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Methods conducted in the different phases of the project
• History research • Observation • Photography • Study of geography
• Quantitative and qualitative situation analysis • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis
• Stakeholder involvement • Feedback from governement stakeholders
Problem statement
• Stakeholder Analysis • Digital + on-site Surveying • Dialogue with municiplaity
Figure 8. Timeline and Methodology
Elaboration on the individual methods conducted in the fieldwork, in addition to the common methods mentioned in the section: "Main Methodological Approaches".
Digital + on-site surveying
Dialogue with municipality
The surveying of stakeholders had to be conducted digitally as well as on-site, due to the COVID-19-situation. The digital survey gave the stakeholders the opinion to answer on their own terms, when they are available, and it also makes it easier to organize and sort the collected material as statistics could be automatically generated from the survey.
However, an on-site survey, with consideration of safe distance, was conducted to make sure to include bypassers in the project well.
To get insight in the current use of the area, the Municipal City Archive was contacted to get more info on the property documentation.
In the problem statement/proposal for intervention-phase, the ”Miljøpakken”-department of Trondheim Municipality was contacted to discuss possibility of universal design.