Ufo encounter 278

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the COMMITTEE President : Sheryl Gottschall Vice President : Tino Pezzimenti Editor : Gem Regan Treasurer : Michael West Public Relations : Sheryl Gottschall : Tino Pezzimenti : Gem Regan Film Production/Editor : Barry Taylor Membership :Tino Pezzimenti Sightings & Encounters : Sheryl Gottschall Webmaster : Nate Odger Librarian : Alan Reading Officers : Gale King : Roy Kalecinski : Jan Slottje : Colin Philips

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phone: [07] 3376 1780 email: info@uforq.asn.au web: www.uforq.asn.au UFO ENCOUNTER

from the


2015 sees UFO Research Queensland counting down towards 60 years in the UFO business. Established in 1956, this tiny organisation has seen a steady, decades-long succession of dedicated members whose interest has been piqued by the UFO mystery – a succession so steady that they have somehow maintained UFORQ for 59 years now – and counting! I have no doubt that there have been lean years, when memberships dropped and the organisation was reduced to sinew and bone, but I myself have experienced a few years of plenty, when UFORQ got a bit chubbier and possibly a bit fatter in the face. Long-term members may remember me from my previous editorial duties (and for those that do remember me, don’t panic! I’m just filling for a couple of issues), and might wonder where I went. Well… I just went. I had spent years fiddling about in the field of Ufology and I didn’t feel I was getting any closer to the truth. Maybe, I wondered, there is no truth. Maybe UFOs are like God, or the primal source – enough hints are given of their existence, but are we ever going to be initiated into the mysteries? And although, I reasoned, at least we had photos of UFOs, and none (so far) of God, it wasn’t really helping. In fact the photos, and the wide variety of shapes and forms that UFOs assume, was much more of a hindrance than a help. It hinted at a complete lack of cosmological consistency, and this lack of consistency runs across the board – from the physical nature of the craft to the appearance of the occupants, the varying behaviours of ET, and the shifting paradigms of encounters and contacts and abductions. How can we get people, let alone the scientific community, to take UFOs seriously when UFOs are as elusive and as changeable as the clouds in the sky, and just as difficult to catch? Consistency is something that humans cling to, whether it’s the sun rising at the same time every day, or the same ingredients slopped together in a Big Mac ™. What humans want – what they need – is consistency. Predictability. Unidentified Flying Objects that always look the same, behave the same, and show up in the same place to be photographed and measured and communicated with. Unfortunately, and please excuse my English, we don’t got that. Well… there are some people who are saying UFO ENCOUNTER

they’ve got that, but, and let’s be completely honest now, the majority of us don’t really believe them. So, because of all this, because of the lack of consistency, because of the lack of answers, because of the lack of anything concrete to grasp on to, I took a hiatus. I hoped that distance might provide some clarity on this crazy mixed-up topic. But it didn’t, and why is that? Is it because we, as earthbound humans, can never have clarity? Are we truly not meant to know? Or is it because we aren’t looking in the right way? Do we need to change our approach perhaps, and start thinking differently? Start looking differently? Start researching differently? I don’t know the answers, but if any of our readers do, it would be great to hear from you. (Seriously – email us at info@uforq.asn.au.) Way back in 1956, when that first little band of committed Brisbane researchers started looking into the UFO phenomenon, they must surely have believed that by the year 2000 all the mysteries of UFOs (if not the entire universe… it was 1956 after all!) would be revealed. Unfortunately it turned out to be a lot tougher than first thought in those innocent and happy halcyon days. Standing here, now, fifteen years beyond the turn of that magic millennium and watching UFORQ roll towards its 60th anniversary, we can only wonder what the future will bring. Will it bring clarity? And answers? Or will it be another 60 years before we truly learn the truth?


Sightings . . . . . 4 ET Contact . . . . . 6 1968 Crop Circle Report. . . 7 ET Go Home . . . . . 8 The Headlines . . . . . 13 3

sightings Kelso, Townsville (North Queensland), September 25-27, 2014

I was sitting outside in a chair in the yard observing the sky as there have been a few strange events occur over the last few months that we have witnessed, however this is the first that we got photographs of and was the third time this object appeared. There have been a couple of different sightings since we’ve had this happening. My family members had travelled to see us on holidays so I was looking nightly hoping they could witness one of the objects also. At around 10.30pm the object appeared from the south-east around the 25 degree mark. It just appeared out of nowhere. It is noticeably brighter than the stars and planets, and moves in various directions -- up, down and from one side to another, not great distances across the sky however, and it travels at various speeds, sometimes slow, others fast, and at times appears to remain stationary. It didn’t go higher than approximately the 40 degree mark. When looking through binoculars it looks spherical and emits many different colours and appears to spin and turn, which makes it appear to change shape also with all of the different light patterns it emits. The colour of the object itself was olive/silver colour. It at times would just fade out altogether and then reappear. We watched it for approximately two hours, all taking turns to look through the binoculars as it was clearer to see what it was doing. My mother was too scared to look through the binoculars to start, but totally amazed once she did to see the movement of it as it spins, which you don’t see without the bincoulars. We weren’t sure either whether there was more than one object or if it was splitting into two or three, or if it was just our eyes playing tricks because of the lights it was throwing out. 4

My niece and nephew were very excited and were giving us a commentary every time they got the binoculars. My three children also gave narratives of the other events we have witnessed since July (2014) as a few different things have happened and they are not always the same objects. We’ve lived here for 12 years and never seen anything up until a few months ago, and we spend many nights outside around the fire and in the pool and looking up as the kids play spot the satellites. But this has been out of the ordinary. We all attempted to take video footage with our phones, various types, however they didn’t take very good pictures at all let alone footage. My daughter got her Olympus Tough model tg820 and stabilised it on my car roof and other surfaces during the event and took multiple photos. No stars would show on her camera screen, we thought maybe due to distance, and not being a powerful camera this object was the only thing that would display. We were amazed at the photos as she was taking them as there was colour trails in some, from where the object had moved.

