UFO Encounter #280

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the COMMITTEE President : Sheryl Gottschall Vice President : Tino Pezzimenti Treasurer : Michael West Membership : Tino Pezzimenti Sightings & Encounters : Sheryl Gottschall Public Relations : Sheryl Gottschall : Tino Pezzimenti : Gem Regan Librarian : Alan Reading Webmaster : Nate Odger Film Production/Editor : Barry Taylor Editor : Lee Paqui Officers : Gale King : Roy Kalecinski : Colin Philips

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PUBLIC MEETINGS Public Meetings are held on the last Friday of every month [except December] at 7.00pm sharp at the Kenmore Library, Meeting Room 3, Kenmore Village Shopping Centre, 9 Brookfield Road, Kenmore.

2015 Meeting Dates: Friday September 25, 7.00pm Friday October 30, 7.00pm Friday November 27, 7.00pm December - no Meeting Topics will be advertised at http://uforq.asn.au/ meetings/, on Facebook, or how about joining our email list for all the latest updates? Email us at info@uforq.asn.au for more information. If you can’t make it to our public meetings tune in to the Witching Hour on 4ZZZ (102.1FM) Saturdays 1012pm. Stream or listen on demand: www.4zzzfm.org.au/program/thewitching-hour

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from the


My hero, Elon Musk (bazillionaire space mogul extraordinaire), has just taken a tumble off his pedestal. Perhaps all that money has gone to his head. Perhaps the power of being able to do whatever you want with your money has spun his brain one-eighty and he’s now thinking through his, er, you know. Or maybe he was a megalomaniac all along and we just didn’t see it. Whatever. Now that the Solar System, and by extension the Universe, is literally within Elon Musk’s grasp, he seems to be thinking of taking it over. Witness his latest plan. Well, more of an idea, really, but he’s put it out there. Mr Musk wants to blow up Mars. Okay, not blow it up entirely, but he wants to obliterate enough of Mars’s poles that the planet can be terraformed into a hospitable place for humans to live. Say what? Is this how humanity will take its first steps into the Universe? With a flag in one hand and a bomb in the other? Maybe Elon isn’t serious. He’s a big thinker. Maybe he was just thinking aloud the day he said ‘let’s blow up Mars.’ But he put it out there. He frightened us. And while he might know a lot about making and spending money, Mr Musk doesn’t know very much about people. Humans have lived on a very hospitable planet for a very long time. We’ve always been messy, as a race, but finally, like teenagers in a festering bedroom, the mess has become untenable. Does Mr Musk truly believe that by moving us to a newly-razed world we will suddenly learn how to keep our room clean? Humans will no doubt colonise the Solar System the same way they colonised the Earth – first come, first served. If Elon Musk is the first person to make it to Mars, will he own it? ALL of it? And would that give him the right to do with it as he pleases – including blowing portions of it up?

UFO Research Queensland would like to send a heartfelt thanks to Dr Gemma Regan for her contributions in editing and publishing the UFO Encounter journal. Gemma did a fabulous job and threw herself into the task with unbounded and unbridled enthusiasm, bringing her extensive Ufological and paranormal knowledge and her unique creativity to the pages of UFO Encounter. Gem’s time as editor was definitely not long enough, but as is often the case when trying to juggle the requirements of daily life with this weird old UFO world, Gem’s life has become very busy and she can no longer dedicate the time to continue in the editorial role. But don’t worry -- Gem will continue in her role as Public Relations Officer, so members will still see her actively involved with committee work. And maybe one day she’ll realise how much she misses it and return to editing UFO Encounter! Thank you, Gem!

Galactic Sovereignty… It’s something that governments do think about, but are the laws yet in place to ensure that the kinds of things Mr Musk proposes do not happen? Would those laws ensure that greedy governments and mining corporations aren’t favoured… or maybe those laws are being drafted specifically in favour of corporations and governments? If History has taught us anything where governments are concerned, it’s taught us to expect the worst. If we don’t think about this now, now that a private citizen with the means and the ability is ready to go out there and plant his flag (and his bomb), then we are destined to make the same mistakes that litter the history of colonization – only this time the mistakes will be on a galactic scale. Is Elon Musk destined to be the next Hernando Cortez? Or the next Captain Cook? Which reminds me of another lesson that History has to offer: Cook left a swathe of human destruction across the South Pacific whilst following his path to glory… until one of the civilisations he was crushing beneath his gold-buckled boot rose up against him. And ate him. Let’s hope those Martians are hungry.


Sightings . . . 4 UFO filmed over Brisbane . . .5 Spaceship Earth . . . 6 ET Micro-organisms . . . 8 Ancient Civilisations . . . 9 Giants Unearthed? . . . 11


The Headlines . . . 13 3

sightings Toowoomba/Clifton, QLD, Monday 9 February 2015, 7.30pm to 9.30pm

A man was driving from Toowoomba to Clifton when he saw two lights in the sky he thought could be planes. He continued driving but then saw three lights in the sky dipping up and down, so he pulled over to look at them through binoculars. It was then he could see a shadow with lights around it that had a diffused shape. He continued to drive to Clifton and was outbound on his way to Leyburn when he saw an object with eight golden-yellow lights spinning around it about 25 to 50 metres in front of him, and at treetop level about 10 to 15 metres above him. The object was silent and the lights gave off no emanation on the surrounding environment. The witness described the lights as “looking like they were suspended in the sky.” The witness observed the entire event over a 40 minute period while he travelled about 20 kilometres per hour at very slow speed. There were two other drivers who he thought would have seen the lights too.

