Honoring the Courage, Commitment and Compassion of FDNY Fire & EMS Members
MEDAL DAY 2010 Salvatore J. Cassano Fire Commissioner
Edward S. Kilduff Chief of Department
Francis X. Gribbon Deputy Commissioner Office of Public Information
Publication of this 2010 edition of the FDNY Medal Day Book was made possible by several grants. The FDNY gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following contributors:
The FDNY Honorary Fire Officers Association Jack Lerch, President Dorothy Marks Honorary Fire Commissioner The FDNY Foundation Stephen L. Ruzow, Chairman Jean O’Shea, Executive Director
MEDAL DAY STAFF PUBLICATIONS DIRECTOR Stephen Paul Antonelli EDITOR Janet Kimmerly GRAPHICS/PRODUCTION Thomas Ittycheria WRITERS Lieutenant Peter W. Blaich Battalion Chief Christopher Boyle Assistant Chief Edward C. Butler (retired) EMS Lieutenant Dinorah Claudio Lieutenant Christopher Flatley Captain John Flynn (retired) EMS Division Chief Albert T. Gehres, Jr. Barry D. Gintel Firefighter Nick Graziano David Joseph Harney Firefighter Stephen Interdonati Maria Lamberti Assistant Chief Fire Marshal John David Lynn Captain Stephen Marsar Deputy Assistant Chief Robert Maynes Battalion Chief Frank Montagna Captain Sean Newman Lieutenant Anthony Pascocello EMT Jeanette Perez Firefighter Jack Thompson (retired) Captain John T. Vigiano (retired) Captain Thomas Woods MEDAL DESK Firefighter Robert Hart EMT Jeanette Perez EMT Edgar Pitre DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL PROJECTS & EVENTS Lenore Koehler PHOTOS BY FDNY PHOTO UNIT Supervising Fire Marshal Ralph Bernard Randy Barron, Kristin Eng, David Warren Special thanks to Supervising Fire Marshal John Holohan for his assistance.
FDNY Pr oudly Serving Since 1865
Photo Credits Cover Brooklyn Box 75-800, 376 Palmetto Street, March 24, 2009, the incident for which FF Giovanni A. Martinez, Ladder 124, is awarded the Walter Scott Medal. photo by Queens Dispatcher Joseph Epstein Opposite and Back Cover Manhattan Box 55-0132, 22 James Street, February 24, 2009, the incident for which Lieutenant JonPaul Augier, Ladder 1, is awarded the Hugh Bonner and Honor Legion Medals, FF Joseph B. Jurgens, Ladder 1, is awarded the Emily Trevor/Mary B. Warren Medal and Ladder Company 6--Lieutenant Michael Pietracatella (Bn-6) and FFs Michael F. Cahill, Sean M. Cahill (Engine 9), Keith C. Johnson, Patrick J. O’Grady and Joseph M. Scott, III--is awarded the Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser Memorial Medal. photos by Vic Nicastro
M E D A L D A Y 2 0 1 0 Fire Salvatore J. Cassano
Edward S. Kilduff
Robert F. Sweeney
Chief of Department
Chief of Operations
EMS Jerry Z. Gombo Deputy Assistant Chief of EMS Operations
James P. Booth Chief EMS Division 2
Index of Medals
Index of Medal Recipients
James Gordon Bennett Medal.............................................11
Annette, FF Barry J. (Firefighter Kevin C. Kane Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Augier, Lt. JonPaul (Hugh Bonner Medal, Honor Legion Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Barone, FF Joseph A. (Dr. John F. Connell Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Bonilla, EMS Lieutenant Mark A. (Lieutenant Kirby McElhearn Medal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 BFI 5th Alarm Task Force: Pinto, SFM Robert N.; Kane, FM Brian T.; Tierney, FM Michael A.; Wong, FM David; Guttman, FM Charles S.; Watkins, FM John P. (Deputy Commissioner Christine R. Godek Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Carrera, Lt. Thomas M. (Brooklyn Citizens Medal/FF Louis Valentino Award) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Corsale, FF Ronald M. (Captain John J. Drennan Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Crispino, Paramedic James V.; Hochbrueckner, Paramedic Walter (Tracy Allen-Lee Medal . . . . .28 Czech, FF Michael A. Jr. (James Gordon Bennett Medal, New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Drennan, Capt. Joseph E. (BC Frank T. Tuttlemondo Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Engine Company 22: Delgrosso, Lt. Thomas J. (L-13); Pitta, FF William C.; Daley, FF Michael P; Greisch, FF David J.; Dory, FF Andrew S. (Lieutenant James Curran/ New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Fitall, Lt. Michael J. (Thomas A. Kenny Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Flanagan, Lt. Kevin T. (Third Alarm Association Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Fredrickson, FF Todd A. (Dr. Albert A. Cinelli Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Gabor, EMT Andrew W.; Rugel, EMT Claudia J. (Jack Pintchik Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Gallagher, Capt. William J. (M.J. Delehanty Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Hunt, Lt. Tate L. (Firefighter David J. DeFranco Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Isaacs, Deputy Medical Director Douglas A.; Pascale, EMS Division Chief Frances; Gehres, EMS Deputy Chief Albert T. Jr.; Scotch, EMS Captain John J. II; Schulz, EMS Lieutenant Thomas; Johnson, Paramedic Kenneth; Konrad, Paramedic Brendan (Chief James Scullion Medal) . . .37 Jurgens, FF Joseph B. (Emily Trevor/Mary B. Warren Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Ladder Company 6: Pietracatella, Lt. Michael (Bn-6); Cahill, FF Michael F; O’Grady, FF Patrick J.; Johnson, FF Keith C.; Scotto, FF Joseph M. III; Cahill, FF Sean M. (E-9) (Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Lagnese, FF Robert M. (Fire Marshals Benevolent Association Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Littlejohn, FF Ronald F. (Fire Bell Club Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Marine Company 1: Johnson, Capt. Richard; Spadaro, Pilot Robert L.; Burmester, ME Lenwill F.; Sullivan, FF Thomas F.; Piambino, Lt. Thomas; Astegher, ME Patrick J.; Steinhardt, Wiper John M.; Rizzo, FF John R. (World Trade Center Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Martinez, FF Giovanni A. (Walter Scott Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 McLaughlin, FF Brian E. (Hispanic Society Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 McNally, FF Justin T. (Emerald Society Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Milukas, FF Victor J. (Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Moritz, FF Brian V. (Frank W. Kridel Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Murphy, Capt. Dennis R. (Community Mayors Inc./Lt. Robert R. Dolney Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Povolny, FF Michael C. (Holy Name Society Medal--Brooklyn/Queens) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Prial, Lt. Gregory J. (Henry D. Brookman Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Ramilo, FF Edward B. (Thomas E. Crimmins Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Riordan, FF James M. (Brummer Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Rissland, FF Edward K. (Thomas F. Dougherty Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Rivera, FF Adam J. (Chief John J. McElligott Medal/FFs Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award) . . . . . . .24 Roggenkamp, FF Joseph P. (Ner Tamid Society/Franklin Delano Roosevelt Medal) . . . . . . . . . . .27 Ronaldson, FF Alfred J. (John H. Prentice Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Rufh, FF Robert R. (Chief Wesley Williams Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Senk, FF James J. (William F. Conran Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Shields, Lt. Jonathan M. (Uniformed Fire Officers Association Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Skudin, FF Casey E. (Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Stach, Lt. Joseph R. Jr. (Albert S. Johnston Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Tuma, FF Norbert M. (Probationary FF Thomas A. Wylie Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Vega, Paramedic Margaret (Christopher J. Prescott Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Victorio, FF Marc A. (Captain Denis W. Lane Memorial Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Walsh, FF Desmond C. (Vincent J. Kane Medal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Brooklyn Citizens Medal/FF Louis Valentino Award........12 Hugh Bonner Medal............................................................13 Honor Legion Medal...........................................................13 Emily Trevor/Mary B. Warren Medal ................................14 Thomas E. Crimmins Medal...............................................15 Thomas A. Kenny Memorial Medal...................................16 Walter Scott Medal..............................................................17 John H. Prentice Medal.......................................................18 Christopher J. Prescott Medal.............................................19 Henry D. Brookman Medal ................................................20 M.J. Delehanty Medal.........................................................21 William F. Conran Medal....................................................22 Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal .................................23 Chief John J. McElligott Medal/ FFs Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award.................................24 Thomas F. Dougherty Medal ..............................................25 Albert S. Johnston Medal....................................................26 Ner Tamid Society/Franklin Delano Roosevelt Medal......27 Tracy Allen-Lee Medal .......................................................28 Third Alarm Association Medal ........................................29 Vincent J. Kane Medal ........................................................30 Brummer Medal ..................................................................31 Frank W. Kridel Medal........................................................32 Emerald Society Medal.......................................................33 Chief Wesley Williams Medal ............................................34 Holy Name Society Medal (Brooklyn/Queens).................35 Hispanic Society Memorial Medal.....................................36 Chief James Scullion Medal ...............................................37 Captain Denis W. Lane Memorial Medal ..........................38 Uniformed Fire Officers Association Medal......................39 Dr. Albert A. Cinelli Medal.................................................40 Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal ..........................41 Fire Marshals Benevolent Association Medal ...................42 Community Mayors Inc./Lt. Robert R. Dolney Medal .....43 BC Frank T. Tuttlemondo Medal........................................44 Dr. John F. Connell Medal ..................................................45 Lieutenant Kirby McElhearn Medal...................................46 NYS Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal .................11 Fire Bell Club Medal...........................................................47 Firefighter David J. DeFranco Medal.................................48 Lieutenant James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal.....................................49 Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser Memorial Medal..............50 Deputy Commissioner Christine R. Godek Medal............51 Firefighter Kevin C. Kane Medal.......................................52 Probationary FF Thomas A. Wylie Medal .........................53 Captain John J. Drennan Memorial Medal ........................54 Jack Pintchik Medal ............................................................55 World Trade Center Memorial Medal ................................56 2
Michael R. Bloomberg Mayor
t is a great pleasure to welcome all those attending the New York City Fire Department’s Medal Day ceremonies.
As a New Yorker, I’ve witnessed firsthand the courage and compassion of our Bravest. These dedicated men and women sacrifice so much to ensure the safety and well-being of their fellow residents, performing their duties exceptionally well, even under the most stressful and dangerous of circumstances. Today’s ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to honor them for their incredible acts of bravery and heroism during the past year and I’m proud to join everyone gathered in applauding their outstanding work. I am honored to congratulate Paramedic Margaret Vega of Station 20, who is being awarded the Christopher J. Prescott Medal, and Marine Company 1, which is receiving the World Trade Center Memorial Medal. And, a very special congratulations to Firefighter Michael Czech of Ladder 142 in Queens, who is being awarded the James Gordon Bennett Medal--the Department’s top medal. All of these honorees represent the very best that the FDNY has to offer and I commend them for their commitment to giving back to their communities and improving the quality of life in our City. On behalf of all New Yorkers, please accept my best wishes for an enjoyable event and continued success.
Salvatore J. Cassano Fire Commissioner
edal Day is the premier celebratory event on the Department calendar, not just for the companies and members who are awarded medals, but for all of us in the FDNY as we praise the many courageous and selfless acts that Firefighters, Fire Officers, Fire Marshals and Emergency Medical Service personnel perform every day.
This year, we’ll celebrate an achievement the Department has not seen since 1905--the James Gordon Bennett Medal will be awarded to a member of the same unit two years in a row. Since the Bennett Medal was established in 1869, this uncommon event has occurred only three times in FDNY history: 1869/1870--Engine 9; 1899/1900--Ladder 14; and 1904/1905--Ladder 4. Now, FF Michael Czech and Ladder 142 join this rarefied club, truly a remarkable milestone for the entire company. Congratulations also to Paramedic Margaret Vega of Station 20, who is awarded the Christopher J. Prescott Medal, the top EMS award. This represents a historic turning point for the Department and EMS because it is the first time that a woman has been selected for the most prestigious EMS medal. Since teamwork is the hallmark of our job, I also want to highlight the three fire companies that are being recognized today. Engine Company 22’s aggressive engine operations under wind-driven fire conditions facilitated the rescue of five trapped occupants from a 42-story, high-rise multiple dwelling. Ladder Company 6’s members worked under severe conditions during a five-alarm fire in Chinatown, rescuing numerous victims. And, Marine 1 members, recipients of the World Trade Center Memorial Medal, are being honored for their efforts on January 15, 2009, rescuing 20 passengers from the plane that landed miraculously on the frigid Hudson River. All of New York is thankful to have such dedicated, well-trained and brave first responders. As your Commissioner, I am proud of you all.
Edward S. Kilduff Chief of Department
ne of the most unusual aspects of this year’s Medal Day is the number of water rescues that occurred in 2009. When we consider that there are 560 miles of New York City waterfront for FDNY to protect, perhaps eight water rescues are not so out of the ordinary after all.
These water rescues certainly run the gamut--from the Miracle on the Hudson, the incident for which Marine 1 is awarded the World Trade Center Memorial Medal, as well as Firefighters Brian McLaughlin (Hispanic Society Memorial Medal) and Michael Povolny (Holy Name Society Medal--Brooklyn/Queens), both from Ladder 21, for their individual efforts at the same incident, to the more “typical” water rescues of someone in the river or lost swimming in the surf. How fortunate, then, that our new fireboat, Three Forty Three, arrived in New York in May and will be placed in service as Marine 1. Fire Fighter II will follow in a few months and go into service as Marine 9, as will a 64foot “fast response boat,” which will be assigned to Marine 6. Turning to land-based heroics, when the call comes in for a member of service (MOS), a different mindset takes over the first responder--whether Firefighter or EMT. This was the case at the October 24, 2009, accident in Brooklyn when Engine 236 and Ladder 107 collided, resulting in multiple injured Firefighters. Emotions were set aside and professionalism and skill took over, as exemplified by the numerous EMS personnel who are awarded the Tracy Allen-Lee and Chief James Scullion Medals for their outstanding and rewarding efforts at this incident. Congratulations to all Medal Day recipients and thank you for making all of us at FDNY--and, indeed, all of New York City and the entire fire service--proud of your accomplishments.
JOHN A. BENANTI Technology & Support Services
DOUGLAS WHITE Administration
FRANCIS X. GRIBBON Public Information
MICHAEL VECCHI Management Initiatives
KAY ELLIS Bureau of Fire Prevention
STEPHEN G. RUSH Budget and Finance
SUZANNE SEBERT Family Assistance
LYNDELLE PHILLIPS Equal Employment Opportunity
DONALD STANTON Technology Development & Systems
DONAY J. QUEENAN Human Resources
ROBERT WALLACE Investigations and Trials
FDNY CHAPLAINS Monsignor John Delendick Monsignor Marc Filacchione Reverend Stephen Harding Father Joseph Hoffman Father Christopher Keenan Rabbi Joseph Potasnik
Robert F. Sweeney
Thomas R. Galvin
Thomas M. Jensen
Chief of Operations
Chief of Training
Chief of Fire Prevention
James J. Manahan, Jr.
Joseph W. Pfeifer
Richard S. Tobin
Ronald R. Spadafora
Edward J. Baggott
Assistant Chief of Operations
Assistant Chief, Counterterrorism & Emergency Preparedness
Assistant Chief, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention
Deputy Assistant Chief, Bureau of Operations
Deputy Assistant Chief, Bureau of Operations
William C. Seelig
Joseph M. Woznica
Robert Maynes
Robert J. Boyce, Jr.
Stephen A. Raynis
Deputy Assistant Chief, Chief of Special Operations Command
Deputy Assistant Chief, Assistant Chief of Fire Prevention
Deputy Assistant Chief, Chief of Planning
Deputy Assistant Chief, Chief of Communications
Deputy Assistant Chief, Chief of Safety and Inspection Services Command
John Mooney
Robert G. Byrnes
J. David Lynn
Michael F. Gala, Jr.
Deputy Assistant Chief, Training
Chief Fire Marshal
Assistant Chief Fire Marshal
Battalion Chief, Chief of Personnel
Kevin M. Butler
James E. Leonard
James E. Esposito
John Sudnik
Michael F. Marrone
Deputy Assistant Chief Bronx
Deputy Assistant Chief Brooklyn
Assistant Chief Manhattan
Deputy Assistant Chief Queens
Deputy Assistant Chief Staten Island
Battalion Chief
Battalion Chief
Deputy Chief
Thomas J. Richardson
James C. Dalton
Nicholas Del Re
Rescue Operations
Marine Operations
Haz-Mat Operations
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
James D. Daly, Jr.
Thomas E. McKavanagh
Raymond M. Stanton
James F. Mulrenan
Richard J. Howe
Acting, Division 1
Division 3
Division 6
Division 7
Division 8
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
Deputy Chief
James E. Campbell
James A. DiDomenico
Mark A. Ferran
Wayne Cartwright
Division 11
Division 13
Division 14
Acting, Division 15
John J. Peruggia
Jerry Z. Gombo
Chief of EMS Command
Deputy Assistant Chief of EMS Operations
John S. McFarland Deputy Assistant Chief of EMS Operations
Abdo Nahmod
Marylou Aurrichio
Ann M. Fitton
Mark A. Stone
Fredrick V. Villani
Deputy Assistant Chief Emergency Medical Dispatch
Division Chief EMS Operations
Division Chief EMS Academy
Division Chief Logistics & Support
Division Chief Planning & Strategy
Frances M. Pascale
Robert A. Hannafey
James P. Booth
Chief EMS Division 1
Chief EMS Division 3
Chief EMS Division 2
Michael J. Fitton
Albert T. Gehres, Jr.
Chief EMS Division 4
Chief EMS Division 5
THE JAMES GORDON BENNETT MEDAL WINNERS The James Gordon Bennett Medal was established in 1869 and, for years, it was the sole decoration awarded for valor in the Fire Department of the City of New York. As a result of its seniority among medals, it is awarded annually for the most outstanding act of heroism after the consideration and deliberate judgment of the members of the Medal Board of the NYC Fire Department. 1869--Lieutenant Minthorne D. Tompkins (L-l) Captain Benjamin A. Gicquel (E-9) 1870--Lieutenant Charles L. Kelly (E-9) 1871--Firefighter Ambrose L. Austin (E-15) 1872--Lieutenant Thomas Henry (L-6) Firefighter Thomas Hutchinson (L-1) 1873--Battalion Chief William H. Nash (Bn-7) Firefighter Alfred Conner (L-10) Lieutenant Henry Schuck (E-34) 1874--Captain William Mitchell (E-10) 1875--Lieutenant James Horn (E-11) 1876--Firefighter Joseph McGowan (E-6) 1877--Firefighter Thomas J. Dougherty (L-1) 1878--Captain Daniel J. Meagher (L-3) 1879--Firefighter Paul Bauer (L-4) 1880--Firefighter John Levins (L-2) 1881--Firefighter Michael Connerford (E-12) 1882--Firefighter John L. Rooney (L-10) 1883--Firefighter William B. Kirchner (E-11) 1884--Firefighter John Binns (E-32) 1885--Captain Peter H. Short (L-l) 1886--Firefighter Michael Brady (E-34) 1887--Lieutenant Samuel Banta (L-10) 1888--Lieutenant William Quirk (E-22) 1889--Firefighter William Reilly (L-12) 1890--Captain Thomas J. Ahern (E-5) 1891--Firefighter Patrick F. Lucas (E-30) 1892--Firefighter Patrick H. Aspell (L-4) 1893--Firefighter John Walker (L-6) 1894--Firefighter Denis Ryer (L-15) 1895--Firefighter William H. Behler (E-35) 1896--Firefighter Martin M. Coleman (L-3) 1898--Firefighter James Pearl (L-7) 1899--Firefighter John Hughes (1) (L-14) 1900--Firefighter William Clark (L-14) 1901--Firefighter Thomas J. McArthur (E-29) 1902--Firefighter Richard Nitsch (E-35) 1903--Firefighter Charles F. Douth (L-3) 1904--Firefighter James R. McAvoy (L-4) 1905--Firefighter Michael J. Stevens (L-4) 1906--Firefighter Cassimer C. Wodzicki (E-17) 1907--Firefighter Michael Nicklaus (L-4) 1908--Firefighter John T. Oakley (L-11) 1909--Battalion Chief George L. Ross (Bn-7) 1910--Firefighter John R. Harcke (L-12) Firefighter Frank C. Clarke (L-24) 1911--Firefighter Richard J. Condon (2) (E-12) 1912--Firefighter Robert J. Boyle (L-10)
1913--Engineer of Steamer Seneca Larke (E-20) 1914--Firefighter John F. Mooney (1) (L-4) 1915--Captain Thomas W. Smith (E-2) 1916--Firefighter James T. Daniels (L-26) 1917--Firefighter John Walsh (1) (L-1) 1918--Firefighter Patrick R. O’Connor (L-14) 1919--Lieutenant Francis Blessing (R-1) 1920--Firefighter Timothy F. O’Leary, Jr. (E-15) 1921--Firefighter Frank J. Costello (L-12) 1922--Firefighter Jacob F. Ferber (E-239) 1923--Captain Edwin A.A. Quinn (E-14) 1924--Hon. Medical Off. Harry M. Archer, MD 1925--Captain Thomas J. O’Toole (E-27) 1926--Firefighter William G.R. Mitchell (E-18) 1927--Firefighter Michael McInerney (L-12) 1928--Captain James A. Walsh (1) (E-234) 1929--Firefighter George W. Reilly (L-19) 1930--Firefighter Edward V. Conroy (L-l) 1931--Captain Albert B. Carlson (E-66) 1932--Firefighter Vincent J. Hyde (R-3) 1933--Captain Cornell M. Garety (R-l) 1934--Firefighter Rudolph F. Musil (L-12) 1935--Firefighter George J. Wolken (E-60) 1936--Firefighter Joseph E. Smith (2) (E-211) 1937--Firefighter James P. Nevin (E-201) 1938--Firefighter Charles G. Roscher (L-1) 1939--Firefighter Daniel J. Sullivan (L-3) 1940--Firefighter Charles A. Merz (L-168) 1941--Firefighter Thomas F. Brennan (L-111) 1942--Captain John W. Heaney (Hdq.) 1943--Firefighter John Colgan (L-2) 1944--Firefighter Harvey W. Crook (R-3) 1945--Captain George H. Winter (L-3) 1946--Firefighter Arthur L. Speyer (L-24) 1947--Firefighter Anthony J. Riccardi (L-26) 1948--Captain Patrick T. Green (R-1) 1949--Firefighter James S. Norton (L-163) 1950--Firefighter Wilbur J. O’Donnell (L-111) 1951--Firefighter Victor F. Rossi (L-120) 1952--Lieutenant John F. McGlynn (L-10) 1953--Firefighter Angelo Michelini (E-97) 1954--Deputy Chief John T. Oakley (2) (Hdq.) 1955--Firefighter Bernard F. Curran (E-92) 1956--Firefighter Michael J. O’Driscoll (L-28) 1957--Firefighter William Von Diezelski (L-4) 1958--Firefighter Nicholas Sharko (L-11) 1959--Captain Arthur J. O’Connor (SQ-4) 1960--Firefighter William V. Russo (E-254)
1961--Firefighter Joseph G. Peragine (L-14) 1962--Firefighter Joseph E. Almon (L-35) 1963--Firefighter Lawrence F. Duenas (E-59) 1964--Firefighter David Crowley (L-14) 1965--Firefighter James E. Bowler (R-2) 1966--Firefighter Robert E. Farrell (L-31) 1967--Firefighter Thomas D. Ferraiuolo (L-28) 1968--Firefighter Gene P. Dowling (L-25) 1969--Firefighter James N. Tempro (E-217) 1970--Firefighter Charles Varner (L-55) 1971--Lieutenant Richard R. Hamilton (R-2) 1972--Firefighter Steven C. DeRosa (L-102) 1973--Firefighter Raymond G. McCann (L-40) 1974--Firefighter Gilbert J. Murtha (L-108) 1975--Firefighter Thomas J. Neary (L-31) 1976--Firefighter Martin McGovern (L-114) 1977--Captain Frederick W. Gallagher (R-2) 1978--Firefighter James H. Battillo (L-152) 1979--Firefighter John J. Pritchard (R-2) 1980--Lieutenant Thomas J. Neary (L-28) 1981--Lieutenant Howard R. Kennedy (L-154) 1982--Firefighter Joseph H. Dirks (L-103) 1983--Firefighter Kenneth L. Connelly (L-111) 1984--Firefighter Robert Merkel (L-42) 1985--Firefighter James A. Sollami (E-62) 1986--Captain James F. McDonnell (L-42) 1987--Lieutenant William F. Maloney (L-34) 1988--Firefighter John J. McDonnell (L-28) 1989--Captain Richard Jacquin (L-59) 1990--Lieutenant Gerard M. Murtha (R-3) 1991--Firefighter William E. Jutt (L-22) 1992--Firefighter Michael M. Dugan (L-43) 1993--Firefighter Albert J. Gonzalez, Jr. (L-18) 1994--Lieutenant John M. Fox (SQ-1) 1995--Firefighter Gregory J. Smith, Jr. (L-108) 1996--Firefighter Gerard J. Triglia (L-132) 1997--Firefighter John K. Duddy (L-28) 1998--Firefighter Stan J. Sussina (R-1) 1999--Captain John J. Pritchard (E-255) 2000--Firefighter Stephen P. Fenley (L-78) 2001--Firefighter John F. South (L-44) 2003--Battalion Chief James Marketti (Bn-48) 2004--Firefighter James F. Mills (L-176) 2005--Firefighter Victor J. Rosa, Jr. (L-138) 2006--Captain Christopher J. Joyce (E-318) 2007--Firefighter James T. Byrne (L-121) 2008--Lieutenant James F. Congema (Bn-19) 2009--Firefighter Anthony M. Romano (L-142)
James Gordon Bennett Medal NYS Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal
FIREFIGHTER MICHAEL A. CZECH, JR. LADDER COMPANY 142 January 27, 2009, 0453 hours, Box 75-2143, 97-12 93rd Street, Queens Assigned to the FDNY on May 5, 2002. Previously assigned to Ladder 173. Uncle, Captain Kevin Cassidy (now deceased) was retired from Engine 320. Attended St. John’s University, studying business management. Resides in Woodhaven, Queens, with his wife, Danielle.
irefighting is a team effort and rare is the rescue that is a six-year-old boy. FF Czech transmitted the 10-45. effected solely due to the efforts of just one person. Most Simultaneously, FF Rissland, who followed FF Czech into the rescuers are quick to laud the contributions made by oth- third floor, found 10-year-old Carlos Montero on a bed across ers who facilitated the rescue. This theory proved true in the the room and transmitted a 10-45. The two Firefighters then early-morning hours of January 27, 2009, when the tones brought the children back to the window. sounded in the quarters of Engine 285/Ladder 142, directing FF Czech handed FF Rissland (now in the bucket) the two them to respond first-due to a phone alarm for a fire at 97-12 victims. At this time, Battalion Chief Joseph Donlevy, 93rd Street. Battalion 51, transmitted a report that four people were trapped On arrival, the members found heavy fire on the second on the top floor. After the two children were in the bucket, FF floor of a three-story, 20- by 60-foot, Class 3, multiple dwelling Czech continued his search in the difficult conditions on the with three apartments, one per floor. The fire was venting from floor above. the rear windows and the windows on the Exposure #4 side and He retraced his search and found the door to the bedroom, auto-exposing to the third floor. where he had located the six-year-old boy, exited the bedroom FF Michael A. Czech, Jr,. Ladder 142, was assigned the and went deeper into the apartment. In the hallway outside the outside vent position for the tour and he began assisting the bedroom, FF Czech located 28-year-old Veronica Montero. He chauffeur in setting up the tower ladder bucket. Heavy smoke transmitted the 10-45 and started dragging her to the window. was venting from the second and third floors and visibility was FF Rissland helped guide FF Czech back to the window. At near zero, making it difficult to position the bucket. Once posi- the window, FF Czech straddled the victim from behind and tioned, FFs Czech and Edward Rissland, Ladder 142, entered with a bear-hug grip, lifted her to the window. The heat forced the bucket as civilians were screaming that there were children the Firefighter lower to the ground and he was losing his grip of trapped in the front bedrooms. the unconscious victim. FF Rissland reached into the window When the bucket reached the third-floor windows, FF from the bucket and grabbed her upper body. FF Czech then Czech began taking the right window and child guard gate and grabbed the woman from the lower part of her body and helped FF Rissland did the same to the other window and gate. While FF Rissland get her into the bucket. Once all three victims were the outside team was forcing entry, Captain Kenneth Fink, in the bucket, FF Rissland lowered them to the ground. Ladder 142, transmitted an urgent message that there was FF Czech remained in the apartment and continued his heavy fire in the rear of the second floor and it was moving search for the missing occupants. After handing the three victims toward the front of the building. The Officer called for a sec- to other Firefighters, FF Rissland rejoined FF Czech to assist ond hand-line for the fire floor. It took two hand-lines to extin- with the search. guish the fire on the second floor. In his endorsement of the report of meritorious act for FF When FF Czech vented the window and removed the child Czech, Deputy Chief Paul Ferro, Division 13, wrote, In 27 gate, he was driven back by a blast of years in the FDNY, I can honestly say heat and smoke. At this time, heavy fire this was the best rescue I have ever witand smoke were venting from the secnessed. The sight of the motionless ond-floor windows below Ladder 142’s bodies coming out of the windows, a bucket. The Firefighter entered the bedmother and her two sons, without one room on the third floor and immediately second to spare, was inspiring to say was faced with thick, black smoke and the least. FF Czech did an outstanding high heat. He dropped to his knees and job under horrendous conditions. The began searching to the right, following Board of Merit agreed and FF Michael the wall. A. Czech, Jr., is honored today with the FF Czech quickly located a bed and James Gordon Bennett and NYS made a sweep of the top of it, where he Honorary Fire Chiefs Association located the still body of Dylan Montero, FF Michael Czech with the members of Ladder 142, Medals.--NG following the rescue of victims.
photo by Danny Iudici
Brooklyn Citizens Medal/ FF Louis Valentino Award LIEUTENANT THOMAS M. CARRERA LADDER COMPANY 168 September 8, 2009, 1313 hours, Box 75-2892, 73 Bay 26th Street, Brooklyn Appointed to the FDNY on October 15, 1995. Previously assigned to Engine 209 and Ladder 102. Member of the Columbia Association. Recipient of two unit citations. Resides on Staten Island with his wife, Jeanine, and their children, Madeline, Jenna and Vincent.
