Annual Report July 2013 to June 2014
Table of Contents
Director’s M essage Dear Colleagues,
Our Impact 3 Projects in the Spotlight 4 Education 5 Student Organizations 8 Technology Transfer & Service 9 Internal Steering Committee 10 External Advisory Board 11 UFTI By The Numbers 12 Centers 12 Selected Projects 13 Selected Publications 14
As many of you know, the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI) was officially launched on October 4, 2013, with an event at the University of Florida campus in Gainesville, Fla. The UFTI brings together several centers and faculty working on transportation problems, and our vision is that increased collaboration within and outside UF will lead to better transportation solutions, faster. In this, our first annual report, we highlight a few representative research projects and provide examples of the impact transportation research at UF has made through the years (see page 3). Our aim is to continue to make an impact and be at the forefront of transportation research, education, and technology transfer. This past year we hired Chris LeDew as the new director for the UFTI’s Transportation Technology Transfer Center (T2). Mr. LeDew comes to us after serving more than 27 years at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Read on to find out more about our Technology Transfer activities and learn about the various centers under the umbrella of UFTI. Our UFTI by the Numbers section gives a snapshot of our financial and operational status, and it is my pleasure to also introduce to you the UFTI’s Internal Steering Committee (see page 10), consisting of faculty and staff representatives. A big thank you to the first members of our External Advisory Board, listed on page 11, who have provided significant guidance as we begin our operations as an institute. We are most proud of our graduates and their accomplishments, and we are providing in this report some information on their whereabouts. If you have graduated from one of UF’s transportation programs and would like to keep in touch please contact us and we will add you to our distribution list. For up to-date information on our projects, activities, and events, please visit As always, we welcome your suggestions and feedback.
M ission Statement
The UF Transportation Institute (UFTI) aims to advance the transportation state-ofthe-art, disseminate research results, and provide educational opportunities related to transportation across the lifespan. UFTI brings together faculty, staff and students from many diverse backgrounds to provide solutions to a variety of transportation problems.
The Institute was created in 2013 as an umbrella organization housing several transportation-related centers within the University of Florida. It houses the Transportation Research Center (TRC), established by the Florida Board of Regents in 1972. It also houses the McTrans center, which develops, distributes and supports software for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications, and the Florida Transportation Technology Transfer Center, which provides training and technical assistance to professionals around the country and internationally. UFTI is home to the Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education (STRIDE) Center, a Regional University Transportation Center (UTC), funded by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT).
Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D. Professor & UFTI Director 2
Our Impact Years of Collaborative Research Leads to Better Pavements in Florida
UFTI Helping Small Transportation Agencies in Florida Train Staff to Develop Road Safety Studies to Reduce Serious and Fatal Crashes
Florida roads were recently recognized for having superior quality asphalt pavements, and that’s thanks to over a decade of research from 1994 to 2005, led by Dr. Reynaldo Roque at UF and engineers from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The team was tasked with mitigating cracks in asphalt pavements. Earlier studies by Dr. Roque revealed that almost all cracking in Florida’s pavements begins at the surface as opposed to from the bottom up thereby indicating that cracking could be mitigated by making asphalt mixtures near the surface tougher, more resistant to cracking. A tool called the Fractured Energy (FE) test was developed by the UF researchers during that time to accurately measure toughness of asphalt mixture. Furthermore, extensive field studies showed the FE test was a reliable predictor of cracking performance of real pavements. FE tests were subsequently conducted on different kinds of asphalt binder, and it was discovered that asphalt with polymers substantially enhanced mixture cracking resistance. Asphalt mixtures produced with polymers are known as Polymer Modified Asphalt (PMA). The results of this research gave policymakers in the State of Florida in 2004 the confidence to replace conventional asphalt mixture with the newer PMA, especially on high truck volume roads. Implementation of this policy has resulted in a reduction of deficient roads by cracking, from 18 percent in 2004 down to 6 percent in 2014. This translates into huge savings to Florida taxpayers and allows FDOT to use funds saved by not having to repave cracked roads for other transportation infrastructure needs in the State of Florida. Florida also continues to effectively reuse recycled tire rubber in asphalt (asphalt rubber) in friction course mixtures. In addition, researchers at UF led by Dr. Roque, along with FDOT engineers have been working on improving cracking resistance of asphalt rubber mixtures, which would allow expansion of the beneficial environmental impact of recycling tire rubber.
