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5.2. Long term vision for Strandveien

There are plans to build a new and wider opening towards Svartlamo(e)n at the Strandveien entrance. This will also help to connect the one house of Svartlamo(e)n that is on the South side of the railroad to the North, making it a mare natural and smoother connection to the others. It will also create a safer traffic pattern and make up for the upcoming demand for a better, safer, and controlled passage under the bridge, in and out of the city centre. A wider opening means safety measures for the train tracks need to be addressed. Thus, calling for, a well-designed constructed bridge to hold the wider opening for the railway. The group has produced an idea of how the solution could be. This suggestion consists of , a modern rounded truss bridge this will welcome people to Svartlamo(e)n, as well as the other up and coming areas around, like the soon to be business centrum of Trondheim Nyhavna. This improvement will also make the tunnel on Strandveien safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and other traffic on this path. This widening of the entry point is a large-scale and drastic action, it will consume great amount of money and time. However, , to open the long and dividing train track will help Trondheim’s plans of expanding and densifying, making safer traffic patterns and getting Strandveien ready for the inevitable traffic from of future expansions. The constructed road will have a sidewalk for pedestrians on the east side facing Svartlamo(e)n, then a 2-way cycling path for other soft traffic and at last a safer one-way road for cars. The car road will be 3,5 meters which is the minimum demand of roads in Norway. These, measurements meet Norway regulations and will allow cars in both directions to safely travel side by side with cyclists and pedestrians.

5.2. Long-term Vision for Strandveien


The Solutions presented also include a long-term plan that the group wants to focus on. This plan hopes, to better Svartlamo(e)n or more specifically Strandveien even more so, . Tthe solutions already presented will pave the way for this vision and make it more likely for this to happen. The only problem as it stands now is non-cooperation and relying on important stakeholders that need to agree to give away their buildings, railway, and land. This means that , others may need to move away their businesses. Therefore, it was too complex to integrate these kinds of plans in the shorter-term spatial solutions. However, the group choose to make these ideas into a long-term vision for Svartlamo(e)n and Strandveien.

Figure 55 & 56: Strandveien entry point, Before and After, Authors

Strandveien is a narrow street that should be broader to pave way for the increasing traffic from the constantly expanding areas in the north, as well as a continuous bicycle-paths through the road. As it is now there is a bicycle lane stopping just north of Svartlamo(e)n, and just south of the bridge from action 3.

All of research has shown that there is a big need for more space to expand and an improvement of the road. Therefore, some of the railway and a train -parking lanes will have to move or be removed. Trying to take the land from the part of the road facing Svartlamo(e)n would not be welcomed by the community or easy to implement. ,This would take away the outdoor serving of the local pub, some of the outside playgrounds for the kindergarten will shrink, and would make a narrower pedestrian, perhaps path shoulder to shoulder when including a bicycle lane. BaneNor is already an important stakeholder considering the bridge being built, but to make them give up land would be to stretch it too far for such a short-term solution. Therefore, it is a long-term plan or vision to get the land needed to make Strandveien broader and improved overall. The building, Mekonomen must be removed for these plans to work. There is currently a lot of uncertainty around the rental contract and the ownership of this building. However, this long-term vision suggests taking over this ownership and letting Boligstiftelsen take over the drift and operation of the building. This could then be used as another shared place for activities like a place for concerts, or other activities suited for the inhabitants. The car park outside will be designated to the citizens of Svartlamo(e)n. Thus, removing the parking alongside Strandveien allowing for expansion of walking and bicycle lanes on this road.. There will also have to be an agreement with the current owners not to extend their rental contract, thus, making Mekonomen move to another location.This would open opportunities to make Strandveien better.

The future vision is to handle the constant expansion of the areas around even better, which will lead to more people traveling on Strandveien coming from Buran, Lilleby, Lade and other areas around, especially bicycles and pedestrians. It is important to meet the standards of the Norwegian road network and to get this road as safe as it should be. It will also create more compact parking space , by the building where Mekonomen is located now. This should be organized by the housing organization so the locals in need of parking will get to use these spaces.

Figure 57: Strandveien Entry Point Proposed Axonometry Showing all Interventions, Authors

6. Proposals for Mellamon

Figure 58: Art Piece on the Railway’s Wall, Huan Chang

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