he challenge of firefighting requires resourcefulness rear and upon entry to the room, recognized the presence of and an extraordinary capacity for initiative. These two male teen victims: one struggling for air and panicking in attributes were commendably exemplified by the choking smoke, and the second semi-conscious on the Lieutenant Thomas Carrera at Box 2892, Bensonhurst, floor. He also recognized that the absence of a door on the Brooklyn, as he effected the rescue of two trapped teenagers. room prevented him from isolating the area from the fire. The pleasant afternoon did not portend the events that With increasing volumes of smoke, he managed to guide soon would unfold rapidly and change two young lives. the ambulatory victim to the window and pass him off to FF Receipt of the alarm indicated fire in a two-story multiple Provost who was on the portable ladder. The second victim dwelling. Ladder 168, with Lieutenant Carrera at the helm, proved more challenging, particularly due to verbal reports arrived to a chaotic scene, characterized by a number of pan- from FF Ellia that the extinguisher was depleted and flames icked civilians. Lieutenant Carrera focused on deciphering the now were entering the hallway. Still without the benefit of a anguished reports of children trapped and was informed that a charged hose-line and with no viable means of egress, it was 10-year-old girl was in need of rescue on the second floor. imperative to accomplish the rescue immediately. As the Lieutenant approached the entrance to the buildWith great effort, Lieutenant Carrera managed to hoist the ing, he glanced down the exposure #2 side and caught a shirtless teen to the window where he was lowered to the glimpse of a male teen gasping for air in a smoke-filled win- street by FF Provost. The Lieutenant then contacted FFs Ellia dow. Several immediate command decisions were necessary and Watts, determined that the search of the second floor was to accomplish at least two known objectives with minimal complete with negative results and ensured that all members manpower. Lieutenant Carrera ordered his outside vent of the inside team safely exited the building. Firefighter, FF Andrew Provost, to place a portable ladder to At this incident, Lieutenant Carrera was faced with chalthe rear window on the lenges on several levels, exposure #2 side. including the need to set Ascending the stairs, he objectives, anticipate ordered his forcible the need for a ladder at entry Firefighter, FF the second floor, orchesMichael Ellia, to search trate a coordinated team the second floor for the effort under dire condiyoung girl. tions and personally Intent on reaching effect a difficult rescue the teen in the window without the benefit of a to prevent him from charged hose-line. In the jumping, Lieutenant performance of these Carrera was met with actions, Lieutenant fire in the kitchen at the Thomas Carrera demonentrance to the apartstrated that he is, ment. He ordered his indeed, worthy of recogextinguisher Firefighter, nition by the Fire FF Anthony Watts Department and is (detailed from Engine awarded the Brooklyn 243), to keep the fire at Citizens Medal/FF bay as he slipped Louis Valentino Medal. beneath the rolling --JF flames. He crawled down the hallway to the Ladder 168 operates at Brooklyn Box 75-2842, 7421 18th Avenue, January 19, 2008. 12
Hugh Bonner Medal Honor Legion Medal LIEUTENANT JONPAUL AUGIER LADDER COMPANY 1 February 24, 2009, 0348 hours, Box 55-0132, 22 James Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on January 26, 1997. Previously assigned to Ladder 14. Grandfather, FF Charles McCarren (now deceased), was retired from Engine 13; father, Lieutenant Louis I. Augier, is retired from Battalion 45; uncles, Captain Charles McCarren, is retired from Engine 319 and Lieutenant Richard McCarren, is retired from Battalion 51; cousins, FFs Daniel McCarren is assigned to Engine 53, James McCarren is assigned to Engine 298 and Steven McCarren is assigned to Engine 308; and cousin, Paramedic Charles McCarren, is assigned to EMS Battalion 46. Resides in St. James, Long Island, with his wife, Ligia, and their children, Sophia and Oliver.
sk Firefighters where the most seriously exposed posi- all searches were negative. Lieutenant Augier and his forcible tion on the fireground is located and almost all will entry team then entered the apartment on the exposure #2 side. state the apartment directly above the fire. Time is a The apartment was banked to the floor with heavy smoke. critical factor and adds to the extreme dangers of this position. While he went straight ahead, the Lieutenant ordered FF The clock ticks toward a point where fire will break out Jurgens to search to the left. between floorboards, potentially triggering a floor collapse. The Lieutenant felt the heat intensifying and he vented a Faced with the assignment of the floor above, at an advanced window to relieve conditions. He then fell back to his knees to fire in a heavily occupied building, Lieutenant JonPaul Augier, get away from the intensifying heat in the upper portion of the Ladder 1, understood the dangers involved. With a high prob- room. When he crawled a little deeper into the kitchen, he ability of people trapped upstairs, he also knew what he had to found an unconscious woman, 19-year-old Jin Ru Lin, curled do to get to them. up in the corner. He transmitted a 10-45 and almost simultaneOn February 24, 2009, at 0348 hours, Ladder 1 received a ously, FF Jurgens found an unconscious male in the apartment. phone alarm for 22 James Street. Immediately on arrival, Conditions were deteriorating rapidly and high heat Lieutenant Augier gave a 10-75 to Battalion Chief Robert Norcross, enveloped the kitchen. Fire had burned through the floor and Battalion 1, for heavy smoke pushing from the fifth floor. taken over the room next to the kitchen. Lieutenant Augier Lieutenant Augier and his forcible entry team--FFs Joseph knew there was no hose-line on the floor with him yet, so time Jurgens, with the irons, and Erik Rivera, with the extinguisher-- was critical. He had to get Ms. Lin out of this apartment before entered the lobby and went down the long corridor to the stairs in the whole apartment lit up. the rear of the building. Simultaneously, dozens of terrified occuWithout the protection of a charged hose-line, using great pants were running past the rescuers to escape the fire. When strength and determination, Lieutenant Augier dragged Ms. Lieutenant Augier reached the second floor, Lin to the front door, while protecting her he found a very heavy smoke condition. with his body from the growing fire near Members of Ladders 1 and 6 began the kitchen. He and FF Rivera then donning their masks when fire erupted dragged the woman into the public hall. from the open doorway of the fire apartAfter ensuring FF Jurgens also had exitment. Flames raced over their heads and ed the apartment with the male victim, up the open interior stairs. High heat in a the Lieutenant closed the apartment door narrow public hall forced both companies behind them. With the help of FF Rivera, off the fire floor. Engine 6 members then Lieutenant Augier removed Ms. Lin from brought a line up the stairs and pushed the the building to a waiting ambulance. fire back down the hall. Lieutenant Augier Suffering from respiratory arrest, she evaluated the conditions and decided that was transported to Beth Israel Hospital. he and his team would make a push to the Surviving her ordeal, Ms. Lin later was floor above. Immediately upon getting transferred to Jacobi. above the fire, the Lieutenant ordered his Lieutenant JonPaul Augier’s actions team to force a door for refuge in case are emblematic of the great traditions of conditions turned on them. the New York City Fire Department. For Lieutenant Augier and Ladder 1 this reason, he is recognized today with members then turned their attention to the the Hugh Bonner Medal/Honor Legion apartments above the fire. They searched Medal.--CB at Manhattan Box 55-0132, 22 James the apartment on the exposure #4 side and Members Street, February 24, 2009. photo by Vic Nicastro FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
Emily Trevor/ Mary B. Warren Medal FIREFIGHTER JOSEPH B. JURGENS LADDER COMPANY 1 February 24, 2009, 0348 hours, Box 55-132, 22 James Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on February 2, 2003. Cousins, FFs Matty and Joseph Tuohy, are retired from Ladder 53 and Engine 313, respectively, and Andrew Tuohy is assigned to Engine 43. Recipient of a Class A and Hero of the Month award. from the Daily News. Attended Nassau Community College and Arizona State University. Resides in Monroe, New York, with his wife, Steffanie, and their son, Jack Thomas.
he silence of the freezing-cold winter morning of Tuesday, February 24, 2009, was shattered, as fire was reported coming from the second floor of 22 James Street, Manhattan. On arrival, the members of Tower Ladder Company 1 were met with a well-advanced fire that already had forced occupants to jump from the building. Lieutenant JonPaul Augier knew that getting water on the fire would be an issue due to the freezing temperatures. As the inside team, consisting of probationary FF Erik Rivera, the extinguisher Firefighter, and FF Joseph Jurgens, irons Firefighter, entered the second-floor public hallway, they immediately encountered high heat and blackout smoke conditions. Members were forced to lay flat on the floor as Engine 6 personnel directed their hose stream down the public hallway in an attempt to darken down the fire coming from the rear apartment. With the hose-line in place, Lieutenant Augier crossed the hall and ascended the open interior stairs to the floor above, despite the fact that the fire was extending down the second-floor public hallway and up the open interior staircase to the third floor. Ladder 1’s inside team braved the untenable conditions in the stairway to make the third-floor hallway landing. Ultimately, this action placed them in the most dangerous position of this or any fire operation--at the floor above an advancing fire. Once these determined Firefighters made it past this swiftly moving fire, they immediately gained entry to a front apartment, securing an area for refuge. The entire inside team then crawled to the rear of the building by way of the third-floor public hallway. As the team reached the rear of the building, FF Jurgens forced entry into a rear bedroom apartment. The floor of this apartment was hot to the touch and the entire flat was charged with blinding, black smoke. FF Jurgens made a quick check behind the apartment door and then started a search along the left wall of the kitchen. He then crawled down an interior hallway that led to the bedrooms in the front of the apartment. There, FF Jurgens discovered a male victim,
face down and motionless. He rolled the man over and determined that he was unconscious and unresponsive. Simultaneously, Lieutenant Augier discovered an unconscious woman in the far corner of the kitchen. FF Jurgens and Lieutenant Augier knew their only chance to save these fire victims was to remove them quickly from the third-floor fire area. Unfortunately, high heat had developed in the kitchen and visible flame now could be seen entering the kitchen from the rear of the apartment, as the fire from below now burned through the flooring of the third-floor rear apartment. As FF Rivera depleted his 21/2-gallon water extinguisher, the fire was freely burning in this third-floor rear apartment. Without the protection of a charged hose-line, this inside team was in danger and the narrow public hallway--measuring 34 inches wide--made rescue efforts extremely difficult. Once in the narrow stairwell with their victims, both members were alarmed by radio transmissions from a Chief Officer on the second floor, reporting problems with advancing the primary hose-line to the fire. Faced with a limited chance for escape since the fire was burning up through the second floor, the inside team of Ladder 1 continued removing both victims from the third floor, which now was free-burning. FF Jurgens successfully removed Wei Lin, who was in respiratory arrest, and brought him to the street in front of the fire building. The Firefighter initiated rescue breathing on Mr. Lin before turning patient care over to EMS personnel. Mr. Lin then was transported to Beth Israel Hospital and, some days later, he was released. As of this date, Mr. Lin is still receiving out-patient medical treatment. He survived due to the highly professional and textbook manner in which FF Joseph Jurgens operated. While each member of this inside team is receiving a medal this year, FF Jurgens gave accolades to the outside Firefighters--Mike Casey and Mike McEwen--too. For these reasons, he is presented with the Emily Trevor/Mary B. Warren Medal and takes his place among the numerous Ladder 1 Medal Day winners.--PWB
Ladder 1 removes several people to safety.
photo by Vic Nicastro
Thomas E. Crimmins Medal FIREFIGHTER EDWARD B. RAMILO LADDER COMPANY 125 October 18, 2009, 0316 hours, Box 22-4909, 156-07 71st Avenue, Queens
Appointed to the FDNY on February 2, 2003. Holds a BS degree in Business Administration from SUNY College at Old Westbury. Resides in Dix Hills, Long Island, with his wife, Jane.
ueens Box 4909 was transmitted for a structural fire on the fifth floor at 153-03 71st Avenue, with Ladder 125 assigned as the first-due truck on October 18, 2009, at 0311 hours. At 0316 hours, Ladder 125 arrived at the reported address, a seven-story, 100- by 100-foot, fireproof, occupied multiple dwelling. The inside team of Lieutenant Joseph Fernicola and FFs Edward B. Ramilo, with the irons, and a detail from Engine 298, Leo Nishimori, with the extinguisher, made their way to the fifth floor. They found no conditions indicating a fire. This information was transmitted to Battalion Chief Paul Tauber, Battalion 50, and a 10-7 (verify address/location) was requested. As soon as Lieutenant Fernicola finished his transmission, he received an urgent message from his chauffeur, FF Pete Grandazza. While en route to his position, the chauffeur discovered a fire on the fifth floor of a similar attached building. Lieutenant Fernicola and the forcible entry team quickly made their way to the fifth floor of the fire building. The correct address turned out to be 156-07 71st Avenue. The fire was in apartment 5A. The building is part of the Pomonok Houses housing project. The Lieutenant and FFs Ramilo and Nishimori arrived at the fire apartment just as FF Peter Grandazza and the outside vent Firefighter from Ladder 152 were removing two victims from the fire apartment after forcing the door. Lieutenant Fernicola and the inside team entered the fire apartment where they encountered a heavy smoke and high heat condition and zero visibility, due to the fire extending from the living room into the hallway. The fire was being drawn across the apartment hallway by an open window on the other side of the apartment. The Officer ordered FF Nishimori to use the extinguisher to hold back the fire so that he and FF Ramilo could search for additional occupants. Soon after beginning his search, Lieutenant Fernicola found a third unconscious victim in the dining area, which
was across the hallway from the living room. He transmitted a 10-45 and began to remove the victim. FF Ramilo continued his search down the hallway and crawled past the fire, furniture and other debris in the hallway. At the end of the apartment, he found a bedroom with a locked door, which meant that it was likely someone was inside. At this time, FF Nishimori informed Lieutenant Fernicola and FF Ramilo that the extinguisher was almost empty. A charged hose-line was not yet in position to protect the inside team of Ladder 125 and the heat condition at the end of the apartment was increasing. Engine 315 members were stretching a 13/4-inch hose-line. Nevertheless, using his Halligan tool, FF Ramilo proceeded to force the door to the bedroom and encountered clothing, shoe boxes and other debris behind the door and in the bedroom. After moving the debris, FF Ramilo located a fourth unconscious person, who was covered by some of the contents in the bedroom. He transmitted a 10-45 and began to remove Jinosv Goczkowsyki by dragging him by his belt. FF Ramilo knew that in order to remove the victim, he would have to pass the furniture and other obstacles in the hallway. As FF Ramilo was removing Mr. Goczkowsyki, he got caught on something and some of the debris in the hallway fell on the pair. FF Nishimori heard FF Ramilo’s 10-45 transmission and he met up with him to guide him and the victim out of the apartment and to the safety of the public hallway. The victim suffered second- and third-degree burns to his arms and face. After the victim was removed to the public hallway. FF Ramilo returned to the fire apartment to complete his primary search. He searched the second bedroom, opposite where he located the victim, and the results were negative. For acting alone and without benefit of a protecting hoseline and passing the fire to reach the victim, FF Edward B. Ramilo is officially recognized by the FDNY with the Thomas E. Crimmins Medal.--NG
FF Edward B. Ramilo with the members of Ladder 125.
Thomas A. Kenny Memorial Medal LIEUTENANT MICHAEL J. FITALL LADDER COMPANY 143 January 27, 2009, 0453 hours, Box 75-2143, 97-12 93rd Street, Queens Appointed to the FDNY on August 11, 1991. Previously assigned to Engine 263 and Ladder 154. Great uncle, FF Hugh Simonis (now deceased), was retired from Engine 283. Member of the Emerald Society and the FDNY Lacrosse team. Holds a BA degree in Natural Science from Dowling College. Resides in Islip, Long Island, with his wife, Moira, and their daughter, Brigid.
n the morning of January 27, 2009, the Queens search toward the rear of the apartment as he searched toward Communications Office received numerous calls the front. reporting a fire and people trapped at 97-12 93rd Street. Lieutenant Fitall quickly discovered an unconscious At 0453 hours, Ladder 143, commanded by Lieutenant Michael woman in the hallway and immediately transmitted the signal J. Fitall, was assigned to Box 2143 as the second-due truck. 10-45, indicating a victim located. Operating on his hands and While en route, Queens dispatch updated the responding units knees due to the difficult conditions, the Lieutenant dragged the that there now were reports of several people trapped on the victim down the hallway to the third-floor landing. He was met floor above the fire. by Ladder 143’s chauffeur, FF Doug Caffarone, who assisted in On arrival, the signal 10-75 was given by Lieutenant Brian dragging the woman past the fire apartment where the first-due Santosus, Engine 285, for a fire on the second floor of a three- hose-line had been put into operation to the first floor. story, non-fireproof multiple dwelling that measured 20- by 60At this point, realizing the victim was in full cardiac arrest, feet. Along with his inside team, Lieutenant Fitall proceeded the members, with the assistance of FF Jason Griffiths, Ladder into the fire building. After reaching the second-floor landing, 143, detailed to Engine 294, immediately began CPR. FF Lieutenant Fitall and his Firefighters were met with high heat Griffiths established a viable airway for her. Suffering from and zero visibility conditions because the fire apartment door second-degree burns, the woman spent two months at New had been left open. York Cornell Medical Center. Simultaneously, Battalion Chief Joseph Donlevy, Battalion Lieutenant Fitall then raced back to the third-floor apart51, reported over the handie-talkie to all units that he had civil- ment to continue his search and rejoin his inside team. By this ians in the street, reporting two adults and two children trapped time, the fire had auto-exposed in the rear bedroom. However, on the floor above the fire. Captain Kenneth Fink, Ladder 142, the Officer continued the primary search of the floor above. Without the protection of a charged hose-line in place at the first-due truck company, informed Lieutenant Fitall that the fire apartment and Engine 285 members operating on the floor were still stretching above the advanced their hose-line. fire, Lieutenant Fitall Knowing the exhibited courage and severe conditions of aggressiveness, which the fire apartment and led to the rescue of that there was no hoseSarah Chink (aka line in place, Montero and the Lieutenant Fitall and mother of the woman his inside team still rescued by FF proceeded to the third Michael Czech, floor. Reaching the Ladder 142, during landing, the Officer the same incident). In realized the door to the keeping with the apartment had been left highest traditions of open, allowing the heat the FDNY, Lieutenant and smoke from the Michael J. Fitall is fire apartment to presented with the spread rapidly to the Thomas A. Kenny apartment above. Memorial Medal.--SI Knowing that time was paramount, he ordered his inside team to Lieutenant Michael Fitall (third from left) and his Ladder 143 crew. 16
Walter Scott Medal FIREFIGHTER GIOVANNI A. MARTINEZ LADDER COMPANY 124 March 24, 2009, 0800 hours, Box 75-800, 376 Palmetto Street, Brooklyn Appointed to the FDNY on February 2, 2003. Member of the Hispanic Society. Holds a BA degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Resides in Woodhaven, Queens, with his wife, Marcy.
enerally, when dispatchers transmit a Box for a fire, that another person who had tried to exit through the stairs they provide as much information possible. On this could still be inside. particular morning, Ladder 124 received only a FF Martinez advised the two victims to stay low in the basteleprinter message stating, private dwelling, with no other ket and he proceeded to remove the entire window and frame. particulars given. While en route as the second-due truck, a Once this was done, the Firefighter entered the room, but was radio transmission stating, people trapped, was transmitted. driven to the floor by the intense heat. (Unknown to FF Martinez Within seconds, the first-due truck, Ladder 112, transmitted was that the roof skylight and scuttle had been tarred over, the 10-75 for Box 800. which caused a delay in ventilation and a build-up of heat intenActually, the fire was located in a multiple dwelling at 376 sity.) Realizing there was no secondary means of egress (the fire Palmetto Street is a three-story, 20- by 60-foot, class 4, wood escape sill was engulfed in flames) and the interior stair also was frame, corner building. Fire was issuing from the second- and burning intensely, the rescuer crawled deeper into the interior of third-floor windows and spreading to the vinyl siding. This gave the apartment, searching for the missing adult. off dense, black smoke and high heat, which could be felt from While searching the second room (kitchen), FF Martinez the street. The wind was blowing the fire across the fire escape, located the burned, semi-conscious male, Hector Rodriquez, preventing anyone from entering or exiting the building from lying on the floor. Drawing on his reserve strength, the rescuer this exterior access. The chauffeur of Ladder 124 positioned the began to drag this 180-pound man back through the kitchen to apparatus on the Ridgewood Place side of the building. the bedroom he had entered, toward the window and tower ladFF Giovanni Martinez, the outside vent Firefighter, had der basket. entered the tower ladder basket. He was preparing to position The Firefighter notified Battalion Chief Joseph Schiralli, the basket on the leeward side of the fire escape (Exposure Battalion 28, that he had three 10-45s who needed immediate #1/4 side) when the ladder company chauffeur (LCC) first aid. Again, FF Martinez called upon his reservoir of informed him that someone was at the top-floor window on the strength, lifting and assisting Mr. Rodriquez over the winExposure #1/2 or windward side. dowsill and into the basket of the tower ladder. At the request FF Martinez expertly maneuvered the basket through the of this worried victim, FF Martinez went back into the fray, to dense smoke and high heat, placing himself in a very precari- secure the man’s personal papers, including a green card. ous position in order to reach the person(s) trapped. As he was FF Martinez operated alone, above a heavy fire condition maneuvering the basket, Engine 271 stretched a second hand- with only an outside line keeping the fire away from his only line and provided a water curtain between the basket and the means of egress. He showed great strength and determination fire escape, allowing the in the removal of the window Firefighter to remove the child guard, assisting the pregnant window guard from the winwoman and male into the basdow. This was not a simple ket and then searching two task due to the heat and smoke rooms to locate and drag a issuing from below. third victim to safety, up over Once the window guard the windowsill and into the was removed, FF Martinez tower ladder basket. assisted the two adult victims FF Giovanni Martinez dis(Yenraira Lopez, who was played outstanding courage pregnant, and Jorge Padiller) and tenacity in his efforts to from the window into the bassave these lives. His actions ket. The Firefighter had the were in keeping with the tradipresence of mind to ask if tions of the Fire Department there were any other individuand, today, he is proudly als still trapped inside. One of accepting the Walter Scott the victims told FF Martinez FF Martinez is in the basket with two rescued victims. Medal for valor.--JTV FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
John H. Prentice Medal FIREFIGHTER ALFRED J. RONALDSON LADDER COMPANY 59 July 16, 2009, 0010 hours, Box 75-4797, 102 West 183rd Street, Bronx Appointed to the FDNY on May 6, 2001. Previously assigned to Ladder 33. Grandfather, Captain Herbert Ronaldson (now deceased), was retired from Ladder 82; father, FF Alfred Ronaldson, Rescue 3, was killed in the line of duty on March 5, 1991; cousins, FFs Bill Kuhens and Mike Kuhens, are assigned to Ladder 59 and Ladder 149, respectively; cousin, Lieutenant Tom Clair, is assigned to Rescue 5; brothers-in-law, FFs Mike Pucci and Antoney Quagliata, are assigned to Ladder 28 and Engine 62, respectively; and uncle, FF Sean Nelson, is retired from Rescue 3. Member of the Emerald Society. Resides in Montgomery, New York, with his wife, Jessica, and their children, Alfred J., Jr., and Ava.
F Alfred J. Ronaldson, Ladder 59, was assigned the forcible entry position on the evening tour of July 15, 2009. The evening had been uneventful, but FF Ronaldson knew that could change at any moment. Just 10 minutes after midnight, Ladder 59 members were called to action when Box 4797 was transmitted from a pull box. The first-due companies were operating at another fire, leading to a longer than normal response time and giving the fire a head start. While en route to the location, the alarm was filled out due to a second source reporting a stove fire on the second floor of 102 183rd Street in apartment 2-C. Ladder 59 was the first unit to arrive on the scene. As the company pulled up in front of the six-story multiple dwelling, an isolated building on the corner of 183rd Street and St. Andrews Avenue, FF Ronaldson saw fire lapping out of one window and heavy, black smoke billowing out of two others. Because of the building’s isolated position, FF William Kuhens, the Ladder 59 chauffeur, placed the aerial in front of the building and positioned the ladder to the roof. Due to the transverse stairs in the building, Ladder 59’s roof Firefighter, FF Christopher Redmond, used the aerial to reach the roof and recommended that the second-due roof Firefighter do the same. FF Paul Denver had the outside vent position and dropped the fire escape ladder. He swiftly ascended to the second-floor balcony. The inside team of Lieutenant Michael Fagan and FFs Ronaldson and Robert Blake (detailed from Ladder 46) were about to enter the building when they spotted a group of people excitedly pointing upward at the corner of the building. Lieutenant Fagan went to their location and observed heavy smoke also pouring from several windows on the St. Andrews side of the building. Going back to the entrance, he raced into the building with the two Firefighters. They immediately sped to the second floor, where they saw acrid smoke emanating from the fire apartment door. FFs Ronaldson and Blake quickly forced the locked door, but were forced to the floor by the high heat and black, acrid smoke that rapidly
enveloped them. Lieutenant Fagan and FF Blake searched to the left, while FF Ronaldson went to the right. Using the thermal imaging camera in the zero visibility, Lieutenant Fagan located the fire in the kitchen and relayed that information to the Officer of Engine 43, whose members were still stretching a line. FF Blake used the extinguisher to hold back the fire, while FF Ronaldson crawled past it to search the other rooms. After searching two bedrooms and a bathroom, but finding no victims, FF Ronaldson again passed the fire still growing in the kitchen to reach the sunken living room. With several pieces of overturned furniture blocking his path and relying on his sense of touch to search, the Firefighter persevered, without benefit of a charged hose-line in place, until he located the unconscious form of a 72-year-old male, prostrate in the middle of the room. Transmitting a signal 10-45, FF Ronaldson began to drag the victim toward the front door and out of harm’s way. After using the last of his extinguisher on the kitchen fire, FF Blake assisted FF Ronaldson in removing the victim and the furniture that blocked their way. Joined by FF Paul Denver, Ladder 59, who had entered from the fire escape, they were able to get the man to the front door. FF Blake rejoined Lieutenant Fagan while FFs Ronaldson and Denver carried the victim to the lobby to check his vital signs. FF Ronaldson was able to detect a pulse, but noted that the man’s breathing was very labored. With no third-due engine or EMS personnel on-scene, FF Ronaldson retrieved the resuscitator from Ladder 59’s apparatus. By applying oxygen to the victim, he was able to bring him to a semi-conscious state by the time EMS personnel arrived to take over medical care and transport the victim to Jacobi Hospital. The victim was treated for smoke inhalation and second-degree burns. Were it not for FF Alfred J. Ronaldson’s bravery, perseverance and quick thinking, this man would not have received a second chance at life. FDNY is proud to present him with the John H. Prentice Medal.--JT
Route taken by FF Ronaldson during his rescue operation. 18
Christopher J. Prescott Medal November 23, 2009, 1042 hours, Box 4178, Throgs Neck Bridge, Queens
PARAMEDIC MARGARET VEGA STATION 20 Appointed to EMS as an Emergency Medical Technician on March 13, 1995. Previously assigned to Station 15. Member of the Hispanic Society. Recipient of numerous pre-hospital saves. Working toward an RN degree. Resides in the Bronx and has two children--Brandon and Alexis.
aramedics Margaret Vega and German Delrio started their tour much like they do any other day. On the morning of November 23, 2009, they conducted the regular inventory of their ambulance and received and checked their equipment before going out on the road. While en route to their assigned response area, they received their first assignment of the day--an unconscious patient on the Throgs Neck Bridge. An unconscious patient is not an unusual call type for a Paramedic unit. However, accessing the patient proved not only challenging, but dangerous for one of the Paramedics. As the unit pulled up to the Throgs Neck Bridge, the bridge workers flagged them down. They advised the Paramedics that one of their coworkers had fallen approximately 30 feet onto the scaffolding below the bridge. Paramedic Vega looked over the railing, but could not see the patient from her vantage point. The bridge workers assured her that the rescue Firefighters on-scene had located the patient. Paramedic Vega did not know the extent of the patient’s injuries at this time, but did know that a patient who had fallen 30 feet needed immediate medical attention. Without knowing the patient’s exact location and minus the advantage of rescue training, Paramedic Vega slung her medical bag over her shoulder, climbed over the railing and began her descent down a ladder toward the patient. This ladder faced the open side of the bridge, she had no safety harness and was encumbered by the weight of her trauma bag, yet Paramedic Vega successfully made the descent and accessed the patient. Paramedic Vega completed a quick assessment of the patient, a 44-year-old male, who was found to be conscious, but suffering excruciating pain as a result of the fall. She
radioed her partner for the medical supplies needed to prepare the patient for removal to the ambulance. A patient sustaining a fall of this magnitude requires immobilization and the removal must be handled carefully to prevent further injury. Paramedic Delrio diligently supplied Paramedic Vega with all of the necessary equipment requested. With the assistance of the three Firefighters who were on the scaffolding with her, Paramedic Vega immobilized the man, who then was placed onto a stokes basket. The patient was hoisted up to the bridge level and Paramedic Vega climbed back up the ladder she had used to reach the man. The man was successfully transferred into the waiting ambulance where patient care was continued. Although the patient sustained multiple trauma, while en route to the hospital, he repeatedly thanked Paramedic Vega and all those involved in the rescue for saving his life. The patient arrived at the emergency room in stable condition. Doctors often refer to the golden hour for trauma patients. To increase a trauma patient’s chance of survival, he/she should be at the emergency room within an hour of the event. Paramedic Vega’s skilled and immediate intervention clearly contributed to the man’s rapid assessment, removal and arrival at New York Hospital (Booth Memorial Hospital) of Queens within one hour. Paramedic Margaret Vega is a credit to her profession, an asset to the Department and the first female member to receive the Christopher Prescott Medal, which is the Fire Department’s highest Emergency Medical Service medal.-DC
Henry D. Brookman Medal LIEUTENANT GREGORY J. PRIAL LADDER COMPANY 43 March 3, 2009, 0230 hours, Box 75-1318, 333 East 108th Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on September 5, 1981. Previously assigned to Ladder 7. Father, FF Philip Prial, is retired from Rescue 1 and cousin, FF Steve Brooks, is retired from Ladder 112. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Served with the U.S. Marine Corps from 1977 to 1981. Recipient of the Vincent Kane Medal in 2006, three Class As, a Class B and a unit citation. Resides in Warwick, New York, with his wife, Anne, and their children, Rebecca, Terence, Danny, Brigid and Jennifer.
he date was Tuesday, March 3, 2009; the time was 0229 continue on through the burning living room and into the adjahours. The members of Ladder 43, commanded by cent rear bedroom, where he discovered a victim. Lieutenant Gregory Prial, found themselves racing Lieutenant Prial found Loria Cavicchi, unconscious and through the streets of Spanish Harlem to a reported fire on the burned, lying face down on the bedroom floor. After transmittop floor of 333 East 108th Street. The fire building was a six- ting a 10-45 to Battalion Chief John Hilley, Battalion 12, the story, non-fireproof, multiple dwelling, erected in 1900, which Lieutenant found the bedroom window blocked by a gate, was completely renovated between 1997 and 1999. Ladder 43 negating its use as a rapid egress to the fire escape. With the was assigned first-due. fire rapidly approaching the flashover stage and FF Hemsley Arriving at the reported address with a response time of down to the last available water from the extinguisher, less than four minutes, Ladder 43 members were met by a Lieutenant Prial decided to drag the victim back through the handful of tenants reporting a fire on the sixth floor. The inside living room’s progressively worsening conditions. team, consisting of Lieutenant Prial and FFs John Hemsley The Officer dragged the victim approximately 30 feet (the extinguisher position) and John Haseney (the irons posi- down the apartment hall where he was joined by FF Haseney. tion), were ascending the stairs when they encountered more With Lieutenant Prial in the lead, they removed the victim fleeing occupants, also reporting a fire on the sixth floor. from the burning apartment into the public hallway and into Lieutenant Prial ordered his chauffeur to transmit a 10-75. the hands of the CFR Engine (Engine 35). These members The inside team arrived at the sixth-floor landing and it worked to revive the now non-breathing and pulse-less Ms. was readily apparent from the soot around the edges of the door Cavicchi. Once revived, EMS personnel transported her--with and heavy, black smoke pushing through the cracks of the door burns on her hands and face and suffering from smoke inhalaframe that the fire was in apartment 6B. Figuring there was a tion--to Cornell Burn Center. real possibility of someone being in the apartment, the fireLieutenant Prial risked passing the fire to get to the rear fighting team of Hemsley and Haseney made quick work of bedroom, only to be forced to return through the same area forcing open the locked apartment door. The Lieutenant then again, with the unconscious victim, under worsening conditions. led the team into zero visibility and a significant heat condition. All of these actions took place prior to a hose-line being placed The renovations of this building included thermo-paned win- into operation. Division 3 Deputy Chief Daniel Donohue’s dows, which--at this point--had not failed, contributing to the investigative report reads: Lieutenant Prial harsh conditions encountered. demonstrated...courage, ability and Faced with a rapidly deterioratinvaluable experience. Lieutenant ing fire condition, Lieutenant Prial Prial undoubtedly saved Ms. directed FF Haseney to search Cavicchi’s life. toward the front of the apartment, Lieutenant Gregory Prial’s expewhile he and FF Hemsley searched rience, aggressive search, disregard down the interior hallway. While for his own safety and passing the searching, they found the living room fire without the protection of a fully involved and the main body of charged hose-line twice all reflect the fire obstructing the entrances to the finest traditions of the FDNY. It is for two bedrooms. The Officer directed his actions and those attributes that FF Hemsley to use the extinguisher he is awarded the Henry D. in an attempt to confine the fire. This Lieutenant Gregory Prial (second from left) is surrounded by Brookman Medal.--SM action allowed Lieutenant Prial to the proud crew of Ladder 43.
