UT flyer - Spring 2012

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New publications 2012 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Complete Works for Organ Volume 2: Minor Works

Content: Preludio (D), Six Fugues (d, F, g, A, c (with Fantasia), E flat), Trio (d), Chorale arrangements „Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ“ and „Aus der Tiefen rufe ich“, Anh. 1: Fugue (d), Anh. 2: 30 Pieces for the musical clock. Editor: Jochen Reutter Notes on interpretation: Gerhard Weinberger Grade: 3-4 UT 50149 Under the title of ‚Kleinere Werke‘ [Minor Works], the second volume of organ works by C. Ph. E. Bach in the Wiener Urtext Edition contains all works written by the composer except for the multi-movement sonatas for organ. The fugues, in particular, prove that C. Ph. E. Bach was an attentive pupil of his father. The pieces for musical clock are a varied selection of pieces in the style galant which were originally written for mechanical instruments and which are best to be performed on the organ. Together with the organ sonatas published in Vol. 1, this is probably the most comprehensive collection of works by Bach‘s second eldest son which can be performed on the organ.


Orgelsonate mit dem Pedal Preludio Wq 70/7 (H 107)dem Pedal Orgelsonate mit Wq 70/7 (H 107)

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788) Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)

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© 2012 by Wiener Urtext Edition, Musikverlag, Ges. m. b. H. & Co., K. G., Wien Wiener Urtext Edition No. 50 149

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© 2012 by Wiener Urtext Edition, Musikverlag, Ges. m. b. H. & Co., K. G., Wien Wiener Urtext Edition No. 50 149

Das widerrechtliche Kopieren von Noten ist gesetzlich verboten und kann privat- und strafrechtlich verfolgt werden. Unauthorized copying of music is forbidden by law, and may result in criminal or civil action.

3/5/2012 2:51:07 PM

Das widerrechtliche Kopieren von Noten ist gesetzlich verboten und kann privat- und strafrechtlich verfolgt werden. Unauthorized copying of music is forbidden by law, and may result in criminal or civil action.

Antonio Vivaldi

Sonatas for Violin and Basso continuo Op. 2 Content: 12 Sonatas (g, A, d, F, b, C, c, G, e, f, D, a) RV 27, 31, 14, 20, 36, 1, 8, 23, 16, 21, 9, 32 Editor and Notes on interpretation: Bernhard Moosbauer Realisation of Basso continuo: Jochen Reutter Grade: 3-4 UT 50176

Antonio Vivaldi’s sonatas for Violin and Basso continuo are among the most valuable works written between the Violin Sonatas by Arcangelo Corelli and those by Johann Sebastian Bach. With his 12 Sonatas Op. 2, Vivaldi presents a multi-faceted spectrum of forms and possibilities of performance and expression. The new edition of the Wiener Urtext Edition is based on both the first Venetian edition and the edition of the publisher Roger from Amsterdam which was published only a little later. On this basis we have got a much more logical musical text in the new edition. The edition not only contains the solo violin part and a continuo score with realized basso continuo, but also a figured bass part which gives experienced continuo players the opportunity to improvise on the basso continuo part and can also be 8 used by a continuo cellist.

Sonata II RV 31 Sonata II


RV 31

Preludio à Capriccio

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Wiener Urtext. Edition. .

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3/5/2012 2:51:09 PM

Georg Philipp Telemann

Sonatas for Two Flutes (Violins) TWV 40:101-106 (Op. 2)

(D, G, A, e, b, E) Editor: Jochen Reutter Notes on interpretation: Susanne Schrage Grade: 2-3 UT 50281 Georg Philipp Telemann’s Six Sonatas for two flutes of 1726, also known as Flute Duets Op. 2, are dedicated to two young music lovers and, thus, appeal explicitly to a circle of pupils and music lovers. The pieces foster the ability of musical interpretation as well as a playful love of music-making and are thus ideal for music lessons. The sonatas can alternatively be performed on the violin. The new edition of the Wiener Urtext Edition is based on Telemann’s original print as well as on two earlier editions which grant insight into the contemporary ornamentation practice. Further suggestions for the performance are given in the Notes on interpretation by Susanne Schrage. The layout of the new edition is clearly designed, page-turns within individual movements have been avoided thanks to fold-out pages. Thus, the proper foundation has been laid both for a historically informed performance and for relaxed musicmaking.


Sonata II TWV 40 : 101

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Flauto traverso I (Violino I)

Flauto traverso II (Violino II)


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3/5/2012 2:51:11 PM

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy

Rondo capriccioso op. 14

for Piano Editor: Ulrich Leisinger Fingerings and Notes on interpretation: Peter Roggenkamp Grade: 4-5 UT 50215 On 13th of June 1830 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy finished his Rondo capriccioso. Originally intended as a study, Mendelssohn revised the piece and added an andante introduction, thus managing to create one of his most outstanding piano works which has maintained an unfailing popularity until today. The new edition of the Wiener Urtext Edition is based on all extant sources, with the first edition from London being of particular significance.

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Variations sérieuses op. 54

for Piano Editor: Michael Kube Fingerings and Notes on interpretation: Peter Roggenkamp Grade: 5 UT 50278 With his Variations sérieuses, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy contributed to the anthology Album-Beethoven which had been initiated by the Viennese publisher Pietro Mechetti and whose proceeds were to be donated for the funding of the Beethoven monument in Bonn. In order to do justice to the high standards of the composer to be honoured, Mendelssohn decided in favour of a cycle of variations which clearly stands out from the superficially virtuoso variation style of that time. The new edition of the Wiener Urtext Edition is based on the autograph engraver’s copy and the first prints. In addition, the correspondence of Mechetti‘s editor Becher with Mendelssohn could be consulted for clarifying problematic textual instances. The notes on interpretation by Peter Roggenkamp cover various aspects – from learning to master the technical demands to practical performance details. The edition is rounded off by a practical and user-friendly notation.

Wiener Urtext Edition www.wiener-urtext.com

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3/5/2012 2:51:12 PM

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