從心裡接受這樣的挑戰,這也是上帝所喜悅的。保羅曾 經勸勉腓立比的信徒時說:「你們當以基督耶穌的心為 心。」聖經上也說:「你要保守你心勝過保守一切,因 為一生的果效都是從心發出的。」 我們人人都有一顆心,但並不等於所有人都有一 顆好心;也許你有一顆好心,但也不一定你就是一個好 心的人。雖然我的心最近有問題,但是我依然還是希望 做一個好心的人。當我的心壞了的時候,就會出現胸口 痛、下巴痛、肩膀痛、呼吸困難及整個身體都不舒服,

特 寫 甚至會造成生命危險。那麼,當一個人有壞心的時候,就像美國波士頓馬拉松發生的爆炸事件一樣,導致三個人 死亡,很多人受傷。不但給多人帶來痛苦,也給整個國家造成極大的恐懼。 親愛的弟兄姊妹們!壞的心並不是太可怕,更可怕的是成為壞心的人,因此,我們要好好的保守自己的 心,成為一個祝福別人的人. 人的生命只有一次,上帝存留你我的生命,不是沒有目的的。在我們這有限的生命 裡面,我們應該發揮生命本該有的價值和意義。最後,我依然將我自己的生命奉獻在祭壇上,願上帝繼續使用我 的生命,直到生命的終結或者主再來的時候。在此,也感謝那些在我生病期間,一直為我代禱和關心我的弟兄姊 妹們、同工們、BSOP全體師生們及奉獻的肢體們,願上帝賜福和紀念你們!

不住的禱告 蔡嘉玲

應當一無掛慮、 只要凡事藉著禱告、 祈求、和感謝、 將你們所要的告 訴神 。腓立比書 4:6 一位八十幾歲的長者,在別人眼中或許早該退休享清福了。但是,我 們的丁瑩瑩長老卻非如此,仍舊每天積極地參與不同的團契,事奉上帝。她 的生活過得如此充實,秘訣在於她與上帝保持親密關係。 瑩瑩長老與我們分享,身為基督徒,也是上帝的兒女,要常常與天父 交通。這如同我們和世間父母的關係一樣。父母親如何渴望我們有時間陪他 們聊天談心,我們的天父也期待如此。因為藉著禱告,我們可將所要的告訴祂,上帝也能藉此像我們顯明祂的旨 意,彼此更加瞭解,更加親密。此外,我們也必須敬畏上帝,如同尊敬父母一般。每一個人都需要父母的指導帶 領,我們身為基督徒更需要上帝指引,倘若不祈求上帝帶領,堅持自己的意願,受苦的便是自己了。 瑩瑩長老深信約翰福音8:29中所說的 : 『那差我來的 、 是與我同在、 祂沒有撇下我獨自在這裡 、因為我 常作祂所喜悅的事 。』無論做任何事,尤其是傳福音都要事先禱告。有人問她為何能夠帶領很多人信主,她謙 虛地表示自己並沒有多高的學問,能信心十足地去做任何事,這一切都是因為由主而來的力量。無論狂風暴雨甚 至淹水,只要有人找她一同傳福音,她都義不容辭。然而,瑩瑩長老從不倉促地上戰場,一定先瞭解那人的姓名 與資料,迫切禱告一番才出發,並祈求聖靈帶領她在適當的時間說適當的話。在多年的傳福音事工中,她見證了 上帝的信實。有些基督徒甚至傳道的父母親, 幾乎不可能接受耶穌,在她播下福音的種子後, 得以接受耶穌。 有兩位中年人,中槍後死裡逃生,仍不相信耶穌的大能,狂妄地認為是自己命不該絕。在瑩瑩長老與他們分享耶 穌的愛,也分享上帝如何因為他們母親對主的愛又如何因為憐憫這位母親而救了她兒子們的性命,最後兩位中年 人終於接受耶穌。曾經有一次,她去探望一位朋友,聖靈感動她向住隔壁來自中國的室友傳福音,那位室友也欣 然地接受了耶穌。聖靈也曾無數次感動她在沒有計畫下去探訪朋友而觸動人心。瑩瑩長老也與我們分享她因為傳 福音結交了許多好友,大家非常關愛她,經常送來許多食物,有的很喜歡約她到家裡聊天相聚,甚至還派車接 送。 然而在禱告生活中,也並非事事順心如意。有時候,我們需要耐心等待,相信上帝的信實。中國人常說: 『不孝有三,無後為大 。』當醫生宣佈兒媳受孕機會非常渺茫時,他們全家並沒有放棄,仍誠心祈求,深信上 帝是信實的,長孫終於在兒子與媳婦婚後八年多出世了,取名『奇恩』,代表上帝奇妙恩典。他們全家承諾將這 個孩子獻給上帝,過幾年後,上帝也再次賜給他們第二個孫子,取名『添恩』,上帝再次添加對他們一家的恩 典。這是何等奇妙啊! 瑩瑩長老的父親是教會創辦人之一,她自幼在父母的教育下親近上帝,時時禱告,如今也時時提醒子孫 要親近上帝。子孫們在小小年紀時就開始知道要禱告,長孫也實現對上帝的承諾進入神學院事奉上帝。瑩瑩長老 深深感謝上帝賜福他們全家,兒女凡事信靠上帝,孫子們也聽從長輩教誨跟隨主。 先 鋒 會 刊