UFTI research, led by Dr. Siva Srinivasan, in collaboration with the UF Transportation Technology Transfer Center (T2), have helped transportation agencies in small, rural communities by creating a process and templates for use in conducting road safety studies, including documentation required to support the application for Federal Highway Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) funding. The work is presented as a manual that contains a funding guide, a process for developing safety projects, a template for developing field studies and B/C analysis, and a tutorial on how to perform crash data analysis using Signal Four Analytics, a statewide crash data system funded by the State of Florida, developed by UF researcher Dr. Ilir Bejleri, a faculty member in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning. The goal of this project is to focus on locally owned rural roads that historically receive a smaller proportion of HSIP funding than state highways, yet have a higher serious crash rate. Small, rural communities in Florida with populations of 50,000 or less are now beginning to use these training modules. Phase 2 of this project is currently underway replicating the same work but focusing on other counties. As this project continues, researchers and the T2 Center will increase outreach efforts to the 26 small rural counties in Florida through personal visits and a new website. They also plan to utilize both traditional “spot” safety analysis and the newer “systemic” analysis to help solve crash problems. With appropriate funding and local involvement, each of Florida’s 26 small counties will have a detailed safety analysis performed every five years. As a result of this project, a new transportation safety center is being created to further assist local agencies with safety-related projects.
Dr. Ruth Steiner, Professor of Urban & Regional Planning, Quoted in Washington Post In July 2014, Dr. Ruth Steiner, professor of Urban and Regional Planning at UF, who is also an affiliate of the UFTI, and a member of its Internal Steering Committee, was quoted in an opinion piece in the Washington Post titled “What’s the best state in America? Florida, for its roads and bridges.” The article points to Florida as having one of the best kept transportation infrastructures in the nation because of its system of tolls, user fees and taxes, which ensures the viability of the infrastructure. 3
P rojects in the Spotlight Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) Awards Grant to UFTI for Emissions Study
Yafeng Yin, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, joined an international consortium to find more efficient and effective ways to reduce traffic emissions and improve air quality. Funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF) of the UK, the consortium consists of Dalian University of Technology, China; University College London, UK; Cornell University, New York, and the University of Florida in Gainesville. The primary goal is to develop, analyze, test and demonstrate a tractable within-day dynamic framework for optimizing multi-modal transportation operations and management for environmental improvement.
Empirically-Based Performance UFTI Examines Policy Implications Assessment & Simulation of of Automated Vehicle Technology An interdisciplinary group of researchers Pedestrian Behavior at Unsignalized at the UFTI have been awarded a research Crossings Researchers at UF collaborated with North Carolina State University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham to develop new models for unsignalized mid-block pedestrian crossings. Dr. Lily Elefteriadou and her team at UF, focused on the development of microsimulation techniques for replicating the movement of pedestrians and vehicles. Data were collected at the University of Florida campus as well as at other locations in North Carolina and Alabama. UF researchers also used the UFTI instrumented vehicle to collect data on driver behavior in a campus environment and to better understand the interactions between vehicles and pedestrians.
project to provide the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) with the necessary information and guidance on drafting and implementing policies associated with Automated Vehicles (AV) technology. The team is led by Dr. Siva Srinivasan in Civil Engineering with participation from Dr. Carl Crane of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Yafeng Yin and Dr. Lily Elefteriadou of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Ruth Steiner from Urban and Regional Planning. The project will develop recommendations on how FDOT should address the potential challenges and opportunities of the presence of automated vehicles using a scenario-based approach. The study will facilitate incorporating the planning for AV infrastructure into Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs) and to integrate statewide transportation investments with these plans.
Pedestrians at an unsignalized crossing (crosswalk) on the UF campus.
Education UFTI Graduates & Where They Are Today Here is a snapshot of some of our graduates who have kept in touch with us and where they are currently employed. If you are a graduate of any of the UF transportation programs, please contact us at so we can add you to our database.
Former transportation students at the 2010 Innovations in Transportation Pricing Conference in Orlando, Fla.
Avinash Geda, M.S. (2014) Ph.D. Student Warrington Business School, UF Ruoying Xu, M.S./MAURP
(2014) Ph.D. Student University of California Berkeley
Muhammad Ali, M.S. (2013) Civil Engineer AI Engineers, Inc. Jack Halsburg, M.S. (2013)
Transportation Analyst Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Khajonsak Jermprapai, M.S. (2013) Bureau of Traffic Safety Department of Rural Roads, Thailand Ben Reibach, M.S. (2013)
Transportation Planner CDM Smith, Inc.
Maninder Singh, M.S. (2013) Consulting Engineer Spirotech Heat Exchangers Private, Ltd. New Delhi, India
Md. Shahid Mamun, Ph.D.
Grady Carrick, Ph.D. (2012)
Dimitra Michalaka, Ph.D. (2012)
President Enforcement Engineering, Inc.
(2012) Associate Professor Ahsanullah University of Science &Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh Assistant Professor The Citadel
Nagendra Dhakar, Ph.D. (2012) Transportation Analyst Resource Systems Group, Inc.
Robin Osborne, M.S. (2012)
Corey Hill, M.E. (2012)
Brett Fuller, M.S. (2011) Wantman Group, Inc.
Project Engineer Wantman Group, Inc.
Traffic Analyst Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc.
