Annual Report JUNE 2019 - JULY 2020
2020 R E S E A R C H . ............................ 4
Dear friends and colleagues, The last few months COVID-19 has dramatically disrupted our lives. From a transportation perspective, travel patterns have changed across the board. Vehicular and transit demand have been significantly reduced, while there have been increases in walking, biking, and home deliveries. How flexible is our infrastructure to accommodate this black swan event? Can our predictive models adapt to this new reality? Are we equipped to address the shifting transportation landscape and the new challenges? Transit systems, which are essential components of our cities, have been hit hard. At the same time, transit systems carry a significant proportion of essential employees, which keep our communities functioning. Transit operators have made significant adjustments so they can continue to serve the public. For example, Gainesville’s transit system (RTS) is limiting ridership to no more than 20 people, requiring boarding through the back entrance, and disinfecting buses daily. Given these constraints and the changing demand patterns, how can we re-imagine transit systems that can adapt to our changing needs? To address these and other issues, the UFTI has collaborated with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and other agencies around the country to offer a virtual research symposium on transit. The aim of the symposium is to exchange information on strategies and tools for addressing transit finance, ridership, and leveraging advanced technologies to enhance transit operations.
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
One sector that has completely changed due to COVID-19 is education. The vast majority of our undergraduate and graduate classes are now offered on-line. The on-line Transportation Operations and Management certificate offered by the UFTI now has expanded course offerings, and includes courses on data analytics and machine learning. Prospective students around the country can take graduate-level courses for credit, and we plan to offer an online Masters in Transportation program soon.
E D U C AT I O N ........................... 6 S T U D E N T C H A P T E R S ............ 8 AWA R D S ................................ 9 N E W FAC E S .......................... 10 U F T I BY T H E N U M B E R S ........ 11 C E N T E R S............................... 12
A F F I L I AT E D C E N T E R S . . . . . . . . . .13 T 2 C E N T E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 M C T R A N S C E N T E R . ............ . .15
I look forward to hearing from you and working together through the current challenges to make a positive impact on our communities and the transportation network.
EX TERNAL ADVISORY B OA R D .................................. 16
S E L E C T E D P R OJ E C T S .... . . . . . 18
During the COVID-19 pandemic, UFTI facutly, students, and staff have been meeting via teleconferencing.
INTERNAL STEERING CO M M I T T E E ......................... 17
S E L E C T E D P U B L I C AT I O N S . . . 20 Lily Elef teriadou, Ph.D.
Vision Statement
Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M. S.
To conduct and foster impactful, cross-cutting, multimodal transportation research; educate the next generation of transportation leaders; and facilitate technology transfer.
Lily Elef teriadou, Ph.D. PROFESSOR & UFTI DIRECTOR
Caraline Duke, M. A . CONTRIBUTOR
Mission Statement To lead the profession in shaping a better transportation future by functioning as a preeminent center of multidisciplinary transportation research, students’ top choice for transportation education, and a provider of state-of-the-art analysis and decision-support tools.
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RESEARCH GROUP HIGHLIGHTS AUTONOMOUS & CONNEC TED VEHICLES In the spring of 2020, residents of Gainesville were able to board an autonomous shuttle for test rides between downtown Gainesville and UF Innovate | The Hub. The Gainesville Regional Transit System (RTS) operates the shuttle, which is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The project is part of the I-STREET real-world testbed, a partnership between the UFTI, the FDOT, and the City of Gainesville. The shuttle operates on a fixed route from 8 a.m. to noon and again between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Funding from the FDOT allows passengers to ride free of charge. The UFTI is conducting a study to evaluate traveler experiences and behaviors, and traffic performance. Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, and Dr. Sherrilene Classen on the Gainesville Autonomous Shuttle
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B I G D ATA A N A LY T I C S UFTI Big Data focuses on developing smart city traffic management approaches that use fusion of video, LIDAR, loop detectors, and interactions with connected/autonomous vehicles to improve accuracy and timeliness in the detection and tracking of vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists at traffic intersections and arterials. Using this data, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are being developed for real-time incident detection, vehicle classification, space-time trajectories, near-misses and travel-time distributions thereby impacting traffic safety and operations. These techniques are tested in a realworld setting using I-STREET traffic and sensor infrastructure.
Screen capture of LIDAR - a method that uses laser light to measure distances
M AT E R I A L S &
UF Occupational Therapy researchers Dr. Classen and Dr. Mason are working on a UFTI/STRIDE funded project “UF & UAB’s Phase I Demonstration Study: Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology”. Initial results from the 69 participants involved in the study show that exposure to riding in an automated shuttle or experiencing a simulator in autonomous mode improved older adults’ perceptions of automated vehicles (AVs). The researchers’ next steps will include testing 40 more participants as well as expanding the study into Phase II (currently underway) to look at perceptions of young and middle-aged adults.