特 寫

祈禱的功課 陳鵬鵬 「你求告我,我就應允你,並將你所不知道、又大又難 的事,指示你。 」(耶利米書33:3) 我母親33歲時就成了寡婦,她獨自一人帶著五 個年幼子女。當時只靠著菲幣300元的月薪,過著非常 清苦的生活,但是母親總是以禱告來信靠主。成長過程 中,我們目睹了媽媽的堅定信仰以及她的禱告生活。每 當艱難的時刻來臨,她會叫我們跪下來向上帝祈禱。作 為兒女的我們常常心存猶豫,因為每個人都不得不輪流 禱告而花了很多時間。不過,隨著年齡的增長,我們也 都不斷經歷了禱告的能力,以及神在我們家庭中信實的 供應。 因此,禱告也在我的生活中留下了長久而深刻 的印記。我以禱告來選擇上哪個大學,從事什麼樣的職 業,並接受哪一位作為我終生的伴侶,這都是經過一番 祈禱後,讓上帝指引我生命的每一步。 以下是我從禱告中學習到的功課: 1. 禱告顯明了上帝是誰 在我得癌症期間,上帝並沒有應允我所有的祈 禱,但祂卻供應了我所有的需要。他確實是那位耶和華 以勒,全智及信實的神。今年 3 月,母親情況危急,再 次顯明了上帝就是那偉大的醫治者,更是行奇事的神。 2. 禱告操練我對上帝的信心 信心就是無論上帝如何回應我們的禱告,總是 委身並信靠祂。 當我的信心搖動時,我總要求上帝給 我更多信心。我也學會了上帝以三種方式來回應禱告: 是、 不是或等待。等待實在很不容易,但上帝在回應 我的禱告中,從未停止給我驚喜。 3. 禱告引導我更親近上帝 聖經教導我們要祈求,尋找並敲門,即使我們 的天父已經知道我們的需要。上帝渴望與我們互動往 來,祂要我們以祈禱來告訴祂我們所需要的一切。然 而,禱告不只對上帝說話而已,也是跟祂交通。因此, 我們要勤讀祂的話語,知道怎樣討祂喜悅,並知道祂如 何回應我們的禱告。