Ryan Hormel, M.E. (2012)
Ali Hanes, M.S. (2011) Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Jing Li, Ph.D. (2012)
Ashish Kulshrestha, Ph.D. (2011) Transportation Modeler Parsons Brinckerhoff
Traffic Associate RS&H
Post-Doctoral Researcher The University of Alabama 5
Kwangkyun Lim, Ph.D. (2011) Research Fellow/Inspector of Railway Railroad Safety Inspectorate KoTSA (Korea Transportation Safety Authority) Lu Ma, Ph.D. (2011)
Assistant Professor MOE Key Laboratory for Urban Transportation Complex Systems Theory and Technology, School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, P.R., China
Ziqi Song, Ph.D. (2011) Research Assistant Professor Utah State University Jorge Uy, M.E. (2011)
Engineer Department of Public Works City of Tampa
Shahid Mamun and Yingyan Lou as students.
Di Wu, Ph.D. (2011) Senior Operations Research Scientist, Inc.
George Debra, M.S. (2010) Civil Engineer Ghana Ministry of Transportation Division of Policy and Planning
Jessica Alvarez, M.S. (2010) Transit Service Planner/ Transportation Planner Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
(2010) Transportation Engineer HDR
John Carlton, M.E. (2010)
Vishal Khanapure, M.S. (2010)
Civil Engineering E.I. R.E. Cabrera & Associates
Miklos Berencsi, M.E. (2010)
Hungarian Transport Administration Division of Bicycle Infrastructure Development Budapest, Hungary
Heather E. Hammontree, M.S.
Research Software Engineer McTrans
Barbara Martin, M.S. (2010)
Traffic Analyst CCR Group São Paulo, Brazil
Michael Riebe, M.E. (2010)
Heather Hammontree, Andrew Avent, Irene Soria, Barbara Martin, Brett Fuller and a student during a conference at UF.
Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates
Irene Soria, M.S. (2010) Transportation Engineer HNTB Corporation Lihui Zhang, Ph.D. (2010) Assistant Professor, Dalian University of Technology, China
Ashwin Arulselvan, Ph.D.
Alexandra Kondyli, Ph.D. (2009) Assistant Professor Kansas State University Ana Lai, M.S. (2009)
Traffic Engineer Urban Systems Associates, Inc.
Seokjoo Lee, Ph.D. (2009) Research Associate Korea Transport Institute
(2009) Lecturer in Management Sciences University of Strathclyde, UK
Vipul Modi, M.S. (2009)
Aaron Elias, M.S. (2009)
(UF 2009) Doctoral student University of Connecticut
Associate Transportation Engineer Kittelson & Associates 6
Transportation Engineer Citilabs, Inc.
Abigail Osei-Asamoah, M.S.
Benito Perez, M.S./MAURP
(2009) Transportation Policy Specialist D.C. Department of Transportation
Jian (Daniel) Sun, Ph.D. (2009) Assistant Professor Tong-Ji University, China
Matt Weisman, M.E. (2009) Principal Hoffman, Weisman & Associates Yingyan Lou, Ph.D. (2008) Assistant Professor Arizona State University
Transportation Research Internship Program (TRIP)
The UFTI supports the transportation internship program through partial funding from the Southeastern Transportation, Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center (STRIDE). Student interns learn about transportation engineering and participate in cutting-edge research projects at UF and the STRIDE partner institutions. The experience is very useful for students interested in pursuing advanced studies or a career in the field of transportation engineering.
TRIP 2013 Interns
TRIP 2014 Interns
Cory Dorman (UF)
Kory Harb (UF) Adviser: Dr. Yafeng Yin, Transportation Program, Civil Engineering, UF Project: Developing Agent-based Simulation Models to Learn About the Impact and Implementation of Realtime Parking Services Via Smartphone Applications
Adviser: Dr. Siva Srinivasan, Transportation Program, Civil Engineering, UF Project: Crash Prediction Methods for Freeway Facilities with Managed Lanes
Andrew Fell (UF) Adviser: Dr. Yafeng Yin, Transportation Program, Civil Engineering, UF Project: Deployment Strategies of Managed Lanes on Arterials Britton Hammit (University of
Wyoming) Adviser: Dr. Daniel Findley, North Carolina State University Project: Retaining Wall Assessment Management
Top, right: TRIP 2014 Interns Megan McGinley, Kory Harb and Brian Pitman with advisers Dr. Yafeng Yin (at left) and Scott Washburn (at right)
Sara Huestis (UF) Adviser: Dr. Siriphong Lawphongpanich, Industrial & Systems Engineering, UF Project: Deployment Strategies of Managed Lanes on Arterials
Middle, left: TRIP/STRIDE intern William Woolery of GaTech
Amarius Ramirez (University of
Bottom, right: A screen shot of Kory Harb’s project on developing simulation models on real-time parking services using smartphone apps.