UF Civil Engineering professors teamed up with Feld Entertainment to research the impact of oversized motor vehicles on venue floors in an event called Monster Jam. Funded by a grant from Feld, Dr. Bridge and Dr. Ferraro visited Marlins Park, a baseball stadium in Miami, Florida and TIAA Bank Field, a football stadium in Jacksonville, Florida to log and analyze the events taking place. They measured to see whether events are detrimental to venue flooring by evaluating load pressures produced by the vehicles. Vehicles included monster trucks, dump trucks, skid-steer loaders, front-loader washers, excavators, forklifts, and flatbed tractors.
OT research exposing older drivers to autonomous vehicles may improve perceptions about AVs.
Dr. Jennifer Bridge takes measurements on a Monster Jam venue floor
Florida Signal Four Analytics, supports crash mapping and analysis needs
Florida Signal Four Analytics. This is an interactive, web-based system designed to support the crash mapping and analysis needs of law enforcement, traffic planning
engineers, agencies,
transportation and
institutions in Florida. The project is overseen by UFTI affiliate faculty Dr. Illir Bejleri. The collaborative system is designed to aid the improvement of traffic information sharing in the state. The system is designed to be accessible and easy to use for all skill levels.
A project analyzing wildfire evacuation behavior by using data sources from smart phones is currently being conducted by Dr. Xilei Zhao. The project titled “Analyzing Wildfire Evacuation Behavior with GPS Data” was awarded by the National Institute of Science & Technology (NIST). The goals of the project are: 1) analyzing people’s wildfire evacuation behavior using GPS data; 2) investigating the dynamic patterns of wildfire evacuation across key socio-demographic groups; 3) modeling and forecasting wildfire evacuation demand with GPS data; and 4) identifying important factors related to fire spread and the land-use associated with wildfire evacuation demand.
The project could help increase resilience of communities to future wilfire events
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Recent Graduates
UFTI/STRIDE Assists with Establishing Internship Program for Women at UF The first-ever Women in Transportation Initiative (WITI) Internship Program was established at UF during the Spring 2020 semester with the assistance of the STRIDE Center. WITI is a flagship program of the USDOT Office of Small Business (OSDBU) focused on encouraging young women to pursue careers in the transportation industry. This year’s experiential learning program was conducted in collaboration with the Women of Asphalt (WofA), the
Ala Alobeidyeen PH.D.
Dissertation: Flow Propagation Models in Transportation Networks
Marian Ankomah PH.D.
Dissertation: An Analysis of Transportation Demand Patterns in Ghana
Mariló Martin-Gasulla
Khajonsak Jermprapai
Dissertation: Integrating Autonomy and Connectivity to Improve Traffic Operations at Roundabouts
Dissertation: A Planning-Level Model for Assessing Pedestrian Safety
Pedro Adorno Maldonado
Aschkan Omidvar
Dissertation: The Effects of Emerging Transportation Technologies (Time-To-Green Mobile Apps in Particular) on the Driver’s Behavior and Safety at Signalized Intersections
Dissertation: Optimizing Freeway Merge Operations under Conventional and Automated Vehicle Traffic
Abraham Yarney PH.D.
Dissertation: Understanding Older-Driver Safety Based on Crashes, Near-Crashes, and Traffic
M A S T E R ’ S G R A D U AT E S
Xi Duan, M.S.
Islam Ahsanul, M.S.
Jeffery Gordon, M.E.
Prashant Singh, M.S.
Mengjie Han, M.S.
Ning Wang, M.S.
Shuaizhou Hu, M.S.
Yi Zhang, M.S.
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UFTI, and the UF Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE). The STRIDE Center’s Ondine Wells reached out to ESSIE faculty to identify a champion for the program. Dr. Mang Tia and Dr. Jian Zou of the Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering/ESSIE agreed to create and lead a new 3-credit course that would combine an 8-week internship with academic lectures.
TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS & PLANNING CERTIFICATE PROGRAM The Transportation Operations and Planning (TOP) Certificate Program has been established for transportation professionals with interests in transportation systems management, operations, and transportation planning. This is a 9-credit program, taught by faculty in the Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering and in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning who are affiliated with the UF Transportation Institute. The program is administered through the Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering (CCE) Department which is housed in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE). All courses are taught at the University of Florida campus and through the Electronic Delivery of Gator Engineering (EDGE) program.
Participants can select three of the following courses:
Scanning the QR code will take you to our certificate program website where you will find infromation on the minimum qualifications to be accepted to the program and how to apply.
