5th International Illustration Contest Notte di Fiaba

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th International Illustration CONTEST

The Little Mermaid‘s New Palace


Notte di Fiaba 5th International illustration Contest is a cultural initiative promoted by Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane. Conceived and organized in collaboration with prominent representatives of the world of children’s literature and illustration, the contest will give birth to an illustration exhibition – hosted at MAG (Museo Alto Garda) in Riva del Garda beginning on June 02, 2018 – the related catalogue, and a picture book illustrated by the contest winner and published by Orecchio Acerbo. Quality Jury will select the 3 best illustrators, the special mentions and a further rose of illustrators that will take part in the illustration exhibition and be published in the related catalogue. The contest winner and the picture book will be officially presented during the next edition of Bologna Children’s Book Fair (March 26th-29th, 2018 – exact date TBA) and at the opening cerimony of the illustration exhibition on June 02, 2018.

Art. 2 How to participate WITH THE CONTRIBUTION OF

Illustrators of any nationality, country of origin or residence and of any age can take part in the competition (for under-eighteens, express written authorization must be provided by one or both parents or the person who has parental authority). No later than December 03, 2017, the contestants must submit the following FILES via WETRANSFER to concorsonottedifiaba@gmail.com, remembering to indicate as message reference “SURNAME_NAME__materiale concorso SIRENETTA” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_materiale concorso SIRENETTA). A. A PDF file (max 10 MB) of the picture book complete STORYBOARD realized on the basis of the attached text. The STORYBOARD has to include the drafted illustrations related to all pages of the book. No text is needed, but an accurate storyboard is highly recommended. The picture book will be 21x30 cm and will include 24 inside pages. An exaple of the book structure is here available http://online.fliphtml5.com/mvvv/nrfm/ The file must be named by indicating the illustrator’s surname and name plus the word storyboard: “SURNAME_NAME_STORYBOARD” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_STORYBOARD). B. 2 FINISHED ILLUSTRATIONS, taken from the abovementioned storyboard and realized in an illustration technique whatsoever. Both illustrations must be sent in 2 file formats: 1. For the catalogue, TIFF format (300 dpi|CMYK) is needed. Double and single page illustrations will be both accepted, but they must be realized respecting the horizontal (double page) A3 format (29,7x42 cm), or the vertical (single page) A4 format (29,7x21 cm). Both TIFF files must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_TITLE_TIFF” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_ARIEL_TIFF and ROSSI_ MARIO_THE WITCH_TIFF). 2. For Quality Jury’s evaluation and online use JPEG format (300 dpi|RGB|2MB max) is also needed. Both JPEG files must show the COPYRIGHT symbol followed by the illustrator’s name and surname (e.g. ©MarioRossi) on one of the illustration margins. Both JPEG Files must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_TITLE_JPEG” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_ARIEL_JPEG e ROSSI_ MARIO_THE WITCH_JPEG).

Notte di Fiaba is Riva del Garda’s most traditinal and not-to-be-missed event, that, each Summer, dedicates an entertaining program to a different fairy tale. Music, dancing, games, actors and jugglers enliven the streets of this town nestling in its magical setting composed of lively scenes and the Lake Garda. Although it is primarily intended for children, Notte di Fiaba has always entertained adults too. 85,000 visitors, 160 hours of entertainment and 2,500 kg of fireworks are only some of the figures generated by one of the most important events held in the Garda area of the province of Trento. It has been handed down through the generations since 1950 and involves the entire community, tourists, and also passing by people, who simply stop by to enjoy the fireworks grand finale reflecting into the still waters of the lake. The Little Mermaid is the theme of this year’s Notte di Fiaba.

C. A short CURRICULUM VITAE (WORD format|Max 250 words|1MB at max) written in first person. Illustrators should also indicate their inspiring artist, favorite quote, and the contact details that they want to be published in the catalogue such as: 1. Email address, 2. Web site, 3. Blog, 4. Facebook page, 5. Online portfolio, etc. The file must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_ CURRICULUM” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_CURRICULUM). D. An illustrator’s CLOSE-UP PHOTO (TIFF format|300 dpi|black&white|5x5 cm|1MB at max). The file must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_PHOTO” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_PHOTO). E. The APPLICATION FORM (PDF format|1MB at max) duly filled-in and signed by illustrator. The file must be named by indicating “SURNAME_NAME_APPLICATION” (e.g. ROSSI_MARIO_APPLICATION).

