UFWDA Voice April 2017

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Protect, promote and provide 4x4 opportunities worldwide

April 2017 • Volume 44 • Issue 1

Board of Directors President Tom Mandera– president@ufwda.org Past President Jim Mazzola III– pastpresident@ufwda.org Vice President Steve Egbert- vpresident@ufwda.org International Vice President Peter Vahry – intlvp@ufwda.org Treasurer Bob DeVore – treasurer@ufwda.org Director of Membership Vacant - membership@ufwda.org Director of Public Relations James Dixon-prdirector@ufwda.org Director of Environmental Affairs Jerry Smith - landuse@ufwda.org

Extended Board of Directors

ORBA Representative - Fred Wiley fwiley@orba.biz Business Development Manager Ray Stanley- business@ufwda.org 4WD Awareness Coordinator Craig Feusse - 4wdawareness@ufwda.org Website Administrator Milt Webb Design – webmaster@ufwda.org

Legal and Marketing

Legal Counsel Carla Boucher – attorney@ufwda.org

Editorial and Design Editor, Peter Vahry

UFWDA Office and Contact PO Box 316 Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Email: info@ufwda.org Phone: 1-800-44-UFWDA


Introductions: Tom Mandera Steve Egbert Peter Vahry

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Comment: The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting Volunteers Partnerships for the preservation of a great trail system Recreation and wildlife? Let’s Get Going Again! Do YOU Have Reverence for the Earth and Mother Nature? Natural Trail Damage

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News and Events: UFWDA welcome back the New Mexico 4-Wheelers We Care and We Rescue ... Four Wheeling in the South Island of New Zealand Upper Cherokee Park Steve Egbert’s California BFGoodrich® Tires Launches 2017 Outstanding Trails Program Delores Point / South Beaver Mesa Rausch Creek – Green/Blue Trails


Business Contacts Member Organizations

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Cover photo and inside; courtesy of James Dixon. Stories and articles are submitted from various Association Members and other contributors. The views and opinions expressed in the stories and articles within are solely those of the individual, or individuals who submitted said stories or articles. United Four WheelDrive Associations may neither advocate, endorse, nor recommend any of the said views or opinions. Copyright; United Four Wheel Drive Associations Inc. 2017

Introductions (until Richard’s departure, we were finally whole for the first time in years), less participation from the Delegates, and less membership overall than our historical highs. We continue to rebuild, and Membership Director has an important role to play. Tom Mandera UFWDA President

Greetings fellow enthusiasts. The tail end of winter continues to throw snow and ice at us here in the north-western part of the Northern Hemisphere - a little snow and ice here in town just means we’ll have more to enjoy in the mountains for a bit longer. It seems I’ve barely had the opportunity to go out and enjoy it this past winter - my daughters frequently have dance practice, and when that doesn’t derail things the ever present mechanical failure does its best to fill in. On our last adventure I found I had broken not one, but two engine mounts, and I can assure you that an oil filter wedged against the frame is a poor substitute for a mount, but it is a good way to put some Peatsorb to use. That’s been fixed, but I found myself in need of tires - and now the time to mount them. Aside from a bit of whining, you might also get the impression there’s plenty going on to keep me occupied before we get to the various volunteer positions I hold - and that’s true for the rest of the United BOD. I am sorry to note that Richard Hiltz, our Membership Director for the past few years, who once had the gall to contact United over slow membership processing and found himself with the opportunity to directly influence that task, has had to resign for various reasons. Membership processing will again be a bit slow as we search for Richard’s replacement - and further automation of the process. Good news, there’s an opportunity for one of you to join the BOD. This may be a chance to find a relative newbie to UFWDA politics and drag him or her into the fold, bringing forth some new energy and enthusiasm. Membership Director, like Public Relations, is a key conduit between UFWDA and the members we serve - and the old adage of strength in numbers, or United we stand, is as true today as the day it was first said. We have been achieving less than we have in the past, largely because we’ve had to make due with less - less members on the Board

Elections will take place at the Annual Meeting. In addition to Membership Director, Bob has decided that after 8 years, it is time for someone else to take over his duties as Treasurer and will not be running for re-election. There’s also the Vice President, Director of Public Relations, and Director of Environmental Affairs to be decided. As part of the election process, we need at least two members of UFWDA - these do not need to be board members, nor delegates - just two members. Perhaps you know of a member or two that would be willing to participate in our international search for qualified officers - or better yet, you have an officer in mind? The last few election cycles have had disappointing election committees no members have stepped forward to join the committee, and even fewer candidates have been put forth from the membership in advance of the meeting. I do believe United’s cause is one worth supporting. We are unique in our representation of the recreational interests of the full-size (notATV or UTV) 4-wheel-drive enthusiast. We have weathered the financial storm of the recession and the lean years that have followed, but we must regain our membership numbers - and by extension, membership dues - if we are to be as effective as we can be - the most painful example being our inability to engage our Legislative Advocate. I can’t afford to keep an attorney on retainer to fight my battles. I doubt you can. But together, we can. Together, we can make our voice heard in the governing chambers around the world. We just need to start by spreading the word, continuing to spread the word, and regaining our status as a thorn in the side of the anti-access groups. Now, when can I find a few moments to prepare for the next trail ride, with the hope that my family’s schedule might allow us to participate again? Peter keeps asking for trail ride pictures, but to do that, I need to get back out into the hills. Tom

direction, here in California we have not reached that point. But as I stated at the beginning we must remain positive. Steve Egbert UFWDA Vice President

Always remain positive, we have to be, motorized recreation is always under attack by those who know better than us. Here in California, the State OHV program is run by the OHV Division of California State Parks. A standalone division within State Parks, the OHV division and its programs are a model that other states have used to develop their state programs. The OHV Division runs the nine State Vehicle Recreation Areas (SVRA’s). The OHMVR Program receives no support from the state’s General Fund; all funding comes from the OHV Trust Fund. Monies deposited into the OHV Trust Fund are generated by user fees associated with OHV recreation, including, Fuel taxes, OHV registration fees and Entrance fees collected at the State Vehicular Recreation Areas (SVRAs). Since the passage of Senate Bill 742 in 2007, the reconstituted OHMVR Commission has had a successful working relationship with State Park’s OHMVR Division staff which has resulted in a win-win for all the citizens of California. The only problem with SB-742 is the Sunset that was built into the law. That Sunset is fast approaching on Jan 1, 2018. SB-249 is an anti-OHV bill that has been introduced and is supported by a long list of groups that do not support motorized recreation. OHV groups are supporting AB-1077 which reauthorizes SB-742. On the national level, we had a massive change in political

It has been quite a winter season here as well. For those that enjoy snow it has been a good year. We sure needed it after a number of years of drought. One year of wet weather will not solve all of our water needs but it does make for a fun winter wheeling season. King of the Hammers was especialy fun this year, I was able to go KOH Experince which is a run where the participants get to drive on a portion of the race cource the day after the race. The run is lead by Tony Peligrino of GenRight Off-Road. I was able to talk to a number of drivers who shared their race experinces. Being at King of the Hammers is quite unique. Spectators are able to get up close to the race cars and drivers. I know a number of the drivers and got to wish them luck in the race. This year the most of the drivers I know were able to finish the gruling race. I look forward to a good spring and summer out wheeling my Jeep. I am able to fit a lot of trail time in as I travel all over the state working to preserve motorized recreation. Keeping as always a positive out look on our future.

