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List of figures
Figure 26: Visualization of risks and disasters awareness from the survey (Selfmade)
Figure 27: Self made map of proposed evacuation areas (Source: Survey & FKB-data)
Figure 28: John Harding’s DRR framework, as illustrated by Wang Yu in his DRR lecture on 2023 spring semester. (Source: Yu, 2023)
Figure 29: A conceptual framework of adaptation pathway map (Source: Walker, Haasnot, Kwakkel. 2013)
Figure 30: Chaskin’s framework of Community Capacity Building (Source: Chaskin, 2001)
Figure 31: Notes on Social Capital (Dasgupta & Serageldin, 2000; Coleman, 1988)
Figure 32: Schematic of urban farming and river floodplains NBS which could be used to mitigate flooding and landslides. (Source: World Bank, 2021)
Figure 33: Conceptual framework of our contingency plan (Selfmade)
Figure 34: Four states of emergency management (PennState, n.d.)
Figure 35: Stages and actions of the DRR plan (Selfmade)
Figure 36: List of community capacity & social capital building actions (Selfmade)
Figure 37: List of heavy rain & flooding management actions (Selfmade)
Figure 38: List of quick clay & landslide management actions (Selfmade)
Figure 39: Dynamic pathway framework of the contingency plan (Selfmade)
Figure 40: Implementation timeline of the contingency plan (Selfmade)
Figure 41: Operational support plan and potential cost-benefit budget plan diagrams (Selfmade)