M.J. Delehanty Medal CAPTAIN WILLIAM J. GALLAGHER LADDER COMPANY 169 June 22, 2009, 2245 hours, Box 75-3608, 3091 Brighton 3rd Street, Brooklyn
Assigned to the FDNY on August 3, 1985. Previously assigned to Engine 231 and Ladders 120, 137, 147 and 169. Member of the Emerald Society and the Incident Management Team. Recipient of a Service Rating B and a unit citation. Holds an AS degree in Pre-Physician Therapy from Kingsborough College and a BS degree in Business Management from St. Francis College. Resides in Rockaway, Queens, with his wife, Karen.
ires occurring at night in occupied multiple dwellings members of Ladder 169 encountered a heavy smoke condition generally indicate that people might be trapped and in in the hallway and smoke pushing out around the door frames need of assistance. Such was the case on June 22, 2010, of apartment 6J. Captain Gallagher realized that this apartment at 3091 Brighton 3rd Street, Brooklyn. The involved building most likely would be occupied, given the time of day. His is a six-story, H-type, 150- by 80-foot, non-fireproof, multiple Firefighters would have to make entry without waiting for the dwelling, featuring 10 apartments on each floor. first hose-line to be put in place. At 2245 hours, numerous phone alarms were received at As they forced entry into 6J, the three members were met the Brooklyn Fire Communications Office for a fire in a build- with a high heat condition and dense, black smoke, negating ing at Brighton 3rd Street. This information was transmitted to all visibility. They immediately came across the first seriously the local firehouses, including Ladder 169. Combining a fast injured occupant, who was quickly removed by a member of turnout, quick response and heroic action would be necessary Captain Gallagher’s team. After supervising the removal of to lessen the severity of injuries, if there were any trapped this victim, his mission then was to search for the main body occupants. Drawing on their training and experience, the of fire and locate any additional victims. This had to be members of Ladder 169 were up to this task. accomplished without the protection of a charged hose-line. On arrival, members saw that the large building was While crawling into the apartment, he came across a rapinvolved in fire and heavy smoke was emanating from win- idly extending fire in a bedroom/living room area. Captain dows on the upper floors. The Officer in command transmitted Gallagher directed his extinguisher Firefighter to hold the fire a 10-75 to notify responding units that they had a working fire in check, while he searched other rooms. In order to accomat this location. The members of Ladder 169 sized up the situ- plish this search, he bypassed the fire, endangering himself. ation and then raced toward the inferno, knowing the degree of The experienced Officer was up to the arduous task before difficulty involved in rescuing any trapped civilians in the him. On hands and knees as he groped his way into a bedroom, apartments on the upper floor. he found a 72-year-old, unconscious female on the bed. While Captain William Gallagher was on duty this evening. An removing this victim, a series of explosions intensified the experienced Fire Officer, he was fire. However, Captain well aware of the problems that a Gallagher continued to drag her top-floor fire presents in H-type through this hostile environbuildings. As members of this truck ment, toward the safety of the company entered the lobby, they public hallway. (The Bureau of were informed by exiting occupants Fire Investigation determined that the fire was, indeed, on the that these explosions were sixth floor. caused by rupturing butane Captain Gallagher and his cylinders that were used to refill forcible entry team raced up to the lighters.) sixth floor to locate the exact locaCaptain Gallagher’s courage tion of the fire. The Officer transand selfless actions in a dangermitted this information to the firstous situation, without the protecarriving engine company. Given the tion of a charged hose-line, gave layout of this structure, type of life to this victim. For his initiastairs, no well hole and the distance tive, bravery and perseverance, from a nearby hydrant to the fire without regard for his own safeapartment, the Captain realized it ty, the Fire Department is proud would take some precious time to honor Captain William before an engine company could Gallagher with the M.J. apply water on this fire. Delehanty Medal.--EB Arriving at the sixth floor, Rescue route taken by Captain William Gallagher. FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
William F. Conran Medal FIREFIGHTER JAMES J. SENK LADDER COMPANY 47 September 30, 2009, 1622 hours, Box 75-3054, 1418 Zerega Avenue, Bronx
Appointed to the FDNY on December 5, 2004. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Recipient of a unit citation in 2006. Holds a Bachelor degree from SUNY, Albany. Resides in the Bronx.
n the early afternoon of September 30, 2009, Ladder 47 which was charged with thick, black smoke. was dispatched to Box 3054, Tratman and Zerega Avenues Reports from Lieutenant Ill indicated that the primary in the Bronx. The original UCT call was for a fire on the search from the interior would be delayed due to the trementhird floor. As the company turned out, the Bronx dispatcher dous fire that had met the units at the door. Understanding the had received multiple calls for smoke and fire on the third and deteriorating conditions in the apartment and the closing winfourth floors, as well as people trapped. The additional infor- dow of opportunity to save the boy, FF Senk reached across mation indicated an address of 1418 Zerega Avenue, a large, the open expanse from the tip of the aerial to the fire escape five-story, H-type multiple dwelling. and pulled himself onto the balcony. Once on the balcony, he As Ladder 47 pulled into the block, Lieutenant Frederick donned his full personal protective gear, entered the window Ill, 3rd, observed numerous people self-evacuating on the fire and began an aggressive search for the youngster. escape and heavy smoke emanating from three windows on FF Senk located the unconscious child 15 feet from the the fourth floor. He immediately ordered the chauffeur, FF window where he was last seen. He made the proper radio Anthony Caterino, to position the aerial and the outside vent notifications. Due to the intense heat in the fire apartment, FF Firefighter, FF James J. Senk, to place the drop ladder on the Senk removed the boy to the fire escape. He was met by FF fire escape. Andrew Dick, Squad 61, who carried the child through the Lieutenant Ill was met by civilians as he approached the apartment on the floor below to the street. FF Senk then rebuilding. They stated that a small child was still trapped in the entered the apartment to continue the primary search. apartment. Looking closely, a small arm could be seen waving FF Dick ultimately handed the youngster over to the care through the heavy smoke from the window off the fire escape of EMS personnel. The four-year-old, Ganesh Ramcharran, on the fourth floor. The Lieutenant immediately relayed this was admitted to Jacobi Medical Center for smoke inhalation information to FFs Caterino and Senk and advanced to apart- and elevated carbon monoxide in his blood. ment 4H with his forcible entry team. If not for the determination and personal initiative of FF FF Senk, after James J. Senk, the young releasing the drop ladboy certainly would der, quickly ascended have perished in that the aerial and found a apartment. The small boy trapped Firefighter offered accobehind a window gate. lades for all the memHe quickly determined bers of Engine 64 and that the window gate Ladder 47 for their was not the only thing efforts, which facilitated preventing this rescue. A the rescue. For his brave bunk bed was placed in actions in the face of front of the window, extreme fire conditions preventing the rescuer and operating without from entering. As the the protection of a hoseoptions raced through line, FF Senk is honored the Firefighter’s mind, today with the William the boy slipped back F. Conran Medal.--CF into the apartment, FF James Senk is entering the window from Ladder 47’s aerial, where the youngster he saved had been trapped behind a window gate.
photo by FF Richie Massa, Engine 64
Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal FIREFIGHTER VICTOR J. MILUKAS LADDER COMPANY 142 February 3, 2007, 1315 hours, Box 22-6034, 95-86 113th Street, Ozone Park, Queens
Appointed to the FDNY on April 30, 1997. Promoted to Lieutenant since incident. Now assigned to Battalion 33, UFO Ladder 159. Holds a BBA degree in Accounting from Baruch College. Resides in Valley Stream, Long Island, with his wife, Jennifer, and their daughters, Chloe and Avory.
hen the Department’s 9/11 memorial at Engine der. Meanwhile, members of Engine 308 had completed a hose 10/Ladder 10 was dedicated in 2006, Chief of stretch to the rear of the building and opened up. This providDepartment Peter E. Hayden said, Firefighters ed FF Milukas with a water curtain as he ascended the ladder knowingly and willingly place themselves in harm’s way to to rescue the trapped civilian. However, due to the high winds save others. This willingness has left a great legacy of heroism that afternoon, FF Milukas had to dive into the room to avoid for all to see. Such was the case for FF Victor J. Milukas, being burned by the still-unchecked fire. Ladder 142, who, on February 3, 2007, added another page to Diving into the room, FF Milukas injured his neck and this great FDNY history of courage and daring. back, but continued with his mission. Crawling to the victim, At approximately 1315 hours, Ladder 142 was assigned as the Firefighter realized the man was in bad shape and needed second-due truck for a fire at 95-86 113th Street in Ozone to be removed quickly. In order to improve the victim’s Park. While en route, Queens Dispatch reported numerous chances, FF Milukas began sharing his facepiece. The rescuer calls for trapped occupants on the second and third floors of then informed Lieutenant Stackpole he was with the victim this three-family building. FF Milukas, adrenaline flowing, and conditions were worsening. was responding to the street where he grew up and where his By this time, Lieutenant Stackpole and the other members mother still lives. Arriving in approximately four minutes, of the inside team had made the third-floor stairwell. FF Ladder 142 found a heavy fire condition from the second floor Milukas was told they would remove the victim via the interiand heavy smoke pushing from the third. or staircase. Despite his injuries, FF Milukas moved the vicSeveral civilians already had jumped from the building tim to a position for quick removal. He soon was joined by and the company’s inside team raced into the building, only to Lieutenant Stackpole and, because of the victim’s size, both find the stairs blocked by heavy fire on the second floor. FF rescuers were needed to effect the victim’s removal. Once Milukas, assigned to the outside vent position, made his was safe, the man was taken to Cornell Burn Center to be treated to the rear of the building by use of a side alley. Carrying his for burns over 50 percent of his body. Unfortunately, he ultitools and a 24-foot extension ladder, the Firefighter negotiat- mately succumbed to his injuries. ed over several fences to get to the In his report of the incident, rear of the building. Battalion Chief Stephen Browne, Once behind the building, he Battalion 51 covering, wrote, FF found a male civilian calling for Milukas put himself at...risk by help and trapped at a window on ascending the portable ladder while the third floor. Simultaneously, a being directly exposed to fire venting large sliding glass door on the secout of the second-floor rear windows ond floor self-vented, sending below him and entered the third-floor heavy fire and smoke at the desperwindow to effect the rescue…(he) ate civilian (which forced him back was faced with a high heat and into the burning room). FF Milukas smoke condition on the third floor transmitted a 10-45 signal, as well and chose to put himself at even as the fire conditions to his Officer, greater risk by removing his faceLieutenant Michael Stackpole. The piece to supply air to the victim. FF Lieutenant responded to this mesMilukas showed great initiative and sage by stating that the interior bravery in effecting this rescue. For stairs also were blocked by fire. these reasons, the Fire Department is By this time, FF William proud to honor FF Victor J. Milukas Hughes, Ladder 142, had accessed today with the Mayor Fiorello H. the yard and assisted FF Milukas FF Victor Milukas’ path to the victim is depicted. In spite of LaGuardia Medal.--DJH with placement of the portable lad- the Firefighter’s best efforts, the victim succumbed to his injuries.
Chief John J. McElligott Medal/ FFs Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award FIREFIGHTER ADAM J. RIVERA ENGINE COMPANY 10 August 21, 2009, 2200 hours, Box 556, 14th Street/Union Square Subway Station, Manhattan
Appointed to the FDNY on July 1, 2008. Attended Hunter College. Resides in Manhattan.
here is a belief that being a Firefighter is not just a job, could move. but a calling. Often, this characteristic is exhibited Faced with the headlights of the approaching southbound whenever a member of FDNY performs an extraordi- N train, FF Rivera gathered up all his strength and, with much nary act when off-duty. FF Adam J. Rivera, Engine 10, per- difficulty, was able to lift the 180-lbs. victim’s upper torso. formed such an act, without the benefit of his fellow Thankfully, two civilians jumped down from the platform to Firefighters or equipment, but with the determination and the track bed after FF Rivera reached the victim and they knowledge that someone was in trouble and needed immedi- helped to lift Mr. Delemo’s legs. Together, the three lifted the ate help. Fortunately, that selflessness saved the life of a 45- injured man up to the platform to an awaiting woman who year-old man. identified herself as a doctor. After making sure everyone was On Friday, August 21, 2009, at approximately 2200 hours, safe, the physically drained Firefighter managed to pull himoff-duty FF Rivera was waiting for a northbound N subway self up from the track bed to the platform. train at the busy Union Square Station. While waiting for his With his work still not finished and without any medical train to arrive, FF Rivera heard cries for help coming from equipment present, FF Rivera then assisted the doctor with some people standing across the platform on the far end of the patient assessment and treatment of Mr. Delemo’s injuries. southbound side of the station. FF Rivera went to observe When EMS personnel arrived, Mr. Delemo’s care was turned what the commotion was about, so he moved to the edge of over to them for further treatment and transportation to St. the platform. He saw a man sprawled out and apparently Vincent’s Hospital. Mr. Delemo was admitted to the Intensive unconscious on the southbound tracks. Care Unit at the hospital for several days to recover from the FF Rivera then saw a northbound train approaching the sta- severe injuries--specifically, a skull and spine fracture and tion and realized that this train would block his view and any associated head trauma--he suffered. The victim had suffered access to the injured man. As a Firefighter, he was fully aware a seizure that caused him to fall onto the subway tracks. of the many dangers faced by this injured man. FF Rivera FF Rivera put himself in danger to save Mr. Delemo’s 1 life. Without the benefit of any FDNY communications, jumped down the 4 /2 feet to the bed of the northbound track, equipment or assistance, the rescuer sprung into action withwhich was energized and had a train rapidly approaching. out any hesitation. He crossed over two live third rails, faced Relying on his knowledge and training as a Firefighter, two oncoming subway trains, made the dangerous descent and FF Rivera carefully stepped over the deadly third rail on the ascent to the platforms and treated the northbound track and then had to step injured patient without any protective over the third rail for the southbound equipment. track. Once away from the electrified Deputy Chief Robert Carroll, rails, he and the victim now faced an Division 1, stated in his letter of even more dangerous situation endorsement that the actions of FF because a southbound train was Rivera--who was only fifth grade at approaching the station and them. the time of this incident--exemplified FF Rivera knew he had to act his dedication and professionalism as quickly to help this victim and prevent an FDNY Firefighter. It is with himself from being injured or killed. extreme pride and honor that FF He approached the severely injured Adam J. Rivera is awarded the Chief Marco Delemo, who was lying in the John J. McElligott Medal/FFs middle of the track bed. FF Rivera had Fitzpatrick & Frisby Award for saving no options as there was no area of Mr. Delemo’s life.--AP refuge that to which he or the victim FF Adam Rivera with Engine 10 apparatus.
Thomas F. Dougherty Medal FIREFIGHTER EDWARD K. RISSLAND LADDER COMPANY 142 January 27, 2009, 0453 hours, Box 75-2143, 97-12 93rd Street, Queens
Appointed to the FDNY on September 8, 1991. Brother, FF Fred Rissland, is assigned to Ladder 169; brother-in-law, FF Russ Weissheier, is assigned to Ladder 133; and nephew, FF Andrew Dolce, is assigned to Ladder 20. Recipient of a unit citation. Resides in Franklin Square, Long Island, with his wife, Jill, and their children, Breann, Kurt and Kaleigh.
n the early-morning hours of January 27, 2009, Ladder Rissland came in contact with a bed. He began to feel along 142 was assigned first-due to Box 2143 for a reported fire the entire bed and it was then that he came upon an unconat 97-12 93rd Street, Queens. While responding, the scious victim, a 10-year-old boy, and promptly transmitted the Queens dispatcher notified Ladder 142 of numerous calls and 10-45 to Command. FF Rissland held the child and began to reports of people trapped on the third floor. As the members make a move through the high heat and zero visibility of the arrived at the scene, they found heavy fire on the second floor heavy smoke condition. He made his way back to the window of a three-story, Class 3 multiple dwelling. Fire was venting where he met up with FF Czech and a five-year-old, unconfrom the windows from the exposure #3 and #4 sides. scious victim, whom he was attempting to remove. FF Edward Rissland, Ladder 142’s chauffeur, quickly FF Rissland placed the 10-year-old boy on the floor of the maneuvered and positioned the rig in line with the front of the bucket and then climbed over the windowsill and re-entered fire building. He dropped the tormentors between parked cars. the bucket. FF Czech then handed the other child out of the FF Michael Czech was operating as Ladder 142’s outside vent window to him. With heavy fire and dense, black smoke ventFirefighter and was told by the neighbors and EMS that there ing just below the bucket, FF Rissland moved the bucket were people trapped on the third floor above the heavy fire away, attempting to shield the unconscious children from the and that they heard screaming. He relayed that information to horrendous conditions below. Battalion Chief Joseph Donlevy, Battalion 51, and that assisMoments later, FF Czech transmitted another 10-45 for tance was needed, due to the possibility of multiple victims. the mother of the two boys. When he returned to the window Chief Donlevy instructed the LCC from Ladder 143 to with the mother, FF Rissland moved the bucket back to the man the turntable of Ladder 142 and ordered both FFs Czech window and helped the Firefighter get the mother into the and Rissland into the bucket, to act as a team and proceed to bucket. The victims were all removed to the street, where the third-floor windows for vent, entry and search (VES). Firefighters and EMS personnel were waiting. They began Visibility was zero in the front of the building due to super- resuscitating and reviving the family. These victims, suffering heated smoke and fire venting from below. This made posi- from respiratory arrest and smoke inhalation, eventually were tioning very difficult as FF transported to Cornell Hospital. Rissland manned the controls. Chief Donlevy states that if When close enough, FF Rissland not for FF Rissland’s actions, began taking the right window the Montero family would not and child guard. have survived. There was not a While working, FF Rissland moment to spare and his quick heard an urgent message from and decisive actions were the Officer of Ladder 142, advisdirectly responsible for three ing that two lines were needed members of the same family because the fire was overtaking being alive today. members on the fire floor. Fire Quick to laud the teamwork now had taken control of the of Ladders 142 and 143, Engine entire second floor. Knowing 285 and the other units that that there was little time and the responded to this Box, FF floor had to be searched for the Edward Rissland’s actions are a reported missing occupants, FF credit to him and in keeping Rissland rolled into the window with the finest traditions of the and faced punishing heat and Fire Department of the City of smoke. Dropping to his knees, New York. He is honored today he began his search, moving to and presented with the Thomas the right, following the wall. F. Dougherty Medal.--TW FF Edward Rissland, in the bucket, after handing off a victim to During his search, FF EMS personnel. photo by Danny Iudici FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
Albert S. Johnston Medal LIEUTENANT JOSEPH R. STACH, JR. LADDER COMPANY 6 July 4, 2009, 0313 hours, Box 75-316, 147 Elizabeth Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on October 21, 1990. Previous assignments include Engine 48 and Ladder 56. Member of the Company Officers Association and is a UFOA Delegate for Battalion 4. Cited for bravery on two previous occasions. Holds a BS degree in Business Management from St. Thomas Aquinas Collage. Resides in Valley Cottage, NY, with his wife, JoAnn, and their children, Darren, 20, Corrin, 14, Kayla, 13, Ryan, 11, and Tyler, 10.
he conversation in the firehouse kitchen earlier in the night tour revolved around the fact that the next day was the Independence Day holiday. Lieutenant Joe Stach and the other Ladder 6 Dragon Fighters were excited at the prospect of barbeques, picnics and a promising summer day. However, all these thoughts were pushed aside when, in the wee hours of the morning, the alarm tones sounded and the company was directed to an unknown condition on Elizabeth Street. Lieutenant Stach knew that in the Chinatown/Little Italy community, an alarm in the dead of night usually indicated a strong possibility of a fire. Additionally, the Lieutenant knew that the normally first-due truck was replaced by a relocated company that might not know the fastest way to respond. The Officer realized Ladder 6 might arrive before any other ladder company and prepared his crew to operate accordingly; especially in light of the fact that no additional information was received during their response. When Ladder 6 arrived at the location in fewer than five minutes, many of the five-story, non-fireproof tenement’s residents had fled into the street. Because of language difficulties, it was impossible to communicate with the civilians and obtain any information. The residents merely pointed the Firefighters to the inside of the structure. As Lieutenant Stach entered the first floor, a light haze was evident and the smell of smoke permeated the atmosphere. Additionally, a fleeing resident was able to advise that there was a fire on the third floor. As the Officer and his inside team--FFs Jose Ortiz with the irons and John Schmitt, Engine 9, with the extinguisher--rushed to the third floor, Lieutenant Stach received a report from the outside vent Firefighter, FF Michael Egan, that fire was lapping out a window on the third floor. Seconds later, after reaching the fire floor, the Lieutenant observed fire around an apartment door. Ladder 6 operates in Manhattan.
Furthermore, a neighbor reported that the resident was still inside the flat. Because heavy fire had caused a kitchen cabinet to fall and block the door to the studio apartment, it was necessary to attack the hinges. Although this freed the door, it broke into two pieces, allowing fire to extend into the public hall. By this time, Engine 9 arrived with a hose-line. However, water was not yet flowing and Lieutenant Stach, knowing there was a potential victim still trapped, unhesitatingly dropped to his belly and proceeded into the burning apartment. After crawling 15 feet under the rolling flames into the bedroom area, the Lieutenant located an unconscious, 43year-old man. More than a dozen plastic storage containers of various sizes and shapes had melted on and around the victim, adhering him to the floor and rending him unable to be moved. Knowing that time was critical, Lieutenant Stach worked rapidly and, using his Officer’s Tool, freed the victim. Simultaneously, water began flowing from the hose-line, facilitating the Officer’s ability to drag the man out of the apartment. When Lieutenant Stach reached the public hallway, members of Ladder 6 helped bring the victim to the street and started CPR. In cardiac arrest and suffering from severe burns, the victim was transported to the hospital. Additionally, Lieutenant Stach was placed on medical leave because of a burn injury, as well as neck and shoulder injuries. Although the man subsequently succumbed to his injuries, this does not diminish the effort made by Lieutenant Stach. He reacted swiftly and decisively in directing his company, as well as demonstrating personal courage by entering a hostile environment in a lifesaving effort. By operating in the highest tradition of the fire service to rescue another person, the FDNY proudly awards Lieutenant Joseph R. Stach, Jr., the Albert S. Johnston Medal.--BDG
Ner Tamid Society/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Medal FIREFIGHTER JOSEPH P. ROGGENKAMP LADDER COMPANY 169 June 22, 2009, 2245 hours, Box 75-3608, 3091 Brighton 3rd Street, Brooklyn
Appointed to the FDNY on May 31, 2005. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Dominican College. Resides in Rockaway, Queens, with his wife, Lynette.
y late June, Brighton Beach is awash with summer room for the other members of the forcible entry team to enter activities and good times. Whatever the season, for the apartment. Thus, FF Roggenkamp had no choice but to almost 115 years, this community has been guarded close the door so the victim could be moved, thereby allowing from the dangers of fire by the members of Ladder 169. At the door to swing open. Once he had moved the victim, the 2243 hours on June 22, 2009, FF Joseph P. Roggenkamp and Firefighter opened the door and Captain Gallagher and FF other members of this historic company sprang into action Saalfrank assisted him in the removal of the victim into the when a fire was reported on the top floor of 3091 Brighton 3rd public hallway. Street, a six-story, 150- by 60-foot, class three residential Once the victim was safe, a second 10-45 call was made structure. from inside the apartment. While FF Saalfrank worked to hold Ladder 169, with FF Roggenkamp assigned the irons back the fire with the extinguisher, FF Roggenkamp quickly positions, arrived at the building as the first-due ladder com- returned to the apartment and crawled 20 feet down the hallpany within three minutes. Arriving alongside them was way, past the fire, to assist Captain Gallagher in the removal Engine 246. A preliminary size-up was performed while a of the second victim. During this removal, several explosions hand-line was stretched to the front door because of the fire’s occurred that intensified the worsening conditions. Fire reported location. Entering the lobby, FF Roggenkamp forced Marshals later determined these explosions were due to the the door and, along with Captain William J. Gallagher and FF presence of several butane canisters in the apartment. By the Daniel Saalfrank with the extinguisher, protime the second victim was safely in the ceeded to the top floor. public hallway, members of Engine 246 Reaching the top floor, Captain had completed their hose stretch and Gallagher transmitted a 10-75 signal as the aggressively knocked down the fire. FF team found heavy smoke emitting from the Roggenkamp was quick to laud Engine doorjamb of apartment 6J. Because of the members’ efforts because the incident time of night, the team believed the apartwould have deteriorated dangerously. ment to be occupied. Additionally, because In the report of this incident, the the building had only one stairway with no Officer noted, (FF Roggenkamp) entered well hole, the rescuers could not wait for a the fire (area) twice without the protection hose-line. (Ultimately, it took 13 lengths of of a charged hose-line. His first entry hose to reach the fire apartment.) involved the removal of the victim from Working quickly, FF Roggenkamp behind the entrance door, which necessiforced the door and was met by high heat tated him closing the door to remove the and smoke. However, even though the door victim. (He) then entered the apartment a was forced, there was something inside the second time to assist his Captain, who had apartment, blocking the door from being found a second victim. FF Roggenkamp opened fully. Knowing that time was critidistinguished himself at this operation in a cal, FF Roggenkamp squeezed past the parmanner in the highest traditions of the tially open door and jamb and into the Fire Department. For his actions, the Fire apartment. Once inside, the Firefighter, Department of the City of New York takes moving on his hands and knees, found a great pride in honoring FF Joseph P. victim wedged behind the door (the reason Roggenkamp with the Ner Tamid/Franklin it could not be opened completely). Delano Roosevelt Medal.--DJH Roggenkamp practices his rope evoluDue to the growing fire, there was no FF tions at the Training Academy. FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
Tracy Allen-Lee Medal October 24, 2009, Ashford Street/Hegeman Avenue, Brooklyn
Appointed to EMS as an Emergency Medical Technician on October 5, 1992. Recipient of several pre-hospital saves and a unit citation. Holds a BBA degree in Marketing from Hofstra University. Resides in Mount Sinai, Long Island, with his wife, Stephanie, and their sons, Nicholas and Jonathan.