Peter Vahry International VP Editor

It’s been a while since the last edition of UFWDA Voice and these are not getting any easier to compile as our pool of contributors keeps shrinking. It seems that ‘social media’ with a few quick photos and a short drescription of activities is discouraging people from creating the sort of articles that publications like Voice are built around. Be bold and write something about your next adventure, then send it to me. Internationally the four wheeling scene appears to be steadily growing, especially in south east Asia. A new organization is currently being formed in Malaysia, with another recently created in the Marianas Islands called the ‘4x4 Holics’. We have contacted them. Here in New Zealand, it is autumn and some

late summer storms have managed to force the early closure of a number of popular 4x4 routes with weather caused damage. Regretfully we’re now seeing increasing reports of illegal use of other places by four wheelers! 4x4 touring or ‘overlanding’ is a growing aspect of the NZ scene with a typical journey briefly described in this edition. It seems that 4x4 event activity is increasing in the USA, as highlighted by the growth of posting on the OHV event calendar Facebook page and our own page. The stakes are high in California with their OHV program under threat from several quarters as outlined by Steve Egbert and it may well mean that support for that OHV program from outside of California might make a difference. Utah is under threat too from ‘Wilderness’ legislation... U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal (DCalif.) introduced America’s Red Rock Wilderness Act, H.R. 2044 to cover 9.2 million acres in Utah. You can send a message now. Peter Vahry

The Seven Deadly Sins of Recruiting Volunteers by Thomas W. McKee

The scene: Tuesday night at our monthly membership meeting. A frantic staff member stands before the group of about 300 members and says, “If we don’t get any volunteers for this program, we will assume that you aren’t interested, and we’ll just cancel it.” Some over-worked members feel guilty and raise their hands. Others groan and say, “The trouble with our organization is that no one wants to get involved.” Others say, under their breath, “Good, it’s about time we cancel some of our activities.” Sound familiar? We’ve all seen it happen. Well, if you are going to mess up in your volunteer program, you might as well mess up bad. By committing one of the following seven sins, you not only chase members away, but you burn them out. Sin One: Expect Announcements to Get Volunteers We needed people in our organization to volunteer for a short-term project. I made the announcement, wrote articles in our newsletter, had people who had been involved give a five-minute plug in several monthly meetings, and did a special mailing demonstrating the benefits for being a part of this special team. The results were very disappointing. What was wrong? What had I done wrong? I thought that the challenge would motivate leaders to get involved. I went to lunch with a person who was a mover and shaker and asked him, “Why didn’t you volunteer for this project? I could see your name on it all the way.” I’ll never forget his response. Bill said, “If you wanted me, why didn’t you ask? I’d be happy to work with you on this project, but I would never volunteer.” I learned an important lesson 20 years ago that I have not forgotten. Many people will never volunteer. Why aren’t people volunteering? Because people want to be asked.

Sin Two: Go It Alone One of the most effective recruiters I knew was my father. He was an Eagle Scout as a teenager. When he and Mom were first married, he was a volunteer scout leader. As I was growing up, he was always active in volunteer organizations. To meet the demands of active recruiting, Dad established a recruiting task force from the organization in which he was recruiting. His team would meet once a month with a list of vacancies. With organization directories open, they would brainstorm possible people who could fill these positions. Partnering is another effective way to recruit volunteers. Loaves and Fishes is a successful agency in Sacramento that feeds the homeless. They run the Mustard Seed School for the children of homeless families. This organization uses volunteers each day to take care of the meals and school. How do they get this many volunteers? They partner with local organizations—mostly churches. Sin Three: Recruit Life-time Individuals—Not Short-term Project Teams Mary was asked to be on the strategic planning task force for her association. She was told that the strategic planning committee would meet for a full day for training and development of strategy. She would then have six months to work on the strategic plan and then her job would be done. Mary not only said yes, but she volunteered to work with the implementation committee of the strategic planning committee—which was another two-year commitment. Recruiting teams rather than individuals is particularly effective with younger volunteers. Many people are afraid of getting tied into a job for a lifetime and never being able to get out of it. They get burned out and then quit the organization as a way to quit their volunteer role. I accomplish three objectives when I put together a short-term project

team of new volunteers with a model leader: Objective one: Volunteers are more willing to say yes to a short-term commitment with an end-date in sight. Objective two: Volunteers have the opportunity to catch the vision of the organization because they were working with a passionate leader. Objective three: Leaders became mentors for future passion driven teams. We were always looking for new leadership. Sin Four: Assume That “No” Means “Never” Timing is everything. When we get the courage to recruit someone and then they say “no,” we often feel rejection. I needed someone to be the head of our strategic planning committee and I felt that Bob was the perfect person. But when I asked him, he declined. He explained to me about a former business partner who was suing him, a teenage son who was giving him problems, and his Mercedes that was leaking oil (poor guy). He just couldn’t see doing justice to the position. I asked Bob three years later and he was excited to fill the position. Sometimes the “no” means, “not now.” Sometimes it means that the prospect volunteer feels that he/ she would rather do something else. When the answer is “no,” I often ask if there are any positions in our organization that they would love to do, but were never asked. Sin Five: Fall Into the BIC Trap We often fall into the trap of following the BIC syndrome. Because we are in desperate need for a volunteer and need them quickly, we plead our case to anyone who “fogs a mirror” and at the last minute I get someone to be a “Butt In the Chair.” Most times the chair is better empty than filled with the wrong person who does nothing or is high maintenance. Sin Six: Be People Driven Rather Than Position Driven Another variation of the “Butt In the Chair” method is just to say, “Please come and be a part of our group. We have a great time and we need your expertise.” But we don’t tell the prospect what we want them to do. Joan was recruited by an after-school teen center in the inner city. She loved to do behind-the-scenes work and pictured herself scrubbing floors, painting walls and stuffing envelopes. But she was placed