Delaware) Adviser: Dr. Mohammed Hadi, Florida International University Project: Impact of Modeling Parameters on the HCM-based Procedure to Estimate Reliability of Freeway Corridors
Megan McGinley (UF) Adviser: Dr. Scott Washburn, Transportation Program, Civil Engineering, UF Project: Analyzing a New Active Traffic Demand Management (ATDM) Software Brian Pitman (UF)
Adviser: Dr. Scott Washburn, Transportation Program, Civil Engineering, UF Project: Creating Software to Simulate Emissions Given Off by Cars using CORSIM
William Woolery (Georgia Tech)
Adviser: Dr. Mike Hunter, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech Project: Working on Research to Identify Changes in Visual Search Patterns of Drivers as Environments Become More Complex
Student Organizations ITE UF Student Chapter
WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter
WTS Transportation Symposium
This past year, the ITE UF student chapter participated in various transportation-related competitions, hosted technical and education seminars, inviting engineers across the state, and worked with K-12 students to teach them about transportation engineering. The student chapter was the winner of the ITE District competition in early summer 2013, qualifying them to compete in the International Traffic Bowl. Members of the 2013 team were,Thomas Chase, Miguel Lugo, Ben Reibach and Don Watson. UF competed in the 2013 International Traffic Bowl Grand Championship, which was held at the ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibit in Boston, Mass., against several other colleges from around the world winning first place and $2000 for the student chapter.
The student chapter is home to female and male graduate and undergraduate students, and its main goal is to recruit and retain female students in transportation engineering. A major accomplishment for the chapter this year was its official ratification by WTS International, making it an officially recognized chapter. Chapter members hosted and participated in several events including the annual WTS Transportation Symposium, the fourth cleanup of a street they adopted in Gainesville, Fla., in spring 2012 through the City of Gainesville’s Adopt-A-Street Program, and participation in Transportation YOU activities such as volunteering at the engineering table at the P.K. Yonge Carnival and the Fall Transportation Career Day. The student chapter also participated in an education fair at Monteocha New Life Church, in a northern rural area of Gainesville and they hosted a workshop featuring Marsha Anderson-Bomar of Stantec titled “The Language of Leadership.” During the spring 2014 semester, through the financial support of Stantec, the student chapter was able to purchase polo shirts for the executive board for the first time. The student chapter also attended the 2014 University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeastern Region, which was hosted by Georgia Tech in March and held in Atlanta, Ga.
The WTS student chapter at the University of Florida hosted their annual signature event, the WTS Transportation Symposium, on November 12, 2013 at the Arredondo Room located in the Reitz Union on the UF campus. The topic of the 2013 symposium was “Communication between Women and Men in the Workplace”. The panelists were: Jamie Breme of Fluor, an engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance (EPCM), and project management company; Jessica Grant of the Florida Department of Transportation which has the responsibility of coordinating, planning and developing the multimodal transportation system in the state of Florida, one of the nation’s premier transportation companies; Dr. Angela Lindner, UF, associate dean for undergraduate student affairs; and Dan Plonk, director of transportation planning at Norfolk Southern.
Technology Transfer & Service The McTrans Center develops, distributes and supports software for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications. McTrans is the current developer for three major software programs for the transportation engineering and planning profession: the Highway Capacity Software (HCS 2010 TM), TSIS-CORSIMTM, and TRANSYT-7F TM. This past year McTrans ushered in a highlyanticipated update to the HCS software, which is one of the most widely used transportation packages in the world. Release 6.60 included updates to Quick Streets, Phasing Wizard, Work Zones, Pre-timed Signals, and Toolbar updates in the Streets Module. The HCS 2010 faithfully implements the procedures defined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) and is used by traffic operations and design engineers, as well as planning and other transportation professionals around the world. Webinars specific to these updates were offered to the public. Software and training information are available at the McTrans website:
include: the Florida Minority Task Force (MTF) on Occupant Protection, Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC), and Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center (SRC). The Florida Highway Administration (FHWA) tapped the T2 Center to host their “Every Day Counts” Initiatives across the nation. The initiatives are designed to identify and deploy innovation aimed at shortening project delivery, enhance the safety of our roadways, and improve environmental sustainability. T2 is an integral part of Florida’s transportation organizations, providing technology and annual award assistance to Florida Association of County Engineers and Road Superintendents (FACERS), delivering presentations at Florida Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) meetings, as well as offering a variety of workshops and resources to Florida transportation professionals. The Florida T2 Center houses the Florida Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), which partially funds activities at the center and provides assistance to local public works agencies.
COTA Conference
The Florida Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center hired Chris LeDew as the director of the center in February 2014. Mr. Ledew came to the Center after 27 years in transportation management, traffic operations and roadway maintenance with the Florida Department of Transportation. He brought with him a unique customer’s point of view as an engineering practitioner who has worked extensively with local, state, and federal transportation professionals. There are multiple grant-funded projects at T2, which
The 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2014) was held on July 4-7, 2014, at Longchamp Garden Hotel, Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Dr. Yafeng Yin of the UFTI is very much involved with the CICTP, which was jointly organized by the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA), Central South University, and Transport Planning and Research Institute at the China Ministry of Transport. In recent years, CICTP has become one of the largest international transportation 9
conferences in China, which attracts more than 1,000 participants from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, North America, and Europe who are related to the academia, research institutes, government, and the private sector.