East of Nerang River, Gold Coast, 8 March, 2015 (evening) A witness was looking at the sky from the Gold Coast area and saw what they first thought was the light from a helicopter. It was a “big ball of light that looked like it was on fire” just before it faded out. They then saw something black drop from the object. The object looked low, about 200 metres high, with no sound and no flashing lights. It was observed for 40 to 50 seconds.

McDowall, Queensland, 17 March, 2015, 10.55pm

just south of Brisbane. At the time the house was situated near bushland and forest cover which was quite close. It was somewhere between 10 to 11pm when the witness and a friend were out the back of the house on the rear balcony chatting. During the conversation a glowing orange cylindrical object “just appeared” on top of the tree line. It was 25 metres from their position and silently moving quite slowly. The UFO was described as 5-10 metres long with three black windows, similar to our own aircraft windows in shape and size. They observed the UFO for 10-15 seconds before it disappeared into the nearby trees. The event left the witnesses with their “hair standing on end.”

Tully, QLD, 1998 (reported 2015) A man was located at East Faluga looking south west towards Tully. He observed a “spaceship” performing erratic movements for one hour in the sky before cloud cover obscured his vision. During this time he knocked on his neighbour’s van to point out the object and the neighbour saw it too. The object had red, white and blue lights across the middle of it, and a white light above and below. The next evening he was in his caravan when lights entered the windows of the van on each side, one at a time at five second intervals. He described the light as being “as bright as day” as it shone through heavy rubber curtains. At this time he was paralysed until he heard the sound of “metal popping.” He then became free to move once again. By this time it was 5am. He then stepped outside into a heavy misty fog and found what he thought might be angel hair falling down from above on to his skin. As it touched his skin it dissipated on contact.

A man was sitting on the balcony of his home located on a hill. He was looking at his iPad when he noticed something in his peripheral vision. It was a glowing blue ball in the eastern sky that moved west very quickly. He described it as ten times larger than a plane, but moving much faster than a plane. It was emitting a high intensity light while travelling lower than the clouds. He put his iPad down to stand up and get a better look but in that time the object had disappeared. The witness estimated he saw the object for three to four seconds in total. He felt quite “freaked out” about what he had witnessed. There were no other witnesses. In 2003 the same witness was at a house in Shailer Park,




Researcher with UFO Research Queensland

On Friday the 4th September, 2015 at 12:25pm, I was with Sheryl Gottschall (President of UFO Research Queensland) and a visiting friend of Sheryl’s named Sue. We were having lunch on the front veranda when I noticed an unusual looking object slowly approaching toward us from the South at an altitude of around 2,000 feet. I stood up and positioned myself where I could get a better view of the object trying to identify it. The first question that came to mind was if it could be an ultra-light aircraft or balloons? It was not easily identifiable as “familiar”, something we all agreed on. While we were observing it the object became lost from view behind the large tree in front of us. We quickly ran downstairs to get a better view from the back yard. I always have my sky-watch video camera ready to grab and start recording any such event. Experience has proved this readiness essential over past years when I successfully videoed numerous UFO events day and night while living in New South Wales during the 1990s peak UFO activity periods. Now the object had climbed to around 10,000 feet and was harder to find. However, I was able to get it into camera view and start recording the event. I had just fitted a new 4.7X teleconverter onto the camera lens and had not yet set manual focus, hence the first part of the video shows the out of focus object which I retained because it shows the luminosity of the object and how the sunlight refracted through the top section of the object producing a rainbow colour effect. I was able to adjust focus while filming so the remainder of the capture was in focus. No time to set-up the camera on a tripod, so hand-held was the only option, hence the movement of the object on my film. The object’s actual flight was steady. The object continued its path to the North while gaining altitude to around 20,000 feet and closer to the Sun. This made it difficult to see because now the Sun was shining into my eye on the viewfinder and blinding me. I asked Sue to shade my eye with her hand so I could continue filming, the now diminishing object quickly gaining altitude. So that the resulting footage could be studied and hopefully learn something about this object, even aid identification if possible, it is important to have the object in focus and remain fixed on the object while it’s in view. Constant zooming in and out and sections of way-out-of-focus footage is not as useful, and at times proves to be totally useless. So a constant comfortable zoom range is best. Even though the object’s movement is recorded, still images of the object can be grabbed off the video and studied. Motion blur is the worst enemy of the hand held camera, but better to get the footage while the rare event is happening than missing out altogether. The object appeared to rotate sometimes showing the two part-sections, one above the other, the black section of the lower part (see image right), and even dulling right down to a dull grey round single object,


almost disappearing from sight as it approached closer to the Sun where it was eventually lost from view and the sighting was over. I was successful in obtaining three minutes of useful video footage and 74 still photos of the object. A few images show some unique characteristics that are of great interest to UFO research generally. The most important finding in this preliminary stage is the possible “Solid Light Projections” displayed by this object on at least 4-5 occasions during the three-minute recording. More assessment will be undertaken on this aspect alone when shared with other researchers in Australia and probably around the world. There is a growing interest in this particular phenomenon of the UFO, and gaining this evidence is super difficult and rare so I feel we did well. It pays to be aware of the skies around you no matter where you are or what you are doing. If you have seen a UFO, numerous UFOs, or never seen a UFO, the same principles apply. Practice looking to the sky and focus into the depths of the sky around you. If there is something to focus your eyes upon, like clouds, birds or aircraft at varying altitudes, then you are training your eyes and mind to become fully aware of the environment around you, in particular the sky. That is where the UFOs are when they are about. The video of this UFO sighting is available on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI1fZVE9FeE