We stopped watching it when the children advised they were tired and we went in to put them to bed. After approximately five minutes we went back out and the object was still there. So we observed for a little longer and then went to make a cup of tea and it was gone when we went back out. There were no clouds in the sky during the course of the event that evening, and lots of stars out, so we knew it wasn’t an obstructed view that made it disappear. We looked/waited for it for around another ten minutes in case it appeared again and then decided to head into bed. It was not until the next day that we all got to look at the photos on the computer where they were much larger and we were able zoom in more to see what my daughter had captured, and none of us could explain what it is. UFO ENCOUNTER

Longford, Tasmania, May 9, 2015 5.30am I was at work and walked outside the door to check the weather, wind, rain etc. I looked up and saw two huge white lights travelling very slowly, like just cruising and not a sound, from north to South [while] I was facing east. It was only about maybe 50m or so in front of me and 50-100m or so high, or was a lot further and higher and a whole lot bigger than what I thought but couldn’t see a solid mass because of the darkness, just the lights. I was so startled seeing this and just stared at it, not thinking to get my phone and take photo or video of it. The lights were round, at least one metre across and three to four metres apart. I couldn’t believe how low and close it was to me.

followed its line of direction not expecting to get a good photo at all. The kids and some adults insisted there was a UFO following the jet. The kids said it was orange, the adults said it was a reddish orb type thing. I thought nothing more about it as I didn’t see the orb myself. Today, 29th April, I reviewed the Anzac Day photos and discovered the “Jet photo,” (below) and at closer inspection I could indeedsee a reddish orb following the aircraft off the starboard rear tail area. I inspected the blown-up image and there seemed to be no damaged pixel or marks on any of the other photos in the set. Remembering what the kids and several adults in the crowd around me were saying I feel the credibility of this photo was confirmed.

Ipswich, Queensland (west of Brisbane), April 25, 2015 At the southern end of the main Ipswich town bridge on Anzac day, just before the main parade, an FA18 flew over toward Amberley Airbase. It wasn’t part of the parade, just an apparent return from Brisbane [doing] the Brisbane fly-over. Several children cried out “mummy it’s a UFO” to which she replied, “It’s a jet going home to Amberley.” At the same time I pointed my camera toward the jet and

USAF UFO Project Blue Book files go online for free http://www.openminds.tv/usaf-ufo-project-blue-book-files-go-online-free/31656

Finally, decades after the United States Air Force closed their official investigations into the UFO phenomenon, the files are online in their entirety for free. Project Blue Book is regarded as the third UFO investigation project by the USAF. The first was Project Sign, which began in 1947, then Grudge, which ran from 1949 to 1951, and the final project, Blue Book, ran from 1951 to 1969. The files surrounding the investigation of the sightings are all included in the Project Blue Book files. That is, unless, as some suggest, there are secret investigations that the public still does not have access to. The USAF claims that Blue Book included 12,618 sightings reports, 701 of which remained “unidentified.” This would account for about 5.5% of the files. However, official lists of these “unidentified” cases only include 560 or so cases. Other researchers have gone through the files and found there are more like 14,000 cases, with about 1600 “unknowns.” The files have now been placed online by John Greenewald. Greenewald has been submitting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests since he was a teenager to get the government to share what it knows about UFOs and other clandestine matters. As the debate over how many USAF UFO investigation cases were truly never explained continues, due to Greenewald’s work, the citizen researcher now has the ability to peruse the files without having to travel or subscribe to a membership. You can find the Project Blue Book cases at TheBlackVault.com.



ET CONTACT implants, symbols and selection by

For nearly 30 years I’ve interviewed many hundreds of people who have reported close encounters with extraterrestrials. During those encounters some people claimed they received “alien implants” which were inserted into their body sometime during their interactions. These implants are often reported to be placed into the sinus cavity of the individual, behind their ears, in their fingers, under their tongue, but often near bone with no visible signs of entry. At times people have reported they sneezed or spat out an unknown object from their body, and in one case I interviewed a man who reported an object had dislodged itself from under his tongue which he then spat out into his hand. He was then shocked to see it move around while he examined it! When UFO researcher and podiatric surgeon, Roger Leir, tried to remove some of these implants from people he found them to have an intelligent response, moving under the skin of his patient when his scalpel came into close proximity. Another interesting point about implants is that they produce no immune response so the body won’t reject them. Also, through the use of electron microscopy it can be seen that biological tissue grows from the implant entwining itself with the tissue of an individual. Some implants have been found to be made of meteoric Iron (with non-earthly isotopes) as well as having isotopic ratios that don’t occur naturally on Earth. They can also emit an electromagnetic frequency and seem to be far in advance of earthly technology. What are they for? It’s been theorised they might be tracking devices, ensuring the ETs know the location of an individual at any given moment. Another theory is they tap into the human nervous system for vicarious purposes, so that ETs are able to observe and experience life on planet Earth from a safe distance. It’s also thought they could be used for telepathic communication or at least act as a receiving device so information can be passed on to the contactee. Other phenomena reported during close encounters is the receiving of unsought information referred to as an “alien download”. This information is stored in a person’s memory, some of which can be immediately accessed, while other information is to be “triggered” at a later date. Some of this information includes the receiving of symbols of many different varieties, but mostly hieroglyphic in nature. People often include these in artwork or doodles, while others perform automatic writing full of pages of these glyphs. Others will receive only a handful of these or just one symbol that has meaning for them. Some believe this glyph writing is an example of alien language, but without genuine examples of alien language this


Sheryl Gottschall

can’t be decided either way. However, it’s possible that these symbols are designed to have an effect on those who receive them, but for what purpose remains open to speculation. People reporting close encounters always ask me why it’s happening to them. That’s one of the big questions that researchers would like to know too, but there could be a myriad of possibilities. One theory that has strong suggestive evidence is that due to close encounters often being generational in nature, meaning they repeat in family lines, could mean contact has something to do with human DNA. During many encounters human tissue, egg and sperm samples are collected by “ETs” and many experiencers believe they have become part of a hybrid breeding program that mixes human and alien DNA, but again, for what purpose we can only guess. What makes these reports interesting is that hundreds of thousands of people have independently reported similar experiences on a world wide scale, showing this subject needs serious study. If you have no clear memory of alien contact but sense something is going on in the background of your life, some indicators of close encounters can be missing or gained time, repeated sightings of alien craft, sleep disorders and/or night terrors, vivid dreams waking with physical marks, sensitivity to bright lights, electrical sensitivity which interferes with watches, household electrical goods, vehicles etc, inexplicable healing, or a history of strange encounters within your family. These indicators are often accompanied by other paranormal experiences throughout your life such as seeing ghosts, having a near death experience, developing healing abilities, precognition, clairvoyance etc. Any or all can be indicators that something is going on. If you’re concerned know that you’re not alone in your experiences and you can contact me at UFO Research Queensland if you want to talk to someone about your experiences. About Sheryl Gottschall Sheryl is a UFO and paranormal researcher who has had her own ET contact experience and UFO sightings, as well as a near death experience and many other experiences with the paranormal. She is also the president of UFO Research Queensland Inc and you can contact her on 07 3376 1780 or info@uforq.asn.au. You can also message her via Facebook.



