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Problem Statement

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Through the situation analysis of my chosen area, I have identified various aspects based on on-site observations, research of geography, history, and development over the past years. In my analysis, I considered the current use and functions of the area for a SWOT-analysis, and have noted the following qualities:

Strength: Urban Green area. Tranquil, good solar conditions, effective shortcut Weaknesses: Often abandoned, dark at night, underdeveloped potential Opportunities: Outdoors activity, public events, social gathering, local business Threats: Landslide (1600s), densification of the city


The essential problem statement I want to focus on is:

Increasing activity in the valley, while maintaining its qualities as a green urban area, according to the interest of stakeholders.

To map the actual interests of the stakeholders I created a survey to find out who the stakeholders are, what relation they have to the area today, and their opinions when it comes to further development. The survey was performed online, as well as on-site to get a broader variation in stakeholders, whose age spun from 16 to 75 years old. The interview subjects either lived in the area or passed it on their way to work or on jogging trips on a weekly basis. In this problem statement, I will only focus on the sections of the survey related to possible problems and stakeholder interests.


The majority of the stakeholders (90%) wants to preserve the nature in the valley, and 60% believes that there is potential for facilitating activities which does not damage the existing nature. As I stated in my SWOT-analysis, densification of the city can be a threat to the green urban areas, and to preserve most of the existing vegetation, large scale building should be avoided. The valley is already used for ball-sports, recreation in the sun, sliding and ice-skating in winter. One of the interview-subjects who lives in the area stated that its forbidden to build in the hillside due to the threat of landslide.

The stakeholders suggested various ideas for what they would like for further development of the valley, including: A better sports-field, activity park, obstacle course, social housing, more tables and benches, seating areas, a kiosk, concert-stage, better maintenance of the terrain (especially on the road which gets muddy). 70% of interview subjects stated that they would visit the valley more often if their ideas for further development were implemented.

The survey confirms many of my initial conclusions from observations of the area, as well as ideas for further planning. I will therefore focus on solutions based on suggestions that require as little physical intervention in terrain/nature as possible to achieve sustainable development.

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