UFO witnesses –

no more marginalisation! While there is a revolution afoot in our society that is working towards protecting minority groups from marginalisation, UFO witnesses suffer the effects of isolation and feeling unimportant due to their UFO experiences. They’ve been called deluded crackpots, crazy idiots, “flakes” suffering from fantasy proneness, eccentric, and stupid morons who wear tinfoil hats. They are made to feel they have to justify their experiences while others are not. They are frowned upon by science, generally overlooked and dismissed by media and mistreated by psychologists who should know better. These negative stereotypes about UFO witnesses, coupled with prejudiced views concerning the UFO subject, have a negative impact on individuals who are forced to either hide their personal experiences, or grow a thick skin to repel the deleterious effects of this marginalisation. While Australians have witnessed the process of Aboriginal reconciliation in this country for years as the Australian government agreed upon the unique status of indigenous Australians and their need for recognition, respect and understanding in the wider community, the same considerations are still denied for UFO witnesses, and I might add, the UFO community at large. Over the years this group of people has been forced to live with their experiences in secret without the support they require from society. Their experiences remain invalidated due to the non-acceptance of them. The origin of this can be traced back to the various authorities and institutions who decided decades ago to withhold the truth from the general public about the UFO


phenomenon. This still continues today and although the true reason for this non-disclosure is probably more complex than we realise, without full disclosure the reasons can only be speculated upon at best. Nevertheless, the results are the same. A group of people within our society remain unrecognized, disrespected, humiliated, invalidated and marginalised. They’re forced to live with a secret so profound that it can drive wedges within their families, often leading to family disintegration or estrangement as well as loss of status among their friends, workmates and peers. The escalating stress caused by this can sometimes lead to illness, behavioural problems and in some cases alcohol and drug abuse in order to cope with experiences that far exceed the range of the usual human experience. These people turn to voluntary civilian UFO organisations who lack peoplepower, funding and skills, to find answers to the meaning of their experiences, which they earnestly want to know. In Australia this situation has been compounded by the fact that on the 4th of January 1994 the Australian Department of Defence advised all Australian civilian UFO organisations that they would no longer “accept reports of UAS (Unusual Aerial Sightings)….and members of the public seeking to report UAS to the RAAF would be referred by the RAAF to civilian UFO research organisations.” This policy change, which the DOD claimed was the result of declining reports to the RAAF, came the same year UFO Research Queensland Inc received 512 reports from the public. The following year it received 813 reports, the


via a campaign of raising public awareness of the UFO subject. Civilian UFO groups can only do so much given their voluntary status and lack of resources, so the reeducation of the public needs to come from those who can provide these resources.

most reports received in one year since the establishment of the organisation in 1956. Due to the overwhelming amount of these reports, UFO Research Queensland and other similar organisations around the country continue to struggle to meet the needs of witnesses.

Many actions are required from governments, the media, the UFO community and the greater public, but many people have to work together. To date, the global UFO community has worked towards re-educating the public, but this has been creakingly slow with growing but minimal effect. It’s time for larger groups to become involved and help the hundreds of thousands of witnesses worldwide to be accepted within society through validation. Only with the help of this larger group will this be achievable. We need to start making demands that all aspects of community be cared for without exception, including UFO witnesses.

This situation is unsatisfactory. It’s time for the authorities and institutions responsible for withholding the relevant information about the UFO phenomenon and its existence to face their responsibility to the people and come forward with the truth. It’s way past the use-by date for “secrecy!” The eradication of ridicule and rejection about the UFO phenomenon can only be achieved through re-education

About Sheryl Gottschall Sheryl is a UFO and paranormal researcher who has had her own ET contact experience and UFO sightings, as well as a near death experience and many other experiences with the paranormal. She is also the president of UFO Research Queensland Inc and you can contact her on 07 3376 1780 or info@uforq.asn.au. You can also message her via Facebook.


Dojo Media

Monday 26 October 2015, 6:30pm to 9:00pm, New Farm, QLD Join us for the eagerly anticipated launch of the UFO documentary- ‘Australien Skies’ in Brisbane. Australien Skies is a documentary film that explores the sightings of unidentified flying objects and the people who witness them within Australia. Follow film maker Don Meers (Ghosts Of Casula, The Spirit Level) as he spends four days on a fascinating UFO road trip with controversial ufologist Damien Nott, a photographer and contactee who claims to have the biggest collection of photos and videos of unidentified objects in the world. With over fifty previously unreleased photo and video clips of this unusual phenomena, ‘Australien Skies’ attempts to answer the question -- Is it possible for the average person to experience the UFO phenomena as well and if so…how?

Venue: New Farm Cinemas – 701 Brunswick Street, New Farm, Brisbane. Tickets : $20 per person. Purchase online through Eventbrite at www.australienskies.com

facebook.com/australienskies UFO ENCOUNTER


first-ever image of an extraterrestrial organism has been captured

http://www.inquisitr. com/2396952/first-ever-image-ofan-alien-or-extraterrestrial-organism-has-been-captured-says-university-of-buckingham-scientists/

‘Bull-Shaped’ Particle In debris collected from the stratosphere

particle” described as having the appearance of a chiffon scarf, about the width of a human hair. The team also reported earlier in September, 2014, of a discovery of a particle they dubbed the “dragon particle,” in samples of debris collected from the upper atmosphere. On January 30, 2015, they announced they found evidence of aliens or extraterrestrial life forms raining down on Earth in a “titanium sphere.” According to the researchers, the microscopic titanium sphere (velow right), about 30 microns in diameter (about the width of a human hair), contains biological material.