Appointed to EMS as an Emergency Medical Technician on October 31, 1988. Recipient of a unit citation, pre-hospital save and excellent duty award. Served in the Navy, 1982-1987. Resides in Mineola, Long Island, with his wife, Kim, and their children, Ali and Timmy.
hen an EMS call comes in for a member of service, glement and extrication process would be necessary and dictatthe heart beats a little faster, the blood flows a little ed the services of a Rescue Medical Task Force to medically more quickly and the adrenaline starts to flow. Such manage the chauffeur’s injuries as he was becoming symptobecame the case on October 24, 2009, for Paramedics James matic of crush syndrome. Crispino and Walter Hochbrueckner when the Brooklyn EMS Paramedics Crispino and Hochbrueckner entered the radio came alive with urgent calls for assistance at the scene of entrapment area several times throughout the disentanglement a motor vehicle accident--Engine 236 and Ladder 107 had col- phase of the operation to render advanced medical care, prelided with each other while responding to a reported gas leak-- venting additional metabolic injuries from occurring. The pair at the intersection of Ashford Street and administered intravenous fluids and medHegeman Avenue. ications to the patient. Following approxThe force of the impact caused Engine imately two hours of intricate and deter236 to leave the roadway and strike a brick mined efforts, the trapped chauffeur of wall. Ladder 107 rolled on its side and slid Ladder 107 was successfully removed by about 100 feet down Ashford Street, comFirefighters from the overturned apparaing to rest against a large tree, pinning both tus and taken via ambulance to the trauthe Officer and chauffeur in the cab of the ma center at Brookdale Hospital. apparatus. On arrival, EMS members were Throughout the entire operation, met with a chaotic scene--multiple injured members of the Medical Branch operated and trapped Firefighters. Due to the scope inside and in proximity to the overturned of the incident, the Incident Command apparatus, which was leaking fuel and System was established, with Medical hydraulic fluid. This hazardous situation Branch activities directed by EMS Chief was further complicated by Hurst tool Frances Pascale, Division 1, and EMS exhaust and trip hazards, as well as the Deputy Chief Albert Gehres functioning as hazards of active cutting tools and the Deputy Medical Branch. exposed metal shards and glass. The triage process identified a total of In recognition of their expertise and 10 patients with varying injuries, the most crucial contributions to successfully significant of which were the trapped extricating a Firefighter who was trapped Officer and chauffeur of Ladder 107. in his apparatus and while operating Although the Officer was the more seriunder hazardous conditions, the ously injured, the chauffeur’s leg was Department is pleased to honor pinned between the overturned apparatus Thanks to the skilled efforts of Paramedics James Paramedic James Crispino and and the roadway. With this finding and Crispino and Walter Hochbrueckner, rescued Paramedic Walter Hochbrueckner with subsequent removal of the Officer, it Firefighter gives the thumbs-up sign, following his the Tracy Allen-Lee Medal.--AG became clear that a protracted disentan- successful extrication from Ladder 107. photo by Queens Dispatcher Joseph Epstein
Third Alarm Association Medal LIEUTENANT KEVIN T. FLANAGAN LADDER COMPANY 28 January 18, 2009, 0625 hours, Box 75-1643, 140 Bradhurst Avenue, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on December 17, 1977. Previously assigned to Ladder 42 as a Lieutenant and Engine 61, Ladder 59 and Rescue 3 as a Firefighter. Sons, FFs Brian Flanagan and Daniel Flanagan, are assigned to Engine 92 and Engine 58, respectively; father, FF Thomas Flanagan (now deceased) was retired from Rescue 3; grandfather, FF John Flanagan (now deceased) was retired from Ladder 47; father-in-law, FF Philip Spiro (now deceased) was retired from Ladder 50; nephew, FF Phil Spiro, is assigned to Ladder 34; and uncle FF Wallace Bjorness (now deceased) was retired from Engine 220. Member of the Holy Name and Emerald Societies, Honor Legion and the Company Officers Association. Recipient of the Hugh Bonner Medal in 2006, two service rating As and one service rating B and two unit citations, as well as the New York Daily News Hero of the Month in March 2009. Holds a BA degree in Physical Education from Herbert Lehman College. Resides in Pearl River, New York.
adder 28--one of the busiest trucks in the FDNY--under hallway in a zero-visibility environment, pulling them deeper the command of 32-year veteran, Lieutenant Kevin T. into the apartment and closer to the source of the raging fire. Flanagan, arrived just before 0630 hours to a reported As he reached the end of the hallway, Lieutenant Flanagan apartment fire on Bradhurst Street in the central Harlem neigh- found the occupant, Frances Murphy, 79, unconscious, on the borhood of Manhattan. Statistically, reported fires to dispatch- floor. The heat was so intense near the victim that even with ers during early-morning phone calls are more likely to be his protective clothing,, the Lieutenant was forced to drop as serious fires, especially in the dead of winter, and this response close to the floor as possible. To give them the precious few was no exception. seconds needed to remove the victim so close to the fire, As the ladder company pulled up to the address, Lieutenant Flanagan ordered FF McCormack to hold back the Lieutenant Flanagan observed smoke from a fourth-floor win- flames with the narrow stream from the 21/2-gallon extindow and transmitted the signal for a working fire at a six-story guisher. It gave the Lieutenant just enough time to gather Ms. apartment building. Then, he headed through the lobby toward Murphy and drag her toward the front door. the stairs with his inside team--FFs Richard A. Zaikowski, In the public hallway, Lieutenant Flanagan found memwho had the forcible entry position, and John A. McCormack bers of Engine 80 as they were completing their line place(detailed from Engine 80), who was the extinguisher ment. He transferred patient care to members of the engine, Firefighter. As the inside team members made their way up the who performed CFR-D and brought Ms. Murphy down to the stairs, Ladder 28’s outside team set up exterior ladders for street to EMS personnel, while simultaneously finishing their window entry and roof ventilation. hose stretch. On his way up the stairs, Lieutenant Flanagan met a civilPassing off victims to members in the public hallway is a ian who told the Officer that someone was trapped in the fire common tactic, which allows the rescuing Firefighter, who has apartment, 4K, on the fourth floor. Even without reports of the best understanding of the apartment layout and the trapped occupants, the inside team would have performed an progress of searches, to re-enter the apartment to complete the extensive search of the apartment, but a confirmed victim is search. Lieutenant Flanagan crawled back into the apartment, essential information as Firefighters develop a mental picture but the fire had become so intense in the few moments since of the fireground. When FFs Zaikowski and McCormack he left, that the inside team could not finish their search until forced open the fire apartment door under Lieutenant Engine 69 moved in and extinguished most of the fire. Flanagan’s supervision, the Due to injuries from three men were met with smoke inhalation, Ms. blinding, black smoke that Murphy spent 20 days in quickly filled the fourth-floor Harlem Hospital until she hallway. recovered and went on to The first engine company rehab for a month. The on-scene, Engine 80--temLieutenant’s bravery, determiporarily sharing quarters with nation and leadership, under Ladder 28 and Engine 69--had punishing conditions and not yet positioned their hose without the protection of a to the apartment entrance. The charged hose-line, exemplify truck’s inside team, now in a the highest traditions of the precarious position, started FDNY. For his actions, their search into what they Lieutenant Kevin T. Flanagan later learned was a studio is awarded the Third Alarm apartment. Lieutenant Association Medal.--SN Flanagan led his two Firefighters down the main Lieutenant Kevin Flanagan is flanked by his Firefighter sons--Daniel on the left and Brian on the right.
Vincent J. Kane Medal FIREFIGHTER DESMOND C. WALSH ENGINE COMPANY 44 (ASSIGNED), ENGINE COMPANY 250 (DETAILED) December 16, 2009, 2139 hours, Box 75-2539, 1866 47th Street, Brooklyn Appointed to the FDNY on March 8, 2005. Previously assigned to Engine 274. Stepfather, Captain Michael Barry, is retired from Engine 263. Member of the Emerald Society and the New York City Fire Riders. Holds a BA degree in Accounting from Queens College. Resides in Franklin Square, Long Island, with his wife, Chrissie, and their son, Luke.
he engine company is the basic unit of service in this Walsh (detailed from Engine 44) and the Lieutenant entered Department. Usually, the first-arriving engine company the building to begin a valiant search for the missing child. to a structural fire will have more influence on the outEntering the front door, they were met by an exiting civilcome of a fire operation than any other unit to arrive. The ian, confirming that a three-year-old girl named Itta Friedman manner in which orders are given and assignments are made did not get out of the ground-floor living room that was on sets the tone for the entire engine company operations at a fire. As Lieutenant Siegel and FF Walsh began their search at fire. Engine company Officers who are serious about training the front door, they were forced to lay flat on their stomachs and expect a high level of professionalism from the members due to high heat and pulsating smoke from a fully involved of their company will see it reflected in their unit’s perform- living room fire. Undaunted, FF Walsh advanced his way past ance at fires. the seat of the fire to reach the youngster, now unconscious Due to the combustible nature of both interior and exteri- and severely burned from the fire, now in its free-burning or building materials, fire can spread rapidly within a private state of combustion. dwelling. The unprotected, open interior stairwell to the upper Faced with a life-and-death decision, FF Walsh knew his floors acts as a natural flue for fire spread. Small rooms and only chance to save this child was to remove her quickly from narrow stairs commonly are found in these buildings. Private the fire area. Unfortunately, this required him to remove the dwelling fires challenge the expertise of firefighting forces unconscious victim past a now-advancing and uncontrolled and require a coordinated team operation. Seventy percent of serious fire, without the protection of a charged hose-line. all fire deaths occur in private dwellings. Thanks to the posi- Upon hearing the radio report of a found fire victim, tive influence that Firefighters made on this December night Lieutenant Siegel immediately headed toward FF Walsh’s in Kings County, this deadly statistic was not met. location. Simultaneously, FFs Dorman, McCormack and On December 16, 2009, Engine 250 was given the heads- Tenteromano began to advance the charged hand-line to facilup by the FDNY dispatchers that they were going to work at itate the unfolding rescue. a private dwelling fire in which a child was reported missing Blinded and disoriented by pulsating smoke and driving on the ground floor of 1866 47th Street, Brooklyn. On arrival, heat, FF Walsh relied on Lieutenant Siegel’s voice to guide the members found a heavy smoke condition and were him back toward the front door of the dwelling. By shielding advised by residents outside the building that a child was still the child from the scorching heat with his own body, FF Walsh in the fire structure. Confronted with every first responder’s tested his endurance by removing the unconscious child past worst nightmare--a serious fire and a confirmed child as a life the seat of the fire and to a place of refuge outside the hazard--these members relied on their training to overcome a dwelling. potential tragedy. As of this date, young Itta Friedman is still receiving outUnder the direct supervision of Lieutenant Brian Siegel, patient medical treatment at Staten Island University North’s (detailed from SOC), the chaufBurn Center as a result of secfeur, FF James Collins (detailed ond- and third-degree burns from Engine 165), positioned covering 50 percent of her and hooked the apparatus up to body. Her life, however, is the nearest operating fire looking infinitely brighter as hydrant. Subsequently, she makes a remarkable recovLieutenant Siegel instructed ery, thanks to the unselfish and FFs Nicholas Dorman (detailed brave actions of a New York from Engine 165), Michael City Firefighter named Tenteromano (detailed from Desmond C. Walsh, Engine Engine 165) and Christopher 44. He is presented with the McCormack (detailed from Vincent J. Kane Medal.--PWB Engine 283) to stretch a 13/4- The father of young Itta Friedman is among those to congratulate FF inch hose-line, while Desmond Desmond C. Walsh for his rescue efforts. 30
Brummer Medal FIREFIGHTER JAMES M. RIORDAN LADDER COMPANY 55 June 21, 2009, 2342 hours, Box 75-2538, 1132 Clay Avenue, Bronx Appointed to the FDNY on May 31, 2005. Brother-in-law, FF Kevin McAdams, is retired from Ladder 45. Member of the Emerald Society. Resides in Pearl River, New York, with his wife, Bernadette, and their children, Kristen, Tyler and Sean.
uesday night, June 21, 2009, was warm and clear. The and that there was no line on the floor below him, FF Riordan night was a quiet one for Ladder 55. That quickly crawled down the hallway. Conditions were severe. The changed as midnight approached. At 2342 hours, smoke was banked down to the floor and the temperature was Ladder 55 responded second-due to Box 2538. The dispatch- increasing as he felt his way, alone, down the hall. He found er reported that there were numerous calls and reports of peo- 25-year-old Elizabeth Clay on the floor, crumpled up against ple trapped. The peaceful night was over. the smoke stop doors. Apparently, she had attempted to make As the truck company pulled into the block, FF James it through the door to safety and failed. Riordan saw a five-story apartment building at 1132 Clay After transmitting the 10-45, announcing that he had Avenue, its windows full with people forced there by the found a victim, FF Riordan notified his Officer of his location, smoke boiling out from above their heads. Originally three packaged the victim with webbing and then dragged her back buildings, they had been renovated and now formed one 100- down the hallway in rapidly deteriorating conditions to the by 60-foot structure, with the entrance in the original middle stairwell. There, he was met by Captain Brosi and FF Weihe. building. Inside were two stairways. Together, they carried the unconscious woman down the The first-due engine, Engine 41, transmitted a 10-75, stairs, four stories to the lobby. She no longer was breathing. reporting that fire was in the public hall on the second floor. With no ambulance on-scene yet, FF Riordan initiated Ladder 55’s inside team--Captain Joseph Brosi and FFs CPR. Engine 71 members assisted with ventilations while FF Gerard Weihe (detailed from Engine 71) and Riordan--entered Riordan and the members of Ladder 55 took turns performing the building and climbed the A stair to the second floor. They compressions. When their efforts revived the woman, they were met with heavy heat, smoke and fire in both the hall and secured her to a board and carried her out to the arriving stairway. Battalion Chief Joel Gerardi, Battalion 26, informed ambulance. The now-breathing victim, with burns over 90 Captain Brosi that someone was reported to be trapped in the percent of her body, was placed in the ambulance and transstairway on the floor above. ported to Bronx Lebanon Hospital. The Captain notified the engine Officer of his intent to go Despite deteriorating conditions and the knowledge that above the fire. Despite the heavy smoke, heat and fire, the there was no hose-line to protect him, FF Riordan decided on forcible entry team pushed up the stairs to the third floor. No a course of action that he knew would put him alone and in hose-line was in place to protect them and FF Weihe had to danger, above the fire. He endured severe conditions, found, use the water extinguisher to darken down the flames on the packaged and transported the victim to the stairway. He initiwalls and floor as they initiated their primary search. ated CPR, restored the victim’s heartbeat and transferred her During this search, FF to the care of the ambulance crew. Riordan heard sounds coming Although she ultimately died as a from the floor above. Someone result of her injuries, his initiative, was trapped up there and, in these persistence, skill and willingness conditions, survival time would to accept risk to his own life gave be minimal. After notifying his Ms. Clay a chance at life. For Officer of the situation, FF these reasons, FF James M. Riordan ascended the smokeRiordan is presented with the filled stairway, forced to his Brummer Medal for acting in knees by the flames and heat. accordance with the finest tradiEver conscious of the fact that he tions of the Department.--FCM had no protective line with him Left to right are FFs Gerard Weihe, Joe Wills, Doug Gollogly and Medal Day winner, Jim Riordan, and Captain Joe Brosi.
Frank W. Kridel Medal FIREFIGHTER BRIAN V. MORITZ LADDER COMPANY 138 June 27, 2009, 0921 hours, Box 75-7942, 83-28 Dongan Avenue, Elmhurst, Queens
Appointed to the FDNY on September 14, 2003. Holds an AS degree in Science from Nassau Community College. Resides in East Northport, Long Island.
ight after the start of the day tour on June 27, 2009, ond ladder from the setback roof to the attic, passing flames Ladder 138 was assigned as the only truck on Queens and black smoke coming out the second-floor window. At the Box 7942 for a fire at 83-28 Dongan Avenue, a three- top of the ladder, FF Moritz donned his facepiece, climbed story, 20- by 80-foot, class 3, peaked-roof multiple dwelling. into the wall of black smoke pushing from the attic window The first-due engine, Engine 287, gave a 10-75 for a fire in and entered the floor above the fire. the rear of the second floor and reported jumpers in the rear. FF Moritz began his search of the kitchen by himself in FF Brian Moritz, Ladder 138, was assigned the outside high heat and zero visibility. While conducting his search, the vent position for the tour and teamed up with FF Matt Firefighter located the unconscious body of 250-pound Kris Rodden, the roof Firefighter. FF Moritz grabbed the tools and Fuller and transmitted a 10-45. FF Moritz initially dragged began to perform a perimeter survey, while FF Rodden the victim to the window to provide him with some fresh air. grabbed a portable ladder off the apparatus. When FF Moritz Simultaneously, Engine 287 was beginning to put water reached the rear yard, he encountered a distraught, pregnant on the fire and FF Moritz decided that it was best to remove woman, lying on top of a one-story, five- by 10-foot setback, the victim down the interior stairs. As he was dragging the screaming that her husband was still trapped inside the attic victim to the apartment door, he was met by Ladder 154 apartment. The husband had helped his wife escape via the members, from the second-due truck, and they assisted in third-floor (attic) window, but then was overcome by the removing the man from the apartment and getting him to the heavy smoke condition and unable to escape. stairs. FF Moritz knew that there was an imminent life hazard Once the victim was at the stairs, several members helped and he decided to use the civilian ladders that were in the rear carry him down the stairs and out into the street. The victim, yard instead of waiting for FF Rodden to bring the ladder suffering from burns and smoke inhalation, was turned over from the apparatus. A civilian had separated the two sections to EMS personnel. He was transported to Elmhurst Hospital of a 24-foot extension ladder and placed one ladder to the set- where he was admitted for seven days. Jackie Ontaneda also back and the other to was taken to the attic window. The Elmhurst Hospital civilian ladder was at where she was treata precarious climbing ed for contusions and angle, not butted or released. spiked into the roof For his initiative and close to the edge and bravery in rescuof the pitched-roof ing a man trapped on setback. the floor above the Without hesitatfire while operating ing, FF Moritz without a hose-line climbed the first ladin place, FF Brian der onto the oneMoritz is honored by story setback and the FDNY with the calmed down the Frank W. Kridel female victim, Jackie Medal.--NG Ontaneda. He then climbed up the sec- One of many FDNY Firefighters deployed to New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, FF Brian Moritz operates hose-line on one of the many fires.
Emerald Society Medal FIREFIGHTER JUSTIN T. MCNALLY LADDER COMPANY 16 August 17, 2009, 1216 hours, Box 1018, East River in the vicinity of 61st Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on September 25, 2005. Recipient of the Liberty Mutual Lifemark Award in 2009. Holds a bachelor's degree in Sociology from Stony Brook University. Resides in Flushing, Queens.
ust after noon on a hot summer day, the members of Ladder Company 16 were returning from a subway incident and en route to resuming building inspection duty. FF Justin McNally was hoping that there would be a minute or two to wash up and change clothing because of the extreme heat conditions encountered on the train ride back from Queens. However, that was not to be the case. The company was assigned as the “water rescue” unit and directed to respond to East 72nd Street and the FDR Drive for a reported person in the water. While the company was on the way, the dispatcher advised that numerous calls had been received for someone in the water in the vicinity of the old heliport. Ladder 16 stopped at the entrance to the highway at 60th Street and the members, in their stocking feet, proceeded to investigate. They did not have time, after removing their boots, to put on shoes. As soon as the apparatus came to a halt, FF McNally grabbed his cold water rescue suit from the truck’s outside compartment. As soon as he had it on, he sprinted across four lanes of rapidly moving highway traffic, scaled an eightfoot, chain-link fence and ran 100 feet to the sea wall, where other members of his company pointed out the location of a man in the
water. After having a rope affixed to his wet suit and with complete disregard for his own safety, FF McNally jumped off the 20-foot sea wall and plunged into the strong and rapidly flowing southbound current. Summoning his strength, the Firefighter swam against the flow, a distance of 70 feet, until he reached a lethargic 24-year-old victim, whose face was in the water. FF McNally gained control of the man and grabbed a life ring that had been tossed to him. He then secured the drowning man in the ring, turned him on his back and, as he was reeled in by the members of Ladder 16, guided the victim to a 20-foot ladder that had been placed into the water against the sea wall. Once the Firefighter and victim were out of the water, they were evaluated and treated by members of Engine 39 and EMS. Subsequently, both were transported to the hospital. There is no question that FF McNally’s decisive, swift and unhesitating action, without regard for his own safety, saved the life of the young man. Therefore, it is with extreme appreciation for his meritorious effort that the Emerald Society Medal is proudly awarded to FF Justin T. McNally.--BDG
FF Justin McNally, with the members of Ladder 16, following the water rescue.
Chief Wesley Williams Medal FIREFIGHTER ROBERT R. RUFH LADDER COMPANY 32 July 3, 2009, 0125 hours, Box 75-3576, 3524 Hull Avenue, Bronx
Appointed to the FDNY on July 16, 1989. Previously assigned to Ladders 54 and 30 and Rescue 1. Resides in Greenville, New York, with his wife, Charmaine.
t was a hot summer evening on July 2, 2009, for FF Robert sion, the Firefighter quickly vented the thermopane windows R. Rufh and the members of Ladder 32 in the Bronx, but and expertly removed the child guard gate. He entered the as night passed to early morning, it was about to get a lot apartment to search. The high heat condition caused FF Rufh to immediately hotter. The computer spat out an alarm for Box 3576, reporting a fire at 3524 Hull Avenue. Responding with their usual drop to the floor in the heavy, acrid smoke. He twisted his alacrity, FF Rufh and the rest of the company were on their ankle in the process. Despite his pain, the rescuer pressed on way to the location when they received reports of multiple with his search. In zero visibility, the Firefighter had to rely phone calls reporting fire on the third, fourth and fifth floors. on his sense of touch to search for the missing children. As he Assigned the outside vent position, FF Rufh knew that a fire crawled and felt his way toward the front door, he located in this advanced stage would make his job a lot more difficult. four-year-old Jamal English, unconscious on his bed. As the company chauffeur, FF Donald Morris, pulled up Transmitting a 10-45 signal, FF Rufh grabbed the boy and in front of the class 3 multiple dwelling, Lieutenant Vic started toward the front door, only to realize that his exit was Leeber (covering) transmitted a 10-75 for fire lapping out of blocked by the flames advancing in his direction. At this time, the forcible entry team forced open the front one window and heavy, black smoke billowing out of four others. With the fire apartment located in the throat of the door, but there was no charged line in place to quell the building and without a fire escape, FF Morris positioned the flames. FF Rufh yelled to FF Christos Sakellariou, Ladder 32, to use his extinguisher to hold back the rapidly approachapparatus and raised the aerial to the window. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Leeber and the forcible entry ing flames, while he shielded the youngster with his body and team entered the building lobby to make their way up to the raced out the front door. Descending to the next landing, FF Rufh passed Jamal third floor. Inside the building, tenants reported that there were two children trapped in the fire apartment, a fact that and his care to a CFR-D engine. He then returned to the fire was quickly transmitted to the Incident Commander, apartment to try to locate the other child, in spite of the injury Battalion Chief Christopher Rearer, Battalion 27, and other to his ankle. It was learned later that the other youngster already had exited the members. FF Rufh knew apartment. Jamal was taken that with children trapped, to Montifiore Hospital and he had to move as swiftly as treated for severe smoke possible to find and remove inhalation. them. After FF Morris had It took a full week in the hospital for Jamal to positioned the ladder, FF recover from his injuries, Rufh quickly ascended the but were it not for FF aerial to reach the fire apartRufh’s bravery and persement window. FF Morris verance, without the protecclimbed the aerial behind tion of a hose-line, he never him. Normally, FF Rufh would have had that chance. would wait for a hose-line In recognition of his to be in position before courage and fortitude in venting the window and making this rescue, the Fire drawing the fire in his direcDepartment is proud to tion. But this was a life-andpresent the Chief Wesley death situation. With a Williams Medal to FF child’s life in the balance Robert R. Rufh.--JT and his Officer’s permis- Diagram depicts the route taken by FF Robert Rufh during his rescue of young Jamal English.
Holy Name Society Medal (Brooklyn/Queens) FIREFIGHTER MICHAEL C. POVOLNY LADDER COMPANY 21 January 15, 2009, 1524 hours, Box 22-0868, Hudson River, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on May 4, 2003. Grandfather, Lieutenant Richard Povolny (now deceased), was retired from Engine 256 (now closed) and father, FF Charles Povolny (now deceased), was retired from Rescue 4. Holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Florida State University. Resides on Long Island.
he Ides of March was a famous date on the ancient Povolny and McLaughlin jumped into the water with addiRoman calendar. January 15, 2009, will enjoy equal tional flotation devices for airplane passengers. Immediately, fame in FDNY history as a new term entered the water began to seep into their cold water gear and a numbing American lexicon: The Miracle on the Hudson. Pilot Chesley cold sensation shot through them. “Sully” Sullenberger landed a commercial jetliner in the frigid When the two Firefighters were approximately 10 feet Hudson River after a bird strike knocked out both engines of from the plane, there were 15 people in ankle-deep water on his Airbus. While everyone will remember this event, FF the wing. The water was getting rough due to the wind, boat Michael Povolny will have a unique perspective compared to traffic and hovering helicopters. FFs Povolny and most everyone else. He was assigned to Ladder 21 on that McLaughlin threw the flotation devices to the passengers who frigid afternoon in January and his actions, as well as those of immediately donned them. Simultaneously, a Coast Guard many other first responders, contributed to one of the most boat arrived at the wing and began to remove the passengers. miraculous rescues in the history of New York City. The Firefighters immediately turned their attention to the At 1534 hours on January 15, 2009, FF Povolny respondplane’s fuselage. ed with Ladder 21 to Box 868 for a report of a downed plane The plane was obviously sinking, with the tail fully subat 55th Street and the Hudson River. As the company was merged. FFs Povolny and McLaughlin noticed a hatch near nearing 12th Avenue, Rescue 1 gave a preliminary report of a the cockpit. They made eye contact with FFs Steven Beers, 747 in the Hudson River. As the ladder company reached 43rd Engine 34, Stefan Artz, Ladder 20, and Steve Leible, Ladder Street on 12th Avenue, Captain Paul Lawlor, Officer in com- 21, on the boat, who were manning the life lines, and mand of Ladder 21, saw the plane and viewed numerous peo- motioned to them they were going to enter the plane. ple standing on the wings. Immediately upon entering the plane, the cockpit was above As Ladder 21 pulled into the Circle Lines parking lot at the water and they made a primary search. The search of this 43rd Street, Battalion Chief John Joyce, Battalion 9, gave the area was negative and they entered the main compartment. 10-60 and Captain Lawlor gave an urgent to Manhattan CO to FFs Povolny and McLaughlin made their way toward the notify responding units that the plane was rear of the plane until they reached a point at 43rd, not 55th Street. Captain Lawlor where water was up to their necks. All the estimated there were at least 50 to 100 while, they searched in the murky water people on the wings of the plane and in with their hands and feet. An NYPD the water. SCUBA team arrived via the rear door and Captain Lawlor commandeered a performed a search, which proved negaCircle Line boat and removed the passentive. The two Firefighters then retraced gers. On the way out to the downed airtheir steps to the cockpit. FFs Povolny and craft, they saw the crews of the ferries getMcLaughlin climbed out of the cockpit ting people off the wings. The Captain and began to swim back to their boat. FFs was monitoring handie-talkie transmisBeers, Leible and Artz pulled the strugsions and under the impression that there gling men to the boat with safety lines and were up to 100 people unaccounted for, assisted them up the ladders. with about 10 to 15 people left on the The courageous actions of FF wings. Michael Povolny under brutal conditions FFs Povolny and Brian McLaughlin contributed to the successful removal of donned the cold water rescue gear that 155 passengers from the icy-cold waters they had brought aboard the boat and preof the Hudson River. He is duly recogpared to enter the jet fuel-saturated water. nized for his brave actions with the Holy When Ladder 21’s vessel was approxiName Society (Brooklyn/Queens) mately 20 yards from the plane, FFs Inflated hose was readied for water rescue of Medal.--CB victims.
photo by Captain Paul Lawlor, Ladder 21
Hispanic Society Memorial Medal FIREFIGHTER BRIAN E. MCLAUGHLIN LADDER COMPANY 21 January 15, 2009, 1524 hours, Box 22-0868, Hudson River, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on February 8, 1998. Previously assigned to Engine 34 and rotated through Ladder 117 and Engine 276. Uncle, Battalion Chief John “Jack” McLoughlin, is retired from Battalion 19; cousin, Lieutenant Blake McLoughlin, is retired from Ladder 39; cousin, FF Robert McLoughlin, is retired from Division 14; and cousin, FF Gregg McLoughlin, Engine 302, died in the line of duty. Member of the Emerald Society. He is retired from the Navy. Studied computers at Queensboro College. Resides in Levittown, Long Island.
he Miracle on the Hudson was an act that will not be additional flotation devices for passengers. Immediately, forgotten by the American people. Pilot Chesley water seeped into their cold water gear, initiating a numbing “Sully” Sullenberger landed a commercial jetliner in cold sensation in them. When the Firefighters were approximately 10 feet from the frigid Hudson River after a bird strike knocked out both the plane, there were still 15 people in ankle-deep water on the engines. There were other heroes that day, too. Many were FDNY wing. The water was getting rough due to the wind, boat trafmembers, including FF Brian McLaughlin. His actions con- fic and hovering helicopters. FFs McLaughlin and Povolny tributed to one of the most miraculous rescues in the history of threw the flotation devices to the passengers who immediately donned them. Simultaneously, a Coast Guard boat arrived New York City. At 1534 hours, January 15, 2009, FF McLaughlin respond- at the wing and began to remove the passengers. The ed with Ladder 21 to Box 868 for a report of a downed plane Firefighters then turned their attention to the plane’s fuselage. The plane was obviously sinking, with the tail fully subat 55th Street and the Hudson River. As Ladder 21 was nearing 12th Avenue, Rescue 1 gave a preliminary report of a 747 merged. FFs McLaughlin and Povolny noticed a hatch near in the Hudson River. As the ladder company reached 43rd the cockpit. They made eye contact with FFs Steven Beers, Street on 12th Avenue, Captain Paul Lawlor, Ladder 21, saw Engine 34, Stefan Artz, Ladder 20, and Steve Leible, Ladder the plane and viewed numerous people standing on the wings 21, on the boat, who were manning the life lines, and motioned to them that they were going to enter the plane. of the plane. As Ladder 21 pulled into the Circle Lines parking lot at 43rd Immediately upon entering the plane, the cockpit was above Street, Battalion Chief John Joyce, Battalion 9, gave the 10-60 the water and they made a primary search. The search of this and Captain Lawlor gave an urgent to Manhattan CO to notify area was negative and they entered the main compartment. FFs McLaughlin and Povolny made responding units that the plane was at 43rd, their way toward the rear of the plane not 55th Street. Captain Lawlor estimated until they reached a point where water there were at least 50 to 100 people on the was up to their necks. All the while, they wings of the plane and in the water. searched in the murky water with their Captain Lawlor commandeered a hands and feet. An NYPD SCUBA team Circle Line boat and removed the passenarrived via the rear door and performed a gers. On their way out to the disabled airsearch, which proved negative. The craft, the FDNY members saw the crews Firefighters retraced their steps to the of the ferries getting people off the wings. cockpit. They climbed out of the cockpit The Captain was monitoring handie-talkie and began to swim back to their boat. FFs transmissions and under the impression Beers, Leible and Artz pulled the strugthat there were up to 100 people unacgling rescuers to the boat with safety lines counted for, with about 10 to 15 people and assisted them up the ladders. left on the wings. Under extreme conditions, FF Brian FFs McLaughlin and Michael E. McLaughlin’s heroic actions conPovolny, also Ladder 21, donned their tributed to the successful removal of 155 cold water rescue gear and prepared to passengers from the icy-cold waters of enter the jet fuel-saturated water. When the Hudson River. He is being honored Ladder 21’s vessel was approximately 20 yards from the plane, FFs McLaughlin FFs McLaughlin and Povolny enter fuselage in with the Hispanic Society Medal today.-water suits to search for any possible vicCB and Povolny jumped into the water with cold tims. photo by Captain Paul Lawlor, Ladder 21
EMS Deputy Chief Albert T. Gehres, Jr.