If the abovementioned files won’t be duly submitted by the stated date (December 03, 2017) or will be incomplete or not corresponding to the required formats, the contestant will be automatically excluded from the contest. The Quality Jury’s decisions concerning both the contest and the illustration exhibition will be notified by December 23, 2017 on the Facebook page “Notte di Fiaba Illustration Contest.” The publisher will then contact the contest winner to start working immediately on the picture book. The illustrator will deliver the final illustrations in digital format as required by the publisher by February 26, 2018.

Art. 3 The contest theme This year’s theme is “The Little Mermaid”.

Art. 4 Selected illustrations delivery and return The original version of the illustrations selected by the Quality Jury – including those of the contest winner – must be delivered by March 01, 2018 to the following address COMITATO MANIFESTAZIONI RIVANE Via della Liberazione n. 7 Casella Postale 54 c/o PT 38066 – RIVA DEL GARDA – TN The originals size has to be A3 (horizontal) or A4 (vertical) + 1 CM of BLEED (needed to frame the illustrations). Illustrators will SIGN the backside of each original illustration and will also indicate their 1) name and surname, 2) the illustration title, and the 3) art technique in CAPITAL LETTERS. Should the illustrations be digitally realized, the illustrators will send high definition prints in the above mentioned A3 or A4 formats. If they won’t send them, they will be disqualified. The illustrations will be insured and presented in the exhibition that will be held at MAG in Riva del Garda as of June 02, 2018 and in other travelling exhibitions for the following two years. They will also be advertised on the exhibition catalog and on other promotional material related to the cultural initiative and on other web marketing tools of Notte di Fiaba. The 3 best illustrations selected by the Quality Jury won’t be returned because they will become part of “Notte di Fiaba Permanent Collection”. They will be used to promote children’s illustration during other events that Riva del Garda will dedicate to children over the years to come. All the other illustrations will be returned to the rightful authors only after the exhibiting period but no later than the end of May 2020. Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane will return the works by courier at illustrator’s expense. Alternatively, the illustrators, at their own expense, will personally collect their works or send an expressly authorized person. The illustrations freely donated by artists to Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane to be part of “Notte di Fiaba Permanent Collection” won’t be returned but will be used to promote children’s illustration during other events that Riva del Garda will dedicate to children over the years to come. In no way and for no reason Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane will be held responsible for any possible damage occurred to the artworks sent by courier or caused by any other problem resulting from the delivery or return of the artworks.

Art. 5 Quality Jury The illustrations will be assessed at the discretion of the members of a jury composed of highly qualified experts in the field of art and children’s illustration, literature and publishing. • Livio Sossi (professor of children’s literature and essayist) • Fausta Orecchio e Simone Tonucci (publishers) • Alessandro Sanna (illustrator and author) • Maurizio Quarello (illustrator and author) • Franco Pivetti (painter and arts consultant)

Art. 6 Prizes and compensation The first prize winner will receive a cash prize of € 2,000 (two thousand euro) and will realize the illustrations of the picture book that will be published by ORECCHIO ACERBO and officially presented during the next edition of Bologna Children’s Book Fair (March 26th-29th, 2018 – exact date TBA) and at the opening cerimony of the illustration exhibition on June 02, 2018. For the right of reproduction and publication of the illustrations, the Publisher will pay the contest winner the 5% on the book retail price for each copy that will be sold, excluding VAT. The amount of 2,000 € that will be paid to the contest winner by Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane as first prize of Notte di Fiaba Illustration Contest has to be considered as the advanced payment of the above-mentioned 5% and possible further compensation resulting from other uses. The second prize winner will receive a cash prize of € 500 (five hundred euro). The third prize winner will have the opportunity to attend an advanced illustration workshop for free at SPAZIO ARTE DUINA (www.spazioarteduina.it).