Scientists at the University of Buckingham Center for Astrobiology (BCAB) say they have captured the first-ever image of an alien or extraterrestrial organism. The scientists described the “organism” as a “bull-shaped” particle that represents a “complete living entity.” According to the team of scientists led by Professor Milton Wainwright, the photograph (see above) is proof that alien or extraterrestrial life exists in space, outside the atmosphere of our planet Earth. The scientists said the image provides new evidence in support of the panspermia theory which says that life on Earth originated in space. The scientists also said the discovery supports the theory that living particles continue to rain down on Earth from space. The researchers isolated the organism from minute pieces of debris collected from the stratospheric boundaries of space using powerful magnets. The debris was collected as part of a project carried out in Derbyshire which involved sending balloons to altitudes close to 30 kilometers in the stratosphere, near the boundaries of outer space. According to Wainwright, the image (above) shows a grain of salt crystal with the “amorphous form” of a living entity attached to its surface. “The picture illustrates what we believe to be alien microbes high up in the stratosphere. Our team has caused quite a stir over the last couple of two years by claiming these microbes are continually arriving to Earth from space. Our critics have been vocal in dismissing our work but, as yet, no one has provided a viable alternative explanation for our peer reviewed work.” The grain of salt was discovered with rare elements such as dysprosium, luetitum, neodymium and niobium. Wainwright explained that, “as far as we can tell the particle has no relation to anything found on Earth. This latest launch is also exciting because the team has found particles containing, socalled, rare earth elements at a height close to 30 kilometers in the stratosphere. These particle masses are too big to have been carried up from Earth and, like the alien life forms we find, must be incoming to Earth from space.” This is not the first time that the researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and Buckingham have claimed discovery of microscopic structures linked with biological life in the Earth’s stratosphere. On January 18, 2015, the team claimed they isolated from dust and particulate matter collected in the upper atmosphere at an altitude of 27 kilometers, a “ghost


“It is a ball about the width of a human hair, which has filamentous life on the outside and a gooey biological material oozing from its center. We were stunned when X-ray analysis showed that the sphere is made up mainly of titanium, with a trace of vanadium. One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life.” The researchers described the microscopic titanium sphere as an “extraterrestrial life-seed” that falls from space into the Earth’s atmosphere, bursts open, spewing its genetic and biological material, which then propagates on Earth. They argued that the titanium sphere packaging was designed by a technologically advanced alien species seeking to infect Earth with alien life forms and colonize Earth. According to the researchers, the particles were not derived from dust raised from Earth to the upper atmosphere because the particles made deep impact craters on their sampler, indicating that they were falling from space and not rising from the Earth’s atmosphere below. “This impact crater proves that the sphere was incoming to Earth from space, an organism coming from Earth would not be travelling fast enough when it fell back to Earth to cause such damage.” The team also said they found no evidence of contamination with particles from Earth in the dust samples collected. “Our biological entities are pristinely isolated on the sampling stubs and are not associated with inorganic dust (volcanic or otherwise) or common Earth-derived biology.” In a recent paper published with the famous proponent of the panspermia theory, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, titled “The Transition from Earth-centered Biology to Cosmic Life,” the researchers argued that paradigm shift in favor of the panspermia theory has been taking place over the past three decades. However, the team’s research findings continue to be viewed with suspicion by mainstream scientific researchers who say that Wainwright, Wikramasinghe, and their colleagues in the panspermia theory movement have not provided convincing scientific evidence in support of their theory.


Ancient Civilizations and Earth’s ET Foundations Sheryl Gottschall ©2015

Millions of people in the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrials, but is it true? Did ancient aliens help to shape our history? If so, might we find proof by examining the depictions and stories of ancient gods? Since the beginning of humankind people have felt compelled to portray their gods in artwork, most of who came from the skies. This art, found on cave and mountain walls and known as petroglyphs, is found in many parts of the world, and shows images that are very similar to extraterrestrials reported by witnesses in modern day close encounters. But is it really possible that ETs have been visiting planet Earth for thousands of years, and if so, are we their descendants? When we examine ancient indigenous cave art we find very similar images of sky beings all around the world. Archaeologists have a difficult time explaining this phenomenon given that different cultures should depict their gods as quite different to each other. But to some archaeologists, only one theory makes any kind of sense, and that is that beings from other worlds descended on planet Earth in our ancient past and the original people expressed what they observed in these petroglyphs, some of which date back 50,000 years. In north Africa there is a place called Tassili n'Ajjer (meaning "Plateau of the Rivers") in the Sahara desert. From 10,000 BCE to the first centuries CE, successive peoples have


left many archaeological remains, 15,000 of those being petroglyphs. Some of these paintings show bizarre depictions of what appear to be spacemen wearing suits, visors, and helmets resembling modern day astronauts. In West Africa the legends of the Dogon people say they were guided to the area from another part of Africa by “fish gods” called the Nommo, who came in huge ships from the sky. 12,000 years ago in Kawachi Peru, the Nazca people drew huge mysterious hieroglyphs or drawings into the desert soil that can only be seen from the sky. No one knows why but ancient astronaut theorists believe that some of these markings were an attempt to communicate to their gods who came from the sky, while other markings look like modern day airstrips designed to guide the sky gods where to land. Also recorded in history are the stories of the feathered Serpent God, one of the mysteries of the ancient American culture. He was known as Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He was depicted in artwork as being tall and white skinned with blonde hair and blue eyes, in contrast to the Mesoamericans who had darker coloured skin. So it’s safe to say that this god wasn’t from their neck of the woods! Kukulkan taught these people their culture eg. language,


manner of interpretations. What’s most interesting about their figurative art painted on rocks and in caves is the way in which they’ve represented the Wandjinas - white faces, devoid of a mouth, large black eyes, and a head surrounded by a halo or some type of helmet (main image on page 9). One could be forgiven for thinking that there is indeed a remarkable similarity between the Wandjinas and the stereotypical image of an extraterrestrial which we see time and again in art, movies and witness accounts. Many raise logical questions such as, why were the Wandjinas painted with white skin if it was representing another Aboriginal, all of whom had dark skin? Why were their eyes always painted so disproportionately to the face and nose? And why were they all painted without a mouth? writing, art, architecture and how to grow crops before he mysteriously disappeared, promising that he would eventually return. But who was he and why did he come from the sky? In Lovelock, Nevada local legends passed down by the Paiute Indians talk of giants who were wiped out by the Paiutes. Forty or so skeletons were found in a cave (see above) and these skeletons were of people who were at least 7 feet 7 inches tall with long red hair. Through the 19th century many skeletons of giants were found across the USA that dated back to 1500BC. Could these giants have been the descendents of ETs? If you search you will find that legends abound from indigenous cultures about sky gods, but one of the most intriguing legends like this comes from the Australian Aboriginal people, and that is of the Wandjinas. The Wandjinas were deemed to be the supreme spirit beings and creators of the land and people. Wandjinas are readily depicted in Australian cave art and have received all