Traffic Flow Theory
Traffic Engineering
Freeway Operations and Simulation
Highway Safety Analysis
Advanced Transportation Systems Analysis
Advanced Urban Transportation Planning
Transportation Policy and Planning
Special Problems in Civil Engineering Advanced Urban Transportation Planning
Transportation Data Analytics
Machine Learning for Transportation Applications
Highway Design
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WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter
Officers of the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter at UF:: Leonida Kibet, Ala Alobeidyeen, Shabnam Medhizadah, Ines Aviles-Spadoni (Adviser), Paige Highstone, and Mary Jeghers
The UF Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) Florida Gator student chapter hosted its signature event – the Annual Transportation Symposium – during the Fall 2019 semester. Now in its 10th year, the symposium focused on the “Role of Transportation in Affecting Climate Change.” Presenters discussed how transportation professionals, planners, and other strategists are looking at transportation and climate change issues. In spring 2020, the chapter’s executive board members traveled to Washington, D.C. for the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. The students attended the WTS International Reception where they networked with transportation professionals at different levels.
Throughout the semester, the chapter has collaborated with the GatorITE student chapter and the UFTI to organize seminars. In spring 2020, the chapter teamed up with the UFTI/STRIDE Center’s K-12 Coordinator, Ondine Wells, to work on outreach activities like the “Girls Engaged in Engineering” event, which aims to inspire girls to pursue engineering as a career path. In coordination with the STRIDE Center and the GatorITE student chapter, a transportation-themed trivia activity was hosted at the annual UF Engineering Fair (E-Fair). The goal of this fun and educational activity is to engage elementary students in transportation engineering.
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ENGAGEMENTS Dr. Lili Du secured approval in Spring 2020 from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to create an Artificial Intelligence Task Committee.
GatorITE Student Chapter Best Student Chapter, Florida/Puerto Rico District (second consecutive year)
Dr. Lily Elefteriadou traveled in August 2019 to the University of São Paulo, Brazil to present an overview of the I-STREET testbed and some of her NSF-funded work. In May 2020, she participated in webinars hosted by FDOT M-CORES to present I-STREET research on advanced transportation technologies with the potential to improve mobility and safety. At the end of April 2020, PAVE announced the launch of its Academic Advisory Board which includes Dr. Elefteriadou among its distinguished members.
Tia Lubbers (Undergraduate Student) Transoft Solutions Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Transportation
Marilo Martin-Gasulla, Ph.D. Frankee Hellinger Graduate Leaders Scholarship WTS Central Florida Chapter Aschkan Omidvar, Ph.D. Bill McGrath Scholarship Award, Florida Puerto Rico ITE District Annual Meeting Fabio Sasahara (Ph.D. Student) UF International Center Student Achievement
GatorITE Chapter Officers: Megan Voss, Siddhartha Gulhare, Akhilesh Moreshwar Shastri, Luan Guilherme Staichak Carvalho, Asean Davis, Eshan Amini, Fabio Sasahara, and Corbin Kramer with Faculty Advisor Dr. Siva Srinivasan
Ala Alobeidyeen, Ph.D. UF International Center Diane Fisher Scholarship and the Student Achievement Certificate of Excellence
Jeanine Marrou (Undergraduate Student) Transoft Solutions Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Transportation
GatorITE Student Chapter This past year, the GatorITE student chapter at UF significantly increased the number of participating graduate and undergraduate students and focused on professional development. The students increased the chapter’s income and travel budget to help numerous students attend professional conferences throughout the year. The chapter fully funded a record 23 students’ attendance at the Student Leadership Summit in Miami, Florida. The student chapter also invited experts to deliver seminars and to share their knowledge on various topics ranging from data science to career options after graduation. As part of the chapter’s commitment to giving back to the community, they engaged with the Adopt- a-Highway program and participated in other community events and volunteer work with school children in events such as Touch-a-Truck and Engineering Week (E-Week).
Corbin Kramer, Siddhartha Gulhare, Thuha Nguyen Lyew (Florida Puerto Rico ITE President), Asean Davis, and Ehsan Amini (GatorITE
Dr. Sanjay Ranka presented six papers at the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology & Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020) in May 2020. He was also the keynote speaker at the Third International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation & Connected Vehicles Technologies (ITCVT 2020). Dr. Ruth Steiner participated in an ongoing collaboration between UF and the University of Indonesia on an International Development Smart Cities project. She was a keynote speaker at the International Conference in Quality on Research in Padang, Indonesia during the Summer 2019 semester.