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我除了計畫安靜時間而外,也有傍晚的禱告時 間。這是我從母親那裡學習來的,她經常在百忙之中 安排固定的禱告時間。當我告訴上帝我所有的事情後, 我立刻就能感覺到上帝的同在,而且重擔也瞬間變輕省 了。有些基督徒認為牧師的祈禱比「普通」的信徒更有 能力,但事實是只要我們親近上帝,我們的禱告也可以 很有能力的。祂甚願意給我們所需要,但希望我們不是 為著物質需要而來到上帝面前,讓我們在任何時間常常 來到祂跟前。畢竟父母也是喜歡看到兒女經常跟他們談 話,而不是只當我們想從父母得到什麼好處才親近他 們。 作為上帝的兒女,我們擁有隨時隨地呼叫主名 的權柄。一個人不能完全理解禱告是什麼,除非他親 身經歷它。禱告不是我們在學習聽力或閱讀,必須實際 行動。禱告不可能每次都取悅與人,但祈禱所帶來的平 安喜樂,遠遠超出我們所想像的。我祈望你們也會藉著 禱告生活來經歷上帝。開始從繁忙的日程中刻意劃出時 間來,向上帝祈禱。祂非常渴望與祂所有的兒女交通團 契。 「所以我們只管坦然無懼的來到祂施恩的寶座前,為要 得憐恤、蒙恩惠作隨時的幫助。」(希伯來書4:16)

特 寫

憂慮或禱告 林靜薇 我還小的時候,在主日學唱了這首歌曲: 當你可以禱告,何須憂慮呢? 信靠耶穌,祂是你的居所。 不要成為懷疑的多馬, 完全安息在祂的應許中。 當你可以禱告,何須憂慮、憂慮呢? 在日常生活中,我深刻體會到唱歌比實際活出 來要容易得多。 大家可否知道什麼是我結婚後最大的困擾呢? 女幫佣!此問題似乎很膚淺,尤其對於那些寧願放棄雇 用幫佣的人,但它對我來說,卻是如此長久而嚴重的煩 惱。在此暫時略過那些雇請到不好幫佣的艱辛過程,以 及這些幫佣帶來的擔憂與麻煩。我簡要地分享這些年來 我為此事迫切禱告後,上帝是如何讓我轉憂為安。 我特別羨慕那些幸運的朋友,他們可以雇請到 忠實可靠幫佣,服待他們的家庭,從父母一代到兒女一 代。記得我曾經祈禱:當我到幫佣仲介公司時,上帝也 能使我得到一個。曾經因為雇主數量太多,迫使你不得 不匆忙地從仲介公司的幫傭名單中隨便選取! 若是有許多應徵者,我也曾經祈求上帝有智慧 來選擇最合適的。然後,我便為著願意留下來的幫佣 禱告。每當一個新幫佣到來時,我便要經歷許多不眠 之夜,擔心她過不了多長時間便要離開。當她離開的時 候,如此的憂慮和禱告又要重新上演。在我尋找幫佣的 禱告中,至今還沒找到終身幫佣之應允,他們最多逗留 2至3年。

在癌症治療過程中,我深刻地感受到上帝充足 的恩典以及溫暖的關愛。我沉浸在祂的愛中,因祂的慈 愛、良善和信實,使我心裡滿有喜樂……。 上帝給我的,不僅是關於我個人的私事,甚至 為我的家庭帶來更多的好處與安慰,讓我明白雇請幫佣 也是在幫助那些比較不幸的人,使他們有就業的機會。 此外,上帝給我使命:帶領幫佣認識主,這是更感人的 生活見證。 生病以前,上帝就感動過我,應該與我的幫佣 查經。儘管我與她們之間存在諸多問題,但我深知道上 帝的話語有能力改變她們,遠超過我所說或所做的。所 以,即使我的幫佣來來往往,她們卻總是帶著福音、聖 經的教導和神的話語離開。 總之,我覺察到上帝如何在我的生活中,回應 了我的祈禱。祂重新調整了我的工作重點、改變了我 的態度。今日我不再為得著終身的幫佣而禱告;我也不 再為幫佣要對我們好而禱告。相反的,我仍祈求得著智 慧,可以以此向她們顯示上帝的良善。 因此,當我可以禱告時,我何須憂慮呢?我也 許不能達到上帝對於禱告要求,但上帝給了我足夠的耐 心。這是何等奇妙的轉變,可以凡事藉著禱告帶到上帝 恩座前! 至好朋友就是耶穌,擔當罪過與煩惱 真正咱有大大福氣,萬事攏可對祂討 心肝常常失落平安,屢屢思念艱苦事 這是因為咱未深信,未有放心交托主

