UT flyer - Spring 2009

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Masterpieces of Violin Music in a New Musical and Scholarly Perspective Johann Sebastian Bach Sonatas and Partitas for Violin solo BWV 1001–1006 Editor and Notes on Interpretation: Dagmar Glüxam Grade 4–5 UT 50255 2

Sonaten und Partiten für Violine solo

Sonata I BWV 1001


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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)

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© 2009 by Wiener Urtext Edition, Musikverlag, Ges. m. b. H. & Co., K. G., Wien Wiener Urtext Edition No. 50 255


Das widerrechtliche Kopieren von Noten ist gesetzlich verboten und kann privat- und strafrechtlich verfolgt werden. Unauthorized copying of music is forbidden by law, and may result in criminal or civil action.

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas for Violin Solo are among the most famous masterpieces of their kind. Unlike the closely related Suites for Violoncello Solo, the violin solos have survived in an autograph manuscript of the composer on the basis of which alone a largely reliable musical text is available. Wiener Urtext Edition uses furthermore an early copyist’s copy from Köthen as a secondary source which has not been valued very highly as a source until now. At any rate, some obvious mistakes of the extant autograph fair copy can be clarified on the basis of its text; in addition, it provides a number of supplementary articulations (some even with alternatives) which are examples of how these works were performed according to their time of origin. In the Notes of Interpretation, Dagmar Glüxam explains the relationship between the musical-rhetorical contents of Bach’s musical text and their adequate performance, thus showing how absurd many a performance instruction of established editions is.

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12.03.2009 12:30:10

Joseph Haydn – 200th Anniversary of Death Joseph Haydn

The Complete Piano Sonatas

Editors: Christa Landon / Ulrich Leisinger Notes on Interpretation: Robert D. Levin Fingerings: Oswald Jonas

Volume 1

Including the newly rediscovered ‘Bolzano Sonata’ F-Dur Hob. XVI:F3 Grade 2–3 UT 50256

Volume 2 Grade 2–4 UT 50257






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Joseph Haydn (1732 –1809)


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© 2008 by Wiener Urtext Edition, Musikverlag, Ges. m. b. H. & Co., K. G., Wien Wiener Urtext Edition No. 50 256


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Das widerrechtliche Kopieren von Noten ist gesetzlich verboten und kann privat- und strafrechtlich verfolgt werden. Unauthorized copying of music is forbidden by law, and may result in criminal or civil action.

New Editions of Volume 3 UT 50258 (former UT 50028) and Volume 4 UT 50259 (former UT 50029) will be released autumn 2009

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12.03.2009 12:30:13

The Famous Haydn Edition brought up to Date by Christa Landon Newly rediscovered! First edition for the practice 126 126 by Ulrich Leisinger SONATE


Hob. XVI:F3

Bozner Sonate

Bozner Sonate

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13 œ œ‚ first œ n œ œ œofœ Joseph 3 œ œ version œ ‚œ n œ œ 1 œ3 œ Haydn’s When Christa Landon œpresented œ œ n œ œ the œ printed 3b # œ œ œ nofœ œ#her œ œœ edition œ œ œ n œ œ1œœ®œ œ3œ# œ œPiano œ œ n œ n œ of œ Mozart ® ® by the ®works ® œ #œ ® ® œ ®n œ # œand & & b ® sonata oeuvre was still® overshadowed Sonatas, Haydn’s Beethoven. Since then, Haydn’s sonatas have progressed from the teaching rooms to the concert halls and œ œ œ process. œ œ Theœ Haydnœanniversary œ œ œ role œ Landon’s editionœhas played a crucial in that of death in œ œ œ œ ? œ œ ?b œ œ œ œ œ ‰ Œ œ of 2009 is a welcome occasion to‰thoroughly revisebthis ‘legendary’ edition J for, over the course J more than forty years, new sources have come to light and questions of authenticity have been th resolved, not least because the editorial principles have changed 43 for the music of the 18 century 43 ‚ 1 2 the ‚ 16 1 considerably. The new edition comprises all works of the previous Wiener Urtext edition 16 1 # œ œ1 œ # œ œ œ œ œ œ œ n œ2 œ b 2 1 n œ # œ œ1 œ #3œ œ œ œ œ œ œ n œ2 œ n œ plus Sonata Hob. XVI:16 along with the Sonata in F major which was rediscovered in Bolzano &n œ n œ œ® œœ œ œ ® & b ® œnœ n œ œœ aœfew 3œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 3 Haydn. The new edition œ œ œœ œ n œ years ago and attributed to Joseph is published in four volumes, 3 œ œ the 3 j j content of each volume being compatible œœjœ œ œ1n œ œ . Volumes œ .?theœvolumes œ edition. #œœ . œ œ n œ ofœ the previous œ with ? # œ. ‰ b and 2 containb the early sonatas incl. the newly rediscovered ‘Bolzano Sonata’. In the Notes œ . œ 3 1 on œ. #3œ . 1 œ # œ. œ Interpretation, Robert D. Levin explains important aspects of Haydn’s performance practice. 2 2 13

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12.03.2009 12:30:14

Ravel’s Homage to Haydn Maurice Ravel

Menuet sur le nom d’Haydn

for Piano Editors: Theo Hirsbrunner / Jochen Reutter Fingerings and Notes on Interpretation: Peter Roggenkamp Grade 4 UT 50265

• First critical Urtext edition based on Ravel’s autograph • With a preface by Swiss Ravel biographer Theo Hirsbrunner • Clearly arranged in the special large format of Wiener Urtext

Romantic Standard Work for Flute Carl Reinecke

Undine Sonata for Flute and Piano

Editor: Irmlind Capelle Notes on Interpretation: Susanne Schrage Fingerings (Piano): Peter Roggenkamp Grade 4 UT 50242

• Reliable musical text based on a critical examination of all available sources • Preface containing a detailed explanation of the fundamental Undine subject • Notes on Interpretation tracing the transmission of the musical text and the extra-musical programme • Considerably optimized page turns and clarity in the separate flute part KAT UT 60078-99 3/09 PL

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12.03.2009 12:30:19

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