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6.1. Introduction – why do we want to look into this issue?
6.1 Introduction – why do we want to look into this issue?
Based on the data collected and the further analyzing it, the group selected some keywords, that are mentioned in the mind map, and they were looked at to identify possible challenges and opportunities to look at and to propose solutions.
The first was to look at the Svartlamo(e)n Framework and whether place like Mellamon could function as additional neighborhoods to the already existing Svartlamo(e)n model. Second was the idea of expansion where the group wanted to look into whether we could have smaller socially sustainable neighborhoods like Svartlamo(e)n around the city. Mellamon is a relatively new society, and these issues could be analyzed looking at the success and limitations of this experiment.
With the idea of Mellamon, we wanted to look into the possibility of expanding the third sector housing in cities similar to Trondheim. It is a modern housing-block, with the social sustainability elements of Svartlamo(e)n. This idea could be an inspiration and be used in an around cities like Trondheim which can promote more affordable housing free from private or government interference.
Mellamon is a new neighborhood and currently lacks public spaces. The group wants to volunteer and propose ideas towards building community spaces for the area, using their skills and learnings from their backgrounds and this course.
The group also wanted to look into the accessibility issue. It had been a point of concern and debate in Svartlamo(e)n, but it had been difficult to work on this issue because of the constraints in the area. Hence, the group wants to incorporate the ideas of Svartlamo(e)n, but keeping in mind the issues of accessibility making it a more inclusive space
Figure 60: Mindmap of Issues and Solutions for Mellamon, Authors