Australian Crop Circle Report

I experienced three crop circles in 1968 on our farm in NSW between Temora, Young, Grenfell and Barmedmund. I heard about crop circles in the 70’s but none before, so when the internet became available I researched and found the crop circle in Queensland in 1966. It was good to know I was not alone in Australia. I did not know what they were until reports started coming in during the 70’s. When I was in 2nd form (age 13 in 1968) my homework was to document a full lunar cycle, which is easy in such a remote location with very little rain, no cloud cover and the nearest towns all over 30 miles away. While I did this I started seeing strange lights so I got my sister to come out each night with me. We watched these UFOs nightly in the black sky. They changed from green to red and back again frequently. They moved up and down and in unusual patterns, darting here and there in extremely fast ways. We were a bit scared. People tell me it must have been aeroplanes, which is funny as we had none out there. Part way through the month we decided to go crayfishing in the bottom dam and set off through a paddock that Dad had sown with wheat, which he only did once in that year 1968. Not far into it we came across three identical circles in the crop, in a line.

crop being sewn there that year (just the once due to it being an open paddock near the house). I think they used that spot to come and go a lot. Some other factors you may like to know is that the property had quartz and goldmines on it. I can interact with these Beings and recently a discussion with them told us that Australia was the first to be hit starting in December 2010 followed closely by the rest of the world. Mountains will slide and there will be great loss. They hold the Buddha Boy Ramm in very high esteem and as my abilities to interact with them have increased they address me as a group. They have been telling me for the last 10 years that all change will come through water in many ways. I was taken (during a supposedly ordinary meditation) into black granite tunnels to meet with some special ‘other’ Beings, which I did and they showed me a strange device which created power. One being was ET and very familiar. When I came out of that meditation I was ‘homesick’ for weeks. I can ‘feel’ earthquakes and bad events before they happen.

They were amazing! They were about 30 feet across (it was before metric conversion). The wheat was swirled flat in a clockwise direction. Every wheat straw (they were ripe) was either flat or upright -- there was no in between, no breakage and in perfect patterns. In the centre of each circle was a cone shaped like a V into the crop and soil. The cone had traces of black substance that was filmy with no smell and it was gone the next day. The next time we went back I was strangely relaxed and it all felt ‘right’. My sister did not feel this and has virtually obliterated it from her memory. I had vague recollections of being on board a funny building, but it was not scary like everyone was saying back then. I drowned at the age of 5 and I was put back in my body by beautiful beings of light - big circles of light that told me to go back and gently put me back in. I now associate these Beings with those circles and UFOs. I have NO fear of them at all. Over the last 20 years I have had more and more memories of these Beings come back to me and I have also had more memories of the craft. I understand now that those three circles were only visible because of the UFO ENCOUNTER




If you can’t at least consider the possibility that the human race has been involved in some sort of interaction with a non-human intelligence for a great deal of recorded history, you may stop reading now. The thousands of reports and accounts of gods, aliens, djinn, fairies, tricksters and other entities that pop up through the ages might be wishful thinking, or there is something very weird going on. If nothing else, it is far more interesting to consider the latter possibility. Bring up UFOs at a party and almost everyone will be interested, but mention it to a reporter or academic (i.e. those whom we trust to define what is reality) and you will most likely get a snide comment and a quick change of subject. Serious people do not take UFOs seriously, at least on the record. Off the record there are some surprising exceptions, but the fact remains that there is no real safe harbor for enlightened discussion of the subject, short of private, informal conversation. Most people are at least partially interested in the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. Most of us have an opinion; whether it is real or not, whether aliens exist, or have interacted with us directly. It is a compelling subject and ripe for speculation. It also

Greg Bishop

reprinted with permission from

STEAMSHOVEL PRESS http://www.steamshovel.press/ holds a mirror up to the human experience since it is apparently something external to us which at its source seems to possess a self-awareness and intelligence, that is if you accept that something is actually happening. Even if you don’t, there is nevertheless very good evidence that we have had contact with something non-human and intelligent and have been for hundreds of years—even several millennia if we are willing to accept the accounts and myths of ancient cultures. Sufficient study of literally thousands of accounts leaves most reasonable people little option but to accept that something is going on. Most can at least consider that there is a genuine mystery involved, whether it originates from within or outside of us, or indeed in a combination of the two. But in our public discourse, there is a huge leap of logic here that most have not noticed. The conclusion that the phenomenon known as UFOs is caused by aliens is premature and narrow. Contrary to what you have been led to believe, there is no real reason to conclude that we are being visited by beings from other planets. In spite of this, whole industries, organizations and egos are built on that assumption. When the latest stories of lights in the sky are aired or written about, every single account reported in the media brings up the ubiquitous people from other planets. That belief has kept us running in circles for decades. It has become the only way to talk about the subject, with no more evidence than our ingrained expectations. Something that should be leading us into new areas of exploration by its very strangeness is locked into a prison that we have built for it. Speculation on the nature of UFOs and our ideas and interactions with the enigma are pregnant with possibilities, but the jokes