當我在這些瑣碎的煩事掙扎時,我從上帝那裡 學習了功課。 首先,上帝要我倚靠祂。記得最初被診斷出癌 症時,我告訴自己:「感謝上帝,我有一個煮飯菜的, 一個洗衣服的,以及另外打掃房屋的;如果我真的病得 起不來,他們可以幫我照管家務。」 沒想到第二天煮飯菜的傭人向我告別,她將到 學校的食堂當廚師了!經過多年的慘痛教訓後,我竟 然鎮靜地問她可否延遲些時候,等待我手術完畢後再離 開。讚美神,她果然答應了。 先 鋒 會 刊


特 寫

禱告人生 林東傳道

經文:馬太福音6:9-13 主禱文是耶穌教導門徒的禱告;祂並教導他們禱告不可像假冒偽善的法利賽人,因他們想用禱告 來得到人的讚許,也不可學外邦人,用許多重復的話,以為話多了必蒙垂聽。 我們為何需要禱告呢?禱告並不是要改變上帝,乃是要改變自己的心,使我們可以放下自己,體 貼上帝的心意。當我們以禱告為生活的中心時,我們必可過著喜樂的人生。在主耶穌教導的主禱文中告 訴我們許多要訣,要幫助帶領我們擁有個完全改觀的人生。從主禱文我們可學習到下面六件事: 一、榮耀父神為首要─與神的關係(9-10節) – 禱告如果以自己為中心,你仍然會感到絕望灰心。主禱文 首句說:我們在天上的父,所以坐在高高天上榮耀的上帝,就是我們的父,所以祂與我們有何等親密的 父子關係,這天上的父有超過世界的權勢,不受世界任何事物所限制,因此我們不需要自己背負重擔, 應把重擔卸給祂。禱告不只把自己的事求告神,應先求祂的國、祂的義、祂的旨意(太6:33);當你放 下自己而求上帝的事時,上帝就會把其他的東西都加給你了。 二、超越物質的需要─與物質的關係(11節) – 人最基本的需要包括吃穿用,求天父今日賜給我們;這意 味著人不要貪心,夠一天使用就該滿足感恩,還有一切的好處都是上帝所賜的,不要以為是靠自己的努 力而得,這樣你才能覺得神是信實可靠的而不住的在祂面前禱告。 三、求主赦罪的平安─與罪的關係(12節) – 人不能喜樂的原因之一便是不能饒恕他人,往往記住別人對 自己的不好,這樣心中自然不能喜樂。當仇恨不被饒恕時,心靈也永不得釋放。 四、不落試探的保守─與誘惑的關係(13節上) – 魔鬼撒但常常把各種各樣(包括金錢、權利等等)的誘惑 放在我們的周圍來試探我們,使我們對這些東西起了貪戀的心,一旦我們不能勝過誘惑試探時,心靈將 受到很大的傷害。因此必要求告主使我們能夠勝過試探誘惑,這樣便可以活得輕鬆喜樂。 五、脫離兇境的拯救─與魔鬼的關係(13節中) – 魔鬼撒但各時刻都會來攻擊誘惑我們,而我們最大的保 護者就是主耶穌,必須求告祂救我們脫離魔鬼的政擊攪擾,主耶穌將會差派祂天使隨時隨地的保護帶領 及幫助我們,如此,你就不會過著驚恐的生活,而是一個喜樂的人生。 六、讚美歸神的禱告─與神的關係(13節下) – 人生要得到喜樂平安便要常常吟詩讚美上帝,無論在何環 境裡,心中永遠要有一首詩。這樣就可擁有一個又喜樂又讚美的人生。豬臨死前的哀叫,體中的毒素流 溢了全內臟,相反的,我們心中若常有一首詩,將會使體中的毒素排洩出來,這樣你的人生便會無憂 愁、無煩惱。