EMS Captain John J. Scotch, II
EMS Lieutenant Thomas Schulz
he quiet of October 24, 2009, was interrupted when the Brooklyn EMS radio came alive with urgent calls for assistance at the scene of a motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Ashford Street and Hegeman Avenue. Engine 236 and Ladder 107 had collided with each other. The force of the impact caused Engine 236 to leave the roadway and strike a brick wall. Ladder 107 rolled on its side and slid about 100 feet down Ashford Street, coming to rest against a large tree, pinning both the Officer and chauffeur in the cab of the apparatus. On arrival, EMS members--Captain John J. Scotch, II, Lieutenant Thomas Schulz and Paramedics Kenneth Johnson and Brendan Konrad--were met with a chaotic scene--multiple injured and trapped Firefighters. Due to the scope of the incident, the Incident Command System was established, with Medical Branch activities directed by EMS Chief Frances Pascale and Deputy Chief Albert Gehres functioning as the Deputy Medical Branch. With the arrival of Dr. Douglas Isaacs, a brief exchange of information regarding the patient condition was presented and the rescue group was implemented. The triage process identified a total of 10 patients with varying injuries, the most significant of which were the trapped Officer and chauffeur of Ladder 107. Further assessment revealed that the chauffeur was the most seriously injured; his leg was pinned between the overturned apparatus and the roadway. With this finding and subsequent removal of the Officer, it became clear that a protracted disentanglement and extrication process would be necessary and dictated the services of a Rescue Medical Task Force to medically manage the chauffeur’s injuries as he was becoming symptomatic of crush syndrome. Successful management of patients with crush syndrome consists of two components. The first component is the administration of intravenous fluids and medications to the patient while he/she is still trapped. The second is hav-
Deputy Medical Director Douglas A. Isaacs
Paramedic Kenneth Johnson
EMS Division Chief Frances Pascale
Paramedic Brendan Konrad
ing physicians and Paramedics who are trained and equipped to perform these functions anywhere, anytime. The Fire Department of the City of New York has both. Members of the Rescue Medical Task Force, which included Lieutenant Thomas Schulz as the Rescue Group Leader, were charged with the medical management and treatment of the trapped chauffeur. With the Rescue and Medical Branches of the operation expertly coordinated on the command level, Rescue Paramedics Johnson and Konrad, assigned to the care of the trapped Firefighter, continued their work in earnest. Firefighters removed the pinned member. Following approximately two hours of intricate and determined efforts, the trapped chauffeur of Ladder 107 was successfully removed from the overturned apparatus and taken via ambulance to the trauma center at Brookdale Hospital. Throughout the entire operation, members of the Medical Branch operated inside and in proximity to the overturned apparatus, which was leaking fuel and hydraulic fluid. This hazardous situation was further complicated by Hurst tool exhaust and trip hazards, as well as the dangers of active cutting tools and exposed metal shards and glass. While only a small number of EMS members are being formally honored, many members operated in hazardous positions integral to the successful outcome at this incident. Additionally, this operation would not have been possible without the members of the EMS Command and Fire Operations working together in a unified, coordinated approach, culminating in the successful treatment and transportation of 10 injured Firefighters. For their exemplary rescue efforts, EMS Chief Frances Pascale, Deputy Medical Director Douglas A. Isaacs, Deputy Chief Albert T. Gehres, Jr., Captain John J. Scotch, II, Lieutenant Thomas Schulz, Paramedic Kenneth Johnson and Paramedic Brendan Konrad are presented with the Chief James Scullion Medal.--AG
Captain Denis W. Lane Memorial Medal FIREFIGHTER MARC A. VICTORIO LADDER COMPANY 30 January 15, 2009, 0526 hours, Box 22-1540, 154 West 132nd Street, Manhattan
Appointed to the FDNY on February 3, 2003. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies and the Columbia Association. Holds an Associate’s degree in Business Management from SUNY at Cobleskill. Resides in Queens with his wife, Tara, and their children, Brendan and Aidan.
anuary 15, 2009, was a bitterly cold night in New York the tip of the aerial ladder beside the victim through very with blizzard-like conditions blanketing the City. At 0526 heavy and obscuring smoke. hours, Engine 59 and Ladder 30 responded from their Shouting to the woman on the fourth-floor ledge to stay shared firehouse to a report of a fire at 154 West 132nd Street. where she was, FF Victorio climbed the aerial ladder. With In an attempt to cut through the busy radio traffic on the heavy fire blowing out the parlor-floor door, as well as the secManhattan frequency, Lieutenant Jay Walsh, Officer of ond- and third-floor windows, the flames were reaching Ladder Engine 59, gave an urgent message and transmitted a signal 30’s aerial, exposing both rescuer and victim to the same pun10-75 for heavy fire on the parlor (second) floor of a four- ishing and dangerous high heat and heavy smoke conditions. story brownstone. Despite the danger to himself, FF Victorio made the calAs Ladder 30 arrived, the Officer, Lieutenant Michael culated decision to pass the flames licking at the rungs and Lyons, jumped from the apparatus and was greeted in front of sides of the aerial ladder. With the added protection afforded the building by a frantic woman who told him that her daugh- by being completely donned in his personal protective equipter was trapped inside. The Lieutenant looked up and saw the ment--including on-air SCBA--FF Victorio climbed toward 25-year-old victim climbing out of the top-floor window and the victim. As he approached the panicked and severely onto the windowsill. Lieutenant Lyons directed the members burned woman, she jumped toward him. Summoning all his of 30 Truck to simultaneously attempt to reach the trapped strength, he struggled to keep the woman on the ladder and victim from the interior and exterior of the fire building. prevent her from falling four stories to her death. After sucAt the same time, the chauffeur of Engine 59 transmitted cessfully pulling the woman toward him and onto the relative over his handie-talkie that he was confronted with a frozen safety of the ladder, FF Victorio shielded her from the hydrant. That meant a delay in assuring a positive water supply. encroaching flames. This factor, coupled with the occupant’s attempt to extinguish With an aggressive push, the members of Engine 59 startthe fire prior to calling the Fire ed to extinguish the fire, Department, allowed the fire to allowing FF Victorio to assist grow un-checked. The blaze the victim down the ladder, now was extending to the third to the ground, and into the and fourth floors. arms of the CFR engine and Conditions were becomFDNY EMS. FF Victorio ing extreme, with flames saved the life of this woman, shooting up the outside of the who was transported to building from the second- and Harlem Hospital with severe third-floor windows and burns over 70 percent of her directly underneath the body. trapped victim. FF Marc For his calm, quick, Victorio, a six-year member of decisive and skillful actions 30 Truck with fewer than two under very difficult and danyears of experience as a gerous fire and smoke conditrained chauffeur, showed tions, FF Marc A. Victorio is great calm and composure as awarded the Captain Denis he skillfully maneuvered the W. Lane Medal for performaerial ladder up, around and ing his duties in the highest behind a lightpost located traditions of the FDNY.--SM fewer than 10 feet from the apparatus. The chauffeur was forced to delicately position In spite of obstacles--such as the lightpost--FF Marc Victorio successfully rescued a woman.
Uniformed Fire Officers Association Medal LIEUTENANT JONATHAN M. SHIELDS LADDER COMPANY 7 March 16, 2009, 1551 hours, Box 75-733, 58 West 36th Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on August 19, 1990. Previously assigned to Ladders 33 and 51. Brother, FF Patrick Shields, is assigned to Ladder 37 and uncle, Lieutenant Richard McKenna, is retired from Engine 66. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Recipient of the Walter Scott Medal in 1999 and a Class III in 1998. Holds an Associate degree from SUNY, Delhi. Resides in Cold Spring, New York.
perating above the fire without a charged hose-line in place is one of the most dangerous positions for a Firefighter. However, it was all in a day’s work for Lieutenant Jonathan M. Shields, Ladder 7, assigned seconddue to Box 75-733 for smoke from the third-floor window at 58 West 56th Street. The building in question is a five-story, 20- by 60-foot, class 3 brownstone with no fire escapes. Making their way into the building, members of Ladder 7, led by Lieutenant Shields, observed fire blowing out the front windows on the third floor. When members reached the fire floor, they faced poor visibility and high heat. The occupant had left the apartment door open when she fled the fire apartment, exposing the open interior stairway and all floors above to super-heated gases and dense smoke. The Officer notified members operating on the fire floor, who were waiting for water, that Ladder 7 members were proceeding above the fire to begin primary searches and check for fire extension. Reaching the apartment directly over the fire, Lieutenant Shields and his forcible entry team found the door open and the entire apartment fully charged with heavy smoke. The Lieutenant ordered his members not to vent the front windows because fire was still venting from the floor below and he did not want to risk auto-exposure of the fire. The primary searches proved negative in apartment 3A on the fourth floor. Suddenly, Lieutenant Shields heard Ladder 43’s roof Firefighter transmit that a woman was trapped on the windowsill on the top-floor rear apartment. Sensing the urgency and with a known life hazard, Lieutenant Shields and his inside team braved the brutal conditions and went to the top floor to search for the trapped woman. Accessing apartment 4B on the fifth floor, once again, the rescuers were confronted with open doors, both to the bedroom and the one to the public hallway, causing noxious, black smoke and extreme heat that
mushroomed throughout the apartment. Searching through floor-to-ceiling dense smoke, the members of Ladder 7 stayed low and used the sound of the woman’s cries for help as a beacon. Lieutenant Shields made his way into the rear bedroom and made physical contact with the victim, who was trapped on the windowsill, gasping for air. The Officer pulled her back to safety. He tried to calm her as best he could, but it was difficult, due to a language barrier. Taking the woman down the open interior stairs and through the thick, black smoke and oven-like conditions was not a good option. Although Rescue 1 and Ladder 43 Firefighters were preparing for a lifesaving rope rescue, Lieutenant Shields decided it was best to protect her in place until she could be removed safely. Ladder 43’s roof Firefighter stayed outside the window and on the rope, keeping everyone near the window until the engine had a positive water supply and the fire was knocked down. If the Firefighters on the fire floor lost control of the fire apartment, the lifesaving rope could be used as a last resort. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Shields provided the victim with fresh air by removing windows from the window frame to vent the heavily charged, top-floor apartment. The Officer held her head out the window, below the smoke, so she could breathe fresh air, while simultaneously reassuring her that she was safe. As soon as the fire was knocked down, Lieutenant Shields helped the woman to the street and transferred her care to EMS personnel. Suffering from smoke inhalation, the woman was transported and admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital. For rescuing a woman under extreme conditions without benefit of a charged hose-line in place, the FDNY proudly presents Lieutenant Jonathan Shields with the Uniformed Fire Officers Association Medal.--JK
The brothers Shields--Patrick and Jonathan.
Dr. Albert A. Cinelli Medal FIREFIGHTER TODD A. FREDRICKSON LADDER COMPANY 43 March 16, 2009, 1553 hours, Box 75-0733, 58 West 36th Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on July 14, 1996. Member of the Holy Name and Emerald Societies, Honor Legion and the Vikings. Recipient of the Columbia Association Medal and two unit citations. Holds a BS degree in Psychology from Plattsburgh State University and an MS degree in Speech Language Pathology from Brooklyn College. Resides in Manhattan with his wife, Christa.
he lifesaving rope (LSR) is a critical piece of the roof rier and her growing panic. Firefighter’s equipment. While the roof Firefighter’s FF Fredrickson called to FF Stuart, who had just finished other tools are essential in assisting in the overall mis- venting the scuttle, for assistance. Both agreed that immediate sion of containing the fire as quickly as possible, the LSR is action was needed because the victim was in danger of jumpemployed in the most dire situations. Such was the case con- ing or falling from the window. With very little time to waste, fronting FF Todd Fredrickson and the members of Ladder 43 they decided an LSR rescue was necessary. FF Fredrickson when they responded to a reported fire at 58 West 36th Street notified the Incident Commander, Battalion Chief Greg in Manhattan on March 16, 2009. Bierster, Battalion 9, via his handie-talkie that a rope rescue On this day, Ladder 43, El Barrios Bravest, was relocated was starting. to the quarters of Ladder 25 to cover medicals. FF Fredrickson FF Stuart tied off to the aerial and made four turns on his was assigned to the roof position for the tour. Members were safety harness. After FF Fredrickson hooked up his safety belt, responding to a fire on the third floor of a five-story, convert- he went over the parapet. By this time, other members were on ed brownstone, 20- by 60-foot multiple dwelling with the the roof to assist with communications between FFs front stoop removed. Fredrickson and Stuart. Arriving at the building in four minutes, a 10-75 was As FF Fredrickson was reaching the window, Lieutenant transmitted by Engine 26 as fire was emitting from two win- John Shields, Ladder 7, made contact with the victim from the dows on the third floor. The members of Ladder 43 quickly interior. FF Fredrickson entered the apartment and they decidjumped into action. The forcible entry team moved into the ed not to continue with the LSR operation, even though urgent building, while the chauffeur raised the aerial so FF messages were being transmitted for water loss on the fire Fredrickson, with FF Paul Stuart, Ladder 7 roof Firefighter, floor. FF Fredrickson and Lieutenant Shields stayed with the immediately behind him, could gain access to the roof. victim until it was safe to remove her via the interior stairway. With his tools and The woman was transportLSR, FF Fredrickson ed to New York quickly made his way up Hospital/Presbyterian. the ladder and once on the In his after-action roof, proceeded to the rear report, Chief Bierster of the building to search wrote, FF Fredrickson’s for fire extension and vicactions were without tims. Peering over the regard for his own personledge, he saw a victim al safety (and his) display straddling a top-floor winof initiative and personal dowsill. The victim was in bravery should be great distress and peril as acknowledged. Thus, the heavy, black smoke was Fire Department of the City pushing out of the window of New York is proud to from behind her. FF honor FF Todd Fredrickson Fredrickson tried to comtoday with the Dr. Albert A. municate with the victim, Cinelli Medal.--DJH but was unable to do so because of a language bar- FFs Todd Fredrickson, Ladder 43, and Paul Stuart, Ladder 7, who collaborated in the safe removal of a female victim.
photo by Andrew Savulich, Daily News
Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal FIREFIGHTER CASEY E. SKUDIN ENGINE COMPANY 332 (assigned), LADDER COMPANY 137 (detailed) November 12, 2009, 0926 hours, Box 1347, Beach 96th Street and Shorefront Parkway, Queens Appointed to the FDNY on January 15, 2006. Previously assigned to Engine 332. Valedictorian of his Proby class. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Resides in Long Beach, Long Island, with his wife, Angela, and their son, Benjamin.
fter receiving reports that a surfer had gone down in Surfer. He was not tethered because of the high risk of entanthe water on November 12, 2009, at 0926 hours, the glement on the surf-pounded jetty. FF Skudin finally reached members of Ladder 137 responded to Box 1347, at the victim, about 50 yards from the shoreline. He was able to Beach 96th Street and Shorefront Parkway. The extreme release the rope attached to the victim’s leg and pulled him up weather on this day significantly impacted Fire Department onto the rescue board, while fighting the current and surf. operations. Temperatures were in the low 40s, with scattered FF Skudin had to fight to maintain balance on the rescue showers and wind gusts reaching 39 mph. The surf conditions board with the victim atop it. FF Davis soon approached and included high, unpredictable waves, due to the aftereffects of helped FF Skudin stabilize the board. Together, the two tropical storm Ida. As a result, extremely strong currents, ele- Firefighters pulled the victim toward shore; simultaneously, vated sea heights and frigid water temperatures were reported. FDNY land units pulled victim and rescuers toward the shore When Ladder 137 arrived on the scene, the Firefighters via the tether. Once on the beach, CPR was performed by observed a surfboard violently swaying back and forth amid FDNY members. EMS personnel then transported the victim to whitecaps at the end of the jetty. The victim, Alessandro Barretto, Peninsula Hospital. Unfortunately, Mr. Barretto eventually was not visible and appeared to be held under by the leash of his succumbed to his injuries. surfboard and the Due to FF strong surf pounding Skudin’s courageous against the jetty. actions--entering the Ladder 137 memwater untethered in bers immediately such extreme condisuited up for a rescue. tions--Mr. Barretto At the direction of was removed from Lieutenant Abe the waves and Acosta, Ladder 137, brought back to FF Evan Davis, shore. Employing his Rescue Swimmer, lifeguard skills, the entered the water Firefighter gave the first. He was tethered victim his only to the shore in a cold chance to survive. water immersion suit For his bravery and with a rescue buoy. putting his life at risk He inched closer to to save another perthe victim at a slow son, FF Casey pace, due to the high Skudin is honored by waves, buoyancy of the FDNY and prethe immersion suit sented with the Fire and the drag of the Chiefs Association tether. Memorial Medal.-Next into the RM water was FF Casey Skudin, Rescue FF Casey Skudin (third from left) and the members of Ladder 137--FF Terrance O’Donnell, Lieutenant Abe Acosta and FFs Evan Davis, Dicky Ferrin and Austin Watts.
Fire Marshals Benevolent Association Medal FIREFIGHTER ROBERT M. LAGNESE SQUAD COMPANY 270 June 29, 2009, 1428 hours, Box 4794, 172-06 Douglas Avenue, Queens
Appointed to the FDNY on May 4, 2003. Previously assigned to Engine 219. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Holds a BS degree in Fire Administration from Empire State College. Resides in Hicksville, Long Island, with his wife, Stacey, and their children, Robert, Jr., and Nicholaos.
he members of Squad 270 operated at a June 29, 2009, FF Charles Minicozzi assessed the manhole. FF Minicozzi incident that required the full utilization of their techni- reported the presence of lethal hydrogen sulfide (H2S), rangcal rescue qualifications. With the cooperation of three ing from 30 parts per million at the top of the hole and 230 additional FDNY units, FF Robert Lagnese effected the rescue parts per million in the bottom of the hole. of three individuals from a toxic confined space. Immediate rescue was necessary if there was to be any The members of Squad 270 are specially trained as chance of saving these victims. With the assistance of Ladders Rescue Technicians and Hazardous Materials Technicians 126 and 127, the members of Squad 270 constructed the riglevel II. In this capacity, Squad 270 responds with the required ging and tripods required to lower a Firefighter into the hazspecialized equipment and individual qualifications to per- ardous atmosphere. FF Lagnese donned his personal protecform all technical rescue operations, including confined space. tive equipment and was lowered into the tight space where he The qualifications are necessary due to the history of rescuers operated for 20 minutes. losing their lives at a high rate during confined space rescues. Using rescue webbing, FF Lagnese immediately tied the Squad 270 members train extensively--both at the Bureau of technical knots required on the first victim who showed the best Training and in quarters--in preparedness for incidents requir- capacity for survival. Additional Firefighters from the three ing specialized tools and skills similar to those employed dur- companies raised the victim to the street for decontamination ing this Douglas Avenue rescue. and pre-hospital medical care. This process was repeated two At 1428 hours on June 29, 2009, Queens Box 4794 was more times. FF Lagnese remained in the confined space until transmitted for a report of three workers overcome in a manhole the three removals were completed. located at a garbage transfer facility at 172-06 Douglas Avenue. At the conclusion of the three removals, FF Lagnese was On arrival, the members of Squad 270 began to quickly gain sit- lifted to street level where he remained in full personal protecuation awareness tive equipment until regarding the incident. decontamination was Lieutenant Kevin Yoos completed. Regrettably, determined that a conthe three victims perfined space rescue was ished in spite of the prorequired immediately fessional care provided due to three civilians by FDNY Paramedics. trapped and unconCourageously, FF scious, 16 feet deep in a Robert Lagnese operated manhole. Two of the for more than 20 minutes victims were floating in in an atmosphere that water at the bottom of proved fatal to three victhe manhole; the third tims. Although the outvictim appeared viable. come was not a positive The operation one, this fact in no way would require the resdiminishes what FF cuer being lowered Lagnese tried to accomthrough a three-footplish. He is honored for wide manhole that his individual efforts gradually increased to with the Fire Marshals an area of six by six Benevolent Association feet. Simultaneously, Medal.--RM using intricate haz- Diagram shows where FF Lagnese was lowered by rope into a manhole to effect removal ardous material meters, of victims. 42
Community Mayors, Inc./ Lt. Robert R. Dolney Medal CAPTAIN DENNIS R. MURPHY LADDER COMPANY 105 December 23, 2009, 0247 hours, Box 75-1260, 392 Third Street, Brooklyn Appointed to the FDNY on June 1, 1983. Previously assigned to Engines 216, 243 and 233 and Ladder 108. Brother, Lieutenant Kenneth Murphy, is retired from Division 13. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Holds a degree in Business Administration from Saint Francis College. Resides in Brooklyn with his wife, Debbie, and their children, Danielle and Brendan.
adder 105 was assigned second-due to a fire on the top female, Kate Conway, lying on the floor in the supine posifloor of a four-story, occupied multiple dwelling, located tion. He immediately instructed FF Fischer to transmit a 10at 392 Third Street, Brooklyn, on December 23, 2009, at 45 signal over the handie-talkie and, with the help of FFs 0247 hours. A 10-75 was transmitted by Squad 1, while Ladder Fischer and Mitchell, Captain Murphy removed the victim 105 responded. On arrival, members of Ladder 105 observed from the apartment. heavy fire venting out of the top-floor front windows of a buildWhen they reached the public hallway, the Captain ing that had been converted from two brownstones into one instructed the two Firefighters to take the victim down to the building. Each floor consisted of two separate apartments. street, while he re-entered the apartment to complete the The forcible entry team--FFs John Fischer with the irons search with Ladder 122 members. After advancing 20 feet, and Ronald “Robbie” Mitchell with the extinguisher--led by Captain Murphy came upon an unconscious male victim, Captain Dennis Murphy, ascended to the top floor via the inte- identified as Michael Conway. With the help of FF Donald rior staircase. When they reached the floor, Captain Murphy Campbell, Ladder 122, the victim was removed safely to the observed a charged hose-line going into the fire apartment and public hallway. The pair carried the man down to the thirdheavy smoke venting in the hallway. The Captain instructed the floor landing. There, he was turned over to other members for forcible entry team to force the door to the adjoining apartment. removal to the street and Captain Murphy once again ascendEntering the apartment, Captain Murphy and the forcible ed the stairs to complete the search. No additional victims entry team conducted a primary search, with negative results for were found. fire extension or life. Completing the team’s primary responsiSuffering from serious injuries, the man and woman were bilities, the Officer determined that additional initial operations sent to Cornell Burn Center for an extended stay. in this adjoining apartment were unnecessary. He concluded in Captain Murphy, fully aware of the greatest life hazard his size-up that due to the large size and complex layout of the presented in the apartment, entered the fire area twice after the fire apartment, (approximately 15 by 80 feet), the greatest poten- rescue of the first victim, saved another and ensured that all tial for life hazard was in the fire apartment. Additional persons had been removed. Had it not been for Captain resources were required in Murphy and those memthe fire apartment to combers who assisted him, plete the complex searches Kate and Michael required. Conway would have With his SCBA faceperished. His actions as piece donned, Captain a leader of this team Murphy crawled into the exhibited bravery, initiafire apartment, followed by tive and capability. For the forcible entry team, and these reasons, the Fire advanced to the rear to augDepartment is proud to ment the search initiated by present Captain Dennis Ladder 122 members. Murphy with the Approximately 15 feet Community Mayors of down the interior hallNew York State/ way, in zero visibility, Lieutenant Robert R. Captain Murphy came Dolney Medal.--RM upon an unconscious Ladder 105 operates at Brooklyn Box 75-1244, 108 5th Avenue, March 28, 2007. photo by Seth Greenberg, NY Post
Battalion Chief Frank T. Tuttlemondo Medal CAPTAIN JOSEPH E. DRENNAN ENGINE COMPANY 259 May 23, 2009, 2040 hours, Box 75-7262, 47-29 37th Street, Queens Appointed to the FDNY on November 24, 1979. Currently assigned to Division 8. Previous assignments include Engines 281, 265 and 206 and Ladders 147 and 135. Brother, FF Paul Drennan, is retired from Ladder 131 and cousins, Captain John Drennan, Ladder 5, was killed in the line of duty on May 7, 1994, and Lieutenant Michael Drennan, is assigned to Ladder 84. Member of the Emerald Society. Recipient of a Class A in 1988 and a Class III in 1990. Resides in Rockaway, Queens, with his wife, Marjorie, and their son, Joseph.
ravery is defined as possessing or displaying courage. In Collyers’ mansion-type conditions, groping systematiMost Firefighters possess courage; not all are afforded cally in the intense heat and dense smoke, he found an adult the opportunity to display it. On May 23, 2009, male, Luther Robinson, unresponsive and lying on the bedCaptain Joseph Drennan possessed the courage and had the room floor. With great determination and tremendous difficulopportunity to display it, ty, Captain Drennan, shielding the victim with this as he saved another perown body, dragged, lifted and pulled Mr. Robinson son’s life. from the rapidly expanding apartment fire into the Engine 259 respondpublic hall. ed first-due to an alarm at The Officer then ordered members in the pub47-29 37th Street in lic hall to initiate lifesaving procedures to Mr. Queens. On arrival, Robinson, while he supervised the line placement Captain Drennan transand extinguishment of the fire. Mr. Robinson was mitted a 10-75 for a fire transported to Jacobi Hospital. on the first floor of an According to Battalion Chief Charles Lamberta, occupied multiple Battalion 45, Captain Drennan used quick, decisive dwelling. The four-story and aggressive action to save Mr. Robinson. Deputy building was of non-fireChief Mark Cuccurullo, Division 14, concurred with proof, class 3 construction his remarks, Captain Drennan entered the fire apartand measured 50- by ment under severe condi75-feet. The Captain tions, taking the initiative ordered the chauffeur to to begin searching withhook up to a hydrant out the protection of a and members to stretch hand-line, thus exhibiting 3 personal bravery and inia 1 /4-inch line. tiative. While the line was Thanks to the deterbeing stretched, mined efforts of Captain Captain Drennan Joseph Drennan, Luther entered the fire building Robinson was rescued. to search for potential Unfortunately, he later victims. Arriving at succumbed to his apartment 4A, he found injuries. For his couraheat and smoke pushing geous actions, he is offifrom behind the door. cially recognized and Without regard for his presented with the own safety and before Battalion Chief Frank T. the protective hose-line Tuttlemondo Medal. was in place and operational, he entered the smoke-filled apartment Engine 259 operates at Brooklyn Box 10-10-0036, Greenpoint Terminal Market, and began his search. Greenpoint, May 2, 2006. The company was one of the first to arrive and the last to leave. Inset photo, Captain Drennan takes up from a job.
Dr. John F. Connell Medal FIREFIGHTER JOSEPH A. BARONE LADDER COMPANY 2 March 5, 2009, 2154 hours, Box 10-77-893, 321 East 54th Street, Manhattan
Appointed to the FDNY on May 5, 2002. Now assigned to Ladder 165. Attended Queens College, studying Communications. Resides in Massapequa Park, Long Island, with his wife, Jennifer.
or decades, the Fire Department has worked unceasing- threads due to dissimilar metals. Because there would be a ly to promote fire safety. One of its most important mes- delay in stretching a hose-line, FF Barone chose to squeeze sages to the public is to remind them to close the door through the opening and into the apartment. of the room where the fire is located to prevent it from spreadOnce inside, FF Barone found Collyers’ mansion-type coning. While this message--on countless occasions--has slowed ditions, featuring a narrow (less than three-foot-wide) hallway, the advance of a fire, frequently, Firefighters find that they a bookcase and piles of debris. The additional material in the must go into a burning room and close the door behind them hallway had reduced the maneuverable area to only 16 inches. to effectuate search and rescue. Such was the case on the With conditions worsening, FF Barone realized he needevening of March 5, 2009, for FF Joseph Barone, Ladder 2. ed to close the door and clear the area of debris so he could Shortly before 2200 hours that night, Ladder 2 was move the woman out of the door’s swing. Captain Kevin ordered to respond to a reported fire on the fourth floor of a Harrison and FF Villanueva remained outside while FF 10-story building at 321 East 54th Street, a 75- by 105-foot, Barone closed the door. Because the apartment was a studio, class two multiple dwelling. Arriving at Box 893 within two there was no other doors to contain the fire. Thus, FF Barone and a half minutes, the forcible entry team--Captain Kevin was directly exposed to the advancing fire, without a charged Harrison and FFs Barone with the irons and Frank Villanueva hose-line in operation. (Engine 8) with the extinguisher--hurried to the fourth-floor Moving quickly and under high heat and zero visibility landing where they encountered heavy, black smoke pushing conditions, FF Barone stayed low and cleared the debris in the out from the door of apartment 4F. apartment’s foyer. Once this was accomplished, he was able to FFs Barone and Villanueva immediately went to work and move the victim, open the door and remove the woman to the forced the door. However, public hallway. She was when the door gave way, it transported with airway opened only a few inches. inhalation burns to Cornell FF Barone realized that a Burn Center. Unfortunately, victim was lying on the she expired. floor, directly behind the In his report about the door, which prevented it incident, Captain Harrison from opening completely. noted, FF Barone’s heroic Using his body weight, FF efforts were solely responsiBarone widened the openble for saving the victim’s life ing and the hallway quickly and he acted with bravery, filled with heavy, black skill and without regard for smoke. Within a few sechis own safety. Therefore, the onds, he was able to push FDNY is proud to honor FF the door open far enough to Joseph A. Barone today with gain entry into the apartthe Dr. John F. Connell ment’s narrow hallway. Medal.--DJH Meanwhile, members of Engine 8 were coping with several standpipe cap outlets that had fused to the FF Barone (left) helps back Ladder 2 into the truck room. FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
Lieutenant Kirby McElhearn Medal March 13, 2009, 1222 hours, 1815 Prospect Avenue, Bronx
EMS LIEUTENANT MARK A. BONILLA STATION 18 Appointed to EMS on January 27,1997, as an Emergency Medical Technician. Previous assignments include Stations 26, 19, 17 and 16. Resides in Manhattan with his son, Joshua.
n the pre-hospital setting, members of the FDNY Emergency Medical Service encounter patients with a vast array of medical and traumatic complaints. Not to be excluded from this list are patients who suffer from severe depression. On the morning of March 13, 2009, at 1157 hours, a suicidal patient, realizing that she did not want to die, placed a call to 911, expressing those exact words after cutting her own wrists. As if the desperation of this caller was not enough, this assignment would test the experience and training of a 13-year member of the Department. EMS Lieutenant Mark Bonilla was having an uneventful tour on March 13, 2009, when he received the assignment for an emotionally disturbed patient. NYPD and a Basic Life Support unit also were assigned. On his arrival, Lieutenant Bonilla found only the BLS unit on-scene. The crew members of 26B2 advised the Lieutenant that they were informed by the police officers that the patient had left prior to their arrival. The police officers explained that their sergeant was at St. Barnabas Hospital and informed them that she saw the respective patient in the emergency room. At this point, Lieutenant Bonilla could have closed out this assignment. However, he was troubled by the fact that access was never gained into the apartment. Lieutenant Bonilla advised the dispatcher that he was responding to St. Barnabas Hospital to confirm the patient’s location. Arriving at the hospital, Lieutenant Bonilla discovered that the patient was not there. His concern grew as he considered the possibility of the patient being inside her apartment, but unable to answer the phone or open the door. He immediately requested EMS and Fire units to respond
back to the Prospect Avenue location. The dispatcher was incessantly trying the call-back number as police were knocking on the door. Both received no response. Guided by his concern for the possible patient inside, his medical expertise and years of experience, Lieutenant Bonilla turned to the Firefighters and said, take the door. Once the door to the premises was removed, the police officers entered the apartment first to ensure that the scene was safe. After securing the apartment, police advised Lieutenant Bonilla that, in fact, there was a patient inside the apartment. Lieutenant Bonilla began to approach the entrance to the apartment when the officers stopped him. The officers indicated that this assignment no longer was a medical emergency, but a crime scene because the patient was dead. Again refusing to give up on his patient, Lieutenant Bonilla advised the officers that he wanted his Paramedic unit to assess the patient. The Paramedics of 26Y2 quickly assessed the patient and called out to Lieutenant Bonilla, we got a pulse! The patient was still alive, but barely, as she had sustained significant blood loss. With assistance from Engine 46 members, the Paramedics began aggressive treatment and quick transport. The aggressive treatment was continued by the hospital staff and the patient made a full recovery from her injuries. In keeping with Lieutenant Bonilla’s professionalism and dedication, he personally thanked the members of Engine 46 for their assistance. For his incredible professionalism and persistence, Lieutenant Mark Bonilla is awarded the Lieutenant Kirby McElhearn Medal.--JP
Fire Bell Club Medal FIREFIGHTER RONALD F. LITTLEJOHN ENGINE COMPANY 48 (ASSIGNED), LADDER COMPANY 56 (DETAILED) December 13, 2009, 0534 hours, Box 75-3399, 2819 Morris Avenue, Bronx Appointed to the FDNY on November 14, 1999. Now assigned to Ladder 56. Uncle, Lieutenant Anthony Virgone (now deceased), was retired from Engine 83. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies. Holds a BA degree in Athletic Administration from St. John’s University. Resides in Newburgh, New York, with his wife, LeeAnn, and their children, Ronnie and Brittany.
t was another cold and windy night tour in the Bronx. The run came in at 0534 hours. Ladder 56 and Engine 48 were responding to 2819 Morris Avenue, the Bronx. As the apparatus pulled out of quarters, the members of Ladder 56 listened intently as the dispatcher reported, possible fire on the fifth or sixth floor; then, moments later, second source; fill out the alarm. The members anticipated a working fire and as they pulled into the block, that is exactly what they saw. The 10-75 was transmitted on arrival. The fire building was a big, six-story, H-type, fully occupied multiple dwelling. Heavy, black smoke boiled violently into the early-morning sky from the top-floor windows of the B wing. Building occupants already were pouring into the street, fleeing the fire. Lieutenant Kingsley Taylor, Ladder 56 (assigned to Battalion 13), led the forcible entry team into the building. FF Ronald Littlejohn had the irons and FF Bob Kehoe, Engine 48, had the extinguisher. Building occupants notified the Firefighters that the fire apartment was occupied by an elderly gentleman who likely was still in the apartment. Lieutenant Taylor and FFs Kehoe and Littlejohn moved quickly up the six flights of stairs. Within moments, they were at the door of the fire apartment, sizing up the forcible entry options. Without delay, the team forced the door and immediately was driven to the floor by a high heat condition and thick, black smoke pushing from the occupied apartment. The members recognized this as a clear indication of an advanced and rapidly evolving fire. FF Littlejohn, with more than 10 years on the job, knew that such advanced fire conditions are truly unforgiving. Time would not be on their side. Additionally, the building size-up indicated a long, time-consuming stretch of the hose-line. To FF Littlejohn, this meant they would be pushing the limits,
working without water, without benefit of a protective hoseline for a significant period of time. (He was quick to mention that the Engine chauffeur did an excellent job getting water and the members--although a Firefighter short--did an excellent job stretching to the top floor.) All three members moved into the apartment as smoke and heat continued to push out overhead. With the advancing fire directly ahead, Lieutenant Taylor and FF Kehoe moved into the apartment, then went to the left. FF Littlejohn maneuvered past the fire, then went to the right to start his search pattern. This aggressive and necessary action paid off. FF Littlejohn pushed on and located the trapped occupant, unconscious and badly burned, on the floor. The victim was between a couch and a large table. FF Littlejohn immediately transmitted a 10-45 signal as FF Kehoe worked to prevent the fire from cutting off the primary egress. FF Littlejohn then dragged the elderly victim across the room to the apartment door and into the hallway where other members assisted. FF Littlejohn then turned back into the fire apartment where he continued the search for other victims. EMS personnel transported the elderly victim to Jacobi Hospital where he was admitted in critical condition with severe burns and smoke inhalation, to which he ultimately succumbed. FF Littlejohn operated under challenging fire conditions. Without the benefit of a charged, protective hoseline, he moved past the rapidly developing fire--one that threatened to cut off his only egress--and continued his search until he found the unconscious victim. He demonstrated initiative, courage and professionalism in the performance of his duty. He is presented with the Fire Bell Club Medal.--JDL
FF Ronald Littlejohn and fellow Firefighters take a blow at a job.