on the finance committee at the first meeting and was asked to go out and raise money. Although she had a passion for the cause, she was overwhelmed, disappointed and quit. When I look at the volunteer team I think— ”position.” I ask, “What positions do I need to accomplish our mission?” “What do I want the team members to do?” And then I look for people who can fill those positions. Sin Seven: Give the Position the Wrong Job Title What’s in a name? Plenty. We are calling our professional staff by the wrong name, and it is sending the wrong message to our staff, especially when we hire them. They come to the job with the wrong credentials and the wrong expectations. By the names we use for our non-profit professional staff, we are telling them that volunteer administration is not their primary job—which it really is. We are recruiting professional staff, but not professional volunteer administrators. I see this in almost every non-profit organization. For example, most environmental association professional staff are Ph.D. biologists who are passionate about the environment. They look at themselves as environmental professionals who want to get involved in restoring wetlands. But they have to spend most of their time recruiting, motivating and training volunteers to raise money for wetland restoration. Graduate schools don’t train biologists to be volunteer managers. Perhaps their sub-title should be “Manager for Environmental Services Volunteers.” Thomas W. McKee


Tom McKee is president and owner of www.volunteerpower.com a leadership development firm specializing in volunteerism. He has over 40 years of experience in volunteer leadership. Tom began his speaking career to one of the most difficult audiences-high school assemblies. Since those days, he has addressed over 1 million people spanning three continents-Africa, Europe and the U.S. Over the past 40 years he has trained over 100,000 leaders how to manage the chaos of change in an organization.

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Partnerships for the preservation of a great trail system

Genoa Peak Road and Logan Road Best Management Practices Project Completed. Located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe. The Nevada Commission on Off Highway Vehicles has been working for several years to fulfill its mission. In any new program it often takes more time that expected to go from a new registration program to getting dollars allocated and on the ground projects completed. The Genoa Peak and Logan Road project is a great use of Nevada registration funds that implement partnerships and good on the ground projects the provide meaningful opportunity and protect the land. This project has been in the planning stages for over a year. The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) recognized that without rerouting and rehabilitating the roads, they may have to close these important routes. Route connectivity is important to good management practices. The Forest Service completed the necessary documentation (NEPA) and all of the permits. Finding the funding wasn’t easy, but through term relationships with the State of Nevada and the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA) a plan was put together.

Partnerships like this are an important tool for the future of our future. It’s no longer possible for one agency to provide all of the components necessary to meet the needs of managing public land. So thanks to the partnerships and vision of these groups the first leg of this road rehabilitation is complete. Partners are U.S. Forest Service LTBMU Region 5, Nevada Commission on Off Highway Vehicles, Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), United Four Wheel Drive Associations, California Four Wheel Association, Nevada Four Wheel Drive Association and the Pine-Nuts Trail Association. Fred Wiley President/CEO Off Road Business Association www.orba.biz

Recreation and wildlife? The following article from the generally left-leaning Missoulian newspaper from Missoula, MT, is a naïve example of fair reporting of an issue. The reporter takes what he decides are the highlights, and slants the rest. To start with, please read the headline, then the article and ask yourself, what did the headline have to do with the article? Sensationalizing is what they did. Study: Recreation and wildlife don’t mix well ROB CHANEY rchaney@missoulian.com Dec 29, 2016 MISSOULA -- When people play in the woods, wildlife reacts. While that sounds like a discovery from the

Department of Obvious Conclusions, a new study on outdoor recreation around the world actually shows how much more work needs to get done. “I think what’s really important for people to realize is that recreation and conservation don’t always completely go together,” said Courtney Larson, a doctoral student at Colorado State University who reviewed 274 research projects looking at recreation’s impact on wildlife. “We can’t just protect lands and say our job is done. We need to think more carefully about where we put trails, how we manage visitor flows, and keep better track of how many people use trails,” Larson said. “We need to see where people are going and get a sense of what impacts are happening.” That’s an important question in Montana, where outdoor recreation provides about $1.5 billion a year in wages and salaries, $5.8

billion in consumer spending, $403 million in state and local tax revenue and 64,000 jobs, according to surveys by the Outdoor Industry Association. Whether it’s watching buffalo on the National Bison Range, hunting elk in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, or fishing on the state’s rivers and lakes, wildlife draw millions of tourists to the state every year. Larson’s overview found that when humans hike, snowmobile, boat or ride into wildlife habitat, animals have a negative reaction about two-thirds of the time. They may stop feeding, spend energy moving away, act nervously or lose weight, among other effects. But Larson and co-author Sarah Reed, an associate conservation scientist at CSU’s Wildlife Conservation Society, pointed out that conclusion has some serious limitations. “What I would say is although this is a growing area of research in wildlife, it’s still relatively small in the whole body of research on wildlife,” Reed said. “It’s growing rapidly, but there’s still a lot more that we need to know.” For example, more of the projects Larson and Reed reviewed showed non-motorized activity like hiking reported negative impacts on animals than studies of motorized activity did. But they warned that doesn’t mean motorized activity has less impact than non-motorized pastimes. “A lot of motorized studies in my pool of studies were aquatic – things like whale-watching and dolphin-watching,” Larson said. “We found very few studies that directly compared motorized and non-motorized activity, like cross-country skiers and snowmobiles on wildlife in (the) same area.” The projects also usually had apples-tooranges comparison problems. For example, while motorized and non-motorized activity both made animals change their behavior, there was no good way to compare the size of the impact. “You have to think about the area involved,” Larson said. “Motorized activity covers a larger

amount of land than hiking, and that wasn’t something we were able to account for. So impacts might be less frequent but over a larger area.” “Courtney Larson, a doctoral student at Colorado State University.” I’m going to assume that these CSU students are more intelligent than the article seems to give them credit for. This is by no means, a simple issue. “We can’t just protect lands and say our job is done. We need to think more carefully about where we put trails, how we manage visitor flows, and keep better track of how many people use trails,” Larson said. The United Four Wheel Drive Associations have recommended and commented many times on this. Regarding motor vehicles, the numbers of, the different kinds of, and the reasons for their use, how many travel together, and many other variables have never been studied in depth to our knowledge. Before many of the “facts” that some claim about the interaction of motor vehicles/wildlife, these questions must be studied. The same must be done for non-motorized trail uses for comparison purposes at the very least. Larson’s overview found that when humans hike, snowmobile, boat or ride into wildlife habitat, animals have a negative reaction about two-thirds of the time. They may stop feeding, spend energy moving away, act nervously or lose weight, among other effects. From fairly extensive personal experience, I would say that 2/3rds might be somewhat high. During winter, many wildlife species stay very close to the same areas. That is one reason they call them “Wintering areas”. Having spent many hours both hunting and driving the backcountry, I have noticed that most of the big