25 先 鋒 會 刊


編輯人員 Advisers:

Rev. Leo Jaime Son



Elder Edward Ong

何謂禱告。。。 林靜薇


Editor-in-Chief: Marlene Go



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Mary Karen Monzon


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Cristine Joy Sy 許靈欣 Wang Min 王闽 Layout/Graphics: Jonathan Lim





Benson C. Go


Ernie Joventino Monzon

禱告不僅是向上帝祈求我們想要或需要的,它也是迫切想要知 道上帝對我們的計劃與要求,並且順服祂。耶穌祈求天父:『倘若可行 ,求你叫這杯離開我 。 然而不要照我 的意思,只要照你的意思 。』 小時候,我向上帝祈求很多我想要的。隨著年齡的增長,讓我更加相 信重要的是,求問上帝的旨意。詩篇37:4告訴我們:『又要以耶和華為 樂 。 祂就將你心裡所求的賜給你 。』

林東陽 Paul Relucio 楊榮燦

Front Cover by Benson C. Go

封面 - 吳明純

Back Cover by Ernie Joventino Monzon

封底 - 林東陽

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禱告的重點不在於最终的結果,其中的過程更為重要。許多時 候,我們專注於隧道盡頭的光,也因上帝回應我們的禱告而讚美祂。 但必須切記,前往終點的過程與性格培養對我們而言同樣珍貴。這過 程讓我們體驗上帝的本性,帶領我們更認識祂,並且能夠評估自己 我們從何而來,今在何處,又必須往哪個方向前進。 禱告是聆聽上帝微小的聲音,有如祂聽我們掙扎的哭聲般。經 過所有的鬥爭與辯論後,在一片沉默中,清楚地聽到上帝的低語。我 通常在停止說話時,開始聽到上帝對我說話。 禱告通常在上帝似乎沒有任何動作, 祂卻改變了禱告的人, 使之與上帝意願一致時,禱告得到應允。在許多情況下,生活中的 人、環境與事物保持不變。然而,當我禱告,上帝藉著週遭的人與艱 難的情況改造我,使我更加像祂- 也使我更加依靠祂,而不是依靠自 己的聰明與能力。 一個真正悔改的謙卑禱告,比任何冠冕堂皇的言語更蒙耶和華 悅納。我非常驚訝上帝如何看重我憂傷痛悔心中的呼喊 - 我跪在祂腳 前承認錯誤。祂以愛的擁抱寬恕回應我。 禱告是在上帝的面前 -即使在死亡臨近,超乎人類理解的情況 下,體驗祂溫暖的懷抱。這是我在癌症初期、手術後、做放射治療、 以及各醫療檢查的過程中無論什麼結果等待著我,所深深經歷到的。 因為我知道祂是如何與我同在,使我經歷平安、安慰與喜悅。 本期先鋒季刊匯集上帝兒女的禱告經歷 – 或是生病、或是健 康;或是死亡、或是醫治;或是欠缺,或是豐裕;或是失意、是喜樂 ……無論上帝如何回應禱告。它都顯明了上帝的信實、恩典和慈愛, 將會臨到所有向祂呼求的聖徒。當信徒全心全意信靠順服時,即反映 了上帝的榮耀,並且祂的聖名被尊崇。禱告是上帝在基督徒屬靈形像 中愈煉愈精的一個過程——學像我們的天父完全一樣——使祂的榮耀 在天地之上。讓我們不停的禱告吧!

八十四週年 基督徒的生活紀律 基督教輔導基礎班 關國瑞牧師

祈禱的人生 不住的禱告 禱告人生 第一卷 第四期


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