The Future of Transportation in Florida & Beyond: Autonomous & Connected Vehicles at UF
FDOT Secretary Ananth Prasad spoke about autonomous and connected vehicles at UF on March 13, 2014. The seminar was also offered as a live webcast and hosted by the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI), STRIDE, and the UF College of Engineering. Secretary Prasad addressed an audience of more than 50 students, faculty and staff and others who attended the seminar online. He said Florida legislation now allows for testing of automated vehicles, and it is one of four other states, including California, Michigan and Nevada that will serve as a test bed for connected vehicle infrastructure.
2nd UTC Conference for the Southeastern Region
Georgia Tech hosted the 2014 University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeastern Region on March 24 and 25 at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta, Ga. The conference drew attendees from universities, state DOTs, nonprofits and the private sector. Research from 20 universities was presented at the conference, on a range of topics: Operations and Management, Bike/Ped, Economics and Freight, Transit, Safety, and Infrastructure.
Internal Steering Committee Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D. UFTI Director & Kisinger Campo Professor Civil Engineering/ Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)
Carl Crane, Ph.D. Professor Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Bill Sampson, PE Director McTrans
Siva Srinivasan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Civil Engineering/ Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)
Myoseon Jang, Ph.D. Associate Professor Environmental Engineering/ Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)
Siriphong “Toi” Lawphongpanich, Ph.D. Associate Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
Ruth Steiner, Ph.D. Professor Urban & Regional Planning
Yafeng Yin, Ph.D. Associate Professor Civil Engineering/ Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)
Chris LeDew, PE Director Florida Transportation Technology Transfer (T2) Center
Sanjay Ranka, Ph.D. Professor Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Reynaldo Roque, Ph.D. Professor Civil Engineering/ Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)
Support Staff
Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M.S. Coordinator, Research Programs/Services STRIDE Center
Richard Long DOT Liaison/Outreach STRIDE Center
External Advisory Board
Dr. Vassili Alexiadis, Ph.D. Executive Vice President Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Ms. Marsha Anderson Bomar, AICP, ENV SP Senior Principal, Transportation, Executive Director, Netweaving Stantec
Mr. Tom Byron Chief Engineer Florida Department of Transportation
Mr. Milton Carrasco, P.Eng., M. Eng. President and CEO Transoft Solutions, Inc.
Mr. Jon S. Meadows, PE Principal, Vice President, Transportation DRMP, Inc.
Dr. Michael Meyer, Ph.D. Senior Advisor Parsons Brinkerhoff, Inc.
Dr. Christopher Silver, Ph.D. Dean and Professor College of Design, Construction, & Planning University of Florida
Dr. Kumares C. Sinha, Ph.D. Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Mr. Tom Kern Executive Vice President ITS America
Centers UFTI By The N umbers CMS
The Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation (CMS) was a USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) grantee from 2007 to 2012. The Center’s mission was to investigate and develop innovative approaches to solving congestion problems.
million Annual Research Expenditures
Florida Minority Task Force on Occupant Protection
million Auxiliary Revenue (conference/workshop registration and software licenses)
million Research Projects Awarded
Internal Steering Committee Members
Course Participants (continuing education, non-degree)
As part of a comprehensive approach to motor vehicle safety, the Florida Minority Task Force on Occupant Protection assists the Florida Department of Transportation and other stakeholder organizations to increase safety belt usage for Florida’s African/American as well as Hispanic populations that are over-represented in annual fatality statistics.
Florida PedBike SRC
External Advisory Board Members
The Florida Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center promotes safe pedestrian and bicycling activities for citizens and visitors, young and old, by providing educational materials and information to advocate groups.
The McTrans Center at the University of Florida distributes and supports software programs for traffic engineering and transportation
planning applications, including the Highway Capacity SoftwareTM (HCS 2010 TM), TSIS-CORSIMTM and TRANSYT-7F TM, with training courses and the highest level of technical support provided for these packages.
The Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education (STRIDE) Center is a 2012 USDOT grant-funded, regional University Transportation Center (UTC) headquartered at the University of Florida that conducts transportation-related research in the areas of safety, livable communities and economic competitiveness.
T2 Center
The T2 Center provides training, technical assistance, technology transfer services, and safety information to transportation, public works and safety professionals.
The mission of the Transportation Research Center (TRC) is to find innovative solutions to urban or regional mobility needs. Its research is interdisciplinary in nature, and it involves the planning, design, operations, monitoring or optimization of transportation and other infrastructure systems for
achieving safety, sustainability, and economic efficiency.
Affiliated Centers Center for Health & the Built Environment
The Center for Health and the Built Environment, directed by Dr. Ruth Steiner, is a research center focused on teaching, research, and service to address the relationship of the built environment to health outcomes with special attention to vulnerable populations.
Geo-Facilities Planning & Information Research Center (GeoPlan Center)
The UF GeoPlan Center works to support land use, transportation, and environmental planning in the State of Florida by providing geospatial and planning expertise, data, training, and education to the stakeholders involved in the planning. GeoPlan Center’s Director is Dr. Paul Zwick, Co-Director is Peggy Carr and the center is managed by Alexis Thomas.