game species barely move given half a chance when vehicles approach. This statement needs a qualifier though. When a vehicle approaches directly at an animal, they take this as a threat much more often than if the angle of approach is not direct. The same will apply to a non-motorized trail user. Year round, large wildlife will not often run if they believe they are not seen. If you stop and stare, they will generally move off. Depending on the time of year and the number of animals encountered in a group, they will not move off readily. “For example, more of the projects Larson and Reed reviewed showed non-motorized activity like hiking reported negative impacts on animals than studies of motorized activity did. But they warned that doesn’t mean motorized activity has less impact than non-motorized pastimes.” Many of the larger wildlife species grow accustomed to vehicles traveling the same roads and trails. Except for hunting season, they will normally only step behind some brush or trees to block direct line of sight to them. This minimizes the physical effort on their part. On the other hand, someone walking is more of an unusual encounter, and they will often bolt to safety. The above are only observations primarily of large wildlife. Small animals behave totally different and widely vary from species to species in their reactions. The point is; there are as many variations as there are individual animals. The time of day, the time of year, the weather, the number of encounters per minute, hour, day, week, month, and year will vary the results. The speed of contact, the angle of contact, the direction of the wind, the sun’s angle, and other variables come into play. Animal behavior is much like human behavior… it is unpredictable. Making factual statements in one or two instances may be correct. But generalizing with those same

“factual statements” can be disproven more often than not. Animals are not simple creatures as most people see them. They would not have survived as a species being so. Between instinct, stealth, wariness, and the other qualities, all species have adapted and advanced as the living conditions on this earth have changed. These qualities are at work even now. The one main condition that has changed, is the speed at which their environment is being overrun by man. The “evolution” clock has shifted into overdrive for many species and they ARE suffering because of it. The UFWDA would support any fair and scientific studies of these interactions between wildlife and motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles. The caveat is to do it with an open mind and with due diligence as to all the circumstances involved. The variables are extensive, so care must be made not to generalize. Written by: Jerry Smith – Director of Environmental Affairs – United Four Wheel Drive Associations

UFWDA welcome back the New Mexico 4-Wheelers The long established New Mexico 4-Wheelers have rejoined United Four Wheel Drive Associations Inc. after an interval of several years.(As a club they had been strong participants in UFWDA and there are several names among their members that I recall from my early involvement in UFWDA back around 2000. Editor) https://www.nm4w.org/docs/?do_id=34

We Care and We Rescue ...

The last quarter of 2016 witnessed a few disasters in Java and Sumatera. The Indonesia Off-road Federation (IOF) through its Care and Rescue Division came to help in some areas that were affected very badly by these natural disasters. August 2016 - Jakarta: IOF came to help in Kemang, south of Jakarta, where an urban dam was destroyed and millions of gallons of water from the nearby river flooded these commercial and residential areas. A number of cars were stuck inside the basement of a commercial building. We were able to rescue those cars using a winch attached to an IOF members’ off road vehicle.

Let’s Get Going Again!

From the United’s Voice of Fall 2000 Here, there, and everywhere by Carla Boucher. United Attorney

I’ve been quite busy the past several months but find myself even busier than usual. This is good news. All of this business means we are making strides in protecting our access.

I’ve been asked. on behalf of United, to join Attorney Gram Gerber in representing the Shovel Brigade to help defend them against the suit brought by the United States against the citizens group. The United States brought suit against the Shovel Brigade after the group (and thousands of supporters) repaired South Canyon Road in Jarbidge County, Nevada over the July 4’” weekend this year. South Canyon Road is an RS 2477 road owned by Elko County, NV. The United States claims that the group is guilty of trespass for entering, without a permit, lands owned by the United States. This case is nationally significant and it is a pleasure to be able to represent United and our members through my presence on the

case. My work on this case will strengthen United’s position on the validity of RS 2477 assertions. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to team up with Grant Gerber. United members should be proud of the support United is able to offer the Shovel Brigade! I would like to thank the Nevada United Four Wheel Drive Association and Bangin’ Bones Four Wheelers for being instrumental in bringing the Shovel Brigade, Attorney Gerber, and United together. In November, 2000, I was invited to speak at, and to attend, the National Leadership Summit on Recreational Access, hosted by the American Motorcycle Association. The goal of the Summit was to coordinate efforts of preserving access on our public lands and waterways between various recreation groups. The conference was well attended with representatives for four wheel drive, motorcycles. jet skis, horses and ATVs. The AMA and the Summit participants should be commended for making this goal a reality. One key feature of the Summit was the creation of a task force of users to work on a recreation agenda for 2001. I am proud to have been chosen to be a participant in this task force. One of the pressing access issues that the task force has tackled is a letter of support for recreation to the Presidential Transition Team. The purpose of this letter is to follow-up after the election, and make contact before inauguration. on the issues and concerns facing recreation on federally managed land. It was an honor to be among our country’s recreation leaders in drafting this important Transition letter. It was quite a thrill to be able to sign this momentous document on behalf of United and all fourwheelers. I will continue to participate in the task force to bring our recreation goals to the forefront of public policy. If you would like more information about the Summit or the task force please contact me. I’m continuing my work on the US Forest Service’s “Big 3”. The Forest Service has been developing the Transportation Policy (to reduce the existing road network by 80%, the Planning Rule (to move the emphasis on forest planning away from multiple use toward restoration of forests to their “historic range of variability”). And the Roadless Area Conservation Rule and FElS (to create de facto wilderness areas by prohibiting road construction and reconstruction in Roadless Areas). If you have not been receiving updates from me on these policies please contact me. Updates are also

posted on the United website at www.ufwda.org. The 2001 United Land Use Conference will be held March 23, 24, and 25, 2001. It will be held in Baltimore, MD and hosted by Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association. Please see the registration form in this edition of the Voice. This is one of those conferences you won’t want to miss! This year’s conference will be a work-day, thinktank kind of event. We have some very ambitious things to accomplish in just a few short days. A trip to Washington, D.C. is planned for Friday. This trip will be very important. Our delegation of land use chairs will be meeting with elected officials and agency personnel. Our Land Use Conference entourage will be taking a specific message to these meetings that outlines our goals for the next 12 months and how we want Congress and the agencies to accomplish these goals. Part of the day Saturday will be spent actually writing Recreational Trails Program grants. Another portion of the day Saturday will be spent developing a map for the future of fourwheeling. Please plan to attend. If you are a member of a four wheel drive club or association please encourage your Board of Directors to support attendance at this important meeting. If you are interested in the conference but are unable to attend drop me a note and after the conference I’ll be happy to fill you in on all the important things we accomplished. I will be attending the third of three “Convergence Dialogue” meetings sponsored by Treadlightly!. The purpose of the meetings is to “bring together representatives of recre­ational interests to open lines of communication, build common ground, discuss pertinent issues, and develop a strategic plan for the continuation of responsible recreation”. This is the third and final meeting of the series and will be held in Shepardstown. WV. I will be following up the dialogue started at the first meeting and continued by Scott Riebel at the second meeting which was held in Redding, CA this fall. For more information about the conference or TreadLightly! see: www.treadlightly.org or contact me directly for more information. This spring, United will also participate in the 2001 Fly-in For Freedom. The Fly-in is sponsored every year by the Alliance for America and cosponsored this year by NAMRC. Co-sponsorship is an important avenue for promoting motorized recreation and promoting United. This year will