Firefighter David J. DeFranco Medal LIEUTENANT TATE L. HUNT LADDER COMPANY 166 June 28, 2009, 0630 hours, Box 3548, West 17th Street and Surf Avenue, Coney Island Beach, Brooklyn Appointed to the FDNY on February 4, 2001. Previous assignments include Engine 257 and Ladders 6 and 148. Brother, FF Chris Hunt, is assigned to Engine 157; cousins, FF John Gorman, is assigned to Ladder 166 and Captain Brian Foster, is assigned to Ladder 84; brothers-in-law Captain Brian Gorman and Lieutenant Patrick Gorman are assigned to Engine 155 and Ladder 156, respectively, and FF Brendan Gorman, is retired from Ladder 105; and father-in-law, Battalion Chief Jerry Gorman (now deceased), was assigned to Operations. Member of the Emerald Society. Recipient of the Albert S. Johnston Medal in 2009 and the Life Saving Benevolent Association Medal & Award in 2010. Holds an Associate degree in Engineering from the College of Staten Island. Resides in Staten Island with his wife, Maggie, and their children, Emma, Tate, Liam and Quinn.
hile the New York City Fire Department has all but could not see the victim. The Lieutenant dove down approximastered the art of urban firefighting; there are mately eight feet under the water and began to search for the times when members of this great and storied victim. Department are called upon to demonstrate personal initiative Within a few seconds, Lieutenant Hunt spotted a white and aggressive action at unusual incidents. This was the case blur, reached out and found the male victim, who was faceon an overcast day in late June 2009 when Lieutenant Tate L. down on the ocean floor. The rescuer grabbed the victim, Hunt displayed these important traits and made the difference brought him to the surface and began to swim toward the at a critical moment. shore. Along the way, he was met by FF Raymundo Ferrer, In the early-morning hours of June 28, 2009, the phone who had entered the water with a life preserver and buoy to alarm rang in the quarters of Engine 318/Ladder 166 for a per- assist the Officer. Lieutenant Hunt used the buoy to elevate the son in the water at Box 3548, West 17th Street and Surf victim’s head out of the water and then he continued to swim Avenue, Brooklyn. As they responded, Brooklyn Dispatch with the victim back to shore. advised the company that three civilians had entered the Several seconds later, Lieutenant Hunt was joined by FF water, but only two had emerged. Sean Connelly, Ladder 161, who also had entered the water In fewer than five minutes, the Kings of Neptune arrived with an additional life preserver and tethered surfboard to on-scene and the company was waved in to the boardwalk by assist in the victim’s removal. The three rescuers placed the several civilians. As members of the company retrieved their victim--who was not breathing--onto the surfboard and the water rescue equipment, Lieutenant Hunt ran ahead to obtain rest of the company still on the beach pulled the tethered surfadditional information on the nature of the emergency. He was board back to shore. Once at the shoreline, Lieutenant Hunt met by EMS members who stated that someone was in the and FF Connelly carried the victim to EMS personnel, who water drowning. Lieutenant Hunt ran down onto the sand and immediately began CPR prior to transporting the victim to was met by two New York City Police Department officers Coney Island Hospital. who confirmed the information. However, they could not verIn his report of the incident, Battalion Chief Joseph ify the victim’s last known Carlsen, Battalion 43, location. Meanwhile, a numnoted, Lieutenant Hunt disber of civilians were on the played exceptional bravery. pier, screaming that the person Additionally, then-Deputy was drowning and pointing to Chief James E. Leonard, a general location in the water. Division 8 Commander, Realizing time was critiwrote, His initiative to cal, Lieutenant Hunt, a strong enter the water quickly is swimmer, sprinted more than the reason a life was saved. 500 feet to the beach and The New York City Fire entered the water without a Department is proud to life preserver or safety rope. The Lieutenant Tate Hunt family is big enough to form an FDNY Company. honor Lieutenant Tate L. He swam out approximately Left to right--brother, FF Chris Hunt, Engine 157; brother-in-law, Hunt today with the 150 feet to the point where the Lieutenant Patrick Gorman, Ladder 156; Lieutenant Tate Hunt, Ladder Firefighter David J. 166; brother-in-law, Captain Brian Gorman, Engine 155; brother-in-law, FF civilians were pointing, but he Brendan Gorman, is retired from Ladder 105; and cousin, FF John DeFranco Medal.--DJH Gorman, Ladder 166.
Lieutenant James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal ENGINE COMPANY 22 June 17, 2009, 0629 hours, Box 22-1204, 1751 2nd Avenue, Manhattan
he members of Engine 22 responded to a phone alarm for a report of smoke on an unknown floor at 1751 2nd Avenue on June 17, 2009, at 0629 hours. It seemed to be the start of a typical spring morning in New York City-warm, a bright sun rising, nothing unusual. But as the apparatus moved uptown, the chatter on the radio began to provide a different scenario. Engine 22 members recognized the reported address and noted two primary concerns: First, the building is a 42-story, high-rise multiple dwelling. Second, the early-morning hour represented a significant life safety factor. As the dispatcher reported additional 911 callers, there was an unspoken sense of heightened awareness among the members. As units pulled into the block, fire already was blowing out several windows on an upper floor. A 10-77 was transmitted. A second alarm soon followed. The Company Officer, Lieutenant Thomas Delgrosso (Ladder 13), led the members into the building, where the doorman, in a panic after receiving numerous calls from people on the ninth floor, could not specify the location of the fire apartment. Reports of people trapped were being transmitted over the radio. All members of the FDNY are well aware of the challenges that exist in this kind of building when presented with an advanced fire condition. Additionally, the layout of the building was complex; there were long hallways, multiple stairwells and elevator banks. Arriving at the ninth-floor stairwell, Lieutenant Delgrosso ordered a tactical delay in standpipe hook-up, pending a more precise identification of the fire apartment, then cracked the door to check conditions and locate it. Visibility was zero with a high heat condition. The heat confirmed that the fire had extended from the apartment into the public hallway. Radio reports from Battalion Chief Eugene Kelty, Battalion 10, confirmed the fire apartment as 9T. This information prompted the Lieutenant to drop down to the floor below the fire to survey the layout in anticipation of zero visibility on the fire floor. Meanwhile, in the street, Engine 22 chauffeur, FF David Greisch, had located a working hydrant, then single-handedly
stretched the 31/2-inch hose-line to the siamese connection and supplied the system. Since the fire apartment was at the far end of a long, narrow hallway, FF Michael Daley, control Firefighter, was ordered to complete the standpipe connection and then prepare for the long stretch. Knowing that time was a critical factor for the survival of trapped occupants, the members of Engine 22 steeled themselves for an aggressive push down a long, punishing hallway toward the entrance door of the fire apartment. With the hose-line charged at the stairwell door, the nozzle team--FFs William Pitta and Andrew Dory--advanced the line under the Officer’s supervision, to the fire apartment, where they were confronted with blowtorch-like conditions. As the members made the turn into the fire apartment, conditions worsened. There was a heavy volume of fire throughout. Outside, weather conditions, in combination with vented windows, had created a wind-driven fire. Wind was feeding the fire, driving it toward the Firefighters, increasing the amount of fire and heat and diminishing the extinguishing effects of the hose-line. The members of Engine 22, providing each other relief on the nozzle, continued their attack, successfully knocking down the fire, allowing teams to operate more effectively in the search for victims. Once the fire was extinguished, FFs Pitta, Dory and Daley were transported to the New York Burn Center and hospitalized for treatment of burn injuries incurred battling this fire. Five 10-45s were transmitted for this incident. This is an example of outstanding company operations, dependent upon teamwork and cooperation, resulting in the rescue of trapped occupants, prevention of loss of life and the reduction of civilian injuries. The members of Engine 22-Lieutenant Thomas J. Delgrosso and FFs Michael P. Daley, Andrew S. Dory, David J. Greisch and William C. Pitta--in the face of brutal, fierce fire conditions, demonstrated the tenacity and determination found only in the most dedicated professionals. They are presented with the Lieutenant James Curran/New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal.--JDL
Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser Memorial Medal LADDER COMPANY 6 February 24, 2009, 0347 hours, Box 55-132, 22 James Street, Manhattan
here are many factors to consider when citing a compaMeanwhile, FF Scotto, working the roof position, had ny for recognition on Medal Day: What were the condi- opened the roof and radioed that heavy fire was blowing out tions? Building type? Time of year? Day or night? of two windows on the second floor rear of the building. FF People trapped? The outcome? However, one trait that stands Scotto also radioed that a victim was on the rear fire escape. above the rest is the company’s diligence in performing their He attempted to descend the fire escape, but was forced back. assigned tasks. This trait came into play on a frigid night on He then initiated a roof rope rescue, but the victim was resFebruary 24, 2009, as the members of Ladder 6 operated as cued by another member from the floor above. FF Scotto then the first-due unit at what became a five-alarm fire. continued to operate on the roof until ordered off by the At 0347 hours, a call came into the Canal Street firehouse Command Chief. for a fire on the second floor of 22 James Street, a six-story, Next, FF Michael Cahill, working the outside vent posioccupied, non-fireproof multiple dwelling. Working that tion, laddered the front fire escape to relieve overcrowding. morning were Lieutenant Michael Pietracatella and FFs He then noticed smoke emanating from the third floor. He Michael F. Cahill, Sean M. Cahill, Keith C. Johnson, Patrick ascended to the floor and entered the window to conduct VES, J. O’Grady and Joseph M. Scotto, III. The company arrived but the search proved negative. Reports were given that a vicon-site in four and a half minutes and found a number of res- tim jumped from a window into the building’s shaft on the idents in the street, while others were still fleeing the building. exposure #4 side of the building. FF Cahill left the apartment The inside team--Lieutenant Pietracatella and FFs via the fire escape and re-entered the building to assist in the O’Grady and (Sean) Cahill--entered the building and made removal of this victim. their way to the second floor. Along the way, residents were By the time the third alarm was transmitted, the members still coming down the stairs and crouching low due to a thick- of Ladder 6 were operating on the roof with members of ening smoke condition (as the door of the fire apartment was Engine 14. They assisted in forcible entry and venting the left partially open). As they proceeded down the hallway, fire upper floors of the building. The company operated from this rolled out the door. FF O’Grady attempted to hold it back with position for more than an hour and by this point, fire was ventthe extinguisher, but it flashed and ran out into the hallway. ing from the windows on the fifth and sixth floors. The comLieutenant Pietracatella radioed that fire was in the hall- pany was ordered to the street and FF Johnson put Ladder 6’s way and the team retreated to await a ladder pipe into operation. charged hose-line. Engine 6 quickly In his report of the incident, put a hand-line into service and Deputy Chief Paul Cresci, Division 1, Ladder 6 aided in its advance. Pushing stated that Ladder 6 operated at this the fire back, the two teams had diffiincident for approximately five hours culty entering the apartment due to and worked with initiative, aggressivedebris in the way. This left them with ness and professionalism. He noted little or no room in which to maneutheir diligent actions (in the face of ver. The team tried to remove the door severe conditions) greatly aided this and even climbed over the shoulders operation. In recognition of their of members of the nozzle team to actions, the FDNY is proud to honor work. This put them in a difficult posithe members of Ladder 6--Lieutenant tion (high heat and zero visibility), but Michael Pietracatella and FFs Michael the team worked until their vibralerts Cahill, Sean Cahill, Keith Johnson, went off and then were ordered to Patrick O’Grady and Joseph Scotto, leave the building by Battalion Chief Conditions faced by Ladder 6 members at 22 James III, with the FF Thomas R. Elsasser Robert Norcross, Battalion 1. Street, Manhattan. photo by Vic Nicastro Memorial Medal.--DJH 50
Deputy Commissioner Christine R. Godek Medal BFI FIFTH ALARM TASK FORCE December 21, 2009, 0430 hours, Box 55-3563, 291 East 204th Street/Bainbridge Avenue, Bronx
n December 21, 2009, at 0430 hours, Fire Marshals from 35 area cameras, some positioned several blocks away. By (FMs) from the Citywide North Command (CWN) carefully reviewing all camera images, FMs were able to isolate responded to a fifth-alarm fire in a commercial strip at a few grainy images depicting a shadowy male figure, then 291 East 204th Street, Bronx. Firefighters found smoke billow- piece together that individual’s mode of travel and his direcing from the Bilco doors of one of the occupancies, a well- tions of arrival and flight. This individual tentatively was idenknown restaurant. Operating under a high-heat condition, tified as a past employee/handyman at the restaurant where it FDNY units made an aggressive attack on the fire via both the was determined the fire originated. Additionally, ongoing interior stairs and the Bilco doors. Fire spread rapidly into the analysis of business records and subpoenaed phone records walls and ceiling, then to adjoining occupancies. The fire deci- revealed a financial motive connected to the restaurant owner, mated a thriving commercial area, causing $3 million in dam- who had not been cooperative with investigators. age and significantly impacting the surrounding community. A comprehensive manhunt using fixed surveillance posiThree Firefighters were injured. tions at several Bronx locations resulted in the apprehension of Preliminary investigation by responding FMs uncovered a the handyman. Skilled interrogation led to his full confession, strong financial motive, making the fire part of a likely arson- then dovetailed into a successful covert electronic surveillance for-profit scheme. Due to the complex nature of the investiga- operation, targeting the restaurant owner. Both handyman and tion, a BFI task force was formed--The 5th Alarm Task Force-- owner were arrested by FMs and indicted on charges of arsonconsisting of Fire Marshals from both the Citywide North for-profit. Command and the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). This is a truly significant FM accomplishment. Their actions Supervising FM Robert Pinto (SIU) led the team of investiga- represent the highest traditions in law enforcement. The co-contors, including FMs Charles Guttman (CWN), Brian Kane spirators showed a depraved indifference to human life by using (SIU), Frank Quiles (SIU), Michael Tierney (CWN), John flammable liquid to set a nighttime fire for financial gain. Watkins (SIU) and David Wong (SIU). FMs worked diligently, under the most challenging condiTheir investigation focused on three primary issues: origin tions, to develop investigative leads and recover critical eviand cause determination at the fireground; development of dence. Then, with fearless resolve, they set out to apprehend investigative leads through expanded area canvass and witness those involved. The results of this investigation send forth a interviews; and analysis of subpoenaed business records, phone powerful message, to both the public and potential offenders: records and associated documenthe FDNY will meet and confront tary evidence. all those who challenge the safety At the fireground, FMs used a of the citizens of New York City crane to conduct a controlled deand the Firefighters of the FDNY. construction to facilitate an origin These FMs are highly valued and cause forensic examination. members of this Bureau. For their This resulted in the recovery of critdedication in bringing the perpetraical evidence, including residue of tors to justice, The 5th Alarm Task accelerant, gasoline-soaked busiForce--Supervising FM Robert ness records and an interior securiPinto and FMs Charles Guttman, ty digital recording system. Brian Kane, Frank Quiles, Michael Contemporaneous to the fireTierney, John Watkins and David ground investigation, FMs Wong--is awarded the Deputy involved in the expanded area Bronx Box 55-3563, 291 East 204th Street/Bainbridge Avenue, Commissioner Christine R. Godek canvass recovered digital images December 21, 2009, the arson fire solved by the 5th Alarm Task Medal.--JDL Force members.
photo by Bill Tompkins
Firefighter Kevin C. Kane Medal FIREFIGHTER BARRY J. ANNETTE LADDER COMPANY 37 August 23, 2009, 1351 hours, Box 75-3544, 3228 Decatur Avenue, Bronx Appointed to the FDNY on October 28, 2001. Previously assigned to Engine 79. Member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies and Vice President and player on the FDNY Gaelic Football Club. Holds an AA degree in Liberal Arts from Westchester Community College. Resides in Yonkers with his wife, Amanda, and their children, Barry and Avery.
undays in August normally are warm and carefree, high- Additionally, Captain James Hurley, Engine 79, informed lighted by trips to the Yankees game, beach, pool or an them that an elderly female was believed to be trapped in the afternoon barbeque. They are also days to enjoy warm apartment. summer breezes before school starts, the weather turns chilly FF Annette received this information and immediately and the leaves change. But, Sunday, August 23, 2009, was hard- began to make his way to the rear of the apartment. Without the ly carefree for FF Barry J. Annette. He was working the 9 by 6 benefit of a charged hose-line for protection (and unchecked tour at Ladder 37 and shortly before 1400 hours, the firehouse fires in both the living room and kitchen, coupled with heavy received notification of a smoke condition on the third floor of smoke, oppressive heat and zero visibility), FF Annette made 3228 Decatur Avenue, an occupied, non-fireproof multiple his way through the cramped and cluttered apartment and locatdwelling. ed the victim. She was unconscious and on the floor between Ladder 37 responded to Box 3544 as the first-due truck and the two fires. arrived in fewer than five minutes. Reaching the location, an Discovering the victim, FF Annette transmitted a 10-45 emergent situation was not obvious from the front of the build- code. As heat and smoke continued to envelop the apartment, ing. However, the forcible entry team of Lieutenant Jeffrey the Firefighter stayed low to the ground and began to drag the Facinelli and FFs Annette and David Gonzalez entered the victim out of the apartment. As this was occurring, the other building to investigate. As they did so, several occupants were members of the inside team had arrived near the living room fleeing down the stairs and stating, something is burning on the and began to search the rest of the apartment. FF Gonzalez opened up the water extinguisher to hold the fire back until the third floor. The team quickly ran up the stairs. As they arrived on the woman (who ultimately expired due to severe burns and smoke third-floor landing, they found inhalation) was removed from smoke emitting from the door of the apartment and the hose-line apartment three. Finding the could be advanced to finally door was unlocked, the team extinguish the fire. opened it and was confronted In his report of the inciwith high heat and heavy smoke. dent, Battalion Chief John With the situation worsening, Sullivan, Battalion 27, wrote, the members moved into the FF Annette exhibited...initiaapartment where they encountive...in fighting his way down tered a Collyers’ mansion-type the approximately 20-foot hallsituation. way and passing free-burning Despite the dangerous fire to his right to effect this resconditions, the members cue and all of (his) actions were moved in and began to search performed without the protecthe apartment. At this time, tion of a charged hose-line. they were advised via handieDue to his personal initiative talkie by FF Brian Shumacher, and selfless actions, the Fire Ladder 37 (working the outDepartment is proud to honor side vent position), that heavy FF Barry J. Annette with the smoke was emanating from the October 28 is an important date in the life of FF Barry Annette. He was Firefighter Kevin C. Kane rear of the apartment. appointed to the FDNY on that date in 2001. Here, he is shown on his Medal today.--DJH wedding day, October 28, 2005.
Probationary Firefighter Thomas A. Wylie Medal FIREFIGHTER NORBERT M. TUMA LADDER COMPANY 15 December 16, 2008, 0040 hours, Box 2030, 375 South End Avenue and Hudson River, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on January 20, 2008. Member of the Holy Name Society. Recipient of the Life Saving Benevolent Association Award, 2010. Holds a BA degree in Psychology from Michigan State University. Resides in Brooklyn.
n slightly fewer than 11 months as a member of the FDNY, Despite the strong current, FF Tuma made his way to the Probationary Firefighter Norbert Michael Tuma had victims. Their location next to the sea wall made for a very learned many of the skills that were unique to his compa- treacherous condition. The tenuous situation was exacerbated ny. Ladder 15 has the collateral assignments of being a Hi- by the fact that they all were in danger of being swept under Rise Air Team and a Cold Water Rescue unit. Shortly after an adjoining docked barge. midnight on December 16, 2008, as he was performing houseWhen FF Tuma reached the two victims--who were in watch duties, FF Tuma turned the company out for the second desperate straits--he immediately set to work, maintaining water rescue response of the tour. Little did he realize that, their position and striving to keep their heads above water. unlike the first alarm--which did not require entering the Both the man and woman were extremely exhausted and water--this assignment would be totally different. made FF Tuma’s job of keeping them afloat extremely diffiBefore the company left quarters, FF Tuma donned a cold cult. Fortunately, Marine 1 arrived at the location and FF John water rescue suit and boarded the apparatus. As the company Rizzo entered the water to assist FF Tuma in bringing the rolled toward the north cove of now-unconscious woman to the the Hudson River, the dispatcher vessel. After she was safely reported that several calls had onboard, FF Tuma returned to the been received, advising that two male victim and, again with assispeople were in the water, adjatance from FF Rizzo, secured the cent to the Battery Park City man and swam to Marine 1’s craft. bulkhead. The company arrived Both victims, suffering from at the reported location and made exposure and hypothermia, then its way to the promenade walk, were transported to Downtown where a man and woman were Beekman Hospital. observed, clinging to a rope FF Tuma reacted decisively as more than 10 feet below. he brought his training to bear. He The two victims were havacted quickly by jumping 15 feet ing difficulty hanging on. In into an extremely hazardous envispite of his bleeding hands, the ronment and courageously resman was doing his best to hold cued two people who were in onto the woman and keep her jeopardy. His brave actions surely from losing consciousness. FF kept this incident from having a Tuma, under the direction of his tragic outcome. By placing himOfficer, Lieutenant Patrick self in harm’s way and unhesitatCarew, jumped off the bulkhead ingly facing danger, the Fire into the water. Although it was a Department of the City of New relatively mild night for the York acknowledges his efforts by month of December, there was a presenting the Probationary considerable wind blowing, Firefighter Thomas Wylie Medal which created frigid water temto FF Norbert Michael Tuma.-peratures and caused large waves FF Norbert Michael Tuma in his cold water rescue suit. He put it BDG and rough, choppy seas. and his skills to good use, rescuing two people from the cold Hudson River on December 16, 2008.
photo by Victor Giganti
Captain John J. Drennan Memorial Medal FIREFIGHTER RONALD M. CORSALE LADDER COMPANY 16 October 11, 2009, 1726 hours, Box 964, East River at 63rd Street, Manhattan Appointed to the FDNY on May 31, 2005. Previously assigned to Engine 39. Brother-in-law, EMS Lieutenant Ron Grubert, is assigned to CFR-D Training. Member of the Holy Name Society. Recipient of the Life Saving Benevolent Association Award and the Liberty Mutual Medal. Holds an Associate degree in Fire Science from Suffolk Community College and is studying for a Bachelor’s degree in Fire Protection Management from John Jay College. Resides in Lake Ronkonkoma, Long Island.
adder 16 was special-called to a report of a person in Perrone ran three blocks south to 60th Street. FF Corsale was distress in the East River at East 63rd Street at 1726 secured to the tether line and climbed over the fence to the sea hours on October 11, 2009. The company had just gone wall bulkhead, which was about 15 feet above the river. He 10-8 from a gas emergency and was at 2nd Avenue and East jumped into the river and swam at an angle south to get ahead 64th Street. The members started removing their bunker gear of the victim. He swam 200 feet from the shore and fully and began a size-up from the radio reports while en route. extended the tether rope. When he reached the victim, he Ladder 16 went to the foot bridge at 63rd Street and York attempted to extend the rescue buoy toward the man. The vicAvenue. Captain Thomas Hughes ran across the bridge, which tim was struggling and would not grasp it. However, FF gives access to the East River. Primary Rescuer, FF Ronald Corsale managed to take control of the victim, turned him Corsale, and Secondary Rescuer, FF Matthew Lopez, both around and secured him about the chest with the rescue buoy. Ladder 16, donned the cold water rescue suits and proceeded FF Corsale then gave a raised hand signal to the members over the bridge, with FF Robert Perrone, who carried the 200- on shore to pull them back in. Members of Ladders 16 and 2 foot tether rope reel and the lifesaving rope. The chauffeur, pulled the pair back through the strong current. Engine 39 John Haseney, Ladder 43, and outside vent Firefighter, FF members prepared blankets for the victim and assisted EMS Michael Graham, remained with the apparatus to await addi- personnel. Ladder 16 apparatus now was on-scene and FFs tional orders for positioning or necessary tools. Graham and Haseney brought a 20-foot hook ladder to the From the vantage point of the foot bridge, Captain bulkhead and secured it to the railing on the sea wall. Hughes used binoculars to survey the river. After communicaFF Lopez entered the water via the ladder to assist and ensure tions with Ladder 2 members, who were at 63rd Street on the the safety of FF Corsale and the victim. While FF Corsale mainFDR Drive north, and the Rescue Battalion on Roosevelt tained control of the victim at the base of the ladder, FF Lopez Island, Captain Hughes confirmed a victim in the water. The secured the victim with a safety rope and assisted him up the ladvictim was in the middle of the river, about two blocks north der with the Firefighters above securing the safety rope. Engine of Ladder 16’s location. He was being carried rapidly by the 39 members took control of the victim and brought him to the strong current south, amid 15-mph west/northwest winds. waiting EMS ambulance. FF Lopez returned down the ladder to All communications the water and helped an were made to Battalion exhausted FF Corsale up Chief William Chilson, the ladder. Battalion 8, the Incident FF Corsale was propCommander. Notification erly trained and prepared was given to the Ladder to act. He took decisive 16 chauffeur to bring the action to run ahead of the apparatus around to the victim and swim 200 feet heliport ramp at 60th in the turbulent East River, Street, which provides putting his own life in access to the river. Due to jeopardy to save the life of the strong outbound tide Alexander Jemkow. If not of 3.2 knots, if there was for his actions, Mr. any chance of getting to Jemkow had little chance the victim, members of surviving in these danwould have to run south gerous conditions. For and get far enough ahead these reasons, FF Ronald of the person. Corsale is presented with Captain Hughes and the Captain John J. FFs Corsale, Lopez and Ladder 16 Firefighters Matthew Lopez and Ron Corsale, right, Medal Day winner, Drennan Memorial Medal. following rescue of a man from the East River.
photo by New York Daily News
Jack Pintchik Medal September 18, 2009, 0957 hours, Box 0961, 1165 Fulton Street, Brooklyn
Appointed to EMS on July 9, 2007. Previously assigned to EMS Division 3. Recipient of one unit citation and pre-hospital saves. Resides in Levittown, Long Island.
Appointed to EMS on May 11, 2009. Resides in Brooklyn.
hen EMTs Claudia Rugel and Andrew Gabor started personal safety, they continued to the apartment of their their tour, they thought it would be another average patient. They also knew that they had to warn all the residents day. About halfway through their tour on the morn- of the danger, as well as the need to evacuate the building. ing of September 18, 2009, a call came into the 911 system for When the pair reached the initial patient, a 40-year-old an injury to a man who had fallen inside his apartment. When male, he was slumped over inside the apartment. EMTs Rugel they were dispatched to 1165 Fulton Street in Brooklyn, their and Gabor realized they had to move him immediately to a thought was, this is just a routine call. What they didn’t realize safe environment before they could begin patient assessment was that they would end up saving the lives of five residents, and treatment. The assessment proved the patient was exhibitincluding a young child, from a dangerously high level of car- ing signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, bon monoxide in the building--certainly not a routine call. including fatigue, confusion, dizziness and vomiting. Within seconds of entering the building on Fulton Street, While removing the patient from the building, the EMTs their GasAlert Extreme Carbon Monoxide monitors immedi- came across four other people--including a toddler--all of ately alerted them to a dangerous carbon monoxide level in the whom were exhibiting signs and symptoms of carbon monoxbuilding. The monitor registered the level of carbon monox- ide poisoning. EMTs Rugel and Gabor evacuated all the resiide as 150 ppm; anything higher than 35 ppm is considered dents from the building. Once outside the building, all of the dangerous. The pocket-sized moniother residents were evaluated and tor is a warning device used to detect treated on the scene for exposure to carbon monoxide and alert the user high levels of carbon monoxide poithat carbon monoxide is present in soning. All five residents of the the environment. All Fire building were transported to area Department EMS units have been hospitals in serious, but stable, conissued these monitors to ensure their dition. When Firefighters evaluated personal safety at all calls. the building with their monitors, an EMTs Rugel and Gabor immedieven higher level of carbon monoxately notified EMS dispatch of the ide was noted at 300 ppm. dangerous carbon monoxide level at For putting their safety at risk, the location. The EMS dispatcher while ensuring the safety of five othadvised the EMTs to immediately ers who they evacuated from a buildremove themselves from the building with a dangerous carbon monoxing and called for Fire resources to ide level, EMT Claudia Rugel and respond to the location. But EMTs EMT Andrew Gabor are recognized Rugel and Gabor knew that their for their efforts and presented with patient was inside the building and Front and center are EMTs Andrew Gabor and Claudia the Jack Pintchik Medal.--ML Rugel, addressing the media following their efforts evacuatneeded help. Without regard for their ing a building with a dangerous carbon monoxide level.