Selected P rojects Implementing A Transportation Safety Center (TSC) Through Florida Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) PIs: Nina Barker, UF T2 Center; Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning; Siva Srinivasan, Associate Professor, UFTI Date Awarded: 4/14/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $124,465
Investigating The Effect Of Drivers’ Body In Motion On Traffic Safety
PIs: Angelos Barmpoutis, Associate Professor, Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida; Alexandra Kondyli, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Kansas Date Awarded: 11/26/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $53,667
Maintenance Agreement For The Geospatial Crash Database For The Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 10/25/2013 Sponsor: Space Coast Transport Planning Organization Amount: $17,625
The Association Of State Regulations & APRNS Practice In Rural/Underserved Areas PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 9/9/2013 Sponsor: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Amount: $70,252
Expanding Accessibility, Utilization & Data Integration Of Signal Four Analytics PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 11/12/2013 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $139,950
A Unified & Sustainable Solution To Improve Geo-Location Timeliness & Accuracy PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 11/12/2013 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $118,932
Update Of The Metroplan Orlando Crash Geospatial Database
PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 7/22/2013 Sponsor: Metroplan Orlando Amount: $30,000
Gis-Based Instructional Tool For Crash Prediction Methods
PIs: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning; Siva Srinivasan, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 10/25/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $89,961
E-Citation Expansion
PI: Ilir Bejleri, Associate Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 6/26/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $117,202
Efficacy Of A Driving Intervention Program On Safe Community Mobility For Combat Veterans PI: Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D.; Sandra Winter, Ph.D., Occupational Therapy Date Awarded: 10/1/2012 (ongoing) Sponsor: Department of Defense Amount: $152,583
Ippd 2013-2014: Deployment Mechanism & Structure
PI: Carl Crane, Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Date Awarded: 1/29/2014 Sponsor: Harris Corp. Amount: $16,500
Guidance For Alternative Intersections
PI: Lily Elefteriadou, Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/4/2013 Sponsor: Science Applications International Corp. Amount: $26,639
Signal Timing Optimization With Consideration Of Environmental & Safety Impacts
PI: Lily Elefteriadou, Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 2/21/2014 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $56,000
Before & After Implementation Studies Of Advanced Signal Control Technologies In Florida
PIs: Lily Elefteriadou, Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering, Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering, Yafeng Yin, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal
Engineering Date Awarded: 5/7/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $671,248
Analyzing The Impact Of Carbon Regulatory Mechanisma On Supply Chain Management PI: Joseph Geunes, Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering Date Awarded: STRIDE/USDOT 07/01/2012 to 09/30/2014 Sponsor: Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services USDOT Amount: $28,743
Improving Transit Operation for Crowley Maritime PI: Joseph Geunes, Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering Date Awarded: 08/30/2012 to 12/15/2014 Sponsor: Crowley Amount: $89,281
Customer Service Time Estimation & First Mile Last Mile Schedule Planning At CSX PI: Joseph Geunes, Professor, Industrial & Systems Engineering Date Awarded: 08/16/2012 to 12/31/2013 Sponsor: CSX Amount: $70,306
Florida Pedestrian & Bicycling Safety Resource Center 2014
PIs: Chris Ledew, UF T2 Center; Nina Barker, UF T2 Center Date Awarded: 4/1/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $600,000
Florida Occupant Protection Resource Center 2014
PIs: Chris LeDew, UF T2 Center; Nina Barker, UF T2 Center Date Awarded: 2/3/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $720,000
Florida Minority Task Force On Occupant Protection 2014 PIs: Chris LeDew, UF T2 Center Nina Barker, UF T2 Center Date Awarded: 10/24/2013 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $150,000
Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) For Florida Transportation Agencies -2014/2015
PIs: Chris LeDew; UF T2 Center; Nina Barker, UF T2 Center Date Awarded: 6/3/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $300,000
NHTSA Occupant Protection Program Assessment 2014
PIs: Chris LeDew, UF T2 Center; Nina Barker, UF T2 Center Date Awarded: 6/3/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $50,000
Effect Of Lime On Fracture Performance Of Asphalt Mixture Subjected To Cyclic Pore Pressure (Phase II) PI: Reynaldo Roque, Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 2/21/2014 Sponsor: Lhoist North America Amount: $20,957
Application Of Imaging Techniques To Evaluate Polishing Characteristics Of Aggregates
Roundabouts & Access Management
PI: Reynaldo Roque, Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 6/10/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $180,000
PIs: Ruth Steiner, Professor, Urban & Regional Planning and Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/20/2012 – 12/31/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $159,286
Production Of A Major Update To The 2013 Highway Capacity Manual
Highway Capacity Manual Enhancement Material
PI: Bill Sampson, McTrans Date Awarded: 12/20/2013 Sponsor: Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Amount: $14,000
GIS-Based Instructional Tool For Crash Prediction
PI: Siva Srinivasan, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/01/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/FDOT Amount: $24,910
Policy Implications Of Automated Vehicle Technology
PIs: Siva Srinivasan, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering; Randall Crane, Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering; Ruth Steiner, Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 6/9/2014 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $234,976