But what is even more surprising is the oral account of the Wandjinas which has been passed from generation to generation as all of the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories have. These stories tell of the Wandjina who were “skybeings” or “spirits from the clouds” and came down from the Milky Way during Dreamtime, creating the Earth and all its inhabitants. With the aid of the Dreamtime snake, the Wandjina descended and spent their Dreamtime creating, teaching and being gods to the Aboriginal people who they created. After some time, the Wandjinas disappeared. They descended into the earth and since then, have lived at the bottom of the water source associated with each of the paintings. There, they continually produce new ‘childseeds’, which are regarded as the source of all human life. So who are the people from the sky who visited the ancient indigenous people on Earth? Why did they come here? Did they lay the foundations for our Earthly civilization? Clearly there is evidence for this but why? Were they our creators? And more importantly…..could they still be living among us?



In 1971 the body of Graham Hartwig, son of Australian politician Lindsay Hartwig, was discovered near a ring of dead grass on his family’s property at Tellebang, west of Bundaberg, Queensland. The ring of grass was 6 metres in diameter. Graham had vanished while he was helping an employee build fences about 2 klms from the homestead. Graham’s body was found metres from the circle with a strange mark on his face which the doctor refused to let Lindsay see. A neighbour who was chasing a wild pig into the scrub also vanished and his body was also found near the circle. After three weeks of camping on the property the police were unable to discover what happened to Graham. In 1974 the family moved from the area but events continued. Graham recalls, “One day, after dipping cattle, I was driving my Land Rover along a dirt track. Suddenly


something appeared in the sky that changed all of my ideas about life and death. There at about the 11 o’clock position, were two beautiful objects, about 5 or 6 metres in diameter. They were pale green, like perfectly oval gemstones, spinning and sparkling in the sun....I slammed on the brakes and climbed out of the Land Rover, my skin prickling....They were there alright, silently spinning in the sky...They hovered there above the road for about ten minutes while I stood completely dumbstruck. Then they moved slowly away until they vanished behind the mountain range...The experience made me think back to that ring of grass and my son found beside it.”

Excerpted from ‘A Paranormal File’ by John Pinkney.


CEMETERY OF GIANT CREATURES FOUND IN CENTRAL AFRICA? http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/24-06-2011/118302-giants_cemetery-0/#at_ pco=tst-1.0&at_si=55f8ed0879289793&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=1&at_tot=2

A team of anthropologists have found a mysterious burial in the jungle near the city of Kigali Rwanda (Central Africa). The remains belong to gigantic creatures that bear little resemblance to humans. Head of research group believes that they could be visitors from another planet who died as a result of a catastrophe. According to the scientists, they were buried at least 500 years ago. At first, researchers thought they had came across the remains of ancient settlements, but no signs of human life have been found nearby. The 40 communal graves (right) had approximately 200 bodies in them, all perfectly preserved. The creatures were tall - approximately 7 feet. The anthropologists believe that the creatures were members of an alien landing, possibly destroyed by some terrestrial virus to which they had no immunity. However, no traces of the landing of the spacecraft or its fragments were discovered. This is not the first such finding. In the summer of 1937 a group of Chinese scientists led by Professor Chi Putei

surveyed the caves of Mount Bayan-Kara-Ula. Inside they found skeletons with excessively large heads and puny bodies. Nearby there were 176 stone plates. In the centre of each plate there was a hole from which a spiral groove spread out to the perimeter with some characters on it. In addition, the cave walls were covered with pictures of the rising sun, moon and stars, with many painted dots or small items, slowly approaching the mountains and the earth’s surface. Experts in deciphering ancient written characters have

Giant Human? Extraterrestrial? Is it even real?



been puzzled over the disclosure of the secret spirals from the cave Bayan-Kara-Ula for two decades. Finally, the professor of Beijing University Zum Umniu deciphered several inscriptions. The grooved letters narrated that approximately 12 thousand years ago some flying objects crashed in these mountains. Chinese archaeologists found a mention of the peoples who lived in the mountainous caves of Bayan-KaraUla. A corpse of another “alien” was found by Turkish cavers. A mummy of the ice age was resting in a sarcophagus made of crystalline material. The height of the humanoid male creature did not exceed 1 meter 20 centimeters, his skin was light green, and he had large transparent wings on his sides. According to the researchers, in spite of the unusual appearance the creature looked more like a person rather than an animal. His nose, lips, ears, hands, feet, nails, were very similar to human. Only his eyes were very different, three times bigger than those of a human, and colourless, like reptile’s eyes. Not that long ago in one of the ancient Egyptian tombs a mummy of a man 2.5 meters tall was found. It had no nose or ears, and its mouth was very wide and had no tongue. According to archaeologist Gaston de Villars, the age of the mummy is approximately 4 thousand years. It was buried as an Egyptian nobleman - carefully mummified and surrounded by servants, food and art objects designed for the afterlife. However, as it was discovered, not all objects around the finding belong to the Egyptian or even Earth’s culture. For example, among the finds was a round polished metal disk covered with strange characters, a costume made of metal with the remnants of something resembling plastic shoes, and many stone tablets filled with images of stars, planets and strange machines. The Shrine where the strange mummy was found also looks unusual. The burial was made of material unknown in antiquity. The stone