World Trade Center Memorial Medal MARINE COMPANY 1 January 15, 2009, 1534 hours, Box 22-0868, Hudson River, adjacent to West 43rd Street, Manhattan
hen major, historical events occur, people usually remember where they were at the time. Most New Yorkers know where they were when the Miracle on the Hudson occurred. Most remember the bitter cold and biting winds, yet still are amazed by the daring actions of the flight crew. However, there is another story about this incident, which is not widely known. It is a story of dedication, teamwork, initiative and professionalism--all of which were demonstrated that afternoon by the members of Marine 1. On January 15, 2009, at 1531 hours, Marine 1 was notified of a plane in the Hudson River at 50th Street. Working that day were Captain Richard Johnson, Pilot Robert L. Spadaro, Marine Engineers Patrick J. Astegher and Lenwill F. Burmester, Wiper John M. Steinhardt and FFs Thomas F. Sullivan and John R. Rizzo. Also in quarters was Lieutenant Thomas Piambino, who had come in early to avoid a predicted snowstorm. As they prepared to respond, extra equipment was gathered and foul weather gear donned. Realizing this was a possible mass casualty incident, the Captain and Lieutenant decided to respond with both Marine 1 and Marine 1 Alpha. The company was split up: Marine 1 left the dock with Lieutenant Piambino, Marine Engineers Astegher and Burmester and Wiper Steinhardt, while Alpha responded with Captain Johnson and FFs Rizzo and Sullivan. Lieutenant Piambino radioed dispatch to ascertain if any land-based units were being dispatched to their location, but was told, not at this time. While en route, both boats received additional emergency notifications. FF Sullivan and Engineer Astegher donned Mustang cold water entry suits in anticipation of entering the water, while Wiper Steinhardt readied selfinflating rafts for quick deployment. Battalion Chief John Joyce, Battalion 9, transmitted a 10-60 code for an aircraft crash at West 43rd Street. As Alpha responded, members could see a large commercial jet in the river with people crowded onto the left wing and two commercial ferries alongside, effecting rescue. FF Sullivan tossed life jackets to victims shivering on the wing (in knee-deep water and the freezing air). One by one, Captain Johnson and FF Sullivan assisted the passengers onto Alpha. Some victims, fearing they would be left on the wing, jumped
into the frigid water and tried to swim to the boat. FF Rizzo, who kept Alpha at the appropriate course and speed to safely transfer the victims onto the boat, put the ship in neutral and left his position to assist with the rescue. This caused Alpha to drift and made the efforts on the bow more difficult. However, FF Rizzo quickly loaded the victims onto the boat and got back to the wheelhouse. Moving the boat back into position, Captain Johnson and FF Sullivan were able to evacuate the last of the passengers off the wing. Alpha was instructed to bring the victims to the West 43rd Street pier, where they were handed over to EMS personnel. Arriving at the dock, the victims were off-loaded and rescue divers and other Firefighters boarded. Alpha then returned to the scene where a primary search was conducted and all passengers and crew were accounted for. Meanwhile, Marine 1, working with a diminished crew, split up operations among the wheelhouse, deck and engine room. On arrival, they observed the evacuation of the last of the passengers. Believing the aircraft might sink, Lieutenant Piambino instructed Pilot Spadaro to come alongside the aircraft. Then, the Lieutenant, Wiper Steinhardt and Marine Engineers Burmester and Astegher deployed mooring lines around sections of the aircraft. After it was secured, a secondary search of the plane was made, which proved negative. Marine 1 was directed to bring the aircraft into shallow water on the Manhattan side of the river. This was a difficult operation as the mooring lines could not be removed. Pilot Spadaro carefully moved the aircraft on a shallow angle into the North Cove of Battery Park City. Marine 1 remained onsight as a fire watch and escort as the stricken plane was placed on a barge and towed to New Jersey, where responsibility was turned over to New Jersey fire authorities. For their efforts, skills and solid decision-making, which contributed mightily to the successful rescue of 20 of the airbus’ passengers, the members of Marine 1--Captain Richard Johnson, Lieutenant Thomas Piambino, Pilot Robert Spadaro, Marine Engineers Patrick Astegher and Lenwill Burmester, Wiper John Steinhardt and FFs Thomas Sullivan and John Rizzo--are honored with the Company of the Year, World Trade Center Memorial Medal.--DJH
Service Rating A FF Barry J. Annette, L-37 FF Joseph A. Barone, L-2 FF Mark W. Barrett, L-165 Lt. Peter J. Cooney, L-12 FF Ronald M. Corsale, L-16 FF Evan J. Davis, L-137 Capt. Joseph E. Drennan, E-259 Lt. Kevin T. Flanagan, L-28 FF Todd A. Fredrickson, L-43 FF Carl C. Gelardi, Jr., R-1 Lt. Tate L. Hunt, L-166
FF Robert M. Lagnese, SQ-270 FF Ronald F. Littlejohn, E-48 FF Brian E. McLaughlin, L-21 FF Justin T. McNally, L-16 FF Brian V. Moritz, L-138 Capt. Dennis R. Murphy, L-105 FF Kevin M. Neenan, L-12 FF Michael C. Povolny, L-21 Lt. Joseph J. Rimassa, L-82 FF James M. Riordan, L-55 FF Edward K. Rissland, L-142
FF Joseph P. Roggenkamp, L-16 FF Robert R. Rufh, L-32 FF Francis W. Rush, III, R-1 Lt. Jonathan M. Shields, L-7 FF Casey E. Skudin, E-332 Lt. Joseph R. Stach, Jr., L-6 FF Richard J. Staiti, E-239 FF Timothy Sullivan, R-1 FF Norbert M. Tuma, L-15 FF Marc A. Victorio, L-30 FF Desmond C. Walsh, E-44
Service Rating B FF Dominick Amorosa, L-165 FF Shawn M. Bowers, L-45 FF Andrew B. Bowman, L-7 FF Richard C. Cannon, E-310 FF Robert C. Cherry, L-11 FF Michael P. Chirchirillo, L-152 FF Thomas A. Cleary, L-111 FF Anthony G. Conti, E-251 FF Duane L. Davis, L-58 FF Terence P. Drew, L-116 FF Michael P. Esserman, L-1 FF Michael J. Farrell, E-43
Lt. Joseph A. Fernicola, L-125 FF Raymundo Ferrer, L-166 Lt. John M. Flaherty, Bn-15 FF Peter F. Grandazza, L-125 FF Michael P. Hallquest, L-136 FF Eric A. Heissenbuttel, L-144 FF Arthur F. Kunz, L-14 FF Jeremy Leroux, E-216 FF David K. Loeser, L-115 FF Leo Lopez, L-115 FF Joseph J. Manto, Jr., L-172 FF Paul C. Marten, E-153
FF Scott B. Mooney, L-58 FF Timothy Olin, E-93 FF William J. Owens, R-1 FF William R. Pedersen, M-6 FF Jeffrey Pellis, L-25 FF Christopher S. Pirrone, L-12 Lt. George A. Ruffino, Bn-4 Capt. Kaseem Ryan, D-11 Lt. Brian L. Santosus, E-285 FF Paul D. Stuart, L-7 FF Michael E. Wunder, L-36 FF Victor Yiu, E-266
Bureau of Fire Investigation--BFI Service Rating A
Service Rating B
FM John V. Franzone, Jr., CWS FM Carmine J. Jichetti, Jr., CWS FM Brian T. Kane, SIU* FM Mark E. Thompson, CWS FM Michael A. Tierney, CWN FM John P. Watkins, SIU
FM Michael J. Federowski, CWS FM Charles S. Guttman, CWS FM Joseph B. Sullivan, Auto Squad FM David V. Vitiello, CWS
*Recipient of two Service Rating As.
Unit Citations Auto Squad Task Force February 19, 2009 Manhattan
Squad 34 July 16, 2009 Box 0845
Squad 33 March 13, 2009 Box 3105
Squad 37 August 17, 2009 Box 0689
Squad 37 June 12, 2009 Box 4002
5th Alarm Task Force December 21, 2009 Box 3563
2009 Pre-Hospital Save Awards Number in parentheses indicates multiple saves.
EMT Byron P. Abad Lieutenant Paul E. Abate, Jr. EMT Michael H. Abramowitz Paramedic Joel Acevedo (2) EMT Samuel Ackerman EMT Pedro J. Acosta Paramedic Wilbert J. Acosta EMT Francesco Adamo EMT Walter S. Adler Paramedic Aaron C. Aguirre Lieutenant Nicholas Aiello (3) EMT Khumayun Akhmedov Paramedic Rene F. Alaby Paramedic Ashley Alejo (2) EMT Mir M. Ali Paramedic Jerard Allas Lieutenant Richard G. Allas (2) Paramedic Rowan Allen EMT Farouk Ally (2) Paramedic Anthony R. Almojera (3) Paramedic John-Paul Alvarez Paramedic Luis E. Alvarez EMT Allen Alvia Paramedic Antonio Amor (2) EMT John J. Amore EMT Anthony Anderson Lieutenant Lawrence Anderson Paramedic Timothy J. Anson (2) Paramedic Jose R. Arias Lieutenant Carlos Ariza Paramedic Miriam Arnold EMT Lazar Aronov Lieutenant Lloyd C. Arscott Paramedic Howard F. Auerbach Lieutenant Peter G. Auricchio Lieutenant Gilberto Aviles (2) EMT Arzu Aydogdu EMT Nail Ayupov EMT Roxie Babb (2) EMT Benjamin Badillo Lieutenant Edgar Baez Paramedic Carl R. Baker, Jr. EMT Jeremiah M. Barbera (2) Paramedic Maryann M. Barone Lieutenant Anthony T. Bartolomey Paramedic Raymond M. Bartolomey Captain Wayne Baskin (2) Paramedic Brendan M. Bass Lieutenant Moses O. Bastien (2) Lieutenant Andrew Bates (2) Paramedic Toni Ann Batiancela (3) Lieutenant James Bayreuther (5) Lieutenant James Becker (3) Paramedic Leonardo A. Bedoya Paramedic Eduardo A. Belgrave Paramedic Daniel J. Bellingham EMT John Beltram EMT Michael D. Belvedere (2) Lieutenant Gary R. Benedict (2) Lieutenant Carol A. Benjamin Paramedic Sean Benjamin (3)
EMT Janet Bentkowski EMT Victor S. Berrios Paramedic Richard Berroa (2) Paramedic Thomas E. Berry EMT Reheem F. Bertrand Paramedic Michael G. Best Lieutenant Christopher J. Bilz (6) EMT Daniel Bivona, Jr. (2) EMT Anthony Blain Paramedic Nadra Blelis (4) Lieutenant Jorge Blondett Lieutenant Edward Bobb EMT Kenneth D. Bogle Paramedic Josh S. Boiko EMT Monsurat W. Bolds Paramedic James A. Bolger (2) EMT Jerry T. Bond Paramedic Richard T. Bonet Paramedic Ferdinand D. Bonifacio (2) Lieutenant Mark A. Bonilla (4) Paramedic Frantz Bonneau (2) Paramedic Darryl M. Boodoo Lieutenant Frank Borello Paramedic Alexis Borkowski Paramedic Jose M. Borrero EMT Staci M. Bossack Lieutenant Kelly Boulter EMT Patrick J. Bouman EMT Antoinette A. Bovell Jonas Lieutenant Jeffrey Bowne Paramedic Schyler C. Boyd Lieutenant Tonya M. Boyd-Jones (2) EMT Timothy M. Boyle EMT Francesca R. Bracaglia Paramedic Ian P. Bradshaw (2) Paramedic Shane Brady EMT Joseph J. Brandstetter Paramedic Kevin W. Bratholt EMT Joel P. Brathwaite EMT Randolph Brewster Paramedic Benjamin Briu EMT Lauren A. Broccoli EMT Andrew Brock Paramedic Keisha M. Brockington EMT Kathleen A. Brough EMT Bruce A. Brown Captain Donald A. Browne EMT Louis R. Brunk EMT Vincent Bui EMT Alfonso E. Buoninfante EMT Kathleen A. Burgess Lieutenant David Burke (2) Paramedic Jeffery J. Burke EMT Kerry M. Burnett Paramedic Peter L. Bushey EMT Alexander A. Bustamante EMT Sandra A. Butler EMT Keshica M. Byrd EMT Giovanni Caballero EMT Henry Cabrera
EMT Victor J. Cadicamo EMT John Cadotte Paramedic Robert W. Caggiano Paramedic Steven M. Caggiano (3) EMT Rudolph Calabrase (2) EMT Tracey M. Calhoun Deputy Chief Debra A. Cali Paramedic Pablo Callejas Paramedic Desiree Camporeale Lieutenant Cedric Cannon Paramedic Joy H. Canter EMT Robert Caponigro EMT Richard M. Cappock (2) EMT Alberto C. Caraballo Lieutenant Linda Carlson Paramedic Gerald J. Carr EMT Holly B. Carr Paramedic Efrain F. Carrasquillo Lieutenant Elizabeth Cascio EMT Sergio J. Cascio Lieutenant Kevin M. Cassidy (2) Paramedic Julian D. Castaneda EMT Joseph Castelli (4) EMT Ruben A. Castillo Paramedic Nancy Castle EMT Eilene V. Catalano EMT Frankin W. Cataldi Paramedic James P. Cavaliere Paramedic Marcos A. Cavallo Lieutenant Michael Cavanagh Paramedic Chin-Shan Chan Paramedic Pierre C. Charboneau (5) Paramedic Brent A. Charles EMT Steven M. Chasan Captain Richard J. Chatterton EMT Ruth E. Chavez Lieutenant Peter Cheng Paramedic Jason Cheung (4) EMT Brandon M. Chin Paramedic Cynthia A. Chin (2) Paramedic Michael J. Cilento Lieutenant Rafael Cintron (4) EMT Amela Cirikovic EMT Keith A. Clark Paramedic Edward A. Clarke (2) Captain Lizette Claro Paramedic Johana Clerge Paramedic Michael C. Coeyman EMT Craig D. Colamarino Paramedic John F. Coleman Paramedic Dwayne A. Coley Paramedic John J. Comerford Paramedic Arthur J. Concepcion (2) EMT Thomas Conforti EMT Andria L. Connell EMT Julio C. Contreras Lieutenant Louis Cook (3) EMT Matthew L. Cook (2) Lieutenant Robert D. Cook (2) Lieutenant Edwin E. Cordova (3) Paramedic Jane Corella (2)
Lieutenant Luis Corrales (5) EMT Howard V. Corrigan EMT Daniel J. Cortes Paramedic Gary Cortes Paramedic Helen M. Courtney EMT Ronald T. Coyne Lieutenant Anthony S. Cozzino (3) Paramedic James V. Crispino (3) Paramedic Marissa M. Crocco (3) EMT Emilio Cruz Paramedic Jose L. Cruz (2) EMT Yeny F. Cruz Lieutenant Albert Cruzado (2) EMT Henry J. Cuba EMT John A. Cuccio (4) EMT Mary B. Cucinelli Captain Steven W. Cuevas EMT Clayton M. Cummings EMT Desmond C. Cunningham, Jr. EMT Mario Cuozzo, Jr. EMT Michael L. Curatolo EMT Michael Curtin Lieutenant Timothy B. Cusack Paramedic Joseph T. Daly EMT Rheinhold R. Danglade (2) EMT Errol A. Daniels Lieutenant James T. Darnowski (5) Lieutenant Brendan P. Dean EMT Thomas W. DeAngelo Lieutenant Jerome Decanio EMT Manuel Declet Lieutenant James M. Dedonato (3) EMT Walter Dehaan (2) EMT Andrea N. Deily Paramedic Jesus V. Deinnocentiis Lieutenant Gilbert DeJesus EMT Eva M. Dela Cruz Lieutenant Edwin DeLapaz Paramedic Jose L. Delgado Paramedic German Delrio Paramedic Michael A. Demarco EMT Robert A. Demeo Paramedic Christopher Demott EMT Philip J. DeRosa Paramedic Brian DeSantis Captain John DeSantis (2) EMT Christopher J. Devaney EMT Finbar D. Devine EMT Louis A. Devino Paramedic Lawrence A. DiFiore (2) EMT Matthew J. Digiulio Lieutenant Patrick J. Dillon Lieutenant John Paul Dimen Paramedic Trinh K. Dinh (2) EMT Anthony A. Disapio (2) Paramedic Edward Dixon Lieutenant Timothy E. Dluhos (2) EMT Manuel Dominguez EMT Jean J. Dominique (2) Paramedic Anselmo D. Dossantos (2)
Lieutenant Erin P. Doyle (2) Lieutenant Angela Dragotto (4) EMT Tanya A. Drakeford (2) Paramedic Soledad Renata Druse (2) EMT Jim Z. Duff EMT Kinessa A. Duguid EMT Tholeme Dumay Captain Thomas Dunleavy Lieutenant Andrew W. Dunn (3) Paramedic Susanne Duque (2) EMT Ariel Duran EMT Dustin D. Dwyer EMT Anthony J. Edrehi (2) EMT Jacqueline D. Egan Lieutenant Serele Ehrlich Paramedic Wa-Il K. Eldahry EMT Keisha M. Ellis Lieutenant Kevin L. Enright Lieutenant Thomas K. Eppinger (3) Paramedic Francisco Espadas EMT Liana E. Espinal Lieutenant Albert Estrada (2) Paramedic John F. Evans Paramedic Katherine Everett Paramedic John B. Eyzaguirre (2) Paramedic Dachary Farnum (2) Paramedic Joseph E. Farrell (2) Captain Eric D. Fay Paramedic Joseph Fazzino (2) EMT Kimberly A. Fazziola Paramedic David A. Fein (4) Paramedic Harvey Feintuch (3) EMT Domingo Feliciano EMT Dwight O. Ferguson (2) EMT Daniel Fernandez (2) EMT Brian C. Fetscher EMT Sherri D. Fiebert (2) Paramedic John Filsaime Lieutenant Thomas Finn (3) Paramedic Andrew P. Fiorillo Division Chief Michael J. Fitton EMT Brendan J. Fitts Paramedic Daniel Fitzpatrick (3) Paramedic Stanislav Flaksman (6) Paramedic Lee J. Fleming EMT Robert L. Fleming Paramedic Julien R. Florant (2) Paramedic Ernst Floreal (3) EMT Andrew Flores (2) Lieutenant Charles R. Flores Paramedic Miguel A. Flores Paramedic Serafin Flores (2) Paramedic Patrick J. Flynn (7) EMT Monique O. Follins EMT Louis A. Font Paramedic Jonathan Forti Lieutenant Ralph A. Francisco EMT Ian A. Franklin EMT Jewel A. Fraser EMT James R. Freedley (2) Lieutenant Lisa M. Freitag (2) EMT Stephanie M. French EMT Vanessa Friend Lieutenant James P. Furlong (2) EMT Vincent E. Gagliardo EMT Andy Galagarza EMT Matthew J. Galard
Lieutenant Scott D. Galletta EMT Sarita V. Gallo Paramedic Joshua A. Garber Paramedic Christian A. Garcia EMT Dionisio J. Garcia, Jr. Lieutenant Maria Garcia (2) Paramedic Joshua J. Gardiner EMT Thomas G. Gasparik Lieutenant Joseph R. Gasparini Paramedic Alfredo C. Gaw Division Chief Albert T. Gehres (2) Lieutenant Victoria J. Genovese-Belsky Paramedic Edward Gerber (3) EMT Brian R. Gerrato Paramedic William Gettens (4) Paramedic Matthew J. Giacalone Lieutenant Dave A. Gill (2) EMT Roy Givens, Jr. Paramedic Erlis Gjyrezi (2) Lieutenant Abraham B. Glatzer EMT Donna Glaude Paramedic Alan N. Glick EMT Yvonne M. Godoy (2) EMT Don L. Goepfert Paramedic Ross A. Goldberg Paramedic Erica A. Golino Paramedic Alexander Gomez EMT Henry W. Gomez Paramedic Arturo Gonzalez Paramedic Enrique A. Gonzalez Lieutenant Esmerelda J. Gonzalez EMT Jason Gonzalez EMT Joseph A. Gonzalez (2) EMT Marco A. Gonzalez Lieutenant Sergio H. Gonzalez (2) Paramedic Robert Goodwin EMT Bernard N. Gordon Paramedic Joseph Gorgia EMT Victor N. Gornecki (2) Paramedic Valerie J. Gosling-Martinez EMT Mac R. Gottlieb (3) EMT Sammy R. Gounden Paramedic Kahlia D. Graham EMT Marcio A. Grano De Oro Paramedic Feliks Granovskiy (3) Lieutenant Steven Graulau EMT Christopher F. Gray EMT Nicholas P. Graziano EMT William J. Graziano, Jr. (2) EMT Michael A. Greco (2) Lieutenant Kendra C. Gregory Paramedic Staci R. Grgurich EMT Christopher M. Griffin Paramedic Glenroy Griffith EMT Althea M. Groarke Lieutenant Karen Grohl (2) Paramedic Sheng Gu EMT John Guarisco EMT Gladys V. Guerra Santiago (2) EMT Luis J. Guerrero (2) EMT Karel Guibert-Delgado Paramedic Roland Guirand, Jr. (2) EMT Alan B. Guss (2) Lieutenant Luis F. Gutierrez (2) EMT Brian G. Gutkin Paramedic Lydia M. Gutnick (3)
Paramedic Matthew Guttilla EMT Bennie Guzman Lieutenant Bruce Haas Captain Howard Hahn (4) Paramedic Andrew J. Haley Paramedic Claude V. Hall Paramedic Peter Hamilton Paramedic Jennifer M. Hannafey (3) Lieutenant Thomas Hannan (2) EMT Matthew D. Hannon Paramedic Benjamin P. Harris Lieutenant Charles Harris Paramedic Mark A. Harris EMT Russell R. Harris EMT Bevonia A. Harrison EMT Kimberly L. Hattan Paramedic Ryan T. Hayes EMT James S. Hayter EMT William Heilmann Paramedic Howard Henry Paramedic Walter G. Henry EMT Kirk R. Herold Paramedic Betty M. Higdon EMT Lacy G. Higgins Lieutenant Joan C. Hillgardner (2) Lieutenant Barret D. Hirsch Paramedic Walter Hochbrueckner (3) Paramedic Simon A. Holyland (3) Lieutenant Kevin N. Hooghus (4) Lieutenant Paul N. Hopper Paramedic Lisa C. Horowitz (2) EMT Davon Howard (2) Paramedic Jasmin D. Howard Paramedic Joseph J. Hudak (3) Lieutenant Paige A. Humphries (2) EMT Rudolph H. Hunter EMT Showin P. Hutchinson Paramedic Derek Hutchinson EMT Heather R. Hutchinson-Garrett EMT Andrew J. Huyett Paramedic Bruce N. Hydock, Jr. EMT James Ingram EMT Wendi L. Ireland EMT Barbara Irizarry EMT Derron Israel Paramedic Matt L. Jachyra (3) EMT Christine M. Jackman Paramedic Christian Jackson (2) Paramedic Jared M. Jakob Lieutenant Peter F. Jakubowski Paramedic Dennis Jamieson Lieutenant Joseph Jefferson (2) Lieutenant Walter Jehle (2) EMT Brian Jennings Paramedic Kevin Jennings EMT Joseph M. Jimenez Paramedic Ramon E. Jimenez EMT David L. Johnson Lieutenant Marietta L. Johnson Paramedic Mark A. Johnson Lieutenant Stephen T. Johnson Paramedic Vincent J. Johnson EMT Loobans B. Jolicoeur (3) Paramedic Angela Jones Paramedic Brenda E. Jones
EMT Jennifer A. Jones EMT Vanchella A. Jones Paramedic Fritz Joseph Paramedic Henderson O. Joseph Paramedic Nathalie Joseph Paramedic Sean A. Josten (2) EMT Jeffrey Jovin Paramedic Leonard J. Joyner EMT Daniel A. Jurcsak (2) EMT Christopher J. Kagenaar Lieutenant Michael Kaiser (4) Lieutenant Steven Kanarian Paramedic Aleksandr Kaplan (4) Paramedic Robert J. Kelly EMT Richard P. Kenney Paramedic David Kher (2) Lieutenant Scott A. Kiernan (3) EMT Roderick I. King Lieutenant Moshe Klein Paramedic Yonatan A. Klein (2) Paramedic Kathleen Knuth EMT Wayne J. Ko Captain Ronald J. Kochie (2) Paramedic Krista Kolanovic EMT Erik J. Korzeniewski EMT David Kowalski EMT John E. Krause Lieutenant George Kroustallis (5) EMT Rostantin W. Kruczowy Lieutenant Irene Kruiten Lieutenant Jeff Krulfeifer EMT Alexander A. Kuc EMT Kevin R. Kuck Paramedic Franklin Kupferberg Lieutenant Tammy LaBarbera (2) EMT Monique F. Lacroze EMT Frank D. Laino EMT Andrew N. Laird (2) Paramedic Jowaheer Lall (2) Lieutenant Karen E. Lamanna EMT Kenneth D. Lambert (2) Paramedic Yahki L. Langford Paramedic Todd A. Laracuenta Paramedic Kevin L. Laroy Paramedic Richard Laskowski EMT Frank L. Laurino EMT Jacques J. Lavaud Lieutenant Giuseppe Lavore (3) Paramedic Man Wai Law (2) EMT Jason M. Lazar Lieutenant Gaetano Lazzara Paramedic Juan R. Lebron EMT David K. Lee Paramedic Eric Lee Paramedic Hyo Gap Lee Paramedic William J. Lehmann, Jr. EMT Frank J. Li EMT Jack W. Lin Deputy Chief Stephen L. Lincke (2) Paramedic Kay Lincoln Lieutenant Timothy J. Lindblom (2) Lieutenant Matthew B. Lindner Paramedic Christopher J. Lipkin Paramedic Michael A. Liporace Paramedic Alexander N. Lipsitt EMT William E. Little EMT Krystle A. Liz
EMT John Lo Bello EMT Christopher J. Longo EMT Richard Loperena Paramedic Hoover Lopez Paramedic Michael S. Loscalzo Lieutenant Edward Loss (2) Paramedic John M. Louis (2) EMT Edward A. Lowe EMT Edwin A. Lozada EMT Josue Luciano Paramedic Jordan Lucks EMT Jessica O. Lunden Paramedic Sara R. Lupin (4) EMT Keith J. Macana Paramedic Patrick MacLennan EMT Juan J. Madera EMT Vashala R. Madho Paramedic Christopher Mahoney EMT James W. Mahoney EMT Jessica Maldonado (2) EMT Vincent A. Maneri EMT Thameshwar Mangra EMT William F. Marchese EMT Carmine J. Marchisello EMT Louis M. Marin Paramedic Raymond Marin EMT John Marino Lieutenant David Marks Paramedic Julio C. Marrero (2) EMT Rafael Marrero, Jr. (3) Lieutenant Thomas S. Marsden Paramedic Kimberly M. Marshall Paramedic Edwin Martinez (3) EMT Kenneth Martinez Paramedic Orlando Martinez Paramedic Sylvia M. Martinez (2) Paramedic Scott C. Marucheau Paramedic Jordan L. Matlovsky Paramedic Michael M. Matonis Paramedic Conrad F. Matos EMT Anthony M. Mattola EMT Winston C. Maxwell Paramedic Kevin M. Mazuzan EMT Vincent A. Mazzarella Lieutenant Lori Mazzeo (2) Captain Christine M. Mazzola (2) Paramedic Daniel Mboh EMT Ebony C. McBride Paramedic Matthew D. McBroom EMT James P. McCabe Lieutenant Lawrence McCalla (3) Paramedic Charles J. McCarren, III EMT David L. McCarthy Lieutenant Michael McCarthy (2) Paramedic David W. McComb EMT Michael F. McConville (2) EMT Thomas C. McCormick EMT Sophia McCoy Paramedic James J. McCue EMT Sherma McGuire EMT Barbara McKenzie Lieutenant Charles T. McLaughlin (2) Paramedic Tyrone S. McLune (2) EMT David P. McMinn EMT Stephan B. McNamara Paramedic Charles T. McNeil Lieutenant Joe McWilliams (3) Paramedic Francisco A. Medina EMT Freddy Medina 60
Paramedic Michael B. Melas EMT Debbie A. Mellon Paramedic Jason G. Mendelsohn (2) EMT Orlen Mendez EMT Thomas T. Mendez EMT Dewey A. Mendonca EMT Moira D. Mercado EMT Raul F. Mercado EMT Kerry D. Merkel Lieutenant Lawrence Messina (3) Lieutenant Edward Meyer (2) Lieutenant Deborah A. Meyerriecks (2) Lieutenant Paul A. Miano EMT Leon A. Michel Paramedic Terrance Middleton EMT Christopher Mifsud EMT Michael Mignano EMT Charles Milatta (2) Paramedic Jennifer C. Millado-Marin Paramedic Matthew B. Millan EMT Daphne A. Miller Lieutenant Joanne Miller EMT Johnny Miller Paramedic William T. Miller Paramedic Adam S. Minkow EMT Yaniri E. Miranda Lieutenant Peter Mirando EMT Fritz Moise (2) EMT Jean Moise EMT Elana M. Molina EMT Peter J. Molinelli EMT Crystal A. Monahan Lieutenant Regla Montalvo Lieutenant Kevin F. Montgomery (3) Lieutenant William Moore Paramedic Daryl I. Morales EMT Tanya L. Moreau EMT Jennifer L. Morgana Paramedic Michael D. Motley EMT Jeff L. Mottarella (3) Paramedic Farooq H. Muhammad Paramedic Brendan P. Mulroy EMT Rafael A. Muniz, Jr. Paramedic Donald K. Murphy Lieutenant James J. Murphy Paramedic Said A. Mustafa (2) Paramedic Donald B. Mycoosingh EMT Salvatore Namio Paramedic Daniel Napoletano EMT Jason P. Narain Paramedic Kevin J. Nash (2) Paramedic Christopher R. Natoli Lieutenant Alfred Navaro Paramedic Jonathan D. Negron EMT Nicholas Negron Paramedic Moses N. Nelson Paramedic Samantha A. Neverson (2) Captain John V. Nevins Paramedic Kenneth Newman (2) Paramedic Jack Ng (2) EMT Jeffrey A. Nichols Paramedic Vladimir Nikulin (4) Paramedic Ray J. Nirrengarten EMT Matthew E. Nolan
EMT Andy E. Nunez Paramedic Renae T. O’Carroll Paramedic Vanessa Ocasio Paramedic Joseph O’Farrell Paramedic Diana Olaya (3) EMT Ellis Olive Captain John D. O’Loughlin Paramedic Matthew C. Olton Lieutenant Bryan A. O’Malley EMT Kelly A. O’Malley EMT Christopher V. Orlik EMT Kimberly A. O’Rorke EMT Joel M. Orr EMT Bruny Ortega Paramedic Eric J. Orth EMT Jose A. Ortiz Lieutenant Norman A. Ortiz (4) Lieutenant Jeannette Otero Paramedic Melissa E. Ovalle (2) EMT Vincent A. Oyangoren Paramedic Arnold Pabon (2) Paramedic Julio A. Padilla EMT Michael W. Pagan (2) Lieutenant Lori Paige (2) EMT Deidre B. Paine Lieutenant Michael P. Palleschi (2) EMT Anthony C. Palmigiano EMT Adrian F. Palomeque, Jr. Paramedic Linda M. Parlamenti (2) Paramedic Goretti Pasquier Lieutenant Joseph J. Pataky (2) Lieutenant Raymond J. Patterson EMT Anthony T. Paulino Paramedic Fernando Payamps (2) Paramedic Larry W. Payne EMT David P. Peak EMT Olga L. Pedrero Paramedic Maximo A. Pena Paramedic Clifton T. Pennie EMT Mario F. Perdon EMT Elizabeth Perez Paramedic Jamil N. Perez Paramedic Jose A. Perez EMT Jose E. Perez (2) EMT Krystal A. Perez EMT Yanko V. Perez EMT Siewnarine Persad EMT James Petrillo, Jr. Lieutenant Ron Pfeffer (2) Lieutenant Jon P. Phelan (3) EMT David J. Pierre EMT John G. Pike (2) Paramedic Jeanne M. Pirrone EMT Mychal J. Pivetz Paramedic Ivan J. Placido Lieutenant Edmund M. Platt (2) EMT John R. Pneuman (2) Paramedic Bernard Pogrebinsky (2) Paramedic Natalia Polunin Lieutenant Lawrence Pontrelli Lieutenant Michael J. Potasso Paramedic Sean Power (2) EMT Mark-Adam Poyer Lieutenant Robin M. Printy EMT Janet Puente (2) EMT Pablo A. Quesada EMT Omar Quinones EMT Yevgeniy Radzinsky (2) Paramedic Rezaur Rahman
Paramedic Usman M. Rahyab Lieutenant Rafael Ramirez Paramedic Ryan K. Ramjas (2) EMT David R. Ramos EMT Frank Ramos Paramedic Guillermo Ramos Lieutenant Glauco A. Rancier (2) EMT Kenneth Rau Paramedic Shlomo Raymon (4) Paramedic William F. Razenson Paramedic David Reeve Lieutenant Bonnie L. Regan EMT Dennis R. Rehberger EMT Peter C. Reilly Paramedic Daniel M. Rella (2) EMT Scott I. Rest EMT Diana Reyes EMT Rocco J. Riccardi Lieutenant William L. Rich EMT Celestine Richardson EMT Mykka A. Richardson Lieutenant Wilbert Riera Paramedic Andrew E. Rios Paramedic Cesar Rios Lieutenant Evelyn Rios EMT Chad W. Ritorto (3) EMT William R. Ritter, Jr. EMT Ramses R. Rivas EMT Alexis Rivera EMT Edward Rivera EMT James E. Rivera EMT Jenelle Rivera EMT Jose T. Rivera EMT Lissette Rivera Paramedic Marco Rivera Paramedic Michael Rivera Paramedic Timothy Roberts EMT Christopher A. Robertson (3) EMT Byron Rodriguez EMT Christina M. Rodriguez (2) Paramedic George A. Rodriguez (2) EMT Jeanine Rodriguez Paramedic Luis D. Rodriguez EMT Rema G. Rodriguez Paramedic Craig C. Roeder (2) Paramedic Lynwood G. Rollins Paramedic Braulio Roman (2) Paramedic Lionel Roman EMT Rosa I. Roman Paramedic Corey Romanowski EMT Joseph V. Romeo Lieutenant Douglas A. Rondon Lieutenant Thomas M. Rosa Captain Paul S. Rosado Paramedic Edgar Rosales (3) Paramedic John J. Rosati Paramedic Andrew J. Rosenthal EMT Vanessa Ross (2) Lieutenant Scott E. Rothschild (3) Lieutenant David Rudnitzky EMT John F. Rugen Lieutenant Richard J. Ruhl EMT Adam J. Ruiz (2) EMT Carmen S. Ruiz (2) Paramedic Joseph Ruiz EMT William J. Rush (2) Paramedic Dean A. Russell EMT Nicketo Russell EMT Christopher Russo (2)