UFTI Affiliates Co-Organize Conference on Autonomous Cars: Science, Technology, and Policy at the Brookings Institute in July 2020. Panelists discussed how connecting vehicles to smart infrastructure will transform the future of transportation. They also discussed a specific type of autonomy: infrastructureenabled autonomous vehicles. The UFTI panel members included: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Dr. Carl Crane, Dr. Sherrilene Classen, and Dr. Sanjay Ranka. The topic of their panel was “Autonomous Vehicles, Traffic and Humans.” UFTI Affiliates Featured in Interactive Town Hall on Distracted Driving held by HealthStreet in February 2020. Dr. Wayne Giang spoke on pedestrian safety, Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha addressed impacts of distraction on traffic flow, and Dr. Sandra Winter shared a computer-based training designed for the FDOT targeting teen drivers and distraction. DONOR RECOGNITION The UFTI would like to thank Milton Carrasco, President & CEO of Transoft Solutions, Inc., Inc. for his generosity in creating the Transoft Solutions Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Transportation. The Transoft scholarship is for junior or senior civil engineering undergraduate students specializing in transportation. Preference is given to students involved with the WTS Florida Gator Student Chapter. Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
New Faces
UFTI by the Numbers
External Advisory Board
$8.9 M Annual Research Expenditures
Justin Dennis
Beth Kigel
Kevin Thibault
Co-Founder, UrbanSDK
Vice President, ITS & Emerging Mobility Solutions, HNTB Corporation
Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation
Faculty Affiliates
Lecturer, Department of Engineering Education
Abolfazl Safikhani, Ph.D.
Yujie Hu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Departmet of Geography
Assistant Professor Department of Statistics
Publications & Presentations
Jasmine McNealy, Ph.D.
Rui Guo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Department of Telecommunication
Xilei Zhao, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Researchers & Other Staff
Internal Steering Committee Members
16 External Advisory Board Members
Nithin Agarwal, Ph.D.
Behzad Aghdashi, Ph.D.
Pruthvi Manjunatha, Ph.D.
Karla RodriguesSilva, Ph.D.
Director, UFTI-T2 Center
Director, McTrans Center
Coordinator, I-STREET
Post-Doctoral Associate
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Caraline Duke, M.A. Contributor
131 Affiliated Faculty
$1.7 M UFTI-T2 & McTrans Center Revenue
206 Active Research Projects
101 Courses T2 & McTrans Center
1487 Participants T2 & McTrans Center
80 & 22 UFTI-Affiliated Students & Staff Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Core Centers
Affiliated Centers
Center for Applied Optimization The Center for Applied Optimization at the University of Florida is an interdisciplinary center which encourages joint research and applied projects among faculty from engineering, mathematics and business. (Co-Directors: Dr. Panos Pardalos, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering; and Dr. William Hager, Department of Mathematics)
McTrans center develops and shares traffic engineering software and dashboards. Their best seller software is the HCS (Highway Capacity Software). McTrans develops and distributes cutting edge software for transportation applications.
Center for Health & the Built Environment The Center for Health & the Built Environment is a research center focused on teaching, research, and service to address the relationship of the built environment to health outcomes with special attention to vulnerable populations. (Director: Dr. Ruth Steiner, Professor, Department of Urban & Regional Planning)
The Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development, and Education (STRIDE) Center is the 2016 USDOT grant-funded, regional (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) headquartered at the University of Florida Transportation Institute that, along with nine other partners, conducts research and offers educational and technology transfer programs related to reducing congestion.
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) ETDM process incorporates environmental considerations into transportation planning to inform project delivery. (Director: Dr. Alexis Thomas, Department of Urban & Regional Planning) Florida Traffic & Bicycle Safety Education Program (FTBSEP)
T2 provides training, technical assistance, technology transfer services and safety information to transportation, public works and safety professionals as well as the general public.
