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Site-specific recommendations

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Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development (2010). Physical planning act, 2010, Republic of Uganda.

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Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development (2013). The national housing policy for Uganda, “Adequate Housing for All”, Kampala: Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development.

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Oewieja, S.M. (2010). Life cycle thinking assessment applied to three biogas projects in central Uganda. Master’s thesis: Michigan Technological University.

Pervaiz, A, Rahman, P. and Hasan, A. (2008). “Lessons from Karachi: the role of demonstration, documentation, mapping and relationship building in advocacy for improved urban sanitation and water services”, Human settlements: Discussion paper series, London: International institute for environment and development.

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Sharp, E. A. (2013). The Kawama low cost housing project: Project documentation and beneficiary analysis. Jinja: NSDFU.

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