Art. 7 Responsibility and rights By taking part in the contest, the illustrators grant the non-exclusive right to reproduce and publish their illustrations, which will consequently be reproduced, circulated and publicized – with the sole obligation of making reference to the artist’s name – using digital tools (websites, social networks, TV programs, web page headers, etc.), in any kind of promotional material relating to the cultural initiative (leaflets, flyers, folders, invites, notices, posters, shopper, etc.), in the exhibition catalog, as well as on postcards, calendars, posters, bookmarks, greeting cards and coloring books on sale in the bookshop at the MAG and in the sales booths set up during Notte di Fiaba event. It should be noted that the abovementioned list merely serves to provide examples and is not exhaustive regarding the use that may be made of the said artworks. The use of the abovementioned illustrations does not grant the illustrators of any right to any kind of payment. The illustrations sent for the exhibition must be original and signed on the backside. The candidates must be able to guarantee about their artworks originality thus expressly discharging and releasing the organizational body from any liability or responsibility for any claims made for compensation coming at any title from third parties, and declare under their own exclusive civil or penal responsibility that the submitted illustrations in no way represent a breach of the relevant legal provisions in force. The illustrations may be created using any chosen media on the condition that it is produced in accordance with the required format specified during the course provided for in art. 2. The participation in the contest implies that the competitors have fully accepted all the conditions and clauses contained in these regulations.

Art. 8 Information and authorization for the use of personal data According to Legislative Decree 196/2003 the use of information and personal data collected during the various phases of the contest will be treated according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, thus safeguarding privacy and rights of the concerned individuals. The data collected will be registered and stored for the purposes of managing the competition. Personal data may be used through IT tools or paper, and exclusively by the staff of Comitato Manifestazioni Rivane and/or other individuals designated by the same. In accordance with the information set out in the abovementioned Decree, personal data can only be used with the express permission of the concerned people. By applying to take part in the contest, participants expressly consent to the use of their personal data.

Art. 9 Election of the competent court Any dispute arising in connection with this Regulation, which cannot be resolved amicably, shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Trento.

Art. 10 Information request For further information concerning the present contest rules and regulations, please write to concorsonottedifiaba@gmail.com or call +39-(0)464-755.639.


APPLICATION FORM 5TH International Illustration Contest Notte di Fiaba Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Surname: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (if the participant is underage, please add the parent/guardian’s name and surname)

Valid identity document type and number: ______________________________________________________ Date of birth: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Nationality: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Residence and address where to return the illustrations: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone and Mobile: ____________________________________________________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________________________________________________

PAGE 1 (Prologue) Every day the Little Mermaid was told by her grandmother about the things of the Mankind’s World. “And what do they do all nestled so close together, grandma?” “They dance. Look, they have these things that they call legs and use them to dance.” “How beautiful, I like to dance grandma. I want legs too.”

PAGES 2/3 (Title Page)

Web site: _______________________________________________________________________________________

The Little Mermaid ‘s New Palace

Blog: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

By Marco Taddei · illustrations by

Online portfolio: ________________________________________________________________________________

Orecchio Ocerbo for Notte di Fiaba (logos)

Facebook/Twitter: ______________________________________________________________________________ I declare that I am the author and owner of the original works with the following titles 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ realized with the following technique ____________________________________________________________ and submitted/delivered to COMITATO MANIFESTAZIONI RIVANE (P.IVA e C.F.: 01376410229). I want my illustrations to be returned to me by courier at my expense: Yes No

(because I’ll personally come to collect my illustration or I’ll delegate a trusted person)

PAGES 4/5 Grandma did not like that strange idea and scolded the Little Mermaid, who miserably went away taking the kingdom boundaries direction. As soon as she reached the Sea Witch’s house, the Witch went to meet her. “Uh-oh! What do you want from me?” Asked the Little Mermaid. “Nothing, actually it’s you who came into my garden.” They both laughed and became friends immediately.