and dogma try desperately to keep the monster at bay. Perhaps it is time to jailbreak the UFOs. There is wilful ignorance amongst many of those claiming to be interested in solving the mystery, and it has slammed the doors to new ideas. There are many flaws in reasoning and the most of the modern study of UFOs is a history of wishful thinking run rampant. It can and should be a serious subject for serious minds and not a group that many people consider little more than hobbyists. Discoveries in physics, aero- and astronautics, biology and psychology are routinely ignored by UFO pundits and writers. Looking over the vast backlog of raw data from witnesses from over 60 years of sightings and encounters, it should be plain that a different way of thinking about UFOs is in order, if we are to get anywhere near unravelling this modern mystery. The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis or ETH as it is known, is a viable, logical theory, but does not account for all the data, and if you are looking for a hypothesis that stands up to objective scrutiny, you must let the theory fit the data and not the other way around. Unbeknownst to most UFO fans and luminaries, there are relatively new ideas in physics (known collectively as “m-brane” theory) that actually support the idea that beings can travel almost instantaneously to the Earth from distant planets, but they are only theories with no experimental evidence as yet to back them up, and once again, they do not fit much of the reported data spanning decades or centuries, at least not in any way that makes logical sense. We cannot produce a UFO or alien on demand, and that makes it difficult to study. It also turns off a vast majority of intelligent people who could make inroads to solving the riddle. Actually we can produce the experience of “alien contact” with reasonable regularity, although it doesn’t make many people very happy. We’ll get back to that one. In the study of UFOs, we have seen promising novelty largely ignored and stupidity routinely enshrined in servitude to the herding instinct and other social pressures. The human desire for acceptance never produces anything of value to the race, and the 60odd year-old Ufology club has not changed its popular tune one iota (at least in the United States) since its inception. Paradoxically, some of the most interesting thoughts about the subject emerged among individuals and smaller groups in the early years of serious research, but this explosion of creativity often occurs before ideas are codified and made into dogma. The question of the UFOs should make us curious. UFO ENCOUNTER

It should bring out the best in novel thinking and creativity. It should shed light on our own existence and how we solve problems. It’s time to bring out these ignored ideas and cheerlead them into the public discourse. Even if we don’t actually solve the mystery to anyone’s complete satisfaction, we can at least have some fun. When someone says “Do you believe in UFOs?” what they are really saying is “Do you believe that alien lifeforms from other planets are visiting Earth in spaceships?” This unfortunate shorthand shuts us off from any further debate. We have a ready-made mental file in which to stuff UFOs. Most of us have it in the same filing cabinet that includes ghosts, ESP, the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot. There are actually similarities in these subjects that range beyond the obvious, but this categorization disease is insidious. This filing of strange information into the back of small boxes in the deep recesses of our minds ends the debate before it’s even started. Maybe this is aided by the very way we describe our perceptions and memories. It has been proven that our language determines how we think about things, and for all of its variety, the normal use of the English language is based around what we know, or what we think we know. For example, take this statement: WATER BOILS AT 100 DEGREES CELSIUS Most people would think that this is an irrefutable statement, but it would be untrue if you tired it on the surface of Mars. It could be more accurate to say that the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius at sea level on the planet Earth. We could refine our terms further by stating that the temperature at which the vapor pressure of water equals the environmental pressure surrounding the water is the boiling point. The average atmospheric pressure on any other planet would cause water to boil at a different temperature. This is an easy case of defining our terms, but it shows that we make a lot of assumptions in the normal use of the English language. When a few assumptions and vaguely-defined words are added to the mix, things can get tricky. The statement UFOs ARE ALIENS COMING FROM OTHER PLANETS …is taken as gospel by UFO enthusiasts (and Hollywood screenwriters, among others) but it contains several assumptions and leaps of logic and faith: UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. The term was coined by the United States Air Force in the early 9

1950s to refer to the strange reports that kept pouring in from military and civilian witnesses. It is (and should be) a neutral term. Something is seen in the sky, it is apparently flying, and it cannot be readily identified. Simple enough, but most of us assume (whether though deeply-held belief or for convenience) that “UFO” means a structured, piloted craft from other planets. This leap of faith must be eliminated of we want to stop chasing our semantic tails. “Are” is a horrible word to use when dealing with unknowns. It is the plural form of the verb “to be” and removes all doubt in a subject that is filled with doubt. “True UFOs are still a mystery” might be a fair use of the verb. “Aliens” is perhaps the most insidious word in the sentence. At this point in history, at least if you are exposed to any sort of media such as the news, movies, fiction or UFO books, aliens are defined as conscious, physical life forms from planets other than Earth. The popular image has changed over the last 50 years from humanoids with green or blue or some other non-scheduled skin tone to the ubiquitous giant-eyed grey being, thanks in great part to the cover painting on Whitley Strieber’s 1987 book, Communion. The aliens manifest as physical beings in our thoughts and reports because our minds do best when dealing with things that inhabit the same three-dimensional space that our conscious awareness operates in every day. It also guides the majority of our public discourse, since any deviation from this convention starts to become dangerously subjective. There is as much evidence that these “aliens” are coming from inner space as other galaxies, but that does not necessarily mean that we are always hallucinating them. “Coming from” implies transportation through space from one place to another. No one has ever seen or tracked any craft traveling through space to our planet, at least no one who is at liberty to tell us about it. The UFOs appear in our skies and if some accounts and video from the space program are to be believed (or interpreted a such) in the space above the Earth. According to some branches of recent theoretical physics, anyone who wants to travel here may not have to actually spend several years hurtling thorough space at near light speeds, so this part of the statement could be seen as fairly straightforward. 10

“Other planets” identifies the origin of the supposed “aliens.” We have encountered no evidence as yet for any life on other planets. Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t someday discover a way of detecting if there is intelligent life elsewhere. According to many cultural traditions (even some western-based varieties) what is perceived as non-human consciousness does not necessarily originate from other worlds. Words and grammar often reinforce a way of viewing the world that is linear and logical. UFOs are anything but linear or logical. Based on many reports, what they seem to be trying to do is to break us of our mental habits by throwing a wrench into our assumptions. Presumptions have kept us locked in a vicious circle because most of us don’t even realize that we’re in it. It would be nice to crack this circle so that we can move into the larger world of logic, interesting ideas and fun speculation. We might even begin to meet the phenomenon of UFOs more on its own terms (or at least without us getting in our own way.) In 2009, Kevin Randle claimed that he and his generation of UFO researchers had “solved” the mystery. Through interviews with UFO witnesses, Roswell Incident participants, government insiders and “common sense,” Randle said that the case had been convincingly made for extraterrestrial origin. Randle’s statement (and the underpinnings of the belief systems of all major UFO groups and fans) is based solely on witness testimony, a handful of cases of inconclusive physical evidence and photo/ video images that occasionally show something very out of the ordinary. In spite of protests to the contrary, all that can be that proven so far is Carl Jung’s 1958 statement, “Things are seen, but one does not know what.” In the 1890s, a wave of so-called “airship” sightings swept the United States. Out of many accounts (some of which were proven as hoaxes by newspaper writers) came a story of a farmer who approached a landed craft and was asked for the time by a bearded, steampunky crew member. “It’s eleven-thirty’ he said. The aeronaut replied “You lie. It is one o’clock.” This theatre of the absurd runs throughout the history of encounters with weird flying objects and is our first clue that things are not as they seem, or perhaps more importantly, the way we want them to seem. UFO ENCOUNTER

In 1967, Nebraska patrolman Herbert Schirmer claimed an encounter with military-like beings on a strange craft. When he finished his tour of their ship, they bid him farewell with this cryptic statement: “We want you to believe in us, but not too much.” If UFO study is to evolve without continuing as a self-ingratiating mutual admiration society with a persecution complex, we need to stop believing our own stories and try some new ones.

not be revealed until small groups of people quietly sharing their findings can be sure of reasonably repeatable results. Perhaps the best result of this kind of active research would be something that anyone can try for themselves. The outcomes would probably be as individual as the people performing the experiments, but if most could achieve some sort of breakthrough, a quiet revolution in thinking about the subject might happen.

