The Delta Communicator: Spring 2023

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Delta Communicator Delta Communicator


The Delta Communicator is the official newsletter of United Federation Starfleet, & is published quarterly

Editing & Design:

VAdm Poison Toocool.

Proofreading: Comm Evelyn Rieko.

Chief Photographer: LTCmdr Selina Otsuka.

task force delphi task force delphi

The UFS Fleet is currently engaged in a Task Force with regard to the Telepathic Underground, first encountered stardate 091003 by the original USS Shogun. Back then, the T.U. requested assistance to defeat the Devore, who were attempting to gain control of the T.U. area of space. The Shogun was ordered to retreat after the PSI powers of the T.U. resulted in the death of a crew member. Starfleet Command also had concerns with regard to the Prime Directive. At the same time, unknown to the Shogun, the Federation was in trade talks with Devore. Although these talks failed in the end, the Telepathic Underground hold a grudge against the Federation for refusing to assist them in their struggle against the Devore As a result, Federation Trade vessels were reported missing in January A subsequent investigation led to the discovery of a huge fleet and multiple space stations, all set to attack the Federation and its allies ((For more information, contact Captain Ulrich Bechir and read the logs on the UFS Forum!))

cosmic rift cosmic rift



A dance party filled with great music from D.J. Naida Starchild that transcends you, taking you to another place & time 70's, 80's, 90's, music & some remixes that keep the feel of the original songs. Held the second Friday of each month at Club Latinum, Pinastri. Hosted by Evey Riley.


Hello Everyone!

Hard to believe it's time for another DC but here we are! Well since my last report we have updated the Compliance section of the manual, this is very important for us and it took quite a bit of time because we needed to make it less of a law and order set up and more general rule enforcement I am very happy with the result and think it will do UFS a great deal of good with this system in place Much thanks for Jayce (FCapt Jayce Rebel) and Skot ((FCapt Scottybrit)) for the help in adjusting it and sticking with us through the issues.

Next up the Council of Admirals will be abolished in the near future, simply put it doesn't help the members or the group so I am looking at a new system that will meet these needs. I have several drafts and am working through them to see what would work best before I give them to the Joint Chiefs for feedback.

I have more on the plate but don't want to get ahead of myself. I want to thank everyone who replied to the survey a few months back, it has helped us a lot and I plan to open it again for some updated feedback

I also want to send out a massive thank you to each and every member for the increased activity and communication I am seeing everyday, be it on the forums or on Discord. This has honestly been one of my biggest goals and seeing it going is a very huge encouragement to me.

On a personal note, I am very excited to see Strange New Worlds Season 2 and thrilled it has been renewed for a Season 3 already.

Until next time!


Immediately after the Promotions & Awards Ceremony each month, the Joint Chiefs of UF Starfleet hold a 'Town Hall' at Ceremony Hall. This affords you the opportunity to ask questions or express concerns or give suggestions for things you'd like to see in UFS. All members are invited to attend.


Greetings to you all...


Then it is time again for a small report from my office. As you all know the UFS Chief of Staff office was renamed UFS Chief of Administration. And I have discontinued the Office of Fleet Operations and merged it with the Vice Chief of Admin office as Cmdr. Benjamin Brougham took on the role of Vice Chief, and I am sure he will do a great job. I have also chosen to shut down the Ship of The Line Level program after consulting our ships/stations COs and taken time to work that part out, so our manuals will be updated as fast as possible with the new system we will get in place These days we will be working updating the different manuals we have. We also are working on moving all the Unassigned and Inactive members over to SS Athena which will be our Unassigned hub which the Vice Chief of Admin and Personnel Director will oversee and assist. So we got quite a few things going on lately, so stay tuned

A Message from Computer Operations

UF Starfleet has been an integral part of the Star Trek community, providing a platform for enthusiasts to come together and share their passion The organization's website, UFStarfleet org, serves as the hub for all communication and collaboration between members Compops, the department responsible for the website's maintenance, has been working tirelessly to upgrade the back end of the assets and provide a seamless user experience for everyone

As part of their ongoing efforts, Computer Operations are continuously monitoring improvements and introducing new features when possible. We are also dealing with tickets as they come in to assist with moderations and help members with any issues they may face. While the team may be short-staffed at times, we are actively seeking individuals who can contribute to the cause. However, due to the sensitive and security natures of the work, these positions will not be advertised publicly.


Over the next few months, Computer Operations will be focusing on continuing the success of their current systems They are working on partitioning off areas of the LCARs to allow CO's/XO's the ability to update their own areas without the need to raise tickets Although this has presented some internal complications, the team is committed to resolving them and providing a better user experience for its members.

As a member of UFStarfleet, you can contribute to the organization's success by assisting Computer Operations in any way possible. Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a new feature, or offering your skills to the team, every little bit helps. Computer Operations are always open to suggestions and feedback from members, as it helps them improve and provide a better experience for everyone.


Nothing is ever slow or quiet in UF Starfleet, and that is evident with the amount of work our members put in voluntarily to ensure the cogs of the group continue spinning so that everyone can enjoy what we offer.

Over the past few months we have seen areas leave and venture on their own, and we have seen a new ship launched. UF Starfleet is a constant circle of motion, a cause and effect, and swings and roundabouts and any other analogy you can think of but we continue “Boldly

Moving Forward”

We have been receiving a lot of feedback from the members, improving what needs to be improved, getting advice and direction from valued sources, utilizing chats to make the decisions that will better the group as a whole and ensuring the best possible outcomes for all situations

Recently I have been reviewing manuals, making sure we have correct information and updates out to the group as well as making sure UF Starfleet is running as best as we can As mentioned at the start the UF Starfleet relies on Volunteers, we don’t get paid to do what we do, and as the membership manual states the only “dues” a member pays is that of communication, and communication is very important for this group to succeed

But communication is a very difficult thing, and this is something I've said many many times, with a text only basis for communication we are losing roughly 90% of what we are trying to convey in the written word. With no eye contact, lack of volume and pitch in a tone of voice, we can interpret things very differently compared to if it was spoken to us.