FTBSEP employs the diverse skills of a Regional Training Team composed of teachers and other professionals around the state to encourage walking and bicycling as healthy and environmentally responsible transportation choices. (Program Director: Dr. Dan Connaughton, Professor, Department of Sport Management)
Geo-Facilities Planning & Information Research Center (GeoPlan Center) The UF GeoPlan Center works to support land use, transportation, and environmental planning in the State of Florida by providing geospatial and planning expertise, data, training and education to the stakeholders involved in the planning process. The center is housed in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning. (Director: Dr. Alexis Thomas, Department of Urban & Regional Planning; Associate Director: Dr. Ilir Bejleri, Department of Urban & Regional Planning) University of Florida’s Institute for Mobility, Activity, & Participation (I-MAP) I-MAP focuses on mobility and transportation through a person’s lifespan. Mobility and transportation enable activity, facilitate participation in society, promote access to goods and services, and enhances quality of life. (Director: Dr. Sherrilene Classen, Professor and Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy) Supply Chain & Logistics Engineering Center The Supply Chain & Logistics Engineering Center at the University of Florida is an interdisciplinary center that encourages joint research and applied projects among faculty from Engineering, Computer Science, and Business Administration in conjunction with industry participants. (Co-Directors: Dr. Elif Akcali, Department of Industrial & Systems Engieering; and Dr. Yongpei Guan, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering)
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The UFTI-T2 Center delivers know-how of every kind through workforce development and program support to hundreds of clients to make Florida transportation safer and more efficient. Workforce Development Through the UFTI-T2 Training Program, more than 1,100 front-line workers participated in 86 courses, many of which brought workers into the transportation workforce for the first time. In spring 2020, the UFTI-T2 training program faced a complex challenge to respond to the pandemic. Nevertheless, virtual learning designed by UFTI-T2 launched smoothly with the aid of FDOT and UF resources. Our students were enthusiastic about the change, including the added flexibility and convenience. Program Support Through an FDOT grant, the Transportation Safety Center (TSC) housed at UFTI-T2 supported Columbia and Jackson counties in developing their local road safety
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plans. The team developed and applied innovative safety analysis methods and ranked safety interventions most likely to reduce the deadliest crashes. The project has been extended to six more rural Florida counties. UFTI-T2 is working on a STRIDE project synthesizing congestion mitigation strategies for rural and small urban areas. Though often associated with larger cities, small cities and rural areas also experience congestion, often with fewer resources to assess or resolve the issue. This effort is valuable to Florida’s less populated areas. To assist transit operators, UFTI-T2 partnered with Gainesville’s Regional Transit System to install advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) on ten local buses. Drivers were interviewed about the usefulness of the system, and the
Nithin Agarwal, Ph. D. UF TI-T2 CENTER DIREC TOR
Dr. Agarwal was appointed Director of the UFTI-T2 Center on February 21, 2020, after serving as Assistant Director of the Center.
ADAS provided data to document interactions with bicycles and pedestrians. UFTI-T2 continues to manage the FDOT’s PedBike Safety Resource Center (PedBike) and the Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC), which primarily supports pedestrian, bicycling, and child passenger safety events across Florida and participated in Florida safety coalitions that guide these events. COVID-19 canceled many events, but workers found creative and safe ways to deliver the safety message, helmets, and car seats. As a result, many thousands of helmets were distributed and fitted by trained technicians and hundreds of parents received child safety seats and were trained on their proper installation. Work also continued with Safe Routes to Schools, a national voluntary initiative to make walking or biking to school safer for children.
During this past year, the previous director of McTrans, Bill Sampson, retired in March 2020, and Dr. Behzad Aghdashi started his work as the new director of the center. The novel coronavirus also impacted the McTrans center’s operation by not offering in-person classes. As a result, McTrans held their training offerings in the form of webinars. To support the users of the various McTrans products, the center decided to provide free Highway Capacity Software (HCS) licenses to all students within universities worldwide, which enabled their academic institutions have active HCS license subscriptions. This has allowed students to install HCS software on their laptops and to continue pursuing their education in the field of transportation engineering.
During this year, McTrans instructors have taught a total of 15 courses related to their traffic analysis software with a total of 315 participants engaing in those courses. McTrans offers courses via an online format or in-person training. In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, McTrans developed a strategic plan that outlines the center’s mid-term and long-term objectives and goals. Per one of this strategic plan’s primary objectives, McTrans started investing more in the collaborative work with external entities (e.g., private firms and governmental organizations) to better serve the community and transportation engineering world.
Dr. Aghdashi joined the UFTI as Mc Trans Director on March 16, 2020, replacing Mr. Bill Sampson, P.E.
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P E O P L E : I N T E R N A L S T E E R I N G C O M M I T T E E & S TA F F
External Advisory Board
Internal Steering Committee
Vassili Alexiadis
Chimay Anumba
Ron Boenau
Marsha Anderson Bomar
Executive Vice President Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Professor & Dean, UF College of Design, Construction, & Planning
International Transportation Research Advisor
Assistant General Manager for Capital Program Delivery, MARTA
Nithin Agarwal, Ph.D. Director UFTI-T2 Center
Alex Bond
Ann Brach
Tom Byron
Milton Carrasco
Grady Carrick
Transportation Policy Analyst, USDOT/Office of the Secretary
Director, Transportation Research Board, Technical Activities Division
Retired, Assistant Secretary of Intermodal Systems Development/FDOT
President & CEO, Transoft Solutions, Inc.
Principal, Enforcement Engineering, Inc.