School Transportation: Development Of An Educational Module PI: Ruth Steiner, Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Date Awarded: 2/11/2014 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $9,394
PI: Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 12/20/2013 Sponsor: Leidos Amount: $37,412
On-Board Diagnostics Inntegration Into Traffice Microsimulation For Vehicle-Specific Fuel Use & Emissions PI: Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 11/6/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $67,500
Emissions Modeling & Integraton Into Traffic Micro-Simulation Stride PI: Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 7/01/2012 to 12/31/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $101,764
Signalized Intersection Simulaiton Program For Education
Optimising Operations & Management Of Multi-Modal Urban Transport System For Environmental Improvement PI: Yafeng Yin, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/9/2013 Sponsor: Lloyd’s Register Educational Amount: $79,346
From Pricing To Cap & Trade: Analysis & Design Of Quantity-Based Approach To Confetion Management PI: Yafeng Yin, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/15/2012 (ongoing) Sponsor: EAGER Amount: $100,000
A Cyber Physical System For Proactive Traffic Management To Enhance Mobility & Sustainability
PI: Yafeng Yin, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/9/2013 Sponsor: CPS, Synergy Amount: $221,119
Deployment Strategies Of Managed Lanes On Arterials
PI: Yafeng Yin, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 9/9/2013 Sponsor: FDOT Amount: $80,284
PI: Scott Washburn, Associate Professor, Civil & Coastal Engineering Date Awarded: 7/12/2012/ to 12/31/2013 Sponsor: STRIDE/USDOT Amount: $34,212
Selected P ublications Ayithi, A. and Hiltunen, D. R. (2013), Characterization of Moisture-Dependent Changes in Stiffness of Unbound Aggregate Base Materials in Florida, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2349, Washington, D.C., pp. 25-31. Cahyanto, I., Pennington-Grey, L., Thapa, B., Srinivasan, S., Villegas, J., Matyas, C., and Spiro, K. (2014), An Empirical Evaluation of the Determinants of Tourist’s Hurricane Evacuation Decision Making. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Volume 2, Issue 4, January 2014, pp. 253–265 Classen, S., Wang, Y., Crizzle, A., Winter, S.M., and Lanford, D.N. (2013). Predicting Older Driver On-road Performance via the Useful Field of View and the Trail Making Test Part B. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67 (5), 574-582. Classen, S., and Monahan, M. (2013). Evidence Based Review on Interventions and Determinants of Driving Performance in Teens with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Traffic Injury Prevention, 14, 188-193. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2012.700747. Classen, S., Wang, Y., Velozo, C., Bédard, M.,Winter, S.M., and Lanford, D.N. (2013). Concurrent Criterion validity of the Safe Driving Behavior Measure: A Predictor of OnRoad Driving Outcomes. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67 (1), 108-116. Crizzle, A.M., Classen, S., Lanford, D., Malaty, I.I., Okun, M.S.,Wang, Y., Rodriguez, R.L., McFarland, N.R.(2013). Postural/Gait and Cognitive Function as Predictors of Driving Performance in Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease. In press. Dhakar, N. and Srinivasan, S. (2014). Route-Choice Modeling Using GPS-Based Travel Surveys, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2413, pp. 65-73. Elefteriadou, L. (2014). An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory, Springer Optimization and its Applications, 251 pages. Elefteriadou, L., Kondyli, A., Brilon, W., Hall, F., Persaud, B., and Washburn, S. (2014). Enhancing Ramp Metering Algorithms with the use of Probability Breakdown Models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of
Civil Engineers. Reston, Va., Vol. 140, Issue 4, Apri. Elefteriadou, L., Li, Z., Jin, L. (2013) in, Modeling, Implementation, and Validation of Arterial Travel Time Reliability, FDOT Contract BDK77 977-20, November, 134 pages. Hannold, E. M., Classen, S., Winter, S. M., Lanford, D. N., and Levy, C. (2014). An Exploratory Pilot Study of Driving Perceptions among OEF/OIF Veterans with mTBI and PTSD. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 50 (10),1315-1330. He, F., Yin, Y. and Zhou, J. Integrated Pricing of Roads and Electricity Enabled by Wireless Power Transfer. Transportation Research Part C, 34, pages 1-15. He, F., Yin, Y., and Lawphongpanich, S. Network Equilibrium Models with Battery Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B, 67, 306-319 He, F., Yin, Y., Shirmohammadi, N. and Y. Nie. Tradable Credit Schemes on Networks with Mixed Equilibrium Behaviors. Transportation Research Part B, 57, 47-65 Jemprapai, K. and Srinivasan, S. (2014). Planning-Level Model for Assessing Pedestrian Safety, accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record. Kondyli, A., Elefteriadou, L., Brilon, W., Hall, F., Persaud, B., and Washburn, S. (2013). Development and Evaluation of Methods
for Constructing Breakdown Probability Models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Va., Vol. 139, Issue 9, September, pp. 931-940. Kondyli, A., Elefteriadou, L., Brilon, W., Hall, F., Persaud, B., and Washburn, S. (2014). Enhancing Ramp Metering Algorithms with the Use of Probability of Breakdown Models. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 140, Number 4, 9 pages, April. Kondyli, A., Elefteriadou, L., Brilon, W., Hall, F., Persaud, B., and Washburn, S. (2013). Development and Evaluation of Methods for Constructing Breakdown Probability Models, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Volume 139, Number 9, pp. 931940. Kim, J., Steiner, R. L., and Yang, Y. The Evolution of Transportation Concurrency and Urban Development Pattern in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Urban Affairs Review, doi: 1078087413518178. Liu, W., Yang, H. and Yin, Y. Expirable Parking Reservations for Managing Morning Commute with Parking Space Constraints. Transportation Research Part C, 44, 185-201. Liu, W., Yang, H., Yin, Y. and Zhang, F. A Novel Permit Scheme for Managing Parking Competition and Bottleneck Congestion.