The four foot long “Goliath’s Footprint,” found near the town of Mpaluzi, in South Africa.

was literally carved from the rock so that the walls were smooth, like polished marble. It looked as if it was cut by a laser. Incidentally, the stone’s surface was fused. The tomb was decorated with a substance resembling lead. However, the “alien” theory is not the only one. According to some researchers, the “giants” and “dwarfs” could be a mere side branch of humanity that once lived on Earth, but for some reason became extinct. Could this really be the mummy of an ancient Egyptian alien?



what didn’t make it to...



Researchers erase memories in mice with a beam of light http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-09-erasememories-mice.html (Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers with member affiliations to several institutions in the U.S. and Japan has developed a new device that allowed them to alter the spines on a neural dendrite in a mouse brain that was first modified naturally by an event that caused a memory to form. As they explain in their paper published in the journal Nature, altering the spine caused a learned memory to be forgotten. As part of trying to understand how the human (and other animal) brain works, scientists focus on subsets of its functionality, one of which is memory. How are memories created, stored, changed and manipulated? A lot of it is still a mystery, but as the work done by this latest team demonstrates, biomedical researchers are getting closer. In this new effort, the team taught a mouse to stay atop a rolling pipe, then shined a light on the part of its brain that had changed as it learned, causing the change to revert back to its pre-learned state and in so


doing, causing the mouse to forget what it had learned. In order to make this bit of magic happen, the team had to first design and build a device that allowed for such manipulation—they call it AS-PaRac—it is an optoprobe that is capable of causing changes to spines that grow on the edges of dentrites, the listening or input part used by neurons to communicate with one another. Prior work has suggested that their tips grow bigger as part of storing a new memory. With their new device in hand, the researchers first trained a mouse to stay on a pipe as it rolled, they then identified which dentrite was involved in storing that memory and which particular spine—they were actually able to see that its tip had grown in size. Then, they used the AS-PaRac to force the spine tip back to the size it was before the mouse learned to balance on the pipe. Doing so caused the mouse to forget what it had learned. To make sure the change was isolated, the team repeated the experiment, but the second time around, they taught the mouse another trick—reducing the same spine caused the mouse to once again forget how to do the first trick, but not the second.


The mysterious chunk of rock that allegedly broke off from the Moon....

Did bit of ‘Moon break off’ or was a ‘UFO’ watching Apollo landing?... even Nasa won’t say http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/595989/Didbit-of-Moon-break-off-or-was-UFO-watching-Apollolanding-even-Nasa-won-t-say Nasa has yet to comment on the anomaly in one of its Apollo 11 pics The odd spot was uploaded to YouTube by prolific alien chaser Streetcap 1, who thought the anomaly could be a UFO which was monitoring the moon landing. It was then picked up by fellow UFO researcher, US-based Scott C Waring, editor of UFO Sightings Daily. Mr Waring said: “This is a great photo of the moon in high quality. “However there is one odd thing about it. A piece of it is breaking away.” He added: “It is possible that aliens have evolved so high, that living longer is the gold of their times. So to accomplish this, they create ships and buildings that blend into the environment. This could be a ship leaving the surface, and if astronomers see it moving through space, they will believe it to be an asteroid.” YouTube user Streetcap1 also said in the video it looked “like a piece of the moon is breaking away”. But regardless of the madcap explanations for what the mystery object is or the picture shows, NASA has so far been unable to explain it.


Express.co.uk investigated by looking at the original image in the archive, which featured the “breakaway piece” and at pictures taken JUST MOMENTS either side of it, which did not show the object. After finding the anomaly was genuinely in one of the original pictures, we forwarded it to NASA to see if it could explain what was captured on the camera in the image in question. NASA spokeswoman Lynette receiving our inquiry on July 22.



In an e-mail sent the same day we asked: “This is a crop from the image in the link. It looks like a piece of the moon is above it. Various UFO websites are automatically saying it is a UFO etc, but aside from that it is a bit odd. Could any of the NASA scientists put forward any explanation for it?” Ms Madison replied the same day, copying Dwayne Browne, NASA’s science, planetary exploration and heliophysics spokesman, saying he could assist. By July 30 we chased Mr Browne, after getting no reply, and then tried both him and Ms Madison again today. Ms Madison said: “I’m surprised that Dwayne has not responded. He is the person who would need to respond because he has the contacts with the scientists.” However, there was no further response from Mr Browne.


‘Woman’ found in photo sent back from Mars https://au.news.yahoo.com/technology/a/29218197/ woman-found-in-photo-sent-back-from-mars/ A “woman” (image right) has been spotted on Mars in one of the photos sent back to Earth by the Curiosity rover – but she’s only about “8-10cm tall”. According to the blog UFO Sightings Daily, the woman “seems to have breasts...indicated by the shadow on its chest,” wrote Scott C Waring. “We also see two arms that are lighter in colour and what looks like a head with long hair.” The blog pondered whether the image was that of a statue constructed by a long-gone civilization, but reasoned that a statue only 10cm in height would have withered away long ago.