focus on bridging the common access needs of minors, loggers, holders of permits, private property owners, and recreationists. The 2001 Fly-in promises to be a worthwhile and beneficial event. I am hopeful that I will have the opportunity to offer a break.-out session on motorized recreation problems and solutions in land use management. If you have never attended a Fly-in in the past, this is the year 10 give it a try. Each year the Alliance for America provides an invaluable Congressional Directory, media room for press releases to media all over the country, and organizational tips for meeting with your elected officials. The Fly-in

will be held May 19 and 20, 2001. (Capitol Hill visits will follow the conference May 21 -23.) For registration information visit the Alliance on the web at: http://www.allianceforamerica.org/000800I.html or contact me directly for more information. All of these conferences and undertakings are working perfectly together to enable us to begin implementing a long-term recreational plan. For too many years we have been without a long-range plan for protecting access. I look for many, many more great things to come on the land use front in 2001!

Do YOU Have Reverence for the Earth and Mother Nature? By Jerry Smith

Back when the Saturday matinee feature at the local theatre was often a western, it was common for the plot to feature the Cowboy vs. Indian theme. I think much of my appreciation for the American Backcountry began by watching and learning as the American Indians talked of their reverence and appreciation of the earth. A Native American I once worked with introduced me to his grand father who furthered our

“education” into tracking animals and living with the land. When you learn to revere the land, many other things begin to balance in your life. When you become “lost” and things aren’t going your way, going out into Nature can start a new healing and bring you back into balance. Words like “Sacred” and “Spiritual” were often used. “Sacred” was often used in conjunction with reference to “The Great Spirit” … the “creator” who provided man a place to live and a resource from

which life could be sustained. The earth provides “Food and shelter”--- the very basics of life. Having lived in Hawaii, I saw and experienced the great love the Hawaiian people have for the land and sea. Hawaiians literally wreak their appreciation and love of the earth and sea.

soldiers carried a “mess kit” that included a plate/ bowl, cup, and utensils that they repeatedly ate their meals from. To “Crap in your mess kit” was about the lowest kind of act that a soldier could do. After all, would YOU eat out of your toilet?

Early this week, while on a ride through the area west of Debeque, Colorado, the subject of archeological sites came up. Apparently the Pine Ridge Wildfire had exposed many previously unknown archeological sites causing the BLM to close the area to all human activity to protect them from looters.

That is apparently what many people think the earth is for… a place to just leave behind what you no longer want to deal with.

Later that day, while reflecting on that subject and the amount of OPT (Other People’s Trash) that I had picked up to haul back to town, my attitude began leaning toward anger. The anger centered on the fact that OUR SACRED PUBLIC LANDS have been taken for granted by too many of our population for too long. Too many Americans find it acceptable to allow their trash to either blow away from their possession or feel the need to purposely throw empty glass or plastic bottles and aluminum cans from their vehicles rather than “litter” the inside of their vehicle. The US Army has a saying about this, which I will paraphrase: “To CRAP in your own mess kit!” For those who are too young to know what a “Mess Kit” is, our

On the subject of archeological sites, it seems that some can’t control the urge to either take artifacts or destroy them and the site. They are the same bunch that will “tag” a pictograph with spray paint or worse. Years ago, there was a commercial that featured the American Indian actor Iron Eyes Cody looking on lands being abused and littered upon. The tears coming from his eyes were all that was needed to “speak volumes” about what he was feeling within. Much more effort is needed to teach those feelings, appreciation, and reverence for our Mother Earth to the folks who have never learned those “sacred” lessons. Let us all “eat from a clean plate” and remember where that food originates from. If you think about it just a little, eating nutritious, tasty food from a clean plate is much more appetizing than eating human waste from ANY plate.

These were taken on Drummond Island at an event called “Drummond Off-road Adventure�. A fun place to wheel when in the Lake Superior region of Michigan! Ken Douglas

Natural Trail Damage By Jerry Smith

Trails are subject to all sorts of natural trail damage. Wind, rain, snow, mud, rocks, trees, spinning tires, you name it, and there is trail damage. Some may take eons to appear, others only seconds.

We live in an ever-changing world. Years may go by with no noticeable changes, when all of the sudden, catastrophe, calamity, and disaster happen. Nature’s obstacles are a constant. How we deal with Nature is not.

Consider that weather this winter has been a record breaker in many areas. In places, we have already witnessed excessive flooding. What does severe flooding do to an area, much less a road or trail?

For most humans, an obstacle is to be avoided. We either find an easy way around it, over it, or simply turn around.

Picture heavy rain or snow melt running down your favorite Jeep trail. How long will it take to make your trail impassible? Or saturate a steep hillside enough and suddenly we have a landslide. What does a landslide do for your passage? Temperature changes cause expansion and contraction of nearly everything. Eventually, weight transfers from one side to the other and a rock will begin tumbling downhill. Large enough rocks will start other rocks and debris moving. If your trail is below that debris, might your trail be blocked? Trees die for many reasons. Wildfires, old age, weather, insects, or disease all play a part of the life of a tree. When trees die, they can only stand just so long before they fall. Under the right conditions, one or many may fall at a given time. Again, if your trail is below those trees, might your trail be blocked?

