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The UFS Fleet is currently engaged in a Task Force with regard to the Telepathic Underground, first encountered stardate 091003 by the original USS Shogun. Back then, the T.U. requested assistance to defeat the Devore, who were attempting to gain control of the T.U. area of space. The Shogun was ordered to retreat after the PSI powers of the T.U. resulted in the death of a crew member. Starfleet Command also had concerns with regard to the Prime Directive. At the same time, unknown to the Shogun, the Federation was in trade talks with Devore. Although these talks failed in the end, the Telepathic Underground hold a grudge against the Federation for refusing to assist them in their struggle against the Devore As a result, Federation Trade vessels were reported missing in January A subsequent investigation led to the discovery of a huge fleet and multiple space stations, all set to attack the Federation and its allies ((For more information, contact Captain Ulrich Bechir and read the logs on the UFS Forum!))


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