Amanda Day
Justin Dennis
Laura Kelly
Beth Kigel
Malisa McCreedy
President, Day Communications
Co-Founder, Urban SDK
Executive Director, Central Florida Expressway Authority
Vice President, ITS Emerging Mobility Solutions, HNTB
Director of Mobility City of Gainesville, Fla.
Ananth Prasad
Kevin Thibault
Matt Ubben
David Wantman
President, Florida Transportation Builders Association, Inc.
Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation
President, Confianza Consulting, Inc.
President, Wantman Group
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Behzad Aghdashi, Ph.D. Director McTrans Center
Jennifer Bridge, Ph.D.
Caral Crane, Ph.D.
Lili Du, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D.
Eakta Jain, Ph.D.
Sanjay Ranka, Ph.D.
Stephen Spana
Siva Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Ruth Steiner, Ph.D.
Director, UFTI & STRIDE
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Student
Associate Professor
Barbara Goldsby Professor, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Staff Ines, Aviles-Spadoni, M.S.
Caraline Duke, M.A.
Amy Fu, B.S.
Jennifer Gomez
Dona Moss
Ondine Wells, M.S.
Coordinator of Research Programs, STRIDE Center
Student Assistant, STRIDE Center
Admin Assistant I
Grants Administrator, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
K-12 & Technology Transfer Coordinator STRIDE Center
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
SELECTED PROJECTS Dynamic Intersection Learning Machine Optimization Real-time Engine, FDOT Dr. Nithin Agarwal UF Testbed Initiative Alternative Transportation Safety Systems, FDOT Dr. Nithin Agarwal
Track Structure Modification to Reduce Track Pressure & Settlement at Transition Areas, USDOT/Federal Railroad Administration Dr. Jennifer Bridge Monster Jam Load Study, FELD Entertainment Dr. Jennifer Bridge
Florida’s Occupant Protection Resource Center FDOT, Dr. Nithin Agarwal
Effectiveness of a Driving Intervention on Safe Community Mobility for Returning Combat Veterans, US Army, Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Florida’s Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Resource Center, FDOT Safety Office Dr. Nithin Agarwal
Smart Features for Older Drivers, American Automobile Association, Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Florida’s Pedestrian & Bicycling Safety Resource Center, FDOT Safety Office Dr. Nithin Agarwal
UF & UAB’s Phase I Demonstration Study: Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology, STRIDE Center/USDOT Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Machine Learning Algorithms for Improved Network Traffic Signal Policy Optimization (Tasks 1, 2, 3, & 4), FDOT, Dr. Nithin Agarwal Florida ATMA Pilot Demonstration & Evaluation FDOT, Dr. Nithin Agarwal Expanding Accessibility, Utilization & Data Integration of Signal Four Analytics, FDOT Dr. Ilir Bejleri Unified & Sustainable Solution to Improve Geo-Location Accuracy & Timeliness of Crashes and Citations, FDOT Safety Office Dr. Ilir Bejleri Crash Geospatial Database Update Analysis & Reporting, Metroplan Orlando, Dr. Illir Bejleri Applying Gap Modeling to Inform Improvement of Transportation Services for Vulnerable Populations at the Local & Regional Levels, FDOT, Dr. Ilir Bejleri
Coordinated Real-Time Traffic Management Based on Dynamic Information Propagation & Aggregation under Connected Vehicle Systems NSF, Dr. Lili Du
Before & After Study of Gainesville Pedestrian-Bicyclists Connected Vehicle Pilot, FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Evaluating the Effectiveness & Funding Mechanism of the Ridesharing Service Downtowner in Tampa, Florida, FDOT Dr. Zong-Ren Peng
Predicting Congestion: The Challenge of Shifting Travel Behavior on Estimating Trip Generation, Traffic & Other System Impacts STRIDE Center/USDOT, Dr. Ruth Steiner
Evaluating the Connection between Transit & TNCs (Transportation Network Companies) in Pinellas County for Statewide Application, FDOT Dr. Zong-Ren Peng
The Future of Transit, Autonomous/ Connected Vehicles, & Shared Mobility: A Scoping Study for Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Dr. Ruth Steiner
Truck Taxonomy & Classification using Video and Weigh-In Motion (WIM) Technology FDOT, Dr. Anand Rangarajan
Safe Routes to School Evaluation & Proposal Technical Assistance 2017, FDOT Safety Office, Dr. Ruth Steiner
Data Management & Analytics for UF Smart Testbed, FDOT, Dr. Sanjay Ranka
Assessment of Planning Risks & Alternative Futures for the Florida Transportation Plan Update, FDOT, Dr. Ruth Steiner
Smart Vehicle Platooning Built upon RealTime Learning & Distributed Optimization NSF, Dr. Lili Du
Evaluation of Porometry, Permeability & Transport of Structural Concrete, FDOT Dr. Christopher Ferraro
Before & After Implementation Studies of Advanced Signal Technologies in Florida FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Evaluation of Silica-Based Materials for use in Portland Cement Concrete, FDOT Dr. Christopher Ferraro