Captain Stephen A. Russo Paramedic Alison Russo-Elling Paramedic Brendan F. Ryan EMT Nicholas J. Ryan (2) EMT Nicholas A. Sacco, Jr. Paramedic Jason L. Saffon EMT Brian J. Saks EMT Shadath Salahudeen (2) Paramedic Anne Sale Paramedic Parisa Salem Lieutenant Debra H. Salvia Lieutenant Marc Samuels EMT Eric Sanchez EMT Luis A. Sanchez EMT Maritza Sanchez EMT Michael G. Sanchez Captain Joseph Sanders (2) EMT Josette Santana EMT Carlos R. Santiago Paramedic Jason E. Santiago EMT Nilda L. Santiago (2) EMT Ramon Santiago Paramedic Nicolas L. Santini (2) Lieutenant Vincent A. Santoiemma EMT Nicholas O. Santy EMT Darryl C. Savoca EMT Thomas J. Scala (2) EMT Matthew J. Scalise Paramedic Steven Scarinzi (2) EMT Joseph T. Schafer EMT Jonathan E. Schecter (2) EMT Jessica M. Schenker EMT Emile J. Schettino Paramedic Allen R. Schildgen EMT Donna Schulz EMT Woody G. Schurig EMT Joshua R. Schwartz (3) Lieutenant James E. Scordus Captain John J. Scotch, II (2) Paramedic Linda Scott Paramedic Malcolm B. Scott EMT Kimoi A. Sealy-Brown EMT Rodolfo Seddio, Jr. EMT Joseph J. Segot EMT Betzaida Serrano Paramedic Olashawna Seymore EMT Chunghing Sham Lieutenant Barry K. Shapiro (2) Paramedic Jeremy B. Sherman (2) Deputy Chief Howard M. Sickles
EMT Noemi Sierra (2) Paramedic Kenneth Silas Paramedic Arnold J. Silva (2) Paramedic Roberto J. Silveira Doctor Lewis Silverman EMT Charles J. Silverstein Paramedic Daniel Simon EMT Johnny Simonis EMT Merisa A. Simons Lieutenant Derrick C. Simpkins (2) EMT Michael W. Skody EMT Margaret F. Slick Paramedic Gary Smiley (3) Lieutenant Brian M. Smith (2) EMT Brian P. Smith (2) EMT Michael T. Smith Paramedic Richard D. Smith Paramedic Ervin Sobiev Paramedic Magdalena K. Sobocinski (2) Paramedic Arnaldo Soler (2) Paramedic Hugo P. Sosa Lieutenant Anthony Soto Lieutenant Philip A. Soto (3) EMT Alexander M. Soucy (2) EMT Diquence Souffrant EMT Marie Nicole Souffrant Paramedic Jason K. Spandorf (2) Paramedic Sophia A. Specht Paramedic Matthew R. Speier EMT Endri Spiro (2) EMT Leonhard R. Stanley EMT Gregory St. Clair EMT Glenn A. Steinle (2) EMT Kevin J. Steinle EMT Robert E. Strafer EMT Kevin M. Stringfield EMT Junior Stvil Paramedic Evan S. Suchecki (2) EMT Richard J. Suchite (3) Lieutenant Eileen F. Sullivan (2) EMT Marso Sully Lieutenant Alvin J. Suriel (3) EMT Thomas T. Szczerba EMT Nicholas S. Tacopino Lieutenant Charles E. Tahaney EMT Edwin A. Tario EMT Jonathan Taylor Paramedic Mark A. Taylor EMT James Thenstead
Paramedic Elwood L. Thomas (2) Lieutenant Thoywell T. Thomas (2) Paramedic Mario A. Thompkins (3) EMT Robert B. Tiegen EMT Robert F. Tier EMT Vanessa Tineo EMT Mark T. Tome Paramedic Michael P. Toomey (3) EMT Harold Torres Lieutenant Norberto J. Torres EMT Anthony C. Tortorici Paramedic Stephen J. Tortoriello Paramedic Daniel C. Townsend (2) Paramedic Gerardo Toyloy EMT Franklin S. Trabucco EMT Robert W. Trace, Jr. Lieutenant George V. Trager, Jr. EMT George Trail EMT Rafael Trinidad Paramedic Timothy M. Troeber EMT Andrew J. Trotta (2) Paramedic William Tung (3) EMT Erica V. Ucciardino EMT Andrea E. Ugas Paramedic Michael W. Ullman EMT Heidi T. Umpierre Paramedic Gerardo A. Urena Lieutenant Armando C. Vadell, Jr. EMT Joshua Valdes (2) Lieutenant Andre J. Valdez (2) EMT Michael E. Valentine (2) EMT John J. Varmon, Jr. (2) EMT Francisco M. Vasquez EMT Leonides Vasquez (2) EMT Joseph M. Vasquez-Aldana EMT Frank S. Vela EMT Teodoro Velazquez, Jr. Paramedic Robert J. Vender Paramedic Jason E. Verspoor Captain Michael Vetack EMT Regina Victor EMT Ricky Vien EMT Vincent J. Visceglia (2) Paramedic Charles M. Vitale (3) Lieutenant Antonios Voxakis EMT Jessica C. Wade EMT Mark J. Walker (3) EMT Niecia F. Walker Paramedic Robert Walsh (3) EMT Ryan R. Walsh
Paramedic Chuen-Hsiang Wang (2) EMT Marcus C. Waring (2) Captain Steven Warren Lieutenant Scott Waryold (2) EMT Brandy E. Washington EMT Andrew J. Wasniewski Lieutenant William Waters, Jr. (3) EMT Rashard Watts Paramedic Todd R. Weber (6) Captain Robert S. Weihs (2) Paramedic Stuart J. Weinstein (2) EMT Craig B. Wells EMT Kristine Werner (2) Lieutenant Darren R. Wetsell (5) Paramedic Alwain B. White (2) EMT Dionnetta A. White (2) EMT Fredrick K. Whynn Captain John Wieland Lieutenant Kyle Wigglesworth (3) Paramedic Anthony M. Wilkey EMT Delano M. Williams Paramedic Justice Williams Paramedic Marvin L. Williams Paramedic Tawana I. Williams EMT Wayne Williams EMT Trevon W. Wiltshire Lieutenant Craig M. Wing (3) Paramedic Asher M. Winik (2) Lieutenant Stewart Wolf (2) EMT Amanda Wong (2) EMT Danny Wong EMT Dennis H. Wong Paramedic Patrick A. Worms Paramedic Colin G. Wright EMT Letasha M. Wright EMT Sean A. Wright EMT William M. Wright EMT Jaron L. Wyche EMT Willis R. Wynn, Jr. Lieutenant Joseph Yolles EMT Yugun Yoon Paramedic Aaron Young Paramedic Arthur D. Young EMT Wayne J. Young EMT Kenny Yu Paramedic Andrey Yuabov (6) EMT Artur Yukhananov Paramedic Evgeni Zenkovich (6) Paramedic Marvin E. Zuniga
Unit of the Month--2009 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
Unit 37A2 03I3 31C2 39A2 48B2 37D3 44A3 03E2 58F2 01C2 39W3 48G3
Members EMTs Jean Marie Baptiste, Marie Jouthe, Adrian Theobald EMTs Alejandro Arzeno, Mark Carrol, Monica Laljeit EMTs Carey Henry, David McMinn, Janice Palencia EMTs Cristobal Hernandez, Alicia John, Nyasha Johnson, Suzette Jordan EMTs Andrew Gabor, David Lee, Francis Pasterak, Ryan Petersen EMTs Darryle Green, Rudy Hyppolite, Andrew Savage, Kimoi Sealy-Brown EMTs Jonathon Marino, James Matthews EMTs Roland Diaz, Jr., Bruce Geiser, Alejandro Ponce EMTs Johnny Simonis, Marso Sully EMTs Xiaotian Bao, David Kowalski, Peter Molinelli Paramedics MacDonald C. Eve, Raymond Gonzalez, Ryan T. Hayes EMTs Thomas Bores, Andrew W. Gabor, Leonard L. Leap FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK • MEDAL DAY 2010
UNIT CITATIONS Rescue Company 4 January 25, 2008 Box 22-7079
Ladder Company 6 February 24, 2009 Box 55-132
Engine Company 22 June 17, 2009 Box 1204
Squad Company 18 March 15, 2008 Box 44-861
Ladder Company 20 February 24, 2009 Box 55-132
Ladder Company 41 June 20, 2009 Box 3069
Ladder Company 12 October 11, 2008 Box 581
Ladder Company 1 February 24, 2009 Box 55-132
Ladder Company 45 June 26, 2009 Box 75-1704
Engine Company 248 December 14, 2008 Box 3732
Ladder Company 3 March 7, 2009 Box 445
Squad Company 270 June 29, 2009 Box 4794
Ladder Company 120 January 3, 2009 Box 1622
Engine Company 271 March 24, 2009 Box 0800
Engine Company 80 July 3, 2009 Box 1597
Engine Company 248 January 5, 2009 Box 22-2484
Rescue Company 1 April 9, 2009 Box 77-866
Ladder Company 6 July 4, 2009 Box 75-316
Rescue Company 3 January 12, 2009 Box 2106
Ladder Company 127 April 20, 2009 Box 4371
Engine Company 295 July 10, 2009 Box 8444
Engine Company 298 January 12, 2009 Box 55-8582
Ladder Company 126 April 20, 2009 Box 4371
Engine Company 255 July 12, 2009 Box 33-3088
Ladder Company 21 January 15, 2009 Box 0868
Rescue Company 3 April 22, 2009 Box 2424
Engine Company 248 July 12, 2009 Box 33-3088
Marine Company 1 January 15, 2009 Box 0868
Ladder Company 116 April 24, 2009 Box 7352
Ladder Company 156 July 12, 2009 Box 33-3088
Engine Company 63 January 20, 2009 Box 55-3631
Engine Company 251 April 24, 2009 Box 44-6773
Engine Company 231 July 16, 2009 Box 22-845
Engine Company 314 January 31, 2009 Box 5788
Ladder Company 42 April 24, 2009 Box 2284
Engine Company 233 July 16, 2009 Box 22-845
Squad Company 41 February 12, 2009 Box 2106
Engine Company 88 April 25, 2009 Box 3304
Marine Company 6 August 4, 2009 Box 471
Ladder Company 42 February 12, 2009 Box 2106
Ladder Company 38 April 25, 2009 Box 3304
Rescue Company 3 August 6, 2009 Box 4242
Engine Company 71 February 21, 2009 Box 2265
Ladder Company 41 May 9, 2009 Box 4672
Squad Company 61 August 6, 2009 Box 4242
Ladder Company 128 February 23, 2009 Box 7225
Engine Company 94 May 11, 2009 Box 2420
Ladder Company 16 August 17, 2009 Box 1018
Engine Company 6 February 24, 2009 Box 55-132
Ladder Company 48 May 11, 2009 Box 2420
Ladder Company 84 September 06, 2009 Box 22-4674
Engine Company 9 February 24, 2009 55-132
Ladder Company 13 June 17, 2009 Box 1204
Engine Company 222 September 18, 2009 Box 22-775
Engine Company 7 February 24, 2009 Box 55-132 62
Ladder Company 16 October 11, 2009 Box 964
MEDAL AND AWARD DONORS James Gordon Bennett Medal stablished in 1869 and, for years, it was the sole decoration awarded for valor in the Fire Department of the City of New York. As a result of its seniority among medals, it is awarded annually for the most outstanding act of heroism after the consideration and deliberate judgment of the member of the Medal Board of the NYC Fire Department. (Page 11)
Brooklyn Citizens Medal/ FF Louis Valentino Award n 1896, a committee of Brooklynites endowed this medal “to be given to the most deserving Firefighter in the Brooklyn Fire Department, as he/she shall be selected by the Fire Department of the City of New York.” The recipient also is awarded the Firefighter Louis Valentino Award, a medal endowed/funded since 1998 by Diane Valentino and the Valentino family. (Page 12)
Hugh Bonner Medal amed in honor of Chief Hugh Bonner, “a stalwart Chief of Department who preferred to rule by example.” The medal first was awarded in 1897. (Page 13)
Honor Legion Medal he Honor Legion is open only to “the bravest of the Bravest,” both active and retired. Prerequisites for membership are confined to Firefighters of all ranks who have received Department recognition and been granted a Class I, II or III award for deeds of valor performed at imminent risk to their lives. First awarded in 1984 and funded by the Honor Legion. (Page 13)
Emily Trevor/Mary B. Warren Medal hese sisters, in their deed of gift, wrote “...for the purpose of encouraging the members of the force in the exercise...of heroic endeavor under circumstances of special danger.” Awarded for the first time in 1899. (Page 14)
Thomas E. Crimmins Medal irst awarded in 1912. In memory of her father, Thomas E. Crimmins, contractor, builder, loyal New Yorker and son of a volunteer Fireman, Mrs. May M. Burke provided in her will for the endowment of the Crimmins Memorial Medal. (Page 15)
Thomas A. Kenny Memorial Medal onorary Deputy Chief William F. Kenny endowed this medal in memory of his father, a Battalion Chief who served in the Department, faithfully and conspicuously, from 1876 until 1903. It is given as a “perpetual token of zeal and enduring interest.” First awarded in 1918. (Page 16)
Walter Scott Medal olonel Walter Scott, a successful New York merchant, was intensely interested in the City’s protective forces. In 1920, he endowed a medal for valor bearing his name, to be awarded annually to a member of the FDNY. (Page 17)
John H. Prentice Medal his medal is the gift of Mrs. Marion Prentice Brookman in memory of her father. The medal is for “an act of intelligent bravery.” First awarded in 1921. (Page 18)
Christopher J. Prescott Medal amed in honor of EMT Christopher Prescott, the first EMS member to make the Supreme Sacrifice in the line of duty in 1994, the Prescott Medal is the highest honor bestowed upon a member of the EMS
Command. Funded by the Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics and Fire Inspectors Union. (Page 19) Henry D. Brookman Medal rs. Marion Prentice Brookman, in making this award possible, wrote, “...to help the authorities in installing into the Department the fact that the service rendered by the Firefighters is of a character held in high esteem by the people and to perpetuate the old fealty and admiration held by the late Henry D. Brookman for the FDNY.” First awarded in 1921. (Page 20)
M.J. Delehanty Medal he founder and dean of civil service schools bearing his name endowed this medal in 1937, “to be awarded annually to a member of the Department whose distinguished service in the line of duty receives recognition by the Board of Merit of the Fire Department.” (Page 21)
William F. Conran Medal onorary Chief Conran endowed this medal in 1937. His profession of fire protection engineer enabled him to improve the efficiency of firefighting appliances. (Page 22)
Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia Medal he Honorable Fiorello H. LaGuardia, while Mayor, frequently “turned out” at large fires. He had a keen interest in the problems of fire prevention and extinguishment. First awarded in 1937. (Page 23)
Chief John J. McElligott Medal/ FFs Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award amed in honor of the late Chief and Fire Commissioner, Chief McElligott. He joined the Department in 1905 and retired in 1941 after a long and fruitful career. This medal was endowed by William F. Conran and first was awarded in 1937. Recipient also is awarded the Fitzpatrick and Frisby Award, a medallion endowed by the Fitzpatrick and Frisby Foundation, in memory of these two Firefighters who made the Supreme Sacrifice. The UFA funds this award. (Page 24)
Thomas F. Dougherty Medal hief Dougherty served with the Department from 1888 to 1933 with distinction and honor. In addition to inventing the nozzle that bears his name, he was a colorful member of the Fire College faculty, where he specialized in teaching the technique and efficacy of ventilation. First awarded in 1937. (Page 25)
Third Alarm Association Medal he Third Alarm Association, a group of men interested in Fire Department activities, endowed this medal for valor in 1950. Funded by the Third Alarm Association. (Page 29)
Vincent J. Kane Medal his medal is named in honor of the late Vincent J. Kane, labor leader and longtime President of the Uniformed Firefighters Association. Funded by the UFA. (Page 30)
Brummer Medal he late Bertram Brummer and his wife, Susie, have had a long-standing interest in the FDNY. Bertram, a member of the New York Stock Exchange, received training during World War II at the Fire Department College and was assigned to Engine Company 44 in the Auxiliary Corps. In 1961, Bertram and Susie Brummer endowed this medal to be awarded annually for an act of bravery. First awarded in 1962. (Page 31)
Frank W. Kridel Medal warded by the Hotel Association of New York City to a member of the FDNY in recognition of an act of valor above and beyond the call of duty. First awarded in 1962. (Page 32)
Emerald Society Medal ndowed/funded by the Emerald Society and awarded to an FDNY member whose distinguished service in the line of duty receives recognition by the Department’s Board of Merit. First awarded in 1965. (Page 33)
Chief Wesley Williams Medal ndowed/funded by the Vulcan Society. Awarded to an FDNY member whose distinguished service in the line of duty receives recognition by the Department’s Board of Merit. First awarded in 1966. (Page 34)
Holy Name Society Medal (Brooklyn/Queens) ndowed/funded by the Holy Name Society (Brooklyn-Queens) in memory of Chaplain Emeritus Very Reverend Monsignor Merrit E. Yeager. First awarded in 1967. (Page 35)
Hispanic Society Memorial Medal ndowed/funded by the Hispanic Society as “a memorial tribute to the 12 Brother Firefighters who made the Supreme Sacrifice at the East 23rd Street fire on October 17, 1966.” First awarded in 1968. (Page 36)
Ner Tamid Society/ Franklin Delano Roosevelt Medal his medal was endowed by the officers and members of FDNY’s Ner Tamid Society in honor of the late president. First awarded in 1946. (Page 27)
Chief James Scullion Medal ecognized as a pioneer in his field, Chief James Scullion was instrumental in bringing both basic and advanced life support services into the modern-day emergency medical system in the City of New York in the early 1970s. His dedication and commitment to excellence are memorialized through this award. (Page 37)
Albert S. Johnston Medal lbert S. Johnston was a Captain in the New York Fire Patrol with a record of 50 years of faithful service. Ten years after his retirement in 1927, this medal was endowed by William F. Conran. (Page 26)
Tracy Allen-Lee Medal MT Allen-Lee is nationally recognized as the first EMS professional in the country to be awarded the Public Safety Officer’s Benefit by the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, after dying from a communicable disease sustained in the line of duty. Funded by the Uniformed EMTs and Paramedics and Fire Inspectors Union. (Page 28)
Captain Denis W. Lane Memorial Medal ndowed in honor of the late Captain Denis W. Lane. Established by the Honorable Joseph M. Lane and Ms. Joan M. Lane. Captain Lane was appointed to the Department in 1913. A life-long member of the FDNY Anchor Club, he retired in 1958 after a long and dedicated career. Awarded to
a deserving member of the uniformed force in recognition of an outstanding act of bravery. First awarded in 1976. (Page 38) Uniformed Fire Officers Association Medal ndowed/funded in 1977 by the Uniformed Fire Officers Association “for an act of heroism and bravery performed by a Fire Officer at a fire.” (Page 39)
Dr. Albert A. Cinelli Medal ndowed/funded by the UFA in memory of Dr. Albert A. Cinelli, a longtime friend of the FDNY. Dr. Cinelli was responsible for founding both the Medical and Surgical Specialists Plan and the Surgical Assistance Fund. Serving without salary as the director of both programs, Dr. Cinelli won the admiration and respect of every member of the FDNY. In keeping with these thoughts, this medal has been dedicated to his memory. Awarded for the first time in 1978. (Page 40)
Endowed/funded by his son, the late John F. Connell, Jr., and first awarded in 1983, the award continues from Rosemary Connell, the widow of John F. Connell, Jr. (Page 45) New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association Medal he New York State Honorary Fire Chiefs Association, Inc., founded in 1950, is an independent, non-profit and tax-exempt organization, dedicated to promoting the interests of the Firefighters of the State of New York. The active Association is affiliated with the New York State Professional Fire Fighters Association and is celebrating 50 years of volunteer service to the Firefighters of New York and their families. The medal, funded by the Association and first awarded in 1984, is presented every year to a Firefighter who has performed with valor. This medal is dedicated to honoring all Firefighters who have performed with valor. (Page 11)
Lieutenant Kirby McElhearn Medal dedicated professional with a passion for communications, Lieutenant McElhearn is remembered for his instrumental involvement in the research and development of the first modern-day Field Communications Unit (FieldComm) for EMS. Sponsored by the Uniformed EMS Officers Union. (Page 46)
Fire Marshals Benevolent Association Medal his medal was endowed/funded since 1980 by the Fire Marshals Benevolent Association, to be awarded to a member of the uniformed force for performance of an outstanding act of valor. (Page 42)
Fire Bell Club Medal he Fire Bell Club, the oldest and largest such group in the New York City area, consists of individuals, both in and outside of the fire service, who have an interest in the FDNY. The Fire Bell Club awards this medal bi-annually as an expression of their admiration and appreciation of the camaraderie that has existed between the FDNY and the Club since its founding in 1939. First awarded in 1984. Funded by the Fire Bell Club. (Page 47)
Fire Chiefs Association Memorial Medal he Fire Chiefs Association has endowed this medal to honor the memory of those Chief Officers of the FDNY who, from volunteer days to the present, have given leadership, inspiration, courage and, sometimes, their lives, to the development of the finest firefighting force in the world. First awarded in 1979. (Page 41)
Community Mayors, Inc./ Lt. Robert R. Dolney Medal his medal is sponsored by the Community Mayors, Inc., and is dedicated to the memory of Lieutenant Robert R. Dolney, who gave his life so that others might live. The Community Mayors organization, dedicated to helping handicapped children, will present this medal annually to a member of the Department who performs an act of bravery in attempting to save the life of a Firefighter. However, if an act of this nature does not occur during the year, it then will be presented to a member who performed an outstanding act of heroism. First awarded in 1981. (Page 43)
Battalion Chief Frank T. Tuttlemondo Medal his medal is endowed/funded by the members of the 44th Battalion in honor and memory of their late, beloved Chief, who served the Brownsville area of Brooklyn most of his firefighting career and gave his life to save his men. The medal was designed by Firefighter George Guinan, formerly of Ladder 120. It is presented annually to a member of the Department who performs an act of bravery and courage in keeping with the highest traditions of the FDNY. First awarded in 1982. (Page 44)
Dr. John F. Connell Medal warded since 1983 in honor of the late Dr. John F. Connell, adopted in 1923 by Engine 2, in what was then Hell’s Kitchen. With encouragement of Firefighters who became his substitute fathers, he received his medical degree. He attended thousands of fires, treating Firefighters and civilians without a thought of personal recognition.
Firefighter David J. DeFranco Medal n honor of the memory of FF David J. DeFranco for his dedicated efforts on behalf of the FDNY. This medal, awarded for a water-related rescue, is presented by the Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA) in memory of David’s father, FF Dan DeFranco. FF Dan DeFranco was assigned to Engine Co. 17 and Ladder Co. 18 on the lower east side for more than 33 years during a period of extremely heavy fire duty. FF Dan DeFranco also served on the executive board of the UFA for eight years at the post of sergeant at arms with honor, dedication and devotion to his Brother Firefighters. (Page 48)
Lieutenant James Curran/ New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation Medal he New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation is an organization committed to the goals of quality burn care and fund-raising endeavors. Similarly, the FDNY is engaged in safeguarding and improving the quality of life for city residents. It is this semblance of purpose and collaborative spirit that is deserving of recognition. With this in mind, the New York Firefighters Burn Center Foundation awards a medal to the most worthy of units in appreciation of “a concentrated, super effort based on teamwork.” Funded by the UFA. (Page 49)
Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser Memorial Medal ndowed/funded by the Uniformed Firefighters Association, this medal is named in honor of Firefighter Thomas R. Elsasser, a 20-year veteran of the FDNY, whose firefighting career was cut short in 1990 by his untimely death. Firefighter Elsasser was a major contributor to UFA charity sporting events. (Page 50)
Deputy Commissioner Christine R. Godek Medal stablished and presented by Honorary Fire Commissioner Dorothy W. Marks and (nowdeceased) Honorary First Deputy Commissioner Shelly Rothman in honor of Christine R. Godek, the first female Deputy Fire Commissioner of the FDNY. Presented annually to an outstanding New York City Fire Marshal for unusual display of initiative, improving techniques, resourcefulness and capability in the investigation of arson. (Page 51)
Firefighter Kevin C. Kane Medal his medal has been established in honor of Firefighter Kevin C. Kane, who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the discharge of his duties, protecting life and property on September 13, 1991. This medal is awarded bi-annually to a member of the Department who performs an act of outstanding bravery and courage as deemed by the Board of Merit. Funded by Engine 207. (Page 52)
Probationary Firefighter Thomas A. Wylie Medal his medal is endowed/funded by the members of Ladder Company 18 and Battalion 4 in honor of their fallen Brother, Probationary Firefighter Thomas A. Wylie, who gave his life assisting in the rescue of more than 20 civilians at a fire in Chinatown. The medal is awarded annually to a Probationary Firefighter who distinguishes himself as Tom did in his brief career. The medal depicts his caricature of a “Can Man,” the traditional position of a “Proby.” (Page 53)
Captain John J. Drennan Memorial Medal ndowed/funded by the Viking Association of the FDNY in memory of Captain John J. Drennan, who sacrificed his life in the line of duty. This medal is awarded to members of the Department who perform acts above and beyond the call of duty. (Page 54)
Jack Pintchik Medal ollowing successful resuscitation from cardiac arrest by EMS Paramedics, Jack Pintchik, founder of the Pintchik Home Improvement Stores, honored members of EMS by establishing the first formalized EMS Awards & Recognition ceremony. In his memory, the Pintchik family continues to show their respect and support of EMS professionals through the Jack Pintchik Medal. (Page 55)
World Trade Center Memorial Medal Established to honor the bravery and courage of the 343 FDNY members who made the Supreme Sacrifice on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center. This Company of the Year Award is endowed/funded by the 9/11 parents and families. (Page 56)
Died in the Line of Duty
Firefighter Paul Warhola Engine Company 221 Died on August 14, 2009, as a result of injuries sustained in the performance of duty at Brooklyn Box 0106, August 12, 2009. Appointed January 16, 1994.
New York’s Bravest PROUDLY SERVING SINCE 1865
FIRE DEPARTMENT, CITY OF NEW YORK MICHAEL R. BLOOMBERG, Mayor SALVATORE J. CASSANO, Fire Commissioner EDWARD S. KILDUFF, Chief of Department 9 MetroTech Center Brooklyn, New York 11201 www.nyc.gov/fdny