Others of us will take the obstacle as a personal challenge, only a delay. We find it just a “bump-inthe-road”. If it exceeds our capability, we “alter” it to a passable state. Many of us would like a dollar for every tree or rock we’ve moved off a trail. When a “big” obstacle is encountered, we assess the situation and either “dig in” or back off for now and resolve to return with the necessary help and/ or equipment. With the great number of trails we lose to Uncle Sam’s whims, we cannot afford to lose many to Mother Nature. Treating new obstacles as “the end of the trail” is not something we should be doing. Instead, we must come prepared to deal with the unknown. If you carry the minimum of a shovel, an axe, some trimmers, and a good lunch, most obstacles you encounter can be made passable. Numerous times, we have come to obstacles like washouts, downed trees, rock falls, and heavy brush growing out into the trail. Washouts and the

brush are usually the worst. Trees can either be cut to a size that can be handled or winched out of the way. Brush can be trimmed back enough to make the trail wide enough for safe passage. Fallen rocks can usually be manhandled or winched with little problem. The washouts, well, they may require some serious work. Springtime in the Rockies can be remarkably tough on our roads and trails. Heavy snow falls that melt too fast create havoc in many ways. Heavy rains only add to the problem. Sometimes it’s the debris that washes down a gully that is left after the water recedes. Other times it is the deep channels cut either straight across, diagonally, or straight down the middle of the trail. During spring in western Colorado, it is not uncommon to be driving along and happen on to a 2 to 6 foot ditch carved across the road ahead. Many of these ditches, if you are the first to encounter them, have vertical sides with square lips that no vehicle will simply drive through. This is where a shovel comes in handy. A pick is often a real blessing if you have one. By shoveling the upper lip of into the channel, you take away the “breakover” problem while partially filling the bottom of the channel. On wide, deep channels, using trees or rocks from nearby to fill in the bottom first can make the difference between a little work and a bunch of work.

For those situations where the channel is cut along the road’s surface, using trees, rocks, and whatever else you can find to fill the bottom first is the way to go. If the road is cut into a hillside, bringing the upper bank down into the channel is where the last material comes from. Yes… this takes time and effort. As an example, here are links to two trips I needed to reopen the Pace Lake trail. This was one of 5-trails I have reopened that Mother Nature had closed for years. Pace Lake was a hefty undertaking, but has been well worth the effort. http://happytrails4wdblog.blogspot.com/2013/12/ pace-lake-trail-part-1.html http://happytrails4wdblog.blogspot.com/2013/12/ pace-lake-part-2.html Next time you encounter a new obstacle, make the best of it. Don’t let it ruin your day, make it the thing you will remember about that day. You WILL feel good about reopening a trail!

“Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.” – Anne Frank And one last thought… when you come to a fork in the road, take it! You never know what you may find. Copy right Happy Trails 4wd, 2017. All rights reserved.

Four Wheeling in the South Island of New Zealand

The South Island of New Zealand is land formed by a spine of mountain ranges stretching almost the entire 800km length of the island. Known as the Southern Alps, the mountains are predominately steep on the western side with large river, highlands and glacial river beds on the east side. Mountain passes cross from the west to east and many high country cattle and sheep stations farm the high country in the east. During the winter the land is often snow covered, while in the summer is dry and sometimes barren. The combination of these natural attributes, high country stations and land managed by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation, makes for a fantastic place to go four wheel driving. A trip organised by an Auckland enthusiast, Bill Ryan, with a group of friends, spent two weeks traveling from station to station starting in the southern part of the North Island and crossing the Cook Strait by ferry to head west then south into central Canterbury before returning north. Highlights included tackling an old 19th century mining track crossing the Mackley river exiting on the west coast, touring through and staying at

high country stations such as Glenfalloch, Lake Heron and Mt Arrowsmith, while crossing many of the large and very wide upper tributary’s the of the Waimakariri, Rakaia, Clyde and Havelock rivers. These rivers, normally snow bound in winter, were low this summer after the snow had melted, offering some interesting challenges weaving backwards and forwards through the tributaries in order to cross the river. Framed by many mountain peaks of more than 2000 metres, the views were spectacular with clear sky days. Respecting their land and making a small donation for track maintenance, the station owners hospitality was fantastic, many of whom now offer accommodation on their stations to supplement their income. Proud of their properties, a couple gave us tours and appreciated a couple of bottles of wine for their troubles. Finishing our trip, we concluded we must return in the winter to see the scenery in a different season. This is now on our “Bucket list”. Allan Orr Auckland 4WD Club Member

Upper Cherokee Park; North of Red Feather Lakes in Colorado Pictures by Jim Dixon

Steve Egbert’s California

Fred Wiley and I at Cal4Wheel Convention in Visalia

Above; Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R) California House Majority Leader at Kern County Lincoln Day Dinner that Fred and I attended. Below; Congressman Devin Nunes (R) California Chairman House Intelligence Committee, My Congressman.

Above; Backdoor Challenge at 2017 KOH Below; Brian Wood Car 4477 during line up for 2017 KOH main race.

Above; KOH Entrance gate Below; Tony Pellegrino, Dave Kole at 2017 KOH Experience

BFGoodrich® Tires

Launches 2017 Outstanding Trails Program GREENVILLE, S.C., April 14, 2017 – BFGoodrich® Tires builds tires for any adventure, including those that take drivers off their daily roadways. Through its Outstanding Trails program that promotes sustainable and responsible off-road driving, BFGoodrich Tires will once again award grants of $4,000 each to four qualified and passionate off-road clubs in North America. These clubs will use their grants to continue local efforts that preserve and protect their hometown trails. In its 12th year, BFGoodrich once again offers Outstanding Trails in association with 4 Wheel Parts as presenting sponsor of this year’s program. 4 Wheel Parts will promote the program and provide a critical outreach extension to four-wheel-drive clubs across North America. The program also is conducted in collaboration with United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA), Blue Ribbon Coalition and the Off Road Business Association. To date, Outstanding Trails has awarded grants to 44 off-road trails nominated by 41 local clubs throughout North America. The program has provided more than $160,000 in grants in support of these trail conservation efforts. Additionally this year, BFGoodrich Tires has become the Official Tire of Jeep Jamboree USA and the two will partner in expanding the Outstanding Trails program. Jeep Jamboree USA is a program consisting of 30 events across the country intended to encourage Jeep

owners to get the most adventure from their vehicle as part of this family-oriented rides catering to every level of expertise. The Jeep Jamboree USA organization, recognizing the common goals they share with BFGoodrich Tires, will donate an additional $4,000 to the Outstanding Trails program. Additionally the trails that are part of the Jeep Jamboree USA program are eligible for the Outstanding Trails grants. Nominations will be accepted beginning April 17 through July 31, 2017, on the BFGoodrich Tires Garage website at garage.bfgoodrichtires.com/outstandingtrails The competition invites off-road clubs from around North America to nominate local trails that merit grants for maintenance or refurbishing. Trails are selected based on uniqueness, terrain type and enthusiast support. BFGoodrich has assembled a panel of judges comprising four-wheel industry veterans to evaluate Outstanding Trails grant submissions. This group selects the winning trails, which will be announced at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) in November in Las Vegas.