One prominent UFO researcher and theorist recently proposed (and possibly carried out) an experiment that tried to change the phenomenon by attempting to actively influence it through human intervention. It is not reported if anything of significance was achieved, but this sort of out-of-the-box thinking is almost completely absent from the field. Just a few years ago, a small group was involved in using the psychoactive substance DMT to try and interact with any extra-human intelligences that they might encounter, based on the scientific research of Dr. Rick Strassman, who discovered that his test subjects were having spontaneous encounters with apparent “aliens” while under the influence of the drug. Like the previous experiment, the UFO group did not publicly announce if anything was achieved.

These two ideas are simple and testable for any reasonably intelligent and diligent individual or group and are just a couple of examples of how the UFO field could be imbued with new life. We would be moving into mostly uncharted territory here, but isn’t that what we want? The age of the big UFO groups and conventions, celebrity, etc. should be over by now, and it is holding back independent thinking. The new ideas will come from small groups and individuals doing sometimes outlandish things and taking the hidden and forbidden paths into the future.

Perhaps any results of experiments like these should

That should excite almost anyone. Greg Bishop’s program, Radio Misterioso happens Sunday nights in LA and on the web at killradio.org. He wrote the definitive work about the Paul Bennewitz affair, Project Beta, and published the zine Excluded Middle, anthologized in the book Wake U Down There.


Paranormal Awareness Community turns 1! Monday, July 6 2015, was the first birthday of the Paranormal Awareness Community group at Mango Hill. Sheryl Gottschall was the guest speaker and gave a presentation on close encounters from the records of UFO Research Queensland. Sheryl also expanded on the connections between close encounters and the Afterlife. Thanks to organiser Kristy Buist for the invitation for UFORQ to be part of their celebrations. A great effort by organiser Kristy in providing the space for people interested in the paranormal to connect. Happy first birthday, hopefully the first of many to follow. Well done!

Top: the party attracted a number of unidentified visitors Bottom: Lauren Kurth, director OZECETI (left). Sheryl Gottschall president UFORQ (centre), Kristy Buist, organiser Paranormal Awareness Community (right)



UFO STORY LANDS IN THE HALL OF HISTORY This is how the story goes: It’s 1966, and 6-year-old Thomas Reed is in his bedroom on his family’s horse farm in the Berkshires when the encounters begin.

subject of television shows and radio programs through the years. But Reed, who now lives in Tennessee, said the recognition from the museum is historic.

Strange lights. Strange figures in the hallway. Suddenly, he’s in the woods near his home looking at a UFO. Then he and his younger brother, Matthew, are inside the craft. He’s shown a projection of a willow tree.

“They took a stand and have chosen to recognize something that many people in their position would have stepped away from,” said Reed, who is now 55. “We know what we saw, and it was not local. It was definitely off-world. And it affected my whole family, and there has been a lot of posttraumatic stress.”

The following year, there is another incident at their home on Boardman Street in Sheffield. More strange lights. The sound of doors slamming. Then the boys are back inside the vessel. The next thing Thomas knows, he’s in his driveway being scooped up by his mother, who has been searching frantically for the boys on horseback. Two years later, the family is driving on Route 7 when they see strange lights in the sky. Their car stalls, and then Thomas and his brother and mother and grandmother find themselves in a giant room. He is brought to meet two strange, ant-like figures, then placed in some sort of cage. Next thing, he’s back near the car. Reed has told these stories many times, and it has not always gone well. But recently, his tale had found recognition in an unlikely place. The Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum has formally inducted the UFO story. What does that mean? “It means that we believe it is true,” said Debbie Oppermann, the director of the society. “I know we’re going to get a lot of backlash. We’re going to get hammered,” she said. “But we have given it an awful lot of thought, and, based on the evidence we’ve been given, we believe this is a significant and true event.” The historical society believes it is the first time a “mainstream” historical society or museum in the United States has declared a UFO encounter to be historical fact. But the decision was far from unanimous; of the nine members of the historical society’s board, three were “strongly opposed” to the decision, Oppermann said, but “it passed with consensus.” The Reed case already has its own display in the International UFO Museum and Research Centre in Roswell, N.M.; now, it’s about to get one in Great Barrington, about two miles from where the alleged encounters took place. What most interests the historical society is the 1969 encounter, because dozens of people in the area reported seeing an unidentified flying object around that time, typically described as a disk-shaped craft performing acrobatic manoeuvres in the sky. Many of those eyewitnesses called the local radio station, WSBS, which covered the sightings. (The radio station has provided documentation to the historical society, which interviewed one of those eyewitnesses. They have also examined a polygraph test taken by Thomas Reed.) The Reed abductions are well known in the world of UFO enthusiasts. Thomas Reed this month was a featured speaker at the International UFO Congress in Arizona, the world’s largest UFO convention. And the story has been the