The fast way is much more … interesting. “The fast way is to drop thermonuclear weapons over the poles,” said Musk with a completely straight face. “You’re a supervillain!” Colbert said. “Superman doesn’t say, ‘let’s drop nuclear bombs.’ That’s Lex Luthor, man.” That would be one way to do it. And how does he propose getting there affordably? Why, with his reusable SpaceX rockets, of course. The last test of that technology, which involved landing the craft on a floating barge in the ocean, failed spectacularly when it tipped over and exploded But within two to three years, Musk told Colbert, it’ll be ready for human passengers. Yes, really -- Musk thinks that people like you or I could hop in a SpaceX craft and start jetting around in space. Is it ready? It’ll have to be: SpaceX really wants to use its reusable rockets to bring NASA astronauts to the International Space Station within the next couple years, said Musk. What could go wrong?

Octopuses ‘are aliens’, scientists decide after DNA study http://metro.co.uk/2015/08/12/octopuses-are-aliensscientists-decide-after-dna-study-5339123/ Not to freak you out or anything, but scientists have just revealed that octopuses are so weird they’re basically aliens.

The grainy, black-and-white image also showed evidence of Thumbelina-sized “structures” that prove the existence of an intelligent form of life on the Red Planet. It was more likely to be a small woman and “it should concern every country in the world. There is life out there,” the blogger wrote.

Elon Musk reveals plan to drop thermonuclear weapons on Mars to prepare planet for humans

The first full genome sequence shows of that octopuses (NOT octopi) are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human. There we were thinking it was quite freaky enough when they learned how to open jam jars. US researcher Dr Clifton Ragsdale, from the University of Chicago, said: ‘The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities.’

http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgetsand-tech/news/elon-musk-reveals-plan-to-dropthermonuclear-weapons-on-mars-to-prepare-planetfor-humans-10494346.html Elon Musk is clearly in the 2016 race for Supervillain of the Universe, because on the “Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” he suggested there were two ways to make Mars hospitable for humans. There’s a slow way and a fast way, and both, said Musk, involve warming the planet. The slow way is to flood the planet with greenhouse gases and cause a kind of Martian climate change over a matter of years. UFO ENCOUNTER


‘The late British zoologist Martin Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.’

project. The dig returned traces of rock that had been turned to glass by extreme temperature and pressure, consistent with a massive impact.

‘Largest ever asteroid impact’ found in Australia

Collision with Earth’s ‘Little Sister’ Created the Moon


http://news.discovery.com/space/collision-withearths-little-sister-created-the-moon-150408. htm#mkcpgn=rssnws1

Scientists in Australia have discovered what they say is the largest asteroid impact area ever found. The 400-kilometre (250-mile) wide area is buried deep in the earth’s crust and consists of two separate impact scars.

The primordial planet believed to have smashed into baby Earth, creating a cloud of debris that eventually formed into the moon, was chemically a near-match to Earth, a new study shows. The finding, reported in this week’s Nature, helps resolve a long-standing puzzle about why Earth and the moon are nearly twins in terms of composition. Computer models show that most of the material that formed the moon would have come from the shattered impactor, a planetary body referred to as Theia, which should have a slightly different isotopic makeup than Earth.

The team behind the discovery, from the Australian National University (ANU), said the asteroid broke into two before it hit, with each fragment more than 10km across. The impact is thought to have occurred at least 300 million years ago. The surface crater has long since disappeared from central Australia’s Warburton Basin but geophysical modelling below the surface found evidence of two massive impacts, said Dr Andrew Glikson, who led the ANU team. “It would have been curtains for many life species on the planet at the time,” said Dr Glikson. But the team, which published its findings in the geology journal Tectonophysics, has not been able to connect the impact to any known extinction. “It’s a mystery - we can’t find an extinction event that matches these collisions,” said Dr Glikson. “I have a suspicion the impact could be older than 300 million years.” The rocks around the impact zone are roughly 300 to 600 million years old, but a layer of ash that would have been thrown up by the impact has not been detected as sediment in rock layers from the same period.

“For some 30 years this contradiction was a major challenge to physicists grappling with the formation of the moon. The hope was that better simulations might resolve this issues, but it turned out that the progress with simulations gave essentially the same results, giving rise to the ‘isotope crisis,’ as this problem came to be called,” astronomer Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, with the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, wrote in email to Discovery News. Using advanced computer modeling, MastrobuonoBattisti and colleagues ran dozens of simulations of laterstage planet formation, each time starting with 85- to 90 planetary embryos and 1,000 to 2,000 planetesimals extending from about halfway between the orbits of Mercury and Venus to within 50 million miles or so of Jupiter’s orbit. Within 100 million to 200 million years, each simulation typically produced three to four rocky planets as a result of colliding embryos and planetesimals, the scientists found. Looking particularly at the last moon-forming impact scenarios, the scientists assessed the likelihood that Theia and Earth had the same chemical composition.

The large meteorite believed to have killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago corresponds to a layer of sediment in rocks around the world. “Large impacts like these may have had a far more significant role in the Earth’s evolution than previously thought,” Dr Glikson said. The apparent impact zone in the Warburton Basin was discovered by accident while scientists were drilling 2km under the Earth’s surface for a geothermal research



“It turned out it is not a rare event … On average, impactors are more similar to the planets they impact compared with different planets in the same system,” Mastrobuono-Battisti said. “Our study was the first to reconsider this issue, now exploring it with large data and … wide range of models. One should always be careful when basing the assumptions on limited data,” she added.

“The new research paper discovered that 10 of these FRBs travel in a multiple of 187.5 cm. This would suggest that each one came from separate sources at regularly spaced distances from Earth (we’re talking billions of kilometres away, of course),” states the GN report. The paper concludes that there is a five in 10,000 probability that the line-up of these signals is coincidental.