OR “Tell me, Sea Witch, how do I grow my legs?” I want to donate my illustrations so that they become part of the “Notte di Fiaba Permanent

“Would you like to go ashore to look for your spouse?”

Collection” and be used to promote children’s illustration during the events that Riva del Garda will

“No, I do not want to get married! I want to dance!”

dedicate to children over the years to come.

“All right, here is this special herb. Just eat it and your legs will grow.”

Yes No I also declare that I accept all the conditions set out in the competition regulations.


I lastly authorize the use of my personal data as provided for in art. 8 of Legislative Decree June 30,

When the Little Mermaid turned fifteen, her grandfather told her that she could eventually go and

2003 no. 196.

reach the sea surface to have a look at that Mankind’s world she was so curious about.

Date _________________

“So, you will definitely understand that it’s better to live down here, in our palace.” Grandma didn’t seem angry any longer, stroked her head and said “You go ahead, dear, we just

Signature _______________________________________ (and of a parent/guardian, if the participant is underage)


care about your happiness.”

PAGES 10/11

PAGES 20/21

The Little Mermaid looked out over the sea surface as the moon was shining. As first thing she saw

The sirens said goodbye and returned home thinking of their lives under the sea and their aunt’s life

an island. Once came closer, she noticed many people and colourful lights.

on the surface. They knew they could choose and were happy about it.

“This is it. It’s time to bite the root that the Witch gave me.”

PAGES 12/13

PAGES 22/23 “You are always sitting on those rocks, I’ll build you a statue there! Come on, we’ve all been waiting for

Halfway up the stairs she met a girl.


“Hello, where are you from?”

“I’m sorry, Vera, you are right, but you know that I must greet the sea every day.”

“I come from the sea. What’s up there?” “There’s a party.” “A party? Is it one of those things where you dance?” The girl laughed. “You’re nice, my name is Vera. What’s your name?”

PAGE 24 (Epilogue) Onomatopoeia – Tlac

“Little Mermaid!”

PAGES 14/15


Vera laughed again and they went to the party together. Vera introduced her to everyone. “Her name is Little Mermaid and comes from the sea.” “Then you will have nothing in contrary if we call you Ariel,” someone said, and they all laughed.

• Vera wears a t-shirt with a crown on it to suggest that she is “the prince”.

The Little Mermaid – or rather Ariel – could eventually dance. It was not difficult, it just needed to follow the rhythm and imitate Vera, who was the best of them all.

• The house of Vera, Ariel, and their friends is a nice Nordic style in a pretty isolated area right by the sea.

PAGES 16/17 It was dawn. Vera told her that the boats would be coming soon. “They’ll bring us back to town. Will you come with us?” “To town? Men’s town?” “Women’s too, as a matter of fact,” Vera said, and she added “Is there no one waiting for you?” “They told me that I must be happy, and with you I’m happy,” said Ariel.

PAGES 18/19 “And so your aunt has become a woman of the surface, water fleas! Now go, otherwise greatgrandma will be worried!” “Ok, auntie, we’ll see you tomorrow!” “We love to come and see you, auntie!” “But, auntie, why do you never come back to the palace with us?” “This is my palace now, little fishes…” “ARIEEEL!” Someone called from afar. “I’m coming!” Ariel said.

• Pages 18/19 represent an ellipsis: Ariel tells her story to her nephews. They listen to her from the sea, while she is gently bent on the rocks in the same position of the famous statue that is in Copenhagen to celebrate her tragic story. A young Ariel – with her legs dressed up to face a damp and pretty wintery weather – is on the Danish coast lying on the rocks in the pose of the well-known statue of the Little Mermaid. She’s still beautifully red-headed like when she used to be a mermaid, but she is now visibly grown up and more mature both in body and gaze. • The onomatopoeia in the epilogue is produced by Ariel, when she delicately closes the door.

Via della Liberazione, 7 38066 - RIVA DEL GARDA (TN) - ITALY C.P. 54 c/o PT concorsonottedifiaba@gmail.com www.nottedifiaba.it

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