Delores Point / South Beaver Mesa

By Jerry Smith March 22, 2017, the team of Tom/Connie and Jerry struck out for the Delores Point and South Beaver Mesa trails. These trails are in the neighbourhood of Gateway, CO. After a quick stop in Gateway, we proceeded up the John Brown Road through John Brown Canyon. It is a steep grade up a wellmaintained county road through a deep and narrow red canyon. After passing the Whirlwind Uranium mine, we proceded out the Delores Point Mesa to GPS the routes that would be run for Rock Junction 2017. Rock Junction is the Grand Mesa Jeep Club’s annual three-day trail event held the

three days before the first Saturday in June. That day is reserved for the Rocky Mountain Off Road Expo. Up until we turned and started along the east rim of the mesa, all was good. The rim section has severely overgrown trees reaching out well into the trail. This slowed progress to a crawl and was very noisy as the branches screeched across the paint and top. This will require several hours of trimming before we can offer this trail to our guests. The Grand Mesa Jeep Club must annually pre-run no less than five trails before Rock Junction. Winters and Spring can be very hard

on many area trails. Downed trees, rock falls, overgrown brush, and erosion can put a trail out of commission until we come along with the necessary maintenance. Our guests come to drive the trails, not to do maintenance. As it was, we picked up a hefty gunny sack full of cans and bottles along the trail and winched a large fallen tree from the trail. The grand highlight of this trail comes at the end. The views of the surrounding countryside are to die for. Spectacular scenery greets your eyes in every direction. If you are remotely familiar with the area, you will recognize many landmarks. We could point out the Delores Overlook and the newly christened “Top II” trail where we had driven last Sunday. Top II is the southern end of the up-thrust mesa that graces the Top of the World trail of Moab fame. From some

viewpoints on Top II, you can see the terminus of Top of the World like nowhere else. These spectacles from Delores Point made our lunches much more enjoyable. Other trails seen from there include Sheep Creek, South and North Beaver Mesas, Polar Mesa, and the region around Rose Garden Hill. Returning back from Delores Point, we continued to the South Beaver Mesa turn-off. The South Beaver road starts out fairly mild and scenic. But once you reach the hairpin turn, hold on to your seat --- tightly!! From here, if you don’t like steep, narrow, loose rock, washed out with 2-foot deep channels, class 7 or 7+ shelf roads, now is a good time to just park and enjoy the scenery. For the next mile or so, you WILL be paying close attention to your driving.

Off-camber, steep, and full of loose rock and sand, this trail WILL make you pay attention to your driving. The scenery is over the top as well, IF you take a moment to notice.

This is the “cow camp”. The small shed has a bunk bed while the dugout is stocked with bottled water and a can of soup. A corral is to the right of the gate.

At the bottom of the steep part, there is an old shack and dugout cowboys or shepherds used -- we think. It is set on the rim of the Beaver Creek Gorge in a beautiful setting. In the dugout, you can still find bottled water and a can of Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup that have been on the shelf for at least 7-years. The road continues out South Beaver Mesa, but is not very exciting as Jeep trails go. So we began the slow, rough and rocky climb back out. At an intersection, we turned off the trail onto another faint road that brought us to another cabin and dugout. This one was built mostly from area Juniper. This is an unusual building material for a cabin. The road continued in the general direction

of the Gateway to Moab road, so we crawled along hoping it would take us all the way through. Following my nose has often resulted in good things happening, and after quite a long time, we came to a familiar road that took us out to the road back to Gateway. Another superior day in the Great American BackCountry and another reminder of why I live by Yogi Berra’s “Yogi-ism”; “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” That is where the adventure begins. Read more of these adventures on http://happytrails4wdblog.blogspot.com/

Top: The dugout had a wood stove and bed springs for a short man. Â Crutches still hang on the wall. Bottom light: The dugout is also Juniper and a sod roof with cactus growing on it. Â This would have been a pretty cozy place on a cold night. Bottom left: This is the Sheep Creek Trail. The road easily seen in the bottom winds its way to just below the vertical cliffs at the top of the picture. This narrow, steep shelf road can be a challenge in the spring due to erosion and rock falls

Rausch Creek – Green/Blue Trails

On Saturday, 18 February a group of eleven vehicles including CORE members and guests headed up to Rausch Creek in Pine Grove, PA for a day of green and blue trails. We started the day with a drivers meeting in the parking lot which allowed us to test out a new CORE Trail Leader Checklist that is in development.

the way. All the obstacles we encountered had optional bypasses. The morning was spent covering the East and West property. We stopped for lunch around 11:30am which allowed everyone the opportunity to relax and share vehicle modification stories. The afternoon was spent riding the green and some “dark” blue trails on the South Property.

Participants: Sam (Trail Leader) & Dave – Jeep Wrangler Robert Rixham (Tail Gunner) & Trudi – Toyota 4Runner Mike O’Grady – Nissan Xterra Andrew & Cherie Taylor – Nissan Xterra Bill Fay – Jeep Wrangler Chris Sesh – JK Unlimited Jesse & Wendy King – Jeep Wrangler John & Andrea Doyle – Jeep Wrangler Nihar Vora – Jeep Wrangler Tony Lowe – Jeep Wrangler Vince Castanza – Jeep Wrangler

Of course, no trip to Rausch would be complete without a “Robert Story.” This story involves him almost requiring a tow out of Sunken Treasure which is a black trail. Before Bill and Andrew could come to his rescue, Robert was able to free himself from the cold, icy water.

We hit the trails around 9:30am and started the day with green trials and covered some blue trails along

We returned to parking lot around 4:30pm after taking a group photo. Back in the parking lot everyone aired-up and said their good-byes – marking the end of another fun CORE trip to Rausch Creek. A group of ten drivers and passengers all went out for dinner at Buddy’s Log Cabin Family Restaurant (http://www.buddyslogcabin.com) following the end of the trail ride.

Trail report written by Sam. Photos courtesy of Tony, Andrew, Cherie, and Bill. http://core4x4.org/about-core/

Business Contacts UFWDA thank you for your support

4 Wheel Drive Hardware (330) 482-4733 www.4WD.com 4x4 Wire (619) 390-8747 www.4x4Wire.com BF Goodrich (877) 788-8899 www.BFGoodrichTires.com Badlands 4x4 Adventures, Inc. (310) 347-8047 www.4x4Training.com Big Dogs Offroad (410) 440-3670 www.BigDogsOffRoad.com Bill Burke’s 4 Wheeling America, LLC 970-858-3468 www.BB4WA.com

Moses Ludell’s 4WD Mechanix Magazine www.4WDMechanix.com Muirnet.net (619) 390-8747 www.4x4Wire.com Olathe Toyota Parts Center www.parts.olathetoyota.com Poison Spyder Customs (951) 849-5911 www.PoisonSpyder.com Quadratec (800) 745-2348 www.Quadratec.com Survive Off Road LLC (602) 321-0833 www.surviveoffroad.com