Related papers, also published in Nature, home in on slight variations in an isotope of tungsten found on Earth and on the moon, which continue to raise questions about the moon’s formation. “It is very unlikely -- but not impossible -- that two very different sized bodies developed the exact same tungsten isotopic composition,” University of Maryland astronomer Richard Walker told Discovery News. “I think all three papers work to explain the formation of the moon within the framework of a giant impact. I don’t think we have a better alternative at this time,” he added. Additional studies may depend on sacrificing Apollo moon rocks in an attempt to more precisely measure lunar tungsten. “It may be worth it. The committee that considers such requests will have to be convinced of the merit of continued work,” Walker said. A second tact is to get a sample from another inner solar system planet. “Venus would be really difficult, but a sample from it would tell us whether or not Mars (which is considerably different from Earth and the moon) is the odd man out,” Walker said.

Earth receiving mysterious radio signals from outer space; alien life source a possibility, believe astronomers http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/earth-receiving-mysteriousradio-signals-outer-space-alien-life-source-possibilitybelieve-1494686 Is it possible that Earth is receiving signals from outer space which could be that of some extraterrestrial life source? A new research paper has not ruled out this possibility. The paper dated 30 March 2015 is titled Discrete Steps in Dispersion Measures Of Fast Radio Bursts. It explores the origin behind recent radio signals from space and considers “an artificial source (human or non-human),” as a possible source.

The authors say that it’s unlikely that the source of these regularly spaced FRBs are from another galaxy as the dust between the distances would mess up that regular spacing. It could be within our own galaxy, but they believe that it would be “most surprising”. “If both of these options could be excluded, only an artificial source (human or non-human) must be considered, particularly since most bursts have been observed in only one location,” they concluded. That’s not to say that they firmly believe FRBs are of extraterrestrial origin. They believe that more research is needed. In an email to Global News, famed astronomer Jill Tarter of SETI - an institute dedicated to the search for life in the universe – agreed to the possibility. “Since the Lorimer pulse [in 2007], I’ve commented that these could be engineered signals — in my case I just wondered if the engineers were extraterrestrial. More data will tell us what the right interpretation is,” she said.

China plans to land lunar probe on far side of moon http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/sep/09/ china-plans-to-land-lunar-probe-on-far-side-of-moon China’s increasingly ambitious space programme plans to attempt the first-ever landing of a lunar probe on the moon’s far side, a leading engineer said.

Fast radio burst or FRB is one of the many phenomena occurring in space. These radio signals are extremely fast, lasting about a millisecond and giving off as much energy as the sun does in a day, according to Global News. And just this year, one of these FRBs was seen in action for the first time.

The Chang’e 4 mission is planned for some time before 2020, Zou Yongliao, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ moon exploration department, told state broadcaster CCTV in an interview broadcast on Wednesday. Zou said the mission’s objective would be to study geological conditions on the moon’s far side.

In order to figure out how far these FRBs travel, astronomers use something called the dispersion measure (DM). The farther the signal has come, the bigger the DM.

That could eventually lead to the placement of a radio telescope for use by astronomers, something that would help “fill a void” in man’s knowledge of the universe, Zou said.



With the recently unearthed skeleton being millennia younger that the archaeological site of Arkaim, researchers are quite convinced that it is in no way connected to the ancient settlement and that finding it in the area was purely a coincidence. As for why the woman’s skull is oddly elongated and looks like that of a being from outer space, it is believed that the peculiar shape is the end result of traditional head bonding. “We have found a well-preserved skeleton. Her skull was elongated because the tribe did so by tying up the heads of their children with rope. It was clearly a tradition in the tribe,” explained archaeologist Maria Makurova in an interview, as cited by DM. As is the case with many skeletons, establishing the woman’s identity is proving a wee tricky. At least for now, archaeologists can only make educated guesses about who she was, based on where her body was found and the odd shape of her skull. Radio transmissions from Earth are unable to reach the moon’s far side, making it an excellent location for sensitive instruments. China’s next lunar mission is scheduled for 2017, when it will attempt to land an unmanned spaceship on the moon before returning to Earth with samples. If successful, that would make China only the third country after the United States and Russia to have carried out such a manoeuvre. China’s lunar exploration programme, named Chang’e after a mythical goddess, has already launched a pair of orbiting lunar probes, and in 2013 landed a craft on the moon with a rover on board. China has also hinted at a possible crewed mission to the moon. China sent its first astronaut into space in 2003 and has powered ahead with a series of methodically timed steps, including the deploying of an experimental space station.

Remains of Woman with Alien-like, Elongated Skull Found in Russia http://news.softpedia.com/news/remains-of-womanwith-alien-like-elongated-skull-found-in-russia-487939. shtml The remains of a woman with an alien-like, elongated skull were unearthed not long ago by archaeologists in Russia. The skeleton was recovered from an archaeological site in the country’s Chelyabinsk Oblast called Arkaim. While the skeleton appears to be about 2,000 years old, the archaeological site of Arkaim dates back to about 4,000 years ago. In those days, it was a settlement of the Sintashta-Petrovka culture and covered an area of about 20,000 square meters (about 215,000 square feet). Discovered in 1987, the settlement comprised a central square surrounded by dwellings. Walls designed to keep intruders at bay and protect its inhabitants encircled it.


Johnny Depp: ‘I Was Attacked By A Chupacabra’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/28/johnnydepp-blames-chupacabra_n_6562638.html The 51-year-old actor was all smiles while joking Wednesday with journalists in Tokyo about why he was a no-show at a news conference a day earlier. Depp explained he had been ill but said that wasn’t the reason. “I was attacked yesterday morning by a very rarely seen or experienced animal called ‘chupacabra.’ I fought with it for hours. They’re very persistent, very mean. And I’m pretty sure it came into my suitcase. I threw him off the 23rd floor. So we’ll never see him again. Thank you for understanding,” he said. The chupacabra is a legendary creature rumoured to inhabit parts of the Americas. Depp’s tale drew laughs from the crowd of reporters.


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