Aging Road User Information System 2018-2019; 2019-2020, FDOT Safety Office Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Traffic Signal Control with Connected & Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic Stream Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Monster Jam Load Study, FELD Entertainment, Dr. Christopher Ferraro
Teen Distracted Driving Education Program, FDOT Safety Office, Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Evaluation of Arterial Corridor Improvements & Traffic Management Plans in Florida, FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Perceptions of Individuals Living with Spinal Cord Injury toward Autonomous Vehicles, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Dr. Sherrilene Classen Transportation Mobility Assessment & Recommendations for Smart City Planning FDOT, Dr. Sherrilene Classen Improving Veterans’ Driver Fitness & Community Mobility: Effects of a One-Day Driving & Community Mobility Approach for Rural Settings, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Gainesville Medical Center Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Transportation Mobility Assessment & Recommendations for Smart City Planning FDOT, Dr. Ilir Bejleri
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Bridges & Structures, HDR Engineering Dr. Aaron Costin
Geolocation-Based Crash Diagramming & FDOT Crash Mapping to Improve Crash CAREER: Loading on Coastal Bridges in Windstorms using Rapidly Deployable Sensor Network, NSF, Dr. Jennifer Bridge
Traffic Signal Control with Connected & Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic Stream NSF, Dr. Carl Crane
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Life Cycle Costs & Benefits Analysis of Freight Transportation Projects, FDOT Dr. Zhong-Ren Peng
Develop, Refine, & Validate a Survey to Assess Adult’s Perspectives of Autonomous Ride-Sharing Services for Human Factors & Traffic Operational Observations, FDOT Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Applying Gap Modeling to Inform Improvement of Transportation Services for Timely, Dynamic, & Spatially Accurate Roadway Incident Information to Support Real-Time Management of Traffic Operations, FDOT, Dr. Ilir Bejleri
Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Smart Intersections, FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Discovering Potential Market for the Integration of Public Transportation & Emerging Shared-Mobility Services, STRIDE Center/USDOT, Dr. Lili Du
UF & UAB’s Phase 2 Demonstration Study: Developing a Model to Support Transportation System Decisions Considering the Experiences of Drivers of all Age Groups with Autonomous Vehicle Technology, STRIDE Center/USDOT Dr. Sherrilene Classen
Sunshine Skyway Bridge Monitoring Phase II: System Deployment, FDOT Dr. Jennifer Bridge
CAREER: Integrated Online Coordinated Routing & Decentralized Control for Connected Vehicle Systems, NSF, Dr. Lili Du
Extended Development & Testing of Optimized Signal Control with Autonomous & Connected Vehicles, FDOT, Dr. Carl Crane
Highway Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways & Surface Streets, National Academies of Sciences Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Southeastern Transportation, Research, Innovation, Development, & Education Center USDOT UTC Grant, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle & Communication Technologies through Traffic Microsimulation, STRIDE Center/ USDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Assessment of Planning Risks & Alternative Futures for the Florida Transportation Plan Update, FDOT, Dr. Crystal Goodison Integrating Resiliency in the Transportation Planning Process, FDOT, Dr. Crystal Goodison Phase II: Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) use in Florida Structural Applications FDOT, Dr. Joel Harley Implementation of Down-Hole Geophysical Testing for Rock Sockets, FDOT, Dr. Dennis Hiltunen Accelerating Development of Structural Layer Coefficients (SLC) of Bases, FDOT Dr. Dennis Hiltunen
Extended Development & Testing of Optimized Signal Control with Autonomous & Connected Vehicles, FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
I-STREET Initiative Evaluation of Intelligent School Zone Beacon & Vehicle- Cyclist Detection & Warning System, FDOT Dr. Eakta Jain
Video Based Machine Learning for Smart Traffic Analysis & Management, NSF Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Designing In-Vehicle Message Delivery with Manual & Highly Automated Driving, North Carolina State University Dr. David Kaber
Transportation Mobility Assessment & Recommendations for Smart City Planning FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteradou Data Analytics & Evaluation of the Gainesville Trapezium Connected Vehicle Signal Phasing & Timing (SPaT) Deployment Project, FDOT, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou
Roadway Signing & Marking of Unconventional Grade Separated Intersection Designs, North Carolina State Universit, Dr. David Kaber Design Consistency on Corridors, North Carolina State University, Dr. David Kaber HCS7 Consulting Services Southwest Research Center, Vishal Khanapure
Dynamic Intersection Learning Machine Optimization Real-time Engine, FDOT Dr. Sanjay Ranka
Transportation Safety Center (TSC) 20202022, FDOT, Dr. Siva Srinivasan
Evaluation of Gainesville’s Microtransit Mobility Project, FDOT, Dr. Ruth Steiner
Traffic-event Unification System Highlighting Arterial Roads, FDOT Dr. Sanjay Ranka
In-service Assessment of Road Sinkholes with 2D Ambient Noise Tomography FDOT Dr. Mang Tia
Machine Learning Algorithms for Demand & Turning Movement Count Prediction, FDOT, Dr. Sanjay Ranka
Planning, Design, Testing, & Analysis in Support of the Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) Program 2019-2020, FDOT Dr. Mang Tia
Machine Learning Algorithms for Improved Network Traffic Signal Policy Optimization (Tasks 1, 2, 3, & 4), FDOT, Dr. Sanjay Ranka Track Structure Modification to Reduce Track Pressure & Settlement at Transition Areas USDOT/Federal Railroad Administration, Dr. Kyle Riding Phase II: Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) use in Florida Structural Applications FDOT, Dr. Kyle Riding Temperature Effects in Match Cast Segmental Bridge Construction, FDOT Dr. Kyle Riding Enhanced Characterization of RAP for Cracking Performance, FDOT, Dr. Rey Roque Evaluation of the Cracking Performance of Asphalt Binders at Intermediate Temperatures, FDOT, Dr. Rey Roque Safe Routes to School Evaluation & Proposal Technical Assistance 2017-2019, FDOT Safety Office, Bill Sampson, PE
Research, Testing, Design, Professional Services, & Implementation of Research for the FDOT Structural Materials Laboratory, FDOT, Dr. Mang Tia Interchange Design to Accommodate Ramp Metering System, FDOT, Dr. Scott Washburn Commercial Heavy Vehicle Impacts on Signalized Arterial Corridor Performance University of South Florida, Dr. Scott Washburn Development of Florida Traffic Characteristics for Service Volume Calculations Based on the Latest HCMFL FDOT, Dr. Scott Washburn Modeling of Evacuation Behavior in the 2019 Kincade Fire, Sonoma County, CaliforniaUniversity of Colorado at Boulder, Dr. Xilei Zhao Investigation of the Impact of Milling & Construction on the Bond Strength of Remaining Thin (Scab) Layers, FDOT Dr. Jian Zou
Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
Robotics, AI, Automations & Relationship to Health & Occupational Therapy, http://doi. org/10.1177/1539449219830376.
Adorno, P., Srinivasan, S., Han, M. & Steiner, R. (2019, May). The Future of Transit, Autonomous/Connected Vehicles, and Shared Autonomy: A Scoping Study for Jacksonville: Task 2: Perception Survey of Jacksonville Residents. (53 pages).
Classen, S., Winter, S., Brown, C., MorganDaniel, J., Medhizadah, S., & J. Agarwal, N. (2019). Model Teen Driving Program: An Integrated Review. Frontiers in Public Health, Section: Children & Health, 7, Article 111.
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Powering The New Engineer To Transform The Future
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Han, M., Dean, M., Adorno, P., Masungi, P., Srinivasan, S., Steiner, R. & Salzer, K. (2019.) Understanding Transit Agency Perceptions About Transportation Network Companies, Shared Mobility, and Autonomous Transit: Lessons from the United States He, P., Wu, A., Huang, X., Scott, J., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. Truck & Trailer Classification with Deep Learning Based Geometric Features. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 8 pages. Huang, X., He, P., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2020, January). Intelligent Intersection: Two-\ Stream Convolutional Networks for Real-time Near-Accident Detection in Traffic Video. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms & Systems, Vol. 6., No.2, pp. 1-28. Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., & Washburn, S., (2019). Investigation of Passing Section Optimal Length on 2+1 Highways, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., & Washburn, S. (2020). Evaluation of the Effective Length of Passing Lanes on Two-lane Highways,” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research. Vol. 12, 2020 - Issue 5, pp. 293-302. 1080/19427867.2019.1586329. Liu, H., Du, L., & Guan, Y., (2020, January). Data-Driven Re-Optimization for Taxi Routing under Small Data, TRB annual meeting 2020, January 12–16, Washington DC. Lu, B., Ni, S., & Washburn, S. (2019, October). A Data-Driven Car-Following Model that Considers Impacts of CarTruck Combinations, Third International Conference on Smart Vehicular Technology, Transportation, Communication & Applications, VTCA 2019, AradRomania (
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