Transportation Research Part C, 44, 265-281. Ma, L. and Srinivasan, S. (2014), Synthetic Population Generation with Multilevel Controls: A Fitness-Based Synthesis Approach and Validation. ComputerAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. doi: 10.1111/ mice.12085 McDonald, N. C., Steiner, R. L., Lee, C., Smith, T. R., Zhu, X., Yang, Y. In Press. Impact of the Safe Routes to School Program on Walking and Bicycling. Journal of the American Planning Association. doi: 10.1080/01944363.2014.956654. McDonald, N., Barth, P., and Steiner, R. (2013). Assessing the Distribution of Safe Routes to School Program Funds. 2005-2011, American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 45 (4); 201-406. Michalaka, D., Yin, Y. and Hale, D. Simulating High-Occupancy/ Toll (HOT) Lane Operations. Transportation Research Record, 2396, 124–132. Ozkul, S., Washburn, S., and McLeod, D.S. (2013). Revised Version of the Automobile Levelof-Service Methodology for Urban Streets in the Highway Capacity Manual 2010. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2395, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., pp. 66–72. DOI: 10.3141/2395-08. Palak, G., Duni Eksioglu, S., and
Geunes, J. (2014). Analyzing the Impacts of Carbon Regulatory Mechanisms on Supplier and Mode Selection Decisions: An application to a biofuel supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics 154, 198-216. Perez, C., and Geunes, J. (2014). A (Q , R) Inventory Replenishment Model with Two Delivery Modes. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 528-545. Shirmohammadi, N., Zangui, M., Yin, Y. and Nie, Y. Analysis and Design of Tradable Credit Schemes under Uncertainty. Transportation Research Record, 2333, 27-36. Song, Z., Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Yang. H. A Paretoimproving Hybrid Policy for Transportation Networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 48(3), 272-286. Srinivasan, S., Provost, R., and Steiner, R. L. (2013). Modeling the Land-use Correlates of VehicleTrip Lengths. Journal of Transport and Land Use. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 59-75. Steiner, R.L, Washburn, S., Elefteriadou, L, Gan, A., Alluri, P., Michalaka, D., Xu, R., Rachmat, S., Lytle, B. and Cavaretta, A. (2014). Roundabouts and Access Management, Final Report, Florida Department of Transportation. Tallahassee, Fla., 177 pages. Steiner, R. L. (2013). A Review of The High Cost of Free Parking, Updated Edition. Donald Shoup,
Chicago, Ill.: Planners Press. 800 pp., Journal of the American Planning Association, 79(2), 174175. Steiner, R. L. (2013). Book Review: Transport Matters: Integrated Approaches to Planning City Regions. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 33(3), 372-374. Washburn, S., Watson, D. and Song, Z. (2014). Impact of Lane Closures on Roadway Capacity: Phase 2. Final Report, Florida Department of Transportation. Tallahassee, Fla., January, 135 pages. Washburn, S. and Ozkul, S. (2013). Heavy Vehicle Effects on Florida Freeways and Multilane Highways. Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Fla., October, 146 pages. Zegeer, J., Kittelson, W., Franca, D., Lombard, M., Elefteriadou, L., Srinivasan, S., Hallenbeck, M., McCormick, E., Briglia, P., Pozdena, R., Dammen, S., Schofer, J., Meyer, M. (2013). Evaluating Alternative Operations Strategies to Improve Travel Time Reliability, SHRP 2, Report S2—L11-RR-1, Transportation Research Board, 194 pages. Zangui, M., Yin, Y., Lawphongpanich, S. and Chen, S. Differentiated congestion pricing of urban transportation networks with vehicle-tracking technologies. Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 36, 434-445
University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI) 512 Weil Hall P.O. Box 116580 Gainesville, FL 32611-6580