The subject of UFOs and alien encounters has always occupied a fringe position in American culture, with many believers labelled as tin-hat conspiracy theorists obsessed with government cover-ups. But polls show that the number of Americans who believe has been growing. A 2012 study by Kelton Research, a market research company, found that 36 percent of Americans believe aliens have visited the earth. But “proof” remains elusive for many, including Ted Acworth, a scientist with a doctorate from Stanford who was doing postdoctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology when he was tapped to be the “science guy” on the History Channel show “UFO Hunters.” Acworth looked at some of the more famous cases around the world, and he said he was never able to find what he would consider physical evidence of alien encounters. “I’m convinced that there are things happening that are unexplainable, but is that proof of a UFO?” said Acworth, who lives in Boston and now works on technology startups. “A lot of highly credible people believe in their bones that they saw something. It’s not just fringe wackos. But the nearest habitable planet is many, many light years away, and I don’t think they’d come here just to scare people and fly home again. They’d make themselves known.” Reed says he is not trying to convert nonbelievers. Their scorn has been a part of his life. His mother owned a restaurant in town, and there were those who came in only to make her life miserable. He got beat up a lot by the other kids. His grandmother used to hold a pillow so he could punch it to get his frustration out. After the third encounter, his mother boarded up the boys’ bedroom, quickly sold the house, and they moved a few miles up the road to Great Barrington. All he can do, he says, is follow what his mother always told him: Speak the truth. “It hasn’t helped us in any way to talk about,” Reed said. “We’re not making any money. This has tarnished our life. This has smeared our family’s name. It can only hurt you when someone Googles your name. “But when you have something extraordinary like this happen to you, how do you keep a lid on it?” http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/02/23/berkshiresmuseum-says-alien-encounter-true/kTFw5NRfJLzax8pYD49G2N/ story.html


what didn’t make it to...



Hundreds Report UFO Sighting In Cannock Chase, U.K.


Hundreds of residents of Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, U.K., witnessed a UFO flying very low, slowly and loudly in the sky over homes in the area on March 24, 2015. The incident, which took place around 9p.m. local time, caused a great stir even in an area that has become notorious over the years as a UFO hotspot. According to local witnesses, minutes before the object became visible in the air, a very loud droning noise could be heard. And soon, a massive aircraft appeared, moving slowly over homes with three red lights. It was flying so low that many feared it was going to crash and cause a major catastrophe. At first, many thought it was an aircraft in distress. According to the Birmingham Mail, immediately after the incident, hundreds of residents took to social media to report their experiences. “My house was rumbling, and I’m still shaking. It was slow and it was huge.” “Way too slow for fighter jets. It flew directly over our house, made a sharp left turn and carried on.” “It was stupidly loud. My heart is still pounding.” “I heard it and thought that’s low… thought it might have been a plane coming down… it looked like one big thing with 3 lights, scared the **** outta me.” “I heard it; very low and loud- sounding and seemed to last for about 3 mins. The dog went mad.” “It wasn’t a fighter jet; way too big. Three red lights one at rear one on each wing. Usually commercial planes have flashing lights but this just had three solid red lights. It could have been a large military plane especially with such an unusual flight path. [sic]” A paranormal investigator, Lee Brickley, described his experience on the Paranormal Cannock Chase Blog as the UFO flew over the area. He described the noise as similar to the engine of an old World War Two bomber. “Before anything could be seen with the naked eye, there was a deep and very loud droning. After around three minutes, the craft came into sight. It seemed incredibly large and astonishingly low


in the sky with three red lights that were easily noticeable. The UFO travelled very slowly and many people thought it was about to crash.” Another journalist, Hannah Hiles, agreed with Brickley that the “thunderous noise” continued for several minutes after the craft had disappeared. She said the noise was much more prolonged that the noise of military jets. Although some locals thought it was likely an alien UFO flying over the area, many thought it was more likely a prototype of a secret military aircraft under development. Others thought it was possibly a military aircraft from the U.S. aircraft carrier that recently arrived off the coast of Portsmouth. Brickley ruled out the earlier explanation that it was an aircraft from a nearby airport in distress. “I’ve checked online with flight tracking services, and have concluded it would be impossible for this to have been a plane in trouble. There simply weren’t any flights in the area at that specific time. I also contacted Birmingham Airport to make sure, and they confirmed none of the flights leaving or arriving at the airport experienced issues that would have led them to fly so low.” A spokesperson for the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA) said it was likely a drone, pointing to the fact that several recent UFO alerts turned out to be drones. The spokesperson, who thought it could also be a secret military aircraft undergoing testing, said, “I’m sure it is something that can be explained. Whether it will be explained is another matter. There are so many drones around.” Both Brickley and the BUFORA spokesperson agreed that it would be difficult to rule out the possibility that it was a secret military aircraft undergoing testing because that the military authorities tend to be very reticent about issues involving their secret projects.

Florida witness says silent UFO ‘cloaked itself’


A Florida witness at St. Augustine recalled events from 2013 when a “large, black, boomerang craft with five large, glowing lights” silently moved overhead and disappeared as though it cloaked itself, according to testimony in Case 64134 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.


The events began about 10:15 p.m. on December 12, 2013, when a friend and his girlfriend stopped over and pointed out strange lights in the sky. The friend described the lights as greenish in colour moving across the sky at a fairly low altitude appearing and reappearing several times. The reporting witness quizzed his friend on exactly what was seen, but at first saw nothing in the sky. Eventually the friend was about to leave and they stepped outside. “I first saw the pair of them and almost immediately after – there it was,” the witness stated. “A very large, dark, craft, boomerang in shape but with sharp edges. There were five large, dimly glowing, yellowish lights underneath the craft with the middle one where the front would be and two on the sides, but all underneath. “It made no sound, and the best description of the way it looked against the night sky was like how in the movie ‘Predator,’ when he (the Predator) would be cloaked in the trees, you really wouldn’t be able to see him except if he moved. Well, that’s how this craft looked against the night sky. You could see the edges, but only because it was moving, and slowly at that. “As for the lights, they were glowing with a slight pulse, bright but very faint at the same time, but large. It travelled slowly in plain sight and as weird as it sounds, it just disappeared – totally where it should have still been visible, but just wasn’t. “This whole ordeal lasted only 20 seconds or so, but made a very big impact on me. I wrote the date down onto my desk and even called my friend after we freaked out on what we had just seen and had him tell me exactly what he saw as if I had not been there. Just amazing.” St. Augustine is a city in Northeast Florida, population 69,173. Florida is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 1.35 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Florida received a total of 26 UFO reports in February. The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.