THE DELTA COMMUNICATOR SPRING 2023 Deputy Commander-in-Chief
"UF Starfleet is a constant circle of motion..."

However we still need to be vigilant in what we post, or comment on and think before we press enter “Have I read this back to myself” or “Is this going to cause offense” The advantage of only communicating via text is that we can stop, reread and then press enter (not always possible in the heat of emotion behind the keyboard.

UF Starfleet prides itself on being all inclusive, we welcome all walks of life, all identifications and this should always be so. We base ourselves on Star Trek (not the monetary value of creating a tv show or movie that’s going to make us profit, we are not ferengi’s … well not all of us) But the Idea of Star Trek, that we can live in a society that works together for a better tomorrow, that we can embrace each other’s individuality but also represent ourselves as a uniformed group all following the same ideals.

That will always be UFS’ goal, to better ourselves, to work together and help each other We do not want to be drama-fests, a “I'm going to bully them because they are different” or “I’m going to make passive aggressive comments because I don't like this person” Remember that outside of this group we are all Human (Except Drew who is a Corgi, and Phoenix who is a cat, and nvm you get my meaning) We all make mistakes, we all have errors in judgment, we are not always right (except me i’m never wrong, just sometimes incorrect). If you make a mistake, own up to it, no-one is going to think less of you, in fact they will probably think more of you that you have owned up to a mistake and are working to improve yourself.

In closing, and I can never say this enough, I want to thank you the members for volunteering your time in projects, helping with roleplays, building up our community and I am very much looking forward to diplomatic outreach programs in the future and continuing to build up on our group legacy

With the holding of the informative 'UFS Town Hall' immediately after the monthly Promotions & Awards ceremony, the traditional 'gather at Club Latinum to toast the recipients' had to be reconfigured

U F S T A R F L E E T P R O U D ' S U N D A Y B R U N C H '
C O M E O U T T H E L A S T S U N D A Y O F T H E M O N T H T O C E L E B R A T E A W A R D S , G R A D U A T I O N S & P R O M O T I O N S . B E C A U S E W E ' R E P R O U D O F T H O S E W H O E A R N E D T H E M . P R O U D O F U S .
UFS Communications Social Events has now organized a "UFS Proud" 'brunch' the day after P&A, at Pinastri HQ, at noon SLT. Dress is casual or duty uniforms.






UFS at Play Easter

Top: Fantastic Friday Easter 'Bunny Hop' DJ, Zania Turner.

Bottom L, Event Host Evey Riley. Bottom R photographer SelinaOtsuka&DeputyC-in-C KermieMistwallow.



Each week blogs are researched, written, edited and posted to inform our members and the world at large about UFS News, technological & science innovations, and, of course, space exploration


Social Event Planners, Hosts and DJs spend hours each month planning, decorating and being present at multiple events, supporting and inspiring fellowship in the Fleet.

UFS Communications has just been given the responsibility for the UFS Greeter Program We will be recruiting for Greeters; more info on this will be available soon




On the first floor there were exhibits that show earth's exploring history, starting with the Vikings and ending with space exploration There was mention of Star Trek and info on UFS


The USS Durant Booth at SciFi Con 15 had the theme 'Explorers.' Comm Evelyn Rieko (CO): "It was an honor to have a booth at the Sci Fi Con to promote the USS Durant, UFS and to gain donations for RFL."


On the second floor there were exhibits showing some of the exploratory missions of the starship Durant, with LCARS displaying details.


We've planned many great events for the season. We've five months to raise $2,023 USD or more for cancer research!


There are several ways that you can aid the team in meeting our goals and raising awareness about the many programs the American Cancer Society provides for caregivers, patients, and survivors


1st - USS Shogun

2nd - USS Atlas

3rd - USS Durant



Comm Lizzy Gracemount

Adm Kermie Mistwallow

Team Co-Captains


Star Trek is not just a story of a ship with her crew that is the only ship in range to solve the problem of the week, or takes on the enemy of the week. Star Trek is a vehicle in which a story can be told through the lens of science-fiction, a medium that is viewed upon with both curiosity and welcomes criticism. What Star Trek also is, is your story. It is your story of self-discovery, growth through challenge, transformation, victory, defeat, or in some cases, redemption.

Star Trek is known at times to have an inconsistent canon, and that is okay. Why? Because at the end of the day, canon is irrelevant. The late Leonard Nimoy said, “Canon is only important to certain people because they have to cling to their knowledge of the minutiae.” While Star Trek is indeed an open universe to where one could tell their story, they must also remember that Star Trek, despite the creator’s wishes, was never free from conflict, up to and including the external and intrapersonal types of conflicts. I opine that without conflict, how can we find peace? How can we find growth without struggle? How can we find victory without defeat? How can we act without the fear of consequences, good or bad? How can there be light without darkness? How can we solve a problem without acknowledging the existence of the problem, whether within or outside of ourselves?

Star Trek is YOUR story. A prime opportunity for you as the Captain of your ship (story) to tell it in a way that gives you no choice but to face that conflict head on and test your might with either a tricorder, or a phaser. What are your orders, Captain?

M E M B E R C O M M E N T LTCol Christopher "Cipher" Rhode

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