Blue Springs Ford Parts (800) 248-7760 www.BlueSpringsFordParts.com

Susquehanna Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Ram (717) 252-2412 www.Susqauto.com

Bushwacker (503) 283-4335 www.Bushwacker.com

Tom Wood’s Custom Drive Shafts (877) 497-4238 www.4xShaft.com

California Assn of 4WD Clubs, Inc. (800) 4x4-FUNN www.Cal4Wheel.com Expeditions West (928) 777-8567 www.ExpeditionsWest.com ExtremeTerrain (800) 988-4605 www.ExtremeTerrain.com Hi-Lift Jack Company (812) 384-4441 www.Hi-Lift.com Jeep Action Magazine +61 02 6656 1046 www.jeepaction.com.au

Trasharoo (714) 854-7292 www.Trasharoo.com Turn5 Inc. www.turn5.com X-Treme Mobile Adventures (800) 370-3308 www.XTremeMobileAdventures.com

United Four Wheel Drive Associations would like to thank our Direct Members, Clubs and Associations for their support. 4 Lakes 4 Wheelers, Inc. (Wisconsin) http://www.4l4w.org/ ACES 4X4 Club (Michigan) www.aces4x4.com Arizona State Association of 4-Wheel Drive Clubs www.asa4wdc.org Badgerland 4×4 TNT Club http://www.badgerland4x4.org/

http://www.mafwda.org/ •

Capital Off Road Enthusiasts www.core4x4.org

PA Jeeps www.pajeeps.org

Eagle Valley Off Roaders www.eaglevalleyoffroaders.com

Mid-Atlantic Jeep Club www.midatlanticjeepfestival.com

Baltimore Four Wheelers http://www.baltimore4wheelers.org/

Midwest 4 Wheel Drive Association http://www.mw4wda.org/

Between the Hills Trailheaders 4×4 Club http://www.trailheaders.net

MN Trailriders http://www.mntrailriders.org/

California Four Wheel Drive Association http://www.cal4wheel.com/

Montana 4×4 Association, Inc. http://www.m4x4a.org/

Central North Carolina 4×4 http://www.cnc4x4.org/

New Mexico 4-Wheelers http://www.nm4w.org/

Central Ontario 4×4 Club http://www.co4x4.com/

New Zealand Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc. http://www.nzfwda.org.nz/

Colorado Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, Inc. http://www.hightrails.org/ Creeper Jeepers Gang 4WD Club http://www.creeperjeepers.org/ Demon 4×4 Demon4x4.com Four Wheel Drive Australia http://www.anfwdc.asn.au/ Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive Association http://www.glfwda.org/ Hall of Fame 4×4 Trail Riders http://www.hof4x4.com/ Havasu 4-Wheelers, Inc. http://havasu4wheelers.org/ Indiana 4 Wheel Drive Association http://www.ifwda.org/

Rim Country 4 Wheelers, Inc. http://www.rimcountry4wheelers.com/ River City 4X4, Inc. http://www.rivercity4x4.org/ Rock Crawlers for the Preservation of Future Access (RCPFA) http://rcpfa.com/ Rough Country 4 Wheelers http://www.rc4w.com/ Scrambler Owners Association http://www.cj-8.org/ Seven Hills Jeep Club http://sevenhillsjeepclub.org/ Southern Four Wheel Drive Association http://www.sfwda.org/ •

Carolina Off Road Extremists (CORE) http://www.core4x4club.com/


Mesa 4 Wheelers http://www.mesa4wheelers.com/

Carolina Trailblazers 4WD Club http://www.carolina-trailblazers.org/

Cumberland Off-Road http://www.cumberlandoffroad.com/

Damn Locals 4×4 Club

Indonesia Off-Road Federation

Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association

http://www.damnlocals4x4.com/ •

East Tennessee 4WD Club http://www.et4wd.org/

Extreme Ridge Runners http://www.myspace.com/extreme_ ridge_runners

Blue Ridge Rock Mafia richard.wiggs@nolenfrisa.co • Capital City Fourwheelers www.capitalcityfourwheelerssva.com •

Hard Rock Crawlers www.hardrockcrawlers.org

Georgia Bounty Runners 4WD Club http://www.gbr4wd.com/

KMA Off Road Jeep Club www.kmaoffroad.org

Middle Tennessee Trailrunners 4WD Club http://www.mttr4x4.net/

Lost Jeepers www.lostjeepers.com

Ohio River Four Wheelers http://www.orfw.org/

Mechanicsville Mudders varokcrwlr@juno.com

Rattlerock 4-Wheel Drive Club http://www.rattlerock.org/

Mid-Atlantic Jeepers www.midatlanticjeepers.com

Rocket City Rock Crawlers 4WD Club http://www.rocketcityrockcrawlers.com

Middle Peninsula Jeep Association www.mpjai.com

Rock Solid Jeep Club (No web site)

Off Chamber Crawlers www.offchambercrawlers.org

Rocky Top Trail Riders http://rockytoptrailriders.org

Poor Boys Four Wheel Drive Club www.poorboys4wd.com

Scenic City 4WD Club http://www.sceniccity4wd.com/

River City Trail Runners www.rivercitytrailrunners.org

Smoky Mountain Trail Runners http://www.smokymtntrailrunners.org/

Seven Hills Jeep Club www.sevenhillsjeep.club

Southeast Toyota Land Cruiser Association http://www.stlca.org/

Shenandoah Valley 4 Wheelers www.sv4w.org

Southern Jeeps http://www.southernjeeps.org/

Southern Mini 4×4 www.myspace.com/443172858

Trick ‘n’ Traction 4WD Club http://www.tnt4wd.org/

Southwestern Virginia 4 Wheelers www.swva4w.org

Tidewater Fourwheelers www.tidewaterfourwheelers.org

• • • • • •

Southern High Rollers 4×4 Club http://www.southernhighrollers.com/ Southern Illinois Jeep Association http://www.sija.org/ Southside Jeepers http://southsidejeepers.com/ Sundowners 4×4 Club http://www.sundowners4x4.com Two Trackers http://www.twotrackers.org/ Virginia Four Wheel Drive Association http://www.va4wda.org/ •

Bay to Blue Ridge Cruisers www.bbrcva.org

Western Maine Mountain Jeepers http://www.jeepmaine.com/ What Lies Beyond Jeep Club of Michigan http://whatliesbeyond.org/ White Pine 4-Wheelers jeeptrailcat5440 (at) yahoo.com Wisconsin 4 Wheel Drive Association http://www.w4wda.org/ Wisconsin Off Highway Vehicle Association www.wohva.com Wolverine 4-Wheelers http://wolverine4wd.org/

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