to be presented at the Indian Science Congress beginning Saturday at the University of Mumbai, in a session titled “Ancient Indian Aviation Technology.” The presenters of the session are apparently serious in their belief that ancient Indian planes were not only able to travel across the solar system, but also “could move left, right, as well as backwards, unlike modern planes which only fly forward,” according to one of the speakers, Captain Anand J Bodas, quoted in the Mumbai Mirror. It’s easy enough to fly around the Internet and find plenty of material from folks who believe we were visited by ancient astronauts or that humans had cracked flight much earlier than 1903. But the Indian Science Congress is not the type of gathering where you would normally find such topics on the agenda. Most of the other sessions are on topics more fitting of a university science setting, such as biodiversity, quantum chemistry or fusion. The session is tucked into a symposium on “Ancient Sciences Through Sanskrit,” with other talks on things like the “Neuroscience of Yoga” or “Scientific Principles of Ancient Indian Architecture and Civil Engineering.” The idea of mixing in a serious talk on ancient Indian astronauts with presentations on more rigorous research and science policy issues at a major science conference has drawn the ire of Dr. Ram Prasad Gandhiraman, a NASA scientist at the agency’s Ames research center in California. Gandhiraman has collected hundreds of signatures from other scientists around the world on a petition demanding that the session be cancelled. The petition also cites what Gandhiraman sees as increasing political attempts to mix mythology and science in India. “We as a scientific community should be seriously concerned about the infiltration of pseudo-science in science curricula with backing of influential political parties,” the petition reads. “Giving a scientific platform for a pseudo-science talk is worse than a systematic attack that has been carried out by politically powerful pseudoscience propagandists in the recent past. If we scientists remain passive, we are betraying not only the science, but also our children.”

Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference


The Sanskrit text that describes the ancient flying machines which Bodas cites, the Vaimanika Shastra, has itself been studied thoroughly by scientists who have concluded that very few of the craft it describes would likely be able to fly at all.

The Wright brothers were a little late to the aviation game when you consider that pilots in ancient India were flying aircraft not only around the world, but from planet to planet as well. At least, that’s one of the claims scheduled

This leaves a few possible explanations: ancient Indian aviation truly is the stuff of mythology, or alternate ancient laws of physics allowed ancient astronauts to fly all over in shoddily conceived craft, by today’s standards.



‘Alien abduction’ artist admits he fooled everyone


When artist Lloyd Canning announced last month that he had been abducted by aliens and was being used by them to communicate with Earth, his comments were reported by some of the more gullible sections of the press.

Giant Beings Seen Rapidly Climbing Mexican Volcano


Canning, 33, a former scaffolder from Evesham, told the Mirror that he had been captured by extraterrestrials six times since 2005 and they were now projecting ideas onto his brain which he felt compelled to include in his sci-fi paintings.

The Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico has long been a hotbed for UFO sightings, even though it is highly active. Now a mountain rescue team claims it has witnessed giant creatures climbing up the slopes of the mountain faster than humanly possible.

He said: “Ever since that first sighting I have had these crazy visions that just come over me. When they happen it’s like I don’t have a choice - I just have to paint them.I thin k I was chosen because I was an artist, and they know they could channel through me.”

Popocatepetl is located in the states of Mexico, Puebla and Morelos in Central Mexico. At 5,426 meters (17,802 feet), it is the second highest peak in Mexico. UFOs have been reported frequently in the area, with some witnesses seeing them entering or leaving the mouth of the volcano.

But now Canning has boldly revealed that it was all for laughs on his Facebook page. He posted a few days ago: “For anyone who have seen my story in the papers, the truth is I have never been abducted but I have had some great sightings.”

In a recent interview on Tercermilenio television, climber Guillermo Vidales, also known as Huracán Vidales, said that mountain rescue crews on Popocatepetl saw humanoid creatures measuring about 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) in height at an altitude of over 4,000 meters (13,000 feet). Seen on more than one occasion, the beings appeared to be thin and brown and not wearing any visible clothing. They showed amazing speed and skill, according to Vidales.

“Don’t you just love the media, exposure is what I wanted, exposure is what I got lol lol lol lol lol lol lol I love you all.” On his website, it seems like Canning’s artistic process isn’t so different from what he told the press - it just doesn’t feature aliens: “I feel I have so much to express, I get a build up of energy and I just have to go crazy in my art studio until I collapse.”

Once, we saw one of these individuals climb up the glacier in 10 minutes, a stretch that we linger about 3-4 hours in. They have an amazing agility. In addition to the photographs (above), Vidales says the teams have found footprints that don’t resemble humans. The footprints are very large, the part corresponding to the heel leaves a hole, and something that resembles a claw which apparently serves them – like a propulsive support –through the snow and ice. What are these creatures? Are they aliens from one of the UFOs seen in the area? Relatives of Sasquatch? Perhaps they dwell in the inner earth around the volcano. Whatever they are, Popocatepetl may not be happy that they’ve been discovered. According to Mexico’s National Disaster Prevention Centre, the volcano erupted 28 times in less than 24 hours on New Year’s Eve.



never visits their planet with his loose morals, questionably applied prime directive, irresistible charms and pants aflame with who knows what kinds of interstellar STIs? Here’s the problem. Broadcast towers transmit their signals outward in a sphere, which falls under the inverse square law. The strength of the signal decreases massively over distance. By the time you’ve gone a few light years, the signal is almost non-existent.

Are aliens watching old TV shows? http://phys.org/news/2015-01-aliens-tv.html

You’ve probably heard the trope about how aliens have been watching old episodes of “I Love Lucy” and might think these are our “historical documents”. How far have our signals reached? Television transmissions expand outward from the Earth at the speed of light, and there’s a trope in science fiction that aliens have learned everything about humans by watching our television shows. If you’re 4 light-years away, you’re see the light from the Earth as it looked 4 years ago, and some of that light includes television transmissions, as radio waves are just another form of electromagnetism – it’s all just light.

Aliens could build a huge receiver, like the square kilometer array being built right now, but the signals they could receive from Earth would be a billion billion billion times weaker. Very hard to pick out from the background radiation. And by Grabthar’s hammer, I assure you it’s only by focusing our transmissions and beaming them straight at another star do we stand a chance of alerting aliens of our presence. Which, like it or not, is something we’ve done. So there’s that. We’ve really been broadcasting our existence for hundreds of millions of years. The very presence of oxygen in the atmosphere of the Earth would tell any alien with a good enough telescope that there’s life here. Aliens could tell when we invented fire, when we developed steam technology, and what kinds of cars we like to drive, just by looking at our atmosphere. So don’t worry about our transmissions, the jig is up. Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-01aliens-tv.html#jCp

Humans began serious television service in the 1930s, and by the modern era, there were thousands of powerful transmitters pumping out electromagnetic radiation for all to see. So are aliens watching “I Love Lucy” or footage from World War II and believing it all to be part of our “Historical Documents”?

Mysterious Planet X May Really Lurk Undiscovered in Our Solar System

The first radio broadcasts started in the early 1900s. At the time I’m recording this video, it’s late 2014, so those transmissions have escaped into space 114 years ago. This means our transmissions have reached a sphere of stars with a radius of 114 light-years.

At least two planets larger than Earth likely lurk in the dark depths of space far beyond Pluto, just waiting to be discovered, a new analysis of the orbits of “extreme trans-Neptunian objects” (ETNOs) suggests.

Are there other stars in that volume of space? Absolutely. It’s estimated that there are more than 14,000 stars within 100 light years of Earth. Most of those are tiny red dwarf stars, but there would be hundreds of sun-like stars. As we’re discovering, almost all of those stars will have planets, many of which will be Earthlike. It’s almost certain some of those stars will have planets in the habitable zone, and could have evolved life forms, technology and television sets and were able to learn of the Stealth Haze and the Mak’Tar chant of strength. Will the signals be powerful enough to stretch across the vast distances of space and reach another world so that many generations of aliens can hang their hopes that James Tiberius Kirk



Researchers studied 13 ETNOs — frigid bodies such as the dwarf planet Sedna that cruise around the sun at great distances in elliptical paths. Theory predicts a certain set of details for ETNO orbits. For example, they should have a semimajor axis, or average distance from the sun, of about 150 astronomical units (AU). (1 AU is the distance from Earth to the sun — roughly 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.) These orbits should also have an inclination, relative to the plane of the solar system, of almost 0 degrees, among other characteristics. But the actual orbits of the 13 ETNOs are quite different, with semi-major axes ranging from 150 to 525 AU and average inclinations of about 20 degrees. “This excess of objects with unexpected orbital


parameters makes us believe that some invisible forces are altering the distribution of the orbital elements of the ETNOs, and we consider that the most probable explanation is that other unknown planets exist beyond Neptune and Pluto,” lead author Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, of the Complutense University of Madrid, said in a statement. “The exact number is uncertain, given that the data that we have is limited, but our calculations suggest that there are at least two planets, and probably more, within the confines of our solar system,” he added. The potential undiscovered worlds would be more massive than Earth, researchers said, and would lie about 200 AU or more from the sun — so far away that they’d be very difficult, if not impossible, to spot with current instruments. The new results — detailed in two papers in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters — aren’t the first to lend credence to the possible existence of a so-called Planet X. In March 2014, Chadwick Trujillo and Scott Sheppard announced the discovery of 2012 VP113, an ETNO that never gets closer to the sun than 80 AU. 2012 VP113 thus joined Sedna as the two known denizens of the “inner Oort Cloud,” a far-flung and largely unexplored region of space beyond the Kuiper Belt (where Pluto lies). Trujillo and Sheppard suggested that the orbits of 2012 VP113 and Sedna are consistent with the continued presence of a big “perturber” — perhaps a planet 10 times more massive than Earth that lies 250 AU from the sun. However, the pair also stressed that other explanations are possible as well. For example, Sedna and 2012 VP113 may have been pushed out to their present positions by long-ago interactions with other stars in the sun’s birth cluster. The objects may also have been nabbed from another solar system during a stellar close encounter. De la Fuente Marcos and his colleagues acknowledge the possibility of such alternative scenarios as well. The picture should get clearer as researchers study the orbits of more and more distant, icy objects, he said. “If it is confirmed, our results may be truly revolutionary for astronomy,” de la Fuente Marcos said.

Strange Gray Creature Spotted in Ohio http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ritoban-mukherjee/ strange-gray-creature-spo_1_b_6395236.html

Not much of a creature, I’d say, just two really, really long legs joined somewhere above, making a little pustule of a head, but that, believe it or not, is the creature reportedly seen by a man in Ohio this 12 December. Could it be a mutant? A gray alien? A mutated gray alien? I’ll leave the speculation out for the readers.


The 60-year-old man who had allegedly seen the creature this 12th December, was contacted by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who say that it’ll be interesting to find out about similar sightings in the locality. The Highland County Press published an account of the man’s bizarre encounter, mentioning that it was while driving along Carmel Road in Ohio that he spotted this gray creature. According to his account, the creature had long, muscular legs, no hands, no face and knees fitted backwards. The anonymous man is also a former U.S. Marine, and a (former?) skeptic, according to his wife. She says: “My husband saw it. He is a skeptic -- almost 60 years old -- and a proud Marine. He wouldn’t have admitted to seeing it if he hadn’t been in shock. I had him draw it for me when we got to the house. He says it was asphalt gray (our asphalt is gray) and about seven feet tall, no arms that he could see, but muscular in the legs area; no jawline, and its legs were bent backward and it leaned forward as it ran.”


Mysterious ancient object resembling UFO discovered in Russia during excavation


“Given that it was embedded so deep underground, it could be older than mammoth bones, which have been discovered in the area at a depth of 25 metres,” state the website. The unusual object is almost perfectly circular, with a diameter of around 1.2 metres and weighs roughly 440lbs.

Excavators in Russia have dug up a bizarre object that strongly resembles a UFO (below). The object was discovered by a coal mining company in Siberia’s Kuznetsk Basin, during excavation work, reports Mirror. Adding to the mystery of how an object like that was found buried 40 metres under the ground, archaeologists called in to examine it believe it’s a man-made object. Excavator Boris Glazkov, 40, who found the object, said: “I have to say it wasn’t hard to see as it was really distinctive and large. I’ve never seen anything like this object, which is obviously manmade, here in the middle of nowhere before. It is a real mystery.” His colleague, Arthur Presnyakov, 38, said: “There were actually two similar objects, but the first one broke as it was being pulled out of the ground by the excavator bucket. We thought we saw something sure, because it broke into pieces, but then when the second one appeared we stopped work and carefully removed it from the bucket.” However, as per the Mirror report, UFO enthusiasts and sky watchers are convinced it fell from space.


10 UFO-like objects filmed flying over Japan


A video shot in Japan’s port city of Osaka has been making the rounds online, displaying a swarm of white spherical objects of unknown origin flying across the sky. The two-minute clip shows the mysterious round objects (above) moving quickly in the sky, while following a dance-like pattern. The footage, which has since been reposted a few times from a Japanese YouTube channel, left many viewers puzzled as to what the flying anomalies could be, and